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Bibliotheca Gastronomica Walter Putz. - Band 2: Handschriften, Zeitschriften, Register der Personen und TitelSächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden January 2009 (has links)
In Band 2 werden 36 Handschriften in chronologischer Folge sowie in alphabetischer Folge 132 Zeitschriften in 242 Bänden nachgewiesen.
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Proyecto iCook – Servicio de delivery de ingredientes listos para cocinar / iCook Project - Ready-to-cook ingredients delivery serviceCalderon Galindo, Nadzhna Estrella, Quiroz San Román, Tamara Naissa, Rafaile Chombo, Stephany Elizabeth, Ricaldi Vasquez, Estephany Etelvina, Zamora Rivera, Jenny del Rocío 01 December 2020 (has links)
En el presente trabajo, se tomó en cuenta de qué forma ha cambiado el estilo de vida respecto a la coyuntura actual que está atravesando el país. Debido a ello, se está llevando a cabo la implementación de iCook, un modelo de negocio, que brinda insumos listos para cocinar, ahorrándole tiempo a los consumidores y evitándoles la exposición al momento de salir a realizar las compras para cocinar.
En primer lugar, se dio paso a la investigación de mercado. Gracias a esta información recaudada se pudo segmentar a estos consumidores peruanos para obtener el target adecuado para iCook; así como, delimitar la zona geográfica para su desarrollo como negocio.
En segundo lugar, para la implementación de este modelo de negocio, se realizó validaciones, con el propósito de conocer la aceptación de la marca, de forma que se logre satisfacer las necesidades del público objetivo.
Una vez que se conoció la aceptación del modelo de negocio, se procedió a plantear los objetivos, metas y estrategias a desarrollar tanto en un corto como en un largo plazo, a fin de conocer el presupuesto requerido en los tres primeros años de vida del proyecto.
Finalmente, se concluyó que el proyecto es viable y crea valor, pues se obtuvo un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) positivo y mayor al Costo de Oportunidad (COK). Por otro lado, la Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) también supera al COK, reflejando que el proyecto es sostenible y se encuentra en óptimas condiciones para salir en marcha al mercado peruano. / In the present work, it was taken into account how the lifestyle has changed with respect to the current situation that the country is going through. Due to this, the implementation of iCook is being carried out, a business model that provides ready-to-cook inputs, saving time for consumers and avoiding exposure when going out to make purchases to cook.
First, market research began. Thanks to this information collected, it was possible to segment these Peruvian consumers to obtain the right objective for iCook; as well as, delimit the geographical area for its development as a business.
Second, for the implementation of this business model, validations were carried out, with the purpose of knowing the acceptance of the brand, in order to satisfy the needs of the target audience.
Once the acceptance of the business model was know, the objectives, goals and strategies to be developed both in the short and in the long term were proposed, in order to know the budget required in the first three years of the project's life.
