Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cookbooks"" "subject:"workbook""
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”Alltid rumstempererat!” Eine Übersetzungsstudie zu Rezipientenbezügen, Handlungsaufforderungen und Ellipsen in Kochbüchern / "Alltid rumstempererat" : A translation study on recipient references, calls to action and ellipses in cookbooksTeschner, Isabell January 2023 (has links)
This paper focuses on three aspects of the recipe minilect in translation from Swedish to German. These aspects concern illocutionary speech acts, reader address and ellipsis. The study aims to find out how frequently different translation strategies are used when translating illocutions, reader address and ellipses and to determine why these translation strategies were chosen. The analysis is mainly based on theories on minilects by Nordman (1994), on reader address and illocutionary acts by Rathmayr (2009) and on ellipsis by Teleman et al. (1999) This theoretical background facilitates the classification of the occurrences of illocutions, reader address and ellipsis quantitatively. Also, a qualitative analysis of representative examples is carried out in order to investigate the reason behind the chosen translation strategy. The results show the primary use of infinitives in illocutionary speech acts in German cookbooks in contrast to the imperative in Swedish cookbooks as well as the prominent avoidance of direct reader address in German. Moreover, ellipses are as frequent in German as it is in Swedish cookbooks, the study shows.
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La gastronomia como metafora de la identidad en la literatura puertorriquena del siglo XXOrtiz, Maria Ines 05 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Smoothieböcker är bara för kvinnor. En diskurs- och semiotisk analys av sju framsidor på smoothieböckerBlychert, Ida January 2018 (has links)
I denna uppsats analyseras sju stycken framsidor på smoothieböcker publicerade mellan år 2007 och 2016. Syftet är att undersöka hur dessa riktar sig till en kvinnlig målgrupp genom sin formgivning. Uppsatsen grundar sig i ett genusvetenskapligt perspektiv som kompletteras med teorier kring semiotik, färg, typografi och bild. Analysen sker i två steg där en semiotisk analys följs av en diskursanalys. I denna kan tre stycken diskurser kring kvinnligheten och smoothietrenden urskiljas: 1) Nyttighet, 2) Lyx, avslappning och njutning och 3) Kvinnligheten. Dessa budskap förstärks även genom färg- och typografival samt titelformuleringar på framsidorna. Slutligen problematiseras dessa resultat genom en diskussion kring vad detta kan ha för konsekvenser på såväl samhälle som individen samt designerns ansvar i formgivningen.
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Den nya kokboken? : En kvalitativ studie om sociala medier och dess påverkan på konsumenterPelle, Ljung January 2018 (has links)
Sociala medier och framför allt Instagram har kommit att få en mer betydande roll i det vardagliga livet där vi interagerar och delar gemensamma intressen med varandra. Att ta bilder på mat och dela dem med varandra har blivit ett av de vanligaste objekten som läggs upp på sociala medier, varför gör folk det? Uppsatsens syfte är att ta reda på hur sociala medier används i vardagen hos personer i åldrarna 36-45 år som lever i barnfamiljer och hur detta påverkar vad de lagar för mat. Vid inhämtning av data användes fyra kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som kompletterades med metoden scroll-along. Där författaren gick igenom informanternas digitala miljö för att få en bättre förståelse för deras vardagliga användande. Resultatet i studien visade på att sociala medier användes av deltagarna för att inhämta inspiration och recept samtidigt som detta sällan ledde till att dem ändrade sina måltidsbeteenden och rätter de valde att tillaga mer än temporärt. Kokbokens användning i medelinkomstfamiljerna var begränsad vilket ledde till ifall inhämtande av recept från sociala medier och matbloggar är den nya kokboken. Detta kunde inte fastställas i denna studie då mer studier behövs inom ämnet och är någonting för framtida forskning. / Social media and especially Instagram has got a more meaningful part in the daily life where we are interacting and sharing our common interests with each other. If there is one object on social media that has become the most common it must be to take pictures of food and share them with others, why do people do that? The intention of this study is to see how social media is used in the daily life of people in the ages 36-45 that lives in families with children and how that affects what food they are making. The data was collected through four qualitative semi-structured interviews that was completed by the scroll-along method. Where the author went through the informant’s digital environment to get a better understanding of their daily social media-usage. The result indicates that the participants used social media to get inspirited and collected recipes whereas on the other hand rarely made them change their meal behavior and dishes they usually cooked more than just temporary. The usage of the cookbook in the middle income families was limited and led to if collecting recipes from social media and food blogs is the new cookbook. This could not be confirmed in this study because more studies within this subject is needed and is something to study more in the future.
