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Nosná železobetonová konstrukce vícepodlažního obytného objektu / Load-bearing reinforced concrete structure of a multi-storey residential buildingBadány, Kristián January 2022 (has links)
The objective of the diploma thesis is a design and check of load-bearing concrete structure of multi-storey residential building. The building is located in Brno. The total ground plan’s dimensions are 39,32 x 22,58 metres, total height of the building in the highest point is 10,29 metres. The object is three-storey building with rectangular plan with partial basement designed as cast-in-place concrete frame and two above-ground floor designed as reinforced concrete walls and masonry walls. Load-bearing floor structures are designed as reinforced concrete slabs. Drawing documentation is included.
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Klimatförbättrad betong- eller trästomme i en byggnad : - Vilket alternativ är mest fördelaktigt ur ett livscykelperspektiv / Climate-improved concrete or wooden frame in a building : - Which alternative is most advantageous from a lifecycle perspectivePezic, Nedim, Al-Omari, Saif January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Strengthening Of Brick Infilled Rc Frames With Cfrp Reinforcement-general PrinciplesAkin, Emre 01 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
There is an excessive demand for the rehabilitation of frame type reinforced concrete (RC) buildings which do not satisfy current earthquake code provisions. Therefore, it is imperative to develop user-friendly seismic strengthening methodologies which do not necessitate the evacuation of building during rehabilitation period.
In this study, it was aimed to strengthen the brick infill walls by means of diagonal Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) fabrics and to integrate them with the existing structural frame in order to form a new lateral load resisting system. The possible effects of height to width (aspect) ratio of the infill walls and scale of the frame test specimens on the overall behavior attained by the developed rehabilitation methodology were investigated.
The experimental part of the study was carried out in two steps. In the first step, ten individual panel specimens were tested in order to understand the behavior of strengthened/non-strengthened masonry walls under diagonal earthquake loads. And in the second step, the tests of eight 1/3 and four 1/2 scaled one-bay, two-story RC frames having two different aspect ratios were performed to determine design details. The experimental results were revealed in terms of lateral stiffness, strength, drift and energy dissipation characteristics of the specimens.
In the analytical part, an equivalent strut and tie approach was used for modeling the strengthened/non-strengthened infill walls of the frames. The predicted pushover responses of the frame models were compared with the test results. The design criteria required for the aforementioned strengthening methodology was developed referring these analytical results.
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Precast Concrete Panel Reinforced Infill Walls For Seismic Strengthening Of Reinforced Concrete Framed StructuresBaran, Mehmet 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The importance of seismic rehabilitation became evident with 1992 Erzincan Earthquake, after which a large number of reinforced concrete buildings damaged in recent earthquakes required strengthening as well as repair. In the studies related
to rehabilitation, it has been realized that inadequate lateral stiffness is one of the major causes of damage in reinforced concrete buildings. Recently, economical, structurally effective and practically applicable seismic retrofitting techniques are being developed in METU Structural Mechanics Laboratory to overcome these kinds of problems.
The strengthening technique proposed in this thesis is on the basis of the principle of strengthening the existing hollow brick infill walls by using high strength precast concrete panels such that they act as cast-in-place concrete infills
improving the lateral stiffness. Also, the technique would not require evacuation of the building and would be applicable without causing too much disturbance to the occupant. For this purpose, after two preliminary tests to verify the proper
functioning of the newly developed test set-up, a total of fourteen one-bay two story reinforced concrete frames with hollow brick infill wall, two being unstrengthened reference frames, were tested under reversed cyclic lateral loading
simulating earthquake loading. The specimens were strengthened by using six different types of precast concrete panels. Strength, stiffness, energy dissipation and story drift characteristics of the specimens were examined by evaluating the test results. Test results indicated that the proposed seismic strengthening technique can be very effective in improving the seismic performance of the reinforced
concrete framed building structures commonly used in Turkey.
