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Black truants' perception of the relevance of their schooling13 August 2012 (has links)
M.Ed. / The problem of truancy is causing a great deal of concern for the communities, for the state, for the family and for the school. The number of students who deliberately stay away from school on certain occasions is on the increase. The fact that absenteeism and truancy have become significant predictors of problem behaviour, troublesomeness and sometimes delinquency in secondary schools, makes it even more vital that the problem of truancy needs to be addressed with the urgency that it deserves. Up to now, very little is known about the contribution made by the curriculum content towards truancy. The structure of the curriculum, methods of instruction, the timetable, examination pressures and extramural activities are some of the possible causes of truancy. School rules, teacher attitude and teacher expectations are also among some of the contributing factors to absenteeism. The purpose of this research, therefore, is to attempt to find out if the curriculum content plays any part in curbing the problem of truancy, and to ascertain if there is a possible contribution of the curriculum content towards truancy. It is also one of the fundamental aims of this survey to learn more about the value orientations of children who do not attend school regularly and to establish curriculum changes that might be needed to alleviate the problem of truancy. In order to investigate the possible contributions made by the curriculum content, and the perceptions of black truants of their schooling, a two-part methodology was devised. In the first place, a questionnaire was formulated and a pilot study was conducted at a school that was not part of the target group. A survey was subsequently carried out at three Mamelodi high schools. The data from the questionnaire were analysed using the first and second order factor analyses, and even a discriminate analysis was applied on the data. The following format has been used in the presentation of the results. First, the findings from the literature study are discussed, and then results obtained from the empirical study are also outlined. From the literature study it was found that the content of the curriculum does not satisfy the needs of the individual student and can therefore lead to truancy. The schools' system such as school rules, timetables, language and methods of instruction sometimes demotivate students from attending school regularly. Teachers and family members also play a role in discouraging students from seeing any value in attending school. The following statistically significant differences were found after the analysis of the respondents' estimates of the applicability of the statements in the literature study as reflected in the questionnaire. If students had a choice, more truants than non-truants would stay away from school. More truants find school and school activities less interesting and most do not know what they want to do with their lives after completing school. More truants than nontruants find school irrelevant and school subjects less important and of less value to their future aspirations. It is against this background that one can conclude that indeed the school curriculum content does not help much in curbing the problem of truancy.
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Elevinflytande i en resultatstyrd skola : En diskursanalys av hur elever och läroplan talar om elevinflytande / Pupil Influence in a Results-oriented SchoolNordahl, Annika January 2016 (has links)
Pupil influence is supported by UN convention and legal text, yet it seems to be difficult to realize in school practice. Meaning and purpose of pupil influence appears unclear and can be understood and interpreted in different ways. The aim of this study is to examine, describe and thereby contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenon of pupil influence. The method used is Fairclough’s three- dimensional model for critical discourse analysis. The empirical data consists of focus group interviews with 9th grade pupils and the curriculum, Lgr 11. Four discourses are identified and discussed in relation to the results-driven and market-oriented Swedish school; a learning discourse, an individual discourse, a responsibility discourse and a conditional discourse. The results show that the pupils look upon pupil influence in school in relation to subject knowledge here and now and not as skills to acquire for a future active democratic citizenship. Contrary to the curriculum the pupils articulate pupil influence as a prerequisite for learning. Pupil influence seems to be regarded as individual and personal, and equated with having opportunities to make decisions. Areas possible to practice pupil influence on are characterized by being measurable and to provide a basis for comparison.
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Political participation is paramount to the well being of a democracy. Concerns over low turnout rates across the world have prompted a growing body of research on the potential for political institutions to foster electoral participation. Amongst those institutions, compulsory voting is found to have the largest and most robust impact on maximizing participation rates. Under this system, eligible citizens are required by law to go to the polls on election day, and are subject to penalties if they fail to do so. Beyond its positive impact on turnout, we know far less about what other aspects of the democratic process are influenced by compulsory voting. The main goal of this dissertation is to inform the debate on how and when the effects of compulsory voting extend beyond voter turnout. Specifically, I draw on numerous sources of survey data across the world to investigate the impact of compulsory voting (herein CV) on three distinct political aspects: citizen attitudes towards voting, political engagement, and elite campaigning.
