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Utbytets och malningens inverkan på NSSC-massans egenskaper / The impact of yield and refining on the properties of NSSC-pulpLarsson, Markus, Kullander, Johan January 2010 (has links)
<p>Neutralsulfitkokning av björk möjliggör ett högt utbyte av hemicellulosa, vilket bidrar positivt till flutingens egenskaper och minskar vedkostnaden. Neutralsulfitkoket ska avbrytas när delignifieringen nått tillräckligt långt för att veden ska kunna defibreras skonsamt med en rimlig energiinsats, men innan nedbrytningen av hemicellulosa hunnit accelerera. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka utbytets och malningens inverkan på NSSC-massans egenskaper.</p><p>En laboratoriestudie genomfördes där massan kokades till olika utbyten och maldes vid olika insatser. Resultatet av den studien användes sedan för att ställa om kokaren och raffinörerna på lämpligt sätt vid fabriksförsöken. Massaprover togs ut efter det andra kvarnsteget och skickades för analys. De mest väsentliga egenskaperna för fluting testades genom CCT (Corrugated Crush Test), CMT (Concora Medium Test) och SCT (Short Span Compression test) men övriga konventionella egenskaper testades likväl. En avgörande egenskap för fluting är också dess krypstyvhet som undersöktes på laboratorie genom isokrona kryptester. För att få en djupare förståelse för NSSC-massans egenskaper samt kokningens och malningens inverkan på dessa utfördes även fiberkaraktärisering.</p><p>Resultatet visar att styrkan på NSSC-massan kan påverkas genom att variera både utbytet och effekten i raffinörerna. För att åstadkomma en signifikant styrkeökning krävs ett lågt utbyte tillsammans med en hög effekt i raffinörerna. Kraftiga ändringar av dessa parametrar leder dessvärre till att papperets egenskaper förändras i den grad att körbarheten på maskin kan påverkas. Studien visar även att fluting som uppfyller dagens riktvärden kan framställas kostnadseffektivt genom ett högt utbyte i kokaren och en hög insats i raffinörerna. Samtidigt erhålls då en ljusare massa, vilket kan vara betydande i vissa fall. Krypmätningarna visar samtidigt att malningen i positiv bemärkelse påverkar krypstyvheten medan utbytets inverkan är mer svårtolkat. Ett allt för högt utbyte verkar dock vara negativt ur krypstyvhetssynpunkt.</p> / <p>Neutral sulphite cooking of birch enables a high yield of hemicelluloses. This contributes positively to the properties of the flute, reduces the amount of wood needed and hence the cost. The neutral sulphite cook is to be terminated when the delignification has gone sufficiently far so that the wood can be refined mercifully with a reasonable energy input, but before the delignification has gone so far that the degradation of hemicelluloses has started to accelerate. The objective with this thesis was to examine how yield and refining affects the properties of the NSSC pulp.</p><p>A laboratory study was performed where the pulp was cooked to different yields and then beaten with different energy inputs. The results from this study were then used to determine how to set the boiler and the refiners appropriately in the paper mill trials. Pulp samples were collected after the second refiner and were then sent for analysis. The most important properties for flute were tested through CCT (Corrugated Crush Test), CMT (Concora Medium Test) and SCT (Short Span Compression test). More conventional properties were tested as well. Another important property for flute, the creep resistance, was tested in the laboratory through isochronous creep tests. To get a deeper understanding of the properties of NSSC-pulp, along with the effects of cooking and refining, fiber characterization was also performed.The results indicate that it is possible to affect the strength properties on the NSSC pulp by varying both the yield and the energy input in the refiners. To accomplish a large increase in strength, a relatively low yield is needed, along with increased refining. Large changes of those parameters may unfortunately lead to changes in paper properties in such a way that the runability on the paper machine is affected.</p><p>The results also indicate that it is possible to manufacture flute in a more cost efficient way by lowering the H-factor in the boiler while increasing the degree of refining, still keeping the strength properties above the critical values.A pulp with a higher brightness is also acquired when running the mill this way, which can be important in some aspects. The creep studies indicate that increased refining has a positive effect on the creep resistance. It is harder to make conclusions about the impact of yield, but it seems as though all too high yields affects the creep resistance negatively.</p>
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I köttbullslandet : Konstruktionen av svenskt och utländskt på det kulinariska fältetMetzger, Jonathan January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this doctorate thesis is to investigate the historical discursive construction of swedishness and foreignness in the Swedish culinary field, primarily during the period of 1900-1970, and to relate the changes in the articulation of these concepts to the overarching ideological shifts during this time-period. To achieve this objective a conceptual apparatus inspired by cultural studies, discourse analysis and rhetorical analysis is employed upon the primary material, which consists of Swedish- and foreign-signified cookbooks published in Sweden during the period of 1600-1970. It is further argued that communities of consumption, such as nationalized culinary cultures, are discursive constructions and that actors attempt to write individuals into these communities through the articulation of nationalized subject positions. In the thesis it is thus investigated how, when and perhaps why certain actors on a field attempt to discursively construct such communities of consumption during a certain era. The chapters 2-5 of the thesis contain analyses of the historical construction of foreignness on the Swedish cultural field. Here various trends are traced in the construction of individual foreign cuisines, both in relation to each other and to the concept of culinary swedishness. An analysis is also made of the varied rhetoric that is used to promote foreign-signified cooking to the Swedish public during the examined time-period. It is concluded that the variations in rhetoric seem to covariate with larger ideological shifts in Swedish society. Chapters 6 and 7 specifically examine the construction of swedishness in the culinary field by focusing on the construction of national culinary icons such as the Smörgåsbord and Husmanskost and also on the evolution of the ideas of a distinct Swedish palate and a Swedish national cuisine. As a result of this investigation the perhaps surprisingly late codification of a Swedish national cuisine during the 1960’s is noted. It is further argued that this development coincides with a shift in the popular mood, where “the Swedish way of life” increasingly comes to be seen as threatened by external forces such as foreign influences and modernity, why certain actors on the culinary field express a necessity for the codification of what is perceived of as the “true Swedish cuisine”. A paradoxical result of this urge for preservation is the construction of new cultural phenomena dressed in a traditionalist and nationalist rhetoric that anchors them in a distant past.
