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To punish or Discipline? Teachers' attitudes towards the abolition of corporal punishmentCicognani, Loretta 09 February 2006 (has links)
Master of Education - Educational Psychology / In the last decade, corporal punishment in South African schools was banned. This is in
keeping with international trends of recognising of the rights of the child and the South African Constitution. Despite the legal ban, newspapers and limited research reveal that corporal punishment practices are sill occurring in schools. Government has made efforts to curb the continuing use of corporal punishment. This research explores teachers’ attitudes towards the ban of corporal punishment as well as the alternate discipline strategies teachers are using to discipline their learners. The research methods adopted were quantitative questionnaires and qualitative written responses. Results of this study suggest that teachers still view corporal punishment as having a place in education. Teachers are concerned amongst others about their personal safety and feel the administering of corporal punishment will ensure their safety. Teachers’ do report that they have found alternatives that do work, however, they still feel that the training that is provided is not able to meet their needs in the classroom situation.
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Effects of Androgen on Corpus Cavernosum: Role of the Plasma Membrane Calcium PumpsPowell, David T. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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La expresión corporal en los cortometrajes de animación de creación. Los sentimientos en el personaje mudoPoveda Coscollá, María del Carmen 15 March 2010 (has links)
Los personajes de los films animados no sólo se expresan con las palabras, en la mayoría de los casos utilizan el lenguaje corporal como complemento al verbal para expresar sentimientos. En este trabajo de investigación nos planteamos como hipótesis la idea de que es posible comunicar al espectador los sentimientos del personaje utilizando como principal herramienta el lenguaje corporal, sin necesidad de utilizar el verbal. Pensamos que dentro del campo de la animación el personaje se comporta de manera similar al actor que trabaja dentro de una película u obra de teatro manifestando con sus gestos y movimientos lo que experimenta ante cada acontecimiento. Unos y otros toman como principal referente el lenguaje corporal real y lo aplican en sus actuaciones.
Para desarrollar esta idea nos hemos basado en el análisis y la comparación de catorce casos de estudio donde los personajes se expresan preferentemente con gestos. Estudiamos personajes de diferentes obras con diferentes técnicas y con un único animador responsable de todo su comportamiento. Esto hace que podamos establecer paralelismos y comparaciones ante la actuación de varios personajes ante el mismo sentimiento. A través de esta comparativa averiguamos los recursos gráficos y sonoros que ha utilizado cada artista y cómo ha sido aplicado el lenguaje corporal real. Tomaremos como principales referentes de dicho comportamiento a Charles Darwin y Charles Le Brun. / Poveda Coscollá, MDC. (2010). La expresión corporal en los cortometrajes de animación de creación. Los sentimientos en el personaje mudo [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/7362
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Estudio perceptivo experimental de la expresión coreográfica: espacio, movimiento e influencia de la músicaMeschini, Fabrizio 05 December 2016 (has links)
The aim of this experimental study is to investigate the perception of the expression of four emotional states (dynamic joy, sadness / depression, quiet happiness, anger / stress) in choreographies.
Five music excerpts are selected based on different arousal and valence values, and 6 professional choreographers are asked to compose 2 improvised choreographies, with contrasting emotional states, for each music. Each choreography is recorded on video.
A qualitative and quantitative detailed analysis is made on the video-recordings, to study the space (occupation and trajectories) and the choreographic elements: body shape, height, weight, tension, actions / effort, dynamics of displacement and body direction.
Participants rate music (without choreography) according to the 4 emotional descriptors, and rate the choreographies (without music) according to the amount of energy (high vs. low) and valence (positive vs. negative).
The results show that the choreographer's intention of energy and valence influenced respectively the perception of energy and valence. However the evaluators have not always had a clear perception of the two variables, especially valence, and this means that the dances not clearly expressed a positive or negative valence. In general, has been perceived and evaluated better the intention of energy that also seems to influence, to a lesser extent, in the perception of valence.
The choreographic elements that have a statistically significant relation with the expression and the evaluation of energy have to do with body parameters (weight, thrusts, tension), gestural (slashing), spatial (ambitus, occupied area/s, occupied square/s), and dynamic (change/s), emphasizing weight driven strong and slashing. On the other hand, the choreographic elements that have explained the expression and evaluation of valence have been the linked to body shape: average opening and average height.
