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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performatividade e espa?o p?blico : processos comunicacionais no teatro de rua

Fonseca, Michelle Nascimento Cabral 11 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-04-07T18:09:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_MICHELLE_NASCIMENTO_CABRAL_FONSECA_COMPLETO.pdf: 3849431 bytes, checksum: 6984f4007a2872ab52e4f3a29aa50bae (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-07T18:09:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_MICHELLE_NASCIMENTO_CABRAL_FONSECA_COMPLETO.pdf: 3849431 bytes, checksum: 6984f4007a2872ab52e4f3a29aa50bae (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-11 / The present research aims to investigate the street theater communication process, having the city as a space of connections between these two universes: communication and theater. It is interesting to understand, specifically, the way the street plays are seen, understood and redefined by the street audience, in the act of their reception in the contemporary public space. Understanding the theatrical intervention of the street as an act of complex communication, which involves different social fields, we preferred, in our subject, the communicational processes developed in its practice, emphasizing the relation of this theater with the audience and the contemporary public space. We understand that this unusual encounter of the theater with the individual, inhabitant or transient in that place, is a singular moment, what enables aesthetic discourse, when appropriating the public space, to trigger an intense dialogic process, providing a moment of multiple interactions. For this reason, this research focus on cultural studies, the ideal field to think about communication and its subjects, outside the dichotomic visions and plastered to a universe of connections, displacements and interpretations. Thus, a cut in the vast universe of theater groups that adopt the public space as a place of aesthetic manifestation will be done. Therefore, the present research will analyze the theatrical production of two specific groups, the Cooperativa de Artistas Teatrais Oigal? / RS in the spectacles Deus e o Diabo em terra de Mis?ria and O baile dos Anast?cio and, the Teatro de Opera??es/ RJ group in the spectacles A cena ? p?blica and BTGBT 14059 c?mbio. Having these spectacles as an object we undertake our analysis of the communicational processes in the street theater in its relationship with the spectator, the public space and the interactions generated from these experiences. This research allows us to understand the networks woven in this symbolic place, which is the enjoyment of theatrical art in relation to the concrete organism of the city. This connection leads us to realize that effective transformations take place in cultural and aesthetic appropriation, through a communication process, which subverts the linear and simplified order of "emission - message - reception" proposing a set of transitions and superpositions, which provokes the Empowerment of the recipient subject, and that, in this process, one finds the sense of citizenship. / A presente pesquisa prop?e-se a investigar os processos comunicacionais no teatro de rua, tendo a cidade como espa?o de conex?es entre estes dois universos: a comunica??o e o teatro. Interessa-nos entender, especificamente, o modo pelo qual estas encena??es teatrais s?o vistas, compreendidas e ressignificadas pelo p?blico da rua, no ato de sua recep??o no espa?o p?blico contempor?neo. Entendendo a interven??o teatral de rua como um ato de comunica??o complexo, que envolve diferentes campos sociais, privilegiamos, em nosso tema, os processos comunicacionais desenvolvidos em sua pr?tica, ressaltando a rela??o deste teatro com o p?blico consumidor e o espa?o p?blico na contemporaneidade. Compreendemos que este encontro inusitado, do teatro com o indiv?duo, habitante ou transit?rio naquele lugar, ? um momento singular, onde o discurso est?tico, apropriando-se do espa?o p?blico, vai desencadear um processo dial?gico intenso, proporcionando um momento de m?ltiplas intera??es. Para tanto, a pesquisa localiza, nos estudos culturais, o campo ideal para pensar a comunica??o e seus sujeitos, fora das vis?es dicot?micas e engessadas para um universo de conex?es, deslocamentos e interpreta??es. Para tal, faremos um recorte no vasto universo dos grupos teatrais que adotam o espa?o p?blico como lugar de manifesta??o est?tica. Assim, a presente pesquisa vai analisar a produ??o teatral de dois grupos espec?ficos, a Cooperativa de Artistas Teatrais Oigal?/RS nos espet?culos Deus e o Diabo em terra de mis?ria e O baile dos anast?cio e, o grupo Teatro de Opera??es/RJ nos espet?culos A cena ? p?blica e BTGBT 14059 c?mbio. Tendo estes espet?culos como objeto empreendemos nossa an?lise dos processos comunicacionais no teatro de rua em sua rela??o com o espectador, o espa?o p?blico e as intera??es geradas a partir destas experi?ncias. Esta investiga??o permite compreender as redes tecidas neste lugar simb?lico, que ? a frui??o da arte teatral em rela??o ao organismo concreto da cidade. Esta conex?o nos leva a perceber que transforma??es efetivas se d?o na apropria??o cultural e est?tica, por meio de um processo comunicacional, que subverte a ordem linear e simplificada de ?emiss?o ? mensagem ? recep??o? propondo um jogo de transi??es e superposi??es, que provocam o empoderamento do sujeito receptor, e que, neste processo, se encontra com o sentido da cidadania.

