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Clifford and composed foliations / Folheações de Clifford e folheações compostasJulia Carolina Torres Lozano 11 August 2017 (has links)
Singular Riemannian foliations in spheres provide local models for an extensive kind of singular Riemannian foliations, whose theory contributes in the understanding of Riemannian manifolds. Hence the importance of studying and classifying them, a research subject that still remains open. In 2014, Marco Radeschi constructed indecomposable singular Riemannian foliations of arbitrary codimension, most of them inhomogeneous, which generalized all known examples of that type so far. The present dissertation is a detailed study of his work, along with observations about the progress made on this dynamic field since that paper was published. Besides introducing preliminary notions and examples on singular Riemannian foliations, isometric actions and Clifford theory, it is explained a construction of inhomogeneous isoparametric hypersurfaces, due to Ferus, Karcher and Münzner, that was a fundamental framework for the results of Radeschi. After that, it is described exhaustively the construction of Clifford and composed foliations in spheres, which are the examples that Radeschi created using Clifford systems. In the sequel it is established an extraordinary bijective correspondence between Clifford foliations (merely geometric objects) and Clifford systems (purely algebraic objects). This text finishes examining the relations of homogeneity properties among FKM, Clifford and composed foliations. / Folheações Riemannianas singulares em esferas fornecem modelos locais para folheações Riemannianas singulares mais gerais, cuja teoria contribui na compreensão de variedades Riemannianas. Daí a sua importança de estudá-los e classificá-los, uma área de pesquisa que se mantém aberta. Em 2014, Marco Radeschi construiu folheações Riemannianas singulares indecomponíveis de codimensão arbitrária, a maioria delas não homogêneas, que generalizaram todos os exemplos conhecidos desse tipo até então. A presente dissertação é um estudo detalhado desse trabalho, junto com observações sobre avanços que se têm feito neste dinâmico campo desde a publicação do artigo. Após introduzir as noções e exemplos preliminares de folheações Riemannianas singulares, ações isométricas e teoria de Clifford, é explorada uma construção de hipersuperfícies isoparamétricas não homogêneas, devida a Ferus, Karcher e Münzner (FKM), que foi peça fundamental para os resultados de Radeschi. Em seguida, descreve-se minuciosamente a construção de folheações composta e de Clifford em esferas, que são os exemplos que o autor mencionado anteriormente gerou usando sistemas de Clifford. Continuando com a análise dessas novas folheações Riemannianas singulares, estabelece-se uma extraordinária correspondência biunívoca entre folheações de Clifford (objetos meramente geométricos) e sistemas de Clifford (objetos puramente algébricos). Este texto termina examinando as relações das propriedades de homogeneidade entre folheações FKM, compostas e de Clifford.
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A música-teatro de Gilberto Mendes e seus processos composicionais / Fernando de Oliveira. Gilberto Mendes\'s music theater and his compositional processes.Fernando de Oliveira Magre 18 September 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa se propõe a investigar as características fundamentais da música-teatro de Gilberto Mendes. O trabalho divide-se em três partes. No primeiro capítulo, apresentamos uma ampla revisão bibliográfica sobre o desenvolvimento do gênero música-teatro, buscando sua raiz desde a ideia de Gesamtkunstwerk de Wagner, passando pelas experiências das primeiras décadas do século XX, até seu estabelecimento de fato como uma prática, nos anos 60. Também procuramos promover um diálogo entre a obra de Gilberto Mendes e as pesquisas contemporâneas sobre música-teatro, especialmente com Salzman & Dési (2008) e Roesner & Rebstock (2012), a fim de inserir o compositor dentro da discussão internacional sobre o gênero. No segundo capítulo, investigamos minuciosamente os principais traços constituintes da linguagem composicional de música-teatro do compositor, visando identificar seus processos mais recorrentes e idiomáticos. Por fim, no terceiro capítulo analisamos quatro obras de Gilberto Mendes: Cidade (1964), Son et Lumière (1968), O Último Tango em Vila Parisi (1987) e Escorbuto - Cantos da Costa (2006). Para desenvolver as análises, adaptamos a teoria de multimídia musical de Nicholas Cook (1998), de modo que pudéssemos identificar os tipos de relações e soluções operados por Gilberto Mendes na composição com elementos artísticos de origens diversas. Consideramos que esta pesquisa contribuirá para as pesquisas sobre a música-teatro produzida fora