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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A gestão do desenvolvimento de produtos na indústria de materiais de construção / The management of product development in the industry of construction materials

Costa, Daniela Dutra da 14 August 2008 (has links)
A presente pesquisa procurou aperfeiçoar os conhecimentos no que se refere à gestão do desenvolvimento de novos produtos no segmento de componentes da indústria de materiais de construção. Não obstante a vasta literatura sobre a gestão do desenvolvimento de produtos, ainda existe uma lacuna no que diz respeito a este tema no setor. Procurou-se, então, identificar o grau de formalização, as etapas e as características da gestão do desenvolvimento de produtos na indústria de materiais de construção, como também as convergências e divergências entre os casos práticos e a literatura levantada. O desdobramento teórico desta pesquisa teve por base uma compilação dos principais modelos de gestão do processo de criação, como também do mapeamento do setor da indústria de materiais de construção. Por sua vez, o desenvolvimento empírico amparou-se na pesquisa qualitativa, predominantemente exploratória, baseada na técnica de estudo de casos múltiplos, contando com uma amostra de quatro empresas: Perflex, Deca, Cecrisa e Tigre. Verificou-se que existe um razoável nível de aderência entre o que preconiza a literatura e o que de fato acontece nas empresas pesquisadas, todavia, existem algumas contribuições relevantes que podem ser consideradas. Observou-se que nesse setor industrial os projetos derivativos são predominantes, com grande direcionamento para projetos topológicos; que o processo de captação de idéias realizado pela Cecrisa e pela Tigre diferenciase das demais empresas, obtendo as mais diferentes informações; que na etapa de desenvolvimento do conceito do produto a Cecrisa sobressai por inserir depoimentos de especialistas sobre a imagem da linha e a atualidade da idéia, o que poderá ser utilizado nas suas peças promocionais. Destaca-se, ainda, na montagem do produto, pois o faz em etapas iniciais, utilizando a matéria-prima e o processo produtivo finais. E a Deca, Cecrisa e Tigre realizam o lançamento interno do produto, distinguindo-se pela forma como é feito, e por não ter sido encontrado nenhum caso na literatura que inclua essa etapa no processo. É importante ressaltar a falta de aplicação de alguns critérios de Clark e Wheelwright (1993) nas empresas estudadas. Estas se diferenciam bastante das empresas utilizadas na pesquisa dos autores citados, pois são empresas pequenas com distâncias hierárquicas menores, onde acontecem constantemente reuniões formais e encontros informais para discussões e esclarecimentos sobre projetos. Com este estudo foi possível conhecer a realidade das indústrias de materiais de construção, a qual não se encontra em más condições, pelo contrário, está atualizada com os novos conceitos que envolvem o tema deste trabalho, gestão do desenvolvimento de novos produtos, com um processo e uma estrutura formal e organizada. / This study tries to improve the knowledge of the management of new products development in the industry of construction materials. Despite the vast literature on the management of the development of the products, there is still a gap in this subject related to the sector. For this reason, this study also tries to identify the degree of formalization, the phases and the characteristics of the management of the products in the industry of construction material, as well as the convergences and divergences between the practical cases and the literature studied. The empirical development of this research was based upon the compilation of the chief models of management of the process of creation, as well as the mapping of the sector of the industry of construction materials. In its turn, the empirical development had as its base a qualitative, prevailingly exploratory, research, based on the technique of study of multiple cases, counting on a sample of four companies: Perflex, Deca, Cecrisa and Tigre. It was verified that there is a reasonable degree of disparity between what the relevant literature states and what it is done in the target companies; nevertheless, there are some excellent contributions that can be taken into consideration. It was noticed that in this industrial sector derivative projects prevail, many oriented to topological projects; that the process of capture of ideas and information carried out by Cecrisa and by Tigre is different from that of the other companies, getting the most varied information; that in the face of the conceptual development of the product Cecrisa stands out for inserting testimonials of experts on the image of the line and the up-dated character of the idea, which may be used in the advertising pieces. It also stands out in the assembling of the products for doing it in the initial phases using raw material and the final productive process. Deca, Cecrisa and Tigre make the internal launching of the product, differing from others by the form of doing it, and for the effect that no similar case has been found in the relevant literature that includes this phase into the process. It is important to note the lack of application of some of Clark and Wheelwright\'s principles (1993) in the companies studied. This target companies differ largely from the companies used in the research of the authors mentioned, for they are small companies with smaller hierarchical distances, where formal and informal meetings taken place, constantly, for discussions and clarifications about projects. With this study it was possible to learn about the reality of the construction materials industries, which, by the way, is not badly off; on the contrary, it is up to date with the new concepts of the theme of this study, the management of new products development, with a process and a formal and organized structure.

