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Stress associated with law enforcement work and its effect on conjugal relationshipsPeace, Patricia S. 01 August 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a difference in stress from associated with the occupation of law enforcement exists across the officers' relationship domains. The sample consisted of 51 participants that was comprised of both law enforcement officers and their significant others. Unlike past studies, this study included those that were married, divorced, in a civil union, single, or cohabitating. Based on past research it was hypothesized that the stress placed on officers and their significant other would be higher than that of other relationships. An anonymous survey was sent out to a several departments. Separate one-way between subjects Analysis of Variances (ANOVAs) were conducted to compare the effects of stress on law enforcements officers and their relationships. There was no significant effect of stress found in regards to the occupation itself as it pertained to the relationship (F(1, 48) = 0.99, p = 0.32). There was no significance of stress felt in regards to the individuals relationship on its own (F(1, 48) = 1.62, p =0.21).
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Carreira e conjugalidade: a percepção da mulher sobre a influência da relação conjugal no desenvolvimento de sua carreira / Career and conjugality: the woman\'s perception of the influence of the conjugal relationship on her career developmentGuedes, Simone Alves 19 April 2017 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi o de identificar os tipos de influência que a relação conjugal exerce no desenvolvimento da carreira da mulher. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, teve-se como referência as transformações das carreiras, das relações conjugais, das relações de gênero e dos processos identitários, por meio das interações simbólicas, tendo olhar atento ao processo de desenvolvimento da carreira da mulher e seus desafios. Com base no objetivo proposto, foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva e quantitativa com mulheres brasileiras, de faixa etária compreendida entre 20 e 60 anos, graduadas em nível superior e que estavam em um relacionamento conjugal (casamento oficializado ou união estável). O método de coleta adotado foi um levantamento do tipo survey, com o uso de questionário eletrônico, tendo participado da amostra 532 mulheres. Após a coleta dos dados, foram feitas a análise descritiva dos dados e análises inferenciais, por meio de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas e testes paramétricos e não paramétricos. O resultado da Análise Fatorial Exploratória (AFE) apontou a identificação de três tipos de influência da relação conjugal sobre o desenvolvimento da carreira da mulher: apoio da relação conjugal à carreira da mulher, apoio financeiro do cônjuge à carreira da mulher e sabotagem à carreira da mulher por parte do cônjuge. As análises realizadas por meio de testes estatísticos indicaram a existência de associação entre os três tipos de apoio identificados e os fatores relacionados ao desenvolvimento da carreira, nas dimensões objetiva e subjetiva, das mulheres que fizeram parte da amostra. A principal contribuição do estudo foi a de identificar, sob a perspectiva das mulheres pesquisadas, diferentes tipos de influência da relação conjugal e do tipo de relacionamento estabelecido entre os cônjuges no desenvolvimento da carreira da mulher. / The objective of this study was to identify the types of influence that the conjugal relationship exerts on the development of women\'s careers. For the development of the research, reference was made to the transformations of careers, marital relations, gender relations and identity processes, through symbolic interactions, having a careful look at the development process of women\'s career and their challenges. Based on the proposed objective, a descriptive and quantitative study was carried out with Brazilian women aged between 20 and 60 years old, with a university undergraduate degree and in a marital relationship (official marriage or stable union). The method of collection was a survey, with the use of an electronic questionnaire. 532 women participated in the sample. After data collection, descriptive analysis of the data and inferential analyzes were performed, using multivariate statistical techniques and parametric and non-parametric tests. The results of the Exploratory Factor Analysis (AFE) identified three types of influence of the marital relationship on the development of the woman\'s career: conjugal support to the woman\'s career development, financial support of the spouse to the woman\'s career development, and sabotage of the woman\'s career by the spouse. Statistical analyzes indicated that there was an association between the three types of support identified and the career development factors, in both the objective and subjective dimensions, of the women surveyed. The main contribution of the study, from the perspective of the women surveyed, was the identification of different types of influence of the conjugal relationship and the type of relationship established between the spouses in the development of the woman\'s career.