The statistical size effect (eta2) in the evaluation of energy and valence of the intention of the choreographer and measured choreographic parameters reveal that the quantified dance parameters best explain the perception of energy: the energy assessment has been based more on elements of choreography (thrusts, tension), than on the intention of the choreographer. However perception and evaluation of valence is best explained by the intention of the choreographer. This indicates that the choreographic parameters that we measured not fully explain the perception of valence. The lower percentages associated with the perceived valence reveal that the positive / negative valence is more confusing and complex to perceive and to express than energy.
The influence of music has appeared on some of the choreographic elements considered in our analysis, related to the use of body and space, regardless of the intended emotion: shape, weight, occupied area/s, ambitus/s, occupied square/s. The influence of music on perception of emotions in dance is more limited than expected. However music has an effect on choreography independently of the intention of the choreographer, and this effect can be perceived on a viewing without sound. / El objetivo de este estudio experimental es investigar la percepción de la expresión de cuatro estados emocionales (alegría dinámica, tristeza/depresión, felicidad tranquila, rabia/tensión) en coreografías.
Se seleccionan 5 músicas según distintos valores de energía (arousal) y afecto (valence), y se encarga a 6 coreógrafos profesionales la composición de 2 coreografías improvisadas con parámetros emocionales contrastantes para cada música. Cada coreografía se graba en video.
Se procede a un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo detallado sobre el video, del espacio (ocupación y trayectorias) y de los elementos coreográficos utilizados: forma corporal, altura, peso, tensión, acciones/esfuerzo, dinámicas de desplazamiento y dirección corporal.
Se realiza una evaluación perceptiva de las músicas (sin coreografía) según los 4 descriptores emocionales y de las coreografías (sin música) según la cantidad de energía percibida (alta vs baja) y la calidad del afecto (positivo vs negativo).
De los resultados emerge que la intención de energía y de afecto de los coreógrafos ha influido respectivamente en la percepción de la energía y del afecto. Sin embargo los evaluadores no siempre han tenido una percepción clara de las dos variables, sobre todo del afecto, y esto quiere decir que las danzas no expresaban claramente un afecto positivo o negativo. En general se ha percibido y evaluado mejor la intención de energía que también parece influir, en menor medida, en la percepción del afecto.
Los elementos coreográficos que han resultado estadísticamente significativos para la expresión y la evaluación de la energía, tienen que ver con parámetros corporales (peso, impulsos, tensión), gestuales (acción: hendir), espaciales (ambitus, superficie ocupada/s, velocidad casilla/s), y dinámicos (cambio/s), en particular con peso impulsado fuerte y la acción hendir. En cambio, los elementos coreográficos que han resultado significativos para la expresión y la evaluación del afecto han sido los ligados a la forma corporal: apertura media y altura media.
El tamaño del efecto estadístico (eta2) en la evaluación de la energía y la valencia, de la intención del coreógrafo y los parámetros coreográficos medidos, revela que los parámetros de danza cuantificados explican mejor la percepción de la energía: la evaluación de la energía se ha basado más en una apreciación objetiva de los elementos de la coreografía (impulsos, tensión), que en la intención del coreógrafo. En cambio la percepción y evaluación del afecto se explica mejor por la intención del coreógrafo. Esto indica que los parámetros coreográficos que hemos medido no explican completamente la percepción del afecto. Los porcentajes más bajos resultantes para el afecto percibido revelan que el afecto positivo/negativo es más confuso y más complejo de percibir y de expresar que la energía.
La influencia de la música se ha manifestado sobre algunos de los elementos coreográficos considerados en nuestro análisis, relativos al uso del cuerpo y del espacio, independientemente de la emoción expresada: forma, peso, superficie ocupada/s, ambitus/s y velocidad casilla/s. Las modificaciones que la música ha provocado en la danza han tenido un efecto más limitado de lo esperado en la percepción de las emociones. Sin embargo la música ha tenido un efecto sobre la coreografía independiente de la intención del coreógrafo, y este efecto se percibe en un visionado sin sonido. / L'objectiu d'aquest estudi experimental és investigar la percepció de l'expressió de quatre estats emocionals (alegria dinàmica, tristesa/depressió, felicitat tranquil¿la, ràbia/tensió) en coreografies.
Es seleccionen 5 músiques segons diferents valors d' energia (arousal) i afecte (valence), i s'encarrega a 6 coreògrafs professionals la composició de 2 coreografies improvisades amb paràmetres emocionals per a cada música, Cada coreografia es grava en vídeo.