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Impatto di processi alimentari tradizionali sulle attività biologiche di tannini e acido fitico nel porridge di sorgo: approccio integrato in vitro e analitico. / Impact of food processing on tannins and phytic acid activities in sorghum porridge: integrated in vitro and analytical approachesPROIETTI, ILARIA 21 February 2013 (has links)
Cinque varietà di sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) provenienti da Nigeria, Senegal, Burkina Faso e due dall’Italia, sono state caratterizzate per il loro profilo nutrizionale, analizzando la modulazione di due marcatori cellulari (contenuto in proteine totali e attività della GPx), il contenuto di fattori chelanti (tannini e fitati), l’attività fitasica e il contenuto, la bioaccessibilità e la biodisponibilità di ferro e zinco e analizzando l’impatto di due importanti processi alimentari, quali fermentazione e cottura.
I risultati mostrano che sia la varietà sia il processo influenzano la maggior parte dei parametri. Tannini e fitati, elementi in traccia, contenuto proteico totale e il processo (soprattutto la fermentazione) sono modulati dalla varietà. La fermentazione riduce il contenuto di fattori chelanti e aumenta l’attività fitasica, incrementando, così, la biodisponibilità degli elementi in traccia; mentre la cottura non ha un impatto significativo. D’altra parte, la fermentazione ha un impatto negativo su entrambi i marcatori cellulari, mentre la cottura solo sul contenuto proteico totale.
Le varietà africane, soprattutto quella dal Senegal, hanno mostrato il migliore profilo nutrizionale, mentre, globalmente, le italiane il peggiore. I risultati indicano che la selezione di varietà e di adeguati processi alimentari può avere un impatto significativo sul valore nutrizionale del sorgo. / Five sorghum cultivars (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) from Nigeria, Senegal, Burkina Faso and Italy (two), were characterized for their nutritional values by analysing the modulation of cellular functional markers (total protein content and GPx activity), chelating factors (iron-binding phenolic groups and phytates) content and phytase activity, as well as iron and zinc content, bioaccessibility and bioavailability, also considering the impact of food processing methods as fermentation and cooking.
The results revealed that both variety and food processing affect most of the tested parameters. Chelating factors, trace elements, cellular total protein content, as well as the effect of processing (mainly fermentation) were modulated by variety. Fermentation decreased chelating factors content, as well as increased phytase activity, leading to enhancement of iron and zinc estimated bioavailability, whereas cooking had no substantial impact. On the other hand, fermentation process had a negative impact on both cellular functional markers while cooking only on the cellular total protein content.
The African varieties, particularly the Senegal one, showed the most promising nutritional profile, whereas the two Italian varieties overall showed a poor one. The results indicate that selection of traditional varieties and processing methods can have a significant impact on parameters relevant to sorghum nutritional value.
