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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling the Origins of Primate Sociality: Kin Recognition in Mouse Lemurs

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: Arguments of human uniqueness emphasize our complex sociality, unusual cognitive capacities, and language skills, but the timing of the origin of these abilities and their evolutionary causes remain unsolved. Though not unique to primates, kin-biased sociality was key to the success of the primate order. In contrast to ancestral solitary mammals, the earliest primates are thought to have maintained dispersed (non-group living) social networks, communicating over distances via vocalizations and scent marks. If such ancestral primates recognized kin, those networks may have facilitated the evolution of kin-biased sociality in the primate order and created selection for increased cognitive and communicative abilities. I used the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) to model whether vocalizations could have facilitated matrilineal and patrilineal kin recognition in ancestral primates. Much like mouse lemurs today, ancestral primates are thought to have been small-bodied, nocturnal creatures that captured insects and foraged for fruit in the thin, terminal ends of tree branches. Thus, the mouse lemur is an excellent model species because its ecological niche is likely to be similar to that of ancestral primates 55-90 million years ago. I conducted playback experiments in Ankarafantsika National Park, Madagascar testing whether mouse lemur agonistic calls contain matrilineal kin signatures and whether the lemurs recognize matrilineal kin. In contrast to large-brained, socially complex monkeys with frequent coalitionary behavior, mouse lemurs did not react differently to the agonistic calls of matrilineal kin and nonkin, though moderate signatures were present in the calls. I tested for patrilineal signatures and patrilineal kin recognition via mating and alarm calls in a colony with known pedigree relationships. The results are the first to demonstrate that a nocturnal, solitary foraging mammal gives mating calls with patrilineal signatures and recognizes patrilineal kin. Interestingly, alarm calls did not have signatures and did not facilitate kin recognition, suggesting that selection for kin recognition is stronger in some call types than others. As this dissertation is the first investigation of vocal kin recognition in a dispersed-living, nocturnal strepsirrhine primate, it greatly advances our knowledge of the role of vocal communication in the evolution of primate social complexity. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Anthropology 2014

Home Health Care Operations Management : Applying the districting approach to Home Health Care, / La gestion des opérations des établissements d’hospitalisation à domicile : application de l’approche de partitionnement géographique du territoire aux établissements d’hospitalisation à domicile

