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La tradition du town design et sa transmission par les acteurs des villes nouvelles françaises / UK planning postwar tradition and its transmission in France by operators of new townsPortnoi, Anne 15 May 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’une des traditions urbanistiques britanniques de l’après-guerre, le town design, et sur sa transmission en France dans le cadre de la construction des villes nouvelles. Ma thèse se développe ainsi en deux temps : la première partie définit ces savoirs urbanistiques dans le milieu britannique et étudie leur mise en pratique ainsi que leur formalisation ; la seconde partie analyse leur réception et leur reformulation dans le contexte français, ainsi que les motivations des acteurs impliqués. Mon travail s’attache à analyser la façon dont la tradition du town design se codifie progressivement au travers des plans anglais des années d’après-guerre, ces études urbaines commanditées par des municipalités dans lesquelles s’exprime et se formalise une façon de faire la ville. Un enjeu important de mon travail est de replacer, dans l’histoire des débats urbains, l’apport de ces professionnels « installés », modernistes, en tant qu'inventeurs de formes et de doctrines. Cette histoire des savoir-faire étudie plus spécifiquement la façon dont des concepts sont mobilisés par les acteurs et transformés par leur pratique. Au fondement de la tradition du town design se trouve la méthode du neighbourhood planning, qui repose sur l’opérationnalisation du concept d’unité de voisinage. Ce concept opératoire, appliqué au développement d’un territoire, se traduit directement par l’usage de trois outils de conception : le programme (distribution spatio-temporelle et fonctions des équipements), la mobilité (connexions et temporalité des déplacements) et la composition par groupements (et non via un tracé ordonnateur). Ces outils se trouvent appliqués dans la centralité avec l’opération du Barbican Centre, chef d’œuvre ambigu du town design qui, s’appuyant sur un dispositif de precinct, propose un environnement autonome et attractif comme réponse au défi de la construction de logements dans les conditions de la centralité. Un autre enjeu, qui fait l’objet de la seconde partie de ce travail, est d’étudier différents modes de transmission de ces savoir-faire urbanistiques et d’identifier des « chaînes de transmission » et les « agents de transfert » dans le contexte français. Je montre l’intérêt profond des concepteurs français de villes nouvelles pour le travail sur la programmation et pour l’exigence rationnelle générale (accumulation de données, élaboration d’hypothèses…) qui caractérisent l’approche britannique. À la fin des années 1960, les acteurs des villes nouvelles veulent rompre avec l’urbanisme de plan, caractéristique des savoir-faire urbains appliqués en France depuis l’après-guerre. Une étude de cas autour de la collaboration de la Mission de Cergy-Pontoise avec Shankland et Cox fournit un exemple clair de transfert de savoir-faire entre deux grandes institutions publiques : il s'agit d'une part du département d’architecture du London County Council (LCC) – en charge, notamment, de l’élaboration du plan de Londres de 1944 et de sa mise en application – et d'autre part de l’Institut d’aménagement et d’urbanisme de la région parisienne (IAURP), en charge de la création des villes nouvelles autour de la capitale. L’intérêt pour l’expérience britannique s’explique par les instructions très claires du ministère, relayées par le directeur de la Mission, Bernard Hirsch, qui exigent de laisser aux sociétés privées une plus grande part d’initiative dans le développement de la ville nouvelle. L’expérience britannique permet aussi aux jeunes architectes de la Mission, comme l’ont fait avant eux les jeunes architectes du LCC, de définir une nouvelle pratique d’aménageur-concepteur : un concepteur dont l’action n’est ni exclusivement réglementaire ni celle d’un « auteur », et qui accepte l’incertitude de l’évolution du projet dans le temps / My research focuses on a post-war British planning tradition called “town design”, and on its transfer and diffusion in France through the work of new towns designer. The first part of the dissertation defines this tradition as a specific set of urban skills and concepts developed during the British post-war years. The second part analyses its reception and reformulation in the 1960’s French context. The dissertation aims to show how the tradition of town design was gradually codified through the making of urban plans commissioned by municipalities in the post-war years. An important issue was to establish that “mainstream” professional modernist architects could be inventors of forms and doctrines. This study shows more specifically how concepts are mobilised and transformed by professional pratice. The tradition of town design relies on neighbourhood planning and uses the neighbourhood unit’ as an operational concept