Da mitologia ancestral ? mitologia musical : reflexos do espetacular e do hiperespetacular em videoclipes de David Bowie, Kiss e Lady Gaga

Paludo, Ticiano Ricardo 22 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-05-19T17:42:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_TICIANO_RICARDO_PALUDO_COMPLETO.pdf: 4503183 bytes, checksum: 26a6e1ee4a05505a08456c1b16493040 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-19T17:42:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_TICIANO_RICARDO_PALUDO_COMPLETO.pdf: 4503183 bytes, checksum: 26a6e1ee4a05505a08456c1b16493040 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-22 / This thesis aims to study the articulations and tensions that exist in the 21st century musical myths, and will verify the possibility of tracing a 2000?s mythic construction paradigm to understand the plurality of proposals, platforms and contemporary languages. For this, it presents its own analysis method to think about the total artist concept. An illustrative cut occurs through David Bowie, Kiss and Lady Gaga?s music videos. Bowie will be presented as one of the very first total artists in pop culture, fowward by Kiss, and Gaga. Music videos will be presented as encapsulated operas. In the end, the thesis discuss the adversongs, an union between music, and advertising, apex of the total artist of the 2010 decade. / A presente tese busca compreender as articula??es e tens?es existentes nos mitos musicais do s?culo XXI para verificar a possibilidade de tra?ar-se um paradigma de constru??o m?tica p?s anos 2000 que d? conta da pluralidade de propostas, plataformas e linguagens contempor?neas. Para isso, apresenta metodologia pr?pria de an?lise do que chama de artista total. O recorte ilustrativo se d? atrav?s de videoclipes dos artistas David Bowie, Kiss e Lady Gaga, sendo esta ?ltima uma expoente do referido artista total, e David Bowie, o fundador do modelo. Os videoclipes s?o pensados como ?peras encapsuladas e vetores de constru??o m?tico-espetacular, desde que obede?am a certos crit?rios que s?o explanados durante a pesquisa. Ao final, a tese apresenta o conceito de adversong que compreende a uni?o entre m?sica e publicidade, ?pice do artista total da d?cada de 2010.

Not?cias da travessia : o status fronteiri?o nos jornais Folha de S?o Borja (BR) e Uni?n (AR)