The first step in understanding the broader effects of CV is to examine whether it influences citizens’ perceptions of the democratic act of voting. In chapter two, I develop a detailed theoretical framework that highlights whether compulsory voting increases citizens’ feelings of civic duty, or generates resentment amongst eligible voters. I also argue that the impact of CV on attitudes could be neutral—by devaluing the act of voting and making individuals indifferent towards the democratic process. Using a hierarchical modeling technique and survey data from Latin America, I show that voters living under CV are no more likely to report either increased feelings of civic duty or higher rates of resentment, compared to their counterparts under voluntary voting. Instead, individuals who are required to turn out by law are slightly more likely to feel indifferent towards electoral participation. Then, chapter three takes advantage of the recent abolition of compulsory voting in Chile to evaluate whether CV laws promote political engagement beyond election day. An empirical analysis of public opinion surveys over a 10-year period pre and post reform shows that rates of political engagement—specifically, watching and reading political news and discussing politics with family—are significantly higher under compulsory than under voluntary voting, and this is especially the case for those with lower levels of education. These findings suggest that when presented with the task of turning out at the polls, citizens seem to incur the extra costs necessary to make an informed decision.
Finally, in chapter four I investigate whether mandatory voting laws alter the way political parties decide to engage in outreach during political campaigns. Using a comprehensive dataset of post-election surveys of over 40,000 individuals in 27 different countries, I find that political elites do adjust to their institutional context—when voting is mandatory, parties invest in campaign outreach at similar levels (not less) than when voting is voluntary, and that this outreach is much less skewed towards individuals of higher socioeconomic status compared to when voting is voluntary. I also show evidence that parties under CV are more likely to engage in persuasion rather than mobilization via party outreach. Taken together, this dissertation provides a comprehensive analysis of how maximizing electoral participation through a legal requirement to vote shapes individual and elite behavior, contributing to our understanding of the implications of political institutions for the quality of representative democracy worldwide.
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Språkutveckling i skolan : Lärares och en skollednings uppfattning om, och arbete med språkutveckling / Language Development in the School : Teachers' and a School Management's Perception of, and Work with Language DevelopmentBoyaci, Nada January 2017 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study is to focus on language development investigating how teachers and principals look at the concept of language development and what language developmental methods the teachers use in teaching. The study has been conducted through qualitative interviews and non-participatory observations at a primary school in a city in central Sweden. The informants in the study consist of two principals and three teachers of theoretical subjects at the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. The theoretical point of departure is the socio-cultural theory of language use, scaffolding, proximal development and interaction. The result shows that different teaching methods and elements in a lesson where language is applied, are necessary in order to become language developing. The result also shows that important aspects of teaching are common to the three teachers, i.e design, implementation and structure, and are part of the language developmental approach, but teaching also differs depending on the subject of teaching. / Sammanfattning Syftet med denna studie är att med fokus på språkutveckling undersöka hur lärare och rektorer ser på begreppet språkutveckling och vilka språkutvecklande arbetssätt lärarna använder sig av i undervisningen. Studien har genomförts genom kvalitativa intervjuer och icke-deltagande observationer på en grundskola i en stad i mellansverige. Informanterna i studien består av två rektorer och tre ämneslärare i teoretiska ämnen på högstadiet. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten utgörs av den sociokulturella teorin där språkanvändning, stöttning, den proximala utvecklingszonen och interaktion ingår. Resultatet av studien visar att olika arbetssätt och lektionsmoment där man arbetar med språket krävs för att undervisningen ska vara språkutvecklande. Resultatet visar även att viktiga aspekter i undervisningen är gemensamma hos de tre lärarna, nämligen utformning, genomförande och struktur, och är en del av det språkutvecklande arbetssättet, men undervisningen skiljer sig också åt beroende på vilket ämne undervisningen sker i.
