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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Det är nästan värre att inte bli trodd än att hantera själva situationen” : Berättelser om barns våld mot föräldrar / “It is almost worse to not be believed than to manage the actual situation” : Narratives of parent abuse

Svensson, Ronja, Escalante, Silvia January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how shame and guilt are manifested in the narratives of parents that have been subject to violence by their children. Parent abuse is a form of violence that has recieved limited attention compared to other forms of violence. Previous research shows that serviceproviders lack knowledge and guidelines to assess the problem. Three qualitative semi-structured interviews were analysed using Labov and Waletzky’s (1967) model of the structure of narratives. Lewis (1971) theory of shame and guilt was applied to highlight the different aspects of the emotions manifested in the narratives. Four themes were identified using a first round thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006); (1) Personal guilt; instant and continually present, (2) Violence as an attack on one’s own feeling of self worth, (3) Children’s expression of guilt is intertwined with the parent’s feeling of guilt and (4) Professionals blaming the parents’ exacerbates an already difficult situation. The results indicate that parents experience strong feelings of guilt and that these feelings might need to be adressed in a non-judgemental environment for the best of both the parent and the child.

La peur de mourir de l’enfant perturbateur : l’instabilité infantile psychogène et transitoire

Galien, Jérôme 19 September 2011 (has links)
L’« enfant perturbateur » dérange et déçoit un espoir de réussite par de mauvaises notes, ou perturbe ses parents, sa famille, ses enseignants par son agitation. Dans un tel contexte, l’adulte, qui l’accompagne dans un lieu de soin, évoque à son propos une « hyperactivité », un « trouble de la concentration », ou un « trouble du comportement ». En quelques décennies, ces motifs de consultation sont devenus majoritaires au Centre Médico-Psychopédagogique de Montpellier. Sans remettre en cause les apports de la neurobiologie, nous constatons que l’« instabilité infantile psychogène transitoire » est devenue une épidémie. A partir de notre expérience clinique, de la métapsychologie freudienne, des études de sociologie, et de celles des sciences politiques, nous soutenons la thèse suivante : l’ « enfant perturbateur » souffre d’un « complexe de déprivation » (Winnicott) qu’il traduit en termes de « peur de mourir », et si la turbulence s’exprime, c’est en tant qu’elle attire l’attention d’un adulte potentiellement secourable et que les systèmes sociaux contemporains la rendent facilement repérable. L’approche psychanalytique individuelle de l’ « enfant perturbateur » est pertinente mais peut parfois rester en suspens pendant de longues périodes, cédant le pas à l’attitude de « management » décrite par Winnicott. Ceci rend possible un mouvement de régression permettant à l’enfant de renouer avec la continuité du sentiment d’exister. Dans le transfert, l’analyste occupe alors la place de « médium malléable » (Milner, Roussillon) soumis à l’omnipotence de son patient. / The agitation of “disruptive children” disturbs or upsets their parents, family and teachers, and bad marks at school lead to disappointment in terms of hope for success. In such a context, the adults who take them for treatment mention terms such as “hyperactivity”, “concentration disorder”, or “behaviour disorder”. In just a few decades, these reasons for consulting have started to dominate at the Centre Médico-Psychopédagogique (Psychoeducational Health Centre) in Montpellier.Although we do not question the contribution of neurobiology, we have observed that“transitory psychogenic infantile instability” has become an epidemic. On the basis of our clinical experience, Freudian metapsychology, sociology and political science studies, we support the following thesis: “disruptive children” suffer from a what Winnicot calls a “deprived complex” and which he translates in terms of “fear of dying”. If there is manifest unruliness, it is to attract the attention of a potentially helpful adult and because the contemporary social systems make it easily detectable.The individual psychoanalytic approach to “disruptive children” is relevant but canremain suspended over long periods of time, giving way to the “management” attitude described by Winnicott. This makes regression possible, allowing the child to return to the continuity of a sense of being. In the transference, the psychoanalyst then plays the role of the “pliable medium” (Milner, Roussillon) subject to his patient’s omnipotence.

