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Supply chains behaving badly : a dynamic model of inter-organisational supply chain exchange behaviour under rational, relational and chaotic paradigmsWilson, Mark M. J. January 2006 (has links)
Supply chain exchange relationships are complex and sometimes chaotic sociological and organisational phenomena. This complexity is compounded by the boundary spanning necessity of forming supply chain partnerships that are further exacerbated by goal divergence and asymmetric information. One of the main questions for consideration is how these dyadic exchange relationships are maintained and develop over time in response to the various channel behaviours of the actors (the buyer and seller)? In particular, exchange relationships are theorised to be sensitive in some degree to attempts at economic appropriation, and conversely coordinative efforts. Such efforts manifest themselves into the mutually opposing forces broadly labelled as opportunistic and collaborative behavioural paradigms. Drawing from the concepts of Systems and Chaos/Complexity theories, it is theorised that the movement from one form of relational arrangement to another is enacted in a non-linear and dynamic manner with periods of relational equilibrium disrupted by bifurcations resulting in the emergence of new levels of relationship. However, not all exchange relationships are susceptible to constant change, rather, there should be some threshold barrier or relationship inertia that must be overcome before a bifurcation occurs. Yet what is not known is how strong these bonds are to the enactment of opportunistic and collaborative partner behaviours. Hence, 189 manufacturing supply chain relationships were survey-interviewed in order to determine the impact that collaborative and opportunistic behaviours have on supply chain relational movement. The results show that generally exchange relationships do in fact change in response to these enacted behaviours, and that actual levels of supply chain behaviour over a range of 12 variables could be measured. Indeed, the level of opportunistic behaviour experienced by the sample was disturbing. In addition, the level of tolerance (zone of tolerance) for specific behaviours was measured for the first time in the field. Overall, it was found that supply chain exchange relationships do indeed evolve in a non-linear dynamic manner in response to opportunistic and collaborative manoeuvres by the dyadic actors. Finally, these ideas were summarised in the Dynamic Relational Development (DRD) concept that explains how supply chain relationships dynamically change. In addition, the dualistic nature of the collaborative versus opportunistic behaviour choice for exchange actors is tentatively reconciled by the deontological approach of the Supply Chain Citizen theory offered in this research.
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從複雜理論觀點探討MOOCs創新擴散之動態歷程 / Exploring the Dynamic Diffusion Process of MOOCs From a Complexity Theory Perspective許映庭 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,MOOCs的擴散事實上是一個自我組織的過程。在MOOCs擴散過程中,以「創新者的網路位置」與「理解創新的難易程度」兩項變數的影響尤其顯著。而各項變數之間不僅擁有正向回饋效果,亦存在著負向回饋效果,進而影響MOOCs的擴散與演化。 / MOOCs successfully brought global students, educators, and related organization into a global network, forming a platform for global diffusion of knowledge. Started by top universities around the globe, MOOCs’ forces have swept around the globe in a short amount of time, creating ripples in the higher education web. The New York Times describes MOOCs as a “Campus Tsunami,” sweeping through the sectors of higher education.
How did this “Campus Tsunami” sweep around the globe? What are the factors that affect its dynamic diffusion process? In order to clarify these questions, this study employs the systematic and dynamic point of view of the complex theory to analyze how the factors influence each of MOOCs diffusion stages and what effects the factors create after interaction.
This study employs the historical study method and Mei Ya, Wang’s (2005) dynamic innovation diffusion model as the fundamental structure to explore the initial conditions, evolution and positive reinforcements, and self-organization of each diffusion stage.
The results demonstrate that MOOCs’ diffusion is based on self-organization. Within the seven factors, innovator networks and the difficulties in understanding innovation are the foremost influential factors. During MOOCs diffusion stages, the different factors interact with each other, producing both positive reinforcements and negative reinforcements, thus influencing MOOCs continuous diffusion and development.
