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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The inclusion of special educational needs (SEN) students in United Arab Emirates (UAE) mainstream schools : an exploratory study

Bock, Simone Maylin 06 1900 (has links)
Inclusive education within the United Arab Emirates has started to gain momentum and the roles of teachers have become more challenging. This study investigated teacher views surrounding the inclusion of SEN students into mainstream schools. A qualitative exploratory research design was employed and the social constructivist theory was used as a framework for the research. Purposive sampling was employed, and a total of seven teachers and four parents participated in the study. Thematic analysis was used and findings suggested that UAE teachers experienced various challenges due to the inclusion of SEN students into their schools. Some of the challenges included: lack of professional development, lack of managerial support, parental demands, cultural barriers and the lack of collaborative opportunities. The study recommended varied professional development workshops aimed at developing an understanding of SEN and inclusion within the UAE context. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Factors influencing the migration of teachers from Zimbabwe to South Africa

Weda, Zenzele Lungile 12 1900 (has links)
Zimbabwe is suffering from an acute shortage of teachers mainly as a result of teacher emigration to South Africa and abroad. The southern migration of Zimbabwean teachers has received little research attention which has mainly focused on the migration of medical personnel. The purpose of this study is to uncover the factors that drive the migration of teachers from Zimbabwe to South Africa and to explain how these factors function within a grounded theory approach to teacher migration. To achieve this, a review of literature and an empirical study of a small sample of migrant Zimbabwean teachers resident in South Africa were undertaken. A constructivist grounded theory design was used. A theoretical sampling method generated a sample group of thirteen participants who were all qualified Zimbabwean teachers who had migrated to South Africa and been in the country for between one and five years. Data generation and collection consisted of two phases: in the first phase the participants were asked to write a life history narrative or provide a verbal narrative of their life history focussing on their migration. In the second phase they participated in individual interviews to clarify or expand on issues raised in the first phase. Three stages of coding were used in the analysis of the data, namely initial, intermediate and advanced coding. This led to the generation of a grounded theory on teacher migration. The grounded theory indicated that Zimbabwean teachers see migration as the best way to attain an ideal status. An ideal status is conceived to be the ideal interplay between the work conditions, standard of living and social esteem which teachers believe befits members of their profession. Depending on various criteria, teachers fall into one of the following status categories: further diminished status, diminished status, ideal status or ideal status surpassed. Migration is a drastic and demanding way to improve one’s status and it is adopted by teachers only after other strategies to this end have been exhausted. Weighed against existing theories of migration, the grounded theory contributes to understanding teacher migration and retention through the innovative use of the core category status. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Socio-Education)

Teaching chemistry of water purification in grade 11 using locally available materials through the scientific inquiry approach

Makoni, Robert Davison 10 1900 (has links)
This dissertation surveyed the validities of teaching the chemistry of water purification in South African schools using locally available materials (LAM) through the scientific inquiry (SI) approach. The researcher randomly selected four secondary schools that provided a small and purposive study sample of thirty-two Grade 11 learners and four teachers. The research design applied a mixed-method approach, consisting of qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. Within this approach, the outcome of SI instruction that integrated LAM was compared with that of conventional instruction through a quasi-experimental control groups design. The researcher identified in the analysis of interviews and questionnaires the most complex aspects of the chemistry of water purification for learners to understand as redox reactions, acid-base systems, precipitations, and chlorination. However, the use of LAM through the scientific inquiry approach made it easier for learners to understand the concepts. The high mean scores ( =80.88; SD=10.28) in Research-based Test 2 (RBT2), of the experimental groups taught through SI signified that those learners immensely benefited from an active and collaborative learning environment. The lowly scores ( =61.69; SD=4.21) of control groups could be attributed to a linear and passive participation of learners in the conventional classroom instruction. The marks of the two groups in post-test RBT2 were paired and contrasted using GraphPad software. The results showed that t =6.699, df =21 with a significant value of 0.0001, which is less than 0.05 (p<0.05), hence it can be inferred that the difference between the means of the two groups was not only statistically important but also worth an explanation. The higher performance scores in RBT2 and the Rubric Assessment Tool (RAT) in experimental groups represents that the intervention was successful in the implementation of instructional design in the the study. In addition, the learners had mastered the crucial aptitudes that included self-discipline in understanding, cooperative learning, searching relevant text on topic, hands-on or laboratory practice and logical thinking in problem solving by working through the SI activities that used LAM. / Mathematics, Science and Technology Education / M. Sc. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education with specialization in Chemistry Education)