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Carreira e conjugalidade: a percepção da mulher sobre a influência da relação conjugal no desenvolvimento de sua carreira / Career and conjugality: the woman\'s perception of the influence of the conjugal relationship on her career developmentSimone Alves Guedes 19 April 2017 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi o de identificar os tipos de influência que a relação conjugal exerce no desenvolvimento da carreira da mulher. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, teve-se como referência as transformações das carreiras, das relações conjugais, das relações de gênero e dos processos identitários, por meio das interações simbólicas, tendo olhar atento ao processo de desenvolvimento da carreira da mulher e seus desafios. Com base no objetivo proposto, foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva e quantitativa com mulheres brasileiras, de faixa etária compreendida entre 20 e 60 anos, graduadas em nível superior e que estavam em um relacionamento conjugal (casamento oficializado ou união estável). O método de coleta adotado foi um levantamento do tipo survey, com o uso de questionário eletrônico, tendo participado da amostra 532 mulheres. Após a coleta dos dados, foram feitas a análise descritiva dos dados e análises inferenciais, por meio de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas e testes paramétricos e não paramétricos. O resultado da Análise Fatorial Exploratória (AFE) apontou a identificação de três tipos de influência da relação conjugal sobre o desenvolvimento da carreira da mulher: apoio da relação conjugal à carreira da mulher, apoio financeiro do cônjuge à carreira da mulher e sabotagem à carreira da mulher por parte do cônjuge. As análises realizadas por meio de testes estatísticos indicaram a existência de associação entre os três tipos de apoio identificados e os fatores relacionados ao desenvolvimento da carreira, nas dimensões objetiva e subjetiva, das mulheres que fizeram parte da amostra. A principal contribuição do estudo foi a de identificar, sob a perspectiva das mulheres pesquisadas, diferentes tipos de influência da relação conjugal e do tipo de relacionamento estabelecido entre os cônjuges no desenvolvimento da carreira da mulher. / The objective of this study was to identify the types of influence that the conjugal relationship exerts on the development of women\'s careers. For the development of the research, reference was made to the transformations of careers, marital relations, gender relations and identity processes, through symbolic interactions, having a careful look at the development process of women\'s career and their challenges. Based on the proposed objective, a descriptive and quantitative study was carried out with Brazilian women aged between 20 and 60 years old, with a university undergraduate degree and in a marital relationship (official marriage or stable union). The method of collection was a survey, with the use of an electronic questionnaire. 532 women participated in the sample. After data collection, descriptive analysis of the data and inferential analyzes were performed, using multivariate statistical techniques and parametric and non-parametric tests. The results of the Exploratory Factor Analysis (AFE) identified three types of influence of the marital relationship on the development of the woman\'s career: conjugal support to the woman\'s career development, financial support of the spouse to the woman\'s career development, and sabotage of the woman\'s career by the spouse. Statistical analyzes indicated that there was an association between the three types of support identified and the career development factors, in both the objective and subjective dimensions, of the women surveyed. The main contribution of the study, from the perspective of the women surveyed, was the identification of different types of influence of the conjugal relationship and the type of relationship established between the spouses in the development of the woman\'s career.
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Développement socio-affectif des enfants en résidence alternée : une approche écosystémique : conduites intériorisées et exteriorisées et qualité de vie des enfants de 4 à 12 ans en résidence alternée / Socio-emotional development of children in joint physical custody : an eco-systemic modelBaude, Amandine 04 May 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est d’appréhender comment les enfants en résidence alternée se construisent sur le plan de leur adaptation socio-affective et de leur qualité de vie et d’analyser quels sont les facteurs susceptibles d’influencer leur développement socio-affectif. L’approche écosystémique (Bronfenbrenner, 2005) et, plus spécifiquement, le modèle opérationnel « Processus-Personne-Contexte-Temps » (Bronfenbrenner, 1996) sur lequel nous prenons appui, nous a permis, de manière originale, de procéder à l’analyse de la contribution de facteurs d’ordre individuel, familial et contextuel au développement de ces enfants.Dans cette perspective, 38 familles et leurs 56 enfants âgés de 4 à 12 ans en résidence alternée ont participé à notre étude au moyen d'une série de questionnaires. Le développement socio-affectif de l’enfant a été appréhendé à l’aide de « l’Autoquestionnaire Qualité de vie-Enfant-Imagé » (A.U.Q.U.E.I. ; Manificat & Dazord, 1997) et du « Child Behavior Checklist » (C.B.C.L. ; Achenbach, 1991). Les mères et/ou les pères ont renseigné plusieurs outils évaluant leur relation coparentale : « l’échelle d’Interaction Coparentale » (Ahrons & Wallisch, 1987), « l’Inventaire de l’Alliance Parentale » (Abidin & Brunner, 1995) et « l’échelle de Conflits Post-Séparation » (Sonnenblick & Scharwz, 1992). La relation post-conjugale a été analysée à travers « l’échelle d’Interaction Non Parentale » (Ahrons & Wallisch, 1987) et « l’échelle d’Attachement entre les ex-conjoints » (Kitson, 1982).Nos principaux résultats indiquent que les enfants en résidence alternée témoignent d’une qualité de vie globalement satisfaisante, notamment dans la sphère familiale. De plus, trois quart des enfants environ se situent dans la zone non-pathologique aux échelles d’adaptation intériorisée et d’adaptation extériorisée. Parmi les facteurs pris en compte, nous constatons, dans un premier temps, un effet significatif du sexe et de l’âge des enfants : les filles sont plus nombreuses à se situer dans la zone pathologique à l’échelle d’adaptation extériorisée et les enfants de 4 à 6 ans tendent à présenter moins de troubles intériorisés. Dans un deuxième temps, les résultats révèlent que la relation coparentale influence le développement socio-affectif des enfants et que l’hostilité indirecte constitue le facteur de risque le plus marqué. Cet effet est toutefois modulé par l’âge des enfants. Enfin, nous avons mis en évidence l’influence des caractéristiques du contexte, à savoir la relation post-conjugale, le degré d’hostilité pré-séparation et le type d’accord formulé par les parents sur leur développement. Toutefois, il s’avère que cette influence n’est pas directe mais médiatisée par la relation coparentale.L’ensemble des résultats obtenus nous permet de proposer des perspectives de recherche et des pistes d’intervention.Mots / This thesis aims to comprehend how children in joint physical custody evolve themselves in terms of socio-emotional adaptation and quality of life and analyzing the factors that could have an impact on their socio-emotional development. This study is based on a theoretical eco-systemic approach (Bronfenbrenner, 2005). Considering person, family and context to be the scales of comparision for the development of these children. The operational model of« the Process–Person–Context–Time » (Bronfenbrenner, 1996), allowed us to analyze the contribution of the aforementioned factors on these children.According to this perspective, 38 families having 56 children between the ages 4-12 years old in joint physical custody participated in this study through a questionary. The socio-emotional development was analyzed by taking into account the « Autoquestionnaire Qualité de vie-Enfant-Imagé » (A.U.Q.U.E.I. ; Manificat & Dazord, 1997) and the « Child Behavior Checklist » (C.B.C.L. ; Achenbach, 1991). The mothers and/or the fathers were also queried to evaluate their parenting abilities by using several tools as follows the « Coparental Interaction Scale » (Ahrons & Wallisch, 1987), the « Parenting Alliance Inventory » (Abidin & Brunner, 1995) and the « Post-Divorce Conflict Scale » (Sonnenblick & Scharwz, 1992). The post-conjugal relationship was analyzed by the following « Coparental Interaction Scale, nonparental dimension » (Ahrons & Wallisch, 1987) and « Attachment Scale » (Kitson, 1982).Our principal results indicate that children in joint custody testify globally a satisfactory quality of life particularly in the sphere of family upbringing. Also approximately three quarters of the total children can be placed in the non- pathological zone on the internalized adaptation and the externalized adaptation scale. Amongst the factors taken into consideration, we note that first of all there is a significant effect of the sex and age of the children between 4 to 6 years tend to show less personal internalizing problems. While the girls can be placed on the pathological scale of externalizing adaptation in a larger number compared to the boys. Secondly, the results reveals that the co-parental relationship influences the socio-emotional development of children and that the covert hostility constitutes the most raddled risk factor. However, this result varies according to the age of children. Finally, the impact of the characteristics of the context is highlighted, namely the post-conjugal relationship, the degree of hostility before the separation and the type of agreement that the parents express of their children’s development. Nevertheless, it is proved that this influence is indirect but moderated by the co-parental relationship.The total of the obtained results allows us to propose new perspectives and leads for intervention.
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Auto-imagem, auto-estima e relacionamento conjugal como dimensões da qualidade de vida de um grupo de mulheres mexicanas mastectomizadas: uma visão sócio-cultural / Self-image, self-esteem and conjugal relationship as quality of life dimensions in a group of mastectomized mexican women: a sociocultural visionGarcia Valenzuela, Maria Leticia Rubi 24 July 2007 (has links)
Estudo de abordagem qualitativa que fundamentou-se em referenciais socioculturais, tomados da antropologia e apoiu-se no interacionismo simbólico, com o objetivo de identificar se a mastectomia realizada num grupo de mulheres mexicanas com câncer de mama interferiu na sua qualidade de vida. Foram entrevistadas vinte mulheres que são assiatidas no Centro Estatal de Atenção Oncologica da cidade de Morelia, Michoacán no México, para seu tratamento e controle da enfermidade. Os dados coletados das entrevistas foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo e foi utilizada a técnica de análise temática. Assim, foram identificadas unidades temáticas que convergiram na auto-imagem, auto-estima e relacionamento conjugal, antes e após a mastectomia, com características positivas, que fornecem, e com características negativas, que debilitam a qualidade de vida nestes aspectos. Assim, antes da mastectomia elas sentiam-se satisfeitas com o próprio corpo e felizes por cumprirem os seus papéis sociais. O aspecto que diminuiu a qualidade de vida antes da mastectomia, caracterizou-se por uma desvalorização de suas identidades. Após a mastectomia, observaram-se aspectos positivos como a atitude de superação, a adoção da estratégia do autocuidado e a importância que elas dão ao suporte social. Os aspectos que influenciaram de forma negativa na qualidade da auto-imagem e auto-estima são descritos por elas como um processo de luto pela perda da mama, o isolamento e estigma a que foram submetidas, a desesperança vivida por elas, em muitas ocasiões e a incerteza de estarem livres da enfermidade. O relacionamento conjugal também apresenta características que fortalecem ou diminuem a qualidade de vida. Antes da mastectomia, esteve caracterizado pela minoria