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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Small-Scale Farmers Land Use and Socioeconomic Situation in the Mount Elgon District in Northwestern Kenya : A Minor Field Study - Combined Field Mapping and Interview

Kaati, Patrik January 2011 (has links)
This Minor Field Study was carried out during November and December in 2011 in the Mount Elgon District in Western Kenya. The objective was to examine nine small-scale farming household´s land use and socioeconomic situation when they have joined a non-governmental organization (NGO) project, which specifically targets small-scale farming households to improve land use system and socioeconomic situation by the extension of soil and water conservation measures. The survey has worked along three integral examinations methods which are mapping and processing data using GIS, semi structured interviews and literature studies.   This study has adopted a theoretical approach referred to as political ecology, in which landesque capital is a central concept. The result shows that all farmers, except one, have issues with land degradation. However, the extent of the problem and also implemented sustainable soil and water conservation measures were diverse among the farmers. The main causes of this can both be linked to how the farmers themselves utilized their farmland and how impacts from the climate change have modified the terms of the farmers working conditions. These factors have consequently resulted in impacts on the informants’ socioeconomic conditions. Furthermore it was also registered that social and economic elements, in some cases, were the causes of how the farmers manage their farmland. The farmer who had no significant problem with soil erosion had invested in trees and opportunities to irrigate the farmland. In addition, it was also recorded that certain farmers had invested in particular soil and water conservation measures without any significant result. This was probably due to the time span these land measures cover before they start to generate revenue.  The outcome of this study has traced how global, national and local elements exist in a context when it comes to the conditions of the farmers´ land use and their socioeconomic situation. The farmers atMt.Elgon are thereby a component of a wider context when they are both contributory to their socioeconomic situation, mainly due to their land management, and also exposed to core-periphery relationships on which the farmers themselves have no influence.

Regionální diferenciace populačního vývoje v Moravskoslezském kraji: historickogeografická analýza

KNĚŽÍČKOVÁ, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The Master's Thesis deals with an analysis of regional differentiation in micro-regions of Moravian-Silesian Region. However, the analysis focuses on period of industrialization, periods before and after industrialization are also included. Development of population has been under the influence of several factors such as railway transport and both hierarchical and administrative position. A brief comparison with other regions of the Czech Republic is also embraced. The main focus is on the analysis on the level of micro-regions of individual municipalities. Historical development determined creation of special relationship between Core and Periphery. The part of the Thesis is devoted to a synthesis which divides micro-regions into categories according to the developing tendencies. Succinct comment is dedicated to the analysis of developing trends, key determinants and prediction of further population development. The hypothesis are held in the Introduction and confirmed or disproved in the Conclusion.

Horizons and Linguistics Changes in the Prehistory of the Central Andes / Horizontes y cambios lingüísticos en la prehistoria de los Andes centrales

Makowski Hanula, Krzysztof 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this article the author compares from an archaeological perspective two models used in paleo-linguistic studies. The first is inspired by the discussion on the formation of the Indo-European family and is diffusionist and evolutionary in nature. The second emerges from debates on the history of the Semitic language family in which the emphasis is on mechanisms of interaction: between core and periphery, and, lingua franca with local languages and dialects. The author concludes that it is the second model that might allow us to describe properly the environmental characteristics and particular causes which determined the transformations of the linguistic map of the prehistoric Central Andes. To judge from the impressive stability of cultural boundaries which overlap with hypothetical language frontier, the distribution of pre-Hispanic languages in Colonial times reconstructed by linguists ought to coincide with a map of the proto-languages in the mid-first millennium BC (cal.). New relationships at different levels — and also certain distances — seem to have been established during two periods of instability, after the decline of Chavín, and, after the collapse of Huari and Tiahuanaco. It is likely that both proto-Quechua and proto-Aimara, began to assume the role of general languages for Huari and Tiahuanaco, respectively, starting in the Middle Horizon. The exceptional spread of these languages is likely due to their role as general languages. / En el presente artículo comparo, desde la perspectiva arqueológica, dos modelos utilizados en los estudios paleolingüísticos. Uno está inspirado en la discusión sobre la formación de la familia indoeuropea y tiene carácter difusionista y evolutivo. En el segundo, alimentado por los debates sobre la historia de la familia semita de lenguas, el énfasis radica en los mecanismos de interacción: centro-semiperiferia, lengua franca respecto a lenguas y dialectos locales. Por este medio, llego a la conclusión de que solo el segundo modelo permite describir a plenitud las características del entorno y las causas particulares que condicionaron las transformaciones del mapa de los idiomas en los Andes centrales prehistóricos. La distribución de las lenguas prehispánicas en tiempos coloniales, reconstruida por los lingüistas, debió coincidir, en buen grado, con el mapa de las protolenguas a mediados del primer milenio a.C. (calib.), a juzgar por la impactante estabilidad de las fronteras culturales a las que se sobreponen las hipotéticas fronteras lingüísticas. Nuevas relaciones de parentesco en diferentes ámbitos —y, también, algunas distancias— parecen haberse establecido en dos periodos de inestabilidad: luego del ocaso de Chavín y después del colapso de Huari y de Tiahuanaco. Es probable que tanto el protoquechua como el protoaimara empezaran a tener el papel de lenguas generales para Huari y para Tiahuanaco, respectivamente, a partir del Horizonte Medio. La excepcional difusión de ambos idiomas se puede atribuir a esta función.