Es procedeix a un anàlisi qualitatiu i quantitatiu detallat sobre el vídeo, de l'espai (ocupació i trajectòries) i dels elements coreogràfics utilitzats: forma corporal, altura, pes, tensió, accions/esforç, dinàmiques de desplaçament i direcció corporal.
Es realitza una avaluació perceptiva de les músiques (sense coreografia) segons els 4 descriptors emocionals i de les coreografies (sense música) segons la quantitat d'energia percebuda (alta vs baixa) i la qualitat de l'afecte (positiu vs negatiu).
Dels resultats emergeix que la intenció d'energia i d'afecte dels coreògrafs ha influït respectivament en la percepció de l'energia i de l'afecte. No obstant açò els avaluadors no sempre han tingut una percepció clara de les dues variables, sobretot de l'afecte, i açò vol dir que les danses no expressaven clarament un afecte positiu o negatiu. En general s'ha percebut i avaluat millor la intenció d'energia que també sembla influir, en menor mesura, en la percepció de l'afecte.
Els elements coreogràfics que han resultat estadísticament significatius per a l'expressió i l'avaluació de l'energia, tenen a veure amb paràmetres corporals (pes, impulsos, tensió), gestuals (acció fendre), espacials (ambitus, superficie ocupada/s, velocitat casella/s) i dinàmics (canvi/s), destacant pes impulsat fort i l'acció fendre. En canvi, els elements coreogràfics que han resultat significatius en l'expressió i l'avaluació de l'afecte han sigut els lligats a la forma corporal: obertura mitjana i altura mitjana.
La grandària de l'efecte estadístic (eta2) en l'avaluació de l'energia i la valència, de la intenció del coreògraf i els paràmetres coreogràfics mesurats, revela que els paràmetres de dansa quantificats expliquen millor la percepció de l'energia: l'avaluació de l'energia s'ha basat més en una apreciació objectiva dels elements de la coreografia (impulsos, tensió) que en la intenció del coreògraf. En canvi la percepció i avaluació de l'afecte s'explica millor per la intenció del coreògraf. Açò indica que els paràmetres coreogràfics que hem mesurat no expliquen completament la percepció de l'afecte. Els percentatges més baixos resultants per a afecte percebut revelen que l'afecte positiu/negatiu és més confús i més complex de percebre i d'expressar que l'energia.
La influència de la música s'ha manifestat sobre alguns dels elements coreogràfics considerats al nostre anàlisi, relatius a l'ús del cos i de l'espai, independentment de l'emoció expressada: forma, pes, superfície ocupada/s, ambitus/s i velocitat casella/s. Les modificacions que la música ha provocat en la dansa han tingut un efecte més limitat de l' esperat en la percepció de les emocions. No obstant açò la música ha tingut un efecte sobre la coreografia independent de la intenció del coreògraf, i aquest efecte es percep en un visionat sense so. / Meschini, F. (2016). Estudio perceptivo experimental de la expresión coreográfica: espacio, movimiento e influencia de la música [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/74965
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A survey of teachers' attitudes towards corporal punishment after the abolition of corporal punishment.Gradwell, Adriaan January 1999 (has links)
Education within South Africa has undergone significant change within a short period of time. This change has primarily been written in terms of human rights and the equitable distribution of educational resources. This has necessitated a paradigm shift for many teachers and the study explores some of the factors that have prevented teachers from experiencing a paradigm shift. The introduction of the South African Schools Act of 1996 heralded the start of the complete abolition of corporal punishment within all South African schools. The object of this investigation was to explore teachers' attitudes towards the abolition of corporal punishment and the factors that would contribute towards their attitude. The research explored whether the attitude of teachers, in relation to corporal punishment, had been influenced by the disruptive behaviour of pupils and their perceptions of the efficacy of alternate methods of behaviour management.
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Asociación entre inadecuada ganancia de peso según hábito corporal en gestantes a término y complicaciones maternas. Instituto Nacional materno Perinatal. 2006-2009Mejia Álvarez, Christian Richard Carlos January 2010 (has links)
Introduction: Its well known that gain of maternal weight will influence in the gestation and in the new one, but, in our medium this only is taken as another control, what generates that don’t give the importance that really deserves; in spite of the fact that in other countries this is used for the prevention of neonatal and maternal risks to short and long time limit.