Benzarti, Emna 20 April 2012 (has links)
Dans le cadre des contraintes économiques et des évolutions démographiques auxquelles doit faire face le secteur de la santé, l’Hospitalisation à Domicile (HAD) qui a été créée il y a une soixantaine d’années s’est largement développée en France durant cette dernière décennie. L’objectif principal de cette alternative à l’hospitalisation complète est de raccourcir les séjours hospitaliers voire même de les éviter en vue de remédier à l’engorgement des hôpitaux tout en améliorant les conditions de vie des patients. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la gestion des opérations dans les structures d’HAD. Dans la première partie, nous développons une analyse qualitative de la gestion des opérations dans les établissements d’HAD. De façon plus détaillée, nous identifions les différents facteurs de complexité auxquels la gestion des opérations doit faire face dans ce type de structures. Ces facteurs peuvent concerner la diversité de l’offre des services, le lieu de production des soins, les sources d’incertitudes, etc. Nous présentons ensuite les travaux existants dans la littérature qui s’intéressent à la gestion des opérations dans les HADs. Sur la base de cette synthèse, nous identifions des pistes de recherche qui n’ont pas encore été traitées dans la littérature. Dans la deuxième partie, nous nous intéressons à la problématique de partitionnement géographique du territoire desservi par une structure d’HAD. Cette approche de partitionnement peut s’insérer dans une politique d’amélioration de la qualité du service des soins délivrés aux patients et des conditions de travail des équipes soignantes. Nous commençons d’abord par proposer une classification des différents critères utilisés dans la littérature pour modéliser ce problème. Nous proposons ensuite deux modèles de partitionnement prenant en compte un ensemble de critères tels que l’équilibre de la charge de travail, la compacité, la compatibilité et l’indivisibilité des unités de base. Nous présentons également quelques exploitations possibles de ces modèles et proposons deux extensions à la formulation de base. Après avoir formulé le problème avec une approche statique, nous développons également une extension dynamique qui permet d’intégrer les différentes variations pouvant être observées dans l’activité d’une HAD d’une période à l’autre. Nous introduisons un nouveau critère de partitionnement qui concerne la continuité des soins, évaluée sur la base de deux sous-critères. En fonction des préférences des décideurs par rapport à la prise en compte de la continuité des soins dans le problème de partitionnement, nous distinguons alors trois scénarii pour lesquels nous proposons les modèles associés / Within the framework of economic constraints and demographic changes which the health care sector is confronted to, the Home Health Care (HHC) which has been created sixty years ago, has known an important growth during this last decade. The main objective of this alternative to the traditional hospitalization consists in solving the problem of hospitals’ capacity saturation by allowing earlier discharge of patients from hospital or by avoiding their admission while improving or maintaining the medical, psychological and social welfare of these patients. In this thesis, we are interested in the operations management within the HHC structures. In the first part of this thesis, we develop a qualitative analysis of the operations management in the HHC context. More specifically, we identify the complexity factors that operations management has to face up within this type of structures. For each complexity factor, we discuss how it can affect the organization of the care delivery. These factors pertain to the diversity of the services proposed, the location of care delivery, the uncertainty sources, etc. Thereafter, we survey operations management based models proposed in the literature within the HHC context. Based on this literature review, we identify several emerging issues, relevant from an organizational point of view, that have not been studied in the literature and thus represent unexplored opportunities for operations management researchers. In the second part of this thesis, we are interested in the partitioning of the area where the HCC structure operates into districts. This districting approach fits the policies of improvement of the quality of care delivered to patients and the working conditions of care givers as well as costs’ reduction. We begin by proposing a classification of the different criteria that may be considered in the districting problem. We then propose two mathematical formulations for the HHC districting problem for which we consider criteria such as the workload balance, compactness, compatibility and indivisibility of basic units. After that, we present a numerical analysis of the computational experiments carried out on randomly generated instances to validate these two models. We also present two possible exploitations of these models and propose two extensions to these basic formulations. After formulating the problem with a static approach, we also develop a dynamic extension which allows the integration of the different variations that can be observed within the activities of an HHC structure from period to period. We then introduce a new partitioning criterion that concerns the continuity of care evaluated on the basis of two sub-criteria. Depending on the preferences of the decision-makers concerning the sub-criteria related to the continuity of care in the districting problem, we then distinguish three scenarios for which we propose the associated mathematical formulations.

Design and Evaluation of a Visualizing Tool for Logistics Analysis

Klamer, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Communicating complex relationships discovered with logistics analysis is a challenge within Life Cycle Management. The aim of this thesis is to propose a design for a visualization tool that simplifies such communication for improved expert-manager collaboration. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with expert users - the prospective primary user group of the tool - in order to gain knowledge about the requirements. Based on this, a HiFi prototype was developed using Axure and its usability was evaluated using scenario-based approach and SUS questionnaire. The results revealed that the experts found current methods both time consuming and challenging. A tool with the purpose of displaying results from logistics analysis – for both experts and managers - should offer flexibility, both in terms of functionality and appearance. In addition, it is essential to reduce the complexity to increase the understanding of novices. Future work should include customers in the design process.

ERP Systems - Fully Integrated Solution or a Transactional Platform? / ERP system - Fullt integrerad lösning eller en plattform för transaktioner?

Sandberg, Johan January 2008 (has links)
This paper addresses the question of how to make use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in companies in the process industry were there is a pervasive need of process standardization. ERP systems have the potential to contribute with standardization and integration of organizational data through an of-the-shelf solution. In practice results of ERP systems implementation has varied greatly. Considering their implications on business processes and the complexity of the systems this should not come as a surprise. ERP systems do not only imply standardization of data but also standardization of key processes in the company. The consequences on the individual organization are therefore hard to predict. Making strategic choices between different degrees of in-house developed systems, integration of solutions from many different suppliers or to only rely on the ERP systems consultants and their proposed implementation of solutions, can be a troublesome balance act. This paper describes a case study of the Swedish diary company Norrmejerier and the implementation of the ERP system IFS analyzed from a perspective of complex system and standardization. The use of IFS at Norrmejerier can be characterized as a loosely coupled integration with the ERP system as a central integration facilitator. This solution allowed the company to make use of standardization benefits, filling the need of special functionality and at the same time limiting the negative unexpected consequences such as decreased activity support and increased complexity. The key contributions of this paper are that it shows how ERP´s can contribute to standardization and integration efforts in IT environments with peculiar demands on functionality. Secondly it demonstrates how negative side effects related to implementation of ERP systems can be managed and limited.

