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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On quantum systems and the measurement problem

Boulle, Nicolas January 2023 (has links)
We focus on the Tensor Product Structure (TPS) of the Hilbert space and the fact that a choice in the TPS has an impact on the representation of the studied quantum system. We define the measurement problem in quantum mechanics and present some theories about quantum mechanics, each of them highlighting a different approach to quantum measurements. Then, a new approach to quantum measurement is presented by considering it as a change in the Tensor Product Structure of the Hilbert space associated with the description of a system. The system is made of a physical quantum system entangled with a measurement device. The description of the system changes to a new one where there is no entanglement anymore between the physical system and the measurement apparatus. The change in the TPS is performed using a global unitary transformation and more precisely by diagonalizing the density matrix of the system using unitary matrices. Four sets of matrices are obtained, each of them diagonalizing the density matrix in a different way for our toy model made of 2 qubits. Then, we want to recover Born’s rule directly from the diagonalizing matrices by measuring the size of their sets using Haar measure. We have not been able to conclude this program, but we outline what is expected to happen such that standard probabilities can be recovered.

Vägen från europeisk klimatlag till nationell lagstiftning och genomförandestrategier : En jämförelse av svensk och dansk lagstiftning i relation till byggsektorn / The Path From European Climate Law to National Legislation and Implementation Strategy : A comparison of Swedish and Danish legislation in relation to the construction sector

Garhem, Malin, Grip, Cecilia January 2023 (has links)
Växthusgasutsläpp är den främsta bidragande faktorn till dagens klimatförändringar och byggsektorn bidrar med nästan en tredjedel av dem. Att reducera utsläppen för att uppnå klimatmålen om klimatneutralitet 2050 är en utmaning för miljölagstiftningen. En viss skillnad i tolkning av EU-lagstiftning uppstår när länder implementerar den i nationell lagstiftning, till följd av att de gett upp en del av sin suveränitet då de är skyldiga att följa dessa krav. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur stor skillnad i tolkning som uppstår i övergången mellan EU-miljölagstiftning och nationell miljölagstiftning, i relation till byggsektorn, i Sverige och Danmark. Utöver detta syftade studien även till att få en förståelse för hur stor samverkan är för att minska växthusgasutsläppen inom byggsektorn i Öresundsregionen. Metoden utgick från grundad teori och en innehållsanalys av lagstiftnings- samt företagsdokument utfördes för att undersöka den skillnad som uppstår i lagstiftningen. Resultatet visade att det fanns en skillnad i tolkning från EU-lagstiftning till respektive nationell nivå. Tolkningen tyder på faktorer som skillnader i kulturella värderingar och normer av natur och miljö, samarbetsnivåer och strategiska åtgärder för att klara klimatmålen. Vidare framkom det att genomförandestrategierna för att reducera växthusgasutsläppen inom Öresundsregionen var likartade. Slutligen visade resultatet att de viktigaste faktorerna att undersöka i förhållande till studiens syfte rör regionala samarbeten. / Greenhouse gas emissions are the main contributing factor to today’s climate change and the construction sector contributes to almost a third of them. Reducing emissions in order to achieve the climate goals regarding climate neutrality in 2050, is a challenge for environmental legislation. A certain difference in interpretation from EU legislation arises when member states implement it into national legislation, due to giving up a part of their sovereignty in order to comply with these requirements. The purpose of this study was to examine the difference in interpretation that arises in the transition between EU environmental legislation and national environmental legislation, in relation to the construction sector, in Sweden and Denmark. In addition, the study aimed to gain an understanding of how collaborative the construction sector in the Øresund region is, when it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The research method was based in grounded theory and a content analysis of legislative and corporate documents have been carried out to examine the difference in interpretation that arises in the legislation. The results showed that there was a difference in interpretation from EU legislation to each national legislation. The difference in interpretation signifies factors such as differences in cultural values and norms regarding nature and the environment, levels of cooperation and strategic measures to meet the climate goals. Furthermore, the results regarding the implementation strategies in order to reduce greenhouse gas emission in the Øresund region were similar. Finally, the result showed that the most important factors to examine in relation to the research question relates to collaboration within regions.

