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[pt] A busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável tem como importante
fator diferencial as fontes de energia renováveis. O
biodiesel desponta como uma das alternativas mais
relevantes, mas suas formas de obtenção no Rio de Janeiro
não foram suficientemente investigadas. Este trabalho
identifica a oportunidade da produção de biodiesel a partir
de óleos residuais de fritura neste cenário,
enfatizando os custos de transporte do óleo desde os
principais produtores comerciais até a obtenção do
biocombustível. O objetivo é avaliar os custos de
forma a verificar a viabilidade do emprego desta
alternativa. Para tanto, foram estudadas as diversas
ferramentas de resolução do Problema de Roteamento de
Veículos e foi proposto um algoritmo que visa à otimização
dos custos. A formulação matemática utilizada baseia-se numa
extensão de algoritmos clássicos, como o apresentado por
Arenales et al. (2007), e nas equações desenvolvidas em
Kallehauge (2006). Os resultados do modelo de roteamento,
atrelados aos custos de produção, impostos e insumos, foram
comparados com informações sobre a comercialização do
biodiesel, comprovando sua viabilidade econômica. A
consolidação dos dados obtidos aponta a produção de
biodiesel a partir de óleo residual de fritura como viável,
com custos logísticos equivalentes a R/tmp/aaaUFg8ya,19 por
litro e custo final de R,22 por litro. / [en] The search for a sustainable development has in renewable
energy sources an important differential factor. Biodiesel
is one of the most important alternatives, but its
obtainment forms in Rio de Janeiro have not been
investigated enough. This work identifies the opportunity of
biodiesel production from waste cooking oil in this scenery,
emphasizing oil`s transport costs until factories, where
it is possible to obtain biodiesel in its final form. The
objective is to evaluate costs in order to verify viability
of this alternative source of energy. Hence, this
research analysed several tools for solving Vehicle Routing
Problem and it proposes an algorithm that results in cost
optimization. The adapted mathematic formulation is based in
an extension of classic algorithms, like those presented by
Arenales (2007), and in equations developed by Kallehauge
(2006). The routing model results, linked to production,
tributes and input costs, have been compared with
information about biodiesel commercialization, verifying its
economic viability. The data consolidation obtained
indicates that the biodiesel production from waste cooking
oil is viable, with logistic costs equal to R/tmp/aaaPLIh7a,19 per liter
and final cost equal to R,22 per liter.
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Cuisine, écriture et savoir : transmissions et renaissance de la cuisine médiévale anglaise (XIe-XVe siècles) / Cuisine, writing and knowledge : transmissions and renaissance of English medieval cuisineMeloni, Dino 11 December 2015 (has links)
La renaissance du XIIe siècle, est caractérisée en Angleterre par l'hégémonie de la dynastie des Plantagenêts ainsi que par un épanouissement intellectuel. Aucune étude n'a pourtant évoqué la thèse d'une renaissance culinaire. Cet essai consiste donc à mettre en lumière les rapports de connexité entre pouvoir, savoir et cuisine et de démontrer que le mécanisme de la translatio imperii et studiorum entraîne dans sa dynamique une translatio coquinæ. Si un système complexe de gouvernance encourage l'essor d'une cuisine d'élite, la gastronomie est elle-même un attribut du pouvoir anglo-normand. Au XIIe siècle, l'engouement pour la culture et le savoir gréco-arabe établit un lien culinaire avec l'Antiquité et accentue la rupture avec le passé anglo-saxon. Ce mouvement de reprise d'un passé glorieux, réadaptée et améliorée fait écho dans la notion de « renaissance ». La valorisation de l'écrit en tant que réceptacle du savoir est tout aussi fondamentale. À partir du XIIe siècle, les premières recettes, héritées de la tradition gréco-arabe, révèlent un nouveau rapport entre écriture et cuisine. En déconsidérant la culture orale et la mémoire, jugées faillibles, cette renaissance établit puis lègue la croyance en un progrès gastronomique civilisateur généré par le livre de cuisine. Par opposition, l'absence de recettes implique une cuisine moins sophistiquée et une société moins civilisée. En opérant d'une dynamique commune à la translatio imperii et studiorum, la translatio coquinae compose un mytho-moteur et transmet un mythe gastronomique qui constitue aujourd'hui l'un des fondements du patrimoine culinaire occidental et l'un des dogmes de la méthodologie historiographique. / The twelfth-century renaissance in England is characterized by the hegemony of the Plantagenets as well as Anglo-Norman intellectual thriving. However, no study has yet defended the thesis of an Anglo-Norman culinary renaissance. This dissertation aims at highlighting the connexity between power, knowledge and cuisine and at demonstrating how the mechanism of translatio imperii et studiorum also sets in motion a dynamic of translatio coquinæ. While an elaborate system of governance supports the flourishing of elite cuisine, gastronomy is itself a legitimizing attribute of Anglo-Norman political strategy and influence. In the twelfth century, the enthusiasm for recently discovered Greco-Arabic culture and knowledge establishes a sense of classical culinary revival and stresses the will to break from Anglo-Saxon heritage. Recovering and improving a glorious past echoes in the concept of "renaissance". The promotion of writing as a receptacle of knowledge is equally fundamental. From the twelfth century onwards, the first Western medieval recipes inherited from Greco-Arabic tradition, reveal a new relationship between writing and cooking. Through the depreciation oral culture and memory, considered unreliable, this renaissance establishes and passes down a strong belief in the civilizing gastronomic progress generated by cookbooks, while in contrast, the absence of recipes involve less sophisticated cooking and a less civilized society. Born from the conception of translatio imperii et studiorum, the translatio coquinae has produced a mythomoteur and a gastronomic myth now firmly rooted in Western culinary heritage and in historiographic methodology dogma.
