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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution de méthodes de la chimie analytique à l'amélioration de la qualité de fruits et à la détermination de mécanismes (EGE) et de risques d'incendie

Barboni, Toussaint 12 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude comporte deux parties, la première concerne l'analyse des arômes et des flavonoïdes sur deux fruits insulaires et la deuxième est consacrée à l'étude du risque encouru par le personnel intervenant lors d'un feu de forêt. Ces deux thèmes correspondent à une attente au niveau des différents protagonistes et s'inscrivent dans le cadre de différents projets auquel le laboratoire est associé. La première partie concerne l'analyse des composés volatils et des flavonoïdes d'un hybride du genre Citrus ainsi que des baies du myrte commun. En Corse, la production annuelle des clémentines est importante, elle constitue le premier produit d'exportation ; les baies du myrte sont utilisées dans l'élaboration des liqueurs et des vins. Ces deux fruits constituent une dynamique économique importante dans l'île. Les arômes sont des substances responsables des propriétés organoleptiques d'une denrée alimentaire. Nous avons identifiés 44 composés volatils dans les jus de clémentine, de mandarine et des hybrides. Les molécules les plus abondantes sont les monoterpènes hydrocarbonés dont principalement le limonène et le -terpinène. Les flavonoïdes sont des substances à fort potentiel antioxydant, nous avons déterminé deux flavones polyméthoxylées et trois flavanones glycosides. Les baies du myrte sont caractérisées par 36 composés volatils avec majoritairement de l'-pinène, de l'eucalyptol, du cis hex-3-èn-1-ol et par 14 composés phénoliques parmi lesquels, la myricétine et ses dérivés glycosides sont les plus abondants. La deuxième partie présente une autre préoccupation de l'île durant la saison estivale, il s'agit des feux de forêt. Chaque année, des milliers d'hectares de forêt brûlent en Europe et plus précisément dans le bassin méditerranéen. L'observation des phénomènes d'embrasement généralisé a été reportée mais le mécanisme reste mal défini. Le but de ce travail est de connaître les molécules terpéniques émises par cinq végétaux représentatifs du couvert végétal Corse à savoir le pin laricio et le pin maritime, le ciste de Montpellier, la bruyère arborescente et l'arbousier. Il s'agit dans un premier de temps de valider la possibilité d'une inflammation subite d'une poche de gaz de composés organiques volatils biogéniques (COVb). Les analyses réalisées montrent que l'-pinène est le composé majoritaire dans les pins, ce sont les diterpènes qui sont les plus émis par le ciste de Montpellier. Ensuite, nous nous sommes intéressés aux émissions de polluants dues aux feux de végétation et à leur pouvoir toxique sur le personnel intervenant. Pour cela, nous analysons les molécules présentes dans les fumées et nous dosons les BTEX (benzène, toluène, éthylbenzène et xylènes) puis nous les comparons aux valeurs limites d'exposition (VLE). Nous avons démontré que la concentration en benzène est supérieure à la VLE, les pompiers seraient donc exposés à un environnement toxique.

Prediction and control of patterned activity in small neural networks

Sieling, Fred H. 23 August 2010 (has links)
Rhythmic neural activity is thought to underlie many high-level functions of the nervous system. Our goals are to understand rhythmic activity starting with small networks, using theoretical and experimental tools. Phase resetting theory describes essential properties that cause and destroy rhythms. We validate and extend one branch of this theory, testing it in bursting neurons coupled by excitation and then extending the theory to account for temporal variability found in our experimental data. We show that the theory makes good predictions of rhythmic activity in heterogeneous networks. We also note differences in mathematical structure between inhibition- and excitation-coupling that cause them to behave differently in noisy contexts and may explain why all central pattern generators (CPGs) found in nature are dominated by inhibition. Our extension of the theory gives a method that is useful to compare experimental and model data and shows that noise may either create or destroy a rhythm. Finally, we described the cellular mechanisms in Aplysia that switch the feeding CPG from arrhythmic to rhythmic behavior in response to reward stimuli. Previous studies showed that a Dopamine reward signal is correlated to changes in electrical coupling and excitability in several important neurons in the CPG. Using the dynamic clamp and an in vitro analog of the full behavioral system, we were able to determine that electrical coupling alone controls rhythmicity, while excitability independently controls the rate of activity. These results beg for further study, including new theory to explain them fully.