Finally, it was conclude that the project is viable and creates value, since a positive Net Present Value (NPV) was obtained and greater than the Opportunity Cost (COK). On the other hand, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) also exceeds the COK, reflecting that the project is sustainable and is in optimal conditions to go live in the Peruvian market. / Trabajo de investigación
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Evaluating Sustainable Ventures in Developing Countries : A Case Study of Biodiesel Production in ZanzibarRunestam, Jakob, Nireus, Tommy January 2015 (has links)
The matter of sustainable thinking today permeates the Western world and is now widely agreed to recognize three aspects; environmental, economic and social sustainability. Due to limitations of resources and knowledge, this concept is considerably less widespread in developing countries. Many sustainable ventures in developing countries aim to unite the three aspects and solve the pressing issue of unsustainable development, but evaluating these projects has proven to be a challenging task and tools for systematic analysis are missing. Furthermore, current frameworks lack in guidance on what tools to use for the assessment of the three sustainability aspects. This research aims to investigate how established models can be applied and what obstacles that occur when evaluating a sustainable venture in a developing country. To do this, a case study is performed on Zanzibar, Tanzania where the Swedish waste management company Zanrec is considering pursuing a sustainable venture of starting up a biodiesel production from used cooking oil. This research therefore also provides Zanrec with an evaluation of the project’s alignment with the sustainability concept. To reach the purpose of this study, two established models for evaluation are chosen; LCA for the environmental aspect and the payback method as capital budgeting tool for the economic aspect. No established evaluation tool is used for the social aspect; instead the social implications of the project are analyzed in a discussion. It is found that the applicability of the chosen tools for evaluating the biodiesel production project is highly affected by the contextual setting of a developing country. The major finding is that these tools have varying flexibility in adapting to the main challenge, which is the lack of documentation and available data. LCA is found to be a complicated and rigid tool to use if fully abiding by its associated ISO standards. Without an existing LCA knowledge base and any guidelines on how to manage missing data, the LCA tool is deemed to not reach its full potential in a developing country at this stage. The payback method is proven to be a more flexible tool that to a higher degree can be adapted to fit the setting and the requirements of the commissioner. The project’s impact areas related to the social aspect are found to be few, but to evaluate the extent of these, further research is required. / Hållbart företagande genomsyrar idag västvärlden och det är nu allmänt vedertaget att konceptet täcker in tre aspekter; miljömässig, ekonomisk och social hållbarhet. På grund av begränsningar i resurser och kunskap är hållbarhetskonceptet långt ifrån lika utbrett i utvecklingsländer. Hållbarhetsprojekt i utvecklingsländer syftar till att förena de tre aspekterna och lösa den rådande frågan om ohållbar utveckling, men det har visat sig vara en utmaning att utvärdera dessa projekt och det saknas verktyg för systematisk analys. Vidare saknar existerande modeller riktlinjer om vilka verktyg som bör användas i utvärderingen av de tre hållbarhetsaspekterna. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur etablerade utvärderingsverktyg kan tillämpas för att utvärdera ett hållbarhetsprojekt i ett utvecklingsland samt vilka hinder som detta innefattar. En fallstudie har därför utförts på Zanzibar i Tanzania, där det svenska avfallshanteringsföretaget Zanrec överväger att genomföra ett hållbarhetsprojekt som ämnar att upprätta produktion av biodiesel från använd matolja. Därigenom syftar denna undersökning även till att förse Zanrec med en utvärdering av projektet med avseende på de de tre hållbarhetsaspekterna. I denna studie används två etablerade modeller; LCA för miljöaspekten och payback-metoden som investeringskalkylsmodell för den ekonomiska aspekten. Inget etablerat utvärderingsverktyg används för den sociala aspekten vars påverkan av projektet istället analyseras i en diskussion. Det har visat sig att tillämpbarheten av de valda verktygen för utvärdering av biodieselprojektet i hög grad påverkas av de kontextuella förutsättningarna i ett utvecklingsland. Den viktigaste slutsatsen är att dessa verktyg har varierande flexibilitet i att anpassa sig till bristen på dokumentation och tillgänglig data, vilket är den största svårigheten. LCA har bedömts vara ett komplicerat verktyg med fasta ramar vid användning i enlighet med dess ISO-standarder. Utan en befintlig kunskapsbas kring LCA och riktlinjer för hur man ska hantera avsaknad av data, anses LCA-verktyget i dagsläget inte nå sin fulla potential i ett utvecklingsland. Paybackmetoden har visat sig vara ett mer flexibelt verktyg som i högre grad kan anpassas efter rådande förutsättningar och kraven hos uppdragsgivaren. Endast ett fåtal inverkansområden med anknytning till den sociala aspekten har identifierats som påverkade av detta projekt, men för att utvärdera omfattningen av dess påverkan behövs vidare studier.