Project Evaluation in Development Cooperation : A Meta-Evaluative Case Study in Tanzania

Cars, Mikiko January 2006 (has links)
<p>The research reported here is a meta-evaluative case study of project evaluation in the context of Official Development Cooperation (ODC) in the education sector in Tanzania, where the particular focus is on capturing the relative values attached to evaluation by various stakeholder groups.</p><p>Perspectives from the constructivist paradigm are adopted, implying relativist ontology, subjectivist epistemology, and naturalistic interpretive methodology. Based on these perspectives, a review is provided of development theories and evaluation theories, including the actor-oriented approach to development, participatory monitoring & evaluation, utilization-focused evaluation, and responsive-constructivist evaluation. An exploratory qualitative case study strategy is taken, combining several complementary methods e.g. in-depth interviews, questionnaires, document analysis, and observations.</p><p>Evaluation is considered as an applied social research, implying a managerial and political purpose. It is a reflective interactive process, where the relevance, effectiveness and impact of an intervention in pursuit of certain objectives are assessed, adding value in order to construct knowledge for the enhancement of decision-making. In order to facilitate understanding of the cases under study, their structural contexts are investigated: 1) ODC evaluation systems and strategies (international/ macro context); and 2) ODC in the education sector in Tanzania (national/meso context). Each case (at local/micro level) is located within these contexts and analyzed applying a meta-evaluative framework.</p><p>Integrating the perspectives of the stakeholders, the study demonstrates the strengths of, and constraints on, each case, factors which are to some extent determined by their respective time-frames. A number of significant discrepancies between theory and practice in ODC evaluation are reported. Findings indicate the significance of constructing consensus values that are based on a synthesis of multiple stakeholders’ values and perspectives complementing each others. The study also find that evaluation ought to be used as a powerful tool in which the values, needs and aspirations of various stakeholder groups can be reflected, especially those of local communities, who are now too often powerless in ODC projects in the education sector.</p>

L'impact d'un accident vasculaire cérébral léger sur la qualité de vie des proches

Tellier, Myriam 04 1900 (has links)
Introduction : Les personnes ayant eu un accident vasculaire cérébral léger (AVCL) sont autonomes pour l’accomplissement des activités de la vie quotidienne de base, mais peuvent présenter des déficits subtils pour l’accomplissement d’activités complexes qui ne sont pas dépistés durant l’hospitalisation. Le retour à domicile parmi les proches est souvent le moment où certaines difficultés apparaissent. L’objectif de cette étude est d’explorer la perception des proches de leur qualité de vie, trois mois après le retour à domicile de la personne ayant eu l’AVCL. Méthodologie : Cette étude qualitative repose sur un paradigme constructiviste. Des entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées ont été menées à l’aide d’un guide d’entrevue, auprès de proches de personnes ayant eu un premier AVCL trois mois auparavant. Une transcription du contenu des entrevues a été faite sous forme de verbatim, suivie d’une analyse de contenu. Résultats : Huit entrevues ont été complétées (âge moyen 56,9 ans – ratio hommes/femmes de 2/6). Six thèmes ont été identifiés : personne ayant eu l’AVCL, vie quotidienne, relation conjugale, récidive, santé et services. L’AVCL engendre plusieurs incapacités (personne ayant eu l’AVCL) et les proches interrogés rapportent une augmentation de leurs tâches quotidiennes ce qui limite leurs activités personnelles (vie quotidienne). Ils mentionnent également devoir passer du rôle de conjoint à celui de parent, ce qui modifie la dynamique de couple (relation conjugale). Les proches se disent anxieux face au risque de récidive (récidive) et certains présentent des malaises physiques comme des maux de tête et un manque d’énergie (santé). Les proches affirment n’avoir accès à aucun service et que le seul soutien dont ils bénéficie est celui de leur entourage (services). Conclusion : Le retour à domicile de la personne AVCL engendre diverses conséquences sur le quotidien des proches, ce qui affecte leur qualité de vie. / Introduction: Mild stroke clients are often independent in basic activities of daily living but may present subtle deficits that impact on complex activities and roles. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceived quality of life of close family members three months after the stroke client was discharged home. Method: Qualitative design based on a constructivist paradigm. Interviews were conducted with family members of mild stroke clients three months after discharge. An interview guide was used and the audio content was transcribed, followed by a content analysis. Results: Eight interviews were conducted (mean age 56.9 ± 9.2 years; men=2/8). Six essential themes emerged from the data. According to participants, mild stroke clients present sequelae that interfere with complex tasks (patient), increasing the burden on other family members who have to limit their personal activities (daily living). Spouses reported sometimes acting like a parent, which caused tensions in the relationship (conjugal relationship). Anxiety is related to the risk of stroke recurrence (relapse) and some family members present physical symptoms and a lack of energy (health). However, family members do not have access to services despite support from their relatives (services). Conclusion: The results of this exploratory study strongly suggest that even a ‘mild’ stroke has an impact on the daily lives of close family members and affects their quality of life.

