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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physiological, psychological and behavioural consequences of teacher burnout

Moodley, Krishnan 06 1900 (has links)
The primary aim of this study was to ascertain whether teacher burnout is accompanied by physiological, psychological and behavioural symptoms. The Maslach Burnout Inventory was used to ascertain the levels of burnout among a sample of 282 Indian teachers of all ranks in ex - House of Delegates schools in the Kwazulu - Natal region. The Burnout Manifestations Scale was used to elicit those symptoms which burned out subjects exhibited the most. While 23 % of the sample appeared vulnerable to burnout, 7% appeared to be already burned out. It was found that with a few exceptions, the sample was susceptible to a lesser or greater degree to almost all of the symptoms listed in the Burnout Manifestations Scale. As no significant differences between the groups was detected in the selected demographic variables, it can be concluded that anyone, irrespective of their sex, marital status or any other variable, can become vulnerable to burnout. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Physiological, psychological and behavioural consequences of teacher burnout

Moodley, Krishnan 06 1900 (has links)
The primary aim of this study was to ascertain whether teacher burnout is accompanied by physiological, psychological and behavioural symptoms. The Maslach Burnout Inventory was used to ascertain the levels of burnout among a sample of 282 Indian teachers of all ranks in ex - House of Delegates schools in the Kwazulu - Natal region. The Burnout Manifestations Scale was used to elicit those symptoms which burned out subjects exhibited the most. While 23 % of the sample appeared vulnerable to burnout, 7% appeared to be already burned out. It was found that with a few exceptions, the sample was susceptible to a lesser or greater degree to almost all of the symptoms listed in the Burnout Manifestations Scale. As no significant differences between the groups was detected in the selected demographic variables, it can be concluded that anyone, irrespective of their sex, marital status or any other variable, can become vulnerable to burnout. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Idrottsliga avhopp: Anledningar och konsekvenser hos ungdomar / Athletic dropouts: Reasons and consequences for adolescents

Farias, Marcelo, Petersson, Rasmus January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka anledningar till varför ungdomar mellan 16 19 år slutar att idrotta och vilka konsekvenser detta kan medföra. De två modellerna som studien utgår ifrån är Push/pull/anti-push/ anti-pull modellen (Fernandez, Stephan och Forqereau, 2005) och Holistic athletic career model (Wylleman, Reints & De Knop, 2013). Kvalitativa intervjuer med retrospektiva frågor användes på elva ungdomar från ett idrottsgymnasium i sydvästra Sverige. Resultaten visade på att de vanligaste anledningarna till varför ungdomar valde att avsluta sina idrotter var på grund av skador, tidsbrist, sociala problem utanför idrotten, sociala problem inom idrotten och idrottskulturen. Resultatet visade även på att de mest förekommande konsekvenserna av det idrottsliga avhoppet rörde de psykosociala- och idrottsliga sfärerna. Nästintill alla uppgav att de tappat kompisar från idrotten i och med avhoppet, många angav dessutom att de hade förändrat sitt motionerande. Ytterligare en konsekvens var att eleverna uppgav att de efter avhoppet hade mer tid åt skolan och att de var mer fokuserade när de väl var i skolan, vissa påpekade även att detta givit de bättre betyg. / The purpose of present study was to investigate the reasons why adolescents in the age between 16-19 years dropout from sport and what consequences this may entail. Retrospective interviews were made on eleven adolescents from a sportgymnasium in Southwest Sweden. The two models used in the study were Push/pull/anti-push/anti-pull framework (Fernandez, Stephan & Fouquereau, 2006) and the holistic athletic career model (Wylleman, Reints & De Knop, 2013). The results showed that the most common dropout reasons were injuries, lack of time, social problems outside the sport, social problems inside the sport and the sport culture. The results also showed that the most frequent consequences for dropping out from sport were mainly concerning psychosocial- and sports factors. Almost all participants described that they lost friends from the sport as a result of the dropout, many also indicated that they had changed their type of exercise after the dropout. The participants reported that after the dropout they had more time for school and they were more focused once they were in school, some even pointed out that they got better grades.