Biodeposição de CaCO3 em materiais cimentícios : contribuição ao estudo da biomineralização induzida por Bacillus subtilis

Vieira, Juliana Aparecida January 2017 (has links)
A indústria da construção civil é conhecida como umas das atividades econômicas que causam os maiores impactos ambientais desde o processo de extração da matéria prima até a produção dos produtos, incluindo o transporte e manutenção do ambiente construído. A produção de um dos seus principais componentes, o cimento, é o maior contribuinte para a emissão de gases de efeito estufa, principalmente devido a queima de combustíveis fósseis. Por este motivo, pesquisas na área de biotecnologia sustentável são conduzidas para diminuir e até mitigar os efeitos danosos provocados pelos fatores que compõem a construção civil. Dentre estas pesquisas destacam-se as que se baseiam na Biomimética, que é uma ciência que busca na Natureza as soluções tecnológicas para os problemas que os desenvolvimentos humanos geralmente apresentam: a geração de resíduos poluentes, uso de produtos químicos tóxicos e processos que operam com energia e pressão elevadas. Com base nos conceitos biomiméticos, este trabalho se propôs a estudar a biomineralização, que é um processo que ocorre na Natureza a milhares de anos e é responsável pela formação de muitas estruturas biomineralizadas tanto no ambiente terrestre como aquático. A biomineralização é um fenômeno provocado pela ação de diversas espécies de microrganismos que durante o processo de obtenção de energia reciclam minerais presentes no solo e na água e os precipitam na forma de sais inorgânicos. Este material precipitado age como agente ligante de partículas como no caso de formações geológicas (estromatólitos) ou exoesqueletos de animais marinhos, por exemplo. Neste estudo foi avaliado a biomineralização por biodeposição de carbonato de cálcio precipitado na presença da espécie de bactéria ureolítica (Bacillus subtilis) em ensaios em escala laboratorial utilizando corpos de prova de areia, argamassa e concreto. Os corpos de prova em areia e argamassa foram observados em MEV e EDS permitindo a identificação de células de microrganismos, formação de biofilme e provável formação de cristais de carbonato de cálcio na região de biofilme. Os corpos de prova de concreto foram utilizados para avaliar as consequências da biodeposição na absorção de água por capilaridade do material. Resultados indicam redução de 20% na absorção de água por capilaridade. Com os resultados obtidos é possível concluir que a técnica de biodeposição pode ser uma alternativa ao tratamento superficial de estruturas de concreto, contudo requer estudos posteriores de aplicação técnica e viabilidade econômica. / The construction industry has been known as one of the economic activities that cause the major environment impacts since the process of raw material extraction until the products manufacturing including transport and maintenance of the built environment. The production of one of the main compounds, the cement, is the largest contributor to the greenhouse gas emissions, mainly due to burn fossil fuels. For this reason, researches in sustainable biotechnological area are conducted to minimize and even mitigate the damaging effects either promoted by construction industry factors. Among these ones, it stands out researches based on Biomimetic, which is a science that seeks in Nature the technological solutions for problems that human’s development usually presents: the generation of pollutant residues, the use of toxic chemicals and process that operates in high pressure and energy. Based on biomimetic concepts this research proposes to study the biomineralization, which is a process that has occurred in the Nature for thousands of years and it is responsible for the formation of many structures either in soil and water environments. The biomineralization is a phenomenon caused by several specimens of microorganisms that during the process of obtaining energy, they recycle minerals presents at soil and water inducing precipitation as inorganic salts. This precipitated material works as a binder of particles similar to geologic formations (stromatolites) or exoskeleton of sea animal for example. In this study the biomineralization was evaluated through biodeposition of precipitated calcium carbonate by specimen of ureolytic bacteria (Bacillus subtilis). Essays were held using samples made by sand, mortar and concrete. The samples made by sand and mortar were observed at MEV and EDS, allowing the identification of microorganism cells, biofilm formation and probable formation of calcium carbonate crystals at biofilm region. The concrete samples were used to evaluate the consequences of biodeposition on water absorption by capillarity of the material. The results show reduction of 20% on water absorption by capillarity. According the results achieved it possible to conclude that the biodeposition technique can be an alternative to superficial treatment for concrete structures. However, it will be required more studies to evaluate technical application and economical availability.

