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Algorithmes génériques en temps constant pour la résolution de problèmes combinatoires dans la classe des rotagraphes et fasciagraphes. Application aux codes identifiants, dominants-localisateurs et dominants-total-localisateurs / Constant time generic algorithms for resolution of combinatorial optimization problems in the class of rotagraphs and fasciagraphs. Application to identifying codes, locating-dominating set and locating-total-dominating set.Bouznif, Marwane 04 July 2012 (has links)
Un fasciagraphe de taille n et de fibre F est constitué de n copies consécutives du graphe F, chaque copie étant reliée à la suivante selon le même schéma. Les rotagraphes sont définis similairement, mais selon une structure circulaire. Dans cette thèse nous caractérisons un ensemble de problèmes combinatoires qui peuvent être résolus de façon efficace dans la classe des fasciagraphes et rotagraphes. Dans ce contexte, nous définissons les (d,q,w)-propriétés closes et stables, et présentons pour de telles propriétés un algorithme pour calculer une solution optimale en temps constant pour l'ensemble des fasciagraphes ou rotagraphes de fibre fixée. Nous montrons que plusieurs problèmes communément étudiés dans la théorie des graphes et NP-complets dans le cas général sont caractérisés par des (d,q,w)-propriétés closes ou stables. Dans une seconde partie de la thèse, nous adaptons cet algorithme générique à trois problèmes spécifiques caractérisés par des (d,q,w)-propriétés stables : le problème du code identifiant minimum, et deux problèmes proches, celui de dominant-localisateur minimum et celui du dominant-total-localisateur minimum. Nous présentons alors une implémentation de l'algorithme qui nous a permis de répondre à des questions ouvertes dans certains rotagraphes particuliers : les bandes circulaires de hauteur bornée. Nous en déduisons d'autres résultats sur les bandes infinies de hauteur bornée. Enfin, nous explorons le problème du code identifiant dans une autre classe de graphes à structure répétitive : les graphes fractals de cycle. / A fasciagraph of length n and of fiber F, is constituted of n consecutive copies of a graph F, each copy being linked to the next one according to a same scheme. Rotagraphs are defines similarily, but along a circular structure. In this thesis, we caracterize a set of combinatorial problems that can be efficiently solved when applied on the class of rotagraphs and fasciagraphs. In this context, we define closed and stable (d,q,w)-properties, and we present, for such properties, an algorithm to compute an optimal solution, in constant time, for the set of fasciagraphs or rotagraphs of fixed fiber. We show that several problems, largely studied in graph theory, are caracterized by closed or stable (d,q,w)-properties. In a second part of the thesis, we adapt the generic algorithm to three problems caracterized by stable (d,q,w)-properties : the problem of minimum indentifying code, and two other, close to this one, the problem of minimum locating-dominating set et the one of minimum locating-total-dominating set. We present an implementation of our algorithm which has let us respond to open questions in a certain sub-class of rotagraphs : the circular strips of bounded height. We deduce from there other results on infinite strips of bounded height. Finaly we explore the problem of minimum identifying code in another class of graphs with repetitive structure : the fractal graphs.
