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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Playboys, Single Girls, and Sexual Rebels: Sexual Politics 1950-1965: A Trilogy of Significant Developments.

Dolinger, Amy Denise 01 May 2001 (has links) (PDF)
In the years between 1950 and 1965, three significant developments in American culture left women struggling to merge the housewife archetype of the Cold War era with changing attitudes toward sexuality. Because of these cultural shifts, the developments that dominate the research presented here are; first, the changing elements in the lives of the women who pass through the halls of academia during this time of societal flux; second, the impact of the development of the birth control pill; and third, the impact of the publications of Playboy magazine and Sex and the Single Girl. These developments mark a shift from an age of idealism that permeated the consciousness of postwar Americans to an age of realism concerning American sexuality.

Ženy a odbory 1945-1952 / Women and Trade Unions 1945-1952

Pánková, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
This thesis was written to highlight the role of women in the Revolutionary Trade Union Movement after the Second World War. It described existence and the activity of a relatively autonomous group of women which was established as a part of the Central Trade Union Council. Especially after the monopolization of a communist government in February 1948, the trade unions, as representatives of all workers, had become an important political agent in the state organisation. One of their major tasks was to mobilize workforce which was essential in order to boost the post-war economy. This activity was supported by ideology, promising to create new and better socialistic society. Appropriate attention was paid particularly to housewives who represented the greatest reserves of workforce. The intention was to integrate as many women as possible into the work process, organise them in trade unions and help them with household chores and family problems. Therefore, boards of women were established along with the trade unions' body and existed under the aforementioned Women's Committee of the Central Trade Union Council. The author described the origins of the Women's Committee, changes in its organisation, its specific activities and partly international contacts and mutual cooperation with a superordinate...

Dilemas da (sobre)vida: o aborto / Dilemmas of (over)life: abortion

Evangelista, Marcela Boni 29 June 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como tema central o aborto. Para proceder a investigação, adotamos a história oral como base teórica e procedimental. A partir de entrevistas de história de vida realizadas com mulheres e homens que vivenciaram a experiência de abortos induzidos, pretendemos abordar aspectos como gênero, classe social e geração. Além disso, buscamos dialogar com diferentes áreas da produção de conhecimentos, tais como a Saúde, o Direito e a Religião, entendendo a relevância de tais elementos na constituição de concepções acerca das interrupções voluntárias da gravidez. O corpus documental analisado é elaborado a partir do conceito de transcriação e envolve procedimentos éticos e estéticos que buscam atender ao trato com a subjetividade. / This research is focused on the abortion theme. In order to conduct it, we have adopted the theoretical and procedural basis of oral history. From life history interviews with women and men who experienced induced abortions, we aim to address issues such as gender, social class and generation. Besides, we also seek to dialogue with different areas of knowledge production, such as health, law and religion, understanding the importance of these aspects in the formation of voluntary interruptions of pregnancy´s conception. The document corpus which has been analyzed is drawn from the concept of transcreation and involves ethical and aesthetic procedures aimed to deal with subjectivity.

La politique, l’histoire, la mémoire : les usages politiques du passé en France depuis les années 1990 / Politics, history, memory : politic uses of the past in France since 1990s

Emler, David 27 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse la question des usages politiques du passé en France depuis les années 1990 jusqu’à nos jours. Cette problématique est traitée au niveau de trois sphères aux relations mutuelles interactives : la politique, l’histoire et la mémoire. La partie introductive comprend une interprétation des plus importantes conceptions françaises de la mémoire (Halbwachs, Nora, Ricœur). Trois parties étudient ensuite successivement les interactions entre politique et histoire (à partir de ce que l’on nomme les « lois mémorielles » et la réaction qu’elles provoquent de la part des historiens), les relations entre mémoire et politique (à partir de l’analyse des usages de la mémoire dans les discours des présidents de la République) et l’influence mutuelle de l’histoire et de la mémoire (en suivant l’évolution de l’historiographie de la période contemporaine). / The PhD. thesis analyzes the triangle of mutual influences between politics, history and memory. The introduction brings interpretations of the most important French concepts of memory (Halbwachs, Nora, Ricœur). The content is divided into three chapters, analyzing the mutual interactions of politics and history (so-called „memory laws“ and reactions of historians), influences between memory and politics (uses of memory in presidential speeches), and mutual effects between history and memory (development of French historiography of contemporary history).

