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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propriedades das soluções de equações diferenciais em medida / Properties of solutions of measure differential equations

Andrade, Fernando Gomes de 01 February 2019 (has links)
Equações diferenciais funcionais em medida podem ser usadas como ferramentas para o estudo de modelos físicos mais próximos da realidade, por exemplo, modelos com fenômeno de \"jump\" e constituem um ramo relativamente novo de equações diferenciais. Embora esse campo tenha se desenvolvido nos últimos anos, a teoria sobre equações diferenciais funcionais em medida é escassa, com algumas classes de equações ainda não pesquisadas. Neste trabalho, vamos explorar as equações diferenciais funcionais neutras em medida com retardo infinito. Usando técnicas conhecidas na literatura, obtemos propriedades qualitativas para sua solução, como existência, unicidade e dependência contínua com relação as condições iniciais. Além disso, estudamos a controlabilidade de um sistema descrito por este tipo de equação. / Measure differential equations is a branch of differential equations area recently discovered that can be used as a tool to study physical models closer to the reality, for example, models with the phenomenon of jump. Although this field has been developed in the recent years, the theory of measure functional differential equations is still scarce, and some classes of these equations have not been described yet. Here, we will explore the neutral measure functional differential equations with infinite delay. Using techniques known in the literature, we obtain qualitative properties of their solutions, such as existence, uniqueness and continuous dependence. In addition, we study controllability for systems described by this type of equation.

Controlabilidade de sistemas de hardware para computação quântica: definição do problema e discussão de aspectos analíticos e numéricos. / Controllability of hardware systems for quantum computing: problem possing and discussion of analytical and numerical topics.

Leandro Dias Cunha 21 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho possui como tema principal o estudo da dinâmica de sistemas quânticos da perspectiva da teoria de sistemas dinâmicos, em particular, do ponto de vista da teoria de controle. Os principais tópicos abordados são (i) a análise da controlabilidade dos sistemas quânticos em dimensão finita e infinita e (ii) a teoria generalizada de medição de sistemas quânticos com o objetivo de obter as equações diferenciais estocásticas associadas a sistemas submetidos a processos de medição contínuos. Com relação à controlabilidade de sistemas dinâmicos quânticos fechados em dimensão finita resgatamos da literatura os resultados, já consolidados, da aplicação da teoria de grupos e álgebras de Lie aos essa classe de sistemas dinâmicos. Em dimensão infinita, a aplicação direta das técnicas de controle geométrico já não ocorre diretamente. Em espaços de estados de dimensão infinita as técnicas de análise matemática devem ser mais sofisticadas, há problemas relacionados à convergência e problemas relacionados a operadores não limitados. Os principais resultados conhecidos da literatura são apresentados e suas limitações são discutidas. Realizamos em seguida uma analogia entre sistemas clássicos lineares e sistemas dinâmicos quânticos de dimensão infinita cuja dinâmica é restrita a uma álgebra de operadores auto adjuntos comutativa. Observamos também que a controlabilidade de alguns sistemas quânticos em dimensão infinita está associada a Hamiltonianos não lineares. Notamos, em particular, que os sistemas quânticos comutativos estão associados a operadores não lineares. Com relação à teoria de medição de sistemas quânticos, partimos da teoria de sistemas quânticos abertos para a obtenção da equação dinâmica que rege a evolução dos sistemas não conservativos. Em paralelo, realizamos uma análise da descrição matemáticas dos experimentos de medição em sistemas quânticos desde os postulados de medição ortogonal até a descrição de processos de medição contínuos. Observamos que a equação de Schrödinger estocástica associada a um processo de medição contínuo possui como gerador infinitesimal um Hamiltoniano não linear no operador auto adjunto associado ao observável. Realizamos em seguida uma discussão a respeito das implicações de processos de medição contínuos na dinâmica de sistemas quânticos, analisando possíveis impactos em sua controlabilidade. Analisamos também o caso particular de sistemas quânticos cujos operadores associados a sua dinâmica e a seus observáveis estão restritos a uma mesma álgebra comutativa. Concluímos com sugestões de trabalhos futuros relacionados controlabilidade em dimensão infinita e a à dinâmica de sistemas quânticos sujeitos a medição. / The main theme of this work is to study the dynamics of quantum systems from the perspective of the theory of dynamical systems, in particular, from the point of view of control theory. The main topics covered are (i) the analysis of controllability of quantum systems in finite and infinite dimensions and (ii) the general theory of measurement of quantum systems in order to get to the stochastic differential equations associated with systems subject to continuous measurement. Regarding the controllability of closed quantum dynamical systems in finite dimension, the standard results from the literature were presented: the application of group theory and Lie algebra to this class of dynamical systems. In infinite dimensions, the direct application of geometric control techniques is no longer possible. In infinite dimensional state spaces the mathematical analysis techniques need to be more sophisticated, there are problems related to convergence and issues related to unbounded operators. The main results known from the literature were presented and their limitations discussed. Then an analogy was performed between linear classical systems and infinite dimensional quantum dynamical systems whose dynamics is restricted to a commutative algebra of self adjoint operators. We also note that the controllability of some quantum systems in infinite dimension is associated with nonlinear Hamiltonians. We note, in particular, that the commutative quantum systems are associated with nonlinear operators. With respect to the measurement theory of quantum systems, we start in the structure of the theory of open quantum systems in order to obtain the dynamical equation governing the evolution of non-conservative systems. In parallel, we conducted an analysis of the mathematical description of the measurement experiments in quantum systems from the orthogonal measurement postulates to the description of continuous measurement. We noted that the stochastic Schrödinger equation associated with a continuous measurement process has as its infinitesimal generator a Hamiltonian nonlinear in the self-adjoint operator associated with the observable. Then a discussion about the implications of continuous measurement processes in the dynamics of quantum systems was conducted, analyzing possible impacts on its controllability. We also looked at the particular case of quantum systems whose operators associated with their dynamics and their observable are restricted to the same commutative algebra. We cluded with suggestions for future work related to controllability in infinite dimension and the dynamics of quantum systems subjected to measurement processes.