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Les automates cellulaires en tant que modèle de complexités parallèles / Cellular automata as a model of parallel complexitiesMeunier, Pierre-Etienne 26 October 2012 (has links)
The intended goal of this manuscript is to build bridges between two definitions of complexity. One of them, called the algorithmic complexity is well-known to any computer scientist as the difficulty of performing some task such as sorting or optimizing the outcome of some system. The other one, etymologically closer from the word "complexity" is about what happens when many parts of a system are interacting together. Just as cells in a living body, producers and consumers in some non-planned economies or mathematicians exchanging ideas to prove theorems. On the algorithmic side, the main objects that we are going to use are two models of computations, one called communication protocols, and the other one circuits. Communication protocols are found everywhere in our world, they are the basic stone of almost any human collaboration and achievement. The definition we are going to use of communication reflects exactly this idea of collaboration. Our other model, circuits, are basically combinations of logical gates put together with electrical wires carrying binary values, They are ubiquitous in our everyday life, they are how computers compute, how cell phones make calls, yet the most basic questions about them remain widely open, how to build the most efficient circuits computing a given function, How to prove that some function does not have a circuit of a given size, For all but the most basic computations, the question of whether they can be computed by a very small circuit is still open. On the other hand, our main object of study, cellular automata, is a prototype of our second definition of complexity. What "does" a cellular automaton is exactly this definition, making simple agents evolve with interaction with a small neighborhood. The theory of cellular automata is related to other fields of mathematics�� such as dynamical systems, symbolic dynamics, and topology. Several uses of cellular automata have been suggested, ranging from the simple application of them as a model of other biological or physical phenomena, to the more general study in the theory of computation. / The intended goal of this manuscript is to build bridges between two definitions of complexity. One of them, called the algorithmic complexity is well-known to any computer scientist as the difficulty of performing some task such as sorting or optimizing the outcome of some system. The other one, etymologically closer from the word "complexity" is about what happens when many parts of a system are interacting together. Just as cells in a living body, producers and consumers in some non-planned economies or mathematicians exchanging ideas to prove theorems. On the algorithmic side, the main objects that we are going to use are two models of computations, one called communication protocols, and the other one circuits. Communication protocols are found everywhere in our world, they are the basic stone of almost any human collaboration and achievement. The definition we are going to use of communication reflects exactly this idea of collaboration. Our other model, circuits, are basically combinations of logical gates put together with electrical wires carrying binary values, They are ubiquitous in our everyday life, they are how computers compute, how cell phones make calls, yet the most basic questions about them remain widely open, how to build the most efficient circuits computing a given function, How to prove that some function does not have a circuit of a given size, For all but the most basic computations, the question of whether they can be computed by a very small circuit is still open. On the other hand, our main object of study, cellular automata, is a prototype of our second definition of complexity. What "does" a cellular automaton is exactly this definition, making simple agents evolve with interaction with a small neighborhood. The theory of cellular automata is related to other fields of mathematics, such as dynamical systems, symbolic dynamics, and topology. Several uses of cellular automata have been suggested, ranging from the simple application of them as a model of other biological or physical phenomena, to the more general study in the theory of computation.
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Le territoire-étagé : un outil d'ingénierie pour agir sur la vulnérabilité des espaces métapolitains / The territoire-étagé : a proposal for taking into account vulnerability in metapolitain areasGuézo, Bernard 19 December 2012 (has links)
Si l'Ingénieur s'efforce de coordonner sur les territoires les deux facettes de son activité : d'un côté la gestion des fonctions urbaines, de l'autre celle des risques, il hésite à se démarquer de celles-ci comme il le devrait, pour affronter la complexité spatiale. Or notre pratique des espaces urbanisés comme notre engagement dans la prévention des risques montrent que la complexité se manifeste à lui, tant dans la réalisation des projets que dans la survenue des catastrophes. En proposant un outil d'analyse spatiale : le territoire-étagé, en le dotant d'une fonction - le monitorage - nous proposons une voie qui permette à l'ingénierie d'anticiper du plus possible le développement de processus dommageables. En permettant une plus grande compréhension des mécanismes à l'œuvre au sein des espaces métapolitains [Ascher, 1995], l'ingénierie du territoire-étagé offre la possibilité d'agir en retour sur les pratiques de gestion pour espérer réduire, par la résilience, les perturbations ou leurs effets de différentes natures et intensités. / If the Engineer tries to coordonnate the two facets of its activities : on one hand the management of urban functions, on the other hand the management of the risk, he hesitates to escape of these to tackle with complexity as he should do. Meanwhile, our experiment of urban areas as well as our action in the management of prevention show complexity appear in the carrying out of projects and in disasters. By proposing a tool to analyse urban areas : the « territoire-étagé », by using it as monitoring tool, we open a way to allow engineers to anticipate as soon as possible the development of damaging processes. By allowing a better understanding mechanisms into metapolitan areas [Ascher, 1995], the engineering of « territoire-étagé » gives the possibility feed-back on management practices to expect reduce, by resilience, the perturbations or the effects of various nature and intensity.