in the development of central areas. As such, the Barbican Center may be considered an ambiguous masterpiece of town design. It confronts the challenge of building dwellings in central areas within a pedestrian precinct conceived as an autonomous and attractive environment. The second part of this work is dedicated to the study of the different ways in which the urban tradition has been “transmitted” to France and of its "transmission chains" and "transfer agents" in the French context. The thesis shows that the French new town designers praise the British tradition for its emphasis on briefing and programming, as well as its data-driven, firmly rational approach. The case study of the close collaboration between the Mission de Cergy-Pontoise and the Shankland and Cox practice demonstrates that a full set of skills and concepts was transferred between two major public institutions: the architects’ department of London County Council (LCC) and the Institut d’aménagement et d’urbanisme de la région parisienne (IAURP), which was in charge of the creation of new towns around the capital
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Arranjos institucionais e democracia participativa em Cabo Verde : um estudo comparado dos conselhos de controle de políticas públicas (1992-2013)Furtado, Vlademiro Salvador Moreira January 2015 (has links)
A presente Tese procura examinar como os espaços alternativos aos mecanismos convencionais da democracia representativa influenciam na extensão e fortalecimento da democracia participativa em Cabo Verde. Para a consecução desse objetivo, foram selecionados três Conselhos de Políticas Públicas – criados a partir do período democrático iniciado no início dos anos 1990 e respaldados pelo novo Texto Constitucional aprovado em 1992. Os Conselhos selecionados – quais sejam: o Conselho de Concertação Social (CCS), o Conselho Nacional de Saúde (CNS) e a Comissão Nacional para os Direitos Humanos e a Cidadania (CNDHC) além de constituírem três áreas diferentes e possuírem uma abrangência nacional, integram a estrutura político-administrativa do Estado, estando, pois vinculados às orgânicas dos diferentes departamentos governamentais responsáveis pela área do trabalho, salário e seguridade social, da saúde e dos direitos humanos e justiça. Dado esse objeto de estudo, a metodologia usada foi a qualitativa assente na coleta de uma variedade de materiais empíricos relacionados com os conselhos aqui considerados. Implícito a esta metodologia foi priorizado o método comparado centrado na comparação das variáveis e dos conselhos, individualmente considerados, quanto à sua influência no modelo da democracia participativa. Os resultados alcançados com o desenvolvimento da pesquisa sinalizam para o fato de eles não representarem impacto considerável no modelo da democracia participativa em Cabo Verde, sendo a sua existência e funcionamento representar apenas um apêndice da manutenção do modelo da democracia representativa sem que houvesse ocorrência de qualquer transformação nos pressupostos basilares deste modelo. Assim sendo, entre as diversas sugestões apresentadas com o desfecho da pesquisa para a extensão e fortalecimento da democracia participativa, esta Tese propõe a alteração dos arranjos institucionais de modo a que eles possam conferir maior capacidade participativa e deliberativa aos conselhos. / This thesis seek to examine how alternative mechanisms of representative democracy impact into extending and strengthening participatory democracy in Cape Verde. Aiming to reach this goal, three Public Policy Councils were selected – all them created in the beginning of 1990s and supported by the new constitutional text approved in 1992 –, these are Council for Social Consultation (CCS), National Health Council (CNS) and National Commission for Human Rights and Citizenship (CNDHC). These three areas also, are part of the political and administrative structure of the state and are related to the different government organic departments responsible for labor, wage and social security, health and human rights and justice. Methodologically, this study is qualitative based on collecting a variety of empirical materials relating to the advice considered here. Inside this method, was also prioritized comparative approach that focused on comparison of variables of councils individually and their influence on the model of participatory democracy. The results of the study point out of non-existence of considerable impact on participatory democracy model in Cape Verde, and its existence and functioning represent only an appendage of maintenance of representative democracy model without their occurrence of any transformation in the basic assumptions of this model. Thus, among the many tips given to the outcome of the research for the extending and strengthening of participatory democracy, this thesis proposes changing in the institutional arrangements so that they can give more participatory and deliberative capacity to advice.