Alcançabilidade e controlabilidade médias para sistemas lineares com saltos markovianos a tempo contínuo / Average reachability and average controllability for continuous-time markov jum linear systems

Narvaez, Alfredo Rafael Roa 06 March 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos as noções de alcançabilidade e controlabilidade para sistemas lineares a tempo contínuo com perturbações aditivas e saltos nos parâmetros sujeitos a uma cadeia de Markov geral. Definimos conceitos de alcançabilidade e controlabilidade médios de maneira natural exigindo que os valores esperados dos gramianos correspondentes sejam definidos positivos. Visando obter uma condição testável para ambos os conceitos, introduzimos conjuntos de matrizes de alcançabilidade e de controlabilidade para esta classe de sistemas e usamos certas propriedades de invariância para mostrar que: o sistema é alcançável em média, e, analogamente, controlável em média, se e somente se as matrizes respectivas, de alcançabilidade e de controlabilidade, têm posto completo. Usamos alcançabilidade média de sistemas para mostrar que a matriz de segundo momento do estado é definida positiva com uma margem uniforme. Uma consequência deste resultado no problema de estimação linear do estado é que a matriz de covariância do erro de estimação é positiva definida em média, no sentido que existe um nível mínimo de ruído nas estimativas. Na sequência, para estimadores lineares markovianos, estudamos a limitação do valor esperado da matriz de covariância do erro para mostrar que o filtro é estável num certo sentido, sendo esta uma propriedade desejável em aplicações reais. Quanto às aplicações da controlabilidade média, usamos este conceito para estabelecer condições necessárias e suficientes que garantem a existência de um processo de controle que leva a componente contínua do estado do sistema para a origem em tempo finito e com probabilidade positiva. / In this work we study the reachability and controllability notions for continuous-time linear systems with exogenous inputs and jump parameters driven by a quite general Markov chain. We define a rather natural average reachability and controllability concepts by requiring that the associated gramians are average positive definite, respectively. Aiming at testable conditions for each concept, we introduce certain sets of matrices linked with the gramians, and employ some invariance properties to find rank-based conditions. We show for average reachable systems that the state second moment is positive definite. One consequence of this result in the context of linear estimation for reachable systems is that the expectation of the error covariance matrix is positive definite. Moreover, for linear markovian filters we study the average boundedness of the error covariance matrix to show that the filter is stable in an appropriate sense, which consists in a property that is desirable in real applications. Regarding the average controllability concept, we show that it is a necessary and sufficient condition for the feasibility of the following control problem: find a control process that drives the continuous component of the state to zero in finite time with positive probability.

