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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Three Essays on Empirical Studies of Wages in the Korean Labor Market

PARK, KIHONG January 2011 (has links)
My dissertation follows a coherent theme on three important and interesting issues for the Korean labor market as follows: Chapter 1 using data from the 2008 Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled (PSED) investigates gender wage differentials among the disabled. The selectivity corrected decomposition framework is employed to examine what factors - endowments, discrimination, and selectivity - account for the wage gap. The main results are as follows: (1) the gender wage gap among the disabled is sizable: (2) the wage gap is significantly attributable to discrimination: (3) the endowments factor plays an important role in explaining gender wage differentials, as well: and (4) the presence of selection effects raises the observed wage gap. Such evidence suggests that Korean disabled female workers are more likely to be disadvantaged than their male counterparts in terms of wages.Chapter 2 using the 2007 Korea Labor and Income Panel Survey (KLIPS) examines the impact on wages of skills-job mismatch between acquired and required English language proficiency in Korean workplaces. The main findings of this study reveal (1) job mismatch in terms of English language skills has a strong statistically significant impact on wages: (2) the returns to over-skilling are negative (the wage penalty), while the returns to under-skilling are positive (the wage premium): and (3) the wage penalty associated with over-skilling is stronger than the wage premium associated with under-skilling.Chapter 3 using the KLIPS data from 1998 through 2008 investigates the causal relationship between veteran status and post-service labor market outcomes by examining the wage experience of veterans and nonveterans. The major empirical findings can be summarized as follows: (1) contrary to the general perception, veteran status has a significant positive impact on wages after completion of military service, inducing a veteran wage premium: and (2) in terms of the veteran wage premium in subgroups based on educational attainment at the time of entry into military service, less-educated veterans have a greater wage premium relative to their nonveteran counterparts of similar backgrounds than is the case for more-educated veterans. It suggests that military service could be particularly important for less-educated veterans.

Grupperingar i skolvärlden : En studie om hur lärare i särskolan uppfattar mötet mellan grundskolan och grundsärskolan / Groupings in school´s : A study of some special school teacher’s perceptions of the encounter between compulsory school and special school

Wåger, Jonny January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate some teachers in special school´s perceptions of the meeting of compulsory school and special school. In this study, ethnocentrism is used as a theoretical framework, the theory which is built on the meeting between groups and how they interact. The study has a phenomenographic onset, which is a qualitative method. The gathering of data was made through interviews, one to one. Five interviews were made and analyzed by the use of phenomenographic analysis. Five categories were identified: Inclusion, commitment and interest, knowledge about special school, to be forgotten, and differences in cognitive approach. In the sample space the underlying structures was discussed by ethnocentrism, as well as previous literature and research. Some common points of contact between ethnocentrism and previous research on the meeting could be found. What the study also found was that four out of five respondents felt a sense of belonging in school, while one felt that the Special school was excluded from the regular school. The respondents could all agree on the fact that several factors affected the meeting. These five categories could be seen as areas of improvement in schools that want to work in an inclusive manner. These factors were also lifted in previous research on special school and inclusion.

L'interdiction de l'esclavage moderne en droit international et européen : la modernisation nécessaire des cadres juridiques contemporains / The prohibition of modern slavery in international and European law : the necessary modernization of the contemporary legal frameworks