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Potencial de uso agrícola e qualidade de cozimento de cultivares crioulas de feijão / Agronomic performance and cooking quality of common bean land varietiesMorais, Narielen Moreira de 04 December 2013 (has links)
The potential use of common bean land varieties regarding to agronomic performance and cooking quality was little evaluated by plant breeding programs. Therefore, objectives of this study were to evaluate the phenological, morphological, grain yield, absorption percentage and cooking quality characters of common bean land varieties obtained from different location; to study the correlations between phenological, morphological and grain yield characters; to estimate the direct and indirect effects of the characters on grain yield; to select common bean land varieties with high agronomic performance and reduced cooking time for family farms grown and for crosses in plant breeding programs. For this, 23 common bean cultivars, being nineteen land varieties and four cultivars developed by research, were evaluated in field experiments installed at the Federal Institute Farroupilha (IFF), Alegrete, and at Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, in growing season 2012/2013. A significant cultivar x location interaction was observed for the characters number of days from emergence to flowering, cycle, height of insertion of the first pod, height of insertion of the final pod, number of pods per plant, grain yield, b* chromaticity value, absorption percentage and cooking time. Preto Miúdo and Cavalo Rajado land varieties showed high grain yield and agronomic characters desirable for grown. The Banana and Perdiz land varieties showed reduced cooking time, however, presented low agronomic performance and type of grain out of commercial standards, which makes difficult its indication for grown. The number of pods per plant showed positive linear correlation of intermediate magnitude with the grain yield (r = 0.670), and the highest direct effect (0.632). There is presence of genetic variability among the common bean land varieties studied, which enables obtaining genetic gain in breeding programs using this germplasm. The indirect selection for the number of pods per plant is important component in predicting grain yield in common bean land varieties. Preto Miudo and Cavalo Rajado land varieties show high agronomic performance and its use is indicated for cultivation on family farms and for crosses in plant breeding programs. / O potencial de uso das cultivares crioulas de feijão quanto ao desempenho agronômico e a qualidade de cozimento foi pouco avaliado pelos programas de melhoramento. Sendo assim, foram objetivos deste trabalho avaliar os caracteres fenológicos, morfológicos, da produção, da porcentagem de absorção e de qualidade de cozimento de cultivares crioulas de feijão obtidas em diferentes locais; estudar as correlações fenotípicas entre os caracteres fenológicos, morfológicos e da produção; estimar os efeitos diretos e indiretos dos caracteres avaliados sobre a produtividade de grãos; selecionar cultivares crioulas de feijão com elevado desempenho agronômico e reduzido tempo de cozimento para cultivo na agricultura familiar e para uso em cruzamentos dirigidos em programas de melhoramento. Para tanto, 23 cultivares de feijão, sendo 19 crioulas e quatro desenvolvidas pela pesquisa, foram avaliadas em experimentos de campo instalados em área do Instituto Federal Farroupilha (IFF), Alegrete, e da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, no cultivo de safra 2012/2013. Interação cultivar x local significativa foi observada para os caracteres número de dias da emergência à floração, ciclo, altura de inserção da primeira vagem, altura de inserção da última vagem, número de vagens por planta, produtividade de grãos, valor de cromaticidade b*, porcentagem de absorção e tempo de cozimento. As cultivares crioulas Preto Miúdo e Cavalo Rajado apresentaram alta produtividade de grãos e caracteres agronômicos desejáveis para o cultivo. As cultivares Banana e Perdiz apresentaram tempo de cozimento reduzido, porém desempenho agronômico inferior e tipo de grão fora de padrões comerciais, o que dificulta a sua indicação para o cultivo. O número de vagens por planta apresentou correlação linear positiva de intermediária magnitude com a produtividade de grãos (r= 0,670) e o maior efeito direto (0,632) Variabilidade genética é observada entre as cultivares crioulas de feijão avaliadas, o que possibilita a obtenção de ganhos genéticos em programas de melhoramento com o uso deste germoplasma. A seleção indireta pelo número de vagens por planta é indicada na predição da produtividade de grãos em cultivares crioulas de feijão. As cultivares Preto Miúdo e Cavalo Rajado apresentam alto desempenho agronômico e seu uso é indicado para cultivo na agricultura familiar e para uso em programas de melhoramento.