Construction of a control and reconstruction of a source for linear and nonlinear heat equations / Construction d'un contrôle et reconstruction de source dans les équtions linéaires et nonlinéaires de la chaleur

Vo, Thi Minh Nhat 04 October 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions un problème de contrôle et un problème inverse pour les équationsde la chaleur. Notre premier travail concerne la contrôlabilité à zéro pour une équation de la chaleur semi-linéaire. Il est à noter que sans contrôle, la solution est instable et il y aura en général explosion de la solution en un temps fini. Ici, nous proposons un résultat positif de contrôlabilité à zéro sous une hypothèse quantifiée de petitesse sur la donnée initiale. La nouveauté réside en la construction de ce contrôle pour amener la solution à l’état d’équilibre.Notre second travail aborde l’équation de la chaleur rétrograde dans un domaine borné et sous la condition de Dirichlet. Nous nous intéressons à la question suivante: peut-on reconstruire la donnée initiale à partir d’une observation de la solution restreinte à un sous-domaine et à un temps donné? Ce problème est connu pour être mal-posé. Ici, les deux principales méthodes proposées sont: une approche de filtrage des hautes fréquences et une minimisation à la Tikhonov. A chaque fois, nous reconstruisons de manière approchée la solution et quantifions l’erreur d’approximation / My thesis focuses on two main problems in studying the heat equation: Control problem and Inverseproblem.Our first concern is the null controllability of a semilinear heat equation which, if not controlled, can blow up infinite time. Roughly speaking, it consists in analyzing whether the solution of a semilinear heat equation, underthe Dirichlet boundary condition, can be driven to zero by means of a control applied on a subdomain in whichthe equation evolves. Under an assumption on the smallness of the initial data, such control function is builtup. The novelty of our method is computing the control function in a constructive way. Furthermore, anotherachievement of our method is providing a quantitative estimate for the smallness of the size of the initial datawith respect to the control time that ensures the null controllability property.Our second issue is the local backward problem for a linear heat equation. We study here the followingquestion: Can we recover the source of a linear heat equation, under the Dirichlet boundary condition, from theobservation on a subdomain at some time later? This inverse problem is well-known to be an ill-posed problem,i.e their solution (if exists) is unstable with respect to data perturbations. Here, we tackle this problem bytwo different regularization methods: The filtering method and The Tikhonov method. In both methods, thereconstruction formula of the approximate solution is explicitly given. Moreover, we also provide the errorestimate between the exact solution and the regularized one.

Contrôle robuste d'EDPs linéaires hyperboliques par méthodes de backstepping / Robust design of backstepping controllers for systems of linearhyperbolic PDEs