Ontwikkeling van Randfontein : 'n ruimtelike perspektief

Van der Walt, Josef Cornelius. 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The growth and development of Randfontein is analysed within a spatial perspective. The theoretical point of departure is found in settlement geography and in the spatial economic approach. As continuous perspective, the PWV serves as major metroplitan region, of which Randfontein is a functional subsystem. Information has been obtained from businessmen, industrialists, the local authorities and the inhabitants of Randfontein. The economic sectors (mining, manufacturing and services) are analysed 1n terms of their contribution (or lack of) to the course of the economic realities in town. The behaviouristic approach provides a perspective 1n the sense that behavioral patterns are prominently analysed. A special technique of analyses is used to highlight the economic activities of Randfontein (with the graphic illustrations), by determining strong and weak factors. Problems that have been experienced in terms of the economic activities of Randfontein are identified and possibilities for the future are stipulated. / Educational Studies / M.A. (Geography)

Ny dag, ny arbetsplats : En kvalitativ studie om korttidsvikariers upplevelser av sin arbetssituation inom vård- och omsorg

Granberg, Louise January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsats har upplevelser av korttidsvikariers psykosociala arbetssituation inom vård- och omsorg undersökts. Uppsatsen utgår från en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer har tillämpats på sju korttidsvikarier som i dagsläget arbetar inom bemanningsenheten på Luleå kommun. Uppsatsens syfte var att skapa en ökad förståelse för korttidsvikariers upplevelser av sin psykosociala arbetssituation med fokus på arbets- och anställningsvillkor. Vilka har analyserats utifrån perspektiven för Karasek och Theorells (1990) krav, kontroll- och stödmodell samt Atkinsons (1984) kärna- och periferimodell. För att uppfylla syftet har tre forskningsfrågor formulerats: ’’hur beskriver intervjupersonerna sina anställnings- och arbetsvillkor?’’, ’’hur kan dessa förstås med utgångspunkt i begreppen krav, kontroll och stöd?’’ och ’’på vilket sätt kan intervjupersonernas upplevelser förstås och diskuteras utifrån kärna- och periferimodellen?’’.   Resultatet visade att intervjupersonerna upplevde sin arbetssituation varierad och att de hade kontroll över tillgängligheten för arbete. Däremot upplevde de mindre kontroll över var arbetet kommer att utföras samt arbetspassens längd. Dessutom tycktes stöd från kollegor och chef bristfälligt, framförallt stödet från chefer. För att hantera ovissheten gällande arbetssituationen användes meningsbärande strategier som ingav ökad kontroll. Det visade sig även att intervjupersonerna överlag inte kände stor samhörighet till den ordinarie personalgruppen på arbetsplatserna. Däremot upplevdes relationerna kunna byggas upp vid frekvent arbete på en och samma arbetsplats.