The ABC's of Placemaking Governance : Learning from Amsterdam, Berlin and Copenhagen / Placemaking processer i lokala myndigheter : Lärdomar från Amsterdam, Berlin och Köpenhamn

Wolfram, Filemon January 2021 (has links)
Placemaking is an approach to designing urban spaces based on their existing values and identities. It has emerged as a response to citizens wishing to have an active role in the planning process and influence the development of their own surroundings. Placemaking often occurs from spontaneous consequences, with a diverse range of urban stakeholders involved in the process. Leading these complex processes has required local authorities to rethink their approach to urban governance. Despite municipalities being key actors in placemaking contexts, their role in the process is not well understood. Through a comparative case study of Amsterdam, Berlin and Copenhagen, this thesis examines how local authorities have interpreted and contributed to placemaking. The cities are analysed with a theoretical framework consisting of their governance structures, spatial leadership roles, placemaking tools and facilitation of public participation. The results indicate that municipalities interpret placemaking to involve public participation in a place-bound approach. A wide range of stakeholders were identified to be involved in the placemaking process, including local authorities, artists, neighbourhood associations, leisure time clubs, civic interest groups and private property developers. The roles of these actors were found to vary greatly from project to project. The study concludes that – despite some opportunistic flexibility – the municipalities of Amsterdam, Berlin and Copenhagen generally take on a more observing, follower-dominant and bottom-linked role in the placemaking process. This observation implies that during the 21st century, cities have adopted a significantly more adaptive and observant role in their urban governance processes. This is especially evident within the placemaking context, which embraces the idea of co-creation and collaboration.

Place Identity in Ny Ellebjerg : A study of the place identity transformation of a post-industrial neighbourhood.

Valentin Rasmussen, Sofie January 2022 (has links)
This research investigates two neighbourhoods around the train and S-train Ny Ellebjerg in South of Valby, which is a part of Copenhagen. The area, which is a post-industrial area, includes several old factory buildings renovated as office- and workspaces. The research aims to investigate the identity transformation in the area and the influence of the recent development plans in the identity. Therefore, the research questions are: How has the place identity of Ny Ellebjerg changed from being industrial to a densely built neighbourhood and what do the plans indicate for the future? How has the development plans and local plans contributed to the place identity transformation of the Ny Ellebjerg area? The thesis will answer these questions with a triangulation between a content analysis on the involved development plans, local plans and municipal plans, and expert interviews as well as walk-along interviews with residents from the area. The findings of the thesis showed that identity of Ny Ellebjerg has changed from being mainly industrial into a city environment inspired by the forms of the industrial constructions, but with a lot of the buildings perceived as very similar to other areas standardized architecture. The plans for the future indicate that it is necessary to plan with more focus on the residents living in the area. The findings of this thesis showed connections between the wish to preserve the area and turn it into a post-modern, post-industrial area with close ties to its past. The aims of the local plan were not realised fully, since the Følager development was only half built and much of the green areas shown in the illustrations was also found to have not been made, due to it not being directly stated in units in the plans.

A Current Need for Continuity

Svensson, Nils Patrik January 2022 (has links)
Throughout these last few decades, phenomenology and modern physics have slowly started to approach each other in order to bridge the gap between the subjective and objective. In this thesis I aim to show an approach done with the help of Karen Barad's agential realism; a quantum interpretation enabling us to better understand and analyse our complex world, as well as our perception of it.Taking inspiration from new materialism, phenomenology and physics, I see a need to properly leave discrete dualism behind, in order to be able to describe cultural and material structures as continuous manifolds. Instead of endlessly searching for their binary and changeless parts. / Under de senaste decennierna har fenomenologin och den moderna fysiken sakta men säkert börjat närma sig varandra, för att försöka fylla gapet mellan det subjektiva och det objektiva. I den här uppsatsen vill jag visa på ett av dessa tillvägagångssätt genom att använda mig av Karen Barads agentisk realism; en kvantfysisk tolkning som underlättar vår förståelse och förmåga att analysera en komplex värld, samt vår perception av den.Med inspiration från nymaterialism, fenomenologi och fysik, så ser jag ett behov att lämna en diskret dualism bakom oss, för att istället beskriva kulturella och materialistiska strukturer som en kontinuerlig mångfald. Till skillnad från det ändlösa sökandet efter deras binära och oföränderliga delar.