Tena, Sophie 10 December 2010 (has links)
Tragédie humaine et crime que l'on préfère croire d'un autre temps, l'esclavage n'a jamais été aussi prospère que depuis la proclamation officielle de son abolition. Dès lors, son éradication se heurte à un manque flagrant de juridictionnalisation et à l'absence de mise en oeuvre de politiques publiques concrètes. Dans le même temps, l'intervention vigoureuse des forces de l'ordre est entravée, ce qui permet aux trafiquants de jouir d'une relative impunité. De prime abord, il peut paraître simple de définir ce qu'est l'esclavage tant la notion semble entendue et le sujet d'actualité. Mais au-delà de cette image d'Epinal véhiculée par la traite transatlantique négrière, l'esclavage perdure et ses avatars modernes se superposent à ses formes anciennes. La nature transnationale de ce crime, l'anonymat de ces auteurs facilité par l'évolution des technologies et la difficulté d'en identifier ses victimes amènent à se demander si la sphère internationale n'est finalement pas la plus à même de lutter contre les pratiques esclavagistes. De plus, faire respecter l'interdiction des pratiques esclavagistes passe aujourd'hui par une approche multidisciplinaire du phénomène qui doit être réalisée à l'échelle internationale de manière à saisir pleinement l'envergure de ce qu'est réellement l'esclavage, mais implique toutefois une coopération des Etats. En effet, bien plus qu'une simple problématique juridique, fut-elle d'envergure internationale, la lutte contre l'esclavage contemporain implique également une prise de conscience de la sphère politique et un engagement de la société civile sans lesquelles aucunes mesures ne pourraient être efficacement appliquées. / Human tragedy and crime that we prefer to think of another time, slavery has never been so prosperous since the official announcement of its abolition. Therefore, its eradication is facing a serious lack of jurisdictionalisation and a lack of enforcement of specific public policies. At the same time, the vigorous intervention of the authorities is obstructed that which allow a relative impunity to the traffickers.Prima facie it may seem easy to define slavery as the concept seems to heard and the current topic. But beyond this idyllic picture conveyed by the transatlantic slave trade, slavery persists and its modern avatars overlap with its ancient forms. The transnational nature of this crime, the anonymity of the authors facilitated by technological developments and the difficulty of identifying his victims, lead us to wonder if the international sphere is not actually the best able to fight against slavery. Furthermore, enforcing the prohibition of slavery going on today by a multidisciplinary approach to the phenomenon which must be done internationally in order to fully grasp the scale of what slavery really is, but involves, however, cooperation of States. Indeed more than a simple legal question, even with an international scope, the fight against contemporary slavery also involves an awareness of the political sphere and a commitment of the civil society without which no measures could be effectively applied.

Entreprenöriellt lärande : En fenomenologisk studie om pedagogers uppfattningar av entreprenöriellt lärande i skola och fritidshem / Entrepreneurial learning

Naess, Emmy, Sjölander, Melinda January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur pedagoger uppfattar entreprenöriellt lärande i grundskola och fritidshem.  Anledningen till att vi valt att forska kring pedagogers uppfattningar och erfarenheter om entreprenörskap och entreprenöriellt lärande, som också är vårt syfte med studien, är att vi läst i styrdokument att det är viktigt att arbeta med entreprenöriella förmågor i skolan men inte erfarit hur ett sådant arbete kan se ut eller märkt av att andra skolor arbetar med det. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod och en fenomenologisk ansats har vi därför samlat in datainformation om pedagogers erfarenheter och upplevelser kring entreprenöriellt lärande i skola och fritidshem. Vi genomförde parintervjuer för att värdera den sociala interaktionen vi märkte under en pilotintervju, samt att pedagogerna skulle kunna hjälpas åt med att berätta om deras upplevelser och erfarenheter kring entreprenöriellt lärande. Resultatet visar på att pedagogerna delar samma uppfattningar om vad begreppet innebär, nämligen att det är svårdefinierat samt att det handlar om andra förmågor och kompetenser än vad de vanliga skolämnena kräver, även fast arbetet ser olika ut på olika skolor och fritidshem. Samtliga pedagoger tycker även att detta är viktigt att arbeta med trots att det finns många saker runtomkring som påverkar arbetet med entreprenöriellt lärande, som till exempel tidsbrist, brist på kunskap om begreppet samt att många utav de skolor som pedagogerna arbetar på har bestämt att pedagogerna ska gå olika fortbildningar för att utveckla verksamheten på olika sätt. Något som vi har kommit fram till under studiens gång är att skolans roll inte endast är att utveckla elevernas kunskaper inom de olika ämnena, utan skolan har även i uppgift att förbereda eleverna inför livet efter skolan som ansvarsfulla medborgare, att lära för livet.