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Trabalhadores da vinha : estudo sobre a formação do clero : o Seminario Catolico antes e depois do Concilio Vaticano II / Workers of the vineyard : a study on the formation of the clergy : The Catholic Seminary before and after Vatican II CouncilMeschiatti, Jose Eduardo 23 February 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Agueda Bernardete Bittencourt / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T18:53:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Meschiatti_JoseEduardo_D.pdf: 6023512 bytes, checksum: c4f856e05d51c2cf1399afbad2623389 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo : Este trabalho aborda o tema da formação do clero, fazendo um olhar sobre ¿formando¿ e ¿clero¿, sujeitos que não podem ser dissociados. Para a compreensão dos objetivos do processo atual de formação do clero, busca-se entender quem é o padre, qual sua identidade, como se deu a compreensão histórica dessa identidade e qual o perfil das pessoas que se interessam por entrar e fazer parte da assim chamada ¿carreira sacerdotal¿. Através dos vieses das análises de cunho sociológico, histórico e pedagógico a presente pesquisa investiga a formação presbiteral em três fases: a primeira que vai do Concílio de Trento (1545-1563) até meados do século XX; a segunda que aborda a experiência tópica de pequenas comunidades formativas, no breve período do entorno do Concílio Vaticano II (1962-1965) e, a terceira que analisa a formação do clero no período pós-Concílio Vaticano II, sobretudo no período do pontificado do Papa João Paulo II (1978-2005). O trabalho está dividido em três capítulos em que se analisa a formação presbiteral e os seminários na sua compreensão histórica, tendo como referenciais de compreensão Michel Foucault, em sua obra Vigiar e Punir, Erving Goffman, na obra Manicômios, Prisões e Conventos o teólogo João Batista Libânio, em sua obra ¿A Volta à Grande Disciplina¿. O primeiro capítulo, intitulado ¿Um modelo persistente¿, faz um percurso na história para compreender a identidade do presbítero plasmada e forjada e pelo Concílio de Trento. O segundo capítulo, ¿Um modelo em luta¿, analisa a tentativa de superação da identidade tridentina no que diz respeito à formação do clero, empreitada pelo Concílio Vaticano II, apontando a renovação da eclesiologia e das estruturas da Igreja. Como caso concreto de análise, estuda-se neste capítulo a trajetória da formação do clero na Arquidiocese de Campinas, levantando-se a história dos seminários nesta Igreja Particular e a aplicação das determinações dos documentos da Igreja e dos Concílios. O terceiro capítulo ¿O velho no novo¿, descreve os desdobramentos da renovação eclesiológica proposta pelo Vaticano II, que acaba por exigir um novo modelo de presbítero diante das novas realidades do mundo atual e da pós-modernidade, tendo como iluminação as orientações do pontificado do Papa João Paulo II, a partir das diretrizes da Exortação Apostólica Pós-Sinodal Pastores Dabo Vobis de 1992 / Abstract : This work approaches the theme of clergy formation by looking at the terms ¿formation¿ and ¿clergy,¿ which are subjects that cannot be dissociated from each other. In order to comprehend the purpose of the current process of clergy formation, this work seeks to understand who the priest is, his identity, the historical comprehension of priestly identity, and the profile of the men seeking to enter the so-called ¿clergy-career.¿ Through the lens of sociology, history, and education, the present work researches the clergy formation in three stages: First, from the Council of Trent (1545-1563) to the middle of the 20th century; second, approaching the experience of small formative communities, during the brief period near the II Vatican Council (1962-1965); third, making an analysis on the formation of clergy in the post-Vatican II period, especially during the pontificate of pope John Paul II (1978- 2005). This work is divided in three chapters that approach clergy formation and Seminaries in their historical comprehension, having as reference the thoughts of Michel Foucault in his work, ¿Vigiar e Punir,¿ of Erving Goffman in, ¿Manicômios, Prisões e Conventos,¿ and of the Theologian João Batista Libânio, in his work, ¿A Volta à Grande Disciplina.¿ The first chapter, entitled, ¿A persistent model,¿ draws a path through history to comprehend the clergy identity of the Priest built by the council of Trent. The second chapter, ¿A struggling model,¿ makes an analysis of the attempt to overcome the Tridentine identity regarding Clergy formation, achieved by the II Vatican Council, pointing to a renewal of ecclesiology and church structures. As a concrete case, the chapter will discuss on the trajectory of clergy formation in the Archdiocese of Campinas, unfolding the history of the seminaries in that particular church and the application of the Church documents, guidelines, and Councils. The third chapter, ¿The Old in the New,¿ describes the unfolding of that renewal of ecclesiology proposed by Vatican II, which requires a new model of clergy against the new realities of the current world, and postmodern era, according to the positions taken during the pontificate of John Paul II, departing from his Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Pastoris Dabo Vobis (1992) / Doutorado / Educação, Conhecimento, Linguagem e Arte / Doutor em Educação