Impacts des TIC sur la motivation des étudiants à l’apprentissage des mathématiques à l’Université Abdou Moumouni au Niger

Moussa-Tessa, Ousmane 03 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’amélioration de la motivation à l’apprentissage des mathématiques à l’Université Abdou Moumouni. Elle se situe dans une dynamique globale de mise au point d’actions pédagogiques pour remédier au problème préoccupant de la motivation à l’apprentissage des sciences. Plus spécifiquement, il s’agit de prospecter si les environnements virtuels d’apprentissage peuvent contribuer à l’amélioration de la transmission des savoirs dans un contexte universitaire au Niger. Ainsi, notre recherche vise à mieux comprendre l’impact de l’intégration des TIC sur la motivation chez des étudiants à apprendre les mathématiques au Niger. Les trois objectifs spécifiques de notre recherche sont : explorer les impacts sur le sentiment de compétence chez des étudiants à l’apprentissage des mathématiques dans un contexte d’intégration pédagogique des TIC; mieux comprendre le changement des types de motivations autodéterminées à l’apprentissage des mathématiques chez des étudiants exposés à une intégration pédagogique des TIC; comprendre les perceptions de l’usage d’un environnement virtuel à l’apprentissage des mathématiques chez des étudiants et l’évolution de leurs motivations autodéterminées. Se fondant sur une méthodologie de type mixte, cette recherche quasi-expérimentale a consisté en la collecte de données quantitatives au moyen de 2 questionnaires sur la motivation (sentiment de compétence et sentiment d’autodétermination) en pré-test et en post-test. Pour les données qualitatives, nous avons eu recours à des entrevues dirigées auprès de 9 participants. Au total 61 étudiants inscrits en science de la vie et de la terre, dont 51 hommes, ont participé à la recherche. La thèse respecte le mode de présentation par articles. Chacun des trois articles est en lien avec un des trois objectifs de la recherche, dans l’ordre cité plus haut. Les principaux résultats indiquent un impact positif sur la motivation à travers un recul du sentiment négatif de compétence chez les étudiants ayant bénéficié de l’apport des TIC comparativement aux étudiants ordinaires. En ce qui concerne le sentiment d’autodétermination, chez les étudiants ayant bénéficié de l’apport pédagogique des TIC, il est mis en évidence une stagnation ou une légère baisse des motivations peu ou pas autodéterminées et une légère hausse ou une stagnation des motivations autodéterminées chez les étudiants ayant bénéficié de l’apport des TIC. Finalement, la recherche a permis de mettre en relief l'existence de corrélations positives entre l’augmentation des motivations autodéterminées et la perception d’une qualité positive de l’expérience d'innovation pédagogique que représente l’environnement virtuel d’apprentissage des mathématiques. En définitive, cette recherche fait ressortir l’importance de l'intégration pédagogique des TIC pour améliorer les pratiques pédagogiques actuelles, et satisfaire deux besoins psychologiques fondamentaux, notamment le sentiment de compétence et le sentiment d’autodétermination, deux composantes essentielles de la motivation selon la théorie de l’autodétermination de Deci et Ryan. Les résultats obtenus dégagent des perspectives intéressantes en vue de renforcer les recours aux environnements virtuels d'apprentissage au profit de la motivation à l'apprentissage des mathématiques. Les forces et les limites de la recherche sont discutées et un ensemble de recommandations sont émises à l’intention des acteurs académiques, notamment les perspectives assez prometteuses de l’intégration pédagogique des TIC au service de l'apprentissage des sciences en Afrique, et au Niger en particulier. / This study focuses on enhancing motivation for learning mathematics at the University Abdou Moumouni. It is situated in a dynamic development of educational activities to address the serious problem of motivation for learning science. More specifically, it is exploring whether virtual learning environments can contribute effectively to improving the transmission of knowledge at university level in Niger. Thus, our research aims to better understand the impact of the integration of ICT on student motivation to learn mathematics in Niger. The three specific objectives of our research are: to explore the impact on sense of competence in students learning of mathematics in the context of integration of ICT, and better understand the change of self-determined types of motivation towards learning of mathematics in students exposed to integration of ICT; understand the perceptions of the use of a virtual environment for learning mathematics among students and their evolving self-determined motivation. Based on a methodology of mixed type, this quasi-experimental research has included the collection of quantitative data by means of 2 questionnaires on motivation (sense of competence and self-feeling) in pretest and posttest. For qualitative data, we used structured interviews with 9 participants. A total of 61 students enrolled in life science and earth, including 51 men, participated in the research. The thesis meets the format articles. All three articles are related to one of three research objectives in the order mentioned above. The main results indicate a positive impact on motivation through a decrease in the negative sense of competence among students who have benefited from the contribution of ICT compared to regular students. With regard to feelings of self-determination among students who benefited from the contribution of ICT, it is clearly demonstrated in a stagnation or decline in average little or no self-determined motivation and a slight increase or stagnation of the reasons self-determined in students who have benefited from the contribution of ICT. Finally, research has helped to highlight the existence of significant positive correlations between increased self-determined motivation and perceived quality of the positive experience of pedagogical innovation that represents the virtual learning mathematics. Definitively, this research highlights the importance of integration of ICT to improve current teaching practices, and meet two basic psychological needs, including perceived competence and feeling of self-determination, two main components of motivation according to the self-determination theory of Deci and Ryan. The results show interesting perspectives for strengthening the use of virtual learning environments for the benefit of the motivation for learning mathematics. The strengths and limitations of the research are discussed and a set of recommendations are made for academic actors, for instance the promising prospects of pedagogical integration of ICT for learning science in Africa, and specially in Niger.