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Household fuel and garbage combustion, street vending activities and adverse pregnancy outcomes:evidence from urban GhanaAmegah, A. K. (Adeladza Kofi) 04 November 2014 (has links)
Air pollution is a major concern in urban areas of developing countries as a result of industrial expansion and increased vehicular ownership, and in most households due to solid fuel use and garbage burning at home. Urban poverty is also widespread in developing countries, and besides perpetuating household air pollution (HAP), it has also meant hazardous occupational choices such as street vending by the urban poor. The epidemiologic evidence linking HAP exposure with adverse pregnancy outcomes is very limited. Research on the health effects of street vending is also scarce with its relationship with fetal growth still unexplored in spite of women dominating this venture.
This project assessed the effects of HAP practices and ambient air pollution exposure on fetal growth and gestational duration, and elaborated the role of environmental exposures in the influence of socioeconomic deprivation on pregnancy endpoints. The project comprised an epidemiologic study, and a qualitative and quantitative synthesis of evidence.
A cross-sectional study of 1,151 mothers-infant pairs accessing postnatal services at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra (n = 592), and the four main health facilities in Cape Coast (n = 559) was conducted. Information on socioeconomic characteristics and activity patterns of mothers, and characteristics of the indoor and outdoor environment were collected in a structured questionnaire. Birth weight and gestational age was retrieved from hospital records. PUBMED, Ovid MEDLINE, SCOPUS and CINAHL databases were searched for studies investigating HAP exposure and pregnancy outcomes for the review.
Multivariate modeling adjusting for confounders resulted in a 243g (95% CI: 496, 11) reduction in birth weight and 41% (risk ratio [RR] = 1.41; 95% CI: 0.62, 3.23) increased risk of low birth weight (LBW) for use of charcoal. Garbage burning was associated with a 195% (RR = 2.95; 95% CI: 1.10, 7.92) increased risk of LBW. The meta-analysis indicated an 86.43g (95% CI: 55.49, 117.37) reduction in birth weight and a 35% (summary-effect estimate [EE] = 1.35; 95% CI: 1.23, 1.48) increased risk of LBW for solid fuel use. Increased risk of other pregnancy endpoints with use of solid fuels was also noted in the meta-analysis. Moderate street vending activity and high traffic density in the vending area jointly resulted in 84% (RR = 1.84; 95% CI: 1.05, 3.24) and 29% (RR = 1.29; 95% CI: 0.68, 2.46) increased risk of LBW and preterm birth, respectively. Evidence of the effects of maternal socioeconomic disadvantage on pregnancy outcomes was noted, with HAP especially substantially mediating the observed effects.
Interventions for mitigating the effects of solid fuel use on health call for eliminating barriers to the adoption of cleaner fuels and educating women about behavioral changes required to minimize exposure. Government should also extend their social safety net programs to pregnant women engaged in hazardous occupations to enable them give up or minimize the number of hours in the work. / Tiivistelmä
Ilmansaasteet ovat merkittävä huolenaihe kehitysmaiden urbaaneilla alueilla teollisuuden ja ajoneuvoliikenteen lisäännyttyä sekä useimmissa kodeissa biomassan, hiilen ja jätteiden polttamisen takia. Urbaani köyhyys on kehitysmaissa laajamittaista, ja sisäilman saasteongelmien pahentamisen lisäksi se johtaa vaarallisiin ammatinvalintoihin, kuten kadulla tapahtuvaan myyntityöhön. sisäilman saasteiden ja sikiön kehityshäiriöiden välisistä yhteyksistä on kuitenkin vain vähän epidemiologisia todisteita. Katumyynnin terveysvaikutuksia on tutkittu hyvin vähän, eikä sen yhteyttä sikiön kasvuun ole tutkittu, vaikka naiset ovat vahvasti edustettuna kyseisellä alalla.
Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkasteltiin sisäilman saasteiden ja ympäristön ilmansaasteiden vaikutuksia sikiön kasvuun ja raskauden kestoon sekä tutkittiin ympäristöaltisteiden roolia sosioekonomisen vähäosaisuuden vaikutuksessa sikiön kehityshäiriöihin. Väitöskirja koostuu epidemiologisesta tutkimuksesta sekä määrällisestä ja laadullisesta aineiston yhdistelemisestä.
Poikittaistutkimukseen osallistui 1151 äiti-vauvaparia, jotka olivat käyneet synnytyksen jälkeen neuvolassa Korle Bu -opetussairaalassa Accrassa (n=592) tai jossain Cape Coastin neljästä pääsairaalasta (n=559). Kyselyllä kerättiin tietoa äitien sosioekonomisesta asemasta ja liikkuvuudesta sekä sisä- ja ulkoympäristön ominaisuuksista. Vauvojen syntymäpainot ja syntymähetken raskausviikot selvitettiin sairaaloiden rekistereistä. Sisäilman saasteille altistumista ja sikiön kehityshäiriöitä tarkastelevia tutkimuksia etsittiin katsausta varten PUBMED-, Ovid MEDLINE-, SCOPUS- ja CINAHL-tietokannoista.
Monimuuttujamallissa, jossa sekoittavat tekijät oli huomioitu, puuhiilen käyttö pienensi syntymäpainoa 243 grammaa (95 % luottamusväli: 496-11) ja lisäsi alhaisen syntymäpainon riskiä 41 % (riskisuhde [RR]=1.41; 95 % luottamusväli: 0.62-3.23). Roskien polttoon liittyi 195 % (RR=2.95; 95 % CI: 1.10-7.92) suurentunut alhaisen syntymäpainon riski. Meta-analyysissä biomassan ja hiilen poltto alensi syntymäpainoa 86.43 grammaa (95 % luottamusväli: 55.49-117.37) ja lisäsi alhaisen syntymäpainon riskiä 35 % (meta-analyysin riskisuhde =1.35; 95 % luottamusväli: 1.23-1.48). Meta-analyysissä havaittiin myös muita biomassan ja hiilen polttoon liittyviä kohonneita kehityshäiriöiden riskejä. Kohtalainen katumyyntiaktiivisuus ja korkea liikennetiheys myyntialueella yhdessä lisäsivät matalan syntymäpainon riskiä 84 % (RR=1.84; 95 % luottamusväli: 1.05-3.24) ja ennenaikaisen syntymän riskiä 29 % (RR=1.29; 95 % luottamusväli 0.68-2.46). Tutkimuksessa todettiin äidin matalan sosioekonomisen aseman vaikutus sikiön terveyteen ja havaittiin, että sisäilman saasteiden rooli havaittujen vaikutusten välittäjänä on merkittävä.
Biomassan ja hiilen polttamisesta aiheutuvien terveysuhkien ehkäisemiseksi puhtaampien polttoaineiden käyttöä tulisi edistää ja naisia tulisi valistaa siitä, kuinka ilmansaasteille altistumista voi vähentää. Hallituksen tulisi sosiaalitukien avulla mahdollistaa vaarallisissa ammateissa työskentelevien, raskaana olevien naisten työajan minimointi.
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Characterisation of the chemical properties and behaviour of aerosols in the urban environmentYoung, Dominique Emma January 2014 (has links)
Atmospheric aerosols have adverse effects on human health, air quality, and visibility and frequently result in severe pollution events, particularly in urban areas. However, the sources of aerosols and the processes governing their behaviour in the atmosphere, including those which lead to high concentrations, are not well understood thus limit our ability to accurately assess and forecast air quality. Presented here are the first long-term chemical composition measurements from an urban environment using an Aerodyne compact Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (cToF-AMS). Organic aerosols (OA) were observed to account for a significant fraction (44%) of the total non-refractory submicron mass during 2012 at the urban background site in North Kensington, London, followed by nitrate (28%), sulphate (14%), ammonium (13%), and chloride (1%). The sources and components of OA were determined using Positive Matrix Factorisation (PMF) and attributed as hydrocarbon-like OA (HOA), cooking OA (COA), solid fuel OA (SFOA), type 1 oxygenated OA (OOA1), and type 2 oxygenated OA (OOA2), where HOA, COA, and SFOA were observed to be of equal importance across the year. The concentration of secondary OA increased during the summer yet the extent of oxidation, as defined by the oxygen content, showed no variability during the year. The main factors governing the diurnal, monthly, and seasonal trends observed in all organic and inorganic species were meteorological conditions, specific nature of the sources, and availability of precursors. Regional and transboundary pollution influenced total aerosol concentrations and high concentration events were observed to be governed by different factors depending on season. High-Resolution ToF-AMS measurements were used to further probe OA behaviour, where two SFOA factors were derived from PMF analysis in winter, which likely represent differences in burn conditions. In the summer an OA factor was identified, likely of primary origin, which was observed to be strongly associated with organic nitrates and anthropogenic emissions. This work uses instruments and techniques that have not previously been used in this way in an urban environment, where the results further the understanding of the chemical components of urban aerosols. Aerosol sources are likely to change in the future with increases in solid fuel burning as vehicular emissions decrease, with significant implications on air quality and health. Thus it is important to understand aerosol sources and behaviour in order to develop effective pollution abatement strategies.
