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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategie při stanovení převodních cen v období hospodářské krize / Strategies for determinig transfer prices in period of economical crisis

Skrbková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
In the most cases the market range of transfer pricing is determined from statistical data from previous years. In case of these data the time delay occurs when these data are collected and these data do not reflect if that are collected for period of economical growth or recession. As a result, the final transfer pricing range can become distorted. For this reason it is essential to be familiar with strategies and procedures that can be applied to "clean up" statistical data from the influence of business cycle fluctuations. These strategies and procedures are discussed in this diploma thesis. In the first theoretical chapter are presented transfer pricing issues, set the basic terms, analyzed basic available resources dealing with transfer pricing, defined methods for determining transfer pricing range and identified consequences of the economic crisis in relation to transfer pricing. The second chapter is focused on the selection of the most appropriate method for determining transfer pricing and comparative of both the theoretical and practical basis. The last chapter presents the strategies and procedures that can be used in a comparative analysis, in order to eliminate distortions of the statistical data from the influence of business cycle fluctuations.

Ocenění společnosti LINAPLAST s.r.o. různými přístupy pro účely rozhodování o prodeji / Valuation of the company LINAPLAST s.r.o. through different approaches for the purposes of decision-making concerning sales

Rajchmanová, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The object of the thesis is to determine the market value of the firm for the purpose of the future sale. At first, the strategic analysis is performed, which assesses business and competitive environment of the company, and on which basis the future sales are estimated. The financial analysis examines financial health and stability of the company. The obtained information from both analysis are a starting point for the preparation of the financial plan. In the final part of this thesis the resulting valuation of the company is the calculated together with reasons on which the calculations are based.

Stanovení hodnoty firmy Fatra Napajedla a.s. / Valuation of the company Fatra Napajedla a.s.

Prošvic, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is determination of the value of the company Fatra a.s. to the date 30. 4. 2015. First, the strategic analysis was performed, after that financial analysis and SWOT analysis were done. On the base of the previous parts, generators of the value were described. The generators were used to create the financial plan for the period 2014 - 2018. Valuation methods calculated in the thesis are DCF in FCFF form, DCF in EVA form and method of comparable companies. At the end of the thesis, there is a discussion about the most appropriate valuation method for this particular case.

Evolução da produtividade da pecuária bovina leiteira em alguns Estados brasileiros: distribuição espacial e análise de convergência para o período de 1974 a 2016 / Evolution of dairy cattle productivity in some Brazilian states: spatial distribution and convergence analysis between 1974 and 2016