Auriol, Jean 04 July 2018 (has links)
Les systèmes d'Equations aux Dérivées Partielles Hyperboliques Linéaires du Premier Ordre (EDPs HLPO) permettent de modéliser de nombreux systèmes de lois de conservation. Ils apparaissent, par exemple, lors de la modélisation de problèmes de trafic routier, d'échangeurs de chaleurs, ou de problèmes multiphasiques. Différentes approches ont été proposées pour stabiliser ou observer de tels systèmes. Parmi elles, la méthode de backstepping consiste à transformer le système originel en un système découplé pour lequel la synthèse de la loi de commande est plus simple. Les contrôleur obtenus par cette méthode sont explicites.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous présentons des résultats généraux de théorie des systèmes. Plus précisément, nous résolvons les problèmes de stabilisation en temps fini pour une classe générale d'EDPs HLPO. Le temps de convergence minimal atteignable dépend du nombre d'actionneurs disponibles. Les observateurs associés à ces contrôleurs (nécessaires pour envisager une utilisation industrielle de tels contrôleurs) sont obtenus via une approche duale. Un des avantages importants de l'approche considérée dans cette thèse est de montrer que l'espace généré par les solutions de l'EDPs HLPO considérée est isomorphe à l'espace généré par les solutions d'une système neutre à retards distribués.Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, nous montrons la nécessité d'un changement de stratégie pour résoudre les problèmes de contrôle robuste. Ces questions surviennent nécessairement lorsque sont considérées des applications industrielles pour lesquelles les différents paramètres du système peuvent être mal connus, pour lesquelles des dynamiques peuvent avoir été négligées, de même que des retards agissant sur la commande ou sur la mesure, ou encore pour lesquels les mesures sont bruitées. Nous proposons ainsi quelques modifications sur les lois de commande précédemment développées en y incorporant plusieurs degrés de liberté permettant d'effectuer un compromis entre performance et robustesse. L'analyse de stabilité et de robustesse sous-jacente est rendue possible en utilisant l'isomorphisme précédemment introduit. / Linear First-Order Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations (LFOH PDEs) represent systems of conservation and balance law and are predominant in modeling of traffic flow, heat exchanger, open channel flow or multiphase flow. Different control approaches have been tackled for the stabilization or observation of such systems. Among them, the backstepping method consists to map the original system to a simpler system for which the control design is easier. The resulting controllers are explicit.In the first part of this thesis, we develop some general results in control theory. More precisely, we solve the problem of finite-time stabilization of a general class of LFOH PDEs using the backstepping methodology. The minimum stabilization time reachable may change depending on the number of available actuators. The corresponding boundary observers (crucial to envision industrial applications) are obtained through a dual approach. An important by-product of the proposed approach is to derive an explicit mapping from the space generated by the solutions of the considered LFOH PDEs to the space generated by the solutions of a general class of neutral systems with distributed delays. This mapping opens new prospects in terms of stability analysis for LFOH PDEs, extending the stability analysis methods developed for neutral systems.In the second part of the thesis, we prove the necessity of a change of strategy for robust control while considering industrial applications, for which the major limitation is known to be the robustness of the resulting control law to uncertainties in the parameters, delays in the loop, neglected dynamics or disturbances and noise acting on the system. In some situations, one may have to renounce to finite-time stabilization to ensure the existence of robustness margins. We propose some adjustments in the previously designed control laws by means of several degrees of freedom enabling trade-offs between performance and robustness. The robustness analysis is fulfilled using the explicit mapping between LFOH PDEs and neutral systems previously introduced.

Tools for Control System Design : Stratification of Matrix Pairs and Periodic Riccati Differential Equation Solvers

Johansson, Stefan January 2009 (has links)
Modern control theory is today an interdisciplinary area of research. Just as much as this can be problematic, it also provides a rich research environment where practice and theory meet. This Thesis is conducted in the borderline between computing science (numerical analysis) and applied control theory. The design and analysis of a modern control system is a complex problem that requires high qualitative software to accomplish. Ideally, such software should be based on robust methods and numerical stable algorithms that provide quantitative as well as qualitative information. The introduction of the Thesis is dedicated to the underlying control theory and to introduce the reader to the main subjects. Throughout the Thesis, the theory is illustrated with several examples, and similarities and differences between the terminology from mathematics, systems and control theory, and numerical linear algebra are highlighted. The main contributions of the Thesis are structured in two parts, dealing with two mainly unrelated subjects. Part I is devoted to the qualitative information which is provided by the stratification of orbits and bundles of matrices, matrix pencils and system pencils. Before the theory of stratification is established the reader is introduced to different canonical forms which reveal the system characteristics of the model under investigation. A stratification reveals which canonical structures of matrix (system) pencils are near each other in the sense of small perturbations of the data. Fundamental concepts in systems and control, like controllability and observability of linear continuous-time systems, are considered and it is shown how these system characteristics can be investigated using the stratification theory. New results are presented in the form of the cover relations (nearest neighbours) for controllability and observability pairs. Moreover, the permutation matrices which take a matrix pencil in the Kronecker canonical form to the corresponding system pencil in (generalized) Brunovsky canonical form are derived. Two novel algorithms for determining the permutation matrices are provided. Part II deals with numerical methods for solving periodic Riccati differential equations (PRDE:s). The PRDE:s under investigation arise when solving the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problem for periodic linear time-varying (LTV) systems. These types of (periodic) LQR problems turn up for example in motion planning of underactuated mechanical systems, like a humanoid robot, the Furuta pendulum, and pendulums on carts. The constructions of the nonlinear controllers are based on linear versions found by stabilizing transverse dynamics of the systems along cycles. Three different methods explicitly designed for solving the PRDE are evaluated on both artificial systems and stabilizing problems originating from experimental control systems. The methods are the one-shot generator method and two recently proposed methods: the multi-shot method (two variants) and the SDP method. As these methods use different approaches to solve the PRDE, their numerical behavior and performance are dependent on the nature of the underlying control problem. Such method characteristics are investigated and summarized with respect to different user requirements (the need for accuracy and possible restrictions on the solution time). / Modern reglerteknik är idag i högsta grad ett interdisciplinärt forskningsområde. Lika mycket som detta kan vara problematiskt, resulterar det i en stimulerande forskningsmiljö där både praktik och teori knyts samman. Denna avhandling är utförd i gränsområdet mellan datavetenskap (numerisk analys) och tillämpad reglerteknik. Att designa och analysera ett modernt styrsystem är ett komplext problem som erfordrar högkvalitativ mjukvara. Det ideala är att mjukvaran består av robusta metoder och numeriskt stabila algoritmer som kan leverera både kvantitativ och kvalitativ information.Introduktionen till avhandlingen beskriver grundläggande styr- och reglerteori samt ger en introduktion till de huvudsakliga problemställningarna. Genom hela avhandlingen illustreras teori med exempel. Vidare belyses likheter och skillnader i terminologin som används inom matematik, styr- och reglerteori samt numerisk linjär algebra. Avhandlingen är uppdelade i två delar som behandlar två i huvudsak orelaterade problemklasser. Del I ägnas åt den kvalitativa informationen som ges av stratifiering av mångfalder (orbits och bundles) av matriser, matrisknippen och systemknippen. Innan teorin för stratifiering introduceras beskrivs olika kanoniska former, vilka var och en avslöjar olika systemegenskaper hos den undersökta modellen. En stratifiering ger information om bl.a. vilka kanoniska strukturer av matrisknippen (systemknippen) som är nära varandra med avseende på små störningar i datat. Fundamentala koncept i styr- och reglerteori behandlas, så som styrbarhet och observerbarhet av linjära tidskontinuerliga system, och hur dessa systemegenskaper kan undersökas med hjälp av stratifiering. Nya resultat presenteras i form av relationerna för täckande (närmsta grannar) styrbarhets- och observerbarhets-par. Dessutom härleds permutationsmatriserna som tar ett matrisknippe i Kroneckers kanoniska form till motsvarande systemknippe i (generaliserade) Brunovskys kanoniska form. Två algoritmer för att bestämma dessa permutationsmatriser presenteras. Del II avhandlar numeriska metoder för att lösa periodiska Riccati differentialekvationer (PRDE:er). De undersökta PRDE:erna uppkommer när ett linjärt kvadratiskt regulatorproblem för periodiska linjära tidsvariabla (LTV) system löses. Dessa typer av (periodiska) regulatorproblem dyker upp till exempel när man planerar rörelser för understyrda (underactuated) mekaniska system, så som en humanoid (mänsklig) robot, Furuta-pendeln och en vagn med en inverterad (stående) pendel. Konstruktionen av det icke-linjära styrsystemet är baserat på en linjär variant som bestäms via stabilisering av systemets transversella dynamik längs med cirkulära banor. Tre metoder explicit konstruerade för att lösa PRDE:er evalueras på både artificiella system och stabiliseringsproblem av experimentella styrsystem. Metoderna är sk. en- och flerskotts metoder (one-shot, multi-shot) och SDP-metoden. Då dessa metoder använder olika tillvägagångssätt för att lösa en PRDE, beror dess numeriska egenskaper och effektivitet på det underliggande styrproblemet. Sådana metodegenskaper undersöks och sammanfattas med avseende på olika användares behov, t.ex. önskad noggrannhet och tänkbar begränsning i hur lång tid det får ta att hitta en lösning.