Kosinová a sinová věta na střední škole / Cosine and sine theorem at the secondary school

Zenkl, David January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with a constructivist approach to the introduction of the cosine and sine theorems at the secondary school. The aim was to develop recommendations for teaching which are based on the idea of motivating teaching cosine and sine theorems. This approach is based on available literature and builds on experience from my own teaching of this topic. By motivating teaching, I mean an approach that is consistent with the principles of constructivism and emphasizes pupils' active learning. Current textbooks for secondary schools were analyzed from a mathematical and didactic point of view. The aim of this analysis is to describe how the topic is elaborated in publications available to teachers, and to get inspiration for my own approach. My own teaching approach was based on the theory of generic models and has been implemented in two classes of the secondary grammar school. Data collected during teaching cosine and sine theorems (video recordings of lessons, field notes from teaching and pupil artifacts) were analyzed in a qualitative way. The thesis describes the teaching in detail, with an emphasis on key phases of the discovery of the two theorems. Pupils' involvement in this process is closely followed. Where teaching did not work as planned, possible reasons are found and...

Épistémologie de la conservation du patrimoine : ontologie d'un domaine, ergologie d'une discipline

Leveau, Pierre 13 December 2012 (has links)
Ce mémoire est une mise à jour philosophique du modèle conceptuel défini par Aloïs Riegl dans son ouvrage sur Le culte moderne des monuments. Pour faire cet aggiornamento, nous présentons dans une première partie ce modèle et l'énigme qu'il contient. Dans la deuxième, nous décrivons le paradigme que les premières communautés patrimoniales adoptèrent dans l'Entre-Deux-Guerres pour la résoudre, puis nous introduisons dans la troisième les concepts qui ancrent leur paradigme dans le monde actuel et nous formulons l'énigme qu'il pose maintenant aux professionnels. Historiquement, nous démontrons ainsi la continuité de l'institution patrimoniale, d'A. Riegl à nos jours. En dépouillant les archives de la Commission internationale de Coopération intellectuelle, nous prouvons que l'ONU et l'UNESCO n'ont pas créé les réseaux de conservation que nous connaissons, mais ont hérités de ceux que la SDN et la CICI tissèrent avant-guerre en fédérant les institutions et les associations qui existaient alors. Philosophiquement, nous mettons au jour le fondement ontologique et épistémologique de l'institution patrimoniale en étudiant différents modèles conceptuels. Nous expliquons comment le réalisme structural peut concilier les théories réalistes et constructivistes qui pourraient s'opposer ici et comment l'approche processus permet d'unifier ses secteurs sans nier les différences de nature qui existent entre ses objets. Notre thèse est que l'on peut modéliser le domaine en interconnectant les points de vue de ses acteurs. Pour l'établir, nous répondons à la question de savoir ce qu'est le patrimoine, comment fonctionne son institution et sur quoi se fonde sa conservation. / This doctoral thesis on epistemology of conservation is a philosophical update of the conceptual model defined by Alois Riegl in his book on The Modern Cult of Monuments. The first part presents the model and its riddle in order to perform this aggiornamento. The second part describes the paradigm adopted by the first heritage communities between the two world wars in their attempt to resolve it. The third part introduces the concepts that connect their paradigm with the present world and