Topics in word complexity / Autour de la Complexité des mots

Widmer, Steven 30 November 2010 (has links)
Les principaux sujets d'intérêt de cette thèse concerneront deux notions de la complexité d'un mot infini : la complexité abélienne et la complexité de permutation. La complexité abélienne a été étudiée durant les dernières décennies. La complexité de permutation est, elle, une forme de complexité des mots relativement nouvelle qui associe à chaque mot apériodique de manière naturelle une permutation infinie. Nous nous pencherons sur deux sujets dans le domaine de la complexité abélienne. Dans un premier temps, nous nous intéresserons à une notion abélienne de la maximal pattern complexity définie par T. Kamae. Deuxièmement, nous analyserons une limite supérieure de cette complexité pour les mots C-équilibré. Dans le domaine de la complexité de permutation des mots apériodiques binaires, nous établissons une formule pour la complexité de permutation du mot de Thue-Morse, conjecturée par Makarov, en étudiant la combinatoire des sous-permutations sous l'action du morphisme de Thue-Morse. Par la suite, nous donnons une méthode générale pour calculer la complexité de permutation de l'image de certains mots sous l'application du morphisme du doublement des lettres. Finalement, nous déterminons la complexité de permutation de l'image du mot de Thue-Morse et d'un mot Sturmien sous l'application du morphisme du doublement des lettres. / The main topics of interest in this thesis will be two types of complexity, abelian complexity and permutation complexity. Abelian complexity has been investigated over the past decades. Permutation complexity is a relatively new type of word complexity which investigates lexicographical ordering of shifts of an aperiodic word. We will investigate two topics in the area of abelian complexity. Firstly we will consider an abelian variation of maximal pattern complexity. Secondly we consider an upper bound for words with the C-balance property. In the area of permutation complexity, we compute the permutation complexity function for a number of words. A formula for the complexity of Thue-Morse word is established by studying patterns in subpermutations and the action of the Thue-Morse morphism on the subpermutations. We then give a method to calculate the complexity of the image of certain words under the doubling map. The permutation complexity function of the image of the Thue-Morse word under the doubling map and the image of a Sturmian word under the doubling map are established.

Le contrôle de gestion à l’heure des réformes hospitalières : une fonction en mutation ? / Management control at the time of hospital reforms : a changing function ?

Lartigau, Jérôme 19 November 2010 (has links)
Pris en étau entre une hausse continue de leurs dépenses et une stagnation de leurs ressources financières, les établissements publics de santé sont depuis longtemps confrontés à un problème de gestion de la rareté. Pour faire face à ce problème, beaucoup d'entre eux ont mis en œuvre un contrôle de gestion, avec les difficultés que représente une telle démarche dans une organisation traditionnellement qualifiée de « professionnelle ». Dès l'origine principalement orienté vers la maîtrise des dépenses, le contrôle de gestion hospitalier est en train de subir une profonde remise en question avec l'arrivée de la tarification à l'activité et de la mise en place de pôles d'activité médicale. Désormais, la fonction contrôle de gestion ne doit plus se cantonner à ce rôle qui lui était traditionnellement reconnu mais doit contribuer activement à l'augmentation des recettes de l'hôpital. Cette dynamique nouvelle - qui accorde une place beaucoup plus marquée aux concepts fondamentaux du contrôle de gestion - est aussi novatrice en raison de l'importance qu'elle confère aux producteurs de l'activité médicale. La mutation de la fonction contrôle de gestion dans le domaine hospitalier est un phénomène majeur pour les praticiens mais aussi un sujet particulièrement riche sur le plan théorique. Elle remet en cause les représentations traditionnellement admises du contrôle de gestion dans l'organisation professionnelle qu'est l'hôpital et donne l'occasion aux chercheurs d'utiliser de nouvelles grilles de lecture théorique. / Caught between a continuous rise in spending and a stagnation of their financial resources, public hospitals have long been faced with a problem of managing scarcity. To address this problem, many of them have implemented management control, with the difficulties of such an approach in an organization traditionally described as "professional." From the beginning mainly oriented toward expenditure control, management control in hospitals is undergoing a deep challenge with the advent of prospective payment system and the implementation of clinical directorates. Now the management control function should no longer be confined to this role which was traditionally recognized, but must actively contribute to the enhancement of the hospital's revenue. This new dynamics - which gives greater importance to fundamental concepts of management control - is innovative because of the importance it gives to producers of medical activity. The mutation of the management control function in the hospital sector is a major phenomenon for practitioners but is also particularly from a theoretical point of view. It challenges the traditionally accepted representations of management control in the hospital organization and gives an opportunity for researchers to use new theoretical frames.

