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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Brendle, Martina Gehrke 30 October 2013 (has links)
Idebenone is an antioxidant, a synthetic derivative of coenzyme Q10, with several applications, such as neuroprotection. However, this drug has low solubility in water, besides is irritant substance and has chemical instability. Hence, idebenone-loaded nano-organized systems have been developed, such as polymeric nanocapsules (NC). Vegetable oils containing antioxidants such as coconut oil and palm oil can be interesting for the composition of these particles. In this way, the aim of this work was to develop NC suspensions containing different oils as core (palm, coconut or medium chain triglycerides) for delivery of neuroprotective agent idebenone in order to compare the behavior of these systems concerning physico-chemical stability, photostability, controlled release, and conversion to redispersible solid dosage forms (lyophilized products). The nanocapsules were prepared by interfacial deposition of preformed polymer. As the results, it was possible to prepare poly(Ɛ-caprolactone) NC suspensions and palm oil (PO/PCL) or Eudragit® RS100 and coconut oil (OC/EUD) containing idebenone (1.0 mg/mL) with appropriate physico-chemical characteristics. Parameters such as the proportion of aqueous phase/organic phase, type of both surfactant (low HLB) and polymer influenced the optimization of these systems. For comparison, corresponding formulations were prepared with medium chain triglycerides (TCM/PCL or TCM/EUD), using the same conditions. The suspensions had an average diameter between 166 and 216nm, low polydispersity index (0.085 to 0.142), positive or negative zeta potential, depending on the characteristics of the polymer, and high encapsulation efficiency. The maintenance of average particle diameter and low polydispersity index have be verified during stability study (room temperature and exposed or not to light) for 75 days. However, the idebenone content significantly decreased in this period, with influence on the type of polymer. Thereafter, photostability study has shown that the suspensions NC OP/PCL (UVC/UVA) and TCM/PCL (UVA) were able to significantly reduce the degradation of idebenone (content: 53,7-76,1%) compared to an aqueous micellar (content: 31,2-63,1%) dispersion containing the drug. In addition, these systems were able to promoting drug controlled release (t1/2 26 h), without burst effect, showing monoexponential profile (t1/2< 3.0 h for free drug). The lyophilization of suspensions, employing trehalose as soluble carbohydrate, resulted in suitable and redispersible products (content of 96-100%, less than 3.6% moisture; 0.8-1.2 index), presenting several spherical structures, including in colloidal range, featuring the presence of NC in these dried products. In the stability study (room temperature/protection from light and moisture), it was observed that the lyophilized products were able to delay or decrease the degradation of idebenone compared to suspensions of origin, regardless of the both type of polymer (PCL/EUD) and oil (OP/OC/TCM). In conclusion, the developed systems are promising for the controlled release of neuroprotective drug idebenone. / A idebenona é um antioxidante, derivado sintético da coenzima Q10, com várias aplicações, como em neuroproteção. No entanto, este fármaco possui baixa solubilidade em água, potencial irritativo e instabilidade química, fato que tem despertado o interesse em sua associação a sistemas nano-organizados. Dentre estes, destacam-se as nanocápsulas poliméricas (NC). Óleos vegetais, contendo compostos antioxidantes, como óleo de coco e de palma, podem ser interessantes para a composição destas partículas. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver suspensões de NC contendo diferentes óleos como núcleo (palma, coco ou triglicerídeos de cadeia média), almejando à veiculação do neuroprotetor idebenona, de forma a comparar o comportamento dos sistemas quanto à estabilidade físico-química, fotoestabilidade, controle de liberação, além da conversão em formas farmacêuticas sólidas redispersíveis (liofilizados). As NC foram preparadas pelo método de deposição interfacial de polímero pré-formado. Conforme os resultados, foi possível preparar suspensões de NC de poli(ε-caprolactona) e óleo de palma (OP/PCL) ou de Eudragit® RS100 e óleo de coco (OC/EUD), contendo idebenona (1,0 mg/mL), com características físico-químicas adequadas, sendo que fatores como proporção das fases aquosa/orgânica, tipo de tensoativo de baixo EHL e de polímero influenciaram a otimização dos sistemas. Para fins comparativos, formulações correspondentes foram preparadas com triglicerídeos de cadeia média (TCM/PCL ou TCM/EUD), empregando as mesmas condições. As suspensões apresentaram diâmetros médios entre 166 e 216 nm, baixos índices de polidispersão (0,085-0,142), potencial zeta positivo ou negativo, dependendo das características do polímero e elevada eficiência de encapsulamento. Quando estas suspensões foram submetidas a estudo de estabilidade, à temperatura ambiente e expostas ou não à luz, durante 75 dias, verificou-se manutenção dos diâmetros médios de partículas e baixos índices de polidispersão. Entretanto, o teor de idebenona decaiu significativamente neste período, com influência significativa do tipo de polímero. Após, estudo de fotoestabilidade demonstrou que as suspensões de NC OP/PCL (UVC/UVA) e TCM/PCL (UVA) foram capazes de reduzir significativamente a degradação da idebenona (teor remanescente: 53,7-76,1%) em comparação a uma dispersão micelar aquosa contendo o fármaco (teor remanescente: 31,2-63,1%), além de promoverem liberação controlada da mesma (t1/2 26 h), sem efeito burst, com perfil ajustado ao modelo monoexponencial (t1/2<3,0 h para fármaco livre). A liofilização das suspensões, empregando trealose, um carboidrato solúvel, resultou em produtos adequados (teor entre 96-100 %; umidade inferior a 3,6 %), redispersíveis (índice de ressuspensão entre 0,8-1,2) e com a presença de inúmeras estruturas esféricas, inclusive na faixa coloidal, caracterizando a presença das NC nestes produtos secos. No estudo de estabilidade (temperatura ambiente/proteção da luz e da umidade), observou-se que os produtos liofilizados foram capazes de retardar ou diminuir significativamente a degradação da idebenona em comparação às suspensões de origem, independentemente do tipo de polímero (PCL/EUD) e de óleo (OP/OC/TCM). Sendo assim, os sistemas desenvolvidos são promissores para a liberação controlada do neuroprotetor idebenona.