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Utbytets och malningens inverkan på NSSC-massans egenskaper / The impact of yield and refining on the properties of NSSC-pulpLarsson, Markus, Kullander, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Neutralsulfitkokning av björk möjliggör ett högt utbyte av hemicellulosa, vilket bidrar positivt till flutingens egenskaper och minskar vedkostnaden. Neutralsulfitkoket ska avbrytas när delignifieringen nått tillräckligt långt för att veden ska kunna defibreras skonsamt med en rimlig energiinsats, men innan nedbrytningen av hemicellulosa hunnit accelerera. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka utbytets och malningens inverkan på NSSC-massans egenskaper. En laboratoriestudie genomfördes där massan kokades till olika utbyten och maldes vid olika insatser. Resultatet av den studien användes sedan för att ställa om kokaren och raffinörerna på lämpligt sätt vid fabriksförsöken. Massaprover togs ut efter det andra kvarnsteget och skickades för analys. De mest väsentliga egenskaperna för fluting testades genom CCT (Corrugated Crush Test), CMT (Concora Medium Test) och SCT (Short Span Compression test) men övriga konventionella egenskaper testades likväl. En avgörande egenskap för fluting är också dess krypstyvhet som undersöktes på laboratorie genom isokrona kryptester. För att få en djupare förståelse för NSSC-massans egenskaper samt kokningens och malningens inverkan på dessa utfördes även fiberkaraktärisering. Resultatet visar att styrkan på NSSC-massan kan påverkas genom att variera både utbytet och effekten i raffinörerna. För att åstadkomma en signifikant styrkeökning krävs ett lågt utbyte tillsammans med en hög effekt i raffinörerna. Kraftiga ändringar av dessa parametrar leder dessvärre till att papperets egenskaper förändras i den grad att körbarheten på maskin kan påverkas. Studien visar även att fluting som uppfyller dagens riktvärden kan framställas kostnadseffektivt genom ett högt utbyte i kokaren och en hög insats i raffinörerna. Samtidigt erhålls då en ljusare massa, vilket kan vara betydande i vissa fall. Krypmätningarna visar samtidigt att malningen i positiv bemärkelse påverkar krypstyvheten medan utbytets inverkan är mer svårtolkat. Ett allt för högt utbyte verkar dock vara negativt ur krypstyvhetssynpunkt. / Neutral sulphite cooking of birch enables a high yield of hemicelluloses. This contributes positively to the properties of the flute, reduces the amount of wood needed and hence the cost. The neutral sulphite cook is to be terminated when the delignification has gone sufficiently far so that the wood can be refined mercifully with a reasonable energy input, but before the delignification has gone so far that the degradation of hemicelluloses has started to accelerate. The objective with this thesis was to examine how yield and refining affects the properties of the NSSC pulp. A laboratory study was performed where the pulp was cooked to different yields and then beaten with different energy inputs. The results from this study were then used to determine how to set the boiler and the refiners appropriately in the paper mill trials. Pulp samples were collected after the second refiner and were then sent for analysis. The most important properties for flute were tested through CCT (Corrugated Crush Test), CMT (Concora Medium Test) and SCT (Short Span Compression test). More conventional properties were tested as well. Another important property for flute, the creep resistance, was tested in the laboratory through isochronous creep tests. To get a deeper understanding of the properties of NSSC-pulp, along with the effects of cooking and refining, fiber characterization was also performed.The results indicate that it is possible to affect the strength properties on the NSSC pulp by varying both the yield and the energy input in the refiners. To accomplish a large increase in strength, a relatively low yield is needed, along with increased refining. Large changes of those parameters may unfortunately lead to changes in paper properties in such a way that the runability on the paper machine is affected. The results also indicate that it is possible to manufacture flute in a more cost efficient way by lowering the H-factor in the boiler while increasing the degree of refining, still keeping the strength properties above the critical values.A pulp with a higher brightness is also acquired when running the mill this way, which can be important in some aspects. The creep studies indicate that increased refining has a positive effect on the creep resistance. It is harder to make conclusions about the impact of yield, but it seems as though all too high yields affects the creep resistance negatively.
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Bibliotheca Gastronomica Walter Putz20 October 2010 (has links)
Die Bibliotheca Gastronomica, ein großzügiges Geschenk des Sammlers Walter Putz aus Baden-Baden, wurde im Jahr 2005 als geschlossener Bestand in der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) aufgestellt und in den Folgejahren von Walter Putz fortlaufend ergänzt. Die Sammlung umfasst mehr als 4.000 Handschriften, Bücher und Zeitschriften aus fünf Jahrhunderten, darüber hinaus eine umfangreiche Sammlung an Drucksachen, insbesondere Menukarten, sowie die umfangreiche Korrespondenz von Walter Putz mit Sammlern und Händlern. Im Jahr 2007 und 2008 sind Teile der Sammlung erstmals in Ausstellungen in Dresden und Karlsruhe präsentiert worden.
Der vorliegende Katalog dokumentiert in Band 1 in chronologischer Folge 3863 Drucke. In Band 2 werden 36 Handschriften in chronologischer Folge sowie in alphabetischer Folge 132 Zeitschriften in 242 Bänden nachgewiesen. Das umfangreiche Register der Personen und Titel in Band 2 erleichtert den Überblick und die Suche nach den Drucken in Band 1.
Die Drucke (Monographien) verteilen sich wie folgt auf die Jahrhunderte:
16. Jahrhundert 57 Drucke
17. Jahrhundert 83 Drucke
18. Jahrhundert 280 Drucke
19. Jahrhundert 741 Drucke
20. Jahrhundert 2546 Drucke
21. Jahrhundert 156 Drucke
Über die Signaturen können die Originale in den Lesesaal der Sondersammlungen bestellt und dort eingesehen werden. In den Datenbanken der SLUB sind alle Bestände komfortabel recherchierbar. Fortlaufende Ergänzungen und Korrekturen sind möglich.