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When Sugar Turns to Sh%&: Immediate Action Decision Making and Resilience in High Reliability TeamsWesner, Bradley Scott 2011 December 1900 (has links)
Organizational scholars have long been interested in organizations which exemplify high reliability. While such organizational studies have provided valuable clues to the ways in which such organizations form and function, this paper argues that a more nuanced study of high reliability processes within team contexts is warranted. This study focuses on organizational teams which are faced with the challenges of maintaining high levels of reliability. Of particular interest is how teams manage adverse events which disrupt the team's process and how they make adaptations immediately to restore their functionality. In my dissertation, I: (1) explore the existing literature surrounding high reliability organization and resilience, (2) present a qualitative analysis of Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams to explore and identify factors surrounding adaptation within the critical moment, and (3) discuss the implications of these factors in the theory and research surrounding high-reliability teams.
The findings of this study find strong connection with the work of Weick and serve to advance and clarify previous characteristics associated with high reliability organizing; however, by using the small group as the unit of analysis for the study additions to concepts traditionally associated with high reliability organizing can be noted: (1) controlling variability during team function, (2) accepting the value of the unexpected, (3) continuous forward motion, and (4) the role of tacit and explicit knowledge.
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Using systems theory to do philosophy: One approach, and some suggested terminology.Ingram, David January 2007 (has links)
This thesis employs perspectives inspired by General Systems Theory to address issues in philosophy, including moral philosophy and philosophy of mind. I present an overview of a range of ideas from the study of physical systems that may be used to provide a firm physicalist foundation to explorations of some common questions in philosophy. I divide these topics into three categories: the Physical Category, the Relevance Category and the Signal Elements Category. I interpret concepts from General Systems Theory, including information and entropy, in a way that I believe facilitates their incorporation into philosophical discussion. I also explain various points arising from General Systems Theory, such as order and disorder, stability, complexity, and self-organisation, and show how ideas from these areas can be applied to certain philosophical problems. I explain relevance in terms of stability, in order to link these scientific perspectives to questions in moral philosophy. I suggest a possible physical foundation for a theory of morality, which takes the form of a variety of Utilitarianism, intended to balance the competing needs of open systems to manage entropy. Such a theory of morality must be capable of dealing with limitations arising from the physicality of information; I propose game theory as a solution to this problem. This thesis also covers issues connected to the above points regarding the nature of consciousness and communication. In particular, I examine the role of linguistic associations in consciousness; and some related features of language and other non-linear representational schemes.
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My curriculum cookbook: an autobiographical study on understanding curriculum from a cross-cultural educator's perspectiveNie, Nicole Ye 22 December 2009 (has links)
This autobiographical study relates my personal experiences as an international student in Canada to curriculum theory and issues in multicultural education. The study takes a creative, cookbook journal format, using a selection of recipes for exploring cross-cultural experiences and making connections between self and the multicultural environment, and between curricular theories and educational practice. While sometimes recipes refer to simple instructions, the curriculum recipes in this study do not provide simple solutions but rather creative ways of thinking about curriculum. The research question guiding this study is how we can understand multicultural curriculum so that majority groups (the host people in Canada) and minority groups (the people from other cultures) acknowledge a space of shared responsibility for intercultural adaptation, and so that there are not two sides or positions for people when crossing cultures, but a space in between where people dwell together.
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Complexity theory as a model for the delivery of high value IT solutionsWehmeyer, Baden 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many variations of Systems Development Life Cycle models have evolved over the last fifty
years of systems engineering and software science, yet not enough knowledge is available to
better understand these as Complex Adaptive Systems by studying chaos and complexity
theories. The primary application domain of the thesis is focused on the development of
electronic hardware and software products.
There is a great need for innovation to reach all corners of the development ecosystem;
however a large cognitive distance exists between the concept of systematic product
development and that of value creation. Instruments are needed to aid process agility, for
defusing imminent problems as they mount, and for making effective decisions to sustain
maximum productivity. Many of these objectives are neglected in systems development
practices. As with so many management fads, it appears that no single one of these models
lived up to all of the expectations and in many cases ended up being recipes for disaster.
The statistics available on failed projects are concerning but has not stopped the scientific and
engineering communities from trying over, and over again, to make progress. The goal of the
thesis is therefore to identify the most viable model that supports the sustainability of systems
development team performance. The research draws insights from extant literature, by
applying a knowledge management theory based analysis on the various models with specific
attention given to complexity theory.
The dominant metric discovered is to measure the Value Velocity of a Systems Development
Team. This metric is determined by two independent variables, being Value Created and
Delivery Delay.