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La prise en compte de la diversité des acteurs dans un processus de tourisme durable. / The taking into account of the diversity of stakeholders in a sustainable tourism processArcuset, Laurent 10 October 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche-action est consacrée au développement durable appliqué au tourisme. Elle débute par l'analyse des textes fondamentaux pour connaître l'essence même de la durabilité. Elle se poursuit par l'analyse de la prise en compte du concept par les acteurs liés au tourisme. Elle se termine par des préconisations opérationnelles pour faciliter l'application du concept, en s'appuyant sur des expériences variées, menées au sein de territoires, d'entreprises et de formations. Cette recherche nous a semblé utile car nous sommes conscients de l'aggravation des problèmes environnementaux et sociaux de la planète, et de la part de responsabilité du tourisme. Nous avons observé, en 15 ans d'expériences, que des acteurs œuvrent en faveur de nouvelles formes de tourisme, moins prédatrices pour l'environnement, plus performantes socialement. Malheureusement ces initiatives sont souvent fragiles, marginales et marginalisées. Les raisons sont multiples. La plus fondamentale à nos yeux est le manque de savoir-faire pour qu'elles deviennent significatives. Celui-ci impose un changement de culture et de pratiques et l'application de valeurs universelles au service de la stimulation et de l'autonomie, dans une logique de coopération généralisée. L'économie n'est pas oubliée dans cette recherche. Aujourd'hui, le tourisme en France perd en compétitivité, en se basant sur des standards et des normes engendrant une concurrence effrénée entre les destinations et les entreprises. Il convient de changer de modèle pour favoriser une offre territorialement intégrée, diffuse, diversifiée, créative, inspirée, innovante, reposant sur des valeurs, une offre capable de répondre aux attentes des touristes et des citoyens. / This action research is focused on the concept of sustainable development applied to tourism. It starts with an analysis of fundamental texts in order to know the essence of sustainability. It goes on analysing the taking into account of this concept by the tourism-concerned stakeholders. It ends with operational recommendations in order to facilitate the appropriation and application of this concept, relying on various experiments taken within territories, businesses and training courses. This research sounded useful, for we are aware of the worsening of environmental and social problems on the planet and of the part of responsibility taken by the tourism activity. It seemed useful, since we have observed, over 15 years experience that stakeholders work to develop new forms of tourism, less predatory for environment and socially more performing. Unluckily, those initiatives often remain fragile, marginal and marginalised. The reasons are varied. The most fundamental one for us is a lack of know-how in making them stronger, more numerous, more significant. This know-how implies a change in culture and practices, and the application of values linked to universalism, at the service of stimulation and autonomy, in a generalized logic of cooperation. Economy is not left aside in this research. Today, tourism in France is losing in competitiveness, basing itself on standards and norms, therefore generating a frenetic concurrence between destinations and businesses. It is time to change the development model in order to favour a diffuse, diversified, creative and inspired offer relying on values and territorial resources, able to respond to both tourists and citizens expectations.STAR
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High-multiplicity Scheduling and Packing Problems : Theory and Applications / Ordonnancement en high-multiplicity et applications : théorie et applicationsGabay, Michael 20 October 2014 (has links)