formulate the riddle challenging current professionals. The author proves the historic continuity of the heritage institution from A. Riegl to our days. By examining the archives of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation (ICIC), he demonstrates that the UN and UNESCO didn't create the heritage networks that we know today but that they originate from the networks of institutions and associations organized by the League of Nations and ICIC before World War I. Philosophically, he brings to light the ontological and epistemological foundation of the heritage institutions by studying several conceptual models. He explains how structural realism can reconcile realism with constructivism, even as they seem to be opposite theories, and alson how the processus approach can unify its parts without negating the differences of nature between its objects. His thesis is that almost all of the domain can be modelized by interconnecting the points of view of all its actors. To establish this point, he answer the following questions : what is heritage ? How does its institution function ? What is its conservation funded upon ?

Spolupráce inovativních škol s rodinou na počátku školní docházky / Cooperation between the innovative schools and families at the start attendance

Olivíková, Romana January 2013 (has links)
This work's aim is to chart the extent and the actual forms of cooperation between innovative schools and families at the beginning of school attendance. In this case, innovative school is defined as a school that teaches children to read by the genetic method or that teaches the children in the primary school the Fraus mathematics by authors Hejný, Jirotková, Slezáková-Kratochvílová, Michnová. In the theoretical part, I find out the principles on which both the new concept of Fraus mathematics and the genetic method of reading are based, and I make a link between them and the constructivist conception of teaching as well as the teacher's competences. In a wider context, this work discusses the work with mistake and emphasizes the significance of creativity. In the practical part, I used the method of written questionnaire to find out the actual forms of cooperation between these schools and families before and after the children enter the first class. Also, the questionnaire finds out what are the teachers' crucial urges to change the way of teaching of mathematics and reading as well as what is the positive of this change in the teacher's view.

Využití deskových her pro výuku českého jazyka na 1. stupni ZŠ / Using board games in the Czech language lessons in primary school

Hyklová, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
My diploma thesis on the Using board games in the Czech language lesson in primary school is divided into two parts. The first part deals with theoretical starting points based on experiential and constructivist pedagogy. It focuses on the game from several points of view - as a free activity and joy during life and as a didactic method in which pupils' education is realized, a class climate is formed and a board game is applied. Further there are described places where you can play board games outside the school environment. The second part is devoted to the production of my own board games and their subsequent use in the teaching of the Czech language in the fourth year of primary school. In conclusion, I reflect on their suitability for teaching, highlight their advantages, possible pitfalls and suitable variations and forms of gradation. KEYWORDS Game, board game, Czech language, experiential pedagogy, constructivist pedagogy, activation methods, pupil, teaching, primary school, own experience and enjoyment

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