Cinco cantos de vanguarda: populares e eruditos em luta pela brasilidade moderna / Five corners of vanguard: popular musicians and high culture intellectual fighting for modern Brazilianness

Santos, Andre Domingues dos 25 February 2014 (has links)
A presente tese analisa historicamente cinco diferentes momentos em que músicos populares e intelectuais eruditos brasileiros estabeleceram intercâmbios e trabalharam em parceria na construção de discursos sobre o ser nacional, sob influência marcante de um ideário de vanguarda. Para cada um desses momentos, elegeram-se parcerias representativas a serem estudadas. Os momentos abordados, compreendidos entre 1924 e 1969, foram o modernismo, o regionalismo baiano, a bossa-nova, a música de protesto da década de 1960 e o tropicalismo, tendo como representantes escolhidos, respectivamente: Marcelo Tupinambá e Mário de Andrade; Dorival Caymmi e Jorge Amado; Antônio Carlos Jobim, João Gilberto e Vinícius de Moraes; Carlos Lyra e Gianfrancesco Guarnieri; Caetano Veloso e Rogério Duprat. / This thesis examines five different historical moments when Brazilian popular musicians and high culture intellectual established exchanges and worked together in the construction of discourses about the national being, under strong influence of a cutting-edge set of ideas, ranging between 1924 and 1969. For each of these moments, were elected one representative partnership to be studied. The moments discussed were modernism, Bahias regionalism, bossa-nova, protest song movement of the 1960s decade and tropicalism, whose main representatives artists chosen were, respectively: Marcelo Tupinambá and Mário de Andrade; Dorival Caymmi and Jorge Amado; Antonio Carlos Jobim, João Gilberto and Vinícius de Moraes; Carlos Lyra and Gianfrancesco Guarnieri; Caetano Veloso and Rogério Duprat.

Cinco cantos de vanguarda: populares e eruditos em luta pela brasilidade moderna / Five corners of vanguard: popular musicians and high culture intellectual fighting for modern Brazilianness

Andre Domingues dos Santos 25 February 2014 (has links)
A presente tese analisa historicamente cinco diferentes momentos em que músicos populares e intelectuais eruditos brasileiros estabeleceram intercâmbios e trabalharam em parceria na construção de discursos sobre o ser nacional, sob influência marcante de um ideário de vanguarda. Para cada um desses momentos, elegeram-se parcerias representativas a serem estudadas. Os momentos abordados, compreendidos entre 1924 e 1969, foram o modernismo, o regionalismo baiano, a bossa-nova, a música de protesto da década de 1960 e o tropicalismo, tendo como representantes escolhidos, respectivamente: Marcelo Tupinambá e Mário de Andrade; Dorival Caymmi e Jorge Amado; Antônio Carlos Jobim, João Gilberto e Vinícius de Moraes; Carlos Lyra e Gianfrancesco Guarnieri; Caetano Veloso e Rogério Duprat. / This thesis examines five different historical moments when Brazilian popular musicians and high culture intellectual established exchanges and worked together in the construction of discourses about the national being, under strong influence of a cutting-edge set of ideas, ranging between 1924 and 1969. For each of these moments, were elected one representative partnership to be studied. The moments discussed were modernism, Bahias regionalism, bossa-nova, protest song movement of the 1960s decade and tropicalism, whose main representatives artists chosen were, respectively: Marcelo Tupinambá and Mário de Andrade; Dorival Caymmi and Jorge Amado; Antonio Carlos Jobim, João Gilberto and Vinícius de Moraes; Carlos Lyra and Gianfrancesco Guarnieri; Caetano Veloso and Rogério Duprat.