L'encodage High-Multiplicity est un encodage naturel des données consistant, en ordonnancement, à réunir les tâches similaires et, pour chaque type, décrire les caractéristiques d'une seule tâche et le nombre de tâches de ce type. Cet encodage est très compact et lorsqu'il est considéré, pose de nombreux problème pour analyser la complexités des problèmes considérés. L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des techniques permettant de traiter les problèmes high-multiplicity. Nous exposons celles-ci à travers divers exemples. Nous étudions le problème d'ordonnancement high-multiplicity avec indisponibilités des opérateurs et montrons que celui-ci est polynomial lorsque le nombre de type de tâches est supérieur au nombre d'instants d'indisponibilités. Nous étudions les problème d'ordonnancement de tâches couplées identiques et montrons sur ce problème de nombreuses difficultés majeures de l'ordonnancement high-multiplicity. Nous améliorons les meilleures bornes supérieures et inférieures sur le problème de bin stretching. Nous étudions le problème de vector packing avec des récipients hétérogènes et proposons des heuristiques pour celui-ci. Enfin, nous proposons un algorithme de réduction très général pour les problèmes de placement d'objets. Cet algorithme peut être appliqué en temps polynomial en le nombre de type d'objets et de récipients. / High-Multiplicity encoding is a natural encoding of data. In scheduling, it simply consists in stating once the characteristics of each type of tasks and the number of tasks of this type. This encoding is very compact and natural but it is generally supposed in scheduling that all tasks are specified separately. High-Multiplicity scheduling, when considered, raises many complexity issues because of the small input size. The aim of this thesis is to provide insights on how to cope with high-multiplicity scheduling problems. We also seek to contribute to scheduling and packing in general. We expose different techniques and approaches and use them to solve specific scheduling and packing problems. We study the high-multiplicity single machine scheduling problem with forbidden start and completion times and show that this problem is polynomial with large diversity instances. We present the identical coupled-task scheduling problem and display many difficulties and issues occurring in high-multiplicity scheduling on this problem. We improve the best upper and lower bounds on the bin stretching problem. We study the vector packing problems with heterogeneous bins and propose heuristics for this problem. Finally, we present a general reduction algorithm for packing problems which can be applied in polynomial time, even with high-multiplicity encoding of the input.
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A narrativa e a construção do conhecimento histórico / The narrative and the construction of historical knowledgeDaniela Molina 01 December 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho discute o potencial da narrativa no processo de construção do conhecimento, sobretudo do conhecimento histórico. O caráter narrativista da História demonstra que desde sua origem o conhecimento histórico já estava associado à ideia de narrativa e os desdobramentos dessa associação são aqui discutidos. Tendo como princípio que o processo de construção do conhecimento se efetiva dentro de uma rede de relações, a presente dissertação analisa de que modo o saber narrativo pode contribuir para redimensionar o conhecimento sobre o passado a fim de que esse conhecimento possa fazer sentido na vida dos sujeitos. Ancorado na teoria da complexidade, no paradigma indiciário e na ideia de rede do conhecimento, busca-se discutir as relações entre o saber narrativo e a educação, destacando alguns estudos realizados nessa área, sobretudo, os do psicólogo norte-americano Jerome Bruner, que analisa a narrativa sob o aspecto do desenvolvimento cognitivo e discute o papel que ela assumiu na evolução da cultura humana. Como exercício de reflexão sobre o papel da narrativa na construção do conhecimento, o filme Narradores de Javé (2003) é aqui utilizado. / This paper discusses the potential of narrative in the process of knowledge construction, especially of historical knowledge. The narrativist character of history shows that from its origin the historical knowledge was already associated with the idea of narrative and the consequences of this association are discussed here. Based on the principle that the process of knowledge construction is effective within a network of relationships, this dissertation examines how narrative knowledge can contribute to resize the knowledge about the past so that this knowledge may make sense in peoples lives. Anchored on complexity theory, on the evidential paradigm and on the idea of knowledge network we seek to understand the relationships between narrative knowledge and education, highlighting some studies in this area, especially those of the American psychologist Jerome Bruner, who analyzes the narrative from the standpoint of cognitive development and discusses the role it has assumed in the evolution of human culture. As an exercise of reflection on the role of narrative in the construction of knowledge the movie Narradores de Javé (2003) is used here.