Exposição a chumbo e comportamento anti-social em adolescentes / Lead exposure and antisocial behavior in Brazilian adolescents

Olympio, Kelly Polido Kaneshiro 12 February 2009 (has links)
Introdução - A intoxicação por chumbo é um conhecido problema de saúde pública e o envenenamento por este metal pode causar danos a vários órgãos, especialmente ao Sistema Nervoso Central de crianças em desenvolvimento. Objetivo geral- estudar a associação entre exposição a chumbo e comportamento anti-social (CAS) em adolescentes brasileiros. Objetivos específicos: a) analisar a associação entre exposição a chumbo e CAS / cometimento de atos infracionais (CAI); b) estudar potenciais fontes de exposição domiciliar a chumbo que mais estão associadas a altas concentrações de chumbo no esmalte dentário (CCED) e; c) avaliar o impacto de alterações metodológicas na técnica de microbiópsia ácida de esmalte dentário superficial (MAEDS) sobre CCED e profundidade da bíópsia. Métodos- Um estudo transversal foi conduzido com 173 jovens (Bauru, SP). MAEDS foram realizadas nestes jovens por dois diferentes protocolos metodológicos. Além disso, questionários sobre comportamento dos adolescentes e exposição a possíveis fontes de contaminação por chumbo foram aplicados a pais e adolescentes. Análises de regressão logística, testes de Wilcoxon e testes t pareados foram aplicados aos dados. Resultados- Odd ratios ajustados para covariáveis indicaram que alta CCED está associada a risco aumentado de exceder o escore clínico para queixas somáticas, problemas sociais, comportamento de quebrar regras e problemas externalizantes (IC 95%). Alta CCED não foi associado com escores elevados de CAI. Os fatores de risco mais associados com alta CCED foram residir em área contaminada ou até 2 km da área contaminada e trabalhar na fabricação de tintas, pigmentos, cerâmicas ou baterias. A profundidade da biópsia, calculada pela fórmula da altura do cilindro, para um dos protocolos, levou a resultados errôneos de profundidade da biópsia, confirmados por testes de perfilometria. Conclusões- A exposição a altos níveis de chumbo parece disparar o estabelecimento de CAS, o que alerta para a necessidade de desenvolvimento e implantação de políticas públicas de saúde que previnam o envenenamento da população por chumbo. Adolescentes foram expostos ao chumbo por algumas fontes estudadas, no Brasil. O esmalte dentário é um marcador fidedigno e a MAEDS é bastante útil e confiável. No entanto, CCEDs não podem ser comparadas entre resultados de pesquisas diferentes quando houver qualquer variação metodológica entre os estudos, havendo a necessidade da padronização do procedimento. / Introduction - Lead poisoning is a long known public health problem. Thus, lead exposure may cause damage to diverse organs, especially in the Central Nervous System of children in developing process. Objectives- a) to analyze the association between lead exposure and antisocial / delinquent behavior; b) to study the potential sources of lead home exposure more associated to high dental enamel lead levels (DELL) and c) to evaluate two distinct enamel biopsy protocols in relation to biopsy depth and DELL. Methods- A cross-sectional study was conducted with 173 adolescents (Bauru, SP, Brazil). Surface dental enamel (SDE) etch-acid microbiopsies were performed in upper central incisors of these youths by two different methodological protocols. In addition, questionnaires about adolescents behavior and about possible sources of lead contamination were responded by youths and their parents. Logistic regression, Wilcoxon and paired t tests were applied to data. Results- Odd ratios adjusted for familial and social covariates indicated that high DELL is associated with increased risk of exceeding the clinical score for somatic complaints, social problems, rulebreaking behavior (T70) and externalizing problems (T63) (CI 95%). High DELL was not found to be associated with elevated SRD scores. The risk factors associated to high DELL were residing in contaminated area or close proximity and working in paints, pigments, ceramic or batteries manufacturing. The biopsy depth, calculated by the cylinder formula, for Protocol II induced misleading results, as confirmed by profilometry tests. Conclusions- It seems that exposure to high lead levels can indeed trigger antisocial behavior, which claims for public policies to prevent lead poisoning. Adolescents were exposed to lead, by some studied sources, in Brazil. SDE, measured by etch-acid microbiopsy, is a reliable biomarker, but DELL could not be compared when there is some methodological variation among the studies. A standardization of the procedure is necessary.