Estudo de formação e estabilidade de nanopartículas de poliácido lático para liberação controlada do óleo essencial de Shinus Molle L. / Study of the formation and stability of poly lactic acid nanoparticles for the controlled release of essential oil Shinus Molle L.

Geisiane Rosa da Silva 03 July 2015 (has links)
A nanotecnologia é uma ciência interdisciplinar onde se desenvolve nanomateriais para uso em diversas áreas como a farmácia, cosmética e agroindústria. Um de seus objetivos é aprimorar propriedades de ativos para novas aplicações, por exemplo, através de sistemas para liberação controlada através do uso de biomaterias. Dentre estes biomateriais destaca-se o poliácido lático (PLA) que é constantemente aplicado como matriz polimérica de várias nanoestruturas para o encapsulamento de ativos. Na área cosmética, ativos como os óleos essenciais são de grande interesse. O óleo essencial de pimenta rosa (Schinus molle L.) é composto por terpenos que apresentam, entre outras, atividade antioxidante e inseticida. No presente trabalho desenvolvemos um novo sistema de nanopartículas de PLA em solução aquosa, para liberação controlada do óleo essencial Schinus molle L. visando a utilização cosmética. As nanopartículas de PLA foram avaliadas quanto a estabilidade através da técnica de espalhamento dinâmico de luz (DLS). A formação foi estudada através do uso de difração de raios X (XRD) e espectroscopia vibracional (FTIR). A morfologia foi observada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM) comparando-se alguns dos resultados obtidos por DLS. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o sistema é estável por aproximadamente 100 dias quanto ao tamanho, polidispersão e carga de superfície, mesmo com a variação de pH da solução em relação ao tempo. A estabilidade do nanossistema foi atribuída ao tensoativo dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS), além da própria semicristalinidade e alta massa molar do PLA. Os componentes do sistema apresentaram interações químicas comprovadas por FTIR. O estudo por SEM mostrou que as nanopartículas obtidas têm aparência esférica, com a matriz polimérica contínua e com vários tamanhos constituindo assim um sistema polidisperso, como observadas também por DLS. A eficiência de encapsulação de 83% avaliada por calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) e a liberação do ativo analisada por gravimetria mostraram-se satisfatórias. O sistema de nanopartículas obtido é estável e, por tanto, com potencial adequado para aplicação em produtos cosméticos. / Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary science through which nanomaterials are developed for use in areas, such as pharmaceutical, cosmetology and agribusiness. One of its objectives is the improvement in the properties of active compounds for new applications by, for example, systems that use biomaterials for controlled release. Lactic polyacid (PLA), one of such biomaterials, has been constantly applied as a polymer matrix of various nanostructures for the encapsulation of active compounds. In cosmetics, active compounds, as essential oils are of great interest. The essential oil of pimenta rosa (Schinus molle L.) is composed of terpenes, which display antioxidant and insecticide activities. This dissertation addresses the development of a new system of PLA nanoparticles in an aqueous solution for the controlled release of essential oil Shinus molle L. to be applied to cosmetology. The stability of PLA nanoparticles was evaluated by dynamic light scattering (DLS). The formation of the system was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and vibrational spectroscopy (FTIR) and its morphology and polydispersivity were verified by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), comparing some of the results obtained by DLS. The results show that the system is stable for approximately 100 days regarding size, polydispersion and surface charge, even when the pH of the solution varies over time. Stability was assigned to surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), PLA\'s semi crystallinity and high molecular weight. The chemical interactions of the system\'s components were evidenced by FTIR. SEM revealed spherical nanoparticles with a continuous polymeric matrix and polydispersivity, also observed by DLS. Satisfactory results were provided by the 83% of encapsulation efficiency calculated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and the drug release analyzed by gravimetric technique. The nanoparticle system obtained is stable and, therefore, suitable for application to cosmetics.