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Redimensionando a noção de aprendizagem nas relações entre perfil conceitual e contexto: uma abordagem sócio-cultural-histórica / Reframing learning in the relationship between conceptual profile and context: a socio-cultural-historical approachAndre Machado Rodrigues 01 December 2009 (has links)
Nesta dissertação apresentamos um estudo teórico que visa, a partir de uma perspectiva sócio-cultural-histórica, rever o modelo cognitivo de perfil conceitual inserindo em sua estrutura a noção de contexto. Para realizar esta conciliação teórica entre perfil conceitual e contexto, nos utilizamos da teoria da atividade e dos ferramentais teóricos que ela dispõe para entender o uso e a formação de conceitos. A teoria criada por Vigotski e posteriormente desenvolvida por Leontiev e Engeström somada a princípios de sistemas complexos, nos ajudarão na busca por uma compreensão mais ampla do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Como indício empírico, utilizamos um questionário aplicado a estudantes do ensino médio em que eram perguntados em diferentes disciplinas sobre o conceito de energia. Este questionário tem por intenção indicar a dependência entre o conceito e as diversas disciplinas, em outras palavras, entre o perfil conceitual e os diversos micro-contextos, fornecendo elementos para repensar as questões metodológicas que envolvem a medição e construção tanto do perfil conceitual, quanto do contexto. Outro indício empírico que utilizamos foi a gravação em vídeo de uma aula de física, em que a análise possibilitou evidenciar os processos dinâmicos da atividade, o papel da negociação e suas relações com o contexto. Neste sentido, tornamos intrínseco ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem uma dinâmica peculiar que alterna entre a internalização de conceitos e a tomada de consciência dos mesmos. Esta dinâmica foi caracterizada em três níveis qualitativamente distintos: primeira ordem de aprendizagem; segunda ordem de aprendizagem e terceira ordem de aprendizagem. Estes três níveis funcionam como marcadores da dinâmica do processo de ensino-aprendizagem e podem ser ferramentas de avaliação do desenvolvimento da atividade e norteador das ações pedagógicas. / In this thesis we present a theoretical study aimed at, from a socio-cultural-historical approach, the cognitive model of conceptual profile inserting in its structure the notion of context. To accomplish this reconciliation between theoretical conceptual profile and context, we use activity theory and theoretical tools that it has to understand the use and formation of concept. The theory created by Vygotsky and Leont\"ev further developed by Engeström and added to the principles of complex systems, will help us in the search for a broader understanding of the teaching-learning process. As empirical evidence, we used a questionnaire administered to high school students that were asked in different disciplines about the concept of energy. This questionnaire is intended to indicate the dependency between the concept and the various disciplines, in other words, between the conceptual profile and various micro-contexts, providing information to rethink the methodological issues surrounding the measurement and construction of both the conceptual profile, as context. Other empirical evidence we used was the video recording of a physics class, where the analysis made it possible to reveal the dynamic processes of activity, the role of negotiation and its relations with the context. In this sense, become intrinsic to the teaching-learning process a peculiar dynamic that alternates between the internalization of concepts and conscious awareness. This dynamic has been characterized in three qualitatively distinct levels: first order learning, second order learning and third-order learning. These three levels act as markers of the dynamics of the teaching-learning process and can be tools for assessing activity performance and guiding the pedagogical actions.