Naz?rio, Heleno Rocha 10 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-19T17:26:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_HELENO_ROCHA_NAZARIO_COMPLETO.pdf: 3601188 bytes, checksum: 2bb0441b60337fabe9b79a5a4888e105 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-19T17:26:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_HELENO_ROCHA_NAZARIO_COMPLETO.pdf: 3601188 bytes, checksum: 2bb0441b60337fabe9b79a5a4888e105 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-10 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The ways in which the newspapers Folha de S?o Borja, existing since 1970 in the homonym brazilian city, and Uni?n, that existed from 1977 until 2010 in the argen-tinian city called Santo Tome, announced the changes made to the crossing of Uruguai river are the main points of interest of this research. Content Analysis was used to treat the clipping of the newspapers about two periods (1982, when the two cities? ports were opened to export and import operations; and 1997, when the International Integration Bridge was constructed and opened to traffic). The Newsmaking hypothesis is a central theoretical concept, and semi-structured interviews were realized with both the publishers, to recover data about productive conditions, routines and contexts re-lated to those periods. The researcher sought to verify how each newspaper covered those advents, whose conditions conformed those productions and, therefore, what different relations were traced from the border cities and presented on the analyzed news. Among the results, it was verified that there was a difference between the news-papers concerning the vision each presented about the role of the changes in the crossing, with the Brazilian newspaper appraising the economic and business dimension, as the Argentinian emphasized the cultural proximity, without forgetting the commercial advantages. The different business size between those two newspapers were important not only in terms of sheer productive capacity, but also in the vision about the border, directed to the connections between the two cities of S?o Borja and Santo Tom?, or emphasizing the integration between Brazil and Argentina, according to the Brazilian newspaper. This difference on the experience of the porosity that is assigned to the adjoining space between nations seems to adjust itself with the distinct treatments each newspaper gave to the news about the crossing changes. On top of that, the study also register predominance of use of entrepreneurial and political leaders as sources, leaving the citizen into the background. Also, the business size was of little to no relevance for issues and publicity sales on the neighbor city. Besides the discussion of the results, the study presents proposals about how the local press can offer support to local integration processes among the municipalities on the border, and to further research on academic and market levels, seeking to approximate both dimensions through applied research and mutual openness between university courses and the press on Brazil?s hinterland. / As formas como os jornais Folha de S?o Borja, circulante desde 1970 na cidade ga?cha de mesmo nome, e Uni?n, circulante de 1977 at? 2010 na cidade argentina de Santo Tom?, noticiaram as mudan?as na forma de travessia do rio Uruguai s?o os pontos de interesse desta pesquisa. Empregou-se a An?lise de Conte?do para o tratamento de recortes dos dois jornais nos per?odos de 1982 (habilita??o dos portos para importa??o e exporta??o) e 1997 (constru??o e inaugura??o da Ponte Internacional da Integra??o), tendo como conceito te?rico central a Hip?tese do Newsmaking, e entrevistas semiestruturadas com os editores dos dois peri?dicos para recupera??o das condi??es de produ??o, rotinas e contextos relacionados aos per?odos referidos. Com isso, buscou-se verificar como cada ve?culo cobriu esses adventos, que condi??es marcaram essas produ??es e, consequentemente, que diferentes rela??es a pa-tir das cidades de fronteira foram apresentadas nas not?cias analisadas. Dentre os resultados, constatou-se que houve diferen?a na vis?o sobre o papel da mudan?a da travessia para a fronteira, com o jornal brasileiro valorizando mais a dimens?o econ?mica e negocial e o jornal argentino concedendo ?nfase ? proximidade cultural, sem esquecer as vantagens comerciais. As diferen?as de porte empresarial entre os jornais analisados importaram n?o apenas na capacidade produtiva, mas na vis?o sobre a fronteira, mais voltada para as conex?es entre as cidades de Santo Tom? e S?o Borja, segundo o jornal argentino, ou enfatizando a integra??o entre Brasil e Argentina, de acordo com o peri?dico brasileiro. Essa diferen?a de experi?ncia da porosidade atribu?da ao espa?o lim?trofe entre na??es parece coadunar-se com os distintos tratamentos dados ?s not?cias sobre as inova??es na travessia. Al?m disso, notou-se predom?nio de uso de lideran?as pol?ticas e empresariais como fontes, deixando o cidad?o em segundo plano. Percebeu-se, tamb?m, que nos jornais analisados o porte empresarial foi pouco determinante para a circula??o e comercializa??o de espa?os publicit?rios na cidade vizinha. O conceito de status relacional fronteiri?o serviu para demonstrar as similaridades e diferen?as entre os dois jornais na abordagem da viv?ncia na ?rea lim?trofe. Al?m da discuss?o dos resultados, o estudo apresenta pro-postas para apoio da imprensa aos processos locais de integra??o entre os munic?pios de fronteira e para futuros estudos nos ?mbitos acad?mico e de mercado.