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Povinné užívání ochranné známky a jeho průkaz dle českého a unijního práva / Compulsory use of trademark and its demonstration under Czech law and the EU lawNavrátilová, Andrea January 2019 (has links)
Compulsory use of trademark and its demonstration under Czech law and the EU law The aim of this thesis is to introduce the institute of compulsory use from the perspective of Czech and EU law and subsequent proof of this obligation. The thesis consists of a brief introduction and six chapters, the sixth chapter is the conclusion. The first chapter is a general introduction to the issue of trademarks and aims to briefly inform about the concept of the trademark, its functions and the Czech and EU legislation on the issue of trademark law. It also describes the application procedure in the Czech Republic and the rights and obligations of the owner. The next chapter is about the right of the owner to use the trademark, both in terms of the positive and the negative definition of this right. Following part of thesis is devoted to the main topic of the thesis, the obligation to use the trademark. It speaks about the importance of that obligation, whose goal is maintaining registration of those marks which are actually used. Also, this chapter is focused on the term "genuine use of the trade mark", which is a condition for fulfilling the obligation of use. Another term that needs to be clarified is "proper reasons for non-use". Only their existence excuses the non-use of the mark and, if they are proven...
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Citizenship education in South Africa : a critique of post-apartheid citizenship education policy.Mathebula, Philemon Thokozani 04 March 2010 (has links)
It is widely agreed that effective citizenship, whether in well-established democracies or in
those in transition to democracy, require some educational preparation. In post-apartheid
South Africa, education policy and subsequent curriculum development placed participatory
democracy and active citizenship at its centre. Although South African education policy
documents have a maximalist tone in places, they collectively reflect a minimalist conception
of citizenship and of citizenship education. The focus of my critique of citizenship education
policy is the tendency manifest in the state policy documents to undermine democratic
participation and active citizenry, conceptions first developed and put into practice in the
Greek city-state of Athens.
The conception of education for citizenship does not guide the practice in terms accessible to
the school’s democratic community. State policy’s concept of students’ democratic
participation and representation does not reflect a representative model of democracy in
South African schools. Furthermore, extant policy does not envisage democratic citizenship
education that is enjoyed by a significant proportion of the South African learners. This
minimalist conception of citizenship and of citizenship education is not appropriate for the
South African context.
This thesis, further, mounts a defence of compulsion, arguing that within the theoretical
framework of current theories of the Athenian prototype of democracy, deliberative and
representative democracy, compulsory schooling and compulsory citizenship education can
be justified on the grounds that they promote individual autonomy and build social cohesion
― towards the common good in South Africa. The recently proposed compulsory citizenship
education programmes are not compatible with compulsory citizenship education that is
designed to promote active, critical and inquiring South African citizens. These value-based
education documents promote obedience, if not unquestioning loyalty, to the South African
government. Moreover, neither the Bill of Responsibilities nor the School Pledge offer
possible strategies for getting from where we are to where we ought to be. In the final
analysis, post-apartheid citizenship education policy’s lack of conceptual clarity, coherence
and consistency can be attributed in large part to the conflicting forms and conceptions of
citizenship in South Africa. The goals of citizenship education in South Africa would be
better served by cosmopolitan ideals, that is, preparing South African learners to act in a
local, national and global scale.
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Internação compulsória de usuários de drogas: os reflexos dos estereótipos e discursos nos processos judiciais e na efetivação de direitos fundamentais / Compulsory treatment of drug users: the reflection of stereotypes and discourses in judicial processes and in the protection of fundamental rightsGiansante, Ana Letícia Valladão 02 October 2018 (has links)
