Spelling suggestions: "subject:"constructivist,""
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Licenciados em computação e saberes pedagógicos : cobranças de uma pedagogia da ação / Curriculum guidelines for basic education of Mato Grosso : analysis of policies as text and discourseQuim, Osmar January 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa nasceu com o objetivo de investigar os saberes pedagógicos dos licenciados em computação, professores iniciantes, egressos do Curso de Licenciatura em Computação da Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso – Campus de Alto Araguaia. A partir da inserção na área da informática educativa, observou-se que a informática é utilizada em sala de aula vinculada à vertente tradicional do ensino, sendo o computador visto apenas como um novo suporte aos conteúdos escolares. Partindo dessa observação inicial, considerou-se importante identificar os saberes pedagógicos dos licenciados em computação mobilizados em sua prática diária. Tendo como escopo a relação entre informática e educação, manteve-se presente a ideia de que a inserção da informática na escola e nos currículos escolares deve ser pensada a partir de uma prática pedagógica renovada, entendida como construtivista. As dificuldades encontradas na formação dos professores para a utilização da informática na escola sugere que o licenciado em computação seria o profissional mais qualificado para essa empreitada. Definidos os sujeitos da pesquisa e a metodologia clínica piagetiana como referência, realizaram-se três momentos complementares na coleta de dados. O primeiro, denominado de entrevista exploratória, constitui-se de uma entrevista semiestruturada, pela qual buscou-se identificar as concepções dos licenciados em computação em relação ao planejamento, aluno, professor, aprendizagem, avaliação e teoria. No segundo momento foram observadas as aulas dos licenciados selecionados num total variável entre seis a doze aulas de cada sujeito. O terceiro momento, a entrevista final, foi realizado tomando como referência os momentos anteriores com o objetivo de esclarecer ou complementar as informações obtidas. As análises dos dados foram realizadas a partir da teoria construtivista piagetiana, trazendo a colaboração de diversos autores que discutem o construtivismo como prática pedagógica passível de ser realizada nas escolas. Na primeira parte das análises, denominada de introdução, buscou-se proporcionar uma visão geral da prática dos licenciados em computação. Na segunda, foram realizadas as análises, que tiveram como referência os temas previamente definidos no roteiro de entrevista, aproximando os dados mais recorrentes e apresentando o relato de situações observadas em sala de aula. Após o cruzamento dos dados pode-se afirmar que os licenciados em computação apresentam, em seus discursos, concepções de teorias pedagógicas, entretanto, na prática apresentam uma pedagogia marcadamente diretiva. Em relação à utilização do computador, os licenciados utilizam-no esporadicamente com os alunos e de uma maneira bastante tecnicista. O computador é utilizado também para descomplicar o trabalho docente na preparação das aulas em slides, a fim de dar agilidade à aula e, segundo os sujeitos, prender a atenção dos alunos. / The research at first aimed to investigate the pedagogical knowledge of Computer Science graduates, beginning teachers, egresses of Computer Science graduation course of Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso – Campus de Alto Araguaia. Starting from the insertion in computer education, it was observed that the computer is used in the classrooms linked to a traditional way of teaching, being the computer just a new tool support to school contents. Since this initial observation it was considered relevant to identify the pedagogical knowledge of graduates in Computer Science mobilized in their daily practice. Based on the relationship between informatics and education, it was kept the idea that the insertion of computing in schools and into the curriculum should be thought since a renewed pedagogical practice known as constructivist. The difficulties found in the teacher‟s formation relating to the use of informatics in schools suggest that the graduates in Computer Science would be the most appropriated expertise in the field. Defined the research subjects and the Piagetian clinical methodology as reference it was done three complementary moments in order to collect the data. The first moment, named exploratory interview, was a semi structure interview, which aimed to identify the conceptions of graduates in Computer Science relating to planning, student, teacher, teaching, evaluation and theory. The second moment the classes of the graduates selected in a total variable of six to twelve classes of each subject were observed. The third moment, a final interview, was done having as reference the previous moments aiming to clarify or complement the obtained information. The analyses of data were done based on Piagetian constructivist theory, with the collaboration of other authors who discuss constructivism as a pedagogical practice possible to be done in schools. The first part called introduction, it was proposed a practice general overview of Computer Science graduates. The second part the analyses were done, having as references the issues previously defined in the interviews, approximating the most recurrent data and presenting the situations observed into the classrooms. After crossing the data it was possible to affirm that the graduates in Computer Science present in their discourses, conceptions of pedagogical theories, therefore in their daily practice present a notably directive pedagogy. Relating to the use of computer, the graduates seldom use them with the students and basically in a technical manner. The computer is also used to make the teacher‟s work easier to prepare classes and slides, in order to accelerate classes and according to the subjects get the attention of the students.