O turismo nas m?dias digitais : contratos enunciativos com o turista da atualidade

Machado, Andr?ia Ramos 14 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-26T17:44:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_ANDREIA_RAMOS_MACHADO_COMPLETO.pdf: 7249971 bytes, checksum: 44010d1429ffc9666d92ba3358ed0c7c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-26T17:44:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_ANDREIA_RAMOS_MACHADO_COMPLETO.pdf: 7249971 bytes, checksum: 44010d1429ffc9666d92ba3358ed0c7c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-14 / The need for information in the current generation is dynamic and instantaneous. Tourism, as an important sector for the economy and society in general, also appropriates digital media to communicate with the new tourist profile. Therefore, this study aims to "Identify how tourism discourses establish contracts with the current tourist profile in digital media". In order to realize this objective, the study will take the Discourse Analysis as a theoreticalmethodological contribution and the bibliographical research for the theoretical reference on the subject. Initially, the concepts that compose the conditions of production of the texts included in the corpus of the research, which include the socio-historical, economic and cultural context that leave traces in the analyzed discourses, are approached. These concepts are distributed in the chapters: "Tourism: Globalization, Memory and Consumption" and "Communication in Tourism: Information, Virtualization and Digital Media". Afterwards, the Discourse Analysis method proposed by Patrick Charaudeau analyzes discursive marks that allow to recognize who the texts of the travel blogs makes speak, considering their instance of production, its enunciative context and the proposed contracts By the speech in question. We analyze blog posts on Viaje na Viagem, 360 Meridianos e Esse Mundo ? Nosso. At the end, the relations between the established contracts and the profile of the current tourist are recognized, verifying that the speeches are constructed to provide information to the reader and use references that contemplate the profile of the tourist of the present time. Therefore, it increases the confidence of the tourist in this type of information, considering the authors as "consultants" of trip, paper that previously was only assigned to the professionals of tourist companies. / A necessidade de informa??o na gera??o atual ? din?mica e instant?nea. O Turismo, como setor importante para a economia e a sociedade em geral, se apropria igualmente das m?dias digitais para se comunicar com o novo perfil de turista. Sendo assim, este estudo tem como objetivo ?Identificar de que forma os discursos do Turismo estabelecem contratos com o atual perfil do turista, nas m?dias digitais?. Para dar conta deste objetivo, o estudo tomar? a An?lise de Discurso como aporte te?rico-metodol?gico e a pesquisa bibliogr?fica para o referencial te?rico sobre o tema. Inicialmente, s?o abordados os conceitos que comp?em as condi??es de produ??o dos textos inclu?dos no corpus da pesquisa, que incluem o contexto s?cio-hist?rico, econ?mico e cultural que deixam rastros nos discursos analisados. Estes conceitos est?o distribu?dos no cap?tulos: ?Turismo: globaliza??o, mem?ria e consumo? e ?Comunica??o no Turismo: informa??o, virtualiza??o e m?dias digitais?. Ap?s, passa-se a analisar, a partir do m?todo de An?lise do Discurso proposto por Patrick Charaudeau, as marcas discursivas que permitam reconhecer ?quem? os textos dos blogs de viagem faz falar, considerando sua inst?ncia de produ??o, seu contexto enunciativo e os contratos propostos pelo discurso em quest?o. S?o analisados posts dos blogs Viaje na Viagem, 360 Meridianos e Esse Mundo ? Nosso. Ao final, se reconhecem as rela??es entre os contratos estabelecidos e o perfil do atual turista, verificando que os discursos s?o constru?dos para prestar informa??o ao leitor e utilizam refer?ncias que contemplam o perfil do turista da atualidade. Por conseguinte, percebe-se o aumento da confian?a do turista neste tipo de informa??o, considerando os autores como ?consultores? de viagem, papel que antes s? era atribu?do aos profissionais de empresas tur?sticas.