In the analytical part of the study, hollow brick infill walls strengthened by using high strength precast concrete panels were modelled once by means of equivalent
diagonal struts and once as monolithic walls having an equivalent thickness. The experimental results were compared with the analytical results of the two approaches mentioned. On the basis of the analytical work, practical recommendations were made for the design of such strengthening intervention to be executed in actual practice.
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En jämförelse av arbetsmoment och enhetstid vid uppfyllandet av brand- och ljudkrav för korslimmat trä respektive betong i bostäder / A comparison between work activities and working hours upon fulfillment with regard to fire and sound regulations for cross-laminated timber and concrete in housingLyck, Markus, Nilsson, Jacob January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Stål och betong har länge varit dominerande inom byggnation av den anledningen att flervåningshus med en stomme i trä mellan 1874 och 1994 i Sverige inte varit tillåtet. Detta har lett till att erfarenhet och kunskap inom flervåningshus i trä inte har utvecklats i samma takt. Med en ökad medvetenhet om miljön är nu fler intresserade av att bygga i trä då materialet anses vara bättre ur en miljösynpunkt. KL-trä har möjligheten att konkurrera med stål- och betongelement i bärighet och hållfasthet men står inför andra utmaningar när det kommer till brand- och ljudkrav. Målet med studien är att ta fram underlag för arbetsmoment, arbetstid och exempel på tvärsnittslösningar som använts för att upprätta mer korrekta kalkyler och tidplaner i anbudsskedet vid val av en KL-trästomme eller betongstomme i bostäder. Metod: Undersökningen genomförs som en kvalitativ fallstudie där analys sker av både kvantifierbara sekundärdata i form av enhetstider och tidigare tvärsnittslösningar, så väl som kvalitativ primärdata från semistrukturerade intervjuer. Genom triangulering av insamlade data tas tvärsnitt fram som utgör jämförelsen mellan KL-trä och prefabricerad betong med hänsyn till arbetsmoment och arbetstid. Resultat: KL-trästommen kräver med hänsyn till brand- och ljudkrav fler arbetsmoment och en längre enhetstid än vad en prefabricerad betongstomme gör. Resultatet baseras på en kvadratmeter av tvärsnitten. Arbetsgången mellan de olika stommaterialen skiljer dessutom där betong efter sitt stommontage anses mer färdigt medan en KL-trästomme kräver fler påbyggda skikt. Konsekvenser: Studien grundas på en kvadratmeter i ett tvärsnitt i stället för en bredare bild av ett helt projekt. Vidare rekommenderas att kommande studier behandlar fler stomdelar, fuktsäkerhet och övergripande tidsåtgång för arbete med de olika stommaterialen. Begränsningar: Studien tar endast hänsyn till bjälklag och lägenhetsskiljande väggar i KL-trä respektive prefabricerad betong. Sekundärdata i form av tvärsnitt är endast insamlat från en av vardera källor rörande stommaterialen, nämligen organisationerna Svenskt Trä och Svensk Betong. Enhetstiderna är tagna ur Ny- och ombyggnadslistan 2018 men är kompletterade med respondenters ackordsunderlag. Intervjuerna är utförda med respondenter från byggbranschen som varit involverade i ett eller flera projekt med antingen KL-trästomme eller prefabricerad betongstomme. / Purpose: Steel and concrete has for a long time been dominating in construction because of the reason that multi-storey buildings of wood were forbidden between 1874 and 1994 in Sweden. This has led to that experience and knowledge about multi-storey buildings made of wood have not developed in the same rate. With an increase of awareness about the environment, more have now become interested of building with wood since it is deemed better for the environment. Cross-laminated timber (CLT) can compete with steel and concrete elements in terms of load-bearing capacity and strength of material but face other challenges when it comes to fire and sound regulations. The goal of this study is to bring forward information about work activities, working hours and example of used cross-section solutions to execute more correct calculations and time schedules for projecting with either CLT or concrete in housing. Method: The study will be conducted as a qualitative fall study were analysis of both quantifiable secondary data in shape of unit times and earlier used cross-section solutions as well as qualitative primary data from semi-constructed interviews. Through triangulation of the collected data a cross-section will be selected that will compose the comparison between CLT and precast concrete regarding work activities and working hours. Findings: CLT frame requires more work activities and a longer working time than a prefabricated concrete frame with regards to fire