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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Une étude du bien-composé en dimension n. / A Study of Well-composedness in n-D.

Boutry, Nicolas 14 December 2016 (has links)
Le processus de discrétisation faisant inévitablement appel à des capteurs, et ceux-ci étant limités de par leur nature, de nombreux effets secondaires apparaissent alors lors de ce processus; en particulier, nous perdons la propriété d'être "bien-composé" dans le sens où deux objects discrétisés peuvent être connectés ou non en fonction de la connexité utilisée dans l'image discrète, ce qui peut amener à des ambigüités. De plus, les images discrétisées sont des tableaux de valeurs numériques, et donc ne possèdent pas de topologie par nature, contrairement à notre modélisation usuelle du monde en mathématiques et en physique. Perdre toutes ces propriétés rend difficile l'élaboration d'algorithmes topologiquement corrects en traitement d'images: par exemple, le calcul de l'arbre des formes nécessite que la representation d'une image donnée soit continue et bien-composée; dans le cas contraire, nous risquons d'obtenir des anomalies dans le résultat final. Quelques representations continues et bien-composées existent déjà, mais elles ne sont pas simultanément n-dimensionnelles et auto-duales. La n-dimensionalité est cruciale sachant que les signaux usuels sont de plus en plus tridimensionnels (comme les vidéos 2D) ou 4-dimensionnels (comme les CT-scans). L'auto-dualité est nécéssaire lorsqu'une même image contient des objets a contrastes divers. Nous avons donc développé une nouvelle façon de rendre les images bien-composées par interpolation de façon auto-duale et en n-D; suivie d'une immersion par l'opérateur span, cette interpolation devient une représentation auto-duale continue et bien-composée du signal initial n-D. Cette représentation bénéficie de plusieurs fortes propriétés topologiques: elle vérifie le théorème de la valeur intermédiaire, les contours de chaque coupe de la représentation sont déterminés par une union disjointe de surfaces discrète, et ainsi de suite / Digitization of the real world using real sensors has many drawbacks; in particular, we loose ``well-composedness'' in the sense that two digitized objects can be connected or not depending on the connectivity we choose in the digital image, leading then to ambiguities. Furthermore, digitized images are arrays of numerical values, and then do not own any topology by nature, contrary to our usual modeling of the real world in mathematics and in physics. Loosing all these properties makes difficult the development of algorithms which are ``topologically correct'' in image processing: e.g., the computation of the tree of shapes needs the representation of a given image to be continuous and well-composed; in the contrary case, we can obtain abnormalities in the final result. Some well-composed continuous representations already exist, but they are not in the same time n-dimensional and self-dual. n-dimensionality is crucial since usual signals are more and more 3-dimensional (like 2D videos) or 4-dimensional (like 4D Computerized Tomography-scans), and self-duality is necessary when a same image can contain different objects with different contrasts. We developed then a new way to make images well-composed by interpolation in a self-dual way and in n-D; followed with a span-based immersion, this interpolation becomes a self-dual continuous well-composed representation of the initial n-D signal. This representation benefits from many strong topological properties: it verifies the intermediate value theorem, the boundaries of any threshold set of the representation are disjoint union of discrete surfaces, and so on

Fibras Gelatinosas em Eriosema (DC.) Desv. (Leguminosae) Distribuição e Caracterização Estrutural e Química /

