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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Child sexual abuse by teachers in secondary schools in the Masvingo District, Zimbabwe : perceptions of selected stakeholders

Magwa, Simuforosa 09 1900 (has links)
Child sexual abuse is a widespread problem in schools globally. Learners are at risk of sexual abuse by teachers. This study set out to explore the perceptions of learners, teachers and educational psychologists on child sexual abuse by teachers in schools. Literature relating to child sexual abuse was reviewed with the aim of obtaining a solid theoretical foundation for the study. The study is informed by the systems theory. In an attempt to provide acceptable answers to the research problem the qualitative phenomenological design was employed and semi-structured interviews were used to collect the data. Purposive sampling was used to select schools and participants in the Masvingo district in Zimbabwe. The schools selected are one rural day, one rural boarding, one urban day and one urban boarding. A total of 8 learners, 2 from each school, 8 teachers, 2 from each school and 3 educational psychologists from the district offices were selected bringing to a total of 19 participants. Accepted ethical measures were adhered to during the study. Tesch’s open coding method of data analysis was used to identify themes and categories. The study indicated that child sexual abuse in schools is rampant and that teachers are among the perpetrators of this abuse. Child sexual abuse in schools is defined by the study as the unwelcome contact or non-contact sexual behaviour by a teacher on a learner. Findings from the study reveal that girls are more vulnerable to sexual abuse than boys and male teachers sexually abuse learners more than female teachers do. There are physical, behavioural, emotional and educational indicators of child sexual abuse. According to the results of the study multiple factors cause teachers to sexually abuse learners. Some of these factors include abuse of power by teachers, poverty of learners, lust on the part of the teacher, and disregard of law by teachers. Students were said to sometimes be contributors to their own sexual abuse through their seductive behaviours and dressing. It emerged from the study that child sexual abuse by teachers has a host of negative physical, emotional, psychological and educational repercussions on the sexually abused learner. It results in serious health effects such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), unwanted pregnancy and psychological trauma. Poor academic performance and failure to complete education are consequences of sexual abuse. Findings from the study revealed that child sexual abuse by teachers in schools should not be tolerated and thus it should be prevented. In light of these findings recommendations are made with regards to how various stakeholders in the school namely the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, Zimbabwe, policy makers, school heads, teachers, parents and learners can help fight this scourge. Areas for further research are proposed. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Reclamações trabalhistas e eficiência econômica / Labor complaints and economic efficiency

Sergio André Castelani 26 September 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação investiga a relação entre eficiência econômica e reclamações trabalhistas. Especificamente, neste trabalho desenvolvemos um modelo teórico baseado na Teoria dos Jogos que explica o funcionamento econômico dos casos de reclamações trabalhistas, com ênfase na escolha entre soluções negociadas ou litigiosas para as mesmas. O texto dá atenção especial ao sistema existente no Brasil das Câmaras de Conciliação Prévia. Também testamos empiricamente as conclusões teóricas do modelo, para obter apoio empírico às suas previsões. Com base nas evidências obtidas, sugerimos alguns aperfeiçoamentos para melhorar o funcionamento das regras de solução das reclamações trabalhistas para extrair maior eficiência econômica destes procedimentos. / This dissertation investigates the relationship between economic efficiency and labor complaints. Specifically, this work developed a theoretical model based on Games Theory which explains the economic functioning of labor complaints cases, with emphasis on the choice between negotiated or litigant solutions to them. The text gives special attention to the existing system in Brazil called Câmaras de Conciliação Prévia (Prior Conciliation Boards). Moreover, we also have tested empirically the conclusions of the theoretical model, aiming to find empirical support to its forecasts. Based on the evidence obtained, we suggest some improvements to the functioning of the labor complaints solution rules, in order to extract greater economic efficiency from these procedures.