Material and Methods: With a historic cohort it was a matter of determining if there existed association among the inadequate increase of weight during the gestation and the maternal complications, in the Perinatal Maternal Institute, 2006-2009. It has worked with a level of statistical significance p<0,05. Obtaining the relative Risks (RR) according to maternal IMC. The statistical program was utilized STATA ® version 10,0.
Results: More than 27000 patients were studied to determine that, according to the IMC pre gestacional, if pregnant women increases less than 13,5 Kg. (<20), less than 11,5 Kg. (20-25) and less than 9 Kg. (>25), they have an increment of 2,14; 1,25 and 1,16 times in their RR (respectively) to present a complication. There were found statistical significances in the variables: tear during the moment of the labor, the urinary infection post labor, the infection of the operating injury, culmination of the pregnancy by cesarean section, the gestational hypertensive, the presentation of anemia, the obtaining of a large product and the fetal suffering intra uterus.
Discussions and conclusions: Exists association among the inadequate gain of weight according to corporal habit in pregnant women to term and maternal complications. / Introducción: Es bien sabido que la ganancia de peso materno influenciará en la gestación y en el nuevo ser, pero, en nuestro medio esto sólo es tomado como un control más, lo que genera que no se le de la importancia que realmente merece; a pesar de que en otros países esto se usa para la prevención de riesgos maternos y neonatales a corto y largo plazo
Materiales y Métodos: Mediante una cohorte histórica se trató de determinar si existe asociación entre el inadecuado aumento de peso durante la gestación y las complicaciones maternas, en el Instituto Materno Perinatal, 2006-2009. Se trabajó con un nivel de significancia estadística p<0,05. Obteniendo los Riesgos relativos (RR) según IMC materno. Se utilizó el programa estadístico STATA ® versión 10.0.
Resultados: De las más de 27000 pacientes estudiadas se determinó que, según el IMC pre gestacional, si las gestantes subían menos de 13,5 Kg. (<20), menos de 11,5 Kg. (20-25) y menos de 9 Kg. (>25), tenían un incremento de 2,14; 1,25 y 1,16 veces en su RR (respectivamente) de hacer una complicación. Se hallaron significancias estadísticas en las variables: desgarro durante el momento del parto, la infección urinaria post parto, la infección de la herida operatoria, culminación del embarazo por cesárea, la presentación estado hipertensivo gestacional, la presentación de anemia, la obtención de un producto grande y el sufrimiento fetal intraútero.
Discusiones y conclusiones: Existe asociación entre la inadecuada ganancia de peso según hábito corporal en gestantes a término y complicaciones maternas.
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Teachers' and pupils' attitudes and practices regarding the abolishment of corporal punishment in schools in the Gauteng area.Cohen, Sheryl January 1996 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Education, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Education degree. / Educationalists throughout the ages have supported the
belief that corporal punishment creates harmful effects and
should be avoided at all costs. Furthermore, corporal punishment
has been found to be neither effective nor permanent in stopping
undesirable behaviour in the classroom.
Despite the evidence however, South Africa frequently used
corporal punishment for the sake of discipline, social control
and even 'moral education'. In the not too distant past, it was
sanctioned by law, by parents and by teachers (Rice, 1987).
However, in 1994 judicial corporal punishment was outlawed and
corporal punishment at schools became unconstitutional (clause
3(n) of the National Education Policy Bill, 1995; clause 22 of
the Gauteng Schools Education Bill).
While policy and legislatlon must play their role, this is
not enough to bring about a change in the practices and
perceptions of teacher's at the grass roots. An understanding of
its harmful effects, and recognition of alternatives is
necessary in order to bring about its complete abolishment. This
study investigates teachers' and pupils attitudes to corporal
punishment as well as what discipline strategies are being used
and are considered effective.
A sample of teachers and pupils were randomly selected from
private, oommunity and public high school types. A total of 602
subjects participated in this study (240 teachers and 362
pupils). Responses to an anonymous questionnaire were tabulated
and analysed.