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Efeito do cozimento e ação dos compostos fenólicos de arroz integral na inibição da enzima conversora de angiotensina I e da alfa-amilase / Cooking effect and inhibition of angiotensin I converting enzyme and alpha-amylase by compound phenolics from brown riceIsabel Louro Massaretto 26 March 2009 (has links)
O arroz (Oryza sativa L.), principal alimento para cerca de metade da população mundial, é consumido principalmente na forma polida. Contudo, o arroz integral vem se destacando, devido principalmente aos compostos bioativos presentes nas camadas mais externas do grão. Os benefícios à saúde são atribuídos, em parte, à sua capacidade de combater radicais livres e exercer atividades biológicas, tais como a inibição de determinadas enzimas. Neste trabalho foram analisados os teores de compostos fenólicos totais (FT), solúveis (FS) e insolúveis (FI) e avaliado o efeito do cozimento de 17 genótipos de arroz integral, sete com pericarpo pigmentado e dez genótipos não-pigmentados. Ainda foi avaliada a inibição da enzima conversora de angiotensina I (ECA) e da -amilase por esses compostos, no arroz cru e cozido. O arroz pigmentado se mostrou rico em compostos fenólicos, em média da ordem de 4200 µg eq. ácido ferúlico/g, devido aos seus altos teores de FS, constituídos principalmente por antocianinas e proantocianidinas. Os FI, representados principalmente pelos ácidos fenólicos contribuíram com apenas 20% dos compostos fenólicos totais. O arroz não-pigmentado contém, em média, ao redor de 1000 µg eq. ácido ferúlico/g, distribuídos quase equitativamente entre a fração solúvel e insolúvel. O cozimento do arroz provocou redução nos teores de FT e alteração na proporção entre FS e FI. Essas alterações foram mais pronunciadas no arroz com pericarpo vermelho, afetando principalmente a fração solúvel. O arroz preto, contudo, manteve a proporção entre FS e FI após o cozimento. A -amilase não foi inibida de forma significativa pelos fenólicos das amostras de arroz cozido. O arroz pigmentado inibiu mais fortemente a ECA do que o arroz não-pigmentado, levando a crer que a pigmentação seja um fator importante. No entanto, entre os diferentes genótipos pigmentados, o perfil de fenólicos parece ser o fator determinante para a maior ou menor atividade inibitória. O cozimento do arroz reduziu significativamente a inibição da ECA pelos fenólicos, fato observado principalmente nos genótipos vermelhos, devido à diminuição dos teores de FS e da capacidade inibitória dos fenólicos presentes. O arroz preto se destacou por ter o maior teor de fenólicos solúveis e a maior ação inibidora da ECA, após o cozimento. / Rice (Oryza sativa L.) sustains at present about half of the world´s population. Consumption is mainly in its milled form, but brown rice has prompted further research due to bioactive compounds present in the pericarp of the grain. Some of the positive health effects have been attributed to radical scavenging activity and other biological effects such as inhibition of certain enzymes. In this study it was analyzed the contents of total, soluble and insoluble phenolic compounds of 17 different genotypes of brown rice as well as the effect of cooking. Seven genotypes had pigmented pericarp and ten were non-pigmented. In addition, the extracts from crude and cooked rice were tested for their capacity to inhibit the angiotensin I (ACE) converting enzyme and -amylase activities. Pigmented rice genotypes were highest in phenolic compounds, with an average of about 4200 µg ferulic acid eq./g, due to their high contents of soluble phenolics, mostly represented by anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins. Insoluble phenolics, represented mainly by phenolic acids, contributed with only 20% of total phenolics. Non-pigmented rice showed overall lower levels of phenolics. The mean content was about 1000 µg ferulic acid eq./g, almost equally distributed between the soluble and insoluble fractions. Levels of total phenolics were significantly reduced by rice cooking and proportions between soluble and insoluble fractions were altered. These alterations were more pronounced for pigmented rice, and soluble phenolics were the most affected. However, after cooking, black rice was the only that maintained the original proportion between soluble and insoluble phenolics. Alpha-amylase was not significantly inhibited by phenolics after cooking. Pigmented rice showed a potent inhibition of ACE, much higher than of non-pigmented rice, which seems to indicate that color of the pericarp is an important factor. Nevertheless, different profiles of phenolic compounds may explain why individual pigmented genotypes with similar phenolic levels can have different ACE inhibiting capacities. Rice cooking reduced significantly the inhibition of ACE by phenolics, which feature was more pronounced in pigmented rice due to the reduction of soluble phenolics and the activity of individual phenolics. Among pigmented rice, the highest soluble phenolic content and the most potent ACE inhibition after cooking was observed for black rice turning it the most distinguished notable.