Motion control of autonomous underwater vehicles using advanced model predictive control strategy

Shen, Chao 26 March 2018 (has links)
The increasing reliance on oceans, rivers and waterways in a spectrum of human activities have demonstrated the large demand for advanced marine technologies that facilitate multifarious in-water services and tasks. The autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is a representative marine technology which has been contributing continuously to many ocean-related fields. An elaborate control system is essential to AUVs. However, AUVs present difficult control system design problems due to their nonlinear dynamics, the unpredictable environment and the poor knowledge about the hydrodynamic coupling of the vehicle degrees of freedom. When designing the motion controller, the practical constraints on the AUV system such as limited perceiving, computing and actuating capabilities should also be respected. The model predictive control (MPC) is an advanced control technology that leverages optimization to calculate the control command. Thanks to the optimization nature, MPC can conveniently handle the complex nonlinearity in system dynamics as well as the state and control constraints. MPC takes the receding horizon control paradigm which gains satisfactory robustness against model uncertainties and external disturbances. Therefore, MPC is an ideal candidate for solving the AUV motion control problems. On the other hand, since the optimization is solved by iterative numerical algorithms, the obtained control signal is an implicit function of the system state, which complicates the characterization of the closed-loop properties. Moreover, the nonlinear system dynamics makes the online optimization nonlinear programming (NLP) problems. The high computational complexity may cause an issue on the real-time control for embedded platforms with limited computing resources. In order to push the advanced MPC technology towards real-world AUV applications, this PhD dissertation is concerned with fundamental AUV motion control problems and attempts to address the aforementioned challenges and provide novel solutions. This dissertation proceeds with Chapter 1 by providing state-of-the-art introductions to related research areas. The mathematical model used for the AUV motion control is elaborated in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, we consider the AUV navigation and control problem in constrained workspace. A unified receding horizon optimization framework consisting of the dynamic path planning and the nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) tracking control is developed. Although the NMPC tracking controller well accommodates the practical constraints on the AUV system, it presents a brand new design philosophy compared with the existing control systems that are implemented on real AUVs. Since the existing AUV control systems are reliable controllers, AUV practitioners tend not to fully replace them but to improve the control performance by adding features. By considering this, in Chapter 4, we develop the Lyapunov-based model predictive control (LMPC) scheme which builds on the existing AUV control system and invoke online optimization to improve the control performance. Chapter 5 focuses on the path following (PF) problem. Unlike the trajectory tracking control which equally emphasizes the spatial and temporal control objectives, the PF control often prioritizes the path convergence over the speed assignment. To incorporate this objective prioritization into the controller design, a novel multi-objective model predictive control (MOMPC) scheme is developed. While the MPC technique provides several salient features (e.g., optimality, constraints handling, objective prioritization, robustness, etc.), those features come at a price: a computational bottleneck is formed by the heavy burden of solving online optimizations in real time. To explicitly address this issue, in Chapter 6, the computational complexity of the MPC algorithms is particularly emphasized. Two novel strategies which potentially alleviate the computational burden of the MPC-based AUV tracking control are proposed. In Chapter 7, some conclusive remarks are provided and a few avenues for future research are identified. / Graduate

Graph coloring and graph convexity / ColoraÃÃo em convexidade em grafos / Graph Coloring and Graph Convexity