and sound regulations. The result is based on a square meter of the cross-section. The work process differs between the different materials were a concrete frame, after it has been assembled is deemed more complete than a CLT frame which requires more layers for completion. Implications: The foundation of the study was formed on a square meter of a cross-section instead of a wider picture of a complete project. Further recommendations for upcoming studies are to include more frame parts, moisture safety and a general timescale of working with the different materials. Limitations: The study includes apartment differencing floors and walls of CLT and prefabricated concrete. Secondary data are only collected from one of each material, these are collected from the organizations Swedish Wood and Swedish Concrete. Unit times are taken from the New- and Reconstruction list 2018 (Ny- och ombyggnadslistan 2018) and these are complemented with response from the interviews. The interviews are conducted with respondents from the construction industry who has been involved in one or more projects with either a CLT frame or a precast concrete frame.
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Återbruk och återvinning av betongstommar hos byggnader : Utmaningar och möjligheter ur byggentreprenörers och materialtillverkares perspektivLagerlund, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Idag ligger ett stort fokus på återbruk och återvinning och hur samhället kan ersätta jungfruligt material med hållbara resurser. Eftersom samhället idag har stort fokus på reducering av koldioxidutsläpp är tillverkningen av cement inom byggindustrin en viktig faktor att prioritera eftersom den genererar stora koldioxidutsläpp. Ett sätt att bidra positivt i klimatomställningen och ställa om till cirkulära flöden skulle för byggentreprenörer och materialtillverkare därför vara att arbeta med återbruk och återvinning av betongstommar. Däremot har forskning inom detta område idag inte kommit så långt och återbruk av betongstommar är inte vanligt förekommande i sektorn. För att lyckas med återbruk och återvinning av betongstommar finns det ett behov av att utveckla dagens byggteknik vilket kräver att byggentreprenörer arbetar fram nya eller utvecklar befintliga arbetsmetoder. Studien syftar därmed till att bidra med ökad förståelse hur byggentreprenörer och materialtillverkare kan arbeta för att främja återbruk och återvinning av betongstommar i byggbranschen. Målet är därför att identifiera ovan nämnda aktörers syn på utmaningar som finns idag och hur dessa aktörer i framtiden kan arbeta för att bättre möjliggöra återbruk och återvinning av betongstommar. Studien baseras på en litteraturstudie och en intervjustudie. Intervjustudien utgörs av två perspektiv varav 8 personer representerar byggentreprenörsperspektivet och 5 personer representerar materialtillverkarperspektivet. Intervjuerna syftade till att undersöka hur ovan nämnda aktörer förhåller sig till återbruk och återvinning av betongstommar idag och vad de ser för utmaningar och möjligheter kopplat till det. Resultaten analyserades genom att intervjuresultaten kategoriserades i teman för att vidare identifiera likheter och skillnader i respondenternas svar. Litteraturstudien gjordes delvis för att få en förståelse för ämnet samt för att kunna jämföra intervjudata med utmaningar och möjligheter som identifierades via litteraturen. Examensarbetet har genomförts med ett fokus på bygg- och projektutvecklingsföretaget Skanska Sverige AB vilket medför att insamlade data baseras på Skanska anställdas kunskaper och erfarenheter. En av de viktigaste utmaningarna som framkom från intervjustudien är brist på erfarenhet och kunskap kopplat till återbruk och återvinning generellt och i faktiska projekt. Litteraturstudien visade att etablerad metod som byggteknik och beräkningsverktyg måste utvecklas och anpassas för återbrukat och återvunnet material. Vad som framkom som en självklarhet i både intervju- och litteraturstudien var att återbruk och återvinning av betong kommer behöva öka framåt på grund av betongtillverkningens stora koldioxidutsläpp. För att främja utveckling av det visade intervjuerna att svensk lagstiftning behöver ses över, samtidigt som exempelvis betongstandarder behöver förändras. Flertalet respondenter menade att dagens lagar och standarder hämmar innovation. Parallellt med kunskapsspridning och motivation till ökat återbruk och återvinning påpekar intervju- och litteraturstudien att det är viktigt att hitta ett fungerade kvalitetssäkringssystem för att garantera att betongen uppnår ställda krav, exempelvis rätt hållfasthet. En möjlighet som lyftes i intervjuerna är att återbruk och återvinning kan möjliggöras genom att nyttja kompetens och samarbeta internt och externt mellan parter. Vid undersökning av