Guérir, travailler, désobéir: Une histoire des interactions hospitalières avant l’ère du « patient autonome » (Bruxelles, 1870-1930)

Leclercq, Valérie 29 June 2017 (has links)
English :Between 1870 and 1930, medicine on the heels of the Pastorian revolution underwent profound changes while the hospital – a charitable institution traditionally dedicated to the care of the poor – was fast becoming one of the central sites of Western health care. Yet, it was still decades away from the advent of "patient rights" and the rise to prominence of the ethics of patient autonomy. What moral culture, then, prevailed inside hospitals and shaped the encounter between patients and health care professionals? What logics underlay interactions between the former and the latter? These are the questions that this thesis aims to answer. Drawing from the archives of two public hospitals in Brussels as well as from a series of deontological, literary, religious and jurisprudential sources, this work sits at the intersection of the social history of medicine, the history of authoritarian institutions, the history of patients and the history of medical ethics. It offers an examination of therapeutics interactions that primarily focuses on the day-to-day practices of various groups of historical actors (patients, doctors, interns, catholic nuns, priests, administrators, etc.). With an eye on the larger social context, it attempts to give a new historical depth to topics borrowed from the field of medical ethics, such as medical authority, care relationships, experimentation, religious healing, truth and benevolent lies, etc. By mining a rich collection of letters written by patients and their family members to the hospital administration, this thesis also sheds light on the views and actions of hospital users. Ultimately, it reveals the hospital as structured by a complex moral economy that is the expression of the deep paternalistic outlook of western societies. In this economy, therapeutic interactions rest on an ambiguous system of moral reciprocity that encourages the simultaneous performance of charitable love and social domination, of docility and rebellion.------------Français :Entre 1870 et 1930, la médecine, enrichie par les nouvelles possibilités de l’anesthésie, exultant devant le miracle antiseptique et les promesses de la révolution pastorienne, subit une transformation profonde. L’hôpital public, institution charitable traditionnellement dédiée au soin des populations pauvres, est en passe de devenir un des sites centraux de la thérapeutique occidentale. Pourtant, cette période de formation décisive de la médecine moderne est encore à des décennies de l’avènement des « droits des patients » et de ce bouleversement majeur qui verra, au milieu du 20ème siècle, l’éthique médicale entièrement reformulée autour de la notion d’autonomie du malade. Quelle culture morale prévaut alors à l’intérieur des institutions hospitalières et détermine les formes de la rencontre entre les patients et les soignants? Quels logiques sous-tendent l’agir des premiers et des seconds, dans le cadre de toutes ces activités qui amènent ceux-ci à interagir ensemble ?Ce sont les questions auxquelles cette thèse a l’ambition de répondre. Le contexte hospitalier lui-même est abordé ici comme un révélateur des dynamiques sociales structurant plus largement non seulement la médecine de l’époque, mais aussi les sociétés occidentales avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.Les archives des hôpitaux bruxellois St-Jean et St-Pierre, supplémentées par une série de sources déontologiques, littéraires, religieuses et jurisprudentielles, constituent le terrain d’étude à partir duquel s’élaborent les propositions nombreuses de cette thèse. L’objet central de celle-ci – les interactions en milieu hospitalier – se situe à la croisée de quatre courants historiographiques :l’histoire sociale de la médecine, le récit interactionniste des institutions autoritaires, l’histoire des patients et l’histoire de l’éthique médicale. Prêtant une attention particulière aux pratiques des acteurs historiques, Guérir, travailler, désobéir se structure autour de six chapitres. Ceux-ci abordent des thématiques aussi variées que l’autorité des acteurs hospitaliers, la communication entre patients et soignants, ou encore la relation soignante. La thèse interroge aussi la dimension « utilitaire » de la rencontre thérapeutique dans un contexte de médecine publique (usage des corps de malades pauvres pour la science, l’enseignement, etc), les pratiques de détournement de l’institution hospitalière par les malades, et la nature du dialogue mettant en lien ces mêmes malades et l’administration hospitalière en cas de plainte. Au final, ce travail de recherche met à jour une économie morale complexe, expression du paternalisme profond des sociétés occidentales, qui fait reposer les interactions thérapeutiques sur un système ambigu de réciprocité morale. / Doctorat en Histoire, histoire de l'art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Die Wirkung der Fraktionen des Extraktes Cimicifuga racemosa BNO 1055 auf die Brustdrüse ovarektomierter Sprague-Dawley-Ratten / The effect of the fractions of Cimicifuga racemosa BNO 1055 extract on the mammary gland of ovariectomized sprague dawley rats