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Flora: A CookbookGutelle, Samuel Messer 27 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Ángel Muro et El Practicón : enjeux et perspectives de la littérature gastronomique au XIXe siècle en Espagne / Ángel Muro and El Practicón : issues and perspectives of the gastronomic literature in the 19th century in Spain / Ángel Muro y El Practicón : retos y perspectivas de la literatura gastronómica en el siglo XIX en EspañaBaquet, Marie 16 December 2017 (has links)
Alors que rien ne le prédestinait à se lancer dans l'écriture culinaire, le journaliste Ángel Muro publie le Practicón en 1894 qui devient le livre de cuisine le plus édité en Espagne. Le succès est immédiat : dès la première année de sa parution, l'ouvrage connaît cinq rééditions et sa popularité ne fait que s'accroître au fil du temps puisque le traité culinaire ne compte pas moins de trente‑quatre rééditions, la dernière datant de 1928. Bien plus qu'un livre de cuisine énonçant des recettes diverses et variées, l'ouvrage se présente davantage comme un ouvrage hybride : tour à tour traité d'économie domestique et d'hygiène alimentaire, manuel de civilité, ou encore guide gastronomique, le traité culinaire de Muro atteste de l'existence d'un discours culinaire en Espagne au XIXe siècle qui, entre appropriation et rejet, se construit malgré l'hégémonie gastronomique française en Europe. En ce sens, la tension entre tradition et modernité est révélatrice. À la croisée de deux chemins, le Practicón, tout en s'inscrivant dans la continuité du genre culinaire dont il adopte la forme, apporte également un éclairage intéressant sur cette période de mutations qu'est le XIXe siècle, se définissant ainsi clairement comme une œuvre de son temps en témoignant des derniers progrès scientifiques et en mettant en lumière les préoccupations de la société de son époque. Instrumentalisée, la cuisine espagnole se retrouve au cœur des débats idéologiques : d'une part, elle sert les intérêts de la classe bourgeoise qui, en quête de légitimité sociale, voit en elle le moyen d'afficher sa supériorité sociale et, d'autre part, elle participe à l'élaboration d'un discours sur l'identité nationale. Au-delà d'une simple codification de la cuisine, l'ouvrage de Muro revêt donc de multiples significations, grâce à son ancrage historique et culturel, nous invitant ainsi à questionner le regard porté par l'auteur sur l'art culinaire espagnol de cette fin de siècle. / While nothing predestined him to start working on culinary writing, the journalist Ángel Muro published the Practicón in 1894 which became the most edited cookbook in Spain. It was a real success : in the first year of its publication, the book knew five reprints and its popularity has grown over the years as the culinary Treaty has not less than thirty-four editions, the last one being in 1928. Much more than a cookbook with numerous and varied recipes, the book looks more like a hybrid book : once a treaty on home economics and health food, then a book of civility, or even restaurant guide, Muro’s culinary Treaty is the meaning of the existence of a culinary discourse in Spain at the 19th century, between appropriation and rejection, is being built despite the gourmet French hegemony in Europe. Therefore, the tension between tradition and modernity is revealing. At the crossroads of two paths, the Practicón, while in the continuity of the culinary kind whose shape is the same, also brings an interesting light on this period of change which is symbolic of the 19th century, is clearly defining itself as a work of its time reflecting the latest scientific advances and highlighting the social problems of its time. Exploited, the Spanish cuisine is at the heart of the ideological debates : on the one hand, it serves the interests of the upper class who, in search of social legitimacy, sees in it the way to show off her social superiority and, on the other hand, it’s part of the development of a discourse on national identity. Beyond a simple codification of cooking, Muro’s book has therefore different meanings, thanks to its historical and cultural roots, thus inviting us to question the author’s eye on the Spanish culinary art of the end of the 19th century. / Mientras que nada lo predestinaba a lanzarse a la escritura culinaria, el periodista Ángel Muro publica El Practicón en 1894 que se convierte en el libro de cocina más editado en España. El éxito es inmediato : desde el primer año de su publicación, la obra conoce cinco reediciones y su popularidad no hace más que aumentar andando el tiempo puesto que el tratado culinario contabiliza nada menos que treinta y cuatro reediciones, la última publicada en 1928. Mucho más que un libro de cocina formulando diversas recetas, la obra se presenta más como una obra híbrida : a veces tratado de economía doméstica y de higiene alimenticia, manual de urbanidad, o bien guía gastronómica, el tratado culinario de Muro atestigua la existencia de un discurso culinario en España en el siglo XIX que, entre apropiación y rechazo, se construye a pesar de la hegemonía gastronómica francesa en Europa. En este sentido, la tensión entre tradición y modernidad es reveladora. En la encrucijada, El Practicón, al inscribirse en la continuidad del género culinario del que adopta la forma, revela también un enfoque interesante sobre este periodo de mutaciones que es el siglo XIX, definiéndose así claramente como una obra de su época al poner en evidencia los últimos avances científicos y al resaltar las preocupaciones de la sociedad de su época. Instrumentalizada, la cocina española se encuentra en medio de los debates ideológicos : por una parte, sirve los intereses de la clase burguesa quien, en busca de legitimidad social, ve en ella el medio de mostrar su superioridad social y, por otra parte, participa en la elaboración de un discurso sobre la identidad nacional. Más allá de una simple codificación de la cocina, la obra de Muro adopta pues múltiples significados, gracias a su anclaje histórico y cultural, invitándonos así a cuestionar el punto de vista del autor sobre el arte culinario español de este fin de siglo.