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The extent of Aflatoxin and Aspergillus section Flavi, Penicillium spp. and Rhizopus spp. contamination of peanuts from households in western Kenya and the causative factors of contamination.Mutegi, Charity Kawira. January 2010 (has links)
Peanuts contribute significantly to food security in western Kenya due to their high nutritional value and cash crop potential. However, the crop is highly susceptible to aflatoxin contamination. Yet little information is available on the extent of contamination in the region. This study explores the level and extent of contamination of peanuts by aflatoxins, Aspergillus section Flavi, Rhizopus and Penicillium spp. in western Kenya. A survey of 769 households was carried out in the Busia and Homa bay districts of Kenya. Information on peanut pre- and post-harvest practices was collected through person-to-person interviews. Aflatoxin levels of samples collected from each household were determined by indirect competitive ELISA method. Isolation of Aspergillus section Flavi, Penicillium and Rhizopus spp. was done on Modified Dichloran Rose Bengal (MDRB) agar, while identification of specific fungal species was done on Czapek yeast extract agar (CYA). Screening isolates of A. flavus and A. parasiticus for aflatoxin production was done in high sucrose yeast extract (YES) liquid medium, and the aflatoxin types identified on TLC plates, using analytical grades of aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2 as reference standards. Common household preparation techniques (roasting, making peanut paste and boiling peanuts) were evaluated for effectiveness in reducing aflatoxin levels in peanuts. The boiling procedure was modified to test the effect of magadi (locally available salt used mainly to soften legumes, vegetables or maize while cooking), ammonium persulphate and sodium hypochlorite during soaking. Magadi, sodium bicarbonate and locally prepared ash was subsequently used to boil the nuts after soaking. Aflatoxin levels ranged from zero to 7525 ìg/kg. Most samples were safe to consume, based on the European Union and Kenya Bureau of Standards tolerance levels, with 63.7 per cent of all samples having undetectable levels, and only 7.54 per cent being contaminated based on KEBS standards. Peanuts from the Busia district, which has more of Lower Midland 1 (mean annual rainfall of 1600-1800 mm) and Lower Midland 2 (mean annual rainfall of 1300-1700 mm) agro-ecological zones had significantly (÷2=14.172; P=0.0002) higher levels of aflatoxin compared to the Homa bay district, that has more of the drier Lower Midland 3 agroecological zone (mean annual rainfall of 900-1500mm). Improved cultivars had significantly (÷2=9.748; P=0.0018) lower levels of aflatoxin compared to local cultivars. Over 60 per cent of all samples had A. flavus S-strain, A. flavus L-strain and A. niger. A. flavus S-strain was positively correlated with aflatoxin levels. As expected, grading of peanuts post-harvest significantly reduced the incidence of A. flavus S- and L-strains, while peanuts collected from farmers who belonged to producer marketing groups had a significantly lower incidence of A. flavus S- and L-strains, A. niger and Rhizopus spp. The incidence of A. flavus L-strain, A. niger and Rhizopus spp. was significantly higher in local landraces compared to the improved cultivars. Over 60 per cent of isolates produced Aflatoxin B1. Intermediate processes such as sorting and dehusking led to a significant decline in levels of aflatoxin. Soaking peanuts in water, magadi, NaOCl and ammonium persulphate significantly reduced aflatoxin levels by 27.7, 18.4, 18.3 and 1.6 per cent respectively; while boiling the peanuts in magadi, local ash, baking powder and water reduced aflatoxin levels by 43.8, 41.8, 28.9 and 11.7 per cent respectively. Using magadi during boiling increased the acceptability of the boiled peanuts while reducing the aflatoxin levels. The impact of aflatoxin levels in peanuts studied in this research is within safe limits except a few samples, and therefore aflatoxin contamination of peanuts at household level is not a serious threat. Contamination by aflatoxin and post-harvest fungi can be reduced by focusing on improved control strategies for wetter and more humid zones such as planting improved peanut cultivars and controlling pre-harvest pest damage. Conventional household peanut preparation techniques should be explored as possible aflatoxin management strategies in Kenya. The aflatoxin binding properties of locally available salts such as magadi and locally prepared ash should be further investigated. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.
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Embodied Storying, A Methodology for Chican@ Rhetorics: (Re)making Stories, (Un)mapping the Lines, And Re-membering BodiesCobos, Casie 2012 August 1900 (has links)
This dissertation privileges Chican@ rhetorics in order to challenge a single History of Rhetoric, as well as to challenge Chican@s to formulate our rhetorical practices through our own epistemologies. Chapter One works in three ways: (1) it points to how a single History of Rhetoric is implemented, (2) it begins to answer Victor Villanueva's call to "Break precedent!" from a singly History, and (3) it lays groundwork for the three-prong heuristic of "embodied storying," which acts as a lens for Chican@ rhetorics.
Chapter Two uses embodied storying to look at how Chican@s are produced through History and how Chican@s produce histories. By analyzing how Spanish colonizers, contemporary scholars/publishers, and Chican@s often disembody indigenous codices, this chapter calls for rethinking how we practice codices. In order to do so, this chapter retells various stories about Malinche to show how Chican@s already privilege bodies in Chican@ stories in and beyond codices.
Chapter Three looks at cartographic practices in the construction, un-construction, and deconstruction of bodies, places, and spaces in the Americas. Because indigenous peoples practice mapping by privileging bodies who inhabit/practice spaces, this chapter shows how colonial maps rely on place-based conceptions of land in order to create imperial borders and rely on space-based conceptions in order to ignore and remove indigenous peoples from their lands.