Desempenho construtivo de estruturas de cobertura com colmos de bambu / Constructive performance of roof structures with bamboo

Joan Font Ballesté 22 May 2017 (has links)
O foco desta pesquisa é o estudo do desempenho de colmos de bambu em estruturas de cobertura. A arquitetura do século XXI precisa de novos modelos de produção e novos materiais para possibilitar o desenvolvimento sustentável do planeta. O bambu é um material renovável, com custos de produção baixo, pegada ecológica positiva e de qualidade física excelente; mas existe um desconhecimento bastante generalizado sobre o seu uso na construção civil. Esta lacuna é ainda maior quando se procura entender seu comportamento estrutural ao longo do tempo. Entre os vários requisitos para avaliar o desempenho do material, quando é o elemento portante de uma construção, destacam-se dois que são essenciais: a estabilidade e a durabilidade. Neste trabalho procura-se, em primeiro lugar, compreender o comportamento físico-mecânico do material na composição microscópica e macroscópica para delimitar sua segurança estrutural, e em segundo lugar, examinar aqueles processos que, desde o crescimento da planta até à sua utilização em obra, determinam a vida útil do material. São também analisadas as práticas construtivas e ações de projeto que condicionam transversalmente estas duas exigências de desempenho, junto com um levantamento de estudos de caso que visa criar novos critérios de design de estruturas e soluções construtivas. Esta pesquisa procura expor os pontos fortes e fracos da atual construção com bambu, para que os primeiros sejam potencializados e os segundos sejam corrigidos. / The focus of this research is the study of the performance of bamboo in coverage structures. The architecture of the 21st century needs new production models and new materials to enable the sustainable development of the planet. Bamboo is a renewable material, with low production costs, positive ecological footprint and excellent physical-mechanical properties; but there is a rather general lack of knowledge about its use in civil construction. This gap is even greater when one tries to understand its structural behaviour over time. Among the various requirements to evaluate the performance of the material, when it is the structural element in a construction, two that stand out are essential: stability and durability. In this work, the understanding of the physical and mechanical behaviour of the material in the microscopic and macroscopic composition is sought first to delimit its structural safety, and secondly, examining the processes that, since the plants\'s growth until its usage in work, determine the useful life of the material. It is also analyzed the constructive practices and project actions that condition transversally these two performance requirements, along with a survey of case studies that aim to create new criteria of structure design and building solutions. This research seeks to export the strengths and weaknesses of the current construction with bamboo, so the first may be potentialized and the latter corrected.

Patologias no sistema de revestimento cerâmico: um estudo de caso em fachadas / Pathologies in ceramic tiling system: a case studies in facades

Pezzato, Leila Maria 04 March 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre as patologias do sistema revestimento cerâmico (SRC) a fim de contribuir com os estudos relacionados à temática. Além disso, buscou-se conhecer e analisar a realidade de um canteiro de obra de recuperação de fachadas com patologias no sistema de revestimento cerâmico e compreender como ocorre o processo de recuperação das mesmas. Este estudo foi dividido em duas etapas: uma revisão da literatura que procurou abranger o sistema revestimento cerâmico e as patologias do sistema revestimento cerâmico e uma pesquisa de campo que optou por realizar um estudo de caso em três edifícios, revestidos com cerâmica, localizados na cidade de Piracicaba, São Paulo. Os estudos de caso evidenciam a produção bibliográfica consultada. Nos três casos analisados ficou evidente a falta de formação dos profissionais envolvidos, faltando-lhes conhecimento aprofundado das patologias recorrentes e do entendimento de que o revestimento cerâmico constitui um sistema. O trabalho se refere a todos os profissionais que fazem parte da cadeia produtiva do setor, formada por fabricantes de placas cerâmicas, argamassas e rejuntes, projetistas-especificadores, engenheiros, arquitetos, mestres de obra e assentadores. Esta constatação comprova ser necessário investir na formação profissional e criar condições de qualificar os profissionais envolvidos para minimizar a quantidade de patologias relacionadas ao sistema de revestimento cerâmico e, especificamente, ao sistema de revestimento cerâmico de fachada. / The present research aims to review the current literature on ceramic tile system pathologies, with the intention to contribute with studies related to the theme. In order to do this, the work sought to understand and to analyses the reality of a specific site of ceramic tile facade recuperation. The work is divided in two parts. The first is a review of the literature on ceramic tile system pathologies. The second is based on field research of three case studies of buildings located in Piracicaba, São Paulo, all of which confirm the trends appointed by the literature review. In all case studies it can be noticed that professionals involved lack the proper knowledge of the most common pathologies and of the ceramic tiling as a system. The research comprehends all professionals present in the industry and along the chain of production for ceramic tiling: producers of dry-set mortar, ceramic tile and ceramic tile grouts, designers, architects, engineers, construction workers. This has confirmed that it is necessary to invest in a qualified professional education, so as to reduce pathologies related to the ceramic tile system and, specifically, ceramic tiled building facades.