Imagem e reputa??o de organiza??es de servi?os : um estudo de caso sobre a TAM e a Azul

Dias, Bianca Garrido 15 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-27T17:01:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_BIANCA_GARRIDO_DIAS_COMPLETO.pdf: 3937137 bytes, checksum: 3a2d3fcc592813ee5144479086d471d0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-27T17:01:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_BIANCA_GARRIDO_DIAS_COMPLETO.pdf: 3937137 bytes, checksum: 3a2d3fcc592813ee5144479086d471d0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-15 / This study has the objective to investigate the image and reputation of the organizations TAM and Blue based on content published about them in the media. An analysis of twelve articles about the companies will be done ? six about each company, published on the G1 and Folha de S?o Paulo websites during the second half of 2014 and on the first half of 2015. We aim to observe how the socio-historical context influenced the communication of news about the companies, as well as which aspects were highlighted in each piece of news and by each communication vehicle, how the verbal and non-verbal elements conveyed can impact the organizational image and how the reputation of each company can determine different journalistic approaches. In order to theoretically support our analysis, the following a priori categories were adopted: Photography, from Barthes, from which the subcategories Studium and Punctum stem from, also from Barthes; Image and Reputation, from Argenti and Rosa; Culture, from Barthes and Marchiori, Power, Socioleto, Stereotype, Fait Divers and Myth, from Barthes. From the methodological point of view, Thompson?s Depth Hermeneutics (DP) paradigm (1995) will be used, based on his proposal of a Triple Analysis: Socio-Historical, Formal or Discursive and Interpretation/Reinterpretation. In the Formal or Discursive Analysis stage, we will count on the support of Semiology, in Barthes, as an analysis technique associated with HP. / Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar a Imagem e Reputa??o das organiza??es TAM e Azul a partir do que ? publicado sobre elas na m?dia. Para isso, ser? feita uma an?lise de doze mat?rias sobre as empresas, sendo seis sobre cada uma delas, publicadas nos sites G1 e Folha de S?o Paulo, durante o segundo semestre de 2014 e o primeiro semestre de 2015. Busca-se compreender como o contexto s?cio-hist?rico influenciou na veicula??o de not?cias sobre as empresas, quais foram os aspectos salientados em cada not?cia e por cada ve?culo, como os elementos verbais e n?o verbais veiculados podem impactar na imagem organizacional e como a reputa??o de cada companhia pode determinar abordagens jornal?sticas diferenciadas. Para sustentar teoricamente esta an?lise, adotam-se as categorias a priori: Fotografia, em Barthes, de onde decorrem as subcategorias Studium e Punctum, tamb?m em Barthes; Imagem e Reputa??o, em Argenti e Rosa; Cultura, em Barthes e Marchiori, Poder, Socioleto, Estere?tipo, Fait Divers e Mito, em Barthes. Do ponto de vista metodol?gico, utilizam-se o Paradigma da Hermen?utica de Profundidade (HP), em Thompson (1995), em sua proposta de uma Tr?plice An?lise: S?cio-Hist?rica, Formal ou Discursiva e Interpreta??o/Reinterpreta??o. Na etapa de An?lise Formal ou Discursiva, conta-se com o apoio da Semiologia, em Barthes, como t?cnica de an?lise associada ? HP.

Uma s?rie de contos e os contos em s?rie : o imagin?rio p?s-moderno em Once Upon a Time