vad som är det bästa användningsområdet för en återbrukad betongstomme framkom det från intervjustudien att fokuset borde vara att utveckla betongstommen där den är på grund av betongens fördelar som beständigt material med lång livslängd. Där menade respondenterna att det även bidrar till minskat antal transporter eftersom en ny stomme inte behöver projekteras och levereras vilket också bidrar till lägre koldioxidutsläpp totalt sett för byggprojektet. Vidare visade resultat från intervju- och litteraturstudie att möjligheterna för återbruk och återvinning av betongstommar ökar om tid och resurser kan läggas i projekteringsskedet och om man kan främja desgin för att återbruka. Respondenterna ansåg att en möjlighet är om branschen kan ta fram en gemensam standard för betongelement som förenklar montage och demontage. Slutligen visade intervju- och litteraturstudien på olika vis att en möjlighet är att fokusera på materialinventering av byggkomponenter före rivning av betongkonstruktionen vilket även bidrar till minskad avfallsmängd. Forskningsområdet som har belysts i denna studie är under utveckling och kompletterande forskning behövs. Förslagsvis skulle fortsatta studier kunna undersöka hur betongstommar kan anpassas för att återbruk ska möjliggöras eller hur branschstandarder som gynnar återbruk och återvinning kan utformas. / Today there is a huge focus on reuse and recycling and how the society can replace virgin material with sustainable resources. Since the society today has a strong focus on reducing carbon dioxide emissions, the production of cement is an important factor to prioritise as it generates large carbon dioxide emissions. One way of contributing positively to climate change and to increased circularity in the construction industry would therefore be for contractors and material manufactures to work with reuse and recycling of concrete frames. However, research in this area has not come far and reuse of concrete frames is not common in the construction industry. To succeed with reuse and recycling of concrete frames, there is a need to develop today’s construction technology, which requires contractors to come up with new or develop existing working methods. The aim of the study is to contribute to an increased understanding of how contractors and material manufacturers can work to promote reuse and recycling of concrete frames in the construction industry. The objective is therefore to identify the above-mentioned actors’ views on the challenges that exist today and how these actors can work in the future to better enable the reuse and recycling of concrete frames. The study includes a literature study and an interview study. The interview study considers the perspectives of two actors- contractors and material manufactures- and comprises 13 interviews in total. The interview study aimed to examine how the two actors relate to the reuse and recycling of concrete frames today and what they see as challenges and opportunities with it. The results were analysed by categorising the interview results into themes to further identify similarities and differences in the respondents' answers. The literature study was done in part to gain an understanding of the subject and to compare interview data with challenges and opportunities identified through the literature. The study has been carried out with a focus on the construction and project development company Skanska Sverige AB, which means that the interviews is based on Skanska employees' knowledge and experience. One of the most important challenges that emerged from the interview study is the lack of experience and knowledge linked to reuse and recycling and the lack of completed projects. The literature study showed that established methods such as construction technology and calculation tools must be developed to better align with reuse and recycling. Both the interview study and the literature study showed that reuse and recycling of concrete will need to increase due to the large carbon dioxide emissions of concrete production. To promote this change, the interviews showed that Swedish legislation needs to be reviewed, while at the same time, for example, concrete standards need to be changed. Most respondents said that current laws and standards inhibit innovation. In addition to knowledge dissemination and motivation for increased reuse and recycling, the interview and literature study points out that it is important to find a functioning quality assurance system to ensure that the concrete meets the set requirements, such as the right structural strength. The interviews showed that success in reuse and recycling can be made possible by using expertise and collaborating internally and externally between companies. It emerged from the interview study that the focus should be on