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Difficulties encountered by the grade ten township learners with respect to the concept of electricityDolo, Gilbert January 2012 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / The purpose of this study was to investigate the difficulties encountered by the grade ten township learners with respect to the concept of electricity. More specifically, the study attempted to explore the learners’ scientific knowledge by investigating their conceptions or alternative conceptions about electricity; the influence of learners’ age, career interests and gender issues on their conceptions of electricity and; the effectiveness of concept mapping (a pedagogic tool designed by Novak in the 1970s) in facilitating the learners’ understanding of electricity. The study was premised on socio-cultural constructivism as well as meaningful learning as espoused by Ausubel (1968).A Pre-Test-Post-Test Control Group Design was adopted in the study in which two comparable groups were used. The data was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative research methods and the instruments that were used included a conception of electricity (COET) (originally adopted and administered in the Western Cape, Northern Cape provinces and in Norway in 1999 for the purpose of Science and Technology Literacy Project (STLP) with the hope that their reliability and validity was guaranteed); selected learner interviews and evaluation forms.The summary of findings has suggested that the Grade ten learners held misconceptions about the concept of electricity even after they were exposed to intervention that included concept mapping. In terms of the gender issues, there was no significant difference in performance between the boys and girls though the females outperformed their male counterparts at both groups. The underachievement of the older learners compared to the younger ones has also surfaced and that is against expectation since a number of studies carried out earlier (see Ogunniyi (1999)) have already corroborated such findings. With respect to career interests, what the learners indicated as their future dreams, i.e. what they intend to do and become, seems to have been influenced their performance at the pre- and post-test stages.
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Análise descritiva do uso da horta escolar como um recurso para alfabetização científicaSouza, Lisiane de 09 October 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa consistiu no planejamento e execução de uma abordagem metodológica com ênfase na educação científica, para estudantes das turmas do 7º ano do Ensino Fundamental, a partir de uma vivência experimental realizada em uma escola pública municipal de Bento Gonçalves (RS), que objetivou avaliar o uso da horta escolar como um recurso para a alfabetização científica. A análise foi embasada na Teoria do Desenvolvimento Cognitivo de Piaget, a qual aponta que o indivíduo aprende manipulando o objeto de conhecimento e por meio de atividades didáticas adequadas à etapa de seu desenvolvimento cognitivo. E também na Teoria sócio-histórico-cultural do desenvolvimento das funções mentais superiores de Vygotsky, que enfatiza a interação social e valoriza a escola como espaço privilegiado do desenvolvimento científico. A escolha das duas teorias deve-se ao fato de que ambas são construtivistas e complementam-se ao promover uma concepção diferente de escola e de ação do professor. A escolha e utilização da horta escolar como um laboratório de ciênciaspode propiciar a alfabetização científica, ao promover a participação e a concentração dos estudantes nas atividades propostas, relacionando os conteúdos de Ciências e de Matemática. Neste sentido, buscou-se desenvolver instrumentos que orientem o planejamento de atividades, que promovam a vivência e a convivência dos estudantes. Neste estudo, a horta escolar revelou-se como um recurso facilitador da aprendizagem, pois favoreceu a realização e o acompanhamento de diversos experimentos realizados pelos estudantes. Tais experimentos, supervisionados pelo professor, puderam desenvolver habilidades e competências que estimularam a construção de novos conhecimentos, a partir do cultivo de hortaliças em diferentes condições experimentais. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que este é um recurso facilitador para uma abordagem interdisciplinar na educação. A interação com os colegas de classe e as atividades em equipes de trabalho determinam a participação e envolvimento dos estudantes, colaborando para a aprendizagem e a alfabetização científica e, consequentemente, resultando em sucesso escolar. / This research consists in the planning and execution of a methodological approach with an emphasis on science education, for students from classes of 7th grade of Elementary School from an experimental life held in a public school of the city of Bento Gonçalves (RS), which aimed to evaluate the use of the school vegetable-garden as a resource for scientific literacy. The analysis was based on the Cognitive Development Theory of Piaget, which points