Alice Aloísia da Cruz 04 July 2018 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, o setor de pecuária bovina leiteira vem passando por diversas modificações influenciadas por redução de número de produtores, mudanças de políticas macroeconômicas e agrícolas e abertura econômica do Brasil. A produção de leite aumentou significativamente ao longo dos anos. Entretanto, mesmo o Brasil sendo um dos maiores produtores do mundo de leite bovino, sua produtividade (medida em litros de leite por vaca) está bem abaixo da dos principais países que operam no mercado. A produtividade da atividade ganha destaque para viabilizar o aumento da produção, suprir a demanda interna e dar maior competitividade ao setor no mercado externo. Diante disso, objetiva-se, através dessa tese, analisar a evolução diferenciada, interestadual e intraestadual, da produtividade da pecuária bovina leiteira nos Estados de Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e São Paulo, no período de 1974 a 2016, com base em áreas mínimas comparáveis (AMC). Esses Estados representaram 77,5% da produção de leite no Brasil em 2016. Através da análise exploratória de dados espaciais foi identificada a existência de autocorrelação espacial, sendo que a produtividade da pecuária bovina leiteira de uma AMC sofre influência da produtividade das AMC vizinhas. Foram identificados clusters espaciais de produtividade dos tipos Alto-Alto, Baixo-Baixo, Alto-Baixo e Baixo-Alto em todos os Estados considerados ao longo do período em análise. A configuração e localização geográficas desses clusters sofreram alterações nos Estados, refletindo os deslocamentos da produção ocorridos. Posteriomente, passou-se para a análise de convergência no intuito de identificar se está ocorrendo redução na diferença entre as produtividades da pecuária bovina leiteira entre as AMC e se os efeitos espaciais contribuem para as convergências absoluta e condicional. Para tanto, fez-se uso da econometria espacial. Para a análise de convergência condicional foram incorporadas variáveis de primeira e segunda natureza, propostas na Nova Geografia Econômica. Tanto a análise da convergência absoluta quanto a da convergência condicional confirmam a hipótese de existência de convergência e demonstram o efeito de transbordamento, ou seja, os choques ocorridos em uma AMC refletem nas AMC vizinhas. Entretanto, a velocidade de convergência foi baixa nas duas situações, indicando que a redução das diferenças de produtividade está ocorrendo de forma muito lenta. A análise de convergência condicional mostrou que as características iniciais das AMC influenciam para qual ponto estacionário a produtividade da pecuária bovina leiteira irá convergir, sendo que as variáveis distância da capital, pluviosidade, população, Produto Interno Bruto, crédito rural de investimento para pecuária e área com culturas tiveram influência diferenciada nos Estados no processo de convergência da produtividade tanto no período analisado como um todo como nos subperíodos considerados na tese. / In recent decades, the dairy cattle sector has undergone changes influenced by decline in the number of producers, changes in government macroeconomic and agricultural policies, and the country\'s economic opening. Milk production has increased significantly over the years. Brazil is one of the world\'s largest producers of bovine milk; however, its productivity (measured in liters of milk per cow) is still lower than that found in other major milk producing countries. The productivity of the activity is important to enable the increase of production, supplying domestic demand and giving greater competitiveness in the external market. The objective of this thesis is to analyze the differentiated interstate and intrastate evolution of dairy cattle productivity in the Brazilian states of Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and São Paulo from 1974 through 2016 based on minimum comparable areas (MCA). These states accounted for 77.5% of Brazil\'s milk production in 2016. Exploratory spatial data analysis confirmed the existence of spatial autocorrelation indicting that dairy cattle productivity in an MCA is influenced by the productivity in neighboring MCA. Over the analyzed period, High-Low, Low-Low, High-Low, and Low-High productivity spatial clusters were identified in all studied states. The configuration and geographic location of these clusters underwent changes during the study period, reflecting production displacement. Convergence analysis using spatial econometrics was carried out to determine if the differences in dairy cattle productiveness among MCA were reduced over the period and if spatial effects contributed to any absolute or conditional convergence. First and second nature variables were employed for the analysis of conditional convergence, as proposed by the New Economic Geography. Both convergence analyses, absolute and conditional, confirmed the convergence hypothesis and demonstrated the overflow effect, in that shocks occurring in one MCA were reflected in neighboring MCA. However, the speed of convergence was low in both situations, indicating that productivity differences among the MCA were being reduced very slowly. The analysis of conditional convergence showed that the productivity of dairy farming in different MCA will tend to converge at the same stationary point if the MCA show similar initial values for selected variables. The selected variables are average yearly rainfall, population size, gross domestic product, and investment credit for livestock and rangeland acquisitions and are intended to represent conditions in each MCA and state at a specific time. Each variable had a differentiated influence on the process of productivity convergence over the period and subperiods considered in this thesis.