developing existing concrete frames due to the benefits of concrete as a durable material with a long service life. Furthermore, results from interview and literature studies showed that the opportunities increase if time and resources can be invested in the design phase and if design for deconstruction can be promoted. Respondents thinks that the industry should find a common standard for concrete elements that simplifies assembly and disassembly. Finally, the interview and literature study showed that one possibility is to focus on material inventory of building components before demolition of the concrete structure, which also contributes to reduced waste. The research area in this study is under development and additional research is needed. For example, further studies could investigate how concrete frames can be adapted to enable reuse or how industry standards that promote reuse and recycling can be designed.
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Stavebně technologický projekt bytového domu v Miroslavi / Building technological project of MiroslavJedličková, Alena January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis there are main parts of the building and technological project of The apartment building Miroslav. There is technical report on on the technological project, studies of major technological stages, site equipment project, design of building machines and mechanisms, time plan, inspections and test plan.
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Požární stanice typu C1 ve Valašském Meziříčí / Fire station class C1 in Valašské MeziříčíPiskláková, Petra January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with project documentation for the realization of a new fire station class C1 in Valašské Meziříčí. The building is is designet in two operating units - the garage part and the administrative part. The garage part has the necessary technical facilities and stockrooms. Over the garage there are rooms for firefighters performing the service during the night shift. The garage part follows the administrative part of the building, which has three above-ground floors. On the first floor there are offices of fire prevention, population protection and crisis management. On the second floor there are facilities for firefighters - a gym, a sauna, a day room and a classroom. The third above-ground floor is designed for the head of the territorial department, the chief of the fire station and the integrated rescue system office. The main entrance to the building is located in the administrative part of the western side at level 1NP. The structural system of the garage part consists of a prefabricated reinforced concrete frame. The administrative part is built in mansory system. The building is without cellar, roofed with flat roofs.
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Administrativní objekt ve Fulneku / The administrative object in FulnekPustějovský, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to create a project documentation of the design of a new office building construction in Fulnek – Jerlochovice. The building is located between residential and industrial zone. It has three aboveground levels. There is a technical backgroud, toilets, archive, rest zone for employees and two openspace offices located on the ground floor. The second floor is designed on the same basis. There are two openspace offices situated on the west side, background for company managment, toilets and day room with kitchen. The third floor is designed as conference room with kitchen and toilets. Construction system is cast-in-place concrete frame. The building is roofed with the flat roof. Foundations are made of one-stage concrete footing.
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Průmyslová hala Moravany - vybrané části stavebně technologického projektu / Industry Hall Moravany - Selected parts of the construction-technology planHetteš, Adrián January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the preparation of a constructional-technology study into the realization of carcass industry hall in the village Moravany u Brna. An itemized budget has been created for the framework alongside a proposal for the main building mechanisms, time management, health and safety plan and environmental management. The thesis is focused on detailed realization of the precast concrete frame which outlines technological regulation and inspection and a trial plan. The thesis further deals with site equipment, possible public transport routes into specific areas and how the main technological stages are developed. In creation of this thesis were used constructional-technological softwares BuildPowerS, CONTEC, ArchiCAD, AutoTurn, Vehicle Tracking and Hluk+9.
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