Chapter Four looks at foodways as a practice of rhetoric, identity, community, and space. Using personal, familial, and community knowledge to discuss Mexican American food practices, this chapter argues that foodways are rhetorical in that they affect and are affected by Chican@ identities. In this way, food practices can challenge the conception of rhetoric as being solely attached to text and privilege the body.
Finally, Chapter Five looks at how Chican@ rhetorics and embodied storying can affect the field(s) of rhetoric and writing. I ask three specific questions: (1) How can we use embodied storying in histories of rhetoric? (2) How can we use embodied storying in Chican@ rhetorics? (3) How can we use embodied storying in our pedagogy?
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Caracter?sticas da carne de bovinos cruzados (WAGYU ? Red Angus) e matura??o da carne de Nelore / Characteristics of meat from crossbred cattle (Wagyu ? Red Angus) and maturation Nelore meatCarvalho, R?bio Madureira de Souza 30 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Alexandre Soares (alexandredesoares@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-08-25T13:43:56Z
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r?bio_madureira_de_souza_carvalho.pdf: 979305 bytes, checksum: 83ec9442a31d4ad5d5a70aee8e74fba1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2016-09-08T18:51:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
r?bio_madureira_de_souza_carvalho.pdf: 979305 bytes, checksum: 83ec9442a31d4ad5d5a70aee8e74fba1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-08T18:51:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) / Caracter?sticas da carne de bovinos cruzados (Wagyu ? Red Angus) e matura??o da carne de Nelore. Orientador: Orientador: Orientador: Orientador: Orientador: Cleube Andrade BoariCleube Andrade Boari Cleube Andrade BoariCleube Andrade Boari Cleube Andrade BoariCleube Andrade BoariCleube Andrade BoariCleube Andrade BoariCleube Andrade BoariCleube Andrade BoariCleube Andrade BoariCleube Andrade Boari . Disserta??o (Mestrado em Zootecnia).
Esta disserta??o foi elaborada com o resultado de duas pesquisas. A primeira foi conduzida com o objetivo de avaliar as caracter?sticas de qualidade da carne de bovinos cruzados Wagyu ? Angus (Red). A segunda foi conduzida com o objetivo de verificar os efeitos da matura??o de maminha de alcatra de Nelore em diferentes temperaturas (0?C e 4?C) e tempos (0 = carne fresca com 24 horas, 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias). Na primeira pesquisa foi analisada a carne dos m?sculos Longissimus thoracis, Semitendinosus e Triceps brachii obtidas do abate de machos castrados e de f?meas, aos 24 meses de idade. Na desossa foram mensurados no m?sculo Longissimus thoracis a espessura de gordura subcut?nea, cor da gordura (L*a*b*, C, H?), a ?rea de olho de lombo e escore para o grau de marmoriza??o. Foram analisados o pH final, a capacidade de reten??o de ?gua, a perda de peso por cozimento, a for?a de cisalhamento, cor (L*a*b*, C, H?) e os teores de umidade, massa seca, res?duo mineral fixo, prote?na e gordura. Por??es de carne do m?sculo Longissimus thoracis foram coletadas avaliar o efeito dos tempos de sete e 14 dias de matura??o no pH final, na capacidade de reten??o de ?gua, na perda de peso por cozimento, na for?a de cisalhamento, na cor da carne (L*a*b*, C, H?) e na cor da gordura (L*a*b*, C, H?). Para a carne de todos os m?sculos n?o houve efeito de sexo no pH final, na capacidade de reten??o de ?gua, na perda de peso por cozimento e no teor de prote?na. O Longissimus thoracis de f?meas recebeu os melhores escore para marmoreio, apresentou maior teor de gordura e menor for?a de cisalhamento e no Longissimus thoracis de machos apresentou maior ?rea de olho de lombo. A matura??o da carne do Longissimus thoracis proporcionou redu??o na for?a de cisalhamento e aumento do pH final. Na segunda pesquisa, por??es de carne (? 400 gramas) foram embaladas, a v?cuo, e estocadas em c?mara frigor?fica nas temperaturas (0?C e 4?C). Foram mantidas nestas temperaturas por 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias. Foram analisados o pH, capacidade de reten??o de ?gua, perda de peso por cozimento, for?a de cisalhamento, cor (L*, a*, b*, C, H?). N?o houve varia??o no pH em fun??o da temperatura utilizada. Entretanto, o pH aumentou com o decorrer do tempo de matura??o. Foi observada varia??o na luminosidade da carne em fun??o da temperatura,
sendo menor a luminosidade na carne maturada a 0?C. O teor de vermelho desta carne aumentou linearmente em fun??o do tempo de matura??o e tamb?m foi influenciada pelas temperaturas de matura??o, sendo maior quando maturada a 0?C. A perda de peso por cozimento tamb?m apresentou aumento linear ao longo do tempo de matura??o. A capacidade de reten??o de ?gua e a for?a de cisalhamento apresentaram redu??o linear ao longo do tempo de matura??o. A matura??o por 28 dias ocasionou redu??o na for?a de cisalhamento da maminha de alcatra. Recomenda-se maturar a maminha de alcatra por 28 dias em temperatura de 4?C. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Zootecnia, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2015. / Characteristics of meat from crossbred cattle (Wagyu ? Red Angus) and maturation Nelore meat. Adviser: Cleube Andrade Boari. Adviser: Cleube Andrade Boari. Adviser: Cleube Andrade Boari. Adviser: Cleube Andrade Boari.Adviser: Cleube Andrade Boari. Adviser: Cleube Andrade Boari.Adviser: Cleube Andrade Boari. Adviser: Cleube Andrade Boari.Adviser: Cleube Andrade Boari.Adviser: Cleube Andrade Boari.Adviser: Cleube Andrade Boari.Adviser: Cleube Andrade Boari.Adviser: Cleube Andrade Boari. Adviser: Cleube Andrade Boari. Dissertation Dissertation (Master?s degree in Animal Science (Master?s degree in Animal Science (Master?s degree in Animal Science (Master?s degree in Animal Science (Master?s degree in Animal Science (Master?s degree in Animal Science (Master?s degree in Animal Science (Master?s degree in Animal Science (Master?s degree in Animal Science (Master?s degree in Animal Science (Master?s degree in Animal Science (Master?s degree in Animal Science (Master?s degree in Animal Science (Master?s degree in Animal Science (Master?s degree in Animal Science ).