dos grandes centros europeus, além de aumentar o escopo de estudos sobre o gênero no Brasil e, especialmente, sobre a produção de Gilberto Mendes. / This current research aims at investigating the fundamental characteristics of Gilberto Mendes\'s music theater. This work is divided into three parts. In the first chapter, we present a broad bibliographical review about the development of music theater genre, seeking its root from Wagner\'s idea of Gesamtkunstwerk, going from the experiences of the first decades of the twentieth century to its actual establishment as a practice, in the 60s. We also seek to promote a dialogue between Gilberto Mendes\'s works and contemporary researches on music theater, especially Salzman & Dési (2008) and Roesner & Rebstock (2012), in order to insert the composer into the international discussion about the genre. In the second chapter, we scrutinize the main constituent features of the composer\'s compositional language of music theater, in order to identify its most recurrent and idiomatic processes. Finally, in the third chapter we analyze four Gilberto Mendes\'s works: Cidade (1964), Son et Lumière (1968), O Último Tango em Vila Parisi (1987) and Escorbuto - Cantos da Costa (2006). In order to develop the analyses, we adapted Nicholas Cook\'s musical multimedia theory (1998), so that we could identify types of relations and solutions operated by Gilberto Mendes in the composition with artistic elements from diverse origins. We consider that this research will contribute with music theater researches done outside major European centers, in addition to increasing the scope of studies about this genre in Brazil and, especially, about Gilberto Mendes\'s production.
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Tests d'hypothèses pour les processus de Poisson dans les cas non réguliers / Hypotheses testing problems for inhomogeneous Poisson processesYang, Lin 22 January 2014 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré aux problèmes de testd’hypothèses pour les processus de Poisson nonhomogènes.L’objectif principal de ce travail est l’étude decomportement des différents tests dans le cas desmodèles statistiques singuliers. L’évolution de lasingularité de la fonction d'intensité est comme suit :régulière (l'information de Fisher finie), continue maisnon différentiable (singularité de type “cusp”),discontinue (singularité de type saut) et discontinueavec un saut de taille variable. Dans tous les cas ondécrit analytiquement les tests. Dans le cas d’un saut detaille variable, on présente également les propriétésasymptotiques des estimateurs.En particulier, on décrit les statistiques de tests, le choixdes seuils et le comportement des fonctions depuissance sous les alternatives locales. Le problèmeinitial est toujours le test d’une hypothèse simple contreune alternative unilatérale. La méthode principale est lathéorie de la convergence faible dans l’espace desfonctions discontinues. Cette théorie est appliquée àl’étude des processus de rapport de vraisemblancenormalisé dans les modèles singuliers considérés. Laconvergence faible du rapport de vraisemblance sousl’hypothèse et sous les alternatives vers les processuslimites correspondants nous permet de résoudre lesproblèmes mentionnés précédemment.Les résultats asymptotiques sont illustrés par dessimulations numériques contenant la construction destests, le choix des seuils et les fonctions de puissancessous les alternatives locales. / This work is devoted to the hypotheses testing problems for inhomogeneous Poisson processes.The main object of the work is the study of the behaviour of different tests in the case of singular statistical models. The “evolution of singularity” of the intensity function is the following: regular (finite Fisherinformation), continuous but not differentiable (“cusp”type singularity), discontinuous (jump type singularity)and discontinuous with variable jump size. In all thecases we describe analytically the tests. In the case ofvariable jump size we present as well the asymptoticproperties of the estimators.In particular we describe the test statistics, the choice ofthresholds and the form of the power functions for thelocal alternatives. The initial problem is always the testof a simple hypothesis against a one-sided alternative.The main tool is the weak convergence theory in thespace of discontinuous functions. This theory is appliedto the study of the normalized likelihood ratio processesin the considered singular models. The weakconvergence of the likelihood ratio processes underhypothesis and under alternatives to the correspondinglimit processes allows us to solve the mentioned aboveproblems.The asymptotic results are illustrated by numericalsimulations which contain the construction of the tests,the choice of the thresholds, and the power functions forlocal alternatives.
