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Malmö FF i Champions League - påverkan på Malmö som destination. : En enkätstudie riktad till MFF - supportrar.Quaggiotto, Emilié January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Garaget- A second living roomMemari Poor, Elham January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the use of a participatory approach to develop a marginalized urban area in the city of Malmö, Sweden. By setting up an innovative, participatory and dialogue oriented meeting place called Garaget, the municipality hopes to strengthen the local community and increase the level of inclusion of the residents into a more sustainable society. Garaget is situated in a place with a history of more than a decade of social projects through the EU URBAN initiative, and has “inherited” the extreme participatory approach of that program. Garaget has also been designed to create a fruitful encounter between the urban social research and the community and as a laboratory for dialogue between community and authorities. Today Garaget functions not only as a community oriented space, but also as a library, café, meeting place and creative workshop, all with the intention to feel as a “second living room”. Although there is no doubt that this living room has been widely used by the local community, especially for holding functions, weddings and other events of social nature, the question whether this participatory approach and dualistic design of public and private space will increase the inclusion of the residents into mainstream society, or if it will just add comfort to the isolation and marginalized position they already inhabit today, is left open and needs further research.
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Delay Analysis in Marshalling Yards : The case study of MalmöKontaxi, Chrysi January 2020 (has links)
The management of terminal yards requires quite complex day-to-day operations when hundreds of trains could be entered and/or exited marshalling yards every day. More specifically, multi-dimensional decisions are necessary to be taken in daily basis for management of operations. Manual solutions might cause inefficiency in the yard’s operation and consequently to the network. Nowadays, many freight trains in Sweden fail to follow their scheduled plan. In particular, a small portion of trains are following the scheduled arrival and departure time while the majority of trains run ahead of schedule.This master thesis aims to conduct evaluation of internal procedures within a marshalling yard in terms of time, examine the magnitude of delays from the scheduled departure time, and to identify the key reasons causing the delay during departure and their main implications. Furthermore, the master this aims to investigate ways of optimizing operations to increase system punctuality. The Malmo’s marshalling yard was used as a case study.The methods are used for this master thesis are a qualitative as well as a quantitative assessment. A literature review has been conducted using journal papers, conference papers and technical reports from other relevant projects as well as on-site visit and interviews. In order to manipulate the data for the research, the software Planimate was used and a simulation model is built based on operations in Malmo’s marshalling yard. Three scenarios are performed. The first one is considered without any usage of automation. The second one, automation is applied in the case of the arrival yard and the third one, automation is applied in the arrival and the departure yard.The findings from the qualitative research show that there are several factors cause delays, either network failures such as the late arrival of trains in the yard or internal factors as the reduced railway capacity. Also, as the simulation model has been demonstrated, any application of automated processes within the marshalling yard’s operations will be beneficial because will speed up the internal processes. For instance, the third scenario turns out the best scenario among the others because time is reduced almost to half time compared to the first scenario.
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The Relationship between Social and Venture Capital in Uppstart MalmoAli, Qasim, Memari Poor, Elham January 2011 (has links)
Today’s the concept of social entrepreneurship; social capital and venture capital are defined by several experts. This case study sets out to gain an understanding of the relation between social capital and venture capital in Uppstart Malmö, a new social entrepreneurial organization which focuses on creating job opportunities in the city of Malmö, where unemployment rate is comparatively high. Analyzing empirical data from interview and other documentation, the results show that Uppstart Malmö is concentrating in the social dimension of enterprise and emphasizing on social capital more than venture capital. While by some means, the foundation is going toward achieving social goal. Uppstart Malmö is not yet an ideal model for completely social organization and commercial signs can be seen in their plans.
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Urban Aquaponics : Sustainable Integration of Aquaponics within the City of MalmöAlawad, Gharam, Alawad, Maram January 2022 (has links)
With increasing urban expansion and rising global demand for food production, integrating aquaponics within the urban contexts can be considered an alternative sustainable solution to enrich the local production and self-sufficiency. In this research, we aim to study the aquaponics system and provide a design guide for implementing the urban version of the system in the city of Malmo. The design guide will be also practically tested in a form of an architectural proposal at the end of the research. To reach the results, various case studies and academic research were investigated. In addition to other qualitative and quantitative methodologies, such as interviews, questionnaire, and ethnographic studies that contributed to making progress during the research’s different phases. The analysis of data was to generate sustainable bases for urban aquaponics that go in line with the city’s conditions and citizens’ aspirations. Accordingly, several methods and techniques were deducted to be used for the sustainable integration of the aquaponics system within the urban context of Malmo. Nevertheless, the integration process can contribute to including other operations with the aim of increasing aquaponics sustainability and solving urban issues within the context. However, the design guide produced in this paper is mainly for the city of Malmo, but it can be adjusted to other social and geographical contexts.