Complex Adaptive Systems simply requires a guiding vision and a carefully selected set of
generative rules for increasing and sustaining the Value Velocity. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Menige variasies van stelselsontwikkelingsmodelle het ontwikkel oor die afgelope vyftig jaar
in stelselsingenieurswese en sagtewarewetenskap, en steeds is daar nie genoegsame kennis
beskikbaar om beter begrip te kry oor hoe hierdie stelsels as Komplekse Aanpassende
Sisteme bestudeer kan word nie, ten einde die bestuur daarvan te verbeter. Die primêre
toepassingsgebied in die tesis is gespits op die ontwikkeling van rekenaarhardeware en -
Die behoefte vir innovasie moet al die fasette van die ontwikkelingsekosisteem bereik. Die
bewusheidsgaping tussen sistemiese produkontwikkeling en waardeskepping, is te wyd.
Instumentasie word benodig om te help met ratsheid in prosesuitvoering, om dreigende
probleme te ontlont, en effektief besluitneming toe te pas, en sodoende produktiwiteit op ‘n
maksimum vlak te hou. Hierdie doelwitte word tot ’n meerdere mate in die huidige praktyk
verontagsaam. Net soos somige bestuursadvies oneffektief is, blyk dit dat daar nog steeds
geen stelselsmodelle is wat alle verwagtinge bevredig nie. In baie gevalle eindig die
toepassing daarvan in waan en mislukking.
Die statistiek beskikbaar op mislukte projekte is onrusbarend, tog het dit nie vooruitgang
gekelder nie, en die behoefte na verbetering bestaan steeds. Die doelwit van die tesis is dus
om die mees lewensvatbare model wat die voortbestaan van stelselsontwikkelingsgroepe sal
kan handhaaf, uit te sonder. Die navorsing neem insigte uit hedendagse literatuur en is
gebasseer op ’n analiese van verskeide kennisbestuursteorieё teenoor die bestaande
stelselsontwikkelingsmodelle. Die fokus is meer spesifiek toegespits op kompleksiteitsteorie.
Die hoofmaatstaaf is om die Waardesnelheid van ’n stelselsontwikkelingspan te bepaal.
Hierdie maatstaaf word gepyl deur twee onafhanklike veranderlikes, naamlik die Waarde
Geskep en die Afleweringsvertraging.
Ten slotte, vereis Kompleks Aanpassende Sisteme slegs die aanwesigheid van 'n leidende
visie tesame met 'n goeddeurdagte stel ontwikkelingsreëls, wat aanleiding sal gee tot die
verhoging en behoud van die Waardesnelheid.
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Le produit direct de fonctions et les programmes de branchement avec oracleLavoie, Martin 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Processo de formação de estratégias de desenvolvimento sustentável de grupos multinacionaisCruz, Luciano Barin January 2007 (has links)
Em um contexto de explicitação dos problemas ambientais e sociais que assolam o planeta, causando enormes disparidades entre países, as empresas, e mais fortemente as Multinacionais, se vêem diante da cobrança pela adoção de uma postura de responsabilidade ampliada, ou seja, de incorporação das 3 dimensões do desenvolvimento sustentável (econômica, social e ambiental) em suas estratégias. Esta responsabilização das empresas, traz à tona o problema da gestão dos trade offs envolvidos com estas 3 dimensões e, para as Multinacionais, a gestão destes trade offs na relação entre Matriz e suas Filiais. Tendo por objetivo, justamente, a proposição de um framework baseado em um conjunto de proposições para a concepção do processo de formação da estratégia de desenvolvimento sustentável, na relação entre Matriz e Filial, de Multinacionais, a presente pesquisa foi conduzida em 3 fases. Adotou-se uma postura epistemo-metodológica de concepção, aceitando a interação entre sujeito e objeto e a intencionalidade do sujeito/pesquisador ao longo da pesquisa, buscando-se explicitamente, a geração de conhecimento aplicável aos gestores dos Grupos estudados. Adotou-se também uma lógica abdutiva, ou seja, permitindo constantes “idas e vindas” entre teoria e campo empírico, na media que se avançava nas fases da pesquisa. Assim, na primeira fase buscou-se um aprofundamento teórico sobre Estratégia Empresarial, Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Teoria da Complexidade, visando dar suporte a pesquisa e a construção de um questionário com roteiro semi-estruturado, para ser aplicado junto a experts em desenvolvimento sustentável. Este roteiro foi aplicado na segunda fase da pesquisa, que tinha por objetivo a identificação de temáticas importantes a serem consideradas, em estratégias que levem em conta o desenvolvimento sustentável. Duas etapas foram desenvolvidas nesta segunda fase: na primeira etapa foram entrevistados 10 experts brasileiros, com os quais se co-concebeu 8 temáticas iniciais; na segunda etapa foram entrevistados 12 experts europeus, com os quais se procurou consolidar as temáticas iniciais, co-concebendo com os mesmos, 4 temáticas consolidadas (Relação com os Stakeholders, Governança Empresarial, Ética Empresarial e Aprendizagem Organizacional). Estas temáticas