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Jogos e brincadeiras na cultura escolar: uma perspectiva complexa e sistêmica da prática musical em escola de São PauloMiranda, Paulo César Cardozo de [UNESP] 22 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
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miranda_pcc_me_ia.pdf: 2750242 bytes, checksum: b1371a1c2f80c58ffa30f651ba364513 (MD5) / Em virtude da Lei nº 11.769/2008, que dispõe sobre a obrigatoriedade do ensino da Música na Educação Básica, foram observadas lacunas de pesquisas em relação aos conhecimentos atuais para atender as demandas didáticas nesse nível pedagógico. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo visou verificar e registrar a existência da música, dos jogos e brincadeiras musicais da tradição na cultura da escola estudada. Objetivou, por outro viés, localizar um aspecto da vida social, representado pelo jogo e a brincadeira musicais, considerados como tema da educação musical, da educação geral e de estudos sociais. Pretendeu, além disso, analisar a viabilidade de sua utilização em aulas de Educação Musical e Arte-Educação, no ensino fundamental. Devido às múltiplas propostas inseridas no interior da temática, surgidas ao se trabalhar com a cultura popular, adotou-se como ponto de partida as relações de complexidade existentes no objeto a ser pesquisado. O estudo destas relações foi embasado no pensamento sistêmico, na teoria da complexidade aplicada à Educação e fundamentou-se, também, metodologicamente, em autores da área das Ciências Sociais, o que resultou em um estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa realizada junto ao corpo discente de uma escola pública de ensino fundamental II, na cidade de São Paulo. Realizaram-se levantamento e registro, por meio de entrevistas, caderno de campo, questionários e gravações em vídeo. Ao final da investigação, analisou-se o material recolhido relativo ao tema da pesquisa, além de outros, conexos ou transversais com os seguintes resultados: os jogos e brincadeiras musicais e a educação musical se imbricam em questões técnicas musicais criadas pela ação de jogar e brincar, na sensibilização pela música, por meio dos elementos de natureza social e relacionados com o... / student body from a public school in basic education II, in the city of Sao Paulo. The study aimed to verify the existence of traditional music, musical ludic activities and frolics, as well as to deepen its investigation and register its presence in the culture of the studied school, in case it was, indeed, present. Furthermore, it aimed to locate an aspect of social life, which is musical ludic activity and frolic, considered a matter of music education, education and social studies. It intended to analyze the feasibility of its use in Music Education and Art Education classes in primary school. Due to the multiple proposals contained within the theme, encountered when working with popular culture, the complex relations that exist within the object of research were adopted as a starting point. The study of these relations was grounded in Maturana’s systems thinking (1998, 2001), Maturana; Verden-Zöller (2004) and in the complexity theory applied to Education, as it is presented in Edgard Morin’s proposal (2011a, 2011b). It was also based, methodologically, in Fernandes (1979), Cândido (1975) and Magnani (1998), amongst others, in the Social Sciences area. Surveys and records were made, through interviews, field notes, questionnaires and video recordings. At the end of the study, the collected material and the content related to the research topic, in addition to others, connected or transverse, were analyzed. It was established that the study proposals achieved their goals. It is intended to forward the prepared material... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
1169 |
A gestão da complexidade do trabalho do coletor de lixo e a economia do corpoVasconcelos, Renata Campos 29 June 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-06-29 / The present study had the objectives to present the characteristics of a complex work,
to demonstrate the management of these elements in the everyday job, besides relating this
management with the social use of own s body in labor. To achieve these objectives, we
studied the case of the domiciliar garbage collectors (garis), in a region of Belo Horizonte,
Brazil. This thesis was divided in six chapters, to corroborate the hypothesis that the art of the
worker to deal with the complexity of his/her job is the element that propitiates the regulation
of workload. Therefore, this regulation can be limited by the personal characteristics of the
workers and also for their job, introducing the notion of body economy . This thesis
presented the refuse collector s job, the term regulation was differentiated from the term
body economy , and some aspects of a complex work were described. The methodology of
the Ergonomic Work Analysis (EWA) and some of its techniques were used to get the data.
Some of the corporal techniques employed by the refuse collectors in their work were
presented and analyzed, according to the complexity of their daily work. The management of
the various characteristics of refuse domiciliary refuse collection was demonstrated and, in the
thesis discussion was related to body economy . The notion of body economy was
deepened, demonstrating the characteristics of the work that make it possible or difficultate
the regulation of the workload. Finally, questions for new researches have been raised, and
suggested some ergonomics recommendations to improve the conditions of the collectors
work. We suggest to the professionals who auto-intitulate ergonomists , should understand
the reality of subjects work, before prescribing postures and movements that they consider
correct or ideal / O presente estudo teve os objetivos de apresentar as características de um trabalho
complexo, demonstrar a gestão de tais elementos no cotidiano do trabalho, e relacionar esta
gestão com o uso social que se faz do corpo em trabalho. Para isso, estudou-se o caso dos
coletores de lixo domiciliar (garis), em uma região da cidade de Belo Horizonte. Esta tese foi
dividida em seis capítulos, a fim de corroborar a hipótese de que a arte do trabalhador para
lidar com a complexidade de seu trabalho é o elemento que propicia a regulação da sua carga
de trabalho. Entretanto, esta regulação pode ser limitada pelas características dos próprios
trabalhadores e também de seu trabalho, o que introduz a noção de economia do corpo .