out that the individual learns manipulating the object of knowledge and through didactic activities that are appropriate to the stage of his/her own cognitive development. And also in the social-historical-cultural Theory of the development of the higher mental functions of Vygotsky, which emphasizes social interaction and values the school as a privileged space for scientific development. The choice of these two theories is due to the fact that both are constructivist and complement each other by promoting a different conception of school and teacher action. The choice and use of the school vegetable-garden, like a science lab, can provide the scientific literacy by promoting the participation and concentration of students in the proposed activities, relating the Science and Mathematics contents. Thus, we sought to develop instruments that guide the planning activities and promote the existence and companionship of the students. In this study, the school vegetable-garden turned out to be a facilitating resource of learning, as it favored the doing and follow-up of many experiments performed by the students. Such experiments, supervised by the teacher, were able to develop skills and competences that stimulated the construction of new knowledge, from growing vegetables in different experimental conditions. The results suggest that this is a facilitating resource for an interdisciplinary approach in education. The interaction with classmates and the activities in work team determine the participation and involvement of students, contributing to the learning and scientific literacy and, therefore, resulting in school success.
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Flickors idrottande i TanzaniaErnstsson, Emilia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att utveckla en fördjupad förståelse för flickors relation till idrott i Moshi, Tanzania. Jag ville veta mer om hur en verksamhet arbetar för flickors möjligheter att utöva idrott. Jag ville också veta mer om hur verksamhetens personal och flickorna själva beskriver flickornas idrottande och dess betydelse för dem. Jag har valt kvalitativa metoder, såsom semistrukturerade intervjuer och en observation. För att uppnå studiens syfte genomfördes intervjuer med personal i en verksamhet. Jag har också gjort en gruppintervju med tjejer från ett netbollslag. Även en observation under en netbollsträning har gjorts. För bättre förståelse av ämnet har den insamlade datan analyserats genom tidigare rapporter och forskning samt teorin om social konstruktivism och begreppet självkänsla och empowerment. Utifrån resultatet i denna studie har det bekräftats att det finns vissa skillnader mellan flickor och pojkars idrottande i Moshi. Flickor möjligheter att utöva idrott är begränsad. Detta är kopplat till flera olika faktorer inom det tanzaniska samhället. Vidare framkommer det att möjligheter att utöva idrott finns. I skolor och andra organisationer får flickorna möjlighet att delta i idrott. Vidare har det bekräftats att idrotten har en positiv effekt på flera olika sätt. Idrottens betydelse har beskrivits med både positiva och negativa effekter för de flickor som deltar i idrottandet. Effekter som ökat självförtroende och empowerment är exempel på positiva effekter som idrotten medför. En annan positiv effekt som har beskrivits är vikten av idrott för sexualiteten. Exempel på negativ effekt är exkludering. / The aim of this essay is to develop an in-depth knowledge of girls’ relationship to sports in the city of Moshi, Tanzania. I would like to know more about how one organization are working for girls’ opportunities of practice sports. Also, I would like to know more about how staff and the girls from the organisation describe girls practice of sports and its meaning to them. I have chosen qualitative methods, such as semi-structured interviews and one observation. To achieve the aim, I have conduct interviews with staff at one organisation. I also have done one group interview with girls from a netball team. Also, one observation during one netball training has been done. For better understanding of the subject, the collected data have been analysed through previous researches and the theory of social constructivism and the concept self-esteem and empowerment. According to the results of this study, it has been confirmed that there´s some differences between girls´ and boys' sports in Moshi. Girls opportunities of practice sports are limited. This is linked to several different factors within Tanzanian society. Furthermore, it appears that opportunities of practice sports exist. In schools and other organisations, girls are given the opportunity to participate in sports. Furthermore, it has been confirmed that sport has a positive effect in many ways. The meaning of sports has been described with both positive and negative effects for girls who participate in sports. Positive effects such as increased self-esteem and empowerment are examples of described effects. Another positive effect which has been described is the importance of sport for the sexuality. Examples of a negative effect is exclusion.