Small Business Sustainability Strategies in the Tanzanian Construction Materials Industry

Mgembe, Seraphia Robert 01 January 2019 (has links)
Small business owners in the construction materials industry play a significant role in economic development through gross domestic product and employment. However, like other small business owners, many owners of small businesses in the construction materials industry close their businesses within 5 years. The purpose of this multiple case study grounded in the resource-based theory was to explore the strategies that owners of small businesses in the construction materials industry operating in Tanzania used to sustain business for longer than 5 years. Data were collected using semistructured interviews with 4 purposefully selected owners of small businesses in the construction materials industry and a review of daily sales records, weekly sales reports, and audited accounts. Member checking and triangulation were used to strengthen the credibility and trustworthiness of the interpretation of data and information. Data analysis involved coding and thematic analysis. Themes were categorized into business establishment strategies, customer satisfaction and retention strategies, and other sustainability strategies. Findings from this study may contribute to social change by providing information on mechanisms for improving business performance; reducing the risk of failure; and creating sustainable, better-paying jobs that can increase the well-being of business owners, employees, their families, and communities.

Tilläggsisolering inom byggnadsvård

Hultberg, Ann-Charlotte, Larsson, Emelie January 2009 (has links)
<p>Främsta anledningen till en tilläggsisolering är att det önskas bättre energihushållning i en byggnad. Detta kan göras med olika material och olika tekniker. Inom byggnadsvårdssammanhang förs det en diskussion om de fuktbuffrande materialen är bättre vid tilläggsisolering då de är hygroskopiska än de icke hygroskopiska som är mest frekvent använda i det konventionella byggandet. Denna rapport utvärderar om det finns några dokumenterade fakta som styrker att de hygroskopiska och ekologiska materialen fungerar bättre i byggnadsvårdssammanhang än de icke hygroskopiska. Olika isolermaterial från de två nämnda grupperna jämförs utifrån olika parametrar.</p> / <p>This report evaluates if there are any known facts that support that the hygroscopic and ecologic materials are better in supplement insulation than non hygroscopic. Different kind of insulate materials from these two mentioned groups are compared from without different kind of parameters.</p>

Konstruktionslek på förskolan / Construction-play at the preschool

Gustavsson, Anita January 2008 (has links)
<p>Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem förskollärare och observationer av konstruktionsmaterial på förskolan har jag fått svar på mina frågeställningar. Mina frågeställningar handlar om vilka material förskolan har till tredimensionell konstruktionslek inomhus och om det arbetas medvetet med tredimensionell konstruktionslek. Syftet med studien är att undersöka förutsättningarna för tredimensionell konstruktionslek på förskolan.</p><p>Rapporten visar att tillgången till konstruktionsmaterial på förskolorna inte är särskilt varierad och inte tillräckligt stor. Enligt svaren på intervjuerna är den största orsaken bristen på tid för pedagogerna att vara delaktig i konstruktionsleken. Det saknades även tid att hålla ordning på konstruktionsmaterialet. Pedagogerna arbetar inte medvetet med konstruktionslek och upplever att de saknar tillräckliga kunskaper inom ämnet.</p><p>Utifrån gällande styrdokument är leken viktig för barns lärande. Barnen skall utveckla sin förmåga att bygga, skapa och konstruera med hjälp av olika material. Denna studie visar att för att uppfylla dessa krav bör lärare i förskolan få mera kunskaper om konstruktionslekens betydelse och hur man kan arbeta med den.</p> / <p>My purpose with this study is to investigate the preschools conditions of the three-dimensional construction play.</p><p>My questions are: what indoor material the preschool posses and the awareness of working with three-dimensional construction play.</p><p>The answers I got are based on the qualitative interviews with five preschoolteachers and also from doing observations of the preschools construction materials.</p><p>The report shows that the access to the construction materials are not that varied and not big enough. According to the answers from the interviews, is the main reason the preschoolteachers lack of time to participate in the construction play. They are also lacking time to maintain the order of the construction materials. The preschoolteachers don’t work consciously with the construction play and they feel that they don’t have adequate knowledge in this subject.</p><p>On the basis of current control documents are the children’s play important for their learning. The children shall develop the ability to build, create and construct with help from different materials. This study shows that to fulfil these demands, the preschoolteachers should get more knowledge about the meaning of the construction play and how to work with it.</p>