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Características químicas e nutricionais de arroz-preto, vermelho e selvagem e comparação por análise estatística multivariada / Chemical and nutritional characterization of black, red and wild rice and comparison by multivariate analysisIsabel Louro Massaretto 17 December 2013 (has links)
O arroz (Oryza sativa L.) é consumido predominantemente na forma polida, porém há uma tendência na procura por grãos integrais não pigmentados e pigmentados, como o preto e o vermelho, e também pelo arroz selvagem, que pertence ao gênero Zizania. Além da composição nutricional e propriedades sensoriais distintas, os tipos pigmentados possuem compostos bioativos, que atribuem cor aos grãos e que têm sido relacionados a efeitos benéficos à saúde. Contudo, uma comparação em termos nutricionais e de bioativos entre esses grãos ainda inexiste. Este projeto visou comparar a composição química, incluindo os compostos fenólicos totais (CFT), os polifenóis majoritários e a capacidade antioxidante de três amostras de arroz-preto produzido no Estado de São Paulo, duas de arroz-preto produzido no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e 11 de arroz-preto produzido no Estado de Santa Catarina, 9 de arroz-vermelho, produzido nos estados mencionados e, 6 amostras de arroz selvagem, importadas do Canadá e comercializadas em São Paulo; todas as amostras foram produzidas e/ou comercializadas no período de 2009 a 2011. A comparação das variáveis foi feita pelo uso de análise estatística uni- e multivariada. Fez parte do escopo do projeto avaliar o efeito do cozimento sobre a estabilidade dos CFT e a atividade antioxidante. Também foi conduzida uma comparação preliminar dos teores de fitoquímicos lipossolúveis, γ-orizanol, tocoferóis e tocotrienóis, entre 7 amostras de arroz-preto e 4 de arroz-vermelho, todas da safra de 2013. Com base nas análises químicas e na análise estatística multivariada, foi possível agrupar os vários tipos de arroz em quatro grupos, significativamente diferentes entre si: arroz selvagem, arroz-preto de grãos longos, arroz-preto de grãos médios e arroz-vermelho. O grupo que mais se diferenciou dos demais foi o arroz selvagem, por apresentar os maiores teores proteicos (12,9 g/100g) e de ácido α-linolênico (0,12 g/100g) e os menores teores de lipídeos (0,9 g/100g), de compostos fenólicos e atividade antioxidante, entre os grupos estudados. Outro grupo com características distintas foi o arroz-preto de grãos longos que se destacou principalmente pelo elevado teor de compostos fenólicos, representados pelas antocianinas, e elevada atividade antioxidante. A cianidina-3-O-glicosídeo foi identificada por CLAE-DAD-MS/MS, como sendo a antocianina majoritária. Os teores de proteínas e de lipídeos, da ordem de 9,8 e 3,6 g/100g, respectivamente, foram maiores do que dos outros dois grupos estudados. O arroz-preto de grãos médios e o vermelho foram similares em termos de composição de nutrientes e CFT. Os teores proteicos em ambos os grupos foi, em média, de 8,8 g/100g. Porém, enquanto no arroz-preto predominam antocianinas, a coloração do arroz-vermelho é conferida por proantocianidinas, com diferenças na sua atividade antioxidante. O arroz-preto de grãos médios apresentou atividade antioxidante mais do que o dobro do arroz-vermelho, no entanto próxima ao do arroz-preto de grãos longos. Este resultado indica que o elevado teor de antocianinas, independente do formato do grão, é responsável pela alta capacidade antioxidante no arroz-preto. A análise multivariada demonstrou que o formato do grão é determinante na diferenciação dos dois grupos de arroz-preto em termos de composição de nutrientes, como proteínas e lipídeos, mas não de fitoquímicos e de atividade antioxidante. O método ORAC foi mais apropriado para avaliar a atividade antioxidante do arroz-preto, por ser mais sensível à presença de antocianinas do que o método de DPPH·. Nos outros dois grupos, vermelho e selvagem o método de DPPH· também pode ser utilizado. O cozimento do arroz provocou perda significativa nos teores de CFT e na atividade antioxidante do arroz-preto e vermelho. No arroz-preto, a perda de CFT foi de 26%, em média, enquanto a perda das antocianinas foi de 50%. A explicação pode ser que durante o cozimento uma parte das antocianinas seja convertida em ácido protocatecóico, que é dosado como CFT. No arroz-vermelho, a redução de CFT foi de 60%, possivelmente devido a uma insolubilização de parte das proantocianidinas. No arroz selvagem, o cozimento não causou perdas significativas. A capacidade antioxidante dos vários grupos de arroz após o cozimento depende do método empregado, sendo fortemente correlacionada com os teores