JÃlio CÃsar Silva AraÃjo 13 September 2012 (has links)
MinistÃre de l'Enseignement SupÃrieur et de la Recherche / Nesta tese, estudamos vÃrios problemas de teoria dos grafos relativos à coloraÃÃo e convexidade em grafos. A maioria dos resultados contidos aqui sÃo ligados à complexidade computacional destes problemas para classes de grafos particulares. Na primeira, e principal, parte desta tese, discutimos coloraÃÃo de grafos que à uma das Ãreas mais importantes de teoria dos grafos. Primeiro, consideramos trÃs problemas de coloraÃÃo chamados coloraÃÃo gulosa, coloraÃÃo ponderada e coloraÃÃo ponderada imprÃpria. Em seguida, discutimos um problema de decisÃo, chamado boa rotulagem de arestas, cuja definiÃÃo foi motivada pelo problema de atribuiÃÃo de frequÃncias em redes Ãticas. A segunda parte desta tese à dedicada a um parÃmetro de otimizaÃÃo em grafos chamado de nÃmero de fecho (geodÃtico). A definiÃÃo deste parÃmetro à motivada pela extensÃo das noÃÃes de conjuntos e fecho convexos no espaÃo Euclidiano. Por m, apresentamos em anexo outros trabalhos desenvolvidos durante esta tese, um em hipergrafos dirigidos Eulerianos e Hamiltonianos e outro sobre sistemas de armazenamento distribuÃdo. / In this thesis, we study several problems of Graph Theory concerning Graph Coloring and Graph Convexity. Most of the results contained here are related to the computational complexity of these problems for particular graph classes. In the first and main part of this thesis, we deal with Graph Coloring which is one of the most studied areas of Graph Theory. We first consider three graph coloring problems called Greedy Coloring, Weighted Coloring and Weighted Improper Coloring. Then, we deal with a decision problem, called Good Edge-Labeling, whose definition was motivated by the Wavelength Assignment problem in optical networks. The second part of this thesis is devoted to a graph optimization parameter called (geodetic) hull number. The definition of this parameter is motivated by an extension to graphs of the notions of convex sets and convex hulls in the Euclidean space. Finally, we present in the appendix other works developed during this thesis, one about Eulerian and Hamiltonian directed hypergraphs and the other concerning distributed storage systems.

Construíndo diálogos: complexidade e emergência em processos de design / Constructing dialogues: emergence and complexity in design processes

Cynthia Nojimoto 28 November 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga processos de design de objetos que surgem da intersecção entre o mundo físico e o meio digital a partir de construção teórica pautada em conceitos presentes na Cibernética, na Teoria Geral dos Sistemas e no contemporâneo campo dos sistemas complexos. Considerando que tais objetos apresentam algumas peculiaridades inerentes da associação entre a instância física e digital, a hipótese desta pesquisa é, portanto, que os processos de design são sistemas complexos que devem ser analisados por uma abordagem sistêmica e holística para formulação de proposições que possam incorporar complexidade e estimular fenômenos emergentes nos processos de design. Assim, a pesquisa possui como objetivos entender em que aspectos os processos de design de tais objetos podem ser considerados como sistemas complexos; estabelecer relações sistêmicas ao longo do processo; compreender como os atores dialogam entre si, considerando que possuem distintos conhecimentos específicos, experiências e visões de mundo; e refletir sobre o uso do meio digital para o diálogo entre os atores e também como meio instrumental no processo. Para atingir esses objetivos, além de reflexão teórica, a pesquisa alimenta-se de fontes primárias através de entrevistas e visitas a centros de pesquisa, institutos e escritórios que trabalham na interseção de instâncias físicas e digitais, que, associadas aos experimentos realizados, fornecem uma visão ampliada dos processos de design para o desenvolvimento de uma reflexão propositiva. / This research investigates design processes of products that are created from the intersection between physical and digital world, according to theoretical framework basing on concepts from Cybernetics, General System Theory and contemporary complex systems approach. Considering that such products involve some peculiarities regarded to the association between physical and digital instance, the hypothesis of this research is, therefore, that design processes are complex systems that must be analyzed by a systemic and holistic perspective to formulate propositions embracing the complexity and stimulating the emergence in design processes with the support of digital technologies. Thus, the research aims to explore what circumstances design processes can be considered as complex system; establish systemic relationships throughout the process; understand how the actors interact with each other, considering they have different expertise, experiences, worldviews; and reflect on the use of digital media for dialogue between the actors and as instrument in the process. To achieve these objectives, in addition to theoretical analysis, the research seeks to understand design processes from primary sources through interviewing and visiting research centers, institutes and offices that work in the intersection of physical and digital instances, that, associated with the experiments conducted in this research, provide comprehensive view about the subject of study in order to develop propositions for design processes.