De bortglömda barnen i beredandet av tvångsvård : Om bristande rättssäkerhet och föräldrars normalitet i tillämpningen av LVU. / The forgotten children in the process of compulsory care : About legal uncertainty and parents normality in application of The Young Persons Act (LVU).

Axgrim, Zarah, Andersson, Jonna January 2016 (has links)
Vi har i denna studie använt oss av ett kvalitativt angreppssätt för att undersöka 19 domar gällande ”barn som far illa” enligt 2§ lagen med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU). Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur Socialnämnden i sina yttranden till Förvaltningsrätten argumenterar för tvångsvården. Studien har inspirerat av diskursanalys som metod och teori samt applicerat det teoretiska begreppet normalitet som ett analytiskt verktyg. Resultatet visar att socialnämnden argumenterar utifrån föräldrars tillkortakommanden och det onormala föräldraskapet i förhållande till barns odefinierade behov. Vidare framkommer att argumentationer förs utifrån lagstiftningen rekvisit för att uppnå rättslig relevans. / We have used a qualitative approach to analyze 19 verdicts according to 2§ The Young Persons Act (LVU) about maltreated children. The purpose with this study was to investigate how the Social Welfare argues to the administrative court. This study was inspired by discourse analyze as method and theory with a theoretical concept of normality as an analytical tool. The result show that the Social Welfare argues about parents shortcoming and the abnormal parenthood in relations to childrens undefined needs. The result also show that the Social Welfare argues for compulsory care in terms of legal requirements to achieve legal relevance.

In English, please! : Teacher reflections on the use of target language in instructional settings of lower secondary ESL learners.

Tholse, Ida January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Hela havet stormar : En rättsfallsstudie om tillämpningen av LVM och LPT vid samsjuklighet / Musical chairs : A legal case study on the application of LVM and LPT at comorbidity

Bankel, Anna, Jönsson, Ulrika January 2017 (has links)
This article is about the application of the two coercive legislations, Care of Abusers (Special Provisions) Act (LVM) and  the Compulsory Psychiatric Care Act (LPT) when individuals suffer from comorbidity. The authority who files the application for coercive interventions differs between the legislations. In LVM the social welfare board files the application and in LPT the chief psychiatrist.  Earlier research has shown that the individuals of the comorbidity group do not get their needs met in either of the legislations. It has also occurred that concrete arguments which relate to statutory criteria are missing. Our aim was to gain knowledge about how the court argued for these criteria, especially in cases where comorbidity exist. Another aim was to see which legislation that gave legal impact. Finally, we wanted to examine the roles of the chief psychiatrist and the social welfare board in court negotiations. We decided to study twenty court cases from Administrative court, ten cases from LVM and ten from LPT where the same individual had been committed to coercive care according to both legislations, this to capture the comorbidity. We interpreted the documents using discourse analysis and selected two concepts, inspired by Foucault and Fairclough, that we thought could be fruitful for our analysis. The result shows that there is more often argumentation about if the legal criteria in LVM are fulfilled compared to LPT where the argumentation is less informative. This result may have been influenced by the secrecy of Law. We also found out that the legislation that was given legal impact depended on the authorities assess of which need that was most urgent. The last finding was that the chief psychiatrist`s opinion was never questioned by the court, but the statements made by the social welfare board was.

Från förskola till mottagande i grundsärskola : Vad händer vid övergången? / From  kindergarten to receiving the basic special school : What happens at the transitions?

Spetz, Annika January 2016 (has links)
The overall purpose of the study was to get a deeper understanding of the process of transition from preschool to compulsory school. According to the purpose the study three issues are the following: 1. How organized the reception to the compulsory school? 2. The motives are to host the compulsory school? 3. What consequences may mean the individual, group and organizational level? The background of the study highlights different factors that influence the transition between pre-school and compulsory school. Also included is a review of research on studies related to students experiences of being in compulsory school and wc alternative solutions which occurred out in the operations, which are relevant for the study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight managers /principals and special educators. The result is divided into four themes. The result in part one includes enrollment processes for compulsory school. Part two describes the reasons for the receipt of compulsory school. The third part shows the impact on the individual group and organizational level. The fourth section deals with children and carers influence and participation. The discussion raised that since the new Education Act (Lgr 11) it is clear who belongs compulsory school and who do not. It requires a diversity of actors that work together to facilitate the transition process for children/ students.