de CFT remanescentes. Assim, o arroz-preto, mesmo depois de cozido, apresentou a maior capacidade antioxidante, seguido do arroz-vermelho e do selvagem. Numa avaliação inicial, os teores dos fitoquímicos lipossolúveis, γ-orizanol e homólogos da vitamina E, foram semelhantes em arroz-preto e vermelho, indicando que independem da coloração do pericarpo. / Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is mostly consumed in its milled form; however there is an increasing demand for whole non-pigmented and pigmented rice, such as black, red, and wild rice, which the latter belongs to the genus Zizania. Pigmented rice has particular nutritional composition and sensory characteristics, and in addition high amounts of phenolic compounds, which not only confer color but also has been linked to beneficial effects on human health. To date, little is known about the nutritional and bioactive contents of these grains. The aim of this study was to compare the chemical composition, including the total phenolic compounds (TPC), the majoritarian polyphenols and the antioxidant radical efficiency of the following accessions: three black rice from the state of São Paulo, two black rice from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, eleven black rice genotypes from Santa Catarina state, nine red rice from those states and six wild rice, imported from Canada and marketed in São Paulo. All samples were cultivated and/or marketed from 2009 to 2011. Data were evaluated by uni- and multivariate statistical analysis. The effect of cooking on the stability of TPC and antioxidant capacity was also evaluated. In addition, a preliminary comparison of γ- oryzanol, tocopherols and tocotrienols was carried out between two groups: seven black rice and four red rice samples, all of them cultivated in 2013. Based on chemical results and multivariate statistical analysis it was possible to cluster the various types of rice in four groups, significantly different among themselves: wild rice, black long grain rice, black medium grain rice, and red rice. Wild rice was the most dissimilar group due to its highest contents of protein (12.9 g/100g) and α-linolenic acid (0.12 g/100g), and the lowest amounts of lipids (0.9 g/100g), TPC, and antioxidant capacity. Black long grain rice was characterized mainly by its high contents of TPC, especially anthocyanins and by its elevated antioxidant capacity. Cyanidin-3-O-glycoside was identified by HPLC-DAD-MS/MS as being the main anthocyanin. The protein and lipid mean contents in these groups were respectively, 9.8 and 3.6 g/100g and were higher than the amounts in the other next two types of rice. The black medium grain rice and red rice were similar in terms of nutrient composition and TPC. The average amount of protein in both groups was about 8.8 g/100g. However, in black rice prevails anthocyanins, while in red rice coloration is provided by proanthocyanidins, which results in differences in antioxidant activity. Medium and long black grain rice showed a 2-fold higher antioxidant activity than red rice. These findings indicate that the high content of anthocyanins, independent of the grain shape, is responsible for the high antioxidant capacity in black rice. The multivariate analysis demonstrated that the grain shape is fundamental to differentiate black rice in terms of nutrient composition, like protein and lipids, but not in relation to amounts of phytochemicals and antioxidant capacity. ORAC was more suitable than DPPH· methodology to evaluate the antioxidant activity of black rice, due to its high correlation to anthocyanin contents. Conversely, DPPH· can be a consistent method to evaluate antioxidant capacity of red and wild rice. Cooking resulted in significant loss on TPC contents and on the antioxidant capacity of black and red rice. In black rice, 26% of TPC was reduced on average, while the loss of anthocyanins was 50%. The reason may be that during cooking, part of the anthocyanins is converted into protocatechuic acid, which is quantified as TPC. The reduction in TPC in red rice was 60%, possibly due to a partial insolubilization of proanthocyanidins. In wild rice, cooking caused no significant loss of TPC. The antioxidant capacity of different types of cooked rice was dependent on the method used, being strongly correlated with the remaining levels of TPC. Thus, black rice even after cooking showed the highest antioxidant capacity, followed by red and wild rice. From a preliminary evaluation, the contents of lipophilic phytochemicals, γ-orizanol and vitamin E homologues were similar in black and red rice, which indicates that the contents of these compounds are not dependent of the pericarp color.