Les Hydroxydes Doubles Lamellaires au coeur de la biotechnologie : évaluation des applications médicales et environnementales / Layered double hydroxide materials for today's biotechnology : evaluation of medicinal and environnmental applications

Djebbi, Mohamed Amine 27 March 2017 (has links)
Les matériaux hydroxydes doubles lamellaires (HDL) sont une classe d'argiles anioniques synthétiques dont la structure est basée sur celle du brucite Mg(OH)2 dans lesquelles une partie des cations métalliques divalents sont été remplacés par des ions trivalents donnant ainsi des feuillets chargés positive. Cette charge est équilibrée par l'intercalation d'anions dans la région interlamellaire hydratée. Les identités et les rapports des cations di- et trivalents et l'anion interlamellaire peuvent être varié sur une large gamme, donnant lieu à une large classe de matériaux isostructurales. Le matériau d’origine de cette classe est l’hydrotalcite (HT) et les HDL sont par conséquent également connus comme des matériaux de type hydrotalcite. Bien que les caractéristiques de base de la structure soient bien comprises, des aspects structurels détaillés ont fait l'objet de certaine controverse dans la littérature afin de maîtriser leurs propriétés et leurs applications potentielles. Dans ce travail de thèse nous avons retenu deux types de HDL MgAl et ZnAl qui ont été largement introduits dans diverses applications, tels que la sorption des molécules d'intérêt biologique (enzyme et médicament) et l'élaboration d'électrodes. La spécificité de ce travail repose sur l’immobilisation d’une enzyme modèle, la lactate déshydrogénase dans ces deux matrices ainsi qu’un médicament anti-bactérien, la berbérine, afin d’étudier les interactions entre ces deux biomolécules et la phase HDL introduite et de répondre à leurs exigences d'applications dans le domaine médical. Dans un second temps nous avons tenté d’étudier les deux phases mentionnées de plus en plus fine en termes de structure, morphologie et profil électrochimique en vue de les employer en tant que matériaux d’électrode pour le développement de biopile / DHs are a class of synthetic anionic clays whose structure is based on brucite-like layers Mg(OH)2 inwhich some of the divalent cations have been replaced by trivalent ions giving positively-charged sheets.This charge is balanced by intercalation of anions in the hydrated interlayer regions. The identities andratios of the di- and trivalent cations and the interlayer anion may be varied over a wide range, giving rise toa large class of isostructural materials. The parent material of this class is the naturally occurring mineralhydrotalcite and LDHs are consequently also known as hydrotalcite-like materials. Although the basicfeatures of the structure are well understood, detailed structural aspects have been the subject of somecontroversy in the literature. In this thesis, we have selected two types of LDH, MgAl and ZnAl, which havebeen widely introduced in various applications, such as sorption of molecules of biological interest (enzymeand drug) and the development of electrodes. The specificity of this work lies on the immobilization of amodel enzyme, lactate dehydrogenase in both matrices as well as an anti-bacterial drug, berberine, inorder to study the interactions between these two biomolecules and the introduced LDH phase and tobetter address their challenges of applications in the medical field. Second, we have tried to study the twophases mentioned above more and more accurately in terms of structure, morphology and electrochemicalprofile in order to use them as electrode materials for microbial fuel cell device

