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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att betala utan pengar : En studie om Sveriges största bankkoncerners produktutvecklingsprocesser av betalningslösningar och hur dessa kan effektiviseras genom ökad kundinvolvering

Ögren Kull, Signe, Spindler Jonsson, Stephanie January 2015 (has links)
New innovation and technology have influenced the development of product development processes and the four largest banks in Sweden have more or less been forced to adapt their products and services along new customer requirements. It may therefore be considered appropriate to involve customers in this process. This by collecting customer information and allow customers to influence the process to a greater extent. The payment solutions of Sweden’s largest banks' continue to evolve and to pay with electronic money has come to change banks' product development processes of payment solutions. This process should not only create an innovative product but should also be performed with continuous quality, sharp focus and prioritization, fast action, team focus, customer involvement, follow-through, and with a final product with strong competitive advantages that satisfies customer needs. The purpose of this study is with help from Sweden's four largest banking groups; Handelsbanken, Swedbank, Nordea and SEB, create the optimal product development process that includes customer involvement, customer impact, and clearly indicate where and how the collection of customer data should occur. This, with the help of a developed analysis tool - as a result of the study, can be applied to analyze the extent to which customers can be considered to be involved and influence the product development process. The four banks do not involve customers in a sufficiently large extent in the current situation in their product development processes. Customer information is collected but not always implemented and the instances where customers may be involved and influence are too few. By modifying the process and eliminating and adding new process phases and in these involve customers with complementary methods has an optimal product development process been developed with a focus on the collection of customer information, customer involvement and customer impact. This process aims to create competitive advantages for banks through increased customer focus. / Ny innovation och teknik har påverkat utvecklingen av produktutvecklingsprocesser och Sveriges största bankkoncerner har mer eller mindre blivit tvungna att anpassa sina produkter och tjänster utefter nya kundkrav, det kan därför anses lämpligt att involvera kunderna i processen. Detta genom att samla in kundinformation och låta kunderna påverka processen i en större utsträckning. Sveriges största bankkoncerners betalningslösningar fortsätter att utvecklas och att betala med elektroniska pengar har kommit att förändra bankernas produktutvecklingsprocesser av betalningslösningar. Denna process ska inte endast skapa innovativa produkter utan också genomföras med kontinuerlig kvalité, skarpt fokus och prioritering, snabba aktiviteter, team fokus, kundinvolvering, uppföljning och med en slutprodukt med starka konkurrensfördelar och som tillfredsställer kundernas behov. Syftet med studien är att med hjälp av Sveriges fyra största bankkoncerner; Handelsbanken, Swedbank, Nordea och SEB, skapa den optimala produktutvecklingsprocessen och påvisa vart i denna process kundinvolvering, kundpåverkan och insamling av kundinformation bör ske. Detta med hjälp av ett framtaget analysverktyg, ett resultat av studien, som kan tillämpas för att analysera i vilken utsträckning kunderna kan anses vara involverade och påverka en produktutvecklingsprocess.  I dagsläget involverar bankerna inte kunderna i produktutvecklingsprocessen i tillräckligt stor utsträckning. Kundinformation samlas in men implementeras inte alltid och tillfällen där kunderna kan vara involverade och påverka är få. Genom att modifiera processen och eliminera samt addera nya processfaser och i dessa involvera kunderna med kompletterande metoder har en optimal produktutvecklingsprocess framtagits med fokus på insamling av kundinformation, kundinvolvering och kundpåverkan. Denna process är avsedd att stärka bankernas konkurrensfördelar genom att sätta kunden i fokus.

Vybrané aspekty ochrany spotřebitele v úvěrovém procesu v podmínkách ČR

Jurenková, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Analýza spokojenosti zákazníků a návrhy opatření na zvýšení její úrovně / Customer Satisfaction Analysis and Recomentadions for its Improvement

Barouš, Vít January 2009 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to analyze the customer satisfaction with services and products the company Agrotec a.s - agricultural division and propose the processes and instructions for its improvement, including financial, organizational and conductive aspects. The theoretical part is focused on costumer, his development from the first purchase, fulfilling his needs, his satisfaction and the methods for its evaluation. The practical part is describing company; where, in which way and with what results was the costumer satisfaction survey made. These indicators are shown in tables and graphs. Further the thesis continues by final evaluation of the costumer satisfaction survey and finishes by improvement proposals chapter.