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Valorisation de résidus agroindustriels comme matériaux pour l'habitat et la construction : utilisation de la bagasse dans les liants composés minéraux et les composites / Valorization agroindustrial wastes as housing and building materials : use of bagasse in composed binders and composite materialsRatiarisoa, Rijaniaina 15 June 2018 (has links)
La présente étude vise à valoriser des résidus agroindustriels comme matériaux pour l’habitat et la construction. Dans ce contexte, les travaux de recherche s’articulent autour de deux axes majeurs : le développement d’un liant alternatif et l’élaboration de matériaux composites à partir de ce liant alternatif et des matériaux végétaux. Deux liants composés utilisant des cendres de bagasse, nommés cendres de bagasse-chaux et ciment-cendres de bagasse ont été étudiés. A partir de ces liants composés, deux types de matériaux composites incluant des matériaux végétaux ont été élaborés : un composite incorporant des granulats de bagasse et de coco et un autre renforcé par des pulpes d’eucalyptus. Les propriétés physiques, chimiques, mécaniques et hydriques de ces matériaux ont été déterminées. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la calcination des cendres de bagasse à 600°C et la sélection des particules de taille inférieure à un diamètre seuil compris entre 45 et 63µm augmentent sa réactivité. Le liant composé cendres de bagasse-chaux est susceptible de développer une résistance à la compression de l’ordre de 39MPa à 28 jours, une valeur supérieure à celle des liants composés matériaux pouzzolaniques-chaux étudiés dans la littérature. Grace à sa faible alcalinité, ce liant composé préserve mieux les matériaux végétaux vis à vis de leur minéralisation et leur fragilisation comparativement au liant à base de ciment. L’incorporation de pulpes cellulosiques dans le liant composé cendres de bagasse-chaux permet d’obtenir des matériaux composites ayant des propriétés à la flexion comparables à celles d’un composite ciment-pulpes cellulosiques. / The present study aims to add value to agroindustrial residues as housing and building materials. In this context, the research works revolve around two main lines: the development of an alternative binder using agroindustrial residues and the production of composite materials from this alternative binder and plant resources. Two composed binder using bagasse ash, named bagasse ash lime and cement-bagasse ash, were optimised and produced. Using these composed binder, two kinds of composite materials including plant resources were produced: one composite developed with vegetable aggregates and another one reinforced with eucalyptus pulps. The physical, chemical, mechanical and hydric properties of these materials were investigated. The results show that the bagasse ash recalcination at 600 °C and the selection of the particles under a diameter limit (between 45 and 63 µm) improve its reactivity. Blended with slaked lime, the composed binder obtained with these parameters is likely to develop a compressive strength higher than 39 MPa at 28 days; this value is higher than the compressive strength of pouzzolanic material and lime based binder studied in the literature. In addition, due to the lower alkalinity of the interstitial solution of this composed binder, related to the lime consumption by the pouzzolanic material, it better protects vegetable materials from mineralization than the binders based on Portland cement. The incorporation of the cellulosic pulps in the composed binder lime-bagasse ash produces composite materials with a similar flexural behaviour as a composite made with cement and cellulosic pulp.