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Efeito de dois métodos de cocção - água e vapor - nos parâmetros de qualidade do músculo Semitendinosus. / Effect of two methods of heating waterbath and steam - in the parameters of quality of Semitendinosus muscle.Marielen de Lima Silva 21 January 2005 (has links)
A produção industrial de carnes requer o conhecimento de seu comportamento durante o aquecimento. Visando o controle do processo, são necessários dados relativos às características microbiológicas da carne crua, a composição centesimal da carne cozida, o tratamento térmico aplicado e suas conseqüências na flora microbiana do produto. Avaliar a efetividade de diferentes tratamentos térmicos, os índices de qualidade e o rendimento dos cortes de carne são os objetivos deste trabalho. Foram utilizadas amostras de músculos Semitendinosus de carne bovina cozidas em dois meios de aquecimento, água e vapor, em duas temperaturas (70°C e 80°C). A efetividade do tratamento térmico aplicado às amostras foi avaliada através da elaboração da curva de penetração de calor em cada uma das amostras, calculando-se os valores P de pasteurização e as reduções decimais alcançada. Foram avaliadas as influências da temperatura e do tipo de aquecimento, isoladamente, na capacidade de retenção de água (CRA), assim como, a interação entre as variáveis. Os fatores i) perdas por cocção e ii) maciez objetiva foram analisados conjuntamente relacionando-as com as temperaturas e os tipos de aquecimento experimentados. Observou-se através de avaliação sensorial em que medida os fatores como a presença de tecido conjuntivo, suculência e sabor influenciaram a maciez do corte de Semitendinosus. Os resultados mostram que a temperatura de 70ºC não foi suficiente para a pasteurização neste experimento, tendo como microrganismo alvo o Clostridium botulinum tipo E. A maciez objetiva não foi influenciada por nenhum dos tratamentos. Na análise sensorial a variável maciez foi significativamente influenciada pela presença de colágeno de forma negativa e pela suculência de forma positiva. / The industrial manufacturing of meat requires the knowledge of its behavior in the course of the cooking process. To control the process its absolutely necessary to have data relative to the microbiological characteristics of the raw meat, the centesimal composition of the cooked meat, the thermal treatment applied and its consequences in the flora of the product. To evaluate the effectiveness of different thermal treatments, the levels of quality and the performance of meat cuts are the purposes of this work. Samples of Semitendinosus muscles of cooked bovine meat were submitted to two ways of heating, water and steam, under two temperatures (70ºC and 80ºC). The effectiveness of the applied thermal treatment to the samples was evaluated through the elaboration of the curve of penetration of heat in each one of the samples, calculating its P values of pasteurization and the decimal reductions reached. The influences of the temperature and the way of cooking have been evaluated, separately, in the water holding capacity (WHC), as well as the interaction between the variables. The factors i) cooking losses ii) objective tenderness were analyzed jointly relating them with the temperatures and the distinct ways of cooking. Sensorial evaluation was used to measure the influences of factors like conjunctive presence, juiciness and flavor over the tenderness of the cut of Semitendinosus. The experiment showed that the temperature of 70ºC was not enough to pasteurize the E type Clostridium botulinum microorganism. The objective tenderness was not influenced by any of the procedures. The sensorial analysis showed that tenderness was significantly influenced negatively by the presence of connective tissue and positively by the juiciness.
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Kibbi and kinship: Lebanese home cooking in Latin America as a method for memory, kinship, and the hybridization of food and identityLord, Giselle Kennedy January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the practice, significance, and development over
time of ‘traditional’ home cooking for the descendants of Lebanese immigrants in Argentina and
greater Latin America. This is an exploratory paper suggestive of themes that could be examined
more deeply through more localized research (Rowe 2012). Nonetheless, this study supports a
number of conclusions about this dynamic diasporic group and its relationship to traditional food
practices. Narratives and responses about meaning in memory, kinship, and tradition tell an
important story about motivations for engaging in food and cooking practices among the
descendants of the Lebanese diaspora in Latin America. My study shows that my participants
and respondents engage in food and cooking practice as a largely unselfconscious reproduction
of cultural identity motivated primarily by a desire to connect with their kin, to evoke memories
of their past, and to preserve the gastronomic heritage taught to them—whether directly or
indirectly—by their immigrant ancestors. [TRUNCATED]
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Bibliotheca Gastronomica Walter Putz. - Band 1: Die DruckeSächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden January 2009 (has links)
Der vorliegende Katalog dokumentiert in Band 1 in chronologischer Folge 3863 Drucke.
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