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Participação democrática no Conselho Municipal de Educação de Ribeirão Preto / Democratic participation, deliberation and institutionality in the Municipal Educational Council of Ribeirão PretoRicardo de Padua Salles 01 December 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo a análise do Conselho Municipal de Educação de Ribeirão Preto (CMERP) a partir de três aspectos essenciais - os contornos do seu desenho institucional, os conteúdos dos seus processos deliberativos e os sentidos da participação em seu contexto. Es-peramos que essa análise possa indicar os caminhos que têm sido tomados por conselheiras e conselheiros no espaço participativo do Conselho, bem como compreender suas conquistas e desafios na direção da ampliação democrática. Os objetivos específicos são a investigação sobre o traçado e o funcionamento instituicional, a efetividade dos processos deliberativos e as rela-ções que se estabelecem numa conjuntura de partilha de poder entre o Poder Público e a socie-dade civil. O enfoque metodológico é qualitativo, com a reunião de dados documentais e a coleta de entrevistas semiestruturadas. O fenômeno da participação democrática no Brasil, em especial por meio das mais diversas instituições participativas criadas desde a redemocratização do país, tem gerado um campo vasto de pesquisas empíricas que tomam por base a democracia como processo de deliberação argumentativa e buscam avaliar ganhos e dificuldades desse ca-minho. Os resultados produzidos dentro de algumas décadas de funcionamento das instituições participativas ganham a centralidade da agenda de pesquisa, que busca medir a capacidade de tornar mais democráticas as relações entre Poder Público e sociedade civil. Para a nossa pesquisa, realizamos a análise de dados colhidos sobre o CMERP - a legislação, as atas das reuniões ordinárias e extraordinárias, o Plano Municipal de Educação de Ribeirão Preto, as entrevistas com conselheiras e conselheiros e as notas de campo. O CMERP é um conselho em funcionamento e que cumpre com suas atribuições legais. A instituição conta com uma participação marcadamente fiscalizatória do Poder Público e das políticas educacionais, com uma representação concentrada nos segmentos da educação municipal, em especial do professorado. Dentre os desafios encontrados em termos de ampliação democrática, estão a aproximação da sociedade civil e a diversificação dos setores representados internamente. / This research aims to analyze the Municipal Education Council of Ribeirão Preto (CMERP) through three essentials aspects: the outlines of its institutional design, the contentes of its de-liberative processes and the meanings of the participation in its context. We hope this analysis may indicate the paths that have been taken by counselers in the Council\'s participative space, as well as the understanding of its conquers and challenges towards a democratic enlargement. The specific objectives are the investigation on the layout and the institutional operation, the effectivness of deliberative processes and the relations that take place in a conjucture of power sharing between public Power and the civil society. The metodologic approach is qualitative, gathering documental data and collecting semi-structured interviews. The democratic partici-pation phenomenum in Brazil, especially by the means of several participative institutions that were created since the country\'s redemocratization, has generated a wide field of empirical researches that base the democracy as an argumentative deliberation process and aim to evalu-ate gains and difficulties on that path. From this perspective, the results produced whithin a few decades of operations of the participatory institutions gain the centrality of the research agenda in this area, which seeks to measure its ability to turn the relations between public sector and civil society more democratic. For our research, we did the analysis of direct and indirect data gathered on the CMERP - legislation, the minutes of meetings (ordinary and extraordinary), the Ribeirão Preto\'s Educational Municipal Plan, the interviews with advisors and counselors and the field notes. We can say that the Council is in operation and fulfills its legal atributions. The institution has a participation thar markedly fiscalizes do Public Power and educational public policies, with concentrated representation in the fields of municipal education, in special the teachers. Among the challenges in terms of democratic expansion, are the approaching of civil society and the diversification of sectors represented internally.