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L'Anatomie de la mort : Une étude de l’effet-de-personnage de la mort dans les romans de Claude SimonMary Gerlach January 2021 (has links)
This thesis, consisting of five chapters, studies descriptions and images in the novels of Claude Simon which show death as an “effect of character”, in other words, as a sort of character endowed with the same traits as actual literary characters. The first chapter examines how theoreticians define literary characters. Due to the fact that death materializes as a quasi-character during the act of reading since the reader needs to decipher textual clues in order to visualize death as an effect of character, I refer to Vincent Jouve’s theory of the character-effect. The chapters that follow seek therefore to demonstrate that death possesses an anatomy which resembles that of literary characters. The second chapter concentrates on images of the dying body which are reminiscent of themes in the artistic works of the Dance of Death, of Vanitas, and of the grotesque, and which produce in the reader the impression that death has a physical body. The third chapter also analyzes descriptions of the suffering body, as well as metaphorical language in order to show that death possesses a speaking body. The fourth chapter focuses on the presence of the life drive in the representation of death. It seems that death desires life in the same way as the other characters, therefore I envision death with a body composed of drives. The fifth and final chapter pursues the affective body of death by studying descriptions of intense bodily experiences. By accumulating all the images of the different bodies, one sees the sketch of a character that I identify by the designation “the effect of character of death”. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Uso de agregados reciclados de concreto em blocos de alvenaria estrutural / Use of recycled concrete aggregates in blocks of structural masonryButtler, Alexandre Marques 13 June 2007 (has links)
A pesquisa teve como objetivo principal avaliar a incorporação de agregados reciclados de concreto em blocos estruturais de concreto para três classes de resistência (4,5 MPa, 8,0 MPa e 12,0 MPa). O estudo foi desenvolvido basicamente em quatro etapas. A primeira etapa consistiu na análise das propriedades físicas de agregados miúdos e graúdos reciclados de concreto originários de uma fábrica de pré-moldados. Na segunda etapa, foram analisadas as propriedades físicas e mecânicas de corpos-de-prova cilíndricos produzidos com concreto de consistência seca utilizando-se dois tipos de agregados reciclados previamente avaliados. O objetivo foi definir um intervalo de correlação entre a resistência à compressão de corpos-de-prova e blocos, verificar preliminarmente a influência dos agregados reciclados sobre as propriedades físicas e mecânicas e determinar os traços para a próxima etapa. Para a terceira etapa, foi avaliada a viabilidade técnica da produção de blocos com agregados reciclados através da análise de propriedades físicas e mecânicas, sendo também avaliada a viabilidade econômica pela proposição de algumas alternativas para reciclagem. De maneira geral, independentemente do grupo de resistência avaliado, todas as unidades com agregados graúdos reciclados cumpriram os requisitos estabelecidos; já para o estudo econômico, todas as hipóteses atestaram a viabilidade da produção de unidades com agregados reciclados com custos de produção e comercialização inferiores aos das unidades comumente produzidas. Finalmente, a quarta etapa, consistiu na avaliação da retração por secagem em miniparedes, resistência à compressão e módulo de deformação de elementos (prismas e miniparedes) produzidos com as unidades da etapa anterior. Em função dos resultados obtidos, pode-se afirmar que apenas a propriedade de retração por secagem foi afetada pelas unidades com agregados reciclados; nesse caso, a redução da distância entre juntas de controle foi considerada uma medida suficiente para minimizar os efeitos da retração por secagem. / The main goal of the present research project was the evaluation of recycled concrete aggregates incorporation in structural concrete blocks of three different levels of compressive strength (4,5 MPa, 8,0 MPa and 12,0 MPa). The study was developed in four stages. The first stage analyzed the physical properties of fine and coarse concrete aggregates derived from a precast concrete plant. In the second stage, physical and mechanical properties of dry consistency concrete cylindrical specimens were analyzed using two types of recycled aggregates. The aim was to define a correlation interval between the compressive strength of cylindrical specimens and concrete blocks, verify the influence of recycled aggregates on the physical and mechanical properties, and determine the better compositions to be used in the next stage. The third stage involved the technical viability of producing concrete blocks, and also the economic viability of some recycling alternatives. As a whole, independently of the strength class, the recycled coarse aggregate blocks fulfilled the required specifications; additionally the economic hypotheses confirmed the viability of producing recycled aggregate units with both production and market costs lower than those of the conventional units. Finally, the fourth stage dealt with the drying shrinkage of mini-walls, the compressive strength and the elasticity modulus of elements (prisms and mini-walls) built with units defined in the former stage. Based on the obtained results, the study showed that only the drying shrinkage property was affected by the recycled aggregates units; the reduction of the distance between two adjacent control joints was an adequate procedure to minimize the effects of the drying shrinkage in this case.