This paper was drawn up on the results of two surveys. The first was conducted in order to evaluate the quality characteristics of meat from crossbred cattle Wagyu ? Angus (Red). The second was conducted in order to verify the effects of maturation titty rump Nellore at different temperatures (0 ? C and 4 ? C) and time (0 = fresh meat with 24 hours, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days ). In the first study we analyzed the meat of Longissimus thoracis, Semitendinosus and Triceps brachii obtained from the slaughter of castrated males and females, at 24 months old. The bones were measured in the Longissimus thoracis muscle to fat thickness, color of fat (L * a * b *, C, H?), rib eye area and score to the degree of marbling. The final pH were analyzed, water retention capacity, weight loss by cooking, shear strength, color (L * a * b *, C, H?), and the moisture content, dry matter, mineral residue fixed, protein and fat. Meat portions of Longissimus thoracis muscle were collected to evaluate the effect of seven days and 14 days of aging at the end pH, water retention capacity, weight loss by cooking, the shear force on the meat color (L * a * b *, C, H?) and fat color (L * a * b *, C, H?). For the meat of all muscles of no gender effect on the ultimate pH, water retention capacity, by cooking weight loss and protein content. The Longissimus thoracis females received the best score for marbling, showed higher fat content and lower shear strength and Longissimus thoracis males showed greater loin eye area. The maturation of the meat of Longissimus thoracis provided a reduction in shear force and increase in final pH. In the second study, cam portions (400 ? grams) were packed, vacuum, and stored in the cold room temperatures (0 ?C and 4 ?C). They were maintained at these temperatures for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. They analyzed the pH, water holding capacity, cooking weight loss, shearing force, color (L *, a *, b *, C, M ?). There was no variation in pH as a function of temperature used. However, the pH increase during maturation time. It was observed variation in brightness of the flesh a function of temperature being lower in brightness aged meat at 0 ?C. The content of this red meat increased linearly as a function of aging time and was also influenced by the temperature of ripeness, being higher when aged at 0 ?C. The cooking weight loss also showed a linear
increase over time of aging. The water retention capacity and shear strength showed a linear decrease over time of aging. Maturation for 28 days decreased the shear force of titty rump. It is recommended to mature titty rump for 28 days in temperature
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Influência da contaminação combinada de dextrana e amido na cristalização do açúcarMerheb, Graciela de Amaral 08 October 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-10-08 / Introduced during the colonial period in Brazil, nowadays sugar cane is one of the main crops of the country's economy, generating more than 2 billion dollars per year in the Brazilian trade balance. Despite the benefits of expanding the sugarcane sector every year, the environmental impacts caused by burning straw cane sugar made the State of São Paulo Government create the Protocol of Agro-Environmental Cooperation in 2007, which aims the total elimination of cane burning by 2017. However, when the sugar cane stops being burned, some components of the plant, which remained in the field due to the burning, will start being in larger quantities in the process, and the effects of this future reality in sugar quality have not been studied In this doctoral thesis, the two components of great impact on the specifications or quality of the sugar were chosen: starch and dextran which were studied in the crystallization unit operation (by controlled cooling and vacuum evaporation), so that the impact on the final product (sugar) were evaluated. This current study used a reponse surface methodology, with 2 levels (309 and 1062 ppm), two factors (dextran and starch), 3 center points (one central point in triplicate) and 4 axial points, totaling 11 trials per type of crystallization. The experiments were conducted with sugar Type 2 solutions contaminated with starch and dextran, in an agitated and jacketed crystallizer (8 liters) in the laboratory. When the crystallization was performed, the matters were centrifuged, the sugars were separated from the honeys, and forwarded to the physico-chemical, textural and optical microscopy analyzes. In relation to the physicochemical analyzes of sugar, starch and dextran contamination interfered directly in the responses: starch, dextran, color, turbidity