Quando a história também é futuro: as concepções de tempo passado, de futuro e do Brasil em Herman Kahn e no Hudson Institute (1947-1979) / When the history is also future: the conception of past time, of future and of Brazil in Herman Kahn and Hudson Institute (1947-1979)

Andrioni, Fabio Sapragonas 19 December 2014 (has links)
O objeto desta dissertação é uma ideia de futuro, ou seja, como o futuro foi compreendido dentro de um dado momento histórico e de acordo com certas condições. A ideia de futuro aqui analisada centra-se em torno de Herman Kahn, físico, estrategista militar e futurista. A constituição dessa ideia de futuro, contudo, não ocorreu afastada de uma compreensão de história. Para entendermos como ocorreu esse diálogo entre passado, presente e futuro, baseamo-nos nos conceitos propostos por Koselleck de espaço de experiência e horizonte de expectativa, assim como em alguns pontos do que o autor propõe como história dos conceitos. O início da formulação da ideia de futuro aqui analisada se deu no famoso think tank estadunidense que prestava consultoria à Força Aérea dos EUA, a RAND Corporation. Nesse período, o futuro é interpretado no curto prazo e pensado, no máximo, quinze anos à frente, e a história usada é recente, remetendo às I e II Guerras. Portanto, são questões restritas à segurança nacional e à defesa dos EUA e às relações com a Ásia e a Europa. Porém, ao lançar o seu primeiro e polêmico livro, On thermonuclear war, em 1960, no qual analisava, com detalhes, as possibilidades de uma guerra nuclear e como o país poderia se reerguer após ela, Kahn saiu da RAND e fundou seu próprio think tank, o Hudson Institute, em 1961. Acompanhando uma mudança de orientação de governo dos EUA e passando por dificuldades financeiras ao longo da década de 60 e 70, o Hudson Institute e Herman Kahn ampliaram, pouco a pouco, o tempo futuro analisado, chegando, em 1976, no livro The next 200 years, a prever duzentos anos à frente. Correspondendo a isso, havia também um recuo para o passado, alcançando o ano de 8000 a.C. Nesse momento, o Hudson Institute não mais trabalhava somente com as questões estadunidenses, mas também tinha uma atuação em âmbito mundial, visando influenciar empresas multinacionais e governos de outros países. Entre os governos pretendidos, estava o brasileiro. Porém, com projetos polêmicos e dados incertos e cambiantes, Kahn e o HI sofreram uma crítica impiedosa, sarcástica e agressiva no Brasil, o que nos permite verificar as falhas do método futurológico de Kahn e a política do governo brasileiro por trás das críticas. Por fim, toda essa exposição dos estudos futuros elaborados por Kahn desde 1947 até 1979 também nos permite refletir sobre a história e suas relações com o presente e o futuro e propor que para uma formulação sobre o futuro ou sobre o passado há, embutida, outra formulação sobre o tempo oposto. / The object of this dissertation is an idea of future or, more specifically, how the future was comprehended in a given historical moment and under certain conditions. This idea of future in our analysis is centered on Herman Kahn, a physic, military strategist and futurist. The constitution of this idea of future was not separated from a comprehension of history and it established a link between among past, present and future. To build it we based on Kosellecks concepts of space of experience and horizon of expectation and we used some ideas from Kosellecks conceptual history. Kahns idea of future started at RAND Corporation, the famous American think tank that advised the US Air Force. At that period, the future was only short term, it was thought at most fifteen years ahead and historical references were also recent, going back only until I and II Wars. Thus, the questions were restricted to the national security, the US defense and the relations with Asia and Europe. After his first book, On thermonuclear war, in 1960, Herman Kahn abandoned RAND. The book was very polemical. Kahn analyzed and accounted in details how a nuclear war could happen and how the country could rise after it. Out of RAND, Kahn established his own think tank, the Hudson Institute, in 1961. Hudson Institute and Herman Kahn widened the time analyzed, reaching two hundred years to the future and ten thousand year to the past in the book The next 200 years, in 1976. This broadened future accompanied a change of US government orientation and some financial difficulties faced by Hudson Institute that stretched for the sixties and the seventies. Beyond that, Hudson Institute was operating not only with American issues, but it was also working with world issues intending to influence multinational corporations and other countries. One of these countries was Brazil. However, in Brazil, Kahn and Hudson Institute suffered ruthless, sarcastic and aggressive critics due to polemical plans and changing and uncertain data. So the Brazilian critics were based on some mistakes of Kahn future study method, but they were based in an emphatic Brazilian government policy. We believe this exposition and analysis of Herman Kahns future studies since 1947 to 1979 provide us a deep reflection about history and the relations among past, present and future, so it is possible to state that some future or past formulation has embedded an implicit formulation about the opposite time.