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Formulações do método dos elementos de contorno aplicadas à análise elástica e à fratura coesiva de estruturas compostas planas / Boundary element method formulations applied to elastic analysis and cohesive fracture of plane composed structuresCordeiro, Sérgio Gustavo Ferreira 09 March 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do desenvolvimento de formulações numéricas para avaliar o comportamento mecânico de estruturas compostas planas, no contexto de elasticidade linear e mecânica da fratura não linear. As formulações propostas são baseadas no Método dos Elementos de Contorno (MEC), por meio das representações integrais singular e hiper singular dos problemas elastostáticos. A técnica de multi-regiões é considerada para acoplar a interface de sólidos multifásicos. O MEC é uma técnica numérica robusta e precisa para analisar o fenômeno da fratura em sólidos. Esse método numérico apresenta uma natural redução na dimensionalidade do problema, tornando mais simples a modelagem das superfícies de fratura. Além disso, essa redução de dimensionalidade faz também com que o tratamento de interfaces materiais em estruturas compostas seja uma tarefa menos árdua. Com o uso da solução fundamental de Kelvin nas representações integrais, materiais isotrópicos podem ser considerados para constituir as estruturas compostas. Por outro lado, utilizando a solução fundamental de Cruse & Swedlow, também é possível lidar, de maneira geral, com materiais anisotrópicos em estruturas compostas. Nessas estruturas, as fraturas são assumidas como ocorrendo ao longo das interfaces e o comportamento não linear é introduzido pelo modelo coesivo de fratura, o qual é aplicável a materiais quase frágeis. Nessas análises, o sistema não linear de equações pode ser solucionado utilizando dois distintos algoritmos de resolução iterativa. O primeiro sempre leva em consideração a rigidez elástica da estrutura e é, portanto denominado Operador Constante (OC). Já o segundo é denominado Operador Tangente (OT), pois considera uma rigidez tangente à resposta estrutural não linear, o que resulta em melhores taxas de convergência em comparação ao OC. Como aplicações das formulações, estruturas compostas teóricas foram analisadas em regime elástico. Além disso, testes experimentais de fratura em espécimes de concreto e madeira também foram simulados. A comparação dos resultados com as referências demonstrou que, as formulações foram efetivas e precisas para avaliar respostas mecânicas de estruturas, seja em regime elástico linear ou nos testes de fratura quase frágil. / The present work deals the development of numerical formulations to evaluate the mechanical behaviour of plane composed structures, in the context of linear elasticity and nonlinear fracture mechanics. The proposed formulations are based on the Boundary Element Method (BEM), through its classical singular and hyper singular integral equations. The multi-region technique is adopted to couple the interfaces of non-homogeneous multiphase bodies. The BEM is a robust and accurate numerical technique to analyse fracture phenomena in solids. This numerical method presents a mesh dimensionality reduction, which makes easier the modelling of cracks surfaces. Besides, this dimensionality reduction also makes the treatment of interfaces in composed structures a less complex task. Considering the use of Kelvin fundamental solutions at the integrals equations, isotropic materials can be represent as parts of the composed structures. On the other hand, using Cruse & Swedlow fundamental solution it is also possible to deal with general anisotropic materials. At the composed structures, cracks can propagate along the materials interfaces and the cohesive crack model is responsible for the nonlinear structural behaviour of the quasi-brittle failures. The nonlinear system of equations at the fracture analyses is solved using two different algorithms for iterative resolution. The first always takes into account the structure elastic strength and, hence it is called Constant Operator (CO). On the other hand, the second is denominated Tangent Operator (TO) due to the fact that it considers strengths at the tangent directions of the nonlinear structural response. Therefore, convergence rates are faster when compared with the CO. As applications, composed structures were analysed with the developed formulations in linear elastic range. In addition, experimental fracture testes performed in concrete and wood specimens were also analysed. The confront of obtained results with the reference ones show that, the formulation was effective and accurate to evaluate the mechanical responses of composed structures in linear elastic range, and also to perform nonlinear quasi-brittle fracture tests.