Software tools for matrix canonical computations and web-based software library environments

Johansson, Pedher January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the development and use of novel software tools and environments for the computation and visualization of canonical information as well as stratification hierarchies for matrices and matrix pencils. The simplest standard shape to which a matrix pencil with a given set of eigenvalues can be reduced is called the Kronecker canonical form (KCF). The KCF of a matrix pencil is unique, and all pencils in the manifold of strictly equivalent pencils - collectively termed the orbit - can be reduced to the same canonical form and so have the same canonical structure. For a problem with fixed input size, all orbits are related under small perturbations. These relationships can be represented in a closure hierarchy with a corresponding graph depicting the stratification of these orbits. Since degenerate canonical structures are common in many applications, software tools to determine canonical information, especially under small perturbations, are central to understanding the behavior of these problems. The focus in this dissertation is the development of a software tool called StratiGraph. Its purpose is the computation and visualization of stratification graphs of orbits and bundles (i.e., union of orbits in which the eigenvalues may change) for matrices and matrix pencils. It also supports matrix pairs, which are common in control systems. StratiGraph is extensible by design, and a well documented plug-in feature enables it, for example, to communicate with Matlab(TM). The use and associated benefits of StratiGraph are illustrated via numerous examples. Implementation considerations such as flexible software design, suitable data representations, and good and efficient graph layout algorithms are also discussed. A way to estimate upper and lower bounds on the distance between an input S and other orbits is presented. The lower bounds are of Eckhart-Young type, based on the matrix representation of the associated tangent spaces. The upper bounds are computed as the Frobenius norm F of a perturbation such that S + F is in the manifold defining a specified orbit. Using associated plug-ins to StratiGraph this information can be computed in Matlab, while visualization alongside other canonical information remains within StratiGraph itself. Also, a proposal of functionality and structure of a framework for computation of matrix canonical structure is presented. Robust, well-known algorithms, as well algorithms improved and developed in this work, are used. The framework is implemented as a prototype Matlab toolbox. The intention is to collect software for computing canonical structures as well as for computing bounds and to integrate it with the theory of stratification into a powerful new environment called the MCS toolbox. Finally, a set of utilities for generating web computing environments related to mathematical and engineering library software is presented. The web interface can be accessed from a standard web browser with no need for additional software installation on the local machine. Integration with the control and systems library SLICOT further demonstrates the efficacy of this approach.

The finite element method simulation of active optimal vibration attenuation in structures

Baweja, Manish 30 April 2004
The Finite Element Method (FEM) based computational mechanics is applied to simulate the optimal attenuation of vibrations in actively controlled structures. The simulation results provide the forces to be generated by actuators, as well as the structures response. Vibrations can be attenuated by applying either open loop or closed loop control strategies. In open loop control, the control forces for a given initial (or disturbed) configuration of the structure are determined in terms of time, and can be preprogrammed in advance. On the other hand, the control forces in closed loop control depend only on the current state of the system, which should be continuously monitored. Optimal attenuation is obtained by solving the optimality equations for the problem derived from the Pontryagins principle. These equations together with the initial and final boundary conditions constitute the two-point-boundary-value (TPBV) problem. <p>Here the optimal solutions are obtained by applying an analogy (referred to as the beam analogy) between the optimality equation and the equation for a certain problem of static beams in bending. The problem of analogous beams is solved by the standard FEM in the spatial domain, and then the results are converted into the solution of the optimal vibration control problem in the time domain. The concept of the independent-modal-space-control (IMSC) is adopted, in which the number of independent actuators control the same number of vibrations modes. <p>The steps of the analogy are programmed into an algorithm referred to as the Beam Analogy Algorithm (BAA). As an illustration of the approach, the BAA is used to simulate the open loop vibration control of a structure with several sets of actuators. Some details, such as an efficient meshing of the analogous beams and effective solving of the target condition are discussed. <p> Next, the BAA is modified to handle closed loop vibration control problems. The algorithm determines the optimal feedback gain matrix, which is then used to calculate the actuator forces required at any current state of the system. The methods accuracy is also analyzed.