Réticulation enzymatique des protéines de pois pour la formation de microparticules : application à l'encapsulation de la riboflavine / Enzymatic cross-linking of pea proteins to produce microparticles : application to the encapsulation of riboflavin

Djoullah, Attaf 03 June 2015 (has links)
Dans ce travail, le comportement des protéines de pois vis-à-vis de la gélification enzymatique par la transglutaminase microbienne (MTGase) a été évalué à l’état natif et après dénaturation (réduction chimique ou thermo-dénaturation). L’application finale concernait la formation de microparticules protéiques permettant d’encapsuler la riboflavine, choisie comme molécule active hydrophile modèle. Le procédé d’extraction des fractions protéiques de pois a été optimisé de manière à affecter le moins possible la structure des protéines et de récupérer des fractions natives riches en albumines (Alb) et en globulines (Glob), ou leur mélange. La mise en place des méthodes de suivi de la réaction enzymatique a permis de mettre en évidence leur complémentarité ainsi que leurs limites. Deux nouvelles méthodes de suivi de la réticulation enzymatique ont été développées. L’une basé sur la RMN permet la détermination simultanée de la quantité du fragment glutamine-lysine, produit de la réaction enzymatique, et le degré de réticulation ; l’autre méthode, basée sur les techniques de mesure de taille (SDS-PAGE et DLS), permet de visualiser les liaisons intramoléculaires. L’étude du traitement enzymatique appliqué aux fractions Alb et Glob de pois à l’état natif et dénaturé, ainsi qu’en mélange natif, a montré que la réaction enzymatique est fortement liée à la structure et à la conformation des protéines. Contrairement à la fraction Alb, la fraction Glob constitue un bon substrat pour la MTGase et la réticulation met en jeu des sous-unités constitutives des globulines différentes pour chaque condition de traitement. Néanmoins, la fraction Alb peut être utilisée en tant que booster de réaction enzymatique ce qui peut faire l’objet d’une voie innovante d’amélioration de la susceptibilité des protéines vis-à-vis de la MTGase. Le mécanisme semble basé sur un phénomène d’affinité sélective. Les bonnes propriétés mécaniques et de capacité de rétention d’eau du gel de la fraction protéique de pois totale ont été exploitées pour produire des microparticules à partir de la dispersion de la solution protéique sous forme d’émulsion suivie d’une gélification enzymatique par la MTGase. Les microparticules ont été pratiquement insolubles dans les milieux gastro-intestinaux en absence d’enzymes et lentement dégradable en présence d’enzymes. La libération de la riboflavine est gouvernée par un phénomène de diffusion en absence d’enzyme et de dégradation de support en présence d’enzymes selon des cinétiques compatibles avec des applications nutraceutiques. / In this work, pea proteins behavior toward enzymatic gelation by microbial transglutaminase (MTGase) was studied at native state and after denaturation (chemical reduction or thermal denaturation). The final application was the formation of protein microparticules to encapsulate riboflavin, chosen as hydrophilic active molecule model. The extraction process of the pea protein fractions has been optimized in such a way to minimize as possible protein denaturation and recover native fractions rich in albumin (Alb) and globulin (Glob) or a mixture of both.The setting up of the enzymatic reaction monitoring methods has brought out their complementarity as well as their limits. Two new monitoring methods of enzymatic cross-linking reaction have been developed. The first one, based on the NMR, allows to the simultaneous determination of the glutamine-lysine isopeptide bond, product of the enzymatic reaction, and the degree of crosslinking; the second method, based on size measuring techniques (SDS-PAGE and DLS), permit to view the intramolecular links. The study of enzymatic treatment applied to pea Alb and Glob at the native and denatured states, as well as thier native mixture showed that the enzymatic reaction is strongly related to the structure and conformation of proteins. Unlike Alb, the Glob fraction is a good substrate to transglutaminase and crosslinking reaction involves different subunits constituting globulins for each treatment condition. However, the Alb can be used as a booster of enzyme reaction which can be an innovative way for improving the proteins susceptibility toward transglutaminase treatment. The mechanism seems to be based on a selective affinity phenomenon. The good mechanical properties and water holding capacity of total pea proteins gel have been exploited to produce microparticles from a water-in-oil emulsion followed by enzymatic gelation. The produced microparticles were practically insoluble in gastrointestinal media in the absence of enzymes and slowly degradable in the presence of enzymes. The release mechanisms of riboflavin in digestive environments are governed by a diffusion phenomenon in the absence of enzymes and by support degradation phenomenon in the presence of enzymes according to kinetics compatible with nutraceutical applications.

Quantifying Impacts of Deer Browsing and Mitigation Efforts on Hardwood Forest Regeneration

Caleb H Redick (8067956) 03 December 2019 (has links)
<p>Due to overpopulation and resource-poor habitat structure, deer threaten the<a> future of oak and other browse-sensitive species in hardwood forests. </a>Appropriate tools must be used to ensure desirable, diverse, and ecologically stable regeneration of future forests and the sustainability of native plant communities. We performed two experiments and a review to examine the effectiveness of available methods for managing browse of hardwood seedlings and to discover how these interact with each other and other silvicultural methods. First, we examined how fencing interacts with controlled-release fertilization, seed source (genetically select and non-select), and site type (afforested and reforested sites) to enhance the regeneration of planted northern red oak (<i>Quercus rubra </i>L.), white oak (<i>Quercus alba</i>), black cherry (<i>Prunus serotina</i>), and black walnut (<i>Juglans nigra</i>) at five sites in Indiana. Fencing proved to be the greatest determinant of seedling growth, survival, and quality. Fertilizer enhanced the early growth of white oak and black cherry, though for black cherry this occurred only inside fences. Select seed sources grew better and showed greater quality; however, the survival of select seedlings was limited by deer browse in absence of fences. Trees at afforested sites had lower survival if left non-fenced. Secondly, we also investigated how fencing and invasive shrub removal affected natural regeneration, species richness, and ground-layer plant cover under closed-canopy forests. Honeysuckle (<i>Lonicera maackii</i>) removal had a variable effect depending on species and site. Positive effects were most common for shade-intolerant species, while negative effects occurred for a few shade-tolerant species at some sites. Deer fencing had a positive effect on cherry and hackberry seedling density, and a negative effect on elm seedling density. Honeysuckle and deer fencing interacted antagonistically in some instances. Fencing without honeysuckle removal resulted in lower elm abundance and herbaceous-layer cover. In the densest invasions, leaving honeysuckle intact resulted in a complete lack of recruitment into the sapling layer. Our experiment suggests that invasive shrub removal and fencing be done together. Finally, we synthesized the existing literature on browse management options for hardwood regeneration to evaluate their relative effectiveness. Fences, tree shelters, repellents, facilitation by neighboring plants, deer population control, timber harvest, and slash all had positive effects on height growth of regenerating seedlings under deer browse pressure. Fences were more effective at reducing browse than repellents, while fertilizers increased browse and had no effects on growth. </p>

Fliposomes: pH-sensitive liposomes comprising novel trans-2-aminocyclohexanol-based amphiphiles as conformational switches for the liposome mebrane

Liu, Xin 01 January 2013 (has links)
As a promising pH-triggerable molecular switch, trans -2-aminocyclohexanol (TACH) has a variety of applications. By introducing two hydrocarbon tails, multiple TACH-based lipids (flipids) have been designed and studied that are able to perform a drastic conformational flip upon protonation, loosening the stacking of hydrocarbon tails in lipid bilayers. Liposomes constructed from such flipids (fliposomes) can be disrupted by this acid-triggered conformational flip to cause a rapid release of a cargo specifically in areas of increased acidity (such as inflammation or ischemic tissues, solid tumor, and endosome pathway). A library of flipids has been built based on structural modifications of both amino headgroups and hydrophobic tails. A series of fliposomes have been constructed and their colloidal stability, capacity and pH-dependent leakage were investigated. A good correlation between the conformational switch of flipids studied by 1 H-NMR and the fliposomes' leakage indicated that the former is a cause for the latter. The obtained results showed that all the properties of fliposomes can be manipulated by selection of the amino headgroups structure and basicity, and the length and shape of hydrophobic tails, by using mixtures of different flipids or fliposomes, and by changing the content of flipids while constructing fliposomes. As a result, we prepared the pH-triggerable fliposomes with extraordinary characteristics: high stability in storage combined with instant release of their cargo in response to a weakly acidic medium. Fliposomes encapsulating the anticancer drug methotrexate (MTX) were applied to HeLa cells and demonstrated much higher cytotoxicity than the free drug and negative controls, indicating that they could conduct more efficient cellular delivery of MTX. The MTX-loaded fliposomes inhibited tumor growth in B16F1-melanoma-bearing nude mice compared to the control group, suggesting the anticancer activity of MTX delivered by pH-triggerable fliposomes in vivo. The results of research demonstrated the potential of fliposomes to serve as a viable drug delivery system.

Photochemistry of iron(III) with carboxylate-containing polysaccharides for sustainable materials

Karunarathna, Mudugamuwe Hewawasam Jayan Savinda 29 April 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Des aptamères pour améliorer l’encapsulation et la libération contrôlée des liposomes

Plourde, Kevin 12 1900 (has links)
Mémoire par article / Hypothèse : L’incorporation dans des liposomes d’aptamères spécifiques à un principe actif permet d’obtenir une encapsulation active du principe actif et de modifier les profils de libération sans diminuer l’efficacité thérapeutique. Méthode : Une série d’aptamères d’affinité variable a été incorporée dans la préparation de liposomes cationiques. Ces lipoplexes ainsi formés ont été caractérisés en taille par diffusion dynamique de la lumière et par la mesure du potentiel de surface zêta. Ils ont été optimisés en matière de complexation maximale des aptamères, puis incubés avec la doxorubicine, choisie comme principe actif modèle. L’efficacité d’encapsulation de la doxorubicine a été comparée avec et sans aptamères, et contre la méthode d’encapsulation active offerte commercialement. Les meilleures formulations ont été étudiées sur le plan de la cinétique de libération et l’efficacité de celles-ci a été évaluée pour leur cytotoxicité sur des cellules cancéreuses de type HeLa. Résultats : Les vecteurs cationiques optimisés permettent la complexation d’au moins 94% des aptamères. Trois des quatre aptamères ont démontré de l’encapsulation active de la doxorubicine, avec des efficacités d’encapsulation allant jusqu’à 85%. De ces trois formulations, différents profils de libération ont été obtenus, permettant tous une libération plus importante qu’une formulation ressemblant aux liposomes commerciaux de doxorubicine (Doxil®). L’efficacité des trois formulations testées sur les cellules HeLa s'est avérée équivalente ou supérieure au standard similaire du Doxil®. / Hypothesis : Incorporation in some liposomes of specific aptamers for a drug allowed the obtaining of active encapsulation of that drug and allowed the modification of their drug release profiles, without negatively impacting its therapeutic efficacy. Methods : A series of aptamers of various affinity were incorporated in the preparation of cationic liposomes. The resulting lipoplexes were characterized for their size by dynamic light scattering method and their surface potential were analysed by zeta potential measurement. Lipoplexes were optimized in terms of highest aptamer complexation and they were incubated with doxorubicin, a model drug that was chosen. The encapsulation efficiency of doxorubicin was compared with and without the presence of aptamers, and with the commercially available active loading method. The best formulations were studied for their doxorubicin’s release kinetic, with the different aptamers, and they were tested for their cytotoxicity on HeLa cancer cells. Results : Cationic liposomes were optimized to allow a minimum aptamer complexation of 94%. Three out of the four tested aptamers were able to demonstrate active loading capabilities, with up to 85% encapsulation efficiencies. Out of these three formulations, very different release profiles were found, all allowing more initial content release of the commercially-like available doxorubicin’s liposomes (Doxil®). The efficacy of those three formulations on HeLa cancer cells demonstrated equivalent or higher cytotoxicity than the similar standard of Doxil®.

Synthesis and Surface Modification of Nanoporous Poly(ε-caprolactone) Membrane for Biomedical Applications

Yen, Chi January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Novel probes, carriers and prodrugs to target senescent cells in vivo

Lozano Torres, Beatriz 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral titulada "Nuevas sondas, portadores y pro-fármacos dirigidos a células senescentes in vivo" se centra en el diseño, preparación, caracterización y evaluación de sondas basadas en fluoróforos funcionalizados o en nanopartículas, así como en el desarrollo de profármacos, aplicadas al campo de la senescencia celular. En el primer capítulo se introducen, a nivel general, los diferentes conceptos relacionados con el reconocimiento molecular y la detección de biomarcadores. Seguidamente se introducen conceptos básicos de senescencia celular y envejecimiento, así como el papel que juegan las células senescentes a nivel fisiológico, en enfermedades asociadas al envejecimiento celular y en el cáncer. Por último, se aborda también la creciente necesidad de desarrollar nuevas herramientas de diagnóstico y terapias centradas en la detección y tratamiento de dichas enfermedades. En el segundo capítulo se exponen los objetivos generales de la presente tesis doctoral, así como los objetivos concretos que son abordados en los diferentes capítulos experimentales. En el tercer capítulo se describe una nueva sonda molecular para la detección de senescencia in vivo. En concreto, se describe el diseño de una sonda de dos fotones basada en un fluoróforo de naftalimida conectada, mediante un éster metílico de L-histidina, con una galactosa acetilada que esta unida a uno de los átomos de nitrógeno aromático de la L-histidina a través de un enlace N-glicosídico hidrolizable (AHGa). La sonda inicial presenta una baja emsión pero en células senescentes se transforma en un fluoróforo con alto rendimiento cuantico que permite visualizar estas células debido a la hidrólisis del enlace N-glicosidico por la enzima ¿-galactosidasa sobreexpresada en este tipo de células. La sonda es capaz de detectar in vitro células de melanoma humano SK-Mel-103 tratadas con quimioterapia inductora de senescencia frente a células control. Adicionalmente, se validó la detección in vivo de senescencia en ratones con xenoinjertos tumorales tratados con quimioterapia inductora de senescencia. Basándonos en los resultados obtenidos en el capítulo tres, en el capítulo cuatro se describe un sistema similar cuyas características confieren al fluoróforo una mayor longitud de onda de excitación (HeckGal). La nueva sonda es capaz de detectar células senescentes debido a la sobreexpresión de la enzima ¿-galactosidasa asociada a senescencia en gran variedad de líneas celulares con diversos métodos de inducción de senescencia. Esta sonda se validó también in vivo en un modelo ortotópico de cáncer de mama de ratón tratado con quimioterapia inductora de senescencia, y en un modelo de ratón de fibrosis renal. Seguidamente, el capítulo cinco, se centra en un nuevo concepto de sondas moleculares no invasivas, que proporcionan una señal fácilmente legible a través de simples medidas de fluorescencia de la orina. Esta idea se llevó a cabo mediante la funcionalización de una sonda con grupos que le confieren características diuréticas (rápida eliminación renal) y el concepto se aplicó al diseño de una sonda para a la detección en orina de la carga senescente en diversos modelos. La sonda (Cy7Gal) está basada en la cianina-7 que es hidrolizada por la enzima ¿-galactosidasa en un fluoróforo altamente emisivo Cy7. Cy7Gal y Cy7 contienen restos de ácido sulfónico que aumentan su solubilidad en agua y desencadenan su rápida excreción por el sistema urinario. El grado de senescencia se cuantificó por medición directa de fluorescencia en orina en tres modelos de senescencia en ratones: (i) un modelo ortotópico de cáncer de mama en ratones BALB/cByJ con senescencia inducida por quimioterapia; (ii) ratones BALB / cByJ envejecidos de forma natural; y (iii) ratones con senescencia acelerada (SAMP8, del inglés Senescence Accelerated Mouse-Prone 8). Además, las imágenes IVIS ex vivo permite / [CA] La tesi doctoral titulada "Noves sondes, portadors i profàrmacs dirigits a cèl·lules senescents in vivo" se centra en el desenvolupament i avaluació de sondes basades en fluoròfors funcionalitzats o en nanopartícules, així com en el desenvolupament de profàrmacs, aplicades a el camp de la senescència cel·lular. Primer s'introdueixen els diferents conceptes relacionats amb el sensing i amb la sescencia cel·lular, abordant la necessitat de noves eines diagnòstiques i terapèutiques d'aquestes malalties. En els capítols 3:04 es descriuen una nova sonda molecular dos fotons per a la detecció de senescència in vivo en ratolins amb xenoempelts tumorals tractats amb quimioteràpia inductora de senescència, una altra sonda per a la detecció in vivo en un model ortotòpic de càncer de mama de ratolí tractat amb quimioteràpia inductora de senescència, i en un model de ratolí de fibrosi renal. El capítol 5, se centra en un nou concepte de sondes moleculars no invasives, que proporcionen un senyal fàcilment llegible a través de simples mesures de fluorescència de l'orina. Finalment, pel que fa a detecció de senescència cel·lular es refereix, es presenta en el capítol sis la detecció in vivo de senescència cel·lular mitjançant l'alliberament controlat de Nile Blue en nanopartícules de sílice mesoporoses funcionalitzades amb un galactohexasacárido. Un cop assolits els objectius planificats pel que fa a la diagnosi, en el capítol set es va abordar la millora d'un dels senolíticos més potents i àmpliament conegut en el camp de la senescència cel·lular que existeix a dia d'avui al mercat: el Navitoclax. / [EN] The doctoral thesis entitled "New probes, carriers and pro-drugs directed to senescent cells in vivo" focuses on the development and evaluation of probes based on functionalized fluorophores or nanoparticles, as well as on the development of prodrugs, applied to the field of cellular senescence. First, the different concepts related to sensing and cell sescence are introduced, addressing the need for new diagnostic and therapeutic tools for these diseases. Chapters three and four describe a new two-photon molecular probe for in vivo senescence detection in mice with tumor xenografts treated with senescence-inducing chemotherapy, another probe for in vivo detection in an orthotopic mouse breast cancer model. treated with senescence-inducing chemotherapy, and in a mouse model of renal fibrosis. Chapter five focuses on a new concept of non-invasive molecular probes, which provide an easily readable signal through simple measurements of urine fluorescence. Finally, regarding the detection of cellular senescence, chapter six presents the in vivo detection of cellular senescence through the controlled release of Nile Blue in mesoporous silica nanoparticles functionalized with a galactohexasaccharide. Once the planned objectives with regard to diagnosis had been achieved, chapter seven addressed the improvement of one of the most powerful and widely known senolytics in the field of cellular senescence that exists on the market today: Navitoclax. / The authors thank the financial support from the Spanish Government (projects MAT2015-64139-C4-1-R and AGL2015-70235-C2-2-R) and the Generalitat Valenciana (project PROMETEOII/2014/047). R.M laboratory members thank the financial support from the Spanish Government (project RTI2018-100910-B-C41) and the Generalitat Valenciana (project PROMETEO 2018/024). B.L-T. is grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Economy for their PhD grants (FPU15/02707). Work in the laboratory of MS was funded by the IRB and by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (SAF2013-48256-R), the European Research Council (ERC-2014-AdG/669622), and the “laCaixa” Foundation. D.M.-E. laboratory is supported by the Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Cambridge Centre Early Detection Programme, by a CRUK Early Detection OHSU Project Award (C62187/A26989), by a Medical Research Council (MRC) New Investigators Research Grant (NIRG, MR/R000530/1). Work in the laboratory of I.F. is supported by grants from the Spanish Government (SAF2017-86690-R), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERNED and RETIC Tercel), and Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo 2017/030). / Lozano Torres, B. (2021). Novel probes, carriers and prodrugs to target senescent cells in vivo [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172175

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