A case study of post-earthquake consequences for women within marginalized groups in Nepal : A qualitative case study with the aim to explore the consequences for women within marginalized groups in a post-earthquake society

Bengts, Elin January 2016 (has links)
This report is the outcome of a case study conducted in Kathmandu, Nepal in April 2016. The purpose of the study is to investigate in the consequences of the 2015 earthquake in Nepal, from the perspective of women within socioeconomically vulnerable groups. The caste system is still practiced nearly all over Nepal and women are still facing multiple forms of discrimination. A woman belonging to the Dalits, which is the group considered to be at the bottom of the hierarchy and below the castes, have no right to control land, housing or money and are exposed to violence and forced sexual labour. The aim of the study is to shed light over how already existing discrimination leads to further examples of discrimination in the aftermath of a natural disaster and the “class-consciousness” of natural disasters. People within a society are living under different conditions and these conditions lead to different consequences when facing a natural disaster. The components of these conditions are often intertwined with each other and should therefore not be examined separately, which is why an intersectional perspective is used for this study. Furthermore, standpoint theory is used as well, to look at these issues from the viewpoint of the marginalized people of the society. Interviews were made with 6 different respondents, who are working for NGOs in and outside of Kathmandu and who through their work are coming on contact with the issues mentioned. My findings show several examples of post-earthquake consequences for women which can be linked to the strong patriarchy, the use of caste system and mistreatment from the government.

Rätt uppfattat? : Konsekvenser av SBAR- säker och effektiv kommunikation / Message received? : Consequences of using SBAR -clear and effective communication

Hemmendy, Charlotta, Bengtsson, Monica January 2016 (has links)
Inom sluten somatisk vård drabbas var tionde patient av vårdskador vilket leder till lidande för patienten och till stora kostnader för samhället. Otydlig kommunikation är en vanlig anledning till tillbud och händelser som hotar patientsäkerheten. För att uppnå en säker kommunikation är det viktigt att utveckla ett gemensamt språk för all hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. En modell som förespråkas är SBAR (Situation, Bakgrund, Aktuellt tillstånd, Rekommendation) då den ger struktur åt dialogen i vården. Syftet var att beskriva konsekvenserna av sjuksköterskans kommunikation med SBAR-modellen. En litteraturstudie genomfördes där tio vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades. I resultatet framkom fyra kategorier; konsekvenser för professionen, konsekvenser för teamet, konsekvenser för arbetsmiljön och konsekvenser för patientsäkerheten. Utöver förbättrad kommunikationen, så bidrar SBAR även till ytterligare konsekvenser för sjuksköterskan vilket påverkar teamarbetet positivt som kan leda till en gynnsammare arbetsmiljö och en ökad patientsäkerhet. Dock kan en konsekvens med standardisering av processer i vården leda till att sjuksköterskans mål med att ge en individuellt anpassad vård hindras. För att lyckas med implementering av SBAR i organisationen krävs det att alla medarbetare blir utbildade i och använder modellen samt att denna utvärderas och uppdateras kontinuerligt. Fortsatt forskning skulle kunna inrikta sig på att utveckla användarvänliga elektroniska hjälpmedel som stöder SBAR. / One in every ten patients contracts an avoidable injury when hospitalized. This leads to suffering for the patient and amounts to huge costs for society. Miscommunication has been found to be a key source to sentinel events that threatens patient safety. To be able to provide a safe communication the health care team needs to develop a common language. One tool that has been advocated is the SBAR protocol (Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendation). The aim was to describe consequences for the nurse using SBAR. A literature review where ten articles were analyzed revealed four categories; consequences for the profession, consequences for teamwork, consequences for the working environment and consequences for patient safety. Beyond being a communication tool SBAR also contributes to further consequences for the nurse that affects the teamwork in a positive way which affects the working environment and leads to increased patient safety. Another consequence that has emerged with standardization, which SBAR is part of, might be that the profession is shifting from that of being one of autonomy and flexibility to standardization in nursing. To be able to implement the SBAR protocol successfully into the organization all staff including managers needs to be trained and required to use it and it also needs to be evaluated continuously. Further research could examine the development of user friendly electronic devices that support the SBAR tool.