Evaluating comparable company valuation - how to derive at the right multiple / En analys av jämförande företagsvärdering - att nå fram till rätt multipel

Mårtensson, David, Oljemark, Simon January 2016 (has links)
Company valuation is entering a new era; with increasing demands, more awareness and internal resistance. As the companies who request the valuation, together with third parties, begin to show more interest in the value statements - the analyst must be able to validate his course of action with reliable reasoning based on substantiated data. In this thesis, two approaches to the Comparable Company Valuation method will be evaluated and analyzed with the use of a Case Study. Initially, the two approaches will be applied on a Target Company, Company X, which will result in two value estimations. In order to draw conclusions of how to derive a correct valuation and what approach that is to be preferred in the given scenario, similar valuations were performed on six additional companies, in the same manner as the Case Study, and compared with their respective real market value. The valuation is based on financial data and all companies used in the study are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange. Findings – First and foremost, results showed that a Comparable Company Valuation is very dependent on its composed peer group. Results from the study indicated increasingly favorable outcomes, when the peer group was similar to the Target Company. The prime conclusions are that, with a perfectly composed peer group, in a mature industry, one of the approaches was to be preferred. However, in an immature industry, where the requirements of the companies used in the composed peer group have to be broadened, the latter approach indicated favorable outcome. Originality - This study is one of the first to compare two different approaches to the Comparable Company Valuation method and analyze in what scenarios one approach is to be preferred to the other. / Företagsvärdering går mot en ny era; med ökade krav, högre medvetenhet och internt motstånd hos värderingsfirmorna. Företag som begär en värdering samt tredjeparter visar allt mer intresse och förståelse för hur värderingen har gått till - vilket leder till att analytikern måste redogöra för sitt tillvägagångssätt med korrekta resonemang baserade på pålitlig data. I denna uppsats analyserar och utvärderar vi två olika approacher till Comparable Company Valuation med hjälp av en fallstudie. Inledningsvis kommer de två approacherna utföras på Målföretaget, Företag X, vilket leder till två olika värderingar. Vidare, för att kunna dra slutsatser kring vilken approach som bör användas vid vilket tillfälle, gjordes liknande värderingar på ytterligare sex företag, på samma sätt som fallstudien, dessa värderingar jämfördes med marknadsvärdet för respektive företag. Samtliga värderingar baseras på finansiell data och alla företag som är med i studien är listade på Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange. Resultat – Först och främst visade resultaten att Comparable Company Valuation är väldigt beroende av hur sammansättningen av jämförelseföretag har gått till. Resultat indikerade vidare att värderingen gav bättre, det vill säga mer precist, resultat – om jämförelseföretagen var lika Målföretaget. De viktigaste slutsatserna som drogs var att, när en värdering görs med en perfekt grupp jämförelseföretag, i en mogen industri, var den ena approachen att föredra. Vidare, på en nyare marknad, där kraven för jämförelseföretagen måste sänkas – gav den andra approachen en mer precis värdering. Originalitet – Denna studie är en av de första som jämför två olika approacher till Comparable Company Valuation samt analyserar när vilken av dessa bör användas för att få en så bra värdering som möjligt.

Property valuation when comparable sales are made in form of corporate transactions / Fastighetsvärdering när jämförelseobjekten sker som bolagsköp