Kübler, Jessica Viola 17 January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Perceived parental alcohol problems and psychosomatic complaints : A cross-sectional study of adolescents in Sweden

Syed, Numan Raza January 2022 (has links)
This study examined the association between Swedish adolescents’ self-reported psychosomatic health complaints and parental alcohol drinking problems controlling for sociodemographic characteristics. Data was obtained from a nationally representative sample from 2021, the national survey of the Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAN) survey. Our study sample had 9,032 students from grades 9 (15-16 years) and 11 (17-18 years) from randomly selected 350 schools in Sweden. Adolescents’ self-reported psychosomatic complaints were coded into dependent variable. The main independent variable was adolescents’ perceived parental alcohol drinking problems, measured by the Children of Alcoholics Screening Test (CAST-6) scale. Adolescents’ self-reported sociodemographic characteristicswere were control variables. We performed a chi2 significance test and binary logistic regression analysis. Adolescents with perceived parental drinking problems had higher odds of reporting psychosomatic complaints than adolescents with no perceived parental drinking problems. This association remained statistically significant in a fully adjusted model with all control variables. The association was stronger among grade 9 adolescents than grade 11 adolescents. Adolescents with perceived parental drinking problems were more likely to report subjective psychosomatic health complaints. Besides universal programes, this vulnerable group of adolescents and parents might benefit more from targeted interventions in schools and healthcare centres.

Sistema de gestión y clasificación automática de denuncias ambientales mediante aprendizaje de máquina / Management and automatic classification of environmental complaints system using machine learning

Concepción Tiza, Miguel Angel 04 January 2021 (has links)
Desde las últimas décadas, el impacto negativo que generan las actividades humanas ha incrementado la importancia de la protección del medio ambiente año tras año tanto en el mundo como en el Perú. Por esta razón, los gobiernos a nivel mundial implementan mecanismos de protección ambiental tales como las denuncias ambientales. Estas permiten a la población informar sobre una posible contaminación ambiental a las autoridades competentes con el fin de que tomen las acciones necesarias, para esto, es necesario que las denuncias sean formuladas, clasificadas y derivadas de forma correcta y oportuna. Sin embargo, para realizar esas tareas de forma correcta se requiere de un amplio conocimiento técnico y legal que pocas personas poseen, esto lleva a que las denuncias ambientales no puedan ser atendidas de forma rápida y eficiente generando malestar en la población afectada. Frente a esta problemática, se propone una solución informática que gestione de forma automática la clasificación y derivación de denuncias ambientales mediante el uso del aprendizaje de máquina. Considerando que la mayoría de las denuncias ambientales consisten en textos se aplica técnicas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural que mediante algoritmos de clasificación de múltiples etiquetas se pueda clasificar automáticamente las denuncias ambientales lo que mejorará los tiempos de atención. / Since the last decades, the negative impact generated by human activities has increased the importance of protecting the environment year after year both in the world and in Peru. For this reason, governments worldwide implement mechanisms for environmental protection such as environmental complaints. These allow the population to report possible environmental contamination to the competent authorities for them to take the necessary actions, for this, it is necessary that the complaints be formulated, classified, and derived in a correct and timely manner. However, to perform these tasks correctly requires extensive technical and legal knowledge that few people possess, this means that environmental complaints cannot be dealt with quickly and efficiently, generating discomfort in the affected population. Faced with this problem, a computer solution is proposed that automatically manages the classification and derivation of environmental complaints using machine learning. Considering that most environmental complaints consists of texts, natural language processing techniques are applied that, using multi-label classification algorithms, environmental complaints can be automatically classified, which will improve service times. / Tesis

Is Nurse Aide Retention Associated with Nursing Home Quality?