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Norm subsidiarity in the practice of diplomacy : a case analysis of Iran's nuclear programmeKuun, Jacques January 2019 (has links)
This research studies norm subsidiarity in the practice of diplomacy. Norm subsidiarity is a concept found within norm diffusion scholarship. It is argued that this scholarship gives a privileged position to materially strong actors in its explanation of norm diffusion. The role of weaker states to support international norms is often ignored. Norm subsidiarity explains how materially weaker states support international norms to protect their autonomy from stronger actors. This research demonstrates the application of norm subsidiarity by tracing the history and context surrounding the diplomacy of Iran’s nuclear programme from its inception in 1957 to the present. Iran has successfully supported the norm of the peaceful use of nuclear energy by continuing to develop its nuclear programme. This is despite overwhelming international pressure from much stronger states who seek to stop this programme. The analysis shows that Iran’s actions can be described as a process of norm subsidiarity. This provides credibility to the argument that weaker states can play an important role in successfully supporting international norms, despite the desires of much stronger states. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Political Sciences / MA / Unrestricted
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The impact of unplanned online learning due to Covid-19 on cross-cultural experiences and expectations on international African graduate students in the USKajasiche, Diana Tadala 22 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Pochopení konstruktivismu hybridní války a ontologické (ne)bezpečnosti / Understanding Hybrid Warfare Constructivism and Ontological (in)SecurityOstreni, Bruss January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aim is to investigate the propagation of the term 'Hybrid Warfare' in world politics, more specifically on NATO's discourses and official texts. Granted the argument that the term is unable to convey a concrete strategic doctrine or strategy due to its lack of conceptual fecundity, we argue that nonetheless, the usage of the term serves NATO as an Ontological Security exercise. The reasoning behind this argument is that Hybrid Threats (or war) have the capacity to make NATO ontologically (in)secure due to the latter's inability to respond efficiently. Thus, disrupting the alliance strategy of 'being' - that is a collective defense alliance in charge of security of all members via the Article V of the treaty - and at the same time its strategy of 'doing' which is the ability of the alliance to provide a peaceful and safe Euro-Atlantic region, inside and out. Following our attempted bridging on Hybrid War and NATO's Ontological Security, we then proceed to explicate policy changes influenced by the former. In order to do so, we chose to employ a three- layered model created by Jakub Eberle and Vladimir Handl which conceptualizes Ontological Security through narratives about the self, the other, and the overall international system. The argument is that when actors are threatened by a...
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Strategisk konkurrens mellan Kina och USA: : Om Kinas framväxt som en global makt i ljuset av globalisering och amerikansk hegemoniMarie, Mohamad January 2022 (has links)
Throughout history, the world has witnessed the rise and fall of great powers, but they have not been repeated in the same context. Today, the world is witnessing the emergence of Asian powers, which is China in the presence of an environment that is not characteristic of history, which is globalization, with the United States as the hegemony of globalization. In this study, we highlight the three variables (globalization, American hegemony, and China's emergence) and how the three variables can be understood under the theories of international relations (realism - constructivism). Globalization has helped prolong the life of American hegemony, but China's overpopulation prevents China from seeking new sources of state survival and preserving its interests, as it could lead to a possible military confrontation with the dominant power.
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Nature of Reflection after Organizational Experience by Managers across Developmental Levels: A Study Using Excerpts from Subject-Object InterviewsJoshi, Himanshu January 2021 (has links)
This research study breaks new ground in exploring differences in how managers’ reflection patterns, do or do not differ across levels of adult development as delineated by Robert Kegan’s Constructive-Developmental Theory.
It was a basic qualitative study exploring upper-level managers’ thought processes and patterns of reflection in revisiting and reinterpreting episodes of conflict and change that had emerged in past organizational experiences. The purpose was to discern in what ways, if at all, those processes vary with the manager’s Stage in adult development in Robert Kegan’s adult Constructive-Developmental Theory that stipulates generally what one can reflect upon impartially as object—or what one cannot.