The finite element method simulation of active optimal vibration attenuation in structures

Baweja, Manish 30 April 2004 (has links)
The Finite Element Method (FEM) based computational mechanics is applied to simulate the optimal attenuation of vibrations in actively controlled structures. The simulation results provide the forces to be generated by actuators, as well as the structures response. Vibrations can be attenuated by applying either open loop or closed loop control strategies. In open loop control, the control forces for a given initial (or disturbed) configuration of the structure are determined in terms of time, and can be preprogrammed in advance. On the other hand, the control forces in closed loop control depend only on the current state of the system, which should be continuously monitored. Optimal attenuation is obtained by solving the optimality equations for the problem derived from the Pontryagins principle. These equations together with the initial and final boundary conditions constitute the two-point-boundary-value (TPBV) problem. <p>Here the optimal solutions are obtained by applying an analogy (referred to as the beam analogy) between the optimality equation and the equation for a certain problem of static beams in bending. The problem of analogous beams is solved by the standard FEM in the spatial domain, and then the results are converted into the solution of the optimal vibration control problem in the time domain. The concept of the independent-modal-space-control (IMSC) is adopted, in which the number of independent actuators control the same number of vibrations modes. <p>The steps of the analogy are programmed into an algorithm referred to as the Beam Analogy Algorithm (BAA). As an illustration of the approach, the BAA is used to simulate the open loop vibration control of a structure with several sets of actuators. Some details, such as an efficient meshing of the analogous beams and effective solving of the target condition are discussed. <p> Next, the BAA is modified to handle closed loop vibration control problems. The algorithm determines the optimal feedback gain matrix, which is then used to calculate the actuator forces required at any current state of the system. The methods accuracy is also analyzed.