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Teorie intermediality v kontextu díla Heinera Goebbelse / The theory of intermediality in Heiner Goebbels's theatreMocek, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The goal of the Master Thesis is to analyse the performance Eraritjaritjaka created by the leading director of German experimental theatre Heiner Goebbels. The first part exposes the new theatrical genre Théâtre musical as a theoretical framework. The following text focuses on Goebbels's theoretical views and the basics characetrs of his theatre poetics. The main part of this study is devoted to analysis of performance Eraritjaritjaka. The analysis itself focuses on the functioning of basic components of the performance, its principles and shifts in overall structure.
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Estudo e análise do desempenho do método barreira modificada / Study and analysis of performance of modified barrier methodCristiane Regina Mariano 04 December 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar e analisar a influência do parâmetro de barreira e de seu fator de correção no processo de convergência dos métodos de pontos interiores primal-dual, primal-dual barreira modificada e primal-dual barreira modificada com as técnicas preditor-corretor e Newton composto. A grande motivação para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa está relacionada com a busca de métodos eficientes para resolver problemas de otimização de programação não-linear, existentes na área de engenharia elétrica mais especificamente na operação de sistemas elétricos de potência. Esses métodos foram aplicados a um problema de programação não-linear e aos sistemas elétricos de três e de trinta barras para analisar a sensibilidade em relação ao parâmetro de barreira e ao seu fator de correção. / This work has for objective to study and to analyze the influence of the barrier parameter and its correction factor in the convergence process of the methods primal-dual interior point, primal-dual modified barrier and primal-dual barrier modified with the techniques predictor-corrector and composed Newton. The great motivation for the development of this research is related with the search of efficient methods to solve nonlinear programming optimization problems, existent in the area of electric engineering more specifically in the operation of power systems. Those methods were applied to a nonlinear programming problem and the electric systems of three and thirty buses to analyze the sensibility in relation to the barrier parameter and its correction factor.
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Estudo e análise do desempenho do método barreira modificada / Study and analysis of performance of modified barrier methodMariano, Cristiane Regina 04 December 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar e analisar a influência do parâmetro de barreira e de seu fator de correção no processo de convergência dos métodos de pontos interiores primal-dual, primal-dual barreira modificada e primal-dual barreira modificada com as técnicas preditor-corretor e Newton composto. A grande motivação para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa está relacionada com a busca de métodos eficientes para resolver problemas de otimização de programação não-linear, existentes na área de engenharia elétrica mais especificamente na operação de sistemas elétricos de potência. Esses métodos foram aplicados a um problema de programação não-linear e aos sistemas elétricos de três e de trinta barras para analisar a sensibilidade em relação ao parâmetro de barreira e ao seu fator de correção. / This work has for objective to study and to analyze the influence of the barrier parameter and its correction factor in the convergence process of the methods primal-dual interior point, primal-dual modified barrier and primal-dual barrier modified with the techniques predictor-corrector and composed Newton. The great motivation for the development of this research is related with the search of efficient methods to solve nonlinear programming optimization problems, existent in the area of electric engineering more specifically in the operation of power systems. Those methods were applied to a nonlinear programming problem and the electric systems of three and thirty buses to analyze the sensibility in relation to the barrier parameter and its correction factor.
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