Securitization in Times of Crisis : A comparative discourse analysis of the securitization of the war in Ukraine and the war in Syria

Jeffler, Nicole January 2022 (has links)
This thesis studies how securitization differs between the war in Ukraine and the war in Syria. It does so by comparing conclusions, statements and speeches published by the European Council in order to understand the perceived differences in crisis management according to their initial reactions. The aim is thus to compare the two crises to understand the European Union's different crisis management. Furthermore, this study uses a discursive analysis to investigate the European Council's reactions through securitization theory, which identifies how a political issue becomes a security threat. The findings suggest that the two crises illustrate different perceptions of the security threat and what to protect, highlighted in the diverse management. In turn, this means that the crises have been securitized differently, and the results have contributed to providing an explanation of the different management and understanding of the crises. Future research is encouraged regarding the effects of securitization and further exploring how the cases' differences affect the results to understand the two crises better.

Systerstädernas cykelsatsningar: En analys av möjligheterna för ökad cykeltrafik i en sydskandinavisk kontext

Roth, Andreas, Nilsson, André January 2015 (has links)
I det hållbara planeringsidealet anses cykeln vara en viktig del av en fungerande trafiklösning, trots detta tenderar många städer ha problem att uppnå deras egna mål för ökad cykeltrafik. Studien analyserar Malmös och Köpenhamns cykelplanering och cykelvägsstruktur utifrån aktuell cykeltrafikforskning, i syfte att undersöka vilka strategier och förutsättningar som städerna har gemensamt, och vad som skiljer dem åt. Målet för studien är att få svar på hur, och i vilken mån Malmös cykeltrafikandel kan öka utifrån Köpenhamns exempel, och att få en vidare förståelse för de utmaningar som den framtida cykelplaneringen står inför. Studiens metod tar ansats ur fältstudier av fyra cykelfrämjande städer i Europa. Sammanställningen av fältstudierna resulterar i att tre cykelstrategier identifieras som gemensamma för de fyra cykelfrämjande städerna. Därefter analyseras Köpenhamns och Malmös cykelprogram utifrån de tidigare nämnda cykelstrategierna. Analysen fastslår att Köpenhamn borde ses som en framstående cykelstad och möjliggör för en jämförande analys mellan Köpenhamns och Malmös cykelsatsningar. Den jämförande analysen mellan Köpenhamns och Malmös cykelsatsningar avslutas med en redovisning och tolkning av resultaten från analysen.För att kunna förstå cykelprogrammens spatiala relation till städerna de är tänkta att implementeras i används en space syntax-analys. Genom att undersöka satsningarnas rumsliga kontext i förhållande till det befintliga cykelvägsystemet kan en djupare förståelse för cykelsatsningarnas omfattning och orsak uppnås.Studiens resultat identifierar tre strategier som är direkt kopplade till andelen cykeltrafik i städer. Den fastställer även att trots cykelsatsningarnas övergripande likheter, skiljer implementeringen och omfattningen av dessa satsningar sig åt mellan Köpenhamn och Malmö. Infrastrukturens stora påverkan på cykelutvecklingen i stort framgår även det i studiens resultat. Studien visar även på hur de båda städernas cykelprogram förhåller sig till cykelns socialt utjämnande egenskaper. Resultatet visar att det finns indikationer från båda städernas framtida cykelplanering på att dessa utjämnande egenskaper har fått en lägre prioritering allt efter cykeltrafiken anpassas till starkare samhällsgrupper. / In the sustainable planning paradigm, the bicycle is seen as playing an important role of combining effective, environmentally friendly, and space conserving transport to the compact city. Despite its overall positive effect on city life, many cities seem to struggle to achieve the goal of increased bicycle traffic. This study studies the similar strategies and efforts used by bicycle friendly European cities through current research literature, in order to analyze Malmö’s and Copenhagen’s efforts to increase their bicycle traffic. The goal of the study is to examine Malmö’s potential for increased bicycle traffic through Copenhagen’s bicycle planning strategies, and to get a deeper understanding of the challenge’s that may face the future field of bicycle planning. The study’s method starts in field studies of four bicycle friendly European cities. The compilation of the field studies identifies three bicycle planning strategies as mutual for all four cities. The mutual bicycle strategies are then used as a tool and benchmark for the analysis of Copenhagen´s and Malmoe´s municipal bicycle program. To understand the spatial relation between the cities bicycle strategies and the street network that they are supposed to be implemented in, a space syntax-analysis is performed. The results from the comparative analysis of the cities bicycle programs and the space syntax-analysis is then summarized and discussed. The result of the study identifies three crucial criteria’s that according to the study has a high possibility of affecting a city’s bicycle share. It also points to the importance of a well-developed bicycle infrastructure to achieve a higher level of competitiveness for the bicycle as a mode of transport. The study also highlights the socially balancing properties of the bicycle as a mode of transport, and the concern of losing these properties due to bicycle planning strategies that is starting to be adapted in order to attract people from more affluent social groups.