Současné analýzy tureckého nacionalismu a jejich teoretická východiska / Contemporary analyses of Turkish nationalism and their theoretical bases

Lahučká, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the theoretical bases of contemporary analysis of Turkish nationalism and Turkish identity. The first part of this thesis in two chapters provides a brief review of the historical development of Turkish nationalism and the main sources of its ideas, and then summarizes the evolution of theoretical debates on the nationalism and shows the most influent theories of the end of 20th century. The main part of the thesis analyzes texts of contemporary Turkish experts concerned with Turkish nationalism in the book Milliyetçilik. The analysis is focused in detail on four main topics. The aim of the analysis is to show how today's Turkish experts approach the study of Turkish nationalism and which thoughts and theoretical bases they work with.

Quando a história também é futuro: as concepções de tempo passado, de futuro e do Brasil em Herman Kahn e no Hudson Institute (1947-1979) / When the history is also future: the conception of past time, of future and of Brazil in Herman Kahn and Hudson Institute (1947-1979)

Fabio Sapragonas Andrioni 19 December 2014 (has links)
O objeto desta dissertação é uma ideia de futuro, ou seja, como o futuro foi compreendido dentro de um dado momento histórico e de acordo com certas condições. A ideia de futuro aqui analisada centra-se em torno de Herman Kahn, físico, estrategista militar e futurista. A constituição dessa ideia de futuro, contudo, não ocorreu afastada de uma compreensão de história. Para entendermos como ocorreu esse diálogo entre passado, presente e futuro, baseamo-nos nos conceitos propostos por Koselleck de espaço de experiência e horizonte de expectativa, assim como em alguns pontos do que o autor propõe como história dos conceitos. O início da formulação da ideia de futuro aqui analisada se deu no famoso think tank estadunidense que prestava consultoria à Força Aérea dos EUA, a RAND Corporation. Nesse período, o futuro é interpretado no curto prazo e pensado, no máximo, quinze anos à frente, e a história usada é recente, remetendo às I e II Guerras. Portanto, são questões restritas à segurança nacional e à defesa dos EUA e às relações com a Ásia e a Europa. Porém, ao lançar o seu primeiro e polêmico livro, On thermonuclear war, em 1960, no qual analisava, com detalhes, as possibilidades de uma guerra nuclear e como o país poderia se reerguer após ela, Kahn saiu da RAND e fundou seu próprio think tank, o Hudson Institute, em 1961. Acompanhando uma mudança de orientação de governo dos EUA e passando por dificuldades financeiras ao longo da década de 60 e 70, o Hudson Institute e Herman Kahn ampliaram, pouco a pouco, o tempo futuro analisado, chegando, em 1976, no livro The next 200 years, a prever duzentos anos à frente. Correspondendo a isso, havia também um recuo para o passado, alcançando o ano de 8000 a.C. Nesse momento, o Hudson Institute não mais trabalhava somente com as questões estadunidenses, mas também tinha uma atuação em âmbito mundial, visando influenciar empresas multinacionais e governos de outros países. Entre os governos pretendidos, estava o brasileiro. Porém, com projetos polêmicos e dados incertos e cambiantes, Kahn e o HI sofreram uma crítica impiedosa, sarcástica e agressiva no Brasil, o que nos permite verificar as falhas do método futurológico de Kahn e a política do governo brasileiro por trás das críticas. Por fim, toda essa exposição dos estudos futuros elaborados por Kahn desde 1947 até 1979 também nos permite refletir sobre a história e suas relações com o presente e o futuro e propor que para uma formulação sobre o futuro ou sobre o passado há, embutida, outra formulação sobre o tempo oposto. / The object of this dissertation is an idea of future or, more specifically, how the future was comprehended in a given historical