como uma atitude de aproximação social e sexual dos cônjuges. A maioria apontou aspectos negativos como o distanciamento social, emocional e sexual. Após a mastectomia o aspecto positivo caracterizou-se pela proximidade conjugal e pelo suporte social que favoreceram nas mulheres a sensação de alivio e bem-estar. O aspecto negativo definido por uma parcela considerável delas, foi a distância sexual,geradora de estresse pessoal e de muito sofrimento e pesar. / Qualitative approach study it is based in a social-cultural referentials, used in anthropological studies and supported on the Symbolic Interactionism. The objetive was to identify if a group of Mexican women mastectomized with breast cancer, were affected in their quality of life. Twenty women who assist to the Oncologyc Attention Center of Morelia, Michoacán, México, for the treatment and control of their disease were interviewed. The data obtained at the interviews was submitted for analysis of content and thematic analysis method was employed. Thus, thematic units that converge were identified in self-image, self-esteem and the conjugal relationship before and after the mastectomy, being observed with positive characteristics that strengthened and negative which debilitated the quality of life in these aspects. It was observed that before the mastectomy, they felt satisfied with their body and happy to fulfil their social roles. The aspect that diminished the quality of life before the mastectomy was characterized by a devaluation of their identity. After the mastectomy, positive aspects were observed such as: the attitude of overcoming, the adoption of the strategy of self-care, and the importance given for them to the social support. The aspects that influenced negatively in the quality of the self-image and self-esteem, were described by them as a process of mourning for the loss of the breast, the isolation and stigma to which they were submitted, the hopelessness experence by them in many occasions and the uncertainty to remain free of the disease. The conjugal relationship also presented characteristics that strengthened or debilitated the quality of life. Before the mastectomy, a minority characterized it as an attitude of social and sexual approximation to the partners; the majority had a trendency towards the negative aspects such as the social, emotional and sexual distance. After the mastectomy, the positive aspect was characterized by the conjugal proximity and the social support that favored in the women the sensation of relief and wellbeing. And the negative aspect, defined by considerable number of them, as the sexual distance that acts as generator of personal stress and much suffering and sorrow.
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Auto-imagem, auto-estima e relacionamento conjugal como dimensões da qualidade de vida de um grupo de mulheres mexicanas mastectomizadas: uma visão sócio-cultural / Self-image, self-esteem and conjugal relationship as quality of life dimensions in a group of mastectomized mexican women: a sociocultural visionMaria Leticia Rubi Garcia Valenzuela 24 July 2007 (has links)
Estudo de abordagem qualitativa que fundamentou-se em referenciais socioculturais, tomados da antropologia e apoiu-se no interacionismo simbólico, com o objetivo de identificar se a mastectomia realizada num grupo de mulheres mexicanas com câncer de mama interferiu na sua qualidade de vida. Foram entrevistadas vinte mulheres que são assiatidas no Centro Estatal de Atenção Oncologica da cidade de Morelia, Michoacán no México, para seu tratamento e controle da enfermidade. Os dados coletados das entrevistas foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo e foi utilizada a técnica de análise temática. Assim, foram identificadas unidades temáticas que convergiram na auto-imagem, auto-estima e relacionamento conjugal, antes e após a mastectomia, com características positivas, que fornecem, e com características negativas, que debilitam a qualidade de vida nestes aspectos. Assim, antes da mastectomia elas sentiam-se satisfeitas com o próprio corpo e felizes por cumprirem os seus papéis sociais. O aspecto que diminuiu a qualidade de vida antes da mastectomia, caracterizou-se por uma desvalorização de suas identidades. Após a mastectomia, observaram-se aspectos positivos como a atitude de superação, a adoção da estratégia do autocuidado e a importância que elas dão ao suporte social. Os aspectos que influenciaram de forma negativa na qualidade da auto-imagem e auto-estima são descritos por elas como um processo de luto pela perda da mama, o isolamento e estigma a que foram submetidas, a desesperança vivida por elas, em muitas ocasiões e a incerteza de estarem livres da enfermidade. O relacionamento conjugal também apresenta características que fortalecem ou diminuem a qualidade de vida. Antes da mastectomia, esteve caracterizado pela minoria como uma atitude de aproximação social e sexual dos cônjuges. A maioria apontou aspectos negativos como o distanciamento social, emocional e sexual. Após a mastectomia o aspecto positivo caracterizou-se pela proximidade conjugal e pelo suporte social que favoreceram nas mulheres a sensação de alivio e bem-estar. O aspecto negativo definido por uma parcela considerável delas, foi a distância sexual,geradora de estresse pessoal e de muito sofrimento e pesar. / Qualitative approach study it is based in a social-cultural referentials, used in anthropological studies and supported on the Symbolic Interactionism. The objetive was to identify if a group of Mexican women mastectomized with breast cancer, were affected in their quality of life. Twenty women who assist to the Oncologyc Attention Center of Morelia, Michoacán, México, for the treatment and control of their disease were interviewed. The data obtained at the interviews was submitted for analysis of content and thematic analysis method was employed. Thus, thematic units that converge were identified in self-image, self-esteem and the conjugal relationship before and after the mastectomy, being observed with positive characteristics that strengthened and negative which debilitated the quality of life in these