The prevalence of illegal parking : The impact of building use on prevalence of illegal parking in Copenhagen

Murckova, Lenka January 2024 (has links)
This study examines the impact of building use on the prevalence of illegal parking in Copenhagen. Illegal parking poses significant challenges to urban mobility, environmental sustainability, and urban aesthetics. By focusing on Copenhagen, a city renowned for its progressive urban policies and commitment to green mobility, this research investigates how different building use categories such as commercial, residential, institutional, industrial, leisure, and technical affect illegal parking incidents. Utilizing data from 2021 to 2023, the study employs spatial analysis and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression to analyze the relationship between building use and illegal parking. The findings indicate that commercial buildings have the highest positive impact on illegal parking prevalence, followed by technical and institutional buildings. Conversely, residential buildings, while highly prevalent, show a less significant impact on illegal parking. The study underscores the importance of urban design and effective parking management in mitigating illegal parking. Proximity to public transportation hubs shows a complex relationship with illegal parking, highlighting the need for comprehensive strategies that address both parking demand and public transport accessibility. These findings provide valuable insights for urban planners and policymakers aiming to develop sustainable urban environments.

Strategies and challenges of circular collaboration : Exploring barriers and enablers in business-to-business connections in textile industry in Malmö and Copenhagen

Mossakowska, Marta, Napierski, Lea January 2024 (has links)
This study explored the barriers and enablers of collaboration within circular supply chains in the textile industry, focusing on the Malmö and Copenhagen regions. Through a qualitative case study approach, the research analyzed stakeholder engagement, technological integration, sustainable practices, policy support, and economic considerations. Data was collected via semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders, providing insights into the complexities of transitioning to circular economy practices. The findings emphasized the critical role of proactive stakeholder involvement, technological advancements, and supportive policies in fostering collaboration and sustainability. The study contributed to both theoretical understanding and practical applications, offering a robust framework for promoting circular economy initiatives in the textile sector.

Climate change negotiations and the North-South relationship : an exploration of continuity and change