consolidadas serviram de base para a terceira fase, onde foram realizados 4 estudos de caso (Grupos A, B, C e D), em Grupos Multinacionais com a Matriz na França ou Luxemburgo e uma Filial no Brasil. A confrontação entre os estudos de caso, as entrevistas com os experts, o referencial teórico e a atitude inventiva do pesquisador possibilitaram a emergência de 7 proposições epistêmicas (estratégia de desenvolvimento sustentável vista a partir de princípios da teoria da complexidade, ou seja, dialógica, recursividade, retroativa, holograma e auto-eco-reorganização), 12 proposições conceituais (governança empresarial, ética empresarial, e aprendizagem organizacional) e 16 proposições operatórias (governança empresarial - estrutura da área de desenvolvimento sustentável e divisão de ganhos com os stakeholders; ética empresarial - conteúdo e fixação de objetivos e postura empresarial; aprendizagem organizacional - sensibilização e troca de informações sobre o desenvolvimento sustentável), que em conjunto formam o framework proposto aqui. Assim a presente pesquisa contribui com avanços epistemológicos e metodológicos para a área de Gestão, além de avanços teóricos para a estratégia empresarial (quando integrada com as discussões sobre desenvolvimento sustentável e teoria da complexidade), e de avanços para os Grupos Multinacionais, através do conjunto de proposições. / Considering the innumerous environmental and social problems which are devastating the world and increasing differences among countries, companies are demanded, more precisely Multinationals, to stand for a responsible posture, i.e. the incorporation of the 3 dimensions of sustainable development in their strategies (economical, social and environmental). This responsibility from the companies arises the problem of trade off management connected to the 3 dimensions, and for the Multinationals trade off management among the Headquarter and its Subsidiaries. This research was conducted in 3 phases aiming the proposition of a framework based on a set of propositions for the conception of a sustainable development strategy formation process in the relation between Multinational Headquarters and Subsidiaries. An epistemic-methodological positioning was adopted, accepting the interaction between subject (researcher) and object and the intentionality subject/researcher throughout the research, explicitly searching for the knowledge generation applicable to the managers from the studied Groups. It was also adopted an abductive logic, i.e. allowing regular “come and go” between the theory and the empirical field as the research advanced. Thus, in the first phase theoretical deepening about Company Strategy, Sustainable Development and Complexity Theory was intended, aiming to support the research and the construction of a semi-structured questionnaire in order to be applied to the sustainable development experts.This script was applied in the second phase of the research, which expected to identify some important thematics to be considered, within the strategies that take into account the sustainable development. Two steps were developed in this second phase: in the first phase 10 Brazilian experts were interviewed, where 8 initial thematics were co-conceived; in the second phase, 12 European experts were interviewed, where it was tried to consolidate the initial thematics and then co-conceiving 4 consolidated thematics (Stakeholders Relation, Enterprise Governance, Enterprise Ethics and Organizational Learning). These consolidated thematics were the basis of the third phase where 4 case studies were conducted (Groups A, B, C and D) with Multinational Groups having the Headquarter in France or Luxemburg and a Subsidiary in Brazil. The confrontation among the case studies, the expert interviews, the theoretical referential and the inventive attitude from the researcher made possible the emergence of 7 epistemic propositions (development of sustainable strategy from the complexity theory principles, which is dialogical, recursivity, retroactive, hologram and autoeco- reorganization), 12 conceptual propositions (Enterprise Governance, Enterprise Ethics and Organizational Learning) and 16 operational propositions (Enterprise Governance – the structure of the sustainable development area and the sharing of profit with stakeholders; Enterprise Ethics – objective content and fixation and enterprise position; Organizational Learning – consciousness and information exchange about sustainable development), which here compose the proposed framework. Thus the present research contributed with epistemological and methodological advanced for the area of Management, and also theoretical advances for the enterprise strategy field (when integrated with the discussion about sustainable development and complexity theory), and advances for Multinational Groups through a set of prepositions.