Piva, Tayeme Cristina January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Silvia Rodrigues Machado / Resumo: Fibras gelatinosas são células especializadas de esclerênquima que possuem uma camada interna altamente modificada de aparência gelatinosa e translúcida, denominada camada-G. Diversas funções são atribuídas as fibras gelatinosas sendo a principal e mais conhecida a sua relação com o lenho de tração. Porém, outras funções de cunho fisiológico e adaptativo, tais como armazenamento de água e manutenção da orientação foliar foram descritas para as fibras gelatinosas. As fibras gelatinosas são reportadas em diversas famílias de angiospermas nos mais diversos ambientes, com isso outras funções podem ser associadas a ocorrência das fibras gelatinosas nos mais diferentes ambientes. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar as fibras gelatinosas em representantes de Eriosema (DC.) Desv. um gênero de leguminosa comumente encontrado em Cerrado, visando a acessar variações na distribuição e organização das fibras gelatinosas no eixo vegetativo aéreo e subterrâneo, caracterizar a estrutura básica e a histoquímica das paredes celulares. O estudo foi conduzido com 19 táxons coletados em diferentes áreas de Cerrado, sendo amostrados a folha, caule aéreo e órgão subterrâneo. O material foi processado de acordo com técnicas usuais em anatomia e histoquímica vegetal. Uma espécie foi considerada como modelo e foram utilizados os anticorpos LM5 e LM10 marcadores para galactanos e xilanos, respectivamente, nas paredes das fibras gelatinosas. As fibras gelatinosas ocorreram por todo o corpo vegetativo d... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Gelatinous fibers (G-fibers) are specialized sclerenchyma cells that have a highly modified, translucent, gelatinous appearance inner layer called the G-layer. Several functions are attributed to the G-fibers being the main and best known its relation with the tension wood. However, other physiological and adaptive functions, such as water storage and maintenance of leaf orientation, have been described for G-fibers. G-fibers are reported in several angiosperm families in the most diverse environments, so other functions may be associated with the occurrence of G-fibers in the most different environments. The purpose of this study was to analyze the G-fibers in representatives of Eriosema (DC.) Desv. a genus of legumes commonly found in Cerrado, aiming to access variations in the distribution and organization of G-fibers in the aerial and underground vegetative axis, to characterize the basic structure and histochemistry of cell walls. The study was conducted with 19 taxa collected in different areas of Cerrado, being sampled the leaf, aerial stem and underground organ. The material was processed according to usual techniques in plant anatomy and histochemistry. LM5 and LM10 antibodies that mark galactans and xylans, respectively, were used on the G-fibers walls. G-fibers occurred throughout the vegetative body of the studied Eriosema taxa, being extraxylary in regions with primary growth and xylary in regions with secondary growth. As for the organization, in the leaf the G-... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Estimation of Technical Efficiency in Stochastic Frontier Analysis

Nguyen, Ngoc B. 03 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Clifford and composed foliations / Folheações de Clifford e folheações compostas

Lozano, Julia Carolina Torres 11 August 2017 (has links)
Singular Riemannian foliations in spheres provide local models for an extensive kind of singular Riemannian foliations, whose theory contributes in the understanding of Riemannian manifolds. Hence the importance of studying and classifying them, a research subject that still remains open. In 2014, Marco Radeschi constructed indecomposable singular Riemannian foliations of arbitrary codimension, most of them inhomogeneous, which generalized all known examples of that type so far. The present dissertation is a detailed study of his work, along with observations about the progress made on this dynamic field since that paper was published. Besides introducing preliminary notions and examples on singular Riemannian foliations, isometric actions and Clifford theory, it is explained a construction of inhomogeneous isoparametric hypersurfaces, due to Ferus, Karcher and Münzner, that was a fundamental framework for the results of Radeschi. After that, it is described exhaustively the construction of Clifford and composed foliations in spheres, which are the examples that Radeschi created using Clifford systems. In the sequel it is established an extraordinary bijective correspondence between Clifford foliations (merely geometric objects) and Clifford systems (purely algebraic objects). This text finishes examining the relations of homogeneity properties among FKM, Clifford and composed foliations. / Folheações Riemannianas singulares em esferas fornecem modelos locais para folheações Riemannianas singulares mais gerais, cuja teoria contribui na compreensão de variedades Riemannianas. Daí a sua importança de estudá-los e classificá-los, uma área de pesquisa que se mantém aberta. Em 2014, Marco Radeschi construiu folheações Riemannianas singulares indecomponíveis de codimensão arbitrária, a maioria delas não homogêneas, que generalizaram todos os exemplos conhecidos desse tipo até então. A presente dissertação é um estudo detalhado desse trabalho, junto com observações sobre avanços que se têm feito neste dinâmico campo desde a publicação do artigo. Após introduzir as noções e exemplos preliminares de folheações Riemannianas singulares, ações isométricas e teoria de Clifford, é explorada uma construção de hipersuperfícies isoparamétricas não homogêneas, devida a Ferus, Karcher e Münzner (FKM), que foi peça fundamental para os resultados de Radeschi. Em seguida, descreve-se minuciosamente a construção de folheações composta e de Clifford em esferas, que são os exemplos que o autor mencionado anteriormente gerou usando sistemas de Clifford. Continuando com a análise dessas novas folheações Riemannianas singulares, estabelece-se uma extraordinária correspondência biunívoca entre folheações de Clifford (objetos meramente geométricos) e sistemas de Clifford (objetos puramente algébricos). Este texto termina examinando as relações das propriedades de homogeneidade entre folheações FKM, compostas e de Clifford.