Azarch, Anna 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Political Science. International Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The politics of climate change has thus far been marked by controversy and a lack of consensus in regards to the best manner in which to comprehend and mitigate this problem. This is further aggravated by the characterisation of climate change as a global problem requiring a global solution which has served to only further complicate inter-state relations. While a number of analysts have remarked that the North-South relationship is no longer a meaningful analytical tool in international relations, it will be the purpose of this study to explore this contention within the field of climate change negotiations and to identify both the transformation and continuity within the relationship between the North and South. The unsuccessful nature of climate negotiations are largely held to be the result of the rift between the North and South, where the issues relating to the global political economy are largely responsible for the lack of consensus being reached between developing and developed countries. All climate negotiations since the 1972 UN Conference on the Environment and Development have showcased the tension between the two regions in regards to climate change mitigation and their inability to overcome this fissure. More importantly, the ensuing Copenhagen Summit of 2009 further highlighted a rift amongst the developing countries of the South, and between the developed and developing countries. As a consequence, the main aim of the research will be to understand the character of the global interactions between the North and South in terms of the context of global environmental politics. It is also the purpose of this research to gain a more comprehensive account of the sequence of causation within this relationship which stalled the negotiating process and lastly, to understand the conceptual demarcations of the two terms in the post-Cold War era so as to better understand the nature of the relationship between the two regions. What may be surmised by the study is that there is still a continuity to be found in the international arena pertaining to the North-South relationship. However, the Copenhagen Summit has been instrumental in showcasing the growing stratification that is found within the South and as a result has highlighted the cross-alliances that have formed between the North and South in order to maintain economic growth. Overall, while the North-South relationship does impact the nature of climate mitigation negotiations, the stratification of states based upon economic and developmental divergences will result in states forming alliances based upon economic self-interest. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die politiek van klimaatsverandering is tot dusver gekenmerk aan kontroversie en ‟n gebrek aan konsensus met betrekking tot die mees effektiewe wyse waarop hierdie probleem verstaan en gemitigeer kan word. Die probleem word verder vererger deur die kenmerk van klimaatsverandering as ‟n globale probleem wat ‟n globale oplossing verg, wat tot die verdere komplikasie van interstaat-verhoudings gelei het. Verskeie analiste het opgemerk dat die verhouding tussen die Noorde en Suide nie meer dien as betekenisvolle analitiese gereedskap op die gebied van internasionale verhoudings nie. Die doel van hierdie ondersoek is gevolglik om hierdie aanname in oënskou te neem, en om beide transformasie en kontinuïteit binne die verhouding tussen die Noorde en Suide te identifiseer. Die onsuksesvolle aard van klimaatsonderhandelinge word grootliks toegeskryf aan die onenigheid tussen die Noorde en Suide, met kwessies rondom die globale politieke ekonomie grootliks verantwoordelik vir die gebrek aan konsensus tussen die streke. Sedert die 1972 VN Konferensie oor die Omgewing en Ontwikkeling het alle klimaatsonderhandelinge die spanning tussen die twee streke met betrekking to klimaatveranderingsversagtings en hul onvermoë om hierdie skeur te oorbrug, ten toon gestel. Die 2009 Kopenhagen-beraad het ‟n onenigheid ontbloot tussen die ontwikkelende lande in die Suide en tussen ontwikkelende en ontwikkelde lande. Gevolglik is die hoofdoelstelling van hierdie studie om die aard van globale interaksies tussen die Noorde en Suide te verstaan met betrekking tot die konteks van globale omgewingspolitiek. Die doel van die navorsing is ook om ‟n meer omvattende verklaring te verkry oor die volgorde van oorsaaklike verbande binne hierdie verhouding wat die onderhandelingsproses tot stilstand gebring het en laastens, om die konseptuele afbakening van hierdie twee terme in die post-Koue Oorlog era en die aard van die verhouding tussen die twee streke beter te verstaan. Hierdie studie wys dat daar steeds kontinuïteit in die internasionale arena is met betrekking tot die verhouding tussen die Noorde en Suide. Die 2009 Kopenhagen-beraad was egter instrumenteel om die groeiende stratifikasie wat binne die Suide gevind word uit te lig, en die kruisalliansies wat tussen die Noorde en Suide gevorm is om ekonomiese groei in stand te hou, te beklemtoon. Alhoewel die verhouding tussen die Noorde en Suide tog ‟n impak op die aard van klimaatsversagtingsonderhandelings uitoefen, sal die stratifikasie van state wat op ekonomiese- en ontwikkelingsafwykings gebaseer is tot gevolg hê dat state alliansies vorm op grond van ekonomiese selfbelange.

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