Modelling transport, accessibility and productivity in Öresund

Petersen, Tom January 2004 (has links)
<p>This licentiate thesis is about the provision of transportinfrastructure and the regional impacts of such provision.Three different techniques have been investigated that can beused for the assessment and forecasting of the effects ofinfrastructure: transport demand models and parametric andnon-parametric econometric estimation techniques. The maininterest is focused around the regional effects of theÖresund fixed link, which was opened on July 1, 2000.</p><p>The thesis is a collection of three papers plus a generalintroduction: papers 1 and 2 are concerned with the effect ofaccessibility in the transport networks on productivity on anindividual firm level. In paper 1, a translog cost function,extended with an accessibility variable, is estimated for 24business aggregates using panel data techniques and tests on adataset covering single workplaces in Scania over the years1990–98. The results are not conclusive, and cannot beused for forecasting of the after-situation. In paper 2, anon-parametric method, propensity score matching, is applied onthe same dataset to test if productivity differs in highaccessibiliby areas compared to those with low accessibility,while controlling for other differences between firms. Theresult here is the same as in the first paper: for no businessthere is a significant difference in productivity that can berelated to accessibility. In paper 3, a framework for theexternal validation of models of transport, landuse andenvironment is developed, with a focus on transport forecastmodels. The scenario assumptions and forecast results ofearlier models are presented and compared. A before-and-afterdatabase under construction for the Öresund region is alsopresented, to be used for validation of such models.</p><p><b>Key words:</b>infrastructure assessment, validation,Öresund, transport demand models, regionalconsequences.</p>

Som ett slag i magen : en litteraturstudie om våld inom hemsjukvården

Eriksson, Karin, Fantenberg, Linda January 2010 (has links)
Alltfler människor kommer idag i kontakt med hemsjukvården, antingen som personal eller som patient. Det är sedan tidigare känt att våld är ett relativt vanligt förekommande arbetsmiljöproblem inom sjukvården. Utsattheten för våld tros vara större inom hemsjukvården där personalen ofta arbetar ensamma. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva det våld som vårdpersonalen inom hemsjukvården utsätts för och vilka konsekvenser detta får. För att sammanställa den vetenskapliga forskning som finns inom området genomfördes en deskriptiv litteraturstudie. Tre kategorier utlästes; våldets utseende, förekomsten av våld samt våldets konsekvenser. Under dessa fanns i sin tur sex subkategorier; våldets omfattning, demografiska faktorer som påverkar våldets förekomst, fysiska konsekvenser, psykiska konsekvenser, konsekvenser på arbetsplatsen samt konsekvenser för vården/patienten. Resultatet visade att våldet kan te sig fysiskt eller verbalt och orsaka fysiska skador och psykiska konsekvenser för den utsatte. Detta kan även ge mer långtgående konsekvenser på vårdsituationen. Materialet i denna studie visar på ett begränsat kunskapsläge inom området där även tydliga och gemensamma definitioner saknas. / More and more people get in contact with home care these days, either as personnel or as a patient. Violence is known as a working environmental problem in health care. Exposure to violence is believed to be a bigger problem within home care because of the solitary working conditions in this sector. The aim of this study was to describe violence and the consequences of violence experienced by caregivers within home care. A descriptive literature review concerning the existing scientific research was made. Three categories emerged; kinds of violence, the incidence of violence and the consequences of violence. Attached to these three categories six subcategories was found; the extent of violence, demographic factors affecting the incidence of violence, physical consequences, psychological consequences, consequences on the workplace and care/patient consequenses. The result indicated that two types of violence, physical and verbal, can occur. These sorts of violence may cause physical and psychological harm to the exposed and may even lead to consequences in the caring situation.

Is predation performance of Pike (Esox lucius) affected by Oxazepam exposure?