Kennedy, Katherine A. 16 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.

MRI Measures of Neurodegeneration as Biomarkers of Alzheimer's Disease

Risacher, Shannon Leigh 19 March 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common age-related neurodegenerative disease. Many researchers believe that an effective AD treatment will prevent the development of disease rather than treat the disease after a diagnosis. Therefore, the development of tools to detect AD-related pathology in early stages is an important goal. In this report, MRI-based markers of neurodegeneration are explored as biomarkers of AD. In the first chapter, the sensitivity of cross-sectional MRI biomarkers to neurodegenerative changes is evaluated in AD patients and in patients with a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a prodromal stage of AD. The results in Chapter 1 suggest that cross-sectional MRI biomarkers effectively measure neurodegeneration in AD and MCI patients and are sensitive to atrophic changes in patients who convert from MCI to AD up to 1 year before clinical conversion. Chapter 2 investigates longitudinal MRI-based measures of neurodegeneration as biomarkers of AD. In Chapter 2a, measures of brain atrophy rate in a cohort of AD and MCI patients are evaluated; whereas in Chapter 2b, these measures are assessed in a pre-MCI stage, namely older adults with cognitive complaints (CC) but no significant deficits. The results from Chapter 2 suggest that dynamic MRI-based measures of neurodegeneration are sensitive biomarkers for measuring progressive atrophy associated with the development of AD. In the final chapter, a novel biomarker for AD, visual contrast sensitivity, was evaluated. The results demonstrated contrast sensitivity impairments in AD and MCI patients, as well as slightly in CC participants. Impaired contrast sensitivity was also shown to be significantly associated with known markers of AD, including cognitive impairments and temporal lobe atrophy on MRI-based measures. The results of Chapter 3 support contrast sensitivity as a potential novel biomarker for AD and suggest that future studies are warranted. Overall, the results of this report support MRI-based measures of neurodegeneration as effective biomarkers for AD, even in early clinical and preclinical disease stages. Future therapeutic trials may consider utilizing these measures to evaluate potential treatment efficacy and mechanism of action, as well as for sample enrichment with patients most likely to rapidly progress towards AD.

Synpunkter och klagomål från patient och närstående till vårdgivare via en e-tjänst : eHälsa som bidrar till kvalitetsförbättring och ökad patientsäkerhet / Patient complaints to healthcare providers via an e-service : eHealth which contributes to quality improvement and increased patient safety