Nesta tese apresentou-se o trabalho dos garis, o termo regulação foi diferenciado do termo
economia do corpo , e foram descritos certos aspectos de um trabalho complexo. A
metodologia da Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho (AET) e algumas de suas técnicas foram
utilizadas na coleta de dados. Algumas das técnicas corporais empregadas pelos garis no
trabalho foram apresentadas e analisadas conforme a complexidade de seu cotidiano. A gestão
das diversas variabilidades características do trabalho de coleta de lixo domiciliar foi
demonstrada e, na Discussão da tese, foi relacionada à economia do corpo. A noção de
economia do corpo foi aprofundada, demonstrando as características do trabalho que
possibilitam ou dificultam a regulação da carga de trabalho. Por fim, foram levantadas
questões para novas pesquisas, e sugeridas algumas recomendações ergonômicas para
melhorar as condições de trabalho dos garis. Sugere-se aos profissionais que se dizem
ergonomistas, procurarem compreender a realidade do trabalho dos sujeitos, antes de
prescreverem posturas e movimentos que consideram corretos ou ideais
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Material aderido à macrófitas aquáticas submersas enraizadas com arquiteturas de ramo distintas e em diferentes tipos de água / Attached material on rooted submerged aquatic macrophytes with distinct branch architectures and in different types of waterSilveira, Aline Flores [UNESP] 15 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Flores Silveira null (fsaline@hotmail.com) on 2018-02-28T17:46:28Z
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Versão final_Aline Flores _Silveira_Mestrado.pdf: 1033383 bytes, checksum: 0348b6e859d4559a1fc2c3b3d311cc7c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Santulo Custódio de Medeiros null (asantulo@rc.unesp.br) on 2018-03-01T11:49:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
silveira_af_me_rcla.pdf: 1031556 bytes, checksum: 27cd24178827289f17b4d42db2e285d4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-01T11:49:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
silveira_af_me_rcla.pdf: 1031556 bytes, checksum: 27cd24178827289f17b4d42db2e285d4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-02-15 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Uma forma de compreender e caracterizar a importância ecológica das macrófitas aquáticas é através do delineamento das diferenças morfológicas das plantas e da quantificação de sua complexidade. As macrófitas podem atuar como estruturas retentoras de partículas em suspensão controlando a quantidade de material em suspensão na água, além de servirem como substrato para a colonização e crescimento do perifíton. Neste estudo foram utilizadas duas macrófitas aquáticas: Cabomba furcata Schult. & Schult. e Egeria densa Planch, encontradas na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Itanhaém. O objetivo geral foi avaliar se a capacidade de retenção de material varia entre macrófitas aquáticas com arquitetura de ramo distintas e se há variação na capacidade de retenção de material de C. furcata em rios com características limnológicas distintas. A coleta foi realizada em duas áreas no Rio Branco (A e B) e uma área no Rio Preto (C). Amostras de água e sedimento foram coletadas para análises limnológicas. Ramos de C. furcata e E.densa no Rio Branco e ramos de C. furcata no rio Preto foram coletados para a descrição de sua arquitetura e para a quantificação do material aderido. Em laboratório foram realizadas análises das variáveis limnológicas e do conteúdo de nitrogênio e fósforo total na biomassa das macrófitas e no material aderido. Para a caracterização ambiental das áreas de coleta, foram comparados os resultados das variáveis limnológicas medidas em cada área estudada. Para testar a diferença significativa entre as áreas A e C, foi aplicado o teste-t (p<0,05) às variáveis limnológicas. O teste Mann-Whitney foi aplicado às variáveis de C. furcata, E. densa e às variáveis do material aderido coletadas no Rio Branco. O mesmo teste foi utilizado para a comparação entre C. furcata e material aderido em rios distintos. Os valores das variáveis limnológicas do Rio Branco foram similares nas áreas A e B. A quantidade de material em suspensão na água foi maior (p<0,001) no Rio Branco quando comparado ao Rio Preto. Porém, a matéria orgânica contida no sedimento do Rio Branco foi menor (p: 0,005) do que a contida no sedimento do Rio Preto. Por