Sensor Fusion and Control Applied to Industrial Manipulators

Axelsson, Patrik January 2014 (has links)
One of the main tasks for an industrial robot is to move the end-effector in a predefined path with a specified velocity and acceleration. Different applications have different requirements of the performance. For some applications it is essential that the tracking error is extremely small, whereas other applications require a time optimal tracking. Independent of the application, the controller is a crucial part of the robot system. The most common controller configuration uses only measurements of the motor angular positions and velocities, instead of the position and velocity of the end-effector. The development of new cost optimised robots has introduced unwanted flexibilities in the joints and the links. The consequence is that it is no longer possible to get the desired performance and robustness by only measuring the motor angular positions.  This thesis investigates if it is possible to estimate the end-effector position using Bayesian estimation methods for state estimation, here represented by the extended Kalman filter and the particle filter. The arm-side information is provided by an accelerometer mounted at the end-effector. The measurements consist of the motor angular positions and the acceleration of the end-effector. In a simulation study on a realistic flexible industrial robot, the angular position performance is shown to be close to the fundamental Cramér-Rao lower bound. The methods are also verified in experiments on an ABB IRB4600 robot, where the dynamic performance of the position for the end-effector is significantly improved. There is no significant difference in performance between the different methods. Instead, execution time, model complexities and implementation issues have to be considered when choosing the method. The estimation performance depends strongly on the tuning of the filters and the accuracy of the models that are used. Therefore, a method for estimating the process noise covariance matrix is proposed. Moreover, sampling methods are analysed and a low-complexity analytical solution for the continuous-time update in the Kalman filter, that does not involve oversampling, is proposed.  The thesis also investigates two types of control problems. First, the norm-optimal iterative learning control (ILC) algorithm for linear systems is extended to an estimation-based norm-optimal ILC algorithm where the controlled variables are not directly available as measurements. The algorithm can also be applied to non-linear systems. The objective function in the optimisation problem is modified to incorporate not only the mean value of the estimated variable, but also information about the uncertainty of the estimate. Second, H∞ controllers are designed and analysed on a linear four-mass flexible joint model. It is shown that the control performance can be increased, without adding new measurements, compared to previous controllers. Measuring the end-effector acceleration increases the control performance even more. A non-linear model has to be used to describe the behaviour of a real flexible joint. An H∞-synthesis method for control of a flexible joint, with non-linear spring characteristic, is therefore proposed. / En av de viktigaste uppgifterna för en industrirobot är att förflytta verktyget i en fördefinierad bana med en specificerad hastighet och acceleration. Exempel på användningsområden för en industrirobot är bland annat bågsvetsning eller limning. För dessa typer av applikationer är det viktigt att banföljningsfelet är extremt litet, men även hastighetsprofilen måste följas så att det till exempel inte appliceras för mycket eller för lite lim. Andra användningsområden kan vara punktsvetsning av bilkarosser och paketering av olika varor. För dess applikationer är banföljningen inte det viktiga, istället kan till exempel en tidsoptimal banföljning krävas eller att svängningarna vid en inbromsning minimeras. Oberoende av applikationen är regulatorn en avgörande del av robotsystemet. Den vanligaste regulatorkonfigurationen använder bara mätningar av motorernas vinkelpositioner och -hastigheter, istället för positionen och hastigheten för verktyget, som är det man egentligen vill styra.  En del av utvecklingsarbetet för nya generationers robotar är att reducera kostnaden men samtidigt förbättra prestandan. Ett sätt att minska kostnaden kan till exempel vara att minska dimensionerna på länkarna eller köpa in billigare växellådor. Den här utvecklingen av kostnadsoptimerade robotar har infört oönskade flexibiliteter i leder och länkar. Det är därför inte längre möjligt att få den önskade prestandan och robustheten genom att bara mäta motorernas vinkelpositioner och -hastigheter. Istället krävs det omfattande matematiska modeller som beskriver dessa oönskade flexibiliteter. Dessa modeller kräver mycket arbete att dels ta fram men även för att identifiera parametrarna. Det finns automatiska metoder för att beräkna modellparametrarna men oftast krävs det en manuell justering för att få bra prestanda.  Den här avhandlingen undersöker möjligheterna att beräkna verktygspositionen med hjälp av bayesianska metoder för tillståndsskattning. De bayesianska skattningsmetoderna beräknar tillstånden för ett system iterativt. Med hjälp av en matematisk modell över systemet predikteras vad tillståndet ska vara vid nästa tidpunkt. Efter att mätningar av systemet vid den nya tidpunkten har genomförts justeras skattningen med hjälp av dessa mätningar. De metoder som har använts i avhandlingen är det så kallade extended Kalman filtret samt partikelfiltret.  Informationen på armsidan av växellådan ges av en accelerometer som är monterad på verktyget. Med hjälp av accelerationen för verktyget och motorernas vinkelpositioner kan en skattning av verktygspositionen beräknas. I en simuleringsstudie för en realistisk vek robot har det visats att skattningsprestandan ligger nära den teoretiska undre gränsen, känd som Raooch mätstörningar som påverkar roboten. För att underlätta trimningen så har en metod för att skatta processbrusets kovariansmatris föreslagits. En annan viktig del som påverkar prestandan är modellerna som används i filtren. Modellerna för en industrirobot är vanligtvis framtagna i kontinuerlig tid medan filtren använder modeller i diskret tid. För att minska felen som uppkommer då de tidskontinuerliga modellerna överförs till diskret tid har olika samplingsmetoder studerats. Vanligtvis används enkla metoder för att diskretisera vilket innebär problem med prestanda och stabilitet. För att hantera dessa problem införs översampling vilket innebär att tidsuppdateringen sker med en mycket kortare sampeltid än vad mätuppdateringen gör. För att undvika översampling kan det motsvarande tidskontinuerliga filtret användas för att prediktera tillstånden vid nästa diskreta tidpunkt. En analytisk lösning med låg beräkningskomplexitet till detta problem har föreslagits.  Vidare innehåller avhandlingen två typer av reglerproblem relaterade till industrirobotar. För det första har den så kallade norm-optimala iterative learning control styrlagen utökats till att hantera fallet då en skattning av den önskade reglerstorheten används istället för en mätning. Med hjälp av skattningen av systemets tillståndsvektor kan metoden nu även användas till olinjära system vilket inte är fallet med standardformuleringen. Den föreslagna metoden utökar målfunktionen i optimeringsproblemet till att innehålla inte bara väntevärdet av den skattade reglerstorheten utan även skattningsfelets kovariansmatris. Det innebär att om skattningsfelet är stort vid en viss tidpunkt ska den skattade reglerstorheten vid den tidpunkten inte påverka resultatet mycket eftersom det finns en stor osäkerhet i var den sanna reglerstorheten befinner sig.  För det andra har design och analys av H∞-regulatorer för en linjär modell av en vek robotled, som beskrivs med fyra massor, genomförts. Det visar sig att reglerprestandan kan förbättras, utan att lägga till fler mätningar än motorns vinkelposition, jämfört med tidigare utvärderade regulatorer. Genom att mäta verktygets acceleration kan prestandan förbättras ännu mer. Modellen över leden är i själva verket olinjär. För att hantera detta har en H∞-syntesmetod föreslagits som kan hantera olinjäriteten i modellen. / Vinnova Excellence Center LINK-SIC

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