Dosisabhängige Aktivierung von Mikrogliazellen durch Toll-like - Rezeptoragonisten allein und in Kombination / Dose-dependent activation of microglial celles by Toll-like receptor agonists alone and in combination

Werner, Steffi 02 September 2013 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Auswirkung der Behandlung muriner Mikrogliazellen mit Agonisten von TLR2, TLR4 und TLR9 untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck wurden murine Mikrogliazellkulturen angelegt. Als TLR - Agonisten dienten Pam3Cys und HKAL (TLR2), Pneumolysin und LPS (TLR4) sowie CPG (TLR9). Die Stimulation muriner Mikrogliazellen mit den verschiedenen TLR - Agonisten führte zur Freisetzung von NO und TNF-α. Durch den Einsatz unterschiedlicher Konzentrationen der TLR - Agonisten konnten Dosis - Wirkungs - Kurven für die Freisetzung von NO und TNF-α erstellt werden. Anhand der EC50 wurde die Potenz der TLR - Liganden beurteilt. Für die Freisetzung von NO wies LPS die höchste stimulatorische Potenz auf, gefolgt von Pneumolysin, CpG und Pam3Cys. Für die TNF-α - Freisetzung besaß ebenfalls LPS die höchste stimulatorische Potenz, auch hier folgten Pneumolysin und CpG. Das verwendete Pam3Cys löste sich nicht optimal, vermutlich aus diesem Grund wurde durch die Pam3Cys - Gabe keine maximale Stimulation erreicht. Darum konnte die EC50 für die TNF-α - Freisetzung fur Pam3Cys nicht ermittelt werden. Die EC50 für die TNF-a - Freisetzung war jeweils höher als die entsprechende EC50 für die Freisetzung von NO. Die Behandlung mit HKAL führte zur starken NO - und TNF-a - Freisetzung. Ein direkter Vergleich der Potenz von HKAL mit der der anderen Liganden ist nicht möglich, da die Konzentration von HKAL in Zellzahl pro ml gemessen wird. Die Konzentrationen von Pam3Cys, Pneumolysin und LPS werden jedoch in µg/l gemessen.  Die Stimulation von Mikrogliazellen über verschiedene TLR hatte eine relativ gleich starke Sezernierung von NO und TNF-a zur Folge. Die Costimulation der Mikrogliazellen mit Konzentrationen von zwei unterschiedlichen TLR - Agonisten, welche allein jeweils zur maximalen NO - Produktion geführt hatten, resultierte nicht in einer weiteren Erhöhung der NO - Freisetzung.  Niedrig dosiert zeigte die Pneumolysinbehandlung einen immunstimulatorischen Effekt. Das Maximum an Stimulation, gemessen an der Zunahme der NO - Produktion, wurde bei einer Pneumolysin - Konzentration von 0,3 µg/ml (6nM) beobachtet. Eindeutige zytotoxische Effekte anhand der signifikant geringeren NO - Freisetzung waren bei Konzentrationen von 3 µg/ml bzw. 10 µg/ml (60 nM bzw. 200 nM) nachweisbar. Durch die Isolectin-B4 - Färbung wurden bei diesen Konzentrationen pneumolysinbedingte Zellschäden dargestellt. Bei den anderen Substanzen wurde in hohen Konzentrationen keine Zytotoxität beobachtet Die Behandlung TLR4 - defizienter Mikrogliazellen mit den spezifischen TLR4 - Agonisten Pneumolysin und LPS führte zu einer signifikant geringeren Freisetzung von NO im Vergleich zu Wildtypzellen. Schlussfolgernd kann gesagt werden: Die Stimulation von Mikrogliazellen über unterschiedliche TLR resultiert in einer relativ einheitlichen Freisetzung von NO und TNF-α. Die gleichzeitige Stimulation mit zwei jeweils niedrigdosierten TLR - Agonisten führt zu einem additiven oder supraadditiven Effekt. Nicht nur bakterielle Substanzen, sondern auch endogene Stoffe sind Agonisten an TLR - Rezeptoren. Der additive Effekt durch die simultane Stimulation mehrerer TLR erhöht nicht nur die Sensitivität von Mikroglia während Infektionen, sondern kann ebenfalls Wechselwirkungen zwischen exogenen und endogenen Agonisten von TLR zur Folge haben. Dies kann ein Grund für die Exazerbation oder Induktion autoimmuner Krankheiten durch Infektionen sein.