Azubel, Larissa Lauffer Reinhardt 24 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-27T17:04:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_LARISSA_LAUFFER_REINHARDT_AZUBEL_COMPLETO.pdf: 10660852 bytes, checksum: 4e8a52c3c117a4f6147e315dbfd4baf9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-27T17:04:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_LARISSA_LAUFFER_REINHARDT_AZUBEL_COMPLETO.pdf: 10660852 bytes, checksum: 4e8a52c3c117a4f6147e315dbfd4baf9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-24 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / This research seeks to comprehend the manifestation of the postmodern imaginary in the feeric serial narrative Once Upon a Time. Moved by this purpose, it goes through a path in which plots and characters suffer metamorphoses, to understand how the spirit of time shows itself up in the first season of this series. The key notions that guide it are of imaginary (and its technologies) and of postmodernity. But it also counts on the theoretical contribution of the fairy tales and of the television series. Through them, the Comprehensive Sociology, as method, and the Comprehensive Film Analysis of Serialized Narrative, as research technique, it launches into the cartography of Once Upon a Time in the field of Sociology Communication. With this theoretical and methodological basis, it deciphers the living imaginary micromuseum of this series, which reveals itself as a metaphor (if not, a caricature) of contemporary sociality. In addition, in the anthropological path of this research, it is proposed, among other theoretical advances, its own notions of imaginary, regime of contemporary images, postmodernity, communication and fairy tales. It is also suggested a new way of analyzing television series. / Esta pesquisa busca compreender a manifesta??o do imagin?rio p?s-moderno na narrativa fe?rica seriada Once Upon a Time. Movida por esse intuito, percorre o trajeto em que tramas e personagens passam por metamorfoses, para entender como o esp?rito do tempo se apresenta na primeira temporada da s?rie. As no??es-chave que a guiam s?o as de imagin?rio (e suas tecnologias) e de p?s-modernidade. Mas conta tamb?m com o aporte te?rico sobre contos de fadas e s?ries televisivas. Por meio delas, da Sociologia Compreensiva como m?todo e da An?lise F?lmica Compreensiva da Narrativa Seriada como t?cnica de pesquisa, lan?a-se ? cartografia de Once Upon a Time no ?mbito da Sociologia da Comunica??o. Com essa base, te?rica e metodol?gica, interpreta o micromuseu imagin?rio vivo da s?rie, o qual revela-se met?fora (sen?o, caricatura) da socialidade contempor?nea. Al?m disso, no trajeto antropol?gico desta pesquisa prop?e-se, entre outros avan?os te?ricos, no??es pr?prias de imagin?rio, regime das imagens contempor?neas, p?s-modernidade, comunica??o e contos de fadas. Sugere-se, ademais, uma nova forma de analisar s?ries televisivas.

Jornalismo mensurado : uma investiga??o sobre os impactos dos sistemas de medi??o de audi?ncia em sites de not?cias

Antunes, Antonio Paulo Serpa 29 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-29T13:48:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_ANTONIO_PAULO_SERPA_ANTUNES_COMPLETO.pdf: 636108 bytes, checksum: 79ed4c4f8b08b31e8a259e713d86c933 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-29T13:48:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_ANTONIO_PAULO_SERPA_ANTUNES_COMPLETO.pdf: 636108 bytes, checksum: 79ed4c4f8b08b31e8a259e713d86c933 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-29 / This research aims to investigate how news companies use web analytics tools, the systems which collect, compile and generate their websites? audience reports. Through qualitative research conducted along the editorial offices of the Jornal NH (Novo Hamburgo/RS) and the Di?rio Ga?cho (Porto Alegre/RS) newspapers, the study observed the relationship between the adoption of audience measurement systems and the implementation of journalistic convergence processes in newsrooms, their incorporation to the editorial processes of the journalists and their influence in defining these organizations? business models. For the analysis, the Political Economy of Communication was approached with the intent of verifying whether such tools are used to maximize news companies? profits. The case studies showed that there is a balance between performing journalistic work and reaching more audience, as well as that the web analytics is a supporting tool for corporate decisions, influencing in the choices of business strategies to be adopted. / Esta pesquisa procura investigar como empresas jornal?sticas fazem uso das ferramentas de web analytics, os sistemas que coletam, compilam e geram relat?rios de audi?ncia de seus websites. Atrav?s da realiza??o de pesquisa qualitativa junto ?s reda??es dos jornais Jornal NH (Novo Hamburgo/RS) e Di?rio Ga?cho (Porto Alegre/RS) procurouse observar a rela??o entre a ado??o dos sistemas de medi??o de audi?ncia e a implanta??o de processos de converg?ncia jornal?stica nas reda??es, sua incorpora??o aos processos editoriais dos jornalistas e sua influ?ncia na defini??o do modelo de neg?cios dessas organiza??es. Para an?lise do tema, buscou-se uma aproxima??o com a Economia Pol?tica da Comunica??o, de modo a verificar se estas ferramentas s?o usadas como forma de maximizar os lucros das empresas jornal?sticas. Observou-se nos estudos de caso que existe um equil?brio entre fazer o trabalho jornal?stico e conquistar mais audi?ncia e ainda que o web analytics ? um instrumento de apoio para decis?es corporativas, influenciando na escolha das estrat?gias de neg?cios adotadas.