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Construções verdes : estudo comparativo sobre as categorias de "certificação verde" de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos pela Green Building Council BrasilMarcos Antonio Cuba 17 December 2010 (has links)
O conceito de construção verde não está atrelado unicamente à preservação do meio ambiente, visto que muitos pesquisadores empregam usualmente o termo construção sustentada, que é mais condizente com a proposta que prevê o desenvolvimento econômico, social e o respeito ao meio ambiente. Em relação a países em desenvolvimento como o Brasil, equilibrar esses três pontos é essencial para assegurar um crescimento econômico sólido e sustentável. Neste contexto, em decorrência da necessidade de construções menos impactantes ao meio ambiente, foi criado nos Estados Unidos o Conselho Nacional de Construções Verdes, órgão regulamentador das normas de construção e certificador daquelas que atendam as normas mundiais. Essa certificação foi criada buscando diminuir o consumo na fabricação de materiais, manutenção de prédios e gestão de resíduos. O presente estudo visa analisar e aprimorar os conhecimentos relativos à certificação das denominadas edificações sustentáveis no Brasil, analisando as suas características, vantagens para o meio ambiente e para sociedade presente e futura. Além disso, buscou-se apontar as etapas necessárias para se lograr êxito na certificação verde de um empreendimento no Brasil, levando-se em consideração os critérios estabelecidos pelo Green Building Council Brasil, órgão oficialmente credenciado a concedê-la àqueles que implementem os requisitos necessários. Essa demonstração foi feita por meio de estudo comparativo entre dois empreendimentos certificados: o primeiro, Eldorado Business Tower, obteve a certificação denominada Platinum (máxima), e o segundo, Edifício Cidade Nova, que obteve logrou a certificação verde denominada Certified (mínima). O resultado da análise demonstrou que, apesar dos obstáculos culturais e econômicos encontrados para a implementação de uma edificação certificada, a prática parece demonstrar que o resultado final é semelhante ao investimento em edificações convencionais. No entanto, a procura pelo selo vem aumentando exponencialmente a cada ano, demonstrando que os antigos paradigmas começam a ser derrubados, em benefício do meio ambiente, que possa garantir as presentes e futuras gerações. / Concept of construction green not is joined solely to preservation of environment, since many researchers usually use the term supported, that is more in accordance with the proposal that the development foresees economic, social construction and the respect to the environment. In relation the developing countries as Brazil, to balance these three points are essential to assure a solid and sustainable economic growth. In this context, in result of the necessity of less impacts constructions to the environment, it was created in the United States the National Advice of Green Constructions, prescribed agency of the construction norms and certifier of whom they take care of the world-wide norms. This certification was created searching to diminish the consumption in the manufacture of materials, maintenance of building and management of residues. The present study it aims at to analyze and to improve the relative knowledge to the certification of the called sustainable constructions in Brazil, being analyzed its characteristics, advantages for the environment and present and future society. Moreover, one searched to point the stages necessary to cheat success in the green certification of an enterprise in Brazil, taking itself in consideration the criteria established for the Green Building Council Brazil, officially credential agency to grant it those to it that implement the necessary requirements. This demonstration was made by means of comparative study between two certified enterprises: the first one, Eldorado Business Tower, got the called certification Platinum (maximum), and as, Building New City, that it got cheated the green certification called Certified (minimum). The result of the analysis demonstrated that, although found the cultural and economic obstacles for the implementation of a certified construction, the practical one seems to demonstrate that the final result is similar to the investment in conventional constructions. However, the search for the stamp comes exponentially increasing to each year, demonstrating that the old paradigms start to be knocked down, in benefit of the environment, that can guarantee the gifts and future generations.