Persson, Josefine January 2015 (has links)
Pharmaceutical contamination is increasing in the environment and the consequences this will bring are of growing concern. The highest contamination of pharmaceuticals can be found in aquatic ecosystems and the organisms of these systems are therefore of utmost importance to research in order to understand the ecological consequences of pharmaceutical contamination. This report will reveal the effect contamination can have on an important apex predator often found in temperate aquatic systems, the Northern pike (Esox lucius) when exposed to the psychiatric pharmaceutical Oxazepam. The predatory performance of pike was studied before and after Oxazepam exposure by monitoring how fast each pike caught three prey of roach (Rutilus rutilus), as well as observing the amount of failed predation attempts when hunting the roach. The exposed pike displayed more failed predation attempts after exposure as opposed to the control group. Furthermore it took the exposed pike longer to catch all three roach after exposure while the mean for the control group decreased. Hence, Oxazepam exposure seem to have an effect on predation performance of pike but no definite conclusion could be drawn about to which extent this affects the foraging success and thereby the survival of the pike considering the complex nature of aquatic systems. More studies are therefore needed in order to determine the full effect pharmaceutical contamination can have on complex aquatic ecosystems and more specifically on an apex predator.

Sex Offender Management Policies and Their Unintended Cosequences: A National Survey of the Perceptions of Professionals

Call, Corey 01 January 2015 (has links)
The mid-1990s brought sex offenders to the forefront of policy issues due to several highly publicized cases of abduction, sexual assault, and murder involving children. Following these cases, a number of sex offender management policies were passed to quell public concern over the safety of children due to sex offenders. Most notably, these new sex offender management policies mandated the creation of publicly available registries of sex offenders and enacted residence restrictions that forbid sex offenders from residing within certain distances from areas where children commonly congregate. Although current sex offender management policies have been revealed to be largely ineffective in reducing sex offender recidivism and also create a number of collateral consequences for the successful reintegration of sex offenders back into the community, the public has been found to be largely in support of these policies and believe in their effectiveness. The available literature examining the perceptions of professionals toward sex offender management policies, however, has shown mixed support depending upon the specific profession of the sample. Utilizing a sample (n=248) gathered from two professional organizations, this study aimed to explore and compare the perceptions of clinical specialists and non-clinical professionals in three areas: Support for current sex offender management policies, belief in collateral consequences that sex offenders may face due to these policies, and acceptability of collateral consequences as by-products of the current policies. Bivariate analyses revealed significant differences between the professionals groups in all three of the above areas. Given the significant bivariate findings, ordinary least squares regression was conducted to examine the consistency of profession as a significant predictor of the attitudes of the professionals while considering competing variables. Against a number of control variables, profession remained a significant predictor of support for sex offender management policies and belief in collateral consequences involving residence restrictions, however, profession was not a significant predictor of acceptability of collateral consequences. Several other factors, including punishment philosophy and belief in the cause of sex offending, emerged throughout the multivariate analyses as having a significant influence on the perceptions of the professionals.

Prodlení v obchodních vztazích a jeho důsledky / Default of time in business transactions and its consequences

Kucejová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
Default in commercial obligations and its consequences Summary I chose the topic default in commercial obligations and its consequences because I would like to be devoted primarily in private law in my future career and I consider the deal with this topic in detail very useful. Default in commercial obligations is very common phenomenon. It can cause huge problems in the economic situation of the subjects that are within the applicability of the Commercial Code. It is necessary to govern the consequences of default to mitigate the impact of a breach of an obligation on parties of the commercial obligations and to punish the party that breaches an obligation. Also the legislation compel the parties to a contract to fulfil their obligations. The purpose of my thesis is to analyze the topic default in commercial obligations and its consequences, draw attention to some deficiency of the legal regulation and to suggest an amendment of legislation. The thesis is composed of two chapters. Chapter One deals with concept and nature of default in commercial obligations, it consists of two parts. First describes the conception of debtor in default and second conception of creditor in default. Chapter Two is concerned with the consequences of the default and it is subdivided into seven parts. Each part focuses on...

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