A música-teatro de Gilberto Mendes e seus processos composicionais / Fernando de Oliveira. Gilberto Mendes\'s music theater and his compositional processes.

Magre, Fernando de Oliveira 18 September 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa se propõe a investigar as características fundamentais da música-teatro de Gilberto Mendes. O trabalho divide-se em três partes. No primeiro capítulo, apresentamos uma ampla revisão bibliográfica sobre o desenvolvimento do gênero música-teatro, buscando sua raiz desde a ideia de Gesamtkunstwerk de Wagner, passando pelas experiências das primeiras décadas do século XX, até seu estabelecimento de fato como uma prática, nos anos 60. Também procuramos promover um diálogo entre a obra de Gilberto Mendes e as pesquisas contemporâneas sobre música-teatro, especialmente com Salzman & Dési (2008) e Roesner & Rebstock (2012), a fim de inserir o compositor dentro da discussão internacional sobre o gênero. No segundo capítulo, investigamos minuciosamente os principais traços constituintes da linguagem composicional de música-teatro do compositor, visando identificar seus processos mais recorrentes e idiomáticos. Por fim, no terceiro capítulo analisamos quatro obras de Gilberto Mendes: Cidade (1964), Son et Lumière (1968), O Último Tango em Vila Parisi (1987) e Escorbuto - Cantos da Costa (2006). Para desenvolver as análises, adaptamos a teoria de multimídia musical de Nicholas Cook (1998), de modo que pudéssemos identificar os tipos de relações e soluções operados por Gilberto Mendes na composição com elementos artísticos de origens diversas. Consideramos que esta pesquisa contribuirá para as pesquisas sobre a música-teatro produzida fora dos grandes centros europeus, além de aumentar o escopo de estudos sobre o gênero no Brasil e, especialmente, sobre a produção de Gilberto Mendes. / This current research aims at investigating the fundamental characteristics of Gilberto Mendes\'s music theater. This work is divided into three parts. In the first chapter, we present a broad bibliographical review about the development of music theater genre, seeking its root from Wagner\'s idea of Gesamtkunstwerk, going from the experiences of the first decades of the twentieth century to its actual establishment as a practice, in the 60s. We also seek to promote a dialogue between Gilberto Mendes\'s works and contemporary researches on music theater, especially Salzman & Dési (2008) and Roesner & Rebstock (2012), in order to insert the composer into the international discussion about the genre. In the second chapter, we scrutinize the main constituent features of the composer\'s compositional language of music theater, in order to identify its most recurrent and idiomatic processes. Finally, in the third chapter we analyze four Gilberto Mendes\'s works: Cidade (1964), Son et Lumière (1968), O Último Tango em Vila Parisi (1987) and Escorbuto - Cantos da Costa (2006). In order to develop the analyses, we adapted Nicholas Cook\'s musical multimedia theory (1998), so that we could identify types of relations and solutions operated by Gilberto Mendes in the composition with artistic elements from diverse origins. We consider that this research will contribute with music theater researches done outside major European centers, in addition to increasing the scope of studies about this genre in Brazil and, especially, about Gilberto Mendes\'s production.