and alcoholic floc in both crystallization techniques, however, the controlled cooling under the same conditions of contamination (0-2000 ppm), presented sugars to lower rates, which kept the product according to the market specifications. The results of grain size analysis showed frequency curves with accumulation of smaller crystals at the opening of 0.5 mm, according to the increase of dextran in the tests. And the optical microscopy analysis identified the existence of a relationship between the amount of contaminants, and the appearance of agglomerated crystals, besides "needle-like" crystals were not observed. The experimental chosen design collaborated in the identification of starch and dextran agents, in the increase or decrease of the analyzed responses, besides suggesting the collaboration of the combined effect on the quality of sugar. Concerning the product quality, the use of crystallization technique by controlled cooling proved to be the most suitable in the reduction of contaminants in the sugar, particularly in solutions containing 2,000 ppm of dextran and starch. Given the crop of sugarcane in the coming years, and that the contamination of dextran and starch may be higher than those found in syrups of industrial processes currently, this work may contribute to the knowledge of the contaminants and their combined actions in the crystallization and in understanding of the differences in the product quality. / Introduzida no período colonial no Brasil, a cana-de-açúcar é hoje uma das principais culturas da economia do país, gerando mais de 2 bilhões de dólares por ano na balança comercial brasileira. Apesar dos benefícios da expansão do setor sucroalcooleiro a cada ano, os impactos ambientais causados pelas queimadas da palha de cana-de-açúcar, levaram o Governo Estadual Paulista a criar em 2007, o Protocolo de Cooperação Agroambiental, que visa a eliminação total da queima de cana até 2017. No entanto, quando a cana-de-açúcar deixar de ser queimada, alguns componentes da planta que ficavam no campo com a queima passarão a entrar no processo em maiores quantidades, e os efeitos dessa futura realidade na qualidade do açúcar ainda não foram estudados. Nesse trabalho de doutorado, foram escolhidos dois componentes de grande impacto nas especificações ou qualidade do açúcar: o amido e a dextrana, os quais foram estudados na operação unitária de cristalização (por resfriamento controlado e por evaporação a vácuo), para que o impacto no produto final (açúcar) fosse avaliado. O presente trabalho utilizou um delineamento composto rotacional, com 2 níveis (309 e 1062 ppm), dois fatores (dextrana e amido), 3 pontos centrais (1 ponto central em triplicata) e 4 axiais, totalizando 11 experimentos por tipo de cristalização. Os experimentos foram realizados com soluções de açúcar Tipo 2, contaminadas com amido e dextrana, em um cristalizador agitado e encamisado (8 litros), em laboratório. Realizadas as cristalizações, as massas foram centrifugadas, e os açúcares separados dos méis, e encaminhados para as análises físico-químicas, granulométricas e de microscopia óptica. Em relação às análises físico-químicas do açúcar, as contaminações de dextrana e amido interferiram diretamente nas respostas: amido, dextrana, cor, floco alcoólico e turbidez, nas duas técnicas de cristalização, no entanto, o resfriamento controlado, nas mesmas condições de contaminação (0 a 2000 ppm), apresentou açúcares com os menores índices, o que manteve o produto nas especificações do mercado. Os resultados das análises granulométricas demonstraram curvas de frequência com acúmulo de cristais menores na abertura de 0,5 mm, conforme o aumento de dextrana nos testes. E as análises de microscopia óptica identificaram a existência de uma relação entre a quantidade de contaminantes, e o aparecimento dos cristais aglomerados, além de não serem observados cristais tipo agulha . O planejamento experimental adotado colaborou na identificação dos agentes amido e dextrana, no aumento ou na diminuição das respostas analisadas, além de sugerir a colaboração do efeito combinado desses na qualidade do açúcar. Em termos de qualidade do produto, a aplicação da técnica de cristalização por resfriamento controlado mostrou-se mais indicada na redução dos contaminantes no açúcar, principalmente em soluções com 2000 ppm de dextrana e amido. Tendo em vista a colheita de cana crua nos próximos anos, e que as contaminações de dextrana e amido poderão ser superiores as encontradas nos xaropes dos processos industriais hoje, o presente trabalho pode contribuir no conhecimento dos contaminantes e de suas ações combinadas na cristalização, e no entendimento das diferenças na qualidade do produto.