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Investigating human trafficking for sexual exploitation: from ‘lived experiences’ towards a complex systems understandingVan der Watt, Marcel January 2018 (has links)
Human trafficking for sexual exploitation, as the most documented type of trafficking both internationally and in South Africa, was the focus of this study as it poses significant challenges to response efforts whilst remaining a crime of vast impunity. At the centre of this study was the researcher’s curiosity-infused endeavour to understand the lived experiences of multipronged stakeholders who have first-hand experience of the investigation into human trafficking for sexual exploitation. A qualitative approach and the use of hermeneutic phenomenology within a broader postmodernist and constructivist positioning served as the catalyst for generating novel insights. Numerous formal and informal conversations over the 5-year research period, site visits to multiple sex trade locations around South Africa and 91 in-depth and unstructured interviews with participants from 15 different vantage points were conducted.
Five themes were identified from participants’ lived experiences as they related to the investigation of human trafficking for sexual exploitation. These were Theme 1: Sex Trade, Human Trafficking and Organised Crime; Theme 2: Combating Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation; Theme 3: Victims of Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation; Theme 4: Corruption and Compromise; and Theme 5: The Social Context and Scope of the Problem. A rich and in-depth presentation of participants’ lived experiences from an emic point of view was made. Knowledge generated include the revelation of problematic claims by preservationists around the nature of the sex trade in South Africa, insights into complexities intrinsic to human trafficking for sexual exploitation and multi-layered challenges associated with investigations into the crime.
At the apex of the study was the deconstruction of complex systems theory and its application to the phenomenological essence of participants’ lived experiences. A proposed application of the theory was suggested for a more agile, robust and effective multipronged investigation strategy to combat human trafficking for sexual exploitation. A strong argument is made for a ‘whole’ and non-reductionist approach to investigations that continuously considers both the complexity of the crime and the day-to-day realities of the stakeholders who contribute to the multipronged investigation into human trafficking for sexual exploitation. / Ukurhweba ngabantu ngeenjongo zokubaxhaphaza ngokwesondo, lolona didi lorhwebo lokuxhaphaza ekubhalwe ngalo kakhulu kwihlabathi jikelele nakuMzantsi Afrika. Esi sifundo sigxile kolu rhwebo njengoko lucela umngeni kwimizamo yokusabela lo gama ilulwaphulo mthetho olungalawulekiyo. Esizikithini sesi sifundo yayingumdla womphandi ukuqonda ngamava abo bathatha inxaxheba ekuphandeni ngorhwebo lokuxhaphaza ngokwesondo. Kukhethwe ufundo oluqwalasela umgangatho nokusetyenziswa kwesimbo sokutolika iimeko ezikhoyo kwilizwe elisemva kwelale mihla siphila kuyo njengeyona nqobo eya kuveza iimbono ezingaqhelekanga. Kwabanjwa inqwaba yeencoko ezisesikweni nezingekho sikweni ezenziwe kwisithuba seminyaka yophando engaphaya kwemihlanu, kwatyelelwa kwiindawo zorhwebo lokuxhaphaza ngokwesondlo ezikhoyo eMzantsi Afrika, kwabanjwa nodliwano ndlebe olunzulu lungaqingqwanga olungama-91 nabantu abakwiindawo zomdla ezili-15.