Atualmente, a questão das drogas tem ganhado cada vez mais atenção no debate público, tendo em vista, sobretudo, o paradigma da \"epidemia do crack\" e as intervenções ocorridas nas denominadas \"Cracolândias\". Nesta perspectiva, estereótipos e discursos sociais hegemônicos a respeito do uso/usuário de drogas aparecem como meio de controle de políticas públicas e práticas sociais, culminando, muitas vezes, na adoção de medidas discriminatórias, desprovidas de evidências científicas e contrárias às diretrizes pautadas na tutela dos direitos humanos. Além disso, tal influência não se limita ao \"senso comum\", alcançado também profissionais de diversas áreas, dentre os quais os operadores do Direito. Neste sentido, o preconceito e a discriminação advindos dos estereótipos podem funcionar como barreiras ao acesso a tratamentos adequados, legitimando medidas que, na verdade, corroboram para a exclusão social e que não possuem eficácia comprovada, dentre as quais destacamos a internação compulsória. E, tendo em vista essa conjunção de fatores, o Poder Judiciário aparece como um agente importante na concessão desta medida, o que ocorre, muitas vezes, de maneira irrefletida e em total desarmonia com os direitos fundamentais. Dessa forma, fica evidente o modo como os estereótipos constituem uma questão essencial quando pensamos na consolidação de direitos humanos. É justamente nesta perspectiva que se insere a presente dissertação, que objetiva compreender o modo como os estereótipos e discursos hegemônicos a respeito do uso/usuário de drogas influenciam as decisões judiciais de internação compulsória - e até mesmo a sua adoção como política pública - e a tutela dos direitos humanos desse grupo estigmatizado. Para tanto, trabalharemos com o conceito de estereótipo e suas consequências em termos de preconceito e discriminação, em conjunto com a influência dos discursos sociais na consolidação de determinadas práticas em detrimento de outras. Posteriormente, apresentaremos os principais estereótipos e narrativas a respeito do uso/usuário de drogas, o que foi feito com base em uma revisão da literatura. Ainda com base nessa revisão, exporemos a posição à qual nos filiamos, ressaltando a necessidade de políticas públicas que se pautem em evidências e se mostrem em consonância com os direitos fundamentais. Por fim, a partir de uma análise de julgados do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo, em ações de internação compulsória, refletiremos sobre as consequências dos estereótipos e discursos anteriormente mencionados no âmbito do Poder Judiciário e da tutela de direitos, o que nos mostrou a necessidade iminente de o Direito levar em conta a influência de fatores até então negligenciados - como os estereótipos - caso pretenda, de fato, efetivar direitos inerentes ao ser humano. / Currently, the issue of drugs has gained increasing attention in the public debate, especially considering the paradigm of the \"crack epidemic\" and interventions in the so-called \"Cracolândias\". In this perspective, stereotypes and hegemonic discourses regarding the use/user of drugs appear as a means of controlling public policies and social practices, often culminating in the adoption of discriminatory measures, devoid of scientific evidence and contrary to the human rights guideline. In addition, such influence is not limited to \"common sense\", also reached professionals from various fields, within which those responsible for applying the law. In this sense, prejudice and discrimination stemming from stereotypes can act as barriers to access to appropriate treatments, legitimizing measures that, in fact, corroborate to social exclusion and that do not have proven effectiveness, among which we highlight the compulsory hospitalization. And, in view of this conjunction of factors, the Judiciary appears as an important agent in granting this measure, which often occurs in an unrelenting way and in total disharmony with fundamental rights. In this way, it is clear how stereotypes are an essential issue when we think of the consolidation of human rights. It is precisely from this perspective that the present master thesis is inserted, which aims to understand how stereotypes and hegemonic discourses about drug use influence the judicial decisions of compulsory hospitalization - and even its adoption as a public policy - and the protection of the human rights of this stigmatized group. To do so, we will work with the concept of stereotype and its consequences in terms of prejudice and discrimination, together with the influence of social discourses in the consolidation of certain practices to the detriment of others. Subsequently, we present the main stereotypes and narratives regarding drug use/user, which was done based on a review of the literature. Also based on this review, we will expose the position to which we are affiliated, emphasizing the need for public policies that are based on evidence and are in line with fundamental rights. Finally, based on an analysis of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo, in compulsory hospitalization, we will reflect on the consequences of the aforementioned stereotypes and speeches within the scope of the Judiciary and the protection of rights, which showed the imminent need for the Law to take into account the influence of previously neglected factors - such as stereotypes - if it intends, in fact, to implement the inherent human rights.