Duality for convex composed programming problems

Vargyas, Emese Tünde 20 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The goal of this work is to present a conjugate duality treatment of composed programming as well as to give an overview of some recent developments in both scalar and multiobjective optimization. In order to do this, first we study a single-objective optimization problem, in which the objective function as well as the constraints are given by composed functions. By means of the conjugacy approach based on the perturbation theory, we provide different kinds of dual problems to it and examine the relations between the optimal objective values of the duals. Given some additional assumptions, we verify the equality between the optimal objective values of the duals and strong duality between the primal and the dual problems, respectively. Having proved the strong duality, we derive the optimality conditions for each of these duals. As special cases of the original problem, we study the duality for the classical optimization problem with inequality constraints and the optimization problem without constraints. The second part of this work is devoted to location analysis. Considering first the location model with monotonic gauges, it turns out that the same conjugate duality principle can be used also for solving this kind of problems. Taking in the objective function instead of the monotonic gauges several norms, investigations concerning duality for different location problems are made. We finish our investigations with the study of composed multiobjective optimization problems. In doing like this, first we scalarize this problem and study the scalarized one by using the conjugacy approach developed before. The optimality conditions which we obtain in this case allow us to construct a multiobjective dual problem to the primal one. Additionally the weak and strong duality are proved. In conclusion, some special cases of the composed multiobjective optimization problem are considered. Once the general problem has been treated, particularizing the results, we construct a multiobjective dual for each of them and verify the weak and strong dualities. / In dieser Arbeit wird, anhand der sogenannten konjugierten Dualitätstheorie, ein allgemeines Dualitätsverfahren für die Untersuchung verschiedener Optimierungsaufgaben dargestellt. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen wird zuerst eine allgemeine Optimierungsaufgabe betrachtet, wobei sowohl die Zielfunktion als auch die Nebenbedingungen zusammengesetzte Funktionen sind. Mit Hilfe der konjugierten Dualitätstheorie, die auf der sogenannten Störungstheorie basiert, werden für die primale Aufgabe drei verschiedene duale Aufgaben konstruiert und weiterhin die Beziehungen zwischen deren optimalen Zielfunktionswerten untersucht. Unter geeigneten Konvexitäts- und Monotonievoraussetzungen wird die Gleichheit dieser optimalen Zielfunktionswerte und zusätzlich die Existenz der starken Dualität zwischen der primalen und den entsprechenden dualen Aufgaben bewiesen. In Zusammenhang mit der starken Dualität werden Optimalitätsbedingungen hergeleitet. Die Ergebnisse werden abgerundet durch die Betrachtung zweier Spezialfälle, nämlich die klassische restringierte bzw. unrestringierte Optimierungsaufgabe, für welche sich die aus der Literatur bekannten Dualitätsergebnisse ergeben. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit ist der Dualität bei Standortproblemen gewidmet. Dazu wird ein sehr allgemeines Standortproblem mit konvexer zusammengesetzter Zielfunktion in Form eines Gauges formuliert, für das die entsprechenden Dualitätsaussagen abgeleitet werden. Als Spezialfälle werden Optimierungsaufgaben mit monotonen Normen betrachtet. Insbesondere lassen sich Dualitätsaussagen und Optimalitätsbedingungen für das klassische Weber und Minmax Standortproblem mit Gauges als Zielfunktion herleiten. Das letzte Kapitel verallgemeinert die Dualitätsaussagen, die im zweiten Kapitel erhalten wurden, auf multikriterielle Optimierungsprobleme. Mit Hilfe geeigneter Skalarisierungen betrachten wir zuerst ein zu der multikriteriellen Optimierungsaufgabe zugeordnetes skalares Problem. Anhand der in diesem Fall erhaltenen Optimalitätsbedingungen formulieren wir das multikriterielle Dualproblem. Weiterhin beweisen wir die schwache und, unter bestimmten Annahmen, die starke Dualität. Durch Spezialisierung der Zielfunktionen bzw. Nebenbedingungen resultieren die klassischen konvexen Mehrzielprobleme mit Ungleichungs- und Mengenrestriktionen. Als weitere Anwendungen werden vektorielle Standortprobleme betrachtet, zu denen wir entsprechende duale Aufgaben formulieren.