Kwabonakala imixholo emihlanu esuka kumava abathathi nxaxheba malunga nophando ngorhwebo lokuxhaphaza ngesondo. Le mixholo yile: Umxholo woku-1: Urhwebo Lwesondo, Urhwebo Lokuxhaphaza Abantu, Nolwaphulo Mthetho Olucwangcisiweyo; Umxholo wesi-2: Ukulwa Urhwebo lokuxhaphaza abantu Ngenjongo Yesondo; Umxholo wesi-3: Amaxhoba Orhwebo Lokuxhaphaza Abantu Ngenjongo Yesondo; Umxholo wesi-4: Ubuqhophololo Nokunikezela; kunye noMxholo wesi-5: Imeko Yezentlalo Nomthamo Wengxaki. Kwenziwa inkcazelo enzulu netyebileyo yamava abathathi nxaxheba evelelwa ngokwendlela abantu bendawo abacinga nabazibona ngayo izinto. Ulwazi olufunyenweyo luquka izimvo eziyingxaki zabantu abakhuthaza ukugcinwa kwezinto zinjengoko zinjalo, malunga nohlolo olululo lorhwebo ngesondo eMzantsi Afrika, izimvo ngobunzima obubuthume kurhwebo lokuxhaphaza abantu ngenjongo yesondo kunye nemingeni emininzi eyayanyaniswa nophando lolwaphulo mthetho.
Encochoyini yesi sifundo kukuhlakaza ingcingane exhakaxhaka yeenkqubo nokusetyenziswa kwayo kwiimeko ezikhoyo kumava abathathi nxaxheba. Kwacetyiswa indlela yokusebenzisa le ngcingane ekwenzeni icebo elinamandla nelisebenzayo lokulwa urhwebo lokuxhaphaza abantu ngenjongo yesondo. Kuthethelwa indlela yokusebenza ‘epheleleyo’ nengacuthi nto ekuqhubeni uphando
olusoloko luthathela ingqalelo ubuxhakaxhaka bolwaphulo mthetho namava emihla ngemihla abathathi nxaxheba abafaka isandla kuphando oluvelela iinkalo ezininzi kurhwebo lokuxhaphaza abantu ngenjongo yesondo. / Ukushushumbiswa kwabantu ukuze baxhashazwe ngokocansi, njengohlobo lokushushumbisa oluqoshwe phansi ngokudlula zonke ezinye izinhlobo emhlabeni wonke kanye naseNingizimu Afrika, yikona okugxilwe kukho kakhulu kulolu cwaningo njengoba kuyikona okungadala izingqinamba ezinkulu emizamweni yokubhekana nakho kube futhi kuyilona hlobo lobugebengu olungajeziswa kangako. Okunguwona mgomo walolu cwaningo yimizamo yomcwaningi egqugquzelwa ngukufuna kwakhe ukwazi ukuze aqonde lokho okubonwe ngababandakanyekayo abahlukahlukene abebebhekene ngqo nokuphenywa kodaba lokushushumbiswa kwabantu ukuze baxhashazwe ngokocansi. Kusetshenziswe indlela yokwenza ephathelene nokuqoqwa kwemininingwane engamaqiniso nokusetshenziswa kohlobo locwaningo olwahlukile kulolo olubheka ukwenzeka kwezinto ngokwemvelo maqondana nokuhleleka kwezinto ngokwesikhathi esilandela esezinto zesimanjemanje, nangendlela elandela umumo othize, njengegqugquzela ubukhona bokuqonda okuhlaba umxhwele ngokungajwayelekile. Kube khona izingxoxo eziningi ezihleliwe nezingahlelwanga ezenzeke esikhathini esiyiminyaka emihlanu yocwaningo, kwavakashelwa izizinda eziningi ezindaweni okuhwetshelwana kuzo ngocansi eziseNingizimu Afrika, kwaphinde kwaba nezingxoxo ezingama-91 ezijulile ngokuphonsa imibuzo engahleliwe ngokusemthethweni kubabambiqhaza abavela ezindaweni eziyi-15 ezilungele lolu cwaningo.