Utveckla företagsinkubatorn Movexums kundresa med tjänstedesign

Edströms, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Arbetets övergripande syfte har varit att kartlägga ­företagsinkubatorn Movexums kundresa, lokalisera eventuella problem och hitta ­­­­­­­­­­­förbättringsmöjligheter. En företagsinkubator hjälper entreprenörer och idébärare med att göra sina innovativa idéer att bli framgångsrika ­produkter och tjänster. Data samlades först in genom research för att sedan fyllas på med data genom observationer av det dagliga arbetet på Movexum och vid ­tillfällen där kontakt med kund sker, till exempel vid coachmöten, en kunds första intervju eller en av deras främsta tjänster, Boost Chamber. Även intervjuer med både personal på Movexum och med sju av deras kunder genomfördes, plus kortare samtal med nyblivna medlemmar i Boost Chamber. I det stora hela upplever kunderna sin resa hos Movexum väldigt positivt. Jag möttes av stor nöjdhet från dem, framförallt gällande personalen på Movexum och det bemötande och engagemang de ger kunderna. Men efter att ha analyserat den inkomna datan lade jag märke till att det rådde lite problem, förvirring och oklarheter gällande ­­­­informationen från Movexum. Exempelvis kunde kunderna uppleva svårigheter att veta om aktiviteter och information var relevant för just dem, men ­också att ­information ibland kom med för kort varsel. Dessutom rådde det ­­oklarheter hos kunderna om vad vissa tjänster faktiskt innebär för dem. Resultaten av detta blev tre förslag på verktyg. Det första är själva ­­­­kartläggningen av kundresan. En visuell kartläggning som på ett ­tydligt sätt förklarar den resa kunden gör från det att en idé föds till att man blir ­utskriven från inkubatorn som alumniföretag. Det andra ­verktyget blev beteendetyper. Ett verktyg med syftet att öka förståelsen för ­kunden och dess upplevelser under resan. Det sista verktyget blev en ­introduktionsguide. Tillsammans skapar de tre förslagen ett förbättrat ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­samarbete och underlättar arbetet för både Movexum och kunderna.

Právo z vadného plnění ze smlouvy o zájezdu / Claim from the incrorect fulfilment of the tour conract

Šuťaková, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the claim from the incorrect fulfilment of the tour contract, which represents a part of the legal regulations of a tour. Considering significant development of travelling, this topic is very actual and issues that arise during implementing the legislation in practice need to be answered. The goal of my thesis is answer questions which are actual and often appearing in practice, but it does not exist clear legal opinion or sufficient resources to answer to these questions. The main resources for the writing of my thesis was the current text of the Civil Code, the Tourism Act, the Consumer Protection Act and Directive 90/314 / EEC, which were compared with the new Directive 2015/2302 and the proposed regulations of the Civil Code. The diploma thesis consists of six chapters, including the introduction and the conclusion. The basic direction of the thesis is presented in the introduction same as questions. The main goal is answer to these questions. The content of the second chapter is the definition of the tour contract through several legal regulations, the definition of contracting parties and the related representation of their rights and obligations. The most fundamental part of this chapter for the diploma thesis is the presentation of the position of the...

Retenção de clientes à luz do gerenciamento de churn : um estudo no setor de telecomunicações / Costumer retention in the light of churn management : a study in the telecommunication sector