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Compulsory voting and TV news consumption: evidence from Brazil / Voto obrigatório e consumo de informação no BrasilRaphael Guinâncio Bruce 03 December 2015 (has links)
Do people acquire more information when they are obligated to participate in elections? This dissertation presents empirical evidence on the effects of compulsory voting laws on the consumption of TV news. In Brazil, the law determines that every literate citizen over the age of eighteen and under seventy at the day of the election is subject to a number of penalties if they don\'t attend the ballots. This provides a natural experiment which allows us to identify the causal effect of being under a compulsory voting regime on information acquisition. Using national survey data on the consumption of media we find that, for those who have been exposed to the law for the first time, compulsory voting has a significant and substantial positive impact on the probability of an individual to watch Brazil\'s main newscast, Rede Globo\'s Jornal Nacional. No impact is found, though, for citizens who transition from the voluntary to the compulsory voting regime when they reach the age of seventy. / Pessoas que são obrigadas a votar procuram fazer isso de maneira informada? Essa dissertação procura saber se a lei de voto obrigatório brasileira induz eleitores a consumirem mais informação via noticiários televisivos. Mais especificamente, procuramos saber se o consumo de informações via o noticiário Jornal Nacional, transmitido pela Rede Globo, aumenta em decorrência da exposição à lei. No Brasil, todo cidadão alfabetizado com idade maior que dezoito e menor que setenta anos está sujeito a uma série de punições caso se abstenha sem justificativa nas eleições. Isso gera um experimento natural que nos permite utilizar a técnica de regressão descontínua para recuperar o efeito causal dessa lei sobre o consumo de informação por parte dos eleitores. Encontramos um aumento de 10,4% na probabilidade do eleitor jovem assistir o programa Jornal Nacional que pode ser atribuído especificamente ao fato desse cidadão ser obrigado a votar. Nenhum efeito é encontrado para cidadãos que deixam de ser obrigados aos setenta anos de idade
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Professional pathways for teacher educators in further education practice : a framework to support professional learningWebster, Susan January 2018 (has links)
This project evaluates a proposed framework designed to support professional learning for teacher educators, focusing on Post Compulsory Education & Training, and particularly practices in Further Education. The intention of the framework is to enhance practice and promote professional recognition for people who support others in becoming or developing as teachers: teacher educators. The project proposal is that this can be achieved through engagement with processes of professional learning (Timperley, 2011) in the form of professional pathways, defined here as professional and individual learning journeys supported by principles and research-based recommendations within a recognised framework of underpinning factors. The theoretical framework for the project is interpretative, based on transformative learning (Cranton, 1994, 2002; ; Mezirow, 1997) with a constructivist epistemology and reflexive ontology (Door, 2014). It builds on previous research (Exley & Ovenden-Hope, 2013) using new data to develop initial ideas through a methodology of creative praxis, representing practices and approaches where reflexive, innovative thinking and impact on the world are equally important. The intention is to arrive at a robust, flexible and well-considered framework designed to support the professional formation and development of prospective, new or experienced teacher educators practicing in the Further Education sector.
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Espaços vigiados: um estudo do isolamento compulsório dos portadores de hanseníase no asilo-colônia Santo Ângelo (1890/1960) / Watched spaces: a study about the compulsory isolation of hanseníase carriers at the asylum-colony Santo Ângelo (1890/1960)Postigo, Vânia Regina Miranda 11 September 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa procura analisar o isolamento compulsório dos portadores de hanseníase no Asilo-colônia Santo Ângelo localizado em Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo, tendo como ponto de partida os anos 1890, época em que as primeiras medidas de controle da hanseníase e de outras doenças foram adotadas pelo poder público paulista. A criação de várias instituições e do primeiro código sanitário marcaram o início da construção de uma forte estrutura para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas de saúde neste local. Os anos 1960 marcam o fim do período de isolamento dos hansenianos e a possibilidade dos portadores manterem uma vida fora das grades do Santo Ângelo e dos demais asilos do estado. O controle das doenças na capital paulista tornou-se uma grande preocupação do poder público na medida em que a industrialização possibilitava o enriquecimento e a modernização da cidade, atraindo um grande número de imigrantes. O aumento populacional trazia consigo o alastramento de diversas doenças endêmicas e epidêmicas, tornando urgente a intervenção do Estado no combate aos agravos à saúde da população, posto que as medidas particulares adotadas em períodos anteriores não estavam surtindo efeitos. Os conhecimentos produzidos acerca das doenças no Brasil e no mundo permitiam à medicina enfatizar o papel que o ser humano desempenhava na transmissão das doenças, favorecendo com isso o controle sobre os doentes. Desta forma, além da preocupação com o ambiente físico, posto que