aspects. It was observed that before the mastectomy, they felt satisfied with their body and happy to fulfil their social roles. The aspect that diminished the quality of life before the mastectomy was characterized by a devaluation of their identity. After the mastectomy, positive aspects were observed such as: the attitude of overcoming, the adoption of the strategy of self-care, and the importance given for them to the social support. The aspects that influenced negatively in the quality of the self-image and self-esteem, were described by them as a process of mourning for the loss of the breast, the isolation and stigma to which they were submitted, the hopelessness experence by them in many occasions and the uncertainty to remain free of the disease. The conjugal relationship also presented characteristics that strengthened or debilitated the quality of life. Before the mastectomy, a minority characterized it as an attitude of social and sexual approximation to the partners; the majority had a trendency towards the negative aspects such as the social, emotional and sexual distance. After the mastectomy, the positive aspect was characterized by the conjugal proximity and the social support that favored in the women the sensation of relief and wellbeing. And the negative aspect, defined by considerable number of them, as the sexual distance that acts as generator of personal stress and much suffering and sorrow.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present study has as objective to know the implications of childhood cancer on family dynamics. To this end, it was conducted with a clinical study-qualitative comprising three case studies with families of children who had received the diagnosis of childhood cancer and carried out treatment in a city in southern Brazil. The data collection were through semi-guided interviews with parents and teenage brothers; with children, both the patient and their younger brothers, applied the technique of drawing the family with story; In addition, observations were performed at the hospital and the homes of the families. The data were submitted to content analysis. The results are presented in three articles, so that each one of them deals with a case and emphasizes one of the family relations. One of them treats on the marital relationship, the other about parental and, finally, one about the fraternal relationship. The article that reflects about the conjugal subsystem demonstrates that the conjugal relationship is affected by the experience of the child illness, which it demands by the couples adjustments and reorganization of roles. There is a union between the spouses; however, it occurs in the direction to the child care, while the intimate aspects of the relationship are in the background at the beginning of the treatment. The second article, which addresses parenting facing the situation of illness, suggests that the focus of the family are intended for child care at this point. As a result, there is an approximation between parents and the fallen ill daughter and a withdrawal from the other daughters. The third and final article, which discusses the fraternal relationship in the context of the disease, points to a relationship of unity and care between the brothers to deal with the situation and take account of the absence of the mother in the home environment. Considering the results presented, it can be said that, generally speaking, families joined together to confront the event. In view of this context, it can be conclude on the importance of studies and actions in health that may consider the family on systemic vision, in order to understand the interrelation between family subsystems in these terms and foment health promotion programs that may consider all the families and not just those who engage directly with the child care at the hospital. / O presente estudo objetivou conhecer as implicações do câncer infantil na dinâmica familiar. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo clínico-qualitativo composto por três estudos de caso com famílias de crianças que haviam recebido o diagnóstico de câncer infantil e realizavam tratamento em uma cidade do sul do Brasil. Foram realizadas entrevistas semidirigidas com os progenitores e os irmãos adolescentes; com as crianças, tanto o paciente como seus irmãos menores, aplicou-se a técnica do desenho da família com estória; além disso, foram realizadas observações no hospital e nas residências das famílias. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Os resultados são apresentados em três artigos, de forma que cada um deles aborda um caso e enfatiza uma das relações familiares. Um deles trata sobre o relacionamento conjugal, outro sobre o parental e, por fim, um sobre o relacionamento fraterno. O artigo que reflete acerca do subsistema conjugal demonstra que a relação conjugal é afetada pela vivência da doença da filha, a qual demanda do casal adaptações e reorganização dos papéis. Há uma união entre os cônjuges, porém, ela ocorre no sentido do cuidado da criança, ao passo que os aspectos íntimos da relação ficam em segundo plano no início do tratamento. O segundo artigo, que aborda a parentalidade frente à situação de adoecimento, sugere que as atenções da família estão destinadas ao cuidado da criança neste momento. Como consequência, há uma aproximação entre os progenitores e a filha adoecida e um afastamento das outras filhas. O terceiro e último artigo, que discute a relação fraterna no contexto da enfermidade, aponta para uma relação de união e cuidado entre os irmãos para lidar com a situação e enfrentar as ausências da mãe no ambiente do lar. Considerando os resultados apresentados, pode-se dizer que, de forma geral, as famílias se unem para enfrentar o acontecimento. Tendo em vista esse contexto, conclui-se sobre a importância de estudos e ações em saúde que possam considerar a família na visão sistêmica, de forma a compreender a inter-relação entre os subsistemas familiares neste âmbito e fomentar programas de promoção de saúde que possam considerar todos os familiares e não apenas os que se envolvem diretamente com o cuidado da criança no hospital.