Exposição a chumbo e comportamento anti-social em adolescentes / Lead exposure and antisocial behavior in Brazilian adolescents

Kelly Polido Kaneshiro Olympio 12 February 2009 (has links)
Introdução - A intoxicação por chumbo é um conhecido problema de saúde pública e o envenenamento por este metal pode causar danos a vários órgãos, especialmente ao Sistema Nervoso Central de crianças em desenvolvimento. Objetivo geral- estudar a associação entre exposição a chumbo e comportamento anti-social (CAS) em adolescentes brasileiros. Objetivos específicos: a) analisar a associação entre exposição a chumbo e CAS / cometimento de atos infracionais (CAI); b) estudar potenciais fontes de exposição domiciliar a chumbo que mais estão associadas a altas concentrações de chumbo no esmalte dentário (CCED) e; c) avaliar o impacto de alterações metodológicas na técnica de microbiópsia ácida de esmalte dentário superficial (MAEDS) sobre CCED e profundidade da bíópsia. Métodos- Um estudo transversal foi conduzido com 173 jovens (Bauru, SP). MAEDS foram realizadas nestes jovens por dois diferentes protocolos metodológicos. Além disso, questionários sobre comportamento dos adolescentes e exposição a possíveis fontes de contaminação por chumbo foram aplicados a pais e adolescentes. Análises de regressão logística, testes de Wilcoxon e testes t pareados foram aplicados aos dados. Resultados- Odd ratios ajustados para covariáveis indicaram que alta CCED está associada a risco aumentado de exceder o escore clínico para queixas somáticas, problemas sociais, comportamento de quebrar regras e problemas externalizantes (IC 95%). Alta CCED não foi associado com escores elevados de CAI. Os fatores de risco mais associados com alta CCED foram residir em área contaminada ou até 2 km da área contaminada e trabalhar na fabricação de tintas, pigmentos, cerâmicas ou baterias. A profundidade da biópsia, calculada pela fórmula da altura do cilindro, para um dos protocolos, levou a resultados errôneos de profundidade da biópsia, confirmados por testes de perfilometria. Conclusões- A exposição a altos níveis de chumbo parece disparar o estabelecimento de CAS, o que alerta para a necessidade de desenvolvimento e implantação de políticas públicas de saúde que previnam o envenenamento da população por chumbo. Adolescentes foram expostos ao chumbo por algumas fontes estudadas, no Brasil. O esmalte dentário é um marcador fidedigno e a MAEDS é bastante útil e confiável. No entanto, CCEDs não podem ser comparadas entre resultados de pesquisas diferentes quando houver qualquer variação metodológica entre os estudos, havendo a necessidade da padronização do procedimento. / Introduction - Lead poisoning is a long known public health problem. Thus, lead exposure may cause damage to diverse organs, especially in the Central Nervous System of children in developing process. Objectives- a) to analyze the association between lead exposure and antisocial / delinquent behavior; b) to study the potential sources of lead home exposure more associated to high dental enamel lead levels (DELL) and c) to evaluate two distinct enamel biopsy protocols in relation to biopsy depth and DELL. Methods- A cross-sectional study was conducted with 173 adolescents (Bauru, SP, Brazil). Surface dental enamel (SDE) etch-acid microbiopsies were performed in upper central incisors of these youths by two different methodological protocols. In addition, questionnaires about adolescents behavior and about possible sources of lead contamination were responded by youths and their parents. Logistic regression, Wilcoxon and paired t tests were applied to data. Results- Odd ratios adjusted for familial and social covariates indicated that high DELL is associated with increased risk of exceeding the clinical score for somatic complaints, social problems, rulebreaking behavior (T70) and externalizing problems (T63) (CI 95%). High DELL was not found to be associated with elevated SRD scores. The risk factors associated to high DELL were residing in contaminated area or close proximity and working in paints, pigments, ceramic or batteries manufacturing. The biopsy depth, calculated by the cylinder formula, for Protocol II induced misleading results, as confirmed by profilometry tests. Conclusions- It seems that exposure to high lead levels can indeed trigger antisocial behavior, which claims for public policies to prevent lead poisoning. Adolescents were exposed to lead, by some studied sources, in Brazil. SDE, measured by etch-acid microbiopsy, is a reliable biomarker, but DELL could not be compared when there is some methodological variation among the studies. A standardization of the procedure is necessary.

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