medidas sanitárias eram adotadas com o intuito de melhorar as condições de vida na cidade, a medicina lançava seu olhar também ao corpo social, vigiando, controlando e excluindo os doentes da população sã. Ao se dirigir ao ser humano, como fonte propagadora de doenças, a medicina sanitarista, que se desenvolvia em São Paulo, adotou técnicas de exclusão, de controle e de vigilância como formas de profilaxia das moléstias. Neste sentido, dentre as várias doenças de notificação compulsória, a hanseníase (antiga lepra) foi privilegiada neste trabalho por tratar-se de uma doença cuja prevenção exigiu o isolamento compulsório de seus portadores em asilos-colônias construídos em locais distantes da capital. A hanseníase se alastrou de maneira impressionante a partir do final do século XIX em São Paulo, causando grande medo entre a população posto que a cura não era conhecida e também porque trazia consigo representações herdadas de um passado distante, mas que ainda impressionavam as pessoas. O isolamento dos portadores de hanseníase no Asilo-colônia Santo Ângelo era visto pelas autoridades, pelos médicos e pela sociedade como única forma de profilaxia da doença. Neste sentido, o Santo Ângelo foi construído tendo em vista uma longa permanência dos doentes, sendo provido de diversas instalações e de uma infra-estrutura elogiada até mesmo fora do estado e do Brasil. Contudo, com o passar dos anos o asilo se tornou um lugar insuportável para se viver. Os doentes, afastados de suas famílias, eram constantemente vigiados, sofriam maus tratos, eram transformados em cobaias para experimentos de novos medicamentos e, fora dos muros do asilo, a doença se mantinha incontrolada. Após décadas de sofrimentos, finalmente em 1967 as portas do Asilo-colônia Santo Ângelo foram abertas para que os doentes pudessem sair. No entanto, muitas pessoas continuaram e continuam até hoje morando no lugar por não possuírem perspectivas de vida fora do asilo. Algumas delas tiveram seus corpos afetados pela doença e se tornaram incapacitados de alguma forma, seja perda da visão, da audição ou de mãos e pés, porém, todas devem levar consigo as marcas do abandono e da exclusão sofridos no período de isolamento compulsório. / This research tries analyse the compulsory isolation of hanseníase carriers at the asylum-colony located in Mogi das Cruzes, SP, starting in the 80s, when the first hanseníase and other illnesses control arrangements were adapted by the paulista government. The creation of many institutions and the first sanitary code sealed the beginning of the construction of a structure to the development of public policies of health in that place. The 60s indicate the end of hansenianos period of isolation and the possibility of carries to keep a life out of bars of Santo Ângelo and other asylums in the state. The illnesses control, in the paulista capital, became a great worry of the government as the industrialization mode the enrichment and modernization of the city possible, attracting a big number of immigrants. The increasing population brought with itself the expansion of many endemic and epidemic illnesses, making urgent state government intervention in the combat to the damages to health, though the particular arrangements adapted in previous periods were not working. The know ledges made about illnesses in Brazil and in the world allowed the medicine to emphasize the role the human blings played in the illnesses transmission, helping with this the control on sick people. This ways, besides the worry with the physical environment, though the sanitary arrangements were adapted with aim of improving the life conditions in the city, the medicine threw its look also to the social body, observing, controlling and excluding the sick people from the health population. By addressing to the human being, as a spreading temple of illnesses, the sanitary medicine, which grew in São Paulo, adapted exclusion, control and precaution techniques as ways of diseases preventive medicine. In this sense, among the many illnesses of compulsory notice, the hanseníase (former lepra) was privileged in this work by concerning a disease of which prevention demanded the compulsory isolation of its carriers in asylumcolonies built in places far from the capital. The hanseníase spread in an impressing way from the end of the 19th century in São Paulo, causing a great fear among the population since its cure was unknown and also because it brought with itself representations inherited from a distant past, but that still used to impress people. The isolation of hanseníase carriers at the Asylum-colony Santo Ângelo was seen by the authorities, by the doctors and by the society as the only way of preventing the disease. In this sense, Santo Ângelo was built having in view a long stay of the sick people, being provided with several facilities and an infrastructure praised even out of the state and Brazil. However, with the passing years the asylum became an unbearable place to live in. The sick people, apart from this families, were constantly watched, suffered maltreatments, were transformed into guinea pigs for testing new drugs and, out of the walls of the asylum, the illness kept out of uncontrolled. After decades of suffering, finally in 1967 the doors of the Asylum-Colony Santo Ângelo were open for the sick people to go out. Nevertheless, many people kept and keep up to today living in the place because they do not have perspectives of live out of the asylum. Some of them had their bodies affected by the illness and became in some way unable, eye sight, hearing or hands and feet loss, however all of then must take with them the forlornness blemish and the exclusion suffered in the period of compulsory isolation.
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