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Les effets du processus de parrainage sur les dynamiques conjugales et les parcours de vieBernier, Estelle 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les effets du processus de parrainage sur les dynamiques conjugales et les parcours de vie. À partir d’une approche de recherche qualitative et interdisciplinaire, 20 participant.e.s, 7 hommes et 13 femmes, qui ont vécu une expérience de parrainage conjugal à titre de parrain ou de conjoint.e parrainé.e ont été rencontré.e.s en entrevue.
Dans cette thèse, nous explorons plus particulièrement les effets du processus de parrainage sur les dynamiques conjugales selon deux périodes : 1) du début des procédures de demande de parrainage jusqu’à l’obtention du visa de résidence permanente et 2) durant l’engagement de parrainage de trois ans. Nous documentons également les expériences d’une séparation conjugale qui survient lors de l’engagement de parrainage.
Les analyses verticales et transversales basées sur les perspectives de parcours de vie ont permis de rendre compte de la diversité de parcours en articulant l’expérience du processus de parrainage notamment à la trajectoire migratoire, à la composition conjugale, au genre et à l’ethnicité. Si, à première vue, il paraissait évident que le parrainage crée une inégalité dans le couple en positionnant la personne parrainée sous la responsabilité financière de son parrain, il s’est avéré en creusant davantage le sujet les trajectoires et dynamiques conjugales demeurent beaucoup plus complexes et que l’analyse doit prendre en compte les périodes prémigratoires ainsi que les conditions de migration et les réseaux de soutien potentiels.
Finalement, à la lumière des résultats de l’étude, nous proposons une typologie des parcours types qui rend compte à la fois de la diversité des parcours et des niveaux d’influence que le processus de parrainage peut produire sur les dynamiques conjugales. / This thesis focuses on the effects of the sponsorship process on marital dynamics and life courses. Based on a qualitative and interdisciplinary research approach, 20 participants, 7 men and 13 women, who had a sponsorship experience as a sponsor or a sponsored spouse, were interviewed.
In this thesis, we explore the effects on conjugal dynamics in two key moments: 1) from the beginning of the sponsorship application process to obtaining the permanent residence visa, and 2) during the sponsorship undertaking of three years. We also document the experiences of a marital separation that occurs during the sponsorship undertaking.
The vertical and cross-sectional analysis method used in this thesis made it possible for us to report on the diversity of pathways by articulating the experience of the sponsorship process, in particular with migration trajectory, marital composition, gender and ethnicity. If, at first glance, it seemed obvious that sponsorship creates inequality in couples by positioning the sponsored person under the financial responsibility of his or her sponsor, it turned out that the analysis of conjugal dynamics was more complex.
Finally, in the light of the results of the study, we propose a typology of typical pathways that reflects both the diversity of pathways and levels of influence that the sponsorship process can produce on conjugal dynamics.
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First-time parenting couples' stress associated with at-risk pregnancy and antenatal hospitalizationPolomeno, Viola 12 1900 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l’Université de Montréal / The goals of this study were: (1) to determine the contribution of the stressors (atrisk pregnancy and antenatal hospitalization), the resources (conjugal adjustment and
satisfaction from others) and the perception of the stressors (primary stress appraisal:
threat, challenge, centrality; and secondary stress appraisal: control-self, control-others,
incontroUable) to first-time parenting couples' global stress associated with at-risk
pregnancy and antenatal hospitalization, and (2) to assess congruence between the
partners' perceptions of stress in terms of similarities. Three types of similarities are
considered, produced from combinations of self-perceptions (a person's direct perception)
and metaperceptions (a person's perception of another person): actual similarity,
perceived similarity and understanding. The non-probabilistic sample of 109 couples was
recruited fi'om 12 perinatal units in the Montreal region. The couples completed four
questionnah-es: The Personal and Pregnancy Information Guide, the Dyadic Adjustment
Scale, the Support Behaviors Inventory, and the Stress Appraisal Measure. Using Boss'
model (1988) The Contextual Model of Family Stress to study the first research goal,
52% of the variance regarding the women's global stress was explained by primary stress
appraisal (threat, challenge, centrality), while 60% of the variance regarding the men's
global stress was explained by the stressors (gestation, prenatal classes, education) and
primary stress appraisal (threat, centrality). For the couples' models, 33% of their global
stress at the level of actual similarity was explained by prunary stress appraisal (threat,
centrality), while at the level of perceived similarity, 32% of the explained variance was
due to primary stress appraisal (threat, centrality) and secondary stress appraisal (controlself, control-others). At the level of understanding, 32% of the explained variance is
attributed to the resources (dyadic cohesion) and primary stress appraisal (threat,
centrality). Further analyses were conducted on couples' perceptions since primary stress
appraisal was found to be a significant predictor of thek global stress (second research
goal). In order to attain this, five hypotheses were tested: HI: There is a significant
difference in the perceived similarity of global stress appraisal between women and men
(confirmed); H2: There is a significant difference in understanding of global stress appraisal between women and men (confirmed); H3: There is congruence between
women's and men's perceived smiilarity and actual similarity for global stress appraisal
(partially confirmed); H4: There is congruence between women's and men's
understanding and actual smiilarity for global stress appraisal (partially confirmed); and,
H5: There is congruence between women's and men's understanding and women's and
men's perceived smiilarity for global stress appraisal (partially confirmed). Despite the
couples' moderate stress appraisal, women perceive at-risk pregnancy and antenatal
hospitaUzation as a threat, and their global perception of stress is significantly higher than
that of the men. Men perceive the same stressors as a challenge and being in control of the
situation. The couples are congruent in actual similarity except for the means of challenge
and self-control. Regarding perceived similarity, there are no significant differences for the
women whereas for the men, there are significant discrepancies for the means of threat and
global stress. For women's understanding, there are significant discrepancies between the
means of for threat and global stress, while for the men, there are no significant
differences. Women are more stressed by at-risk pregnancy and antenatal hospitalization
than the men, resulting in a greater lack of congruence between the different sunilarities.