Findings demonstrated that teachers are ambivalent towards
corporal, punishment, while pupils are clearly anti-corporal
punishment; and support its abolishment. Teachers do report
Key Words: corporal punishment , classroom discipline. alternative
discipline strategies used in the classroom. / AC2017
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Fornecimento de dieta úmida para frangos de corte e poedeiras comerciais / Wet feeding for broilers chickens and egg layersAntunes, Maria Tereza 18 July 2008 (has links)
Foram realizados dois ensaios experimentais a fim de avaliar o fornecimento de dieta úmida para frangos de corte e poedeiras comerciais. Os experimentos foram realizados nos galpões experimentais de frangos de corte e galpões de postura do setor de avicultura do Campus de Pirassununga da Universidade de São Paulo. Para frangos de corte, foram utilizados 960 animais distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 6 tratamentos (nível de inclusão de água na dieta: 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% e 50%), com 4 repetições de 40 aves cada uma, sendo avaliados ganho de peso, conversão alimentar e consumo de ração. No dia do alojamento e aos 7 e 21 dias, duas aves por repetição foram abatidas para a avaliação histológica da morfologia intestinal. Para as poedeiras, foram utilizadas 192 aves, também distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado e divididas conforme o nível de inclusão de água na dieta, com 4 repetições de 8 aves por parcela experimental. Neste caso, foram determinados consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, produção de ovos, gravidade específica, espessura da casca e peso dos ovos. Semanalmente foi monitorada a temperatura corporal de duas aves por repetição de ambos os experimentos. A dieta úmida proporcionou uma melhor redução no consumo de ração e melhor conversão alimentar em ambos os experimentos. / Two experimental rehearsals were accomplished in order to evaluate the supply of wet feed for broilers chickens and commercial layers. The experiments were ccomplished at the experimental hangars of male chickens and posture the section of aviculture of the University of São Paulo - Campus of Pirassununga. Nine hundred sixty male chickens were used distributed, with 6 treatments (level of inclusion of water in the diet: 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%), were randomly assigned, with four repetitions of fourty birds each a, being appraised body weight gain, feed conversion and feed intake. In the day of the lodging and to the 7 and 21 days, two birds for repetition were abated for the evaluation of the intestinal morphology. For the layers, 192 birds were used, also distributed entirely in delineamento casualizado and divided according to the level of inclusion of water in the diet, were randomly assigned with four repetitions of eight birds each. In this case, they were certain feed intake, feed conversion, eggs production, specific gravity, thickness of the peel and eggs weight. The corporal temperature of two birds was weekly monitored by repetition of both experiments. The wet feed provided a better reduction in the feed intake and better alimentary conversion in both experiments.
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Percepção do peso corporal e fatores associados em estudantes do ensino fundamental de Vitória (ES) / Body weight perception and associated factors in Elementary School students in Vitória (ES)Pereira, Fernanda Nascimento 22 September 2011 (has links)
Introdução - A adolescência é um período em que ocorrem intensas transformações biopsicossociais, de modo que as experiências percebidas nessa etapa podem contribuir para a formação da imagem corporal. Objetivo - Analisar a associação entre percepção do peso corporal e variáveis relacionadas, em estudantes do ensino fundamental. Métodos - Estudo transversal, realizado em 2007, com estudantes de 8 a 17 anos, residentes em Vitória, Espírito Santo (ES). Dados antropométricos, demográficos, socioeconômicos e de maturação sexual foram coletados. A percepção do peso corporal foi verificada por meio de pergunta única sobre o que os estudantes achavam do próprio peso corporal em relação à sua estatura. Análises de regressão logística, estratificadas por sexo, foram realizadas para verificar a associação entre percepção do peso corporal e faixa etária, estado nutricional, perímetro da cintura, estágio de maturação sexual e nível socioeconômico. A categoria de referência para as análises foi percepção do peso adequado. Resultados - Participaram 397 estudantes, idade média (desvio-padrão) 12 (1,84) anos, sendo 52,4 por cento do sexo feminino. Em relação ao estado nutricional, meninos e meninas, respectivamente, apresentaram prevalências de 21,7 por cento e 20,1 por cento (excesso de peso), 76,9 por cento e 77,8 por cento (peso adequado para a estatura), e 1,4 por cento e 2,1 por cento (baixo peso). Houve associação estatisticamente significante entre percepção do peso corporal e estado nutricional (excesso de peso) em ambos os sexos (meninos: OR = 6,76; meninas: OR = 19,58) e faixa etária (10 a 14 anos) para os meninos (OR = 0,40). Conclusão - A percepção do peso corporal associou-se ao estado nutricional em ambos os sexos, e à faixa etária apenas em meninos. Isso reforça a necessidade do acompanhamento desses adolescentes por profissionais de saúde, visando melhor consciência do próprio corpo / Introduction - Adolescence is a time when several biological and psychosocial transformations take place. So, the experiences lived at this age can contribute to the formation of the individual, including the image that this individual builds of its body. Objective - Analyze the association between body weight perception and related variables in Elementary School students. Methods - Cross-sectional study performed in 2007, with students age 8 to 17, residents in Vitoria (ES). Anthropometric, demographic, socioeconomic and sexual maturation data were collected. The perception of body weight was verified by one single question about what the students thought of their own body weight in relation to their height. Logistic regression analysis, stratified by gender was used to verify the associations among body weight perception, age, body mass index, waist circumference, pubertal stage and maternal education. The reference category for analysis was appropriate weight perception. Results - 397 students participated, age mean (standard deviation) 12 (1.84) years of age, 52.4 per cent were females. Boys and girls showed, respectively, 21.7 per cent and 20.1 per cent overweight, 76.9 per cent and 77.8 per cent appropriate weight for height, 1.4 per cent and 2.1 per cent underweight. There was statistic association between body perception and nutritional status (overweight) in both genders (boys: OR = 6.76; girls: OR = 19.58) and age (10 to 14 years) for boys (OR = 0.40). The other variables did not show association. Conclusion - The body weight perception was associated to nutritional status in both genders, and with age group 10 to 14 years old only in boys. This reinforces the need for health professionals to monitor these adolescents in order for them to have a better understanding of their own bodies.