Artoni, Patrícia Regina Caldeira Daré 30 August 2007 (has links)
O aumento da competição global tem aumentado os custos associados à atração de novos consumidores, impondo às empresas o desafio de mudar sua forma de atuação perante seus exigentes consumidores a fim de mantê-los. Diante desse desafio, este trabalho visa aprofundar o estudo do relacionamento entre a empresa e o cliente, identificando em que consiste o gerenciamento de churn e seu papel para a melhoria de ações de marketing para reter clientes. No intuito de alcançar o objetivo proposto, realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o assunto, seguida de uma pesquisa de campo com abordagem qualitativa do tipo exploratória a partir de estudos de casos múltiplos em organizações de serviços do setor de telecomunicações no Brasil. A pesquisa de campo foi norteada pelo protocolo que abordou, entre outros pontos, os critérios de escolha dos casos, o roteiro de entrevistas e a forma de análise dos dados coletados. A escolha do setor foi motivada tanto por sua representatividade em nível nacional e internacional, quanto pelas mudanças que vem enfrentando na sua estrutura de competição, principalmente após os processos de privatização. Além disso, a indústria de telecomunicações é especialmente rica para este estudo, visto que suas empresas estão especialmente voltadas ao gerenciamento do churn. Os resultados obtidos ajudaram a compreender o processo de gerenciamento de churn, como este está inserido na gestão das empresas e suas aplicações. Nota-se seu papel no auxilio à identificação dos consumidores mais propensos a abandonar a empresa, assim como daqueles que ela deseja atrair e reter para ser capaz de desenvolver práticas eficientes e lucrativas. As limitações deste trabalho são fundamentalmente associadas à metodologia da pesquisa de campo. Além disso, colocam-se como possibilidades para desdobramentos futuros a condução de pesquisas quantitativas que visem testar, mensurar e avaliar os resultados do gerenciamento e pesquisas para compreender o impacto ambiental em suas práticas e resultados. / The rise in global competition has increased costs related to attracting new consumers, bringing companies the challenge of changing their behavior towards their ever more demanding clients in order to keep them. To assist in this challenge, this paper aims to deepen the studies regarding the company and the client, identifying what is considered churn management and its role to improve marketing actions to capture clients. With the aim of achieving the proposed goal, a bibliographic research was conducted as well as a qualitative field research in the exploratory type, which through multiple case studies, in organizations of the telecommunications sector, within Brazilian context. The field research was directed by a protocol and approached the criteria to choose the cases to be studied, the interviewing script and the form of analysis of the information gathered. The choice for this sector was driven for its national and international representation as well as for the changes the sector has been undergoing especially after its privatization. Moreover, the sector is specially recommended for the study as its companies are especially concerned with churn management. The obtained results helped understand the churn management process and how this is input in business administration and its applications. We can note its role in helping to identify consumers who are more likely to abandon the company and to identify the consumers the company wishes to attract and capture to be able to develop the necessary actions. The limitations of this paper are relative to the methodology of the field research. Besides this, conducting quantitative research which aims to test, measure and evaluate the results of management as well as to comprehend the environmental impact, the business model in practice and its results is considered for future studies.

En jämförelse mellan H&M & Zara´s förmåga att leverera ett snabbt mode : Gentemot kundens uppfattning / A comparison between H&M & Zara´s ability to deliver a fast fashion : Towards the customers comprehension

Larsson, Hedvig, Ogheden, Pauline January 2009 (has links)
During the last year there has been a globalization of trade. Because of the development ofmore sophisticated information's - and communication technology the boundaries and thephysical distance have been smeared out between company as well as countries. Furthermoreit generates that many companies have restructured to global value chains. Because of theincreased access the marketplace has become harder and more competitive than ever.Since the customers nowadays have more access to product information the consume patternsand behaviour has been changed. Through the increased knowledge the consumers requiresmore of the products. Today’s consumers values not only prise and quality but are alsodemanding quality products which are tailored to individual needs and tastes. Companiesfocus has changed from price to the ability to quickly respond on new trends and customerdemands. Fashion companies in the textile sector appear on a complex and unpredictablemarket where new trends and the demand shifts quickly. In order to be competitive on themarket the companies need to renew their range of fashion products several times in season.Fashion goods have a short life-cycle, measured in months or even weeks. Fashion productshave become a consumable and embarrassed in the concept fast fashion. Management of aneffective purchase process is therefore very important in order to meet the requirement onhaving the right product, in right quality, in right quantity at the right time.The purpose of the thesis are to investigate, describe and analyze the connection between thecase companies H&M and Zara´s different ways of deliver fast fashion in relation toward theconsumers understanding of them as a trend conductive on the market.In our paper we have been using a hermeneutist perspective. We have interpreted thecollected material, sow as responders attitudes about the case companies purchasingstrategies. The approach has been adductive and then we have been waged from bothcollected theory and empiric materials. The collected empiric material endure in a qualitativequestionnaire survey that lies to shallow for our analysis and conclusion. In the essay has boththe secondary and primary data compliments each other in order to achieve the study's aimand to answer to our problem wording.Through our analysis, we can come to the conclusion that the customers' view about Zara andH&M´s ability to deliver a fast fashion is very even in that sense that no company was beingidentified as better than the other. We can also make the conclusion that the customers'assumptions not only come from the products visible in store, but also from their own attitudetowards fashion and the company's accessibility and interaction with the customer. Anotherconclusion was that one of the most important attributes is a product fashion degree and that itis important that companies can apply a ”quick response” strategy in order to be successful onfashion the market. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen

Panos Emporio, Extending the Brand

Hashemi, Mona, Hajem, Hadeel January 2012 (has links)
Brands have for a long time been used to identify and distinguish organizations, companies and products, it can be compared to as the soul of a company. A brand extension is a clear channel for product innovation, which can be a powerful tool to hold a competitive advantage. Product innovations can create differentiation; raise the brands characteristic-values, extend the area of use and block competitors.For 25 years, Panos Emporio has had a leading position in the swimwear industry and in spring of 2011 the company launched their first clothing collection for men and woman, and has recently launched an online store. The company is extending their brand and now that they have a new product category they are facing a challenge, which is underlying in our research question: How can Panos Emporio, a swimsuit brand, expand their brand image and identity to their new clothing line? The purpose of this report is to highlight important factors within brand extension that could be of value to Panos Emporio and other companies facing a brand extension.The report is a qualitative study using an abduction methodology where empirical findings have been studied parallel with the theories and vice versa. We have conducted interviews and observations, and have also collected quantitative data in form of a customer interview, to gain an understanding of the reality. We have chosen to examine and observe the brand Panos Emporio by asking questions regarding the company‟s organization, brand identity and image, as well as customer attitudes. The theoretical framework is underlying in our research study, with the initiation of portraying a brands meaning, importance and structure. Furthermore theories of brand extension with an emphasis on approach strategy and its advantages and disadvantages. The empirical chapter includes, information concerning the company´s brand, collections, costumer and retailers, as well as marketing strategies, which is a part of our data presentation.Out of our theoretical and empirical part we came to the conclusion that Panos Emporio should consider making the consumers more aware of the clothing collection before launching more products within a new product category, since the lack of awareness can throw a shadow over the main product and bring down the brand image which in terms affects the brand equity. Having good knowledge regarding the brands attribute, personality, purpose, identity and the relationship with consumers is more important than whether they should extend the brand or not. Companies need to focus on building their brand equity and image, towards the customers first. Authors believe that companies can take great advantages if a strong brand name and relationship is established at first. / Program: Master in Fashion Management with specialisation in Fashion Marketing and Retailing

Poppins : The Service and Interaction Design of Babysitting Service

Tofilovski, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis is covering a project that focuses on developing both babysitting services and dog walking services and facilitating them through a mobile application. Only the user interface for the service of babysitting was created because the dog walking service was considered to be less of a complex service, and not add to more to the insights in this project. The project was started due to observations that the babysitting service is highly used in America, but it does not operate in a structured fashion. Many parents are new to babysitting which creates uncertainty when ordering and scheduling babysitter. Babysitter, on the other hand, are usually younger and inexperienced. The user interface is created with a service design approach. Developing the service though by creating stakeholder maps, customer journeys, and, service blueprints. Creating the user interface with the service blueprint as a reference. By taking this approach business insight where created and the babysitting service could be created as a hollow organization. An organization that combines more than one service to create greater value for the end user. / Den här examens rapporten innehåller arbetet att fram ta en barnvakts service och en service för att hjälpa hundägare att rasta hunden när de är frånvarande. Ett grönsint har designat för att tillgodo se användaren med servicen. Hund servicens användargränssnitt har dock inte designats på grund av att servicen ansågs mindre komplex och inte bedrog till insikterna i projektet. Projektet startade på grund av en observation baserad på barnvakts tjänster använd i Amerika. Observationen visade att många föreldar använder sig utav barnvakter men kommunikationen mellan föräldrar och barnvakter varierade mycket. Variationen skapar svårigheter i servicen. Mång föräldrar som aldrig använt sig av barnvakts tjänster har svårt att bedöma vad som kan begäras och hur mycket de ska betala. Barnvakter som oftast är unga människor är de som lider av situation. Unga och oerfarna som är drar sig för att säga till när allt inte stämmer överens. Användargränssnittet är skapat med en servicedesign approach. Arbeta fram en service genom att ska stakeholder maps, customer journeys och service blueprints. Användargränssnittet skapades genom att använda service blueprinten som en referens till vilka funktioner som ska finnas med. Genom att ta använda sig av servicedesign för att ta fram gränssnittet har insikter skapat ur en organisatorisk synpunkt. Insikter som lede till skapandet av en ”hollow” organisation. En organisation som combinera fler typer av service för att skapa mervärde till slutanvändaren.

Good Girl/Bad Girl

Aylward, Kaitlyn Marie 22 October 2013 (has links)
Good Girl/Bad Girl asks women to define the good girls and bad girls in respect to their clothing. Participants are women who live in either New Mexico or Texas and identify as one or more of the following groups: New Mexican, Mexican, Native American, Sorority women, and Cowgirls. Participants with interviewed and photographed in their homes and places of work. Good Girl/Bad Girl was exhibited during the 2013 The Co-op Presents the Cohen New Works Festival. A selection of twenty-one images were displayed in addition to audio from the interviews. / text

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