Polisanmälningar i grundskolan / Police-Reported School Violence in Sweden

Vainik, Anne-Lie January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is about police reports concerning school violence in Sweden involving children below the age of criminal responsibility. Police reports about incidents caused by pupils in Swedish compulsory schools have increased since at least the 1980s. In research on violent, threatening and insulting acts among children in schools, incidence and causes are often studied in terms of bullying and degrading treatment. Criminological studies on children's violent acts, in schools, is mainly based on information on children aged 15 and over. Research on why police reports are filed about younger children in compulsory schools is limited. The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse school-related police reports, in relation to children’s unwanted actions in compulsory schools with the goal of understanding the intentionality in every day practice. The empirical material consists of four studies of which three have been conducted using qualitative methods through analysing legal documents, using content analysis of texts in school-related police reports and interviews with Principals. The fourth study has been carried out with statistical analysis of school-related police reports. The results of the studies are presented in four papers. This thesis takes the approach from modern sociology which is used both as perspectives and theory. The perspectives concern modernity, social control and cultural sensitivity. The theoretical framework is based on theory of systems and lifeworld. The concluding analysis shows local differences in the assessments on which action will be reported to the police. It is mainly Principals who make reports to the police but also parents. Principals’ police reports are based on social commitment and early intervention and parents report concern about repeated school bullying of their children. Despite diverse local practices certain patterns appear. Boys in the 13-14 years age group are the ones most often seen as perpetrators in the police reports. Two particularly prominent patterns become visible at the school level. Most police reports are related to schools with low grades and to so-called resource schools. This indicates that the unwanted actions of disadvantaged children are more often reported to the police than the actions of other children. The filing of police reports can be understood as a result of difficulties among adults to reach common understanding on how children’s problems should be handled in school systems everyday practice.

Food Safety Learning in Home and Consumer Studies : Teachers' and Students' Perspectives

Lange, Marie January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to explore food safety as part of Home and consumer studies (HCS) education in Swedish compulsory school. Firstly, a nationwide web-based questionnaire was performed among HCS teachers to obtain an overall picture of their knowledge, behaviour and attitudes regarding food safety.  The second study was a questionnaire among school Year 9 students, where the data were collected using a student response system. The questions were related to the students’ food safety knowledge and behaviour, as well as cooking habits and sources of food safety knowledge and trust. Finally, qualitative interviews were performed among HCS teachers regarding their didactic choices of teaching content. The results indicated a routine behaviour connected to cleaning practices and teaching regarding different perishable food to differ between teachers. The students’ food safety knowledge and behaviour were reported to be inadequate, especially among boys, and that students might leave school without having learnt even basic food safety principles. Mothers and thereby the home were reported to be an important as well as a trusted source of food safety knowledge, especially among the girls. Boys reported HCS to also be an important as well as trusted source, especially students that rarely or never reported to cook at home. For those students HCS must be seen as particularly valuable. To increase the students’ learning, the teaching needs to be related to the students’ everyday practices and to be more reflective in order for it to be practiced outside the HCS classroom. The teachers’ didactic choices could imply consequences for the students’ food safety learning and a need for more education and updated information for the teachers was noticed. In summary, the results indicate that risk areas related to all the Four Cs in Food safety (Cooking, Cleaning, Chilling and avoidance of Cross-contamination) need to be highlighted in HCS teaching and for food safety to become a conscious didactic choice for the teachers.  As teaching regarding food safety in HCS seem to differ it needs to be highlighted in HCS policy documents to ensure equivalent food safety learning for all students in compulsory school.

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