They are less available for the conjugal relationship, while the men are more understanding
and more available to devote themselves to the relationship: the men's optimism appears
to reduce the women's stress with an impact on the relationship. Regarding couples'
stress, there is a gradual shift in perceiving the strcssors as threatening to perceiving them
as important for their well-being. Also, control and the conjugal relationship become more
unportant at the levels of perceived similarity and understanding respectively. In
conclusion, women and men do not perceive the stressors in the same way, and that nurses
and other health care professionals should consider both partners' perceptions as weU as
that of the couple's in their global evaluation of stress during their interventions. Nurses'
greater challenge is to help a couple to be 'a couple' in the hospital setting in order to help
them protect their love and intimacy. / Les buts de cette étude étaient: (l) d'évaluer la contribution des stresseurs (la grossesse à risque et l'hospitalisation), des ressources (rajustement conjugal et la satisfaction du soutien des autres) et de la perception des stresseurs (évaluation primaire: menace, défi, centralité; évaluation secondaire: contrôle-soi, contrôle-autres, incontrôlable) sur le niveau de stress relié à la grossesse à risque et l'hospitalisation anténatale chez des couples sans enfant; et (2) d'évaluer la congruence entre les perceptions des partenaires en termes de similarités. Trois types de similarités sont analysés, lesquels proviennent de la combinaison des autoperceptions (la perception directe d'une personne) et des méta-perceptions (la perception qu'une personne a de l'autre): la similarité actuelle, la similarité perçue et la compréhension. L'échantillon nonprobabiliste comprend 109 couples recrutés dans 12 unités périnatales de la grande région de Montréal. Les couples ont rempli quatre questionnaires: le Guide d'information personnelle et périnatale, l'Échelle d'ajustement dyadique, l'Inventaire de comportements de soutien, et l'Échelle d'évaluation du stress. Afin d'atteindre le premier but de la recherche, Le modèle contextuel de stress familial de Boss (1988) a été utUisé: 52% de la variance du stress global chez les femmes est expliqué par l’évaluation primaire (menace, défi, centralité), tandis chez les hommes, 60% de la variance de leur stress global est expliqué par les stresseurs (gestation, cours prénataux, éducation) et l’évaluation primaire (menace, centralité). En ce qui concerne les modèles chez les couples, 33% de leur stress global au niveau de la similarité actuelle est expliqué par l’évaluation primaire, tandis qu'au niveau de la similarité perçue, 32% de la variance est expliqué par l’évaluation primaire (menace, centralité) et l’évaluation secondaire (contrôle-soi, contrôle-autres). Au niveau de la compréhension, 32% de la variance est expliqué par les ressources (cohésion dyadique) et l’évaluation primaire (menace, centralité). Les analyses sur la perception des stresseurs ont été approfondies puisque celle-ci expliquait le stress global stress chez les femmes, les hommes et les couples (deuxième but de la recherche). Donc, cinq hypothèses ont été testées: HI: II y a une différence significative entre le niveau de similarité perçue du stress global des femmes et celui des hommes (confirmée); H2: II y a une différence significative entre le niveau de compréhension du stress global des femmes et celui des hommes (confirmée); H3: Il y a congruence entre la similarité perçue chez les femmes et les hommes et la similarité actuelle du stress global (partiellement confirmée); H4: II y a congruence entre la compréhension chez les femmes et les hommes et la similarité actuelle du stress global (partiellement confirmée); et, H5: Il y a congruence entre la compréhension chez les femmes et les hommes et la similarité perçue chez les femmes et les hommes du stress global (partiellement confirmée). Malgré le niveau de stress moyen des couples, les femmes perçoivent la grossesse à risque élevé et l'hospitalisation anténatale comme une menace, et leur niveau de stress global est significativement plus élevé que chez les hommes. Les hommes perçoivent les mêmes stresseurs comme un défi et d'être en contrôle de la situation. Les couples sont congruents quant à la similarité actuelle sauf le défi et le contrôle-de-soi. A l'égard de la similarité perçue, il n'y a pas de différence significative chez les femmes, tandis que pour les hommes, il y a des différences significatives entre les moyennes de la menace et du stress global. Au niveau de la compréhension des femmes, il y a des différences significatives entre les moyennes de la menace et du stress global, tandis qu'il n'y a pas chez les hommes. Les femmes sont plus stressées que les hommes face aux stresseur de la grossesse à risque et de l'hospitalisation anténatale, ayant comme conséquence un plus grand manque de congruence entre les différents niveaux de similarités. Elles sont donc moins disponibles pour