Znamená krize eurozóny podobný efekt pro periferní země EU? Výzkum odlišných efektů krize eurozóny na hospodářský růst periferních zemí EU a zemí mimo eurozónu / Does the Eurozone crisis bring similar effects to the economic growth of peripheral countries of EU? A research to investigate effects of the Eurozone crisis on the economic growth of the Eurozone peripheral countries and the non-Eurozone CEE countries

Li, Peiwei January 2020 (has links)
Peiwei Li Abstract: This paper is to investigate whether the Eurozone crisis brings similar effects to the economic growth of two groups of the EU's peripheral countries, including the PIIGS and the CEE countries. Greece, Ireland and Portugal from the PIIGS group; and the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland from the CEE group are selected as the researched countries in this paper. In order to quantify how the Eurozone crisis affects the economic growth of these two groups of countries, this research utilises the statistical software STATA to operate a panel regression model with country and time fixed effects. The employed panel data contains selected indicators of the six researched countries over 2004-2018. Indicators that may affect economic growth of countries during the Eurozone crisis includes current account balance, FDI inflows, debt, exports and unemployment. Apart from the generation of overall results for all the six countries over 2004-2018, this paper generates a dummy variable "eurozone" to divide the researched countries into two groups. Therefore, it compares the results of each group. The research period also be equally divided into three stages: 2004-2008, 2009-2013 and 2014-2018, which represent for pre-crisis period, crisis period and post-crisis period. The divided periods are used to...

Colouring, centrality and core-periphery structure in graphs

Rombach, Michaela Puck January 2013 (has links)
Krivelevich and Patkós conjectured in 2009 that χ(G(n, p)) ∼ χ=(G(n, p)) ∼ χ∗=(G(n, p)) for C/n < p < 1 − ε, where ε > 0. We prove this conjecture for n−1+ε1 < p < 1 − ε2 where ε1, ε2 > 0. We investigate several measures that have been proposed to indicate centrality of nodes in networks, and find examples of networks where they fail to distinguish any of the vertices nodes from one another. We develop a new method to investigate core-periphery structure, which entails identifying densely-connected core nodes and sparsely-connected periphery nodes. Finally, we present an experiment and an analysis of empirical networks, functional human brain networks. We found that reconfiguration patterns of dynamic communities can be used to classify nodes into a stiff core, a flexible periphery, and a bulk. The separation between this stiff core and flexible periphery changes as a person learns a simple motor skill and, importantly, it is a good predictor of how successful the person is at learning the skill. This temporally defined core-periphery organisation corresponds well with the core- periphery detected by the method that we proposed earlier the static networks created by averaging over the subjects dynamic functional brain networks.


溝口, 常俊 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:14580084 研究代表者:溝口 常俊 研究期間:2002-2003年度

Från Öresundsregionen till Köpenhamnsregionen : En kritisk diskursanalys om den gränsregionala samordningen i Öresund

Hellblom, Niklas January 2018 (has links)
This study focuses on the reformation of the cross-border political coalition in the Scandinavian region of Öresund, specifically the re-organization of Öresundskommitteen to Greater Copenhagen &amp; Skåne Committee. Through the lens of Critical Discourse Analysis, the study critically examines the newly advocated regional strategy focusing on international place marketing of the collective brand Greater Copenhagen, underlying power structures and incentives of the reformation as well as the subsequent consequences for the regional development. The result highlights a political shift of focus, from the region in general to Copenhagen in particular, justified by the conviction of growing international competition and the regional core as undisputable ‘growth-machine’ for the whole region. Consequently, local projects can be legitimized as regional concerns, potentially supporting misallocation of regional funds, political and core-periphery polarization.

Spatial analysis of development projects in Venda : a case study of the Tshivhase tea estate

Adjei, Alexander 01 1900 (has links)
The research was undertaken to investigate the impact of the Tshivhase Tea Estate on the space economy of Venda, the people and area ofMapate, and Duthuni, among whom the Tea Estate is established. The approach is based on principles. Principles of development theory are combined with appropriate spatial models. The development reality of Venda, together with many other development projects are analysed. Does the tea estate address the rural poverty problem? Findings are presented from a case study of Tshivhase and this proved the lack of growth and development impulses to alleviate the poverty of the rural people among whom it is located. Development is considered in terms of its possible simultaneous diffusion of economic activity and modernisation in all four dimensions of the spatial system : political, socio-cultural, economic and physical. / Department of Geography / M.A. (Geography)

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