The winter is coming : a Social TV entre Brasil e Portugal atrav?s de Game of Thrones

Vilela, Mateus Dias 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-29T14:10:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_MATEUS_DIAS_VILELA_COMPLETO.pdf: 4755256 bytes, checksum: 7fdf5a9c2b4786683a07dec78efe1788 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-29T14:10:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_MATEUS_DIAS_VILELA_COMPLETO.pdf: 4755256 bytes, checksum: 7fdf5a9c2b4786683a07dec78efe1788 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The postmodernism and the cyberculture transformed the way individuals relate too, not only among themselves, but also with the media. In this context, TV appears in a prominent position, either by digitalization or by the recent profound changes, especially regarding the program schedule. While some authors believe that the model of broadcasting is moving towards extinction, Social TV has shown that watching a program while the other still relevant, since the conversation about them on social networks. In this way, this research proposes to conduct a content analysis about the publications made on Twitter and Facebook, in Brazil and Portugal, around three episodes of Game of Thrones. With the objective to further the investigation on the concept of Social TV, we starts from the thesis that such a phenomenon amplifies the social bond, extending between the users that connect to unknown through the tastes, and the creation of a bond between vehicles, television and social networks. / A p?s-modernidade e a cibercultura transformaram a maneira como os indiv?duos se relacionam, n?o somente entre si, mas tamb?m com as m?dias. Nesse contexto, a televis?o aparece em posi??o de destaque, seja pela sua recente digitaliza??o ou pelas profundas mudan?as, principalmente no que tange a grade de programa??o. Enquanto alguns autores acreditam que o modelo de broadcasting esteja caminhando para a extin??o, a Social TV mostra que, assistir a um programa ao mesmo tempo que os demais, ainda ? relevante, visto a conversa??o sobre os mesmos nas redes sociais. Dessa forma, a presente pesquisa realiza uma an?lise de sobre as publica??es feitas, no Twitter e no Facebook, no Brasil e em Portugal, em torno de tr?s epis?dios da s?rie Game of Thrones. Tendo como objetivo aprofundar as investiga??es sobre o conceito de Social TV, parte-se da tese de que tal fen?meno amplifica o la?o social, estendendo-o entre os f?s que se ligam a desconhecidos atrav?s dos gostos, al?m da cria??o de um la?o entre os ve?culos, televis?o e redes sociais.

As transforma??es no cen?rio eleitoral decorrentes do surgimento das novas tecnologias : na campanha de Jos? Ivo Sartori para o governo do RS em 2014

Manfredini, Rodolfo Soares 13 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-29T14:13:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_RODOLFO_SOARES_MANFREDINI_COMPLETO.pdf: 1405675 bytes, checksum: 470c2d4652d769a43dc22d8f2be4e254 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-29T14:13:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_RODOLFO_SOARES_MANFREDINI_COMPLETO.pdf: 1405675 bytes, checksum: 470c2d4652d769a43dc22d8f2be4e254 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-13 / The present work presents an analysis of the perceived changes in the political area, due to the advent of new technologies. The electoral campaign of Jos? Ivo Sartori for the government of Rio Grande do Sul in 2014 was chosen for the study, as he successfully exploited the use of the Internet and its technological developments. Thus, a little known candidate of the majority of the population, managed to win the elections becoming governor of the state. Three points will be analyzed, since innovative strategies have been considered: the hashtag: # Sartor?oDaMassa; Sartori's request to voters, made during Free Election Time (FET), to record videos with open arms, simulating a hug the size of Rio Grande; and the testimony of Sartori's mother, also broadcast on FET. / O presente trabalho apresenta uma an?lise das mudan?as percebidas, na ?rea pol?tica, decorrentes do advento das novas tecnologias. A campanha eleitoral de Jos? Ivo Sartori para o governo do Rio Grande do Sul em 2014 foi escolhida para o estudo, pois soube explorar com sucesso o uso da internet e suas evolu??es tecnol?gicas. Assim, um candidato pouco conhecido da maioria da popula??o, conseguiu ganhar as elei??es tornando-se governador do estado. Tr?s pontos ser?o analisados, por terem sido consideradas estrat?gias inovadoras: a hashtag: # Sartor?oDaMassa; o pedido de Sartori aos eleitores, feito durante o Hor?rio Eleitoral Gratuito (HEG), para que gravassem v?deos com bra?os abertos, simulando um abra?o do tamanho do Rio Grande; e o depoimento da m?e de Sartori, tamb?m transmitido no HEG.