New insights into conjugate duality

Grad, Sorin - Mihai 19 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
With this thesis we bring some new results and improve some existing ones in conjugate duality and some of the areas it is applied in. First we recall the way Lagrange, Fenchel and Fenchel - Lagrange dual problems to a given primal optimization problem can be obtained via perturbations and we present some connections between them. For the Fenchel - Lagrange dual problem we prove strong duality under more general conditions than known so far, while for the Fenchel duality we show that the convexity assumptions on the functions involved can be weakened without altering the conclusion. In order to prove the latter we prove also that some formulae concerning conjugate functions given so far only for convex functions hold also for almost convex, respectively nearly convex functions. After proving that the generalized geometric dual problem can be obtained via perturbations, we show that the geometric duality is a special case of the Fenchel - Lagrange duality and the strong duality can be obtained under weaker conditions than stated in the existing literature. For various problems treated in the literature via geometric duality we show that Fenchel - Lagrange duality is easier to apply, bringing moreover strong duality and optimality conditions under weaker assumptions. The results presented so far are applied also in convex composite optimization and entropy optimization. For the composed convex cone - constrained optimization problem we give strong duality and the related optimality conditions, then we apply these when showing that the formula of the conjugate of the precomposition with a proper convex K - increasing function of a K - convex function on some n - dimensional non - empty convex set X, where K is a k - dimensional non - empty closed convex cone, holds under weaker conditions than known so far. Another field were we apply these results is vector optimization, where we provide a general duality framework based on a more general scalarization that includes as special cases and improves some previous results in the literature. Concerning entropy optimization, we treat first via duality a problem having an entropy - like objective function, from which arise as special cases some problems found in the literature on entropy optimization. Finally, an application of entropy optimization into text classification is presented.

Utilizando mapas de conectividade fuzzy no desenvolvimento de algoritmos reparadores de imagens bin?rias 3D

Cosme, ?ria Caline Saraiva 04 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:47:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IriaCSC.pdf: 926529 bytes, checksum: aa23848c0d07c85faded67f0781041fc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-04 / A 3D binary image is considered well-composed if, and only if, the union of the faces shared by the foreground and background voxels of the image is a surface in R3. Wellcomposed images have some desirable topological properties, which allow us to simplify and optimize algorithms that are widely used in computer graphics, computer vision and image processing. These advantages have fostered the development of algorithms to repair bi-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) images that are not well-composed. These algorithms are known as repairing algorithms. In this dissertation, we propose two repairing algorithms, one randomized and one deterministic. Both algorithms are capable of making topological repairs in 3D binary images, producing well-composed images similar to the original images. The key idea behind both algorithms is to iteratively change the assigned color of some points in the input image from 0 (background)to 1 (foreground) until the image becomes well-composed. The points whose colors are changed by the algorithms are chosen according to their values in the fuzzy connectivity map resulting from the image segmentation process. The use of the fuzzy connectivity map ensures that a subset of points chosen by the algorithm at any given iteration is the one with the least affinity with the background among all possible choices / Uma imagem bin?ria 3D ? considerada bem-composta se, e somente se, a uni?o das faces compartilhadas pelos voxels do foreground e do background da referida imagem ? uma superf?cie em R3 . Imagens bem-compostas se beneficiam de propriedades topol?gicas desej?veis, as quais nos permitem simplificar e otimizar algoritmos amplamente usados na computa??o gr?fica, vis?o computacional e processamento de imagens. Estas vantagens t?m motivado o desenvolvimento de algoritmos para reparar imagens bi e tridimensionais que n?o sejam bem-compostas. Estes algoritmos s?o conhecidos como algoritmos reparadores. Nesta disserta??o, propomos dois algoritmos reparadores, um aleat?rio e um determin?stico. Ambos s?o capazes de fazer reparos topol?gicos em imagens bin?rias 3D, produzindo imagens bem-compostas similares ?s imagens originais. A id?ia fundamental por tr?s de ambos algoritmos ? mudar iterativamente a cor atribu?da de alguns pontos da imagem de entrada de 0 (background) para 1 (foreground) at? a imagem se tornar bem-composta. Os pontos cujas cores s?o mudadas pelos algoritmos s?o escolhidos de acordo com seus valores no mapa de conectividade fuzzy, resultante do processo de segmenta??o da imagem. O uso do mapa de conectividade fuzzy garante que um subconjunto dos pontos escolhidos pelo algoritmo em qualquer itera??o seja um com a menor afinidade com o background dentre todas as escolhas poss?veis

Acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC) e Abacaxi (Ananas comosus L. Merril) como adjunto no processamento de cerveja: caracterização e aceitabilidade / Acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC) and pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merrill) as adjuncts in processing beer: characterization and acceptability

Pinto, Luan Ícaro Freitas January 2015 (has links)
PINTO, Luan Ícaro Freitas Pinto. Acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC) e Abacaxi (Ananas comosus L. Merril) como adjunto no processamento de cerveja: caracterização e aceitabilidade. 2015. 87 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos)-Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2015. / Submitted by Vitor Campos (vitband@gmail.com) on 2016-09-28T23:34:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_dis_lifpinto.pdf: 2313013 bytes, checksum: c751e262e3f4623a9a5e56930d086cc4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jairo Viana (jairo@ufc.br) on 2016-10-04T23:30:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_dis_lifpinto.pdf: 2313013 bytes, checksum: c751e262e3f4623a9a5e56930d086cc4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-04T23:30:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_dis_lifpinto.pdf: 2313013 bytes, checksum: c751e262e3f4623a9a5e56930d086cc4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Beer is the most consumed alcoholic beverage in the world. Its consumption is associated with festivities and celebrations, being recognized by its customers as a beverage with high caloric value. However, this beverage contains a variety of bioactive compounds, vitamins and minerals that promote benefits when its intake is made moderate manner. The market is every day looking for different and even unique products, thus arises the field of craft beers. The objective of this study was to develop a craft beer with acerola and pineapple and study their physicochemical and sensory characteristics, as it brings a new alternative in this niche market, besides the association with increased its functional characteristics. We used the rotational central composite design (CCRD) for the development of treatments where the variation of the percentage of addition of the acerola fruit juice and pineapple varied at levels of 5 to 25% of the total volume of beer. The CCRD included eleven trials: four factorial points, four axial and three repetitions at the central point. The results of the CCRD were analyzed using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM), with the response variable physico-químcos and sensory parameters. For statistical analysis was applied to analysis of variance, Tukey test and regression analysis. Processing took place in laboratory scale. The pulps were characterized by physical-chemical analysis, and then made by the addition of juice during the process of maturation that occurred simultaneously with primming process amber glass bottles of 355 ml. The results of the sugar content, total acids and pH of fruit pulps showed satisfactory being considered suitable for the maturation process. The results of physicochemical tests showed similar results in all treatments, and the factor adding fruit juice was directly proportional to parameters such as acidity and pH, and inversely proportional to parameters such as alcohol, real extract, apparent extract and extract primitive. Microbiological testing resulted in a minimum count of coliforms, thermotolerant and molds and yeasts, adapting to the standards set by law for beer, showing the process control efficiency, ensuring product quality. The means of the sensory attributes of all samples showed up outside the stopband, especially for samples 