Kuhlonzwe izingqikithi ezinhlanu eziqhamuke kulokho okubonwe ngababambiqhaza ngokuhlobana kwabo nophenyo lokushushumbiswa kwabantu ukuze baxhashazwe ngokocansi. Yilezi, Ingqikithi 1: Ukuhweba Ngocansi, Ukushushumbiswa Kwabantu Nobugebengu Obuhleliwe; Ingqikithi 2: Ukulwisana Nokushushumbiswa Kwabantu Ukuze Baxhashazwe Ngokocansi; Ingqikithi 3: Izisulu Zokushushumbiswa Ukuze Zixhashazwe Ngokocansi; Ingqikithi 4: Inkohlakalo Nokwenza Okungahambisani Nawe; neNgqikithi 5: Indikimba Kwezenhlalo Nobubanzi Benkinga. Kube sekwethulwa ngokucebile nangokujulile okubonwe ngababambiqhaza ngokwencazelo ehambisana nohlobo lwesifundo. Ulwazi olutholakele lubandakanya ukuvela kwalokho okuyinkinga okushiwo yilabo abalwela ubukhona bohwebo lwezocansi eNingizimu Afrika, ukuqondwa kwalokho okungekho lula ukukuqonda okuphathelene
nokushushumbiswa kwabantu ukuze baxhashazwe ngokocansi kanye nezingqinamba ezishiyana ngokwezigaba ezihambisana nophenyo lwalobu bugebengu.
Ekujuleni kocwaningo kube khona ukuhlaziya okubanzi ngokuhlakaza izinhlelo zezinzululwazi okungekho lula ukuziqonda nokusetshenziswa kwazo kulokho okusemqoka okubonwe ngababambiqhaza. Kuhlongozwe ukuba kusetshenziswe isu elisheshayo, elishubile nelizosebenza ngempumelelo elihlukene izigaba eziningi ezibheka konke elizolwisana nokushushumbiswa kwabantu ukuze baxhashazwe ngokocansi. Ukudingida kabanzi ngendlela 'ephelele' nengancike ndawo okumele ilandelwe uma kuphenywa nezobheka kokubili ukungabi lula kobugebengu okubhekenwe nabo kanye nokubonwa imihla ngemihla ngababambiqhaza abasiza ngokuthile ophenyweni olubheka okuningi okwahlukahlukene maqondana nokushushumbiswa kwabantu ukuze baxhashazwe ngokocansi. / Criminology and Security Science
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Processo de formação de estratégias de desenvolvimento sustentável de grupos multinacionaisCruz, Luciano Barin January 2007 (has links)
Em um contexto de explicitação dos problemas ambientais e sociais que assolam o planeta, causando enormes disparidades entre países, as empresas, e mais fortemente as Multinacionais, se vêem diante da cobrança pela adoção de uma postura de responsabilidade ampliada, ou seja, de incorporação das 3 dimensões do desenvolvimento sustentável (econômica, social e ambiental) em suas estratégias. Esta responsabilização das empresas, traz à tona o problema da gestão dos trade offs envolvidos com estas 3 dimensões e, para as Multinacionais, a gestão destes trade offs na relação entre Matriz e suas Filiais. Tendo por objetivo, justamente, a proposição de um framework baseado em um conjunto de proposições para a concepção do processo de formação da estratégia de desenvolvimento sustentável, na relação entre Matriz e Filial, de Multinacionais, a presente pesquisa foi conduzida em 3 fases. Adotou-se uma postura epistemo-metodológica de concepção, aceitando a interação entre sujeito e objeto e a intencionalidade do sujeito/pesquisador ao longo da pesquisa, buscando-se explicitamente, a geração de conhecimento aplicável aos gestores dos Grupos estudados. Adotou-se também uma lógica abdutiva, ou seja, permitindo constantes “idas e vindas” entre teoria e campo empírico, na media que se avançava nas fases da pesquisa. Assim, na primeira fase buscou-se um aprofundamento teórico sobre Estratégia Empresarial, Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Teoria da Complexidade, visando dar suporte a pesquisa e a construção de um questionário com roteiro semi-estruturado, para ser aplicado junto a experts em desenvolvimento sustentável. Este roteiro foi aplicado na segunda fase da pesquisa, que tinha por objetivo a identificação de temáticas importantes a serem consideradas, em estratégias que levem em conta o desenvolvimento sustentável. Duas etapas foram desenvolvidas nesta segunda fase: na primeira etapa foram entrevistados 10 experts brasileiros, com os quais se co-concebeu 8 temáticas iniciais; na segunda etapa foram entrevistados 12 experts europeus, com os quais se procurou consolidar as temáticas iniciais, co-concebendo com os mesmos, 4 temáticas consolidadas (Relação com os Stakeholders, Governança Empresarial, Ética Empresarial e Aprendizagem Organizacional). Estas temáticas consolidadas serviram de base para a terceira fase, onde foram realizados 4 estudos de caso (Grupos A, B, C e D), em Grupos Multinacionais com a Matriz na França ou Luxemburgo e uma Filial no Brasil. A confrontação entre os estudos de caso, as entrevistas com os experts, o referencial teórico e a atitude inventiva do pesquisador possibilitaram a emergência de 7 proposições