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Development, Evaluation, and Efficacy of a Heart Healthy Curriculum in Two Different Education Settings; Emphasizing Food Portioning and Cooking Skills, Increased Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains, Low-Fat Dairy, and ExerciseRichins, Rachel 01 May 2007 (has links)
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the United States. The prevalence of CVD will increase in conjunction with the rise in obesity and type 2 diabetes and decrease in physical activity, due to the adverse effects of adiposity and atherosclerosis associated with these syndromes. Excellent inpatient, outpatient, and community-based program s are available to educate and direct healthy behavioral changes, yet the number of programs available is not sufficient for the volume of patients, nor widely distributed in all areas (particularly rural areas). There is a lack of comprehensive education programs for adults directed toward decreasing CVD with an emphasis on food portioning skills; cooking skills; low-fat cooking techniques; increasing fruits , vegetables, and dairy products in the diet; and increasing exercise.
The Cooperative Extension Healthy Beat education program and curriculum was developed and evaluated to improve the cardiovascular health of Utah residents. This curriculum focused on improving nutrition knowledge, food portioning skill, food preparation/cooking skills, regular exercise, lipid panel, anthropometric indices, and blood pressure. The program was distributed in CD format to 59 extension agents; identical CDs were used by instructors of live sessions for 43 participants in Sanpete, Washington, and Beaver counties. The CDs were also used by the instructor of a third group, consisting of 16 nutrition education assistants from the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program, who were also taught in a live session setting. The evaluation was done through measurement of nutrition knowledge, cooking skills, lipid panel biochemical indices, weight loss, blood pressure, and waist and hip circumferences.
This study demonstrated that on completion of the heart healthy curriculum, those with CVD or those at risk for CVD appropriately altered their risk factors for a myocardial infarction (decrease in one or more of the following: serum total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, body mass index, and waist and hip circumferences).
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Cooking with Couples: A Grounded Theory Study on the Relational Aspects Found in the Cooking Interactions of CouplesGordon, Nicole R. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Cooking is a universal activity which all humans can relate to on some level. Historically, cooking has continued to connect people across cultures and time, simultaneously providing nutritive sustenance as well as socio- and psychological benefits. Medical and mental health practitioners only in recent years have utilized cooking in a therapeutic process, and most of those cooking activities available tend to focus on cooking from an occupational and nutrition-education stance. A gap in the literature pertaining to cooking and its therapeutic applications exists around the relational nature underlying the cooking process, especially as it pertains to couples. While marriage and family therapists have used a number of creative experiential modalities in therapy for years, such as art and music therapy, cooking has been especially underutilized in comparison, despite its therapeutic and relational applicability. Therefore, this study was conducted to offer a foundation for understanding how the interactions in a kitchen can highlight relational elements between people.
Eight couples (16 participants) who have lived together for at least two years and who cook together often were interviewed in their homes. A constructivist grounded theory methodology was used for this study, and subsequent to data analysis, a three-part theory describing the relational components of couple’s cooking interactions emerged, called The Couple’s Cooking Triad. The theory is made up of Relationship Skills, Emotional Connections, and Languaging. Results from this study, organizing the complex interactions of couples in a kitchen, indicate further use by marriage and family therapists in an experiential therapeutic capacity.
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Flora: A CookbookGutelle, Samuel Messer 27 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Meet & Chef. Aplicación móvil de clases en vivo sobre cocina / Meet & Chef. Mobile application for live cooking classesBuitano Villasis, Luigi Giancarlo, Durand Quispe, Adali Amariliz, Galarza Quinto, Erick Bryan, Herrera Vera, Sasha Rosario, Rojas Huanca, Lucero De Fatima 07 July 2021 (has links)
En síntesis, consideramos que realizar un proyecto adecuándonos a los requerimientos y necesidades en tiempos de pandemia, conlleva a proyectos innovadores, el cual representará ingresos económicos para sus creadores. Es importante que al momento de lanzar un proyecto se tenga una meta o una visión clara de lo que se quiere realizar, para poder buscar y encontrar los requerimientos necesarios para su funcionamiento.