Transcripts of fifteen Subject-Object Interviews (SOIs), that were previously conducted for the purpose of examining interviewee reasoning characteristics in relation their stage of adult development and had been professionally scored and certified for interviewee developmental level, provided the primary data for this study. These were sourced as a stratified, purposeful sample from an archival database of 148 interviews conducted by the Center of Creative Leadership between 2007-2009. Five each of the sample of 15 SOIs were selected to meet the criteria for one of three specific Stages or levels of complexity on Kegan’s adult constructive-developmental scale representing the Instrumental to Socializing transition, the fully Socializing equilibrium, and the fully Self-Authoring equilibrium.
Without The managers’ individual developmental levels being revealed, the researcher blindly coded the individual SOI transcripts and inductively analyzed and synthesized the data of each to discern patterns in the interviewee’s reflection. In a final step, the known, certified SOI scores were revealed to the researcher, who was then able to explore the relationship between patterns of reflection he had discerned and the individual interviewee’s actual developmental level—in particular to see in what ways, if at all, those processes vary and are engaged in differently—or similarly—depending on the manager’s Order of Mind or Stage of Adult development as delineated by Robert Kegan’s Constructive-Developmental Theory.
Mediating consideration of findings, the 5-participants-per-development-level samples were small and results thus not generalizable, and the interviews were conducted for the purpose of investigating reasoning as correlated with adult developmental level. Within that context, relatively consistent differences in patterns of reflection while either recollecting or currently reflecting upon past incidents that involved change and/or conflict were discerned in the following areas: granularity in description of emotion; recollection of inner dialogue; “stepping onto the balcony” for a changed perspective on issues; variations of “stance,” in terms of degree of self-focus rather than a relational or organizational one and demonstration of self-examination—mediated by what was at stake for the interviewee. Depending on developmental stage, current experience or, or recollection of past negative emotion could be either a prompt for self reflection or a barrier to it.
Constructive-developmental theory posits different Ways of Knowing in adulthood; each denoting an internally consistent meaning-making system that shapes the ways one makes sense of and interprets experience.
An in-depth descriptive analysis of the managers’ reflections within and across cases revealed different orientations toward the process of revisiting and interpreting experience with important variations across participants. To explain those individual variations, constructivedevelopmental theory (Kegan, 1982, 1984) appeared to be a valuable theoretical lens to shed light on some of the differences within and across the three different Ways of Knowing represented in the sample. This study overall supports the growing trend in the learning and development field toward paying more attention to supporting the development of leaders’ inner meaning-making structures as those will influence how they engage in, and take perspective on, their experience—and ultimately help their organizations and their members to learn. The researcher, blinded to adult developmental levels of the managers until after analyzing data for patterns of reflection, found the clusters of personally discerned patterns to closely match those that would to their subsequently revealed, certified developmental levels. This congruence suggests that Subject-Object Interviews may prove an insight-full source for further research on the difficult-to-probe subject of reflection-on-action.
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Between Kudzu and Killer Apps: Finding Human Ground Between the Monoculture of MOOCs and Online Mechanisms for LearningTurner, Ralph Lamar, Gassaway, Carol 21 March 2019 (has links)
Although MOOCs have not lived up to previously breathless predictions of disruption, they have had an outsized influence on university administrators who see online learning as a “savior solution” for ever-shrinking budgets. Despite lower student persistent rates, faculty skepticism, and burdensome faculty workloads, the general public and administrative embrace of online learning has been enthusiastic, which may be explained in part using Foucault’s concept of the episteme to view the convergence of the parallel tracks of educational and technological development--the idea of a kind of mechanism for learning. While MOOCs once promised “best professors,” other institutions now promise the “best designed” mechanisms for learning, certified through corporatized quality assurance programs and learning management systems. While this may be appropriate for shopping educational products in a neoliberal marketplace, it seldom addresses human needs. Moreover, the temporal and human constraints that online promises to banish, in fact, continue to exist. Therefore, a more realistic examination of psychological and social factors, pedagogical tools, and the nature of online communication, is needed in order to create a more humane way of teaching, and learning.
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