moment and under certain conditions. This idea of future in our analysis is centered on Herman Kahn, a physic, military strategist and futurist. The constitution of this idea of future was not separated from a comprehension of history and it established a link between among past, present and future. To build it we based on Kosellecks concepts of space of experience and horizon of expectation and we used some ideas from Kosellecks conceptual history. Kahns idea of future started at RAND Corporation, the famous American think tank that advised the US Air Force. At that period, the future was only short term, it was thought at most fifteen years ahead and historical references were also recent, going back only until I and II Wars. Thus, the questions were restricted to the national security, the US defense and the relations with Asia and Europe. After his first book, On thermonuclear war, in 1960, Herman Kahn abandoned RAND. The book was very polemical. Kahn analyzed and accounted in details how a nuclear war could happen and how the country could rise after it. Out of RAND, Kahn established his own think tank, the Hudson Institute, in 1961. Hudson Institute and Herman Kahn widened the time analyzed, reaching two hundred years to the future and ten thousand year to the past in the book The next 200 years, in 1976. This broadened future accompanied a change of US government orientation and some financial difficulties faced by Hudson Institute that stretched for the sixties and the seventies. Beyond that, Hudson Institute was operating not only with American issues, but it was also working with world issues intending to influence multinational corporations and other countries. One of these countries was Brazil. However, in Brazil, Kahn and Hudson Institute suffered ruthless, sarcastic and aggressive critics due to polemical plans and changing and uncertain data. So the Brazilian critics were based on some mistakes of Kahn future study method, but they were based in an emphatic Brazilian government policy. We believe this exposition and analysis of Herman Kahns future studies since 1947 to 1979 provide us a deep reflection about history and the relations among past, present and future, so it is possible to state that some future or past formulation has embedded an implicit formulation about the opposite time.

Dilemas da (sobre)vida: o aborto / Dilemmas of (over)life: abortion

Marcela Boni Evangelista 29 June 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como tema central o aborto. Para proceder a investigação, adotamos a história oral como base teórica e procedimental. A partir de entrevistas de história de vida realizadas com mulheres e homens que vivenciaram a experiência de abortos induzidos, pretendemos abordar aspectos como gênero, classe social e geração. Além disso, buscamos dialogar com diferentes áreas da produção de conhecimentos, tais como a Saúde, o Direito e a Religião, entendendo a relevância de tais elementos na constituição de concepções acerca das interrupções voluntárias da gravidez. O corpus documental analisado é elaborado a partir do conceito de transcriação e envolve procedimentos éticos e estéticos que buscam atender ao trato com a subjetividade. / This research is focused on the abortion theme. In order to conduct it, we have adopted the theoretical and procedural basis of oral history. From life history interviews with women and men who experienced induced abortions, we aim to address issues such as gender, social class and generation. Besides, we also seek to dialogue with different areas of knowledge production, such as health, law and religion, understanding the importance of these aspects in the formation of voluntary interruptions of pregnancy´s conception. The document corpus which has been analyzed is drawn from the concept of transcreation and involves ethical and aesthetic procedures aimed to deal with subjectivity.

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