Venturini, Nicolas 26 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse, développé en partenariat avec la Société Mavela et l'INRA de Corse, est axé autour de l'étude de deux plantes traditionnellement utilisées en Corse pour la préparation de spiritueux (liqueur et eau de vie) : le myrte commun (Myrtus communis L.) et le cédrat (Citrus medica L). Le mémoire de thèse se décline en deux parties principales : * Une partie fondamentale visant à établir une méthodologie d'analyse des spiritueux par chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse, d'une part, et à définir et à réunir en un même corpus les règles de fragmentation des flavonoïdes, d'autre part. * Une partie appliquée dont l'objectif est de contribuer à la définition d'une qualité en termes de compositions volatile et phénolique. Ainsi, nous avons étudié la variabilité intraspécifique des baies de myrte récoltées en Corse et nous avons caractérisé différentes variétés de cédrats. La composition volatile des baies de myrte est dominée par le couple α-pinène/1,8-cinéole alors que la composition phénolique est riche en myricétine, myricétine-3-O-arabinoside, myricétine-3-O-galactoside et en épigallocatéchine. Cette " empreinte " chimique des baies est retrouvée dans les liqueurs et les eaux de vie correspondantes. En outre, les huiles essentielles ont une composition homogène pour l'ensemble des lieux d'échantillonnage. L'étude des caractéristiques morphologiques, génétiques, et chimiques de 24 variétés de cédrat a permis de différencier les variétés " ancestrales " et les variétés " hybrides ". Sur la base de l'analyse de la diversité morphologique et génétique, 13 variétés dont le cédrat de Corse (Citrus medica var. corsican) sont considérées comme des cédrats ancestraux alors que les 11 autres cultivars sont assimilés à des hybrides entre les cédratiers et d'autres espèces du genre Citrus. Au niveau de la composition chimique des huiles essentielles, les cédratiers ancestraux se distinguent des autres variétés par des chimiotypes à limonène/néral/géranial ou limonène/nérol/géraniol pour les feuilles et à limonène/ץ-terpinène ou limonène/néral/géranial pour les zestes. Au niveau des composés phénoliques, la distinction entre les cédrats ancestraux et hybrides n'a pas pu être mise en évidence. L'étude de la composition chimique des liqueurs élaborées à partir du cédrat de Corse a permis d'étudier l'influence de la maturité des fruits sur la qualité des spiritueux. Il apparait que la date de récolte n'a pas d'impact sur la composition en volatils. A contrario, les concentrations en acides phénoliques et en leurs dérivés diminuent fortement au cours du développement du fruit. En outre, nous avons défini la qualité de la liqueur en fonction des conditions expérimentales de sa préparation. Enfin, ce travail de doctorat est la première étape de la mise en place d'un programme de protection de l'origine géographique et botanique de ces productions identitaires.

Ensaio imunoenzimático para o diagnóstico da hepatite A utilizando IgY anti-HAV

Silva, Alexandre dos Santos da January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Anderson Silva (avargas@icict.fiocruz.br) on 2012-05-21T19:40:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 alexandre_santos_silva_ioc_bp_0011_2010.pdf: 1220834 bytes, checksum: e61580079e61e5f06f901abb6feddfb9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-05-21T19:40:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 alexandre_santos_silva_ioc_bp_0011_2010.pdf: 1220834 bytes, checksum: e61580079e61e5f06f901abb6feddfb9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / A hepatite A é uma doença endêmica no Brasil e na América Latina. A prevalência da infecção tem correlação com precárias condições de higiene e saneamento. Em países em desenvolvimento, um saneamento inadequado resulta em maior transmissão desta doença, principalmente entre crianças e jovens. Atualmente, devido às melhorias das condições sanitárias, o perfil epidemiológico da doença está se deslocando para idades mais avançadas, o que facilita a ocorrência de surtos epidemiológicos. Os kits comerciais para detecção de anti-HAV total normalmente utilizam imunoglobulina G (IgG) de mamíferos no período convalescente da doença para a produção dos anticorpos de captura e do conjugado. