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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les conceptions des parlementaires provençaux sous le règne de Louis XV au prisme de l'ordre public / Concepts developed by officers of the Parliament of Provence under the reign of Louis XV in the prism of public order

Stahl, Hugo 15 June 2018 (has links)
L'activité des parlementaires aixois a été guidée par la volonté de préserver l’ordre public -c’est-à-dire la structure de l’état et de la société ainsi que la tranquillité publique- ou d’en réparer les atteintes en Provence. Ce fil conducteur transparaît nettement lors des controverses religieuses qui ont émaillé le règne de Louis XV. En ce sens, les parlementaires aixois ont réaffirmé les mécanismes gallicans de la « réserve de réception » et de « l’appel comme d’abus », avant de recourir plus tardivement aux arrêts de règlement afin de lutter, à la fois contre les ecclésiastiques ultramontains et les jansénistes troublant simultanément la quiétude religieuse du pays provençal. Ce volet de l’activité parlementaire aixoise était une résurgence des conflits séculaires entre autorité séculière et autorité spirituelle. Ce souci de l’ordre public est également manifeste dans le désir que les officiers de la cour aixoise avaient d’asseoir leur institution comme la première de la province tout en se rattachant à la tradition monarchique. Pour cela, tant l’exclusivité de leurs compétences que leur emprise sur les autres institutions provençales étaient nécessaires. De même, des rapports sans animosité avec le souverain -ce qui laissait peu de place à la théorie de « l’union des classes » parlementaires- étaient indispensables. Ces impératifs préalables légitimaient leurs actions et les conduisaient à s’assurer de l’efficience de leurs arrêts de règlement -qui classiquement permettaient soit de conforter, soit d’adapter, soit de compléter la législation royale- en vue de maintenir la paix sociale, de préserver la sécurité et de conserver la prospérité en Provence / Officers of the Parliament of Provence's actions -under the reign of Louis XV- were governed by the desire to preserve public order – i.e. the structure of state and society as well as public tranquility– or redress abuses in Provence. This common thread is clearly visible throughout the religious controversies that occurred during the reign of Louis XV. In that respect, officers of the Parliament of Aix reaffirmed the gallican mechanisms of « réserve de réception » and of « l’appel comme d’abus » which they were able to make use of before later resorting to « arrêts de règlement » with a view to challenging ultramontane ecclesiastics and jansenists whose simultaneous actions disrupted religious peace in Provence. This aspect of parliamentary activity marked a resurgence of the age-old conflict between secular and spiritual authorities. This concern for public order is also patent in the Aixois officers’ desire to establish their institution as the highest in the province while still being bound to monarchical tradition. To that effect, both exclusive jurisdiction and ascendancy over Provençal institutions were necessary. In the same manner, a nonconfrontational relationship with the sovereign was essential, leaving very little room for the theory of « l’union des classes ». These prerequisite imperatives justified their actions and lead them to ensure the efficiency of their « arrêts de règlement » –traditionally providing the means of confirming, adapting or completing royal legislation– with a view to maintaining social peace, preserving public safety and upholding prosperity in Provence

La « mise en société » du compteur communicant : innovations, usages et controverses dans les mondes sociaux du compteur d’électricité Linky en France / Experiments, conception and practices of "smart meters" Linky in France, the making of society into smart meter : innovations, uses and public oppositions in the social worlds of the electric meter Linky in France

Danieli, Aude 30 November 2018 (has links)
Si le numérique transforme le secteur de l’énergie, l’ampleur et les formes prises par cette évolution restent à étudier. La conception du compteur communicant Linky a été accompagnée dès 2005 de nombreuses tentatives de redéfinition des conduites individuelles, prônant l’avènement d’un « consommateur intelligent » (smart consumer), qui repose à la fois sur une logique d’ouverture des marchés de l’énergie et sur un principe d’économie et de transition énergétique. Or, l’installation de cette nouvelle technologie, déjà installée dans de nombreux autres pays depuis le début des années 2000, fait débat, et ce, depuis son lancement expérimental en 2010.Contre une rationalité sans lieu et sans histoire du compteur Linky, cette thèse en sociologie de l’innovation propose d’analyser les formes de politisation et les modalités d’appropriation que suscitent la conception, la réception et le fonctionnement de cette nouvelle technologie. Cette étude met en évidence que les qualifications du compteur Linky dépassent les espaces de conception : le sens et les appropriations se construisent au sein des mondes sociaux parties prenantes du compteur Linky. À chacune des étapes d’innovation dans les mondes sociaux étudiés du compteur Linky, de nouvelles controverses apparaissent, s’articulant autour de débats en apparence très éloignés les uns des autres. Le compteur Linky, en tant qu’infrastructure de numérisation du monde de l’énergie, agit ainsi comme un révélateur de nouvelles interrogations, à l’aune de débats contemporains sur la consommation, la santé, et le numérique, tels que négociés par plusieurs « entrepreneurs de cause », qu’ils soient professionnels ou non (défenseurs de la protection des données personnelles, collectifs électrohypersensibles, promoteurs de la transition énergétique, militants de l’ouverture des données personnelles, personnels de terrain). Omniprésente, les figures de l’usager et du citoyen n’ont de cesse d’être invoquées au sein de ces régimes de dénonciations : usager acteur de ses consommations, précaires énergétiques, victimes sanitaires, personnes dont la vie privée est atteinte, etc.Braquer le projecteur sur la nouveauté du compteur Linky ou les controverses médiatiques qu’il suscite masque en partie l’ensemble des régulations à l’œuvre opérées par les mondes sociaux du compteur Linky : la thèse montre que les dynamiques de controverses sont liées à des spécificités locales (histoire sociopolitique des territoires ; réseaux associatifs et politiques ; caractéristiques des parcs de compteurs analogiques). L’étude de la relation de service des professionnels de terrain/clients montre également le poids des régulations de proximité : après une intense phase de résolution de litiges, les professionnels vont resserrer le sens et les usages de l’infrastructure dans le cadre d’une relation de service pacifiée autour de la figure d’un client honnête tenu à distance de son infrastructure de comptage. Le compteur Linky — cequ’il devrait être, ce qu’il devient finalement — donne à voir une pluralité de modèles de société (société sobre en économies d’énergie, société « connectée », etc.). C’est à l’analyse de ce processus, de cette « mise en société », présidant la transformation et l’adaptation du compteur Linky, que cette thèse est consacrée.Cette recherche, en partenariat avec le Groupe de Recherche Énergie, Technologie et Société (EDF Lab), s’appuie sur près de 135 entretiens et des observations ethnographiques (en Île-de-France, dans le sud-ouest, en Indre-et-Loire et dans la métropole lyonnaise), menés avec l’ensemble des parties prenantes, de la conception et de la diffusion, sur l’étude de deux terrains contrastés d’expérimentation du compteur Linky, ainsi que d’analyses de contenus médiatiques et d’archives historiques des entreprises de l’énergie. / While digital technologies are transforming the energy sector, the scale and forms taken by this evolution remains to be studied. Through smart grids, digitization has been established as an indisputable rational imperative, even becoming the roadmap of the French public authorities with the communicating counter called "Linky". Following a social consultation initiated in 2005, the design of this tool was accompanied by numerous attempts to redefine individual behaviour, advocating the advent of a "smart consumer", which is based both on a logic of opening of the energy markets and on a principle of economy and energy transition. However, the implementation of this new technology (almost a third of the residential park already replaced in September 2018), already installed in many other countries since the early 2000s, is regularly debated in the public space and since its experimental launch in 2010.Advocating against a placeless and a-historical approach of the Linky counter, this thesis in sociology of innovation analyses the forms of politicization and the modes of appropriation that arise in the processes of conception, reception and operation of this new technology. The conditions of development and uses of the meter go beyond technological issues. At each of the stages of innovation in the social worlds studied by the Linky Meter, new controversies emerge, revolving around debates seemingly far apart from each other. The Linky meter, as a digitization infrastructure of the world of energy, triggers questions. Ubiquitous, the figure of the citizen is constantly invoked within these regimes of denunciations: users monitoring their consumptions, precarious access to energy, health casualties, people whose privacy is breached, etc. The actors oppose the Linky counter on the basis of the defence of the general interest (to the detriment of particular interests) and of the protection of citizens, often setting the focus on vulnerable ones (consumers, workers, health victims). This study shows how contestation, both in the company and in the public space, interferes with the development of the communicating meter and sometimes manages to block the emergence of certain technical features or modify their course. The development and politicization of the Linky meter is not only mediated by actors from the worlds of energy and their concerns, but is also updated in the light of contemporary debates. Questions of consumption, health, and digital are endorsed by claims makers, both professional and volunteers (defenders of personal data protection, electro hypersensitive collectives, promoters of the energy transition, activists advocating against the opening of personal data, field staff). The Linky Meter - what it should be, what it ultimately becomes, reveals a plurality of social models (low-energy society, connected society, etc.). The thesis explores the ways in which Linky meter is being embedded in society and thereby transformed and adapted.This research, in partnership with the Research Group Energy Technology and Society (EDF Lab), is based on nearly 135 interviews and ethnographic observations in Île-de-France, in the southwest, in Indre-et-Loire, and in the Lyon metropolis), conducted with all stakeholders, design and dissemination, as well as the study of two contrasting test sites of the Linky meter.

Interpretações e controvérsias nas teorias do éter e do vácuo

Santos, Marcos dos 08 July 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:16:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcos dos Santos.pdf: 890332 bytes, checksum: 9c64da4f57e1bd9130331efad08c9f03 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-08 / Men always have the curiosity of observe natural phenomenon and try to understand it, for simple curiosity or taking advantage of it in his life. From this, he describes his theory to explain the phenomenon, but not all have the same view and due to different influences a lot of controversies are produced about the subject. Some of them are just small discussions and others lead to big revolutions that have an influence on man. This paper is about the importance of the controversies because it stimulates the scientific and philosophical researching that are awaked by the human curiosity, by the expecting knowledge that promotes the science development by rousing searching. A special approach is dedicated to ether theory because not even with the most brilliant minds of the world help a general approval was reached, because even in the 21th century wasn t possible to proof scientifically the existence or not of this important substance to science development / O homem sempre teve interesse em observar os fenômenos naturais e tentar entendê-los, seja pela simples curiosidade ou para deles tirar proveito em sua vida. A partir disso, ele lança suas teorias para explicar tal fenômeno, mas nem todos tem a mesma visão, devido ao fato de cada um estar sujeito a diferentes influências, o que gera muita controvérsia a respeito do assunto. Em alguns casos, trata-se de meras discussões, já em outros, levam a grandes revoluções que influenciam toda a humanidade. Esta dissertação abordará a importância das controvérsias no que concerne o papel que estas desempenham enquanto incentivadoras das pesquisas científicas e filosóficas, pois elas são despertadas pela curiosidade humana, pelo arguto anseio do homem pelo conhecimento, e portanto provocam o desenvolvimento da ciência, à medida que promovem mais pesquisas. Será dado um enfoque especial à teoria do éter, devido ao fato de que, mesmo com o auxílio das grandes mentes científicas de todos os tempos, não se chegou a um consenso geral acerca dessa substância, pois mesmo no século XXI, ainda não foi possível provar cientificamente sua existência ou não, questão primordial para o desenvolvimento científico

Controvérsias envolvendo a natureza da ciência em sequências didáticas sobre cosmologia. / Controversies regarding the nature of science on teaching and learning sequences about cosmology.

Alexandre Bagdonas Henrique 07 July 2015 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa realizamos estudos sobre história da cosmologia, buscando estimular discussões a respeito de aspectos controversos da ciência, ou sobre a chamada \"natureza da ciência\". A partir de uma revisão de pesquisas que buscaram subsídios da história e da filosofia das ciências para o ensino de ciências, apresentamos e problematizamos a chamada \"visão consensual sobre a natureza da ciência\". Essa visão, que tem aparecido em muitas pesquisas recentes, considera que somente os aspectos não controversos dos debates sobre a natureza da ciência devam ser ensinados na educação básica. Com o objetivo de evidenciar o valor de controvérsias na educação, buscamos casos na história da cosmologia que parecem ter potencial para serem levados tanto para a formação inicial e continuada de professores, quanto para o ensino médio. Inicialmente, apresentamos várias influências complexas que atuaram durante o processo de criação e aceitação da teoria da expansão do universo, na primeira metade do século XX. Com base em duas visões antagônicas de filósofos da ciência sobre a mudança das teorias científicas, o racionalismo crítico de Lakatos e o anarquismo epistemológico de Feyerabend, criamos duas sínteses de obras sobre a história da cosmologia: uma reconstrução racional da história e uma história com maior espaço para a pluralidade de teorias e a presença de fatores usualmente considerados não racionais na ciência. Como forma de investigar a viabilidade de levar controvérsias para a educação básica, criamos uma sequência de ensino e aprendizagem estruturada a partir de um jogo, em que o objetivo geral foi gerar discussões sobre influências socioculturais sobre a ciência. Este tema é controverso, envolvendo tensões historiográficas (internalismo contra externalismo), filosóficas (racionalismo contra relativismo) e educacionais, já que educadores se mostraram preocupados com o risco de que ensinar ciências fazendo uso de uma história externalista, debatendo influências sociais sobre a ciência, poderia levar à desvalorização da ciência pelos estudantes. Nesse jogo, inspirado em estudos históricos mas também incluindo criações ficcionais, professor e alunos atuam como membros de uma organização de fomento à ciência e argumentam sobre o valor de teorias cosmológicas, no período entre 1914 a 1939. Para isso estudam tanto aspectos da história da cosmologia, como também da história política, cultural e econômica neste período. Com base na avaliação da sequência de ensino e aprendizagem em uma escola pública, argumentamos que é possível evitar o relativismo, desde que o professor esteja atento para esse risco. A maior parte dos argumentos dos estudantes mostrou que mesmo quando eles debatiam influências políticas sobre a ciência, erros, disputas de prioridade e até mesmo decisões irracionais de cientistas, mantinham a defesa de valores típicos da visão clássica de ciência como ideal viável a ser perseguido pela comunidade científica. / In this research we have performed studies on history of cosmology, aiming to stimulate discussions regarding controversial aspects of science, or about the so called \"nature of science\". After a review of recent researches which seek subsidies of history and philosophy of science for science education, we present and problematize the so called \"consensual view of the nature of science\". This view, which has been adopted by several researchers in the last decades, considers that only non controversial aspects of the debates about the nature of science should be taught in basic education. With the goal of highlighting the value of controversies in education, we have looked for cases on history of cosmology which seem to have potential to be taught both on teacher training courses and high school physics classes. Initially, we present several complex influences that were present during the process of creation and acceptance of the theory of the expansion of the universe, during the first half of 20th century. Based on antagonistic views of philosophers of science about changes on scientific theories, Lakatos\' critical rationalism and Feyerabend\'s epistemological anarchism, we have created two synthesis of secondary sources on history of cosmology: a rational reconstruction of history and a history with more attention to the plurality of theories and the presence of influences on science that are usually considered not rational. In order to investigate the viability of teaching controversies on basic education, we have created a teaching and learning sequence structured by a didactic game, whose general goal is to promote discussions about sociocultural influences on science. This is a controversial issue, related to historiographic tensions (such as internalism againt externalism), philosophical tensions (such as rationalism against relativism) and educational tensions, since educators have been concerned with the risk that teaching about external influences on science could lead students to devalue science. In this game, inspired by historical studies but also including fictional creations, the teacher and students play roles as members of a science funding agency and argue about the value of cosmological theories, in the period from 1914 to 1939. They study both aspects of history of cosmology, such as aspects of the political, cultural and economic history of this period. Based on the evaluation of this teaching and learning sequence in a public high school, we argue that it is possible to avoid relativism, if the teacher is aware about this risk. Most of the students arguments showed that even when they debated social influences on science, errors, priority disputes and even scientists\' irrational decisions, they kept the defense of values that are typical of the classical view of science as a plausible ideal to be pursued by scientific community.

Creating Scientific Controversies: Uncertainty and Bias in Science and Society

Harker, David 01 January 2015 (has links)
For decades, cigarette companies helped to promote the impression that there was no scientific consensus concerning the safety of their product. The appearance of controversy, however, was misleading, designed to confuse the public and to protect industry interests. Created scientific controversies emerge when expert communities are in broad agreement but the public perception is one of profound scientific uncertainty and doubt. In the first book-length analysis of the concept of a created scientific controversy, David Harker explores issues including climate change, Creation science, the anti-vaccine movement and genetically modified crops. Drawing on work in cognitive psychology, social epistemology, critical thinking and philosophy of science, he shows readers how to better understand, evaluate, and respond to the appearance of scientific controversy. His book will be a valuable resource for students of philosophy of science, environmental and health sciences, and social and natural sciences. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1017/thumbnail.jpg

Nurturing a group of members at Tabernacle Baptist Church in understanding and participating in Christian community through a discipleship small group process

Cardenas, Eleanor. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2005. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 143-148).

A seminar for training church leadership in conflict management and Christian conciliation

Pedersen, Roger O. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Emmanuel School of Religion, 2004. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 215-219).

A program to equip selected leaders of Holly Baptist Church, Corinth, Mississippi, with conflict management skills

Dowden, Brion Keith, January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 2000. / Includes abstract and vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 81-90).

Resolving and managing conflict between church members of New Chapel Hill Baptist Church

Sanchez, Clyde, January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2002. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 183-185).

Equipping selected leaders to manage conflict at First Baptist Church, Homer, Louisiana

Blanton, William Barry, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 2002. / Includes abstract and vita. "November 2002." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 148-154).

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