Meet & Chef Perú es un proyecto que busca realizarse con la colaboración de cinco estudiantes de la Facultad de Negocios de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. Este proyecto consiste en brindar servicios de clases online de cocina a cargo de chefs reconocidos a nivel nacional con especialidades que requieran nuestros clientes. Asimismo, se les brindará kits de cocina a los clientes y al chef para que puedan recibir una experiencia más amena con nuestra marca, en donde podrán encontrar los ingredientes que se requieran para la preparación de las comidas. En el transcurso de haber realizado y experimentando nuestro proyecto nos hemos dado cuenta de que siempre debemos de adaptarnos y estar en constante innovación, puesto que sabemos que el consumidor cada día es más exigente a sus necesidades.
El haber realizado este proyecto nos emocionó mucho, puesto que pusimos en práctica nuestros conocimientos previos de la universidad, realizamos y aplicamos estrategias de marketing, flujos de caja, estrategias de negociación y otros conocimientos que nos ayudaron a concretar nuestra idea de negocio. / In synthesis, we consider that making a project adapting to the requirements and needs in times of pandemic, leads to innovative projects, which will represent economic income for its creators. It is important that when launching a project to have a clear goal or vision of what you want to do, in order to search and find the necessary requirements for its operation.
Meet & Chef Peru is a project that seeks to be carried out with the collaboration of five students from the Business School of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences. This project consists of providing services of online cooking classes by nationally recognized chefs with specialties required by our customers. Also, cooking kits will be provided to customers and the chef so that they can receive a more enjoyable experience with our brand, where they can find the ingredients required for the preparation of meals. In the course of having carried out and experimented our project we have realized that we must always adapt and be in constant innovation, since we know that the consumer is more demanding every day to their needs.
Having carried out this project made us very excited, since we put into practice our previous knowledge from the university, we carried out and applied marketing strategies, cash flows, negotiation strategies and other knowledge that helped us to realize our business idea. / Trabajo de investigación
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Cooking Lessons: Oral Recipe Sharing in the Southern KitchenClaxton, Alana 01 May 2019 (has links) (PDF)
This study analyzes oral recipe sharing practices as they emerge in Southern cooking. Researcher and participants were immersed in cooking recipes together in a qualitative research method that combined interactive interviewing with sensory ethnography. Findings revealed a category of oral recipe sharing practices that is missing from the literature: cooking lessons. This study identified cooking lessons as a distinct recipe sharing practice and worked to further operationalize and concretize such practices in hopes of spurring further research.
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Kulturgeschichte und Esskultur: Die Menükarten der Kulinarischen Sammlungen der SLUB DresdenStern, Thomas 01 March 2024 (has links)
Die Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) bildet seit geraumer Zeit einen Schwerpunkt zur Kulinarik und baut diesen kontinuierlich weiter aus. Beginnend mit der Schenkung der Bibliotheca Gastronomica, welche der Oberkellner Walter Putz im Jahr 2005 an die SLUB übergab, gefolgt vom Nachlass des Publizisten Wolfram Siebeck, der 2018 von dessen Witwe Barbara Siebeck erworben werden konnte und der im Jahr 2020 ans Haus gekommenen Sammlung des für den Burda-Verlag tätigen Kochs Ernst Birsner ergänzen Sammlungen mit rein kulinarischem Charakter die Sammlungen der SLUB. Damit entwickelt sich ein Bestand, der sowohl Forschenden und Lehrenden als auch kulinarisch Interessierten eine wahre Fundgrube an historischem Quellenmaterial bietet und sich in die lange Tradition der Kochkunst und Esskultur am Dresdner Hof und den sächsischen Publikationen zur Kulinarik eingliedert. Im Oktober 2022 gründeten die SLUB Dresden und die Technische Universität Dresden (TU) das Deutsche Archiv der Kulinarik, um gemeinsam die inter- und transdisziplinäre Forschung in den Geistes-, Kultur- und Naturwissenschaften rund um die Themen Kochkunst, Tafelkultur und Ernährungskunde weiter zu fördern.
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