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AVALIAÇÃO DA POSTURA CORPORAL DOS TRABALHADORES DA OFICINA DE REPARO DE VAGÕES DA REGIONAL II, DA COMPANHIA VALE DO RIO DOCE, ATRAVÉS DA BIOFOTOGRAMETRIA COMPUTADORIZADA / Evaluation of the Corporal Position of the Workers of the Workshop of Repair of Wagons of Regional II, of the CVRD, through the Computerized Biophotogrammetry.Dalmácia Eller Fernandes Ramos 03 August 2007 (has links)
lt;p align="justify"gt;A utilização de posturas inadequadas durante a realização das atividades
laborais, freqüentemente podem levar a uma aceleração do processo de
desgaste sofrido pelo aparelho locomotor. O estudo da relação entre a postura
adotada no trabalho e as alterações posturais são preocupação crescente de
diversas áreas da ciência. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar
a postura corporal dos trabalhadores da oficina de reparo de vagões da
Regional II, da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), através da
Biofotogrametria Computadorizada, um método simples, prático e de fácil
utilização. Com este método, procurou-se estabelecer uma metodologia
simples e objetiva de qualificação e quantificação das alterações posturais em
situações cotidianas do trabalhador, por meio de imagens capturadas e
digitalizadas no software ALCimage® 2.0. Para análise descritiva dos dados
utilizou-se, freqüências, medidas de posição, dispersão e correlação de
Spearman (não-paramétrico) através do software SAEG 9.1 (Sistema de
Análises Estatísticas e Genéticas). Para análise inferencial dos dados, utilizouse
o teste não paramétrico Qui-Quadrado através do software GraphdPad
Prism 5.0. A significância adotada nesse estudo foi de p lt; 0,05. Os resultados encontrados foram uma tendência de desequilíbrio postural para direita com
correlação estatisticamente significativa nos principais segmentos corporais.
Concluiu-se que o resultado encontrado foi obtido devido à dominância lateral
uma vez que 91,70 % dos indivíduos eram destros.lt;/pgt; / lt;p align="justify"gt;The use of inappropriate posture in carrying out industrial activities, can often
lead to an acceleration of the process of wear suffered by the locomotor
apparatus. The study of the relationship between the stance adopted at work
and postural changes are increasing concern in various areas of science. In this
context, the objective of this work was to evaluate the attitude of the employees
of the body shop for repair of wagons of the Regional II, the Companhia Vale do
Rio Doce (CVRD), through Biofotogrametria Computer, a simple method,
practical and easy to use. With this method, tried to establish a simple and
objective method of qualification and quantification of postural changes in
everyday situations of the worker, through images captured and digitized in the
software ALCimage ® 2.0. For descriptive analysis of the data is used,
frequencies, measures of position, dispersion and Spearman correlation of (non
- parametric) by the software SAEG 9.1 (System for Genetic Analysis and
Statistics). For analysis inferencial of data, the test used is not parametric Chi-
Square through software GraphdPad Prism 5.0. The significance adopted in this
study was p 0.05. The results were found a trend of postural imbalance to right with statistically significant correlation in the main body segments. It is
concluded that the results were obtained due to dominance side since 91.70%
of the subjects were dextrous.lt;/pgt;
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