5 and 8, which have higher pineapple juice content. The results of the response surface showed that addition of up to 16% of both pulps pineapple or additions of high concentrations (up to 28%) in groups with low concentrations of acerola (up to 6%) show a maximization of sensory attributes. It was concluded that the use of pineapple pulp and acerola as adjuncts in the beer processing proved to be a viable alternative due to satisfactory results in sensory evaluation, and physical and chemical characteristics that proved a craft beer with acidy/fruity characteristics. / A cerveja é a bebida alcoólica mais consumida no mundo. Seu consumo está associado a festividades e comemorações, sendo reconhecida pelos seus consumidores como uma bebida com alto valor calórico. Entretanto, essa bebida contém uma variedade de compostos bioativos, vitaminas e minerais, capazes de promover benefícios quando a sua ingestão é feita de maneira moderada. O mercado está a cada dia buscando produtos diferenciados e até exclusivos, surge assim o campo das cervejas artesanais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma cerveja artesanal com acerola e abacaxi e estudar suas características físicoquímicas e sensoriais, pois traz uma nova alternativa neste nicho de mercado, além da associação ao aumento de suas características funcionais. Foi utilizado o Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional (DCCR) para o desenvolvimento dos tratamentos, onde a variação do percentual de adição de suco de fruta de acerola e abacaxi variou em níveis de 5 a 25% do volume total da cerveja. O DCCR incluiu onze ensaios: quatro pontos fatoriais, quatro axiais e três repetições no ponto central. Os resultados do DCCR foram analisados através da Metodologia de Superfície de Resposta (MSR), tendo como variáveis resposta os paramêtros físico-químcos e sensorias. Para a avaliação estatística foi aplicada a análise de variância, teste de Tukey e análise de regressão. O processamento ocorreu em escala laboratorial. As polpas foram caracterizadas através de análises físico-químicas e em seguida fez-se a adição do suco durante o processo de maturação que ocorreu simultaneamente ao processo de primming em garrafas de vidro âmbar de 355 mL. Os resultados do teor de açucares, ácidos totais e pH das polpas de frutas apresentaram satisfatórios sendo considerados adequados para o processo de maturação. Os resultados dos testes físicoquímicos mostraram resultados semelhantes em todos os tratamentos, sendo que o fator adição de suco de frutas foi diretamente proporcional a parâmetros como acidez e pH, e inversamente proporcional a parâmetros como teor alcoólico, extrato real, extrato aparente e extrato primitivo. Os testes microbiológicos resultaram em uma contagem mínima para coliformes totais, termotolerantes e bolores e leveduras, adequando-se aos padrões estabelecidos pela legislação para cerveja, mostrando assim a eficiência do controle do processo, garantindo a qualidade do produto. As médias dos atributos sensoriais de todas as amostras apresentaram-se fora da faixa de rejeição, com destaque para as amostras 5 e 8, as quais possuem maiores teores de suco de abacaxi. Os resultados das superfícies de resposta mostraram que adições de até 16% de ambas as polpas ou adições de elevadas concentrações de abacaxi (até 28%) em conjuntos com baixas concentrações de acerola (até 6%) mostram uma maximização dos atributos sensoriais. Concluiu-se que a utilização das polpas de abacaxi e acerola como adjuntos no processamento de cerveja mostrou-se uma alternativa viável devido aos resultados satisfatórios na avaliação sensorial, além de características físicoquímicas que comprovaram uma cerveja artesanal com características ácida/frutada.

Acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC) and pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merrill) as adjuncts in processing beer: characterization and acceptability / Acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC) e Abacaxi (Ananas comosus L. Merril) como adjunto no processamento de cerveja: caracterizaÃÃo e aceitabilidade

Luan Ãcaro Freitas Pinto 30 January 2015 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Beer is the most consumed alcoholic beverage in the world. Its consumption is associated with festivities and celebrations, being recognized by its customers as a beverage with high caloric value. However, this beverage contains a variety of bioactive compounds, vitamins and minerals that promote benefits when its intake is made moderate manner. The market is every day looking for different and even unique products, thus arises the field of craft beers. The objective of this study was to develop a craft beer with acerola and pineapple and study their physicochemical and sensory characteristics, as it brings a new alternative in this niche market, besides the association with increased its functional characteristics. We used the rotational central composite design (CCRD) for the development of treatments where the variation of the percentage of addition of the acerola fruit juice and pineapple varied at levels of 5 to 25% of the total volume of beer. The CCRD included eleven trials: four factorial points, four axial and three repetitions at the central point. The results of the CCRD were analyzed using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM), with the response variable physico-quÃmcos and sensory parameters. For statistical analysis was applied to analysis of variance, Tukey test and regression analysis. Processing took place in laboratory scale. The pulps were characterized by physical-chemical analysis, and then made by the addition of juice during the process of maturation that occurred simultaneously with primming process amber glass bottles of 355 ml. The results of the sugar content, total acids and pH of fruit pulps showed satisfactory being considered suitable for the maturation process. The results of physicochemical tests showed similar results in all treatments, and the factor adding fruit juice was directly proportional to parameters such as acidity and pH, and inversely proportional to parameters such as alcohol, real extract, apparent extract and extract primitive. Microbiological testing resulted in a minimum count of coliforms, thermotolerant and molds and yeasts, adapting to the standards set by law for beer, showing the process control efficiency, ensuring product quality. The means of the sensory attributes of all samples showed up outside the stopband, especially for samples 5 and 8, which have higher pineapple juice content. The results of the response surface showed that addition of up to 16% of both pulps pineapple or additions of high concentrations (up to 28%) in groups with low concentrations of acerola (up to 6%) show a maximization of sensory attributes. It was concluded that the use of pineapple pulp and acerola as adjuncts in the beer processing proved to be a viable alternative due to satisfactory results in sensory evaluation, and physical and chemical characteristics that proved a craft beer with acidy/fruity characteristics. / A cerveja à a bebida alcoÃlica mais consumida no mundo. Seu consumo està associado a festividades e comemoraÃÃes, sendo reconhecida pelos seus consumidores como uma bebida com alto valor calÃrico. Entretanto, essa bebida contÃm uma variedade de compostos bioativos, vitaminas e minerais, capazes de promover benefÃcios quando a sua ingestÃo à feita de maneira moderada. O mercado està a cada dia buscando produtos diferenciados e atà exclusivos, surge assim o campo das cervejas artesanais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma cerveja artesanal com acerola e abacaxi e estudar suas caracterÃsticas fÃsicoquÃmicas e sensoriais, pois traz uma nova alternativa neste nicho de mercado, alÃm da associaÃÃo ao aumento de suas caracterÃsticas funcionais. Foi utilizado o Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional (DCCR) para o desenvolvimento dos tratamentos, onde a variaÃÃo do percentual de adiÃÃo de suco de fruta de acerola e abacaxi variou em nÃveis de 5 a 25% do volume total da cerveja. O DCCR incluiu onze ensaios: quatro pontos fatoriais, quatro axiais e trÃs repetiÃÃes no ponto central. Os resultados do DCCR foram analisados atravÃs da Metodologia de SuperfÃcie de Resposta (MSR), tendo como variÃveis resposta os paramÃtros fÃsico-quÃmcos e sensorias. Para a avaliaÃÃo estatÃstica foi aplicada a anÃlise de variÃncia, teste de Tukey e anÃlise de regressÃo. O processamento ocorreu em escala laboratorial. As polpas foram caracterizadas atravÃs de anÃlises fÃsico-quÃmicas e em seguida fez-se a adiÃÃo do suco durante o processo de maturaÃÃo que ocorreu simultaneamente ao processo de primming em garrafas de vidro Ãmbar de 355 mL. Os resultados do teor de aÃucares, Ãcidos totais e pH das polpas de frutas apresentaram satisfatÃrios sendo considerados adequados para o processo de maturaÃÃo. Os resultados dos testes fÃsicoquÃmicos mostraram resultados semelhantes em todos os tratamentos, sendo que o fator adiÃÃo de suco de frutas foi diretamente proporcional a parÃmetros como acidez e pH, e inversamente proporcional a parÃmetros como teor alcoÃlico, extrato real, extrato aparente e extrato primitivo. Os testes microbiolÃgicos resultaram em uma contagem mÃnima para coliformes totais, termotolerantes e bolores e leveduras, adequando-se aos padrÃes estabelecidos pela legislaÃÃo para cerveja, mostrando assim a eficiÃncia do controle do processo, garantindo a qualidade do produto. As mÃdias dos atributos sensoriais de todas as amostras apresentaram-se fora da faixa de rejeiÃÃo, com destaque para as amostras 5 e 8, as quais possuem maiores teores de suco de abacaxi. Os resultados das superfÃcies de resposta mostraram que adiÃÃes de atà 16% de ambas as polpas ou adiÃÃes de elevadas concentraÃÃes de abacaxi (atà 28%) em conjuntos com baixas concentraÃÃes de acerola (atà 6%) mostram uma maximizaÃÃo dos atributos sensoriais. Concluiu-se que a utilizaÃÃo das polpas de abacaxi e acerola como adjuntos no processamento de cerveja mostrou-se uma alternativa viÃvel devido aos resultados satisfatÃrios na avaliaÃÃo sensorial, alÃm de caracterÃsticas fÃsicoquÃmicas que comprovaram uma cerveja artesanal com caracterÃsticas Ãcida/frutada.

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