outro lado, os teores de nitrogênio e fósforo total da água e do sedimento não apresentaram diferença significativa. C. furcata e E.densa apresentaram diferenças na arquitetura do ramo (p<0,05), indicando uma maior complexidade do ramo para C. furcata. C. furcata de rios distintos apresentou pequenas variações na sua morfologia. Apesar da C. furcata apresentar maior área total do ramo do que E. densa, a quantidade de material aderido por ramo de C. furcata foi menor (p: 0,001). A quantidade de material aderido à C. furcata no Rio Branco foi menor (p:0,0251) do que à C. furcata no Rio Preto. De modo geral, a quantidade de material aderido às macrófitas em ambientes lóticos pode ser positiva, negativa ou neutra às macrófitas e pode estar associada à complexidade da arquitetura do ramo desses organismos. Todavia, neste estudo a relação entre as espécies de macrófitas aquáticas avaliadas e o material aderido é neutra. Desta maneira, essas espécies podem ser consideradas apenas como um substrato para o acúmulo de material aderido, pois não foram encontradas relações positivas ou negativas com esse material. / One way to understand and characterize the ecological importance of aquatic macrophytes is to delineate the morphological differences of plants and quantify its complexity. Aquatic macrophytes can act as suspended particulate retentive structures by controlling the amount of suspended material on the water and serve as a substrate for the colonization and growth of the periphyton. Two aquatic macrophytes were used in this study: Cabomba furcata Schult. & Schult. and Egeria densa Planch, bouth are found in the Itanhaém River Basin. The aim of this research was to evaluate if the retention capacity of material varies between aquatic macrophytes with different branch architecture and if there is variation in the material retention capacity of Cabomba furcata in rivers with different limnological characteristics. The sample were collected in two areas in Branco River (A and B) and one area in Preto River (C). Water and sediment samples were collected for limnological analysis. C. furcata and E. densa branches were collected in Branco River for the description of the branch architecture and for the quantification of the attached material. In the same way, branches of C. furcata were collected in Preto River for the same purpose. In laboratory, analyzes of the limnological variables, the nitrogen and total phosphorus content in the macrophytes biomass and the attached material were performed. For the environmental characterization of the study areas, the results of the limnological variables measured in each studied area were compared. To test the significant difference between areas A and C, the t-test (p <0.05) was applied to the limnological variables. The Mann-Witney test was used for the variables of C. furcata, E. densa and attached material collected in Rio Branco. The same test was applied for the comparison between C. furcata and attached material from different rivers. The values of the limnological variables of Branco River were similar in areas A and B. The amount of suspended material in water was higher (p <0.001) in Branco River when compared to Preto River. However, the organic matter contained in Branco River sediment was lower (p: 0.005) than the one contained in Preto River sediment. On the other hand, nitrogen and total phosphorus contents of water and sediment did not present a significant difference. C. furcata and E. densa presented differences in the branch architecture (p <0.05), indicating a greater branch complexity for C. furcata. C. furcata of distinct rivers showed small variations in its morphology. Although C. furcata had a larger branch total area than E. densa, the amount of attached material per branch of C. furcata was lower (p: 0.001). The amount of attached material to C. furcata in Branco River was lower. In general, the amount of attached material on the macrophytes in lotic environments may be positive, negative or neutral to the macrophytes and may be associated with the complexity of the macrophytes architecture. However, in this study, the relationship between the species of aquatic macrophytes evaluated and the attached material is neutral, so that these species can only be considered as a substrate for the accumulation of attached material, not having a positive or negative relation with this material. / CNPq: 130835/2016-1
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