Stegfeldt, Gustav January 2014 (has links)
The legislative amendment that came into effect in 2003 meant tax free sales of business-related shares. The amendment allows for packaging of real estate in companies where the company's shares are sold tax free. Sale of limited companies is not public information, which posed a problem for property valuers because they no longer have the same access to location-priced data. This study aims to investigate if the property valuation has changed with respect to that information regarding a company transfer of real estate is not public. Ten interviews were conducted to obtain the basis for the study. The interviewees were selected to represent a broad perspective from different parts of the real estate market. It is established that all major property transactions is conducted as corporate transactions resulting in a difficulty for property valuers. Property valuation has become more extensive as the comparable sale is done as corporate transactions. Property valuers spend more time with the information collection and the analysis of comparative sales. Cash flow method and location price method is determined as the most common valuation methods. Cash flow method can sometimes considered a reconstruction after the event and cash flow method can also be seen as a location price method. Property valuers need full information about a transaction to be able to use it as comparison. This leads to the valuers consider themselves to have more knowledge than they can report. Interview responses indicate that transparency has declined due to the fact that the information retrieval has become more difficult. / Den lagändring som trädde i kraft 2003 innebar skattefri försäljning av näringsbetingade andelar. Lagändringen möjliggör paketering av fastigheter i bolag där aktierna i bolaget avyttras skattefritt. Avyttring av aktiebolag är inte offentlig information, vilket har medfört problem för fastighetsvärderare eftersom de inte längre har samma tillgång till ortsprismaterial. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om fastighetsvärdering har förändrats med hänsyn till att information om bolagsöverlåtelse av fastigheter inte är offentligt. Tio intervjuer genomfördes för att erhålla underlaget för studien. Intervjupersonerna valdes ut för att utgöra ett brett perspektiv från olika delar av fastighetsmarknaden. Det kan konstateras att alla större fastighetsaffärer sker som bolagsförvärv vilket medför en svårighet för fastighetsvärderarna. Fastighetsvärdering har blivit mer omfattande i och med att jämförelseobjekten sker som bolagsöverlåtelse. Värderarna lägger ner mer tid på informationsinsamlingen och analysen av jämförelseobjekten. Kassaflödesmetoden och ortsprismetoden fastställs som de vanligaste värderingsmetoderna. Kassaflödesmetoden kan ibland anses vara en efterhandskonstruktion och kassaflödesmetoden kan även ses som en ortsprismetod. Värderarna behöver fullständig information om en affär för att kunna använda den som jämförelseobjekt. Detta leder till att värderarna anser sig ha större kunskap än de kan redovisa. Intervjusvaren tyder på att transparensen har minskat i och med att informationsinhämtningen försvårats.

Analysis of Paperboard Performance using Digital Image Correlation / Användning av Digital Image Correlation för analys av kartongegenskaper

Liang, Yiming January 2020 (has links)
The performance of paperboard materials in packaging application has been investigated and evaluated for a long time. This is because it plays a decisive role for product protection and decoration in packaging applications. Potential damages during transportation sometimes affect the consistency of the performance. Therefore, the capability of the material to resist these external disturbances was of interest. A multiply paperboard was chosen as the experimental material. The analysis conducted in this thesis aimed to reveal the tensile behavior in the cross-machine direction (CD) of the material against various kinds of local or global changes. The changes included global and local climate variations, cutouts, and regional weakening and strengthening, which were applied during the intervals between preloading and reloading. The digital image correlation (DIC) analysis computed the time-varying strain fields from the gray level information contained in the recorded videos of loading processes.  The generated strain fields were imported to post analysis. Comparison between comparable stages (two stages with the same average strain value from different loading sections) was considered as the scheme of isolating the influences of the changes and investigating them individually. The cosine image similarity method and the eigenface algorithm were used to validate this scheme, while the directional average calculation and the strain field compensation method were introduced to realize the isolation. The differences between the front and back outer plies of the paperboard sheets were detected as individual. Moreover, both global and local climate changes were affecting the strain distributions of the specimens proportionally on account of the moisture ratio within the material. In addition, the invisible mechanical weakening and strengthening were captured evidently with the analysis, which caused strain concentrations due to the uneven distribution of expansion capability. The relaxation and bending in unloading processes were two of the primary disturbing factors within all the deformed specimens, which were related to time and bending direction, correspondingly. / Egenskaperna hos kartongmaterial för förpackningstillämpningar har varit ett ämne att undersökning under lång tid. Detta för att dessa egenskaper spelar en avgörande roll som produktskydd och dekorativ utformning i mängde av tillämpningar. Potentiella skador under transport påverkar bland annat materialets tillförlitlighet och prestandard. Därför är det aktuellt att undersöka samt förstå materialets förmåga att motstå yttre störningar. Experimentmaterialet som användes bestod av en typ av flerskiktskartong. Analyser som utfördes i denna avhandling har syfte att identifiera de mekaniska förändringarna i materialets dragegenskaper i tvärsmaskin-riktningen (CD) på grund av olika lokala eller globala förändringar. Förändringarna innefattar både globala och lokala klimatvariationer, utskärningar, och lokala försvagningar samt förstärkningar. Dessa förändringar infördes vid intervallet mellan på- och avlastning. Den digital bildkorrelations analys (DIC) användes för att beräknade de tidsvarierande töjningsfälten från den grånivåinformationen i som registrerades med hjälp av inspelade videor under belastningen  Den genererade töjningsfälten importerades för vidare analys. Två tillstånd med liknande medelvärde av töjningsnivån från olika delar av belastningen jämfördes, detta för att isolera påverkan av förändringarna och undersöka dem individuellt. Två olika metoder för jämförelse av bilderna (cosine image similarity och eigenface algorithm) användes för att validera analysschemat, där riktning-medelvärdesberäkningar och töjningsfälts kompensations-metoden användes för att realisera dessa isoleringar. Enstaka skillnader upptäcktes mellan de främre och bakre ytskikten på kartongarken. Dessutom påverkades töjningsfördelningarna för proverna både av den globala och lokala klimatförändringar på grund av fukttillståndet i materialet. Vidare kan de osynliga mekaniska försvagningar och förstärkningar tydligt fångas med de utförda analyserna, vilket ledde till töjningskoncentrationers uppkomst på grund av det inhomogena expansions-förmåga hos arket. Relaxationen och böjningen vid avlastning relaterade till tid och böjningsförmåga var två av de primära faktorerna som påverkade analysens kvalité.