Complexidade e improvisação em arquitetura / Complexity and improvisation in architecture

Bruno Massara Rocha 21 May 2015 (has links)
A complexidade é um tema da maior relevância nos estudos contemporâneos. Inúmeros autores dedicados a estudar as estruturas de organização social, os modos de vida e os sistemas de valor nas sociedades hipermodernas destacam sua condição extremamente heterogênea e mutável. No campo da arquitetura, contextos de complexidade vêm impondo limites severos às abordagens projetuais deterministas, centralizadoras e hierárquicas, demandando dos arquitetos uma revisão profunda nos seus métodos de pensamento e ação. Problemas complexos se caracterizam pela imprevisibilidade de seus elementos causais, pela sua metamorfose diante do esforço em resolvê-los e pela ausência de soluções de referência válidas e diretamente aplicáveis. Eles demandam dos arquitetos habilidades cognitivas e operativas diferenciadas, que potencializem: a emergência criativa, a adaptação constante, a integração com outras inteligências coletivas e um vínculo direto com a ação transformadora. Pode-se afirmar que a identidade da inteligência projetual contemporânea vem sendo redefinida por novas aberturas em seus processos criativos que buscam meios para associar termos como a indeterminação, a inovação e a interatividade. Esta tese considera que um dos caminhos para essa associação pode ser encontrado nos processos de improvisação. A improvisação, analisada a partir do campo da arte, configura um modo de pensar e agir com grande potencial de articulação coletiva e um vínculo direto com a ação criativa em tempo real. Trata-se de um processo de caráter essencialmente experimental, capaz de despertar inúmeras sensibilidades criativas fundamentais para o enfrentamento da complexa realidade dos problemas de projeto. Além de oferecer um rico repertório de estratégias cognitivas para a articulação e o desenvolvimento de ideias, o conceito de improvisação permite traçar um olhar integrado sobre um conjunto emergente de práticas projetuais contemporâneas que, apoiadas nos princípios do código livre, vêm definindo um campo de ação projetual ainda pouco explorado e analisado, que compreende, por exemplo, o Open Design, os Makerspaces, FabLabs, Hackerspaces e as redes de arquitetura coletivas. Na base destes movimentos encontra-se todo um envolvimento com as linguagens eletrônicas, diversas modalidades de computação e uma infraestrutura sistêmica de redes digitais que, hoje, podem ser consideradas os motores da experimentação e da improvisação criativa. Esta pesquisa apresenta, dentre seus objetivos principais: uma leitura crítica e epistemológica das relações entre improvisação e arquitetura, uma proposta de reflexão dos atributos da improvisação frente ao processo de projeto, em suas dimensões operativas e cognitivas, e uma discussão dos resultados práticos das jamsessions criativas, eventos concebidos como laboratórios de reflexão-em-ação. Busca-se, desse modo, contribuir não apenas para uma revisão da noção de improvisação na arquitetura, mas também para uma revisão da própria episteme projetual em tempos complexos. / Complexity is a subject of major relevance in contemporary studies. Hypermodern societies have extremely heterogeneous and changeable social structures, lifestyles and values systems. According several authors, the complexity of current environments have been shaping rigorous limits to deterministic, centralized and hierarchical design approaches. Its dynamic condition demands a revision process in contemporary design methods of thinking and action. Complex problems can be recognized through unpredictable causal factors, metamorphic variability over time and lack of immediate valid and applicable design solutions. These sort of problems request the architect distinctive operational and cognitive skill, such creative emergence, continued adaptation, integration with collective intelligence and direct link with transformative real time actions. The identity of contemporary practice is changing and being redefined by a growing openness in its creative processes. Indetermination, innovation and interaction are terms that must be reflected in connection. In this research we consider improvisation as an alternative to associate these term and suggest possible implications in contemporary design process. Improvisation is a reflection-in-action tactic with great potential for collective thinking and real-time creative experience. It is essentially experimental and engender important creative sensibilities oriented to complex situations. The conceptual analysis of improvisation enables the construction of a congruent systemic view dedicated to emerging practices. Examples such Open Design movement, Maker Spaces, Fab Labs, Hacker Spaces and Collective Architecture Network have a common operational structure governed by open source principles and applied in the real world. They have been involved with very experimental processes of digital technology innovation which embraces improvised reflection-in-action. New computing techniques, electronic language and digital networks are reshaping design process and creating new values and new attributes to architecture. The intentions of this research are to offer a connected reading between improvisation and contemporary design processes, to present a operative and cognitive approach of idiomatic improvisation, to expose the potential of these attributes in the context of architecture practice, and present practical results from a series of design jamsessions based on the articulation of improvisation techniques and physical computing. These reflections are expected to provide elements for a necessary review in the relation of improvisation and architecture thinking, and also contribute to rethink the epistemic direction of architecture in complex times.

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