Turunen Olsson, Pernilla January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Nya bestämmelser för klagomålshantering togs i bruk 2018 med syfte att stärka patienternas ställning och utveckla det systematiska arbetet med patientsäkerhet. En patient kan rapportera synpunkter och klagomål direkt till sin vårdgivare som är skyldig att ta emot ärendet och utreda vad som har hänt och vidta åtgärder. Forskning har visat att systematik saknas i hur verksamheter tar tillvara innehållet i ärenden som tas emot och det saknas en gemensam kategorisering. En process utvecklades inom Region Stockholm där patienter kan lämna synpunkter och klagomål via en e-tjänst på 1177 som sedan hanteras i regionens IT-stöd för avvikelsehantering. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att på aggregerad nivå undersöka inom vilka problemområden patienter rapporterar synpunkter och klagomål till vårdgivare inom akutsjukvård och primärvård via e-tjänsten samt om dessa ärenden kan bidra till lärande samt kvalitetsförbättring och ökad patientsäkerhet. Metod: Kvantitativ och kvalitativ forskningsansats det vill säga en blandad metod användes. Intervjuer genomfördes med vårdgivare och analyserades med en tematisk innehållsanalys utifrån en induktiv ansats. Problemområden kategoriserades om och jämfördes med Healthcare Complaints Analysis Tool (HCAT). Resultat: De flesta synpunkter och klagomål rapporterades inom problemområdet kommunikation med delproblemet bemötande. Det förelåg ingen markant skillnad i problemområden mellan akutsjukvård och primärvård. Intervjuer visade att vårdgivarna tog tillvara innehållet i synpunkter och klagomål på olika sätt för lärande och i sitt arbete med kvalitet och patientsäkerhet. HCAT-verktyget uppvisade ett överensstämmande resultat vid kategorisering av de tre största problemområdena av klagomål. Slutsats: Genom att systematiskt hantera synpunkter och klagomål på aggregerad nivå kan vårdgivarna få underlag till att bedriva ett ändamålsenligt arbete med kvalitet och patientsäkerhet. Användande av gemensamma kategoriseringar är en förutsättning för regionala och nationella jämförelser. / Background: New regulations for handling complaints were introduced in 2018 with the aim of strengthening the position of patients and developing the systematic work with patient safety. A patient can report complaints directly to their healthcare provider who is required to receive the case and investigate what has happened and act. Research has shown that there is a lack of systematicity in how caregivers make use of the content of cases that are received and there is a lack of common categorization. A process was developed within Region Stockholm where patients can submit complaints via an e-service, which is then handled in the region's IT -system for deviation management. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate on an aggregated level in which problem areas patients report complaints to care providers in emergency care and primary care via the e-service and in if they can contribute to learning, quality improvement and increased patient safety. Method: A mixed methods approach has been used. Interviews were conducted with caregivers and analyzed with a thematic content analysis based on an inductive approach. Problem areas were recategorized and compared using the Healthcare Complaints Analysis Tool (HCAT). Results: Complaints reported to the caregivers were most common in communication and personal treatment. There was no difference in problem areas between emergency care and primary care. Interviews showed that the caregivers used the content of complaints in different ways for learning and in their work with quality and patient safety. The HCAT-tool showed consistent results in categorizing the top three problem areas of complaints. Conclusion: By the systematically handling of complaints on an aggregated level, the care providers can obtain a basis for carrying out an appropriate work with quality and patient safety. Use of collective categorizations is a prerequisite for regional and national comparisons.

An explorative study of the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998 by the South African Police Service

Van Niekerk, Teresa 12 August 2019 (has links)
In this study, the research problem sought to explore the degree of implementation of the Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998 by members of the South African Police Service (SAPS). The Domestic Violence Act clearly stipulates the responsibilities of members of the South African Police Service in terms of the policing and management of domestic violence. Data was collected by means of a literature study and individual interviews conducted with SAPS members at the station level. These police officials are responsible for implementing the provisions set out in the DVA. The researcher also drew on her investigative experience in the SAPS, including the investigation of domestic violence. In addition, the researcher conducted a comprehensive literature study of national legislation, internal SAPS policies and directives that govern and promote the regulation of domestic violence in South Africa, the policing of domestic violence, media and newspaper reports as well as library resources and international studies. The findings of the research indicate that participants had a diverse understanding of domestic violence. This study also serves as testimony that the majority of the participants perceived and experienced the implementation of the DVA by the SAPS in various ways. However, participants understand their role and responsibilities to efficiently implement the provisions of the DVA. It was further determined that most of the participants knew their responsibilities regarding record keeping in incidences of domestic violence, and that members of the SAPS knew the procedure to follow in order to serve protection orders. It is, however, questionable whether they will be able to do so when necessary as most of them have not served it themselves as there are specific members at the station level who have been designated the duty of serving protection orders. However, it became evident that SAPS members are confronted with various challenges, at the station level, which hinder the proper implementation of the DVA. The recommendations made in this study may provide the SAPS with knowledge regarding the challenges and shortcomings that police officials experience in effectively implementing the provisions set out in the DVA, the role and responsibilities of SAPS members to efficiently implement the DVA, as well as the training and resources necessary to effectively execute the DVA. / Police Practice / M. Tech. (Policing)

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