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Sonic Brand Malmö : - En analys av Malmö stads ljudidentitet / Sonic Brand Malmö : - An analysis of Malmö's Sonic BrandRoos, Martin January 2023 (has links)
Jag har analyserat Malmö stads ljudidentitet ur flera perspektiv och funnit att de i stort har följt tidigare forskning och vedertagna varumärkesprocesser när de arbetat fram stadens ljudidentitet. I jämförelse med tidigare forskning och branschpraxis saknas dock ett par delar i processen som kan haft betydelse för slutresultatet. En del är att Malmö stad inte konsekvent använt varumärkesplattformen när de arbetat fram de ljudattribut som de grundande ljudidentiteten på. En annan del är det inte framkommer på vilka grunder Malmö stad valde de fem olika inspelningsplatserna. Övriga moment som saknas i processen men som sannolikt har mindre betydelse för slutresultatet är att det saknas en analys av Malmös ljudande historik, samt att Malmö stad inte kraftsamlat platsens aktörer i framtagandet av ljudidentiteten. Malmö stads ljudidentiteten grundar sig i stort på ljudattributen och val av inspelningsplats. Det innebär att om de fullt ut hade arbetat utifrån varumärkesplattformen samt identifierat stadens ljudlandskap så hade ljudidentiteten sannolikt låtit helt annorlunda. Vägval tidigt i processen har stor påverkan på slutresultatet.
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Vems MöllevångenSekaric, Tamara January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att sätta ord på förändringarna som sker på Möllevången i Malmö genom att testa om det skulle kunna förklaras med ordet gentrifiering. Samt hur dessa förändringar har påverkat och kommer att påverka människor.Metoden för genomförandet kommer till största del att bestå av djupgående intervjuer med människor som bor och vistas i området. Detta för att uppmärksamma vilka förändringar som sker, har skett och hur de upplevs. Sedan kommer berättelserna från intervjupersonerna att jämföras med gentrifieringen som den beskrivs av samhällsvetare och författare.Resultatet visar att det med högsta sannolikhet pågår en gentrifiering av Möllevången men att denna uppfattas olika av olika människor och inte behöver vara negativ. / The study aims to put into words the changes that occur on Möllevången in Malmö by testing whether it could be explained by the word gentrification. And how these changes have affected and will affect people. The method of implementation will largely consist of in-depth interviews with people who live and reside in the area. This is to pay attention to the changes taking place, the changes that have taken place and how they are perceived. Then come the stories of the interviewees which are compared with gentrification as outlined by social scientist and authors. The result shows that the highest probability is an ongoing gentrification of Möllevången but this is perceived differently by different people and not necessarily negative.
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Vägen från europeisk klimatlag till nationell lagstiftning och genomförandestrategier : En jämförelse av svensk och dansk lagstiftning i relation till byggsektorn / The Path From European Climate Law to National Legislation and Implementation Strategy : A comparison of Swedish and Danish legislation in relation to the construction sectorGarhem, Malin, Grip, Cecilia January 2023 (has links)
Växthusgasutsläpp är den främsta bidragande faktorn till dagens klimatförändringar och byggsektorn bidrar med nästan en tredjedel av dem. Att reducera utsläppen för att uppnå klimatmålen om klimatneutralitet 2050 är en utmaning för miljölagstiftningen. En viss skillnad i tolkning av EU-lagstiftning uppstår när länder implementerar den i nationell lagstiftning, till följd av att de gett upp en del av sin suveränitet då de är skyldiga att följa dessa krav. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur stor skillnad i tolkning som uppstår i övergången mellan EU-miljölagstiftning och nationell miljölagstiftning, i relation till byggsektorn, i Sverige och Danmark. Utöver detta syftade studien även till att få en förståelse för hur stor samverkan är för att minska växthusgasutsläppen inom byggsektorn i Öresundsregionen. Metoden utgick från grundad teori och en innehållsanalys av lagstiftnings- samt företagsdokument utfördes för att undersöka den skillnad som uppstår i lagstiftningen. Resultatet visade att det fanns en skillnad i tolkning från EU-lagstiftning till respektive nationell nivå. Tolkningen tyder på faktorer som skillnader i kulturella värderingar och normer av natur och miljö, samarbetsnivåer och strategiska åtgärder för att klara klimatmålen. Vidare framkom det att genomförandestrategierna för att reducera växthusgasutsläppen inom Öresundsregionen var likartade. Slutligen visade resultatet att de viktigaste faktorerna att undersöka i förhållande till studiens syfte rör regionala samarbeten. / Greenhouse gas emissions are the main contributing factor to today’s climate change and the construction sector contributes to almost a third of them. Reducing emissions in order to achieve the climate goals regarding climate neutrality in 2050, is a challenge for environmental legislation. A certain difference in interpretation from EU legislation arises when member states implement it into national legislation, due to giving up a part of their sovereignty in order to comply with these requirements. The purpose of this study was to examine the difference in interpretation that arises in the transition between EU environmental legislation and national environmental legislation, in relation to the construction sector, in Sweden and Denmark. In addition, the study aimed to gain an understanding of how collaborative the construction sector in the Øresund region is, when it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The research method was based in grounded theory and a content analysis of legislative and corporate documents have been carried out to examine the difference in interpretation that arises in the legislation. The results showed that there was a difference in interpretation from EU legislation to each national legislation. The difference in interpretation signifies factors such as differences in cultural values and norms regarding nature and the environment, levels of cooperation and strategic measures to meet the climate goals. Furthermore, the results regarding the implementation strategies in order to reduce greenhouse gas emission in the Øresund region were similar. Finally, the result showed that the most important factors to examine in relation to the research question relates to collaboration within regions.