The natural background gamma radiation exposure in the metropolitan area of the Valley of Mexico /

Jones, Mary Feild. January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, School of Public Health, 1982. / Dissertation Abstracts International order no. 83-16537. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 181-192).

Wear resistant low friction coatings for engine components

Lindholm, Per January 2004 (has links)
Engine development today is driven by cost, performance and government regulations. Customers want cars and trucks to consume less fuel, last longer, pollute less and be safer. Several of the requirements have tribological associations. For example, product longevity can be improved by lowering friction and using more wear-resistant components. In recent decades, the use of new coating application procedures and techniques has produced remarkably advances in relation to cutting tools. The process temperature at which coatings are applied has been lowered to below 200 oC. Thus it is now possible to coat low-alloy temper-sensitive steels, which are widely used in the automotive industry in machine elements such as gears, bearings and cam followers. The aim of this work has been to investigate the possibility of using sputtered amorphous carbon coatings to reduce friction and prevent wear in engine components, and specifically in valve train components. Test equipment simulating near-normal running conditions for the valve mechanism has been developed and used to test standard and coated valve components. The mechanism has also been analysed and simulated numerically. The results show a low velocity difference between the injector cam lobe and the roller, except for a short interval at the top dead centre of the rocker arm. In that region the slip increases significantly at higher speeds due to inertial forces. A three-dimensional finite element parameter study of the coating thickness, elastic modulus, asperity contact size and wavelength has shown that tensional stresses at the coating surface increase significantly when asperity contacts approach and interact. Testing of different thicknesses in rolling contact, together with finite element stress analysis, showed that a higher tensional stress level through the coating thickness increases the possibility of cracks propagating down to the interlayer and causing delamination of the coating. Tests with a rapid load increase on two carbon coatings show no transition from mild to more severe wear. Instead the contact is dimensioned by the plastic deformation of the underlying substrate.

Konstruktionslek på förskolan / Construction-play at the preschool

Gustavsson, Anita January 2008 (has links)
Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem förskollärare och observationer av konstruktionsmaterial på förskolan har jag fått svar på mina frågeställningar. Mina frågeställningar handlar om vilka material förskolan har till tredimensionell konstruktionslek inomhus och om det arbetas medvetet med tredimensionell konstruktionslek. Syftet med studien är att undersöka förutsättningarna för tredimensionell konstruktionslek på förskolan. Rapporten visar att tillgången till konstruktionsmaterial på förskolorna inte är särskilt varierad och inte tillräckligt stor. Enligt svaren på intervjuerna är den största orsaken bristen på tid för pedagogerna att vara delaktig i konstruktionsleken. Det saknades även tid att hålla ordning på konstruktionsmaterialet. Pedagogerna arbetar inte medvetet med konstruktionslek och upplever att de saknar tillräckliga kunskaper inom ämnet. Utifrån gällande styrdokument är leken viktig för barns lärande. Barnen skall utveckla sin förmåga att bygga, skapa och konstruera med hjälp av olika material. Denna studie visar att för att uppfylla dessa krav bör lärare i förskolan få mera kunskaper om konstruktionslekens betydelse och hur man kan arbeta med den. / My purpose with this study is to investigate the preschools conditions of the three-dimensional construction play. My questions are: what indoor material the preschool posses and the awareness of working with three-dimensional construction play. The answers I got are based on the qualitative interviews with five preschoolteachers and also from doing observations of the preschools construction materials. The report shows that the access to the construction materials are not that varied and not big enough. According to the answers from the interviews, is the main reason the preschoolteachers lack of time to participate in the construction play. They are also lacking time to maintain the order of the construction materials. The preschoolteachers don’t work consciously with the construction play and they feel that they don’t have adequate knowledge in this subject. On the basis of current control documents are the children’s play important for their learning. The children shall develop the ability to build, create and construct with help from different materials. This study shows that to fulfil these demands, the preschoolteachers should get more knowledge about the meaning of the construction play and how to work with it.

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