la relation conjugale. Tandis que les hommes semblent plus compréhensifs et plus disponibles pour se consacrer à la relation conjugale, leur optimisme semble diminuer le stress ressenti par les femmes. En ce qui concerne le stress global des couples, les résultats suggèrent qu'il y a une transformation graduelle de la perception du stresseur vers une perception basée sur le bien-être du couple. Aussi, le contrôle et la relation conjugale deviennent plus importants aux niveaux de la similarité perçue et de la compréhension respectivement. En conclusion, les femmes et les hommes ne perçoivent pas les stresseurs de la même façon. Les infirmières et les autres professionnels de la santé doivent tenir compte des perceptions de chaque partenaire ainsi que celles du couple dans l’évaluation globale du stress. Le plus grand défi des infirmières est d'aider le couple d'être couple en milieu hospitalier afin de protéger leur intimité.
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Effets acteurs-partenaires du soutien social et des stratégies de coping sur la qualité de vie et les troubles anxio-dépressifs de patients atteints d'un cancer de la prostate et de leur conjointeLafaye, Anaïs 19 November 2009 (has links)
Le traitement d’un premier cancer de la prostate et les mois qui suivent, sont une période stressante pour les patients et leur conjointe. Les objectifs de cette étude sont, d’une part, de déterminer l’évolution de variables psychosociales (soutien social, qualité de la relation conjugale, ajustement dyadique et stratégies de coping) et du bien-être émotionnel et physique, et d’autre part, d’identifier les effets acteurs-partenaires, c'est-à-dire les effets des variables psychosociales d’un membre du couple sur son bien-être et sur celui de l’autre membre. Nous avons mené une étude longitudinale auprès de 132 patients atteints d’un cancer de la prostate et de 100 de leurs conjointes. Une évaluation psychologique leur a été proposée au début, au milieu, à la fin du traitement et quatre mois après. Les résultats montrent que les patients ont un état émotionnel et une qualité de vie satisfaisants et que les conjointes présentent une symptomatologie dépressive. Chez les patients, on observe des effets acteurs positifs du soutien social, de la relation conjugale et des stratégies de coping, centrées sur le problème ou sur la recherche de soutien social, sur leur bien-être, et des effets partenaires positifs de ces mêmes variables sur le bien-être de leur conjointe. Chez les conjointes, la relation conjugale a un effet acteur positif sur leur bien-être, mais le soutien social et les stratégies de coping centrées sur l’émotion ont des effets acteurs négatifs. De plus, l’effet partenaire soutien social des conjointes est positif sur le bien-être des patients, alors que celui des stratégies de coping centrées sur l’émotion est négatif. Celui de la relation conjugale est positif quand il s’agit de la disponibilité et de l’intensité du soutien, et négatif quand il s’agit de l’ajustement dyadique. De façon générale, le soutien social, la relation conjugale et les stratégies de coping sont de bons prédicteurs de la qualité de vie, directement ou par le biais du partenaire. / The treatment of a first prostate cancer and the following months are a stressful period for the patients and their spouse. The first aim of this study was to determine the evolution of psychosocial variables (social support, quality of conjugal relationships, dyadic adjustment and coping strategies) and of emotional and physical well-being. The second aim was to identify actors-partners effects - that is the effect of one of partner’s psychosocial variables on his/her well-being and on that of the other. A longitudinal study was carried on 132 patients with prostate cancer and 100 of their spouses. A psychological evaluation was conducted at the beginning, half way through, at the end of the treatment and four months afterwards. Results showed that patients had a good emotional state and a good quality of life and, that the spouses developed a depressive symptomatology. For patients, positive actor effects of social support, conjugal relationships and coping strategies (problem-focused or seeking social support focused) on their well-being and, positive partner effects of the same variables on the spouses’ well-being were observed. For the spouses, conjugal relationships had a positive actor effect on their well-being, but social support and emotion-focused coping strategies had negative actor effects. Also, spouses’ social support had a positive partner effect on the patients’ well-being while emotion-focused coping strategies had a negative effect. Conjugal relationship effect was positive when referring to availability and intensity of support and, negative when referring to dyadic adjustment. Overall, social support, conjugal relationship and coping strategies were found to be good predictors of quality of life, directly or indirectly through the partner.
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