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Análise dos elementos de conteúdo do relato integrado: Itaú Unibanco e Natura - 2013 e 2014 / Analysis of the content elements of the integrated report: Itaú Unibanco and Natura - 2013 and 2014Cristiane Tiemi Kussaba 08 October 2015 (has links)
O Relato Integrado é a estrutura de divulgação que reúne informações financeiras, ambientais, sociais e de governança em um formato claro, conciso, consistente e comparável, de modo a entender o processo de geração de valor da organização ao longo do tempo. Em 2011, diversas organizações aderiram ao Projeto Piloto do IIRC e, em 2013, foi lançada a Estrutura Conceitual para Relato Integrado, que tem sido referência para a geração do mesmo. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é verificar de que forma algumas empresas participantes deste Projeto Piloto do IIRC divulgaram os elementos de conteúdo propostos pela Estrutura Conceitual para Relato Integrado nos seus documentos de 2013 e 2014. Para tanto, foi realizada a análise de conteúdo dos Relatos Integrados de 2013 e 2014 das empresas Itaú Unibanco e Natura, de modo a verificar quais e como foram divulgados os elementos de conteúdo (categorias) e os itens de elementos de conteúdo (subcategorias) pelas duas empresas, tecendo comparações entre os dois anos. Para o complemento das análises, foram realizadas entrevistas com profissionais envolvidos na geração do Relato Integrado dentro de cada empresa. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo, na qual foram empregados os procedimentos de pesquisa documental e entrevistas. Dentre os resultados, são percebidas, de 2013 para 2014, evoluções na apresentação de quantos e como foram divulgados os elementos de conteúdo do Relato Integrado nas duas empresas. Destaca-se, por exemplo, a divulgação de Governança e Estratégia e Alocação de Recursos na Natura, que apresentou todos os itens propostos dentro dos referidos elementos de conteúdo. No Itaú, o elemento de conteúdo que teve maior crescimento numérico de itens divulgados foi Governança. Quantitativamente, as duas empresas ou mantiveram o mesmo ou aumentaram o número de subcategorias divulgadas de um ano para o outro. No geral, os principais pontos de evolução no Relato Integrado do Itaú Unibanco de 2013 para 2014 observados são: maior completude, maior concisão na apresentação das informações, expansão do conteúdo do Relato Integrado através de uma maior conexão com informações de outros relatórios, detalhamento da gestão da empresa, a abordagem da visão mais de longo prazo, maior percepção do engajamento da alta administração na produção do relatório, melhoria na divulgação dos processos de governança e ampliação de quase todas as partes do Relato Integrado. Na Natura, pode-se destacar a Visão de Sustentabilidade da empresa que melhorou diversos aspectos do Relato Integrado, entendimento mais fácil em relação ao ano anterior, mais assertividade na comunicação, um maior foco nos temas materiais e na gestão de riscos e uma visão mais integrada dos diversos públicos da empresa. Para estudos futuros, sugere-se a ampliação da amostra e do período de análise para verificar o alcance efetivo dos objetivos a que se propõe o Relato Integrado. / Integrated reporting is the disclosure framework that brings together financial, environmental, social and governance issues in a clear, concise, consistent and comparable format in order to understand the process of organization value creation overt time. In 2011, several organizations joined the IIRC Pilot Project and, in 2013, the Conceptual Framework for Integrated Reporting was issued, which has been reference for generating the same. The purpose of this study is to verify how some companies engaged in this IIRC Pilot Project released the content elements proposed in this Conceptual Framework on their 2013 and 2014 Integrated Reports. Therefore, it was carried out the content analysis of the 2013 and 2014 Integrated Reports from Itaú Unibanco and Natura, in order to verify what and how it was disclosed the content elements (categories) and items of content elements (subcategories) by these two companies, making comparisons over the two years. To complement this analysis, interviews were conducted with professionals involved in