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On the Way to the Convenient Hazardous Waste Collection System in Malmo, Sweden. Users’ PerspectiveBelorusova, Olga, Belorusova, Olga January 2012 (has links)
Waste management is an integral part of sustainable urban development. In the modern world, when attitude to waste is being shifted towards “waste as resource” and “waste as income generator”, ensuring separation of hazardous waste from the general waste stream becomes increasingly important. Sorting hazardous waste is critical in light of the whole recycling idea. Hazardous elements, while bearing a certain value if properly handled, can negate the costs of the recyclable materials if found in their stream. They present enormous long-term losses, if introduced into the environment, and can negatively influence our ability to benefit from recycling. Convenience is one of the most effective tools in increasing recycling rates (Carlson 2001, p.1275). It is a personally defined concept, and often depends on the users’ lifestyle-related factors. This thesis explores users’ understanding and habits of handling hazardous waste, as well as the challenges they encounter and their views and suggestions on convenience of hazardous waste recycling systems. The main method used in this comparative case study research is qualitative interviews conducted with a variety of people with different lifestyles living in Malmo. First, the thesis develops a list of lifestyle-related factors which lower the perceived convenience of recycling. People consider recycling to be effort demanding or easy not just because they are women or men, young or old, live in a dense area or not. But this perception is influenced by having or not having access to a transporting vehicle and time available, their household’s waste producing rates, time spent living in a certain place, available space for storing waste; physical constraints or difficulties with self-organization at home; established or not recycling habits or level of environmental concern. People’s recycling behavior is determined by these personal lifestyle-related factors. Second, aspects of convenience are being presented as the focus areas which planners should consider in increasing recycling rates. The convenience aspects are developed with regards to the challenges people with different lifestyles experience in recycling. While lifestyle-related factors cannot be influenced directly, aspects of convenience can be employed in ensuring efficiency of hazardous waste collection system. It is important that the hazardous waste collection system design takes them into the full account. Detailed descriptions of the aspects of perceived convenience are presented. They are grouped into convenience of access to information and convenience through facilities and services. The final conclusion of the thesis is that involving users would assist in addressing key aspects of recycling systems’ perceived convenience and increase their efficiency. It is hoped that the information can be helpful in designing successful hazardous waste collection systems with increased capability to reach national goals in recycling and reduce the amounts of hazardous substances in general waste. / Master Programme: Sustainable Urban Management, 2011-2012Thesis: On the Way to the Convenient Hazardous Waste Collection System in Malmo, Sweden. Users’ PerspectiveAuthor: Olga Belorusova (OB)Tutor: Peter ParkerDate of Submission: 24 May, 2012.
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SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLES - AN EXPERIMENT IN LIVING WELL : Northern European examples of sustainable planningBratel, Yael January 2012 (has links)
This study examines the concept of sustainable lifestyles. It is concluded that the concept of sustainable lifestyles is derived from the bigger term sustainable development and that the concept sustainable lifestyles exists as an antipode to unsustainable lifestyles. Sustainable lifestyles are still a new concept within the academic field of urban planning and design and some confusion regarding the definition remains. Three case studies were made investigating urban planning for sustainable lifestyles. The sites were Houthaven in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Royal Seaport in Stockholm Sweden and Western Harbour in Malmö, Sweden. Urban planning for sustainable lifestyles was explicitly carried out in the Royal Seaport, in the other two cases the concept of sustainability was approached more generally but nonetheless the methods used were quite similar in all three cases. How people in the society of today are seen as responsible for e.g. buying ecological food, driving ecological vehicles and living a sustainable lifestyle, are analysed through the approaches of governmentality and biopower. There has been a shift from a centralised governing of sustainability implementations to a decentralised one where the individual responsibility stands in focus. There are different views of what a sustainable behaviour and lifestyle could incorporate. According to the technocentric approach, technical solutions to environmental problems are sufficient, but according to the ecocentric approach, behavioural changes are needed in order to obtain sustainability. This has implications for the planning of sustainable lifestyles. In some cases technical solutions are favoured in front of behavioural ones and the other way around. The two tracks of understanding leads to two different pathways of sustainability and a need to recognize and comprehend the differences are crucial in planning for sustainable lifestyles. Sustainable behaviour and habits relate to actions, which e.g. minimizes the use of natural resources or incorporates the switch from an unsustainable habit to a sustainable one. Sustainable behaviour is often referred to as pro-environmental behaviour and circles around consumption. There are several ways of replacing unsustainable habits with sustainable ones discussed in this study. / <p>email: bratel@kth.se</p>
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