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Características agronômicas, nutricionais e tecnológicas de grãos de feijão carioca armazenados, cultivados em sistemas orgânico e convencional / Agronomic, nutritional and technological characteristics of carioca beans grains stored, cropped in organic and conventional systemsCassol, Flavia Danieli Rech 10 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Edineia Teixeira (edineia.teixeira@unioeste.br) on 2017-09-05T17:45:54Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The consumption of functional foods, such as beans, has brought important benefits to health, consequently, there is an increasing demand for organic products, which are considered healthier. However, due to the genetic variability of this crop, it is necessary to evaluate it in the field then determine which cultivars are most adapted to different cropping managements, as well as establish the quality attributes involved in the preservation of this leguminous. Thus, this trial aimed at evaluating the agronomic characteristics of carioca beans, cropped in organic and conventional systems, indicating which cultivars are most adapted to each system as well as characterizing the cooling storage effect and in uncontrolled environmental conditions, in order to preserve nutritional and technological characteristics of these grains. Multivariate techniques were applied to determine which variables influenced most on beans quality, and to verify similarities between conservation methods and how carioca beans were produced. Eight carioca bean cultivars were sown in the organic and conventional systems, and the correlation between the production and yield components was evaluated. The studied cultivars were evaluated when freshly harvested (S); and after 180 storage days under refrigeration (R) and environmental conditions (A); according to the nutritional characteristics: protein (Ptn), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), phosphorus (P), phytic acid (Fit), tannins, antioxidant capacity (DPPH) and technologic characteristics: grain mass (GM), water content (WC), electrical conductivity, grain color (L*, a*, b*, H * and C *) and sphericity, texture, cooking time (CT) and hydration capacity (HC). According to yield, cultivars such as Andorinha, Curió, Estilo, Emperador and Notável were more adapted to the organic cropping, while all the tested cultivars, except Curió, can be indicated to the conventional cropping. The variables that showed the highest correlation with yield were the number of pods in organic beans and plant height in the conventional ones. The cooling storage preserved the technological quality of organic beans, increased the antioxidant capacity and kept higher amount of iron in beans. It also contributed to phosphorus decrease and the significant increases of Fit and tannins, considered antinutritional factors. Campos Gerais beans is a cultivar from IAPAR that showed the best results on quality preservation after six months of storage. According to these data, the main and cluster components (APC) were analyzed. Thus, variables such as Ptn, Ca, P, Fit, tannins, DPPH, CH, TC, MG and H * influenced most beans quality, and were defined according to APC use. Based on the use of Cluster, it is possible to classify cultivars into groups and verify that the refrigerated storage was effective in maintaining their quality. In addition, this technique showed the similarity between organic and conventional beans that belonged to the same cultivar. / O consumo de alimentos funcionais, como o feijão, traz benefícios importantes para a saúde. A procura por produtos de origem orgânica, considerados mais saudáveis, tem, também, contribuído para o aumento no seu consumo. No entanto, devido à variabilidade genética dessa cultura, faz-se necessária sua avaliação no campo, para determinar os cultivares mais adaptados a diferentes formas de cultivo e estabelecer os atributos de qualidade envolvidos na preservação dessa leguminosa. Nesse sentido, os objetivos desta pesquisa foram: avaliar as características agronômicas de feijão carioca, cultivado em sistema orgânico e convencional, indicar os cultivares mais adaptados a cada sistema e caracterizar o efeito do armazenamento refrigerado e em condições ambientais não controladas, na preservação das características nutricionais e tecnológicas desses grãos, usando técnicas multivariadas para determinar as variáveis que mais influenciam na qualidade dos feijões e verificar semelhanças entre as formas de conservação e modo de produção dos feijões carioca. Foram semeados oito cultivares de feijão carioca nos sistemas orgânico e convencional para avaliar a correlação entre as componentes da produção e a produtividade. Após a colheita, os cultivares foram avaliados recém-colhidos (S) e depois de 180 dias de armazenamento, em condições refrigeradas (R) e ambientais (A), quanto às características nutricionais: proteína (Ptn), cálcio (Ca), ferro (Fe), fósforo (P), ácido fítico (Fit) e taninos, capacidade antioxidante (DPPH) e tecnológica: massa de grãos (MG), teor de água (Ta), condutividade elétrica, coloração dos grãos (L*, a*, b*, H* e C*), esfericidade, textura, tempo de cocção (TC) e capacidade de hidratação (CH). De acordo com a produtividade, os cultivares Andorinha, Curió, Estilo, Imperador e Notável mostraram-se mais adaptados ao cultivo orgânico, enquanto todos os cultivares testados, exceto Curió, podem ser indicados ao cultivo convencional. As variáveis que mostraram maior correlação com a produtividade foram o número de vagens nos feijões orgânicos e a altura da planta, no sistema convencional. Nos feijões orgânicos, o armazenamento refrigerado preservou a qualidade tecnológica, aumentou a capacidade antioxidante e manteve maior a quantidade de Fe dos grãos, além de contribuir para a diminuição do P e o aumento significativo dos Fit e taninos, considerados fatores antinutricionais. Os feijões do cultivar IAPAR Campos Gerais foram os que melhor preservaram a qualidade após o armazenamento de 180 dias. Diante desses dados, foram realizadas análises dos componentes principais (APC) e de agrupamento (Cluster). As variáveis que mais influenciaram a qualidade dos feijões foram definidas com o uso da APC, sendo elas Ptn, Ca, P, Fit, taninos, DPPH, CH, TC, MG e H*. Com a utilização do Cluster, é possível classificar os cultivares em grupos e verificar que o armazenamento refrigerado foi eficaz na manutenção da qualidade. Além disso, essa técnica mostrou a semelhança entre os feijões orgânicos e convencionais pertencentes ao mesmo cultivar.
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