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Comme un roman : regards sur la littérarité de trois ouvrages classiques de la cuisine ménagèreCorbeil, Marie-Christine 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Kokboksundersökningar i naturvetenskapliga läromedel : En läromedelsanalys av hur många och vilka typer av laborativa aktiviteter som framställs i olika naturvetenskapliga läromedelAlmgren, Kajsa January 2022 (has links)
In this study, the aim has been to investigate how different educational materials in the nature science subjects are designed with the intention of how many and what types of laboratory activities the pupils will encounter to contextualize the abstract nature of science to develop their understanding of the content and working methods of science. In order for the pupils to have the opportunity to develop a scientific understanding, it is necessary that they have the opportunity to use their senses to interpret the text that is presented to them. Through various sensual, experimental, and practical activities, pupils can gain an understanding of the abstract phenomena, concepts, and explanatory models of natural science. In today's schools, there are many teachers who use educational materials as their point of departure when teaching science. Educational materials have an important role in science teaching, but depending on how the educational materials are designed, they provide different conditions for learning. In this study, the number of laboratory activities, that appear in different educational materials for science teaching, is investigated, as well as whether these laboratory activities are designed in terms of their degree of freedom and openness. The following questions have been addressed in order to achieve the purpose of the study: - How many laboratory activities can be found in the various educational materials?- Are there more laboratory activities in any of the three nature-oriented subjects, biology, physics, or chemistry? - What types of laboratory activities do the pupils encounter in the educational materials and what degree of openness and freedom do they include? The investigation has been carried out through a qualitative and quantitative text and content analysis where various educational materials have been analyzed based on the context-based learning (CBL) theory and the theory of laboratory classification. The results of the qualitative and quantitative text and content analysis showed that certain educational materials give the pupils more opportunities to connect the scientific content to real experiences. The results also showed that some educational materials have a greater variety of different laboratory forms where the pupils have the opportunity to develop an understanding of the different working methods and content of the natural sciences. The conclusion that can be drawn after this study is therefore that it is important that teachers carefully review the various2educational materials to gain insight into their design. Through insight into the design of the educational materials, the teacher can then supplement the educational materials with, for example, laboratories of varying degrees of openness and freedom to give the pupils the opportunity to fulfill the goals in the curriculum.
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Setting the Table: Ethos-as-Relationship in Food WritingThielen, Brita M. 23 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Teaching of scientific investigations by life and natural science educators in BushbuckridgeDlamini, Amos Paspas 31 August 2008 (has links)
The study describes the teaching of scientific investigations by Life and Natural Sciences educators in the Bushbuckridge Region in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. A quantitative survey method was exploited using a Cluster sampling method. The study was conducted a year after the introduction of the National Curriculum Statement in Grade 10, in South African schools. The study found that most educators use teacher-centred teaching methodologies rather than open inquiry in teaching scientific investigations. Schools still have a shortage of infrastructure, teaching resources and references, which make it difficult for the educators to shift towards the expected new system of teaching. Teachers are confronted with language barriers, heavy workload and insufficient retraining in the new curriculum. / Science and Technology Education / M.Ed.
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