the implementation of the Integrated Reporting within each company. This is a field research, in which the documentary research and interview procedures were applied. The results indicate changes from the 2013 to 2014 Integrated Reports in terms of how many and how the Integrated Reporting content elements were disclosed in the two companies. Noteworthy, for example, the disclosure of Governance and Strategy and Resource Allocation in the Natura\'s report, which presented all the items proposed in those content elements. In the Itaú\'s report, content element that had greater numerical growth of items disclosed was Governance. Quantitatively, the two companies or continued the same or increased the number of subcategories disclosed over the two years analyzed. Overall, the main points of progress observed on Itaú Unibanco Integrated Reporting from 2013 to 2014 are: greater completeness, more concise presentation of information, expansion of the content of the Integrated Reporting through greater connection with information from other reports, detailing of the company management, the approach of a more long-term vision, greater awareness of senior management engagement in the production of the report, improved disclosure about the governance processes and the expansion of almost all parties of the Integrated Reporting. In Natura\'s report, it is possible to highlight the company\'s Sustainability Vision, which has improved several aspects of the Integrated Reporting, easier understanding in comparison with the previous year, more assertiveness in communication, a greater focus on material issues and on risk management and a more integrated view of the several stakeholders of the company. For future studies, it is suggested the expansion of the sample and the analysis period to verify the effective achievement of the objectives proposed in the Integrated Reporting.
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A novel interpretation of article 5(1) (b) of the Brussels I Regulation in respect of complex contractsModubu, Boitumelo Maleshoane 14 July 2015 (has links)
LL. M. (International Commercial Law) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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Factors influencing the utilization of voluntary counselling and testing services amongst employees of the Lobatse Town Council in BotswanaKomanyane, Lorato January 2007 (has links)
In this study both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to find out to what extent the Lobatse Town Council employees used Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) HIV and AIDS services, the reasons for using or not using the services, the preferred service providers reasons for choosing a service provider. Lastly recommendations were made on how the uptake HIV and AIDS VCT services could increased amongst the employees. A sample of 200 respondents was selected from the employees of the Lobatse Town Council, and it was established that 65.5 percent of the respondents had used VCT. Females had a higher testing participation rates than males, white collar respondents had a higher testing participation than the blue collar respondents. There was a higher rate amongst the married than the single respondents and the older ages of 30 and above than the young ages of 29 years and under. In the study it was also established that the majority of the respondents considered voluntary counselling and testing for HIV and AIDS as being important. However there were some groups that were more positive than others regarding the importance of testing. More females than males were positive regarding the importance of testing, and also amongst the employment categories the white collar respondents were more positive than the blue collar respondents regarding the importance of HIV and AIDS testing. Furthermore it was established that the most important reason for testing amongst the employees that did test for HIV and AIDS was that they felt that they needed to undergo testing before they tested. The respondents that did not test for HIV and AIDS indicated that the most important reason for not testing was that they were scared the results could not be kept confidential. The research also showed that the most preferred service provider was Tebelopele. Tebelopele was the most used and preferred service provider amongst both gender and age groups, all marital groups and the blue collar group in the employment categories. However, for the white collar group the most preferred service provider was the private practitioners. The most common reason for choosing a service provider was confidentiality and privacy. Lastly, the research makes recommendations on what needs to be done to increase the uptake of VCT HIV and AIDS testing amongst the Lobatse Town Council employees. One of the recommendations is that there was a need to educate the employees of the Lobatse Town Council and that the education should be specific for each group. For example from the group discussion the participants felt that the reason to why males did not want to utilise HIV and AIDS VCT was because they lacked knowledge on the importance of testing. Also the respondents indicated that there was a need to remove stigma and discrimination through removing confidentiality attached to HIV and AIDS. It was also, recommended that the Lobatse Town Council formulate and implements a workplace policy on HIV and AIDS