Magnetinės pagalvės naudojimo traukiniams techninių sąlygų tyrimas / Exploration of MAGLEV trains technical conditions

Stankaitis, Simas 15 June 2011 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamos traukinių ant magnetinės pagalvės (MAGLEV) technologijos. Atlikta išsami traukinių ant magnetinės pagalvės pasaulinės patirties analizė. Ištirti šių traukinių pagrindiniai privalumai ir trūkumai lyginant su įprastiniais greitaisiais traukiniais. Parinkti traukinių eksploatavimo lyginamieji parametrai. Pateikiami riedmenų TRASNRAPID 08 (MAGLEV) ir ICE 3 (tradicinės sistemos) techniniai ekonominiai lyginimo rezultatai. Atliktas daugiakriteris vertinimas. Pabaigoje suformuluotos išvados. Baigiamajame magistro darbe sudarytos 37 lentelės, pavaizduota 60 paveikslų. Darbo apimtis 95 psl. / Final master work analyzes technologies of trains on magnetic cushion (MAGLEV). World experience analysis of trains on magnetic cushion is made. Advantages and disadvantages of MAGLEV systems in comparison with other high speed trains are also discussed. Performance comparative parameters were chosen. Technical economical analysis results are made using TRASNRAPID 08 as MAGLEV system train and ICE 3 as traditional system train. Also multi criteria evaluation is made. Finally, conclusions are formed. Final master work consists: 37 tables, 60 figures and 4 appendixes. Work size 95 pages.

Verrechnung von Marken im Konzern / Eine empirische Analyse zur Ermittlung umsatzabhängiger Markenlizenzpreise mit der äußeren Preisvergleichsmethode / Transfer pricing of trademarks within MNE groups

Thiele, Bozena 26 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Ocenenie podniku PROCESNÁ AUTOMATIZÁCIA a.s., Košice / Valuation of the company PROCESNÁ AUTOMATIZÁCIA a.s., Košice

Korpová, Janka January 2010 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to find out the market value of the company Procesná automatizácia a.s. Košice to the day of valuation on 1st of January 2010. Coherent individual steps that led to valuation were made. Financial analysis, strategic analysis and analysis of generators of value. According to financial plan market comparable approach was apllied in two forms. A selling price in 2015 discounted to the date of valuation and market value according to comparable approach with the group of companies were set.

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