A mem?ria afetiva e os telespectadores : um estudo do Canal Viva

Bressan Junior, Mario Abel 29 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-29T14:34:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_MARIO_ABEL_BRESSAN_JUNIOR_COMPLETO.pdf: 2519099 bytes, checksum: 937424692b4782fbf7968ed35d4a3e20 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-29T14:34:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_MARIO_ABEL_BRESSAN_JUNIOR_COMPLETO.pdf: 2519099 bytes, checksum: 937424692b4782fbf7968ed35d4a3e20 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-29 / This doctoral thesis has as general objective, to analyze how Canal Viva viewers' affective memory is constituted in Brazil. We try to answer in which way the audience conquest happens, how the affective memory can interfere in this process of acceptance, who are and how these viewers interact in social media and what memories and affections are shown in the posts. We use the Content Analysis of Laurence Bardin (2011), which establishes the research on the semantic meanings of comments, observing the verbs, adjectives and expressions that provide meaning in the conversation published on the network. With the analysis of content it was possible to construct categories of analysis that allowed to understand viewers? manifestations about Canal Viva. We analyzed the comments posted by viewers on twitter website on the telenovelas Cambalacho and La?os de Fam?lia. For this, we use Grid Monitoring software as a data collection tool. As a methodological course the posts were classified in two moments. The first one was positive, negative and neutral, and the second was in accordance with the categorization criteria presented in the methodology. After these divisions were made, the data were analyzed with the co-occurrences of terms that appear incidental or not. The final results showed that, in addition to being affective, there is a tele-affective memory, resulting from the emotional effects of television, socialization and the affections built with reference groups. Canal Viva becomes a place of revisitation, which evokes the memories and affectivities of the public. It is a pleasure to return to the past because it is a social bond reconstructed by remembrances, in which the TV was part of the private and collective moments of people. / Esta tese de doutorado possui como objetivo geral analisar como ? constitu?da a mem?ria afetiva dos telespectadores do Canal Viva no Brasil. Procuramos responder de que forma acontece a conquista da audi?ncia, como a mem?ria afetiva pode interferir neste processo de aceita??o, quem s?o e como interagem esses telespectadores nas redes sociais e que mem?rias e afetos aparecem nas publica??es. Utilizamos a An?lise de Conte?do de Laurence Bardin (2011), a qual estabelece a investiga??o sobre os sentidos sem?nticos dos coment?rios, observando os verbos, os adjetivos e express?es que proporcionam um sentido na conversa publicada na rede. Com a an?lise de conte?do foi poss?vel construir categorias que permitiram compreender as manifesta??es dos telespectadores sobre o Canal Viva. Analisamos os coment?rios postados pelos telespectadores, no site de rede social twitter, sobre as telenovelas Cambalacho e La?os de Fam?lia. Para isso, empregamos como ferramenta de coleta dos dados o software Grid Monitoramento. No percurso metodol?gico, as postagens foram classificadas em dois momentos. No primeiro, em positivas, negativas e neutras. No segundo, obedece aos crit?rios de categoriza??o apresentados na metodologia. Ap?s a realiza??o dessas divis?es, os dados foram analisados a partir das coocorr?ncias de termos que aparecem incidentes ou n?o. Os resultados mostraram que, al?m da afetiva, h? uma mem?ria teleafetiva, resultante dos efeitos emocionais advindos da televis?o, da socializa??o e dos afetos constru?dos com os grupos de refer?ncia. O Canal Viva passa a ser um lugar de revisita??o, que evoca as mem?rias e as afetividades do p?blico. H? um prazer em voltar ao passado por constituir um la?o social reconstru?do pelas rememora??es, das quais a TV fez parte em momentos particulares e coletivos das pessoas.

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