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The recognition and enforcement of European civil and commercial judgements in South AfricaKassel, Bryoni 15 July 2015 (has links)
LL.M. (International Commercial Law) / Legal judgements against unsuccessful defendants are handed down around the world on a daily basis, but their enforcement can become a complicated matter when the enforcement of the judgement must occur outside the territorial boundaries of the state from which it emanates. The purpose of this paper is to determine the enforceability of judgements of the European courts whereby the jurisdiction of the court was determined in terms of Brussels I. This paper begins with an in-depth discussion of the principles of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements and the purpose it serves within the context of private international law. The second chapter discusses recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements in South Africa. The requirements and the criteria necessary to fulfil such requirements will be discussed under this heading. The third chapter considers the various grounds of jurisdiction available to the plaintiff in approaching a court of a European Union State. Each ground will be followed by a discussion on the enforceability of a judgement, founded on such a ground of jurisdiction, in terms of the South African principles of recognition and enforcements of foreign judgements and whether the requirements discussed in the preceding chapter have been met. Chapter 4 provides concluding remarks relating to the matters discussed in the body of this paper.
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The Second Vatican Council and American Catholic Theological Research: A Bibliometric Analysis of Theological Studies: 1940-1995Phelps, Helen Stegall 08 1900 (has links)
A descriptive analysis was given of the characteristics of the authors and citations of the articles in the journal Theological Studies from 1940-1995. Data was gathered on the institutional affiliation, geographic location, occupation, and gender and personal characteristics of the author. The citation characteristics were examined for the cited authors, date and age of the citations, format, language, place of publication, and journal titles. These characteristics were compared to the time-period before and after the Second Vatican Council in order to detect any changes that might have occurred in the characteristics after certain recommendations by the council were made to theologians. Subject dispersion of the literature was also analyzed. Lotka's Law of author productivity and Bradford's Law of title dispersion were also performed for this literature. The profile of the characteristics of the authors showed that the articles published by women and laypersons has increased since the recommendations of the council. The data had a good fit to Lotka's Law for the pre-Vatican II time period but not for the period after Vatican II. The data was a good fit to Bradford's Law for the predicted number of journals in the nucleus and Zone 2, but the observed number of journals in Zone 3 was higher than predicted for all time-periods. Subject dispersion of research from disciplines other than theology is low but citation to works from the fields of education, psychology, social sciences, and science has increased since Vatican II. The results of the analysis of the characteristics of the citations showed that there was no significant change in the age, format and languages used, or the geographic location of the publisher of the cited works after Vatican II. Citation characteristics showed that authors prefer research from monographs published in English and in U.S. locations for all time-periods. Research from the disciplines of education, psychology, science and the social sciences has increased, but authors preferred the use of theological sources for their research more than 70% of the time both before and after the council.
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