epistêmicas (estratégia de desenvolvimento sustentável vista a partir de princípios da teoria da complexidade, ou seja, dialógica, recursividade, retroativa, holograma e auto-eco-reorganização), 12 proposições conceituais (governança empresarial, ética empresarial, e aprendizagem organizacional) e 16 proposições operatórias (governança empresarial - estrutura da área de desenvolvimento sustentável e divisão de ganhos com os stakeholders; ética empresarial - conteúdo e fixação de objetivos e postura empresarial; aprendizagem organizacional - sensibilização e troca de informações sobre o desenvolvimento sustentável), que em conjunto formam o framework proposto aqui. Assim a presente pesquisa contribui com avanços epistemológicos e metodológicos para a área de Gestão, além de avanços teóricos para a estratégia empresarial (quando integrada com as discussões sobre desenvolvimento sustentável e teoria da complexidade), e de avanços para os Grupos Multinacionais, através do conjunto de proposições. / Considering the innumerous environmental and social problems which are devastating the world and increasing differences among countries, companies are demanded, more precisely Multinationals, to stand for a responsible posture, i.e. the incorporation of the 3 dimensions of sustainable development in their strategies (economical, social and environmental). This responsibility from the companies arises the problem of trade off management connected to the 3 dimensions, and for the Multinationals trade off management among the Headquarter and its Subsidiaries. This research was conducted in 3 phases aiming the proposition of a framework based on a set of propositions for the conception of a sustainable development strategy formation process in the relation between Multinational Headquarters and Subsidiaries. An epistemic-methodological positioning was adopted, accepting the interaction between subject (researcher) and object and the intentionality subject/researcher throughout the research, explicitly searching for the knowledge generation applicable to the managers from the studied Groups. It was also adopted an abductive logic, i.e. allowing regular “come and go” between the theory and the empirical field as the research advanced. Thus, in the first phase theoretical deepening about Company Strategy, Sustainable Development and Complexity Theory was intended, aiming to support the research and the construction of a semi-structured questionnaire in order to be applied to the sustainable development experts.This script was applied in the second phase of the research, which expected to identify some important thematics to be considered, within the strategies that take into account the sustainable development. Two steps were developed in this second phase: in the first phase 10 Brazilian experts were interviewed, where 8 initial thematics were co-conceived; in the second phase, 12 European experts were interviewed, where it was tried to consolidate the initial thematics and then co-conceiving 4 consolidated thematics (Stakeholders Relation, Enterprise Governance, Enterprise Ethics and Organizational Learning). These consolidated thematics were the basis of the third phase where 4 case studies were conducted (Groups A, B, C and D) with Multinational Groups having the Headquarter in France or Luxemburg and a Subsidiary in Brazil. The confrontation among the case studies, the expert interviews, the theoretical referential and the inventive attitude from the researcher made possible the emergence of 7 epistemic propositions (development of sustainable strategy from the complexity theory principles, which is dialogical, recursivity, retroactive, hologram and autoeco- reorganization), 12 conceptual propositions (Enterprise Governance, Enterprise Ethics and Organizational Learning) and 16 operational propositions (Enterprise Governance – the structure of the sustainable development area and the sharing of profit with stakeholders; Enterprise Ethics – objective content and fixation and enterprise position; Organizational Learning – consciousness and information exchange about sustainable development), which here compose the proposed framework. Thus the present research contributed with epistemological and methodological advanced for the area of Management, and also theoretical advances for the enterprise strategy field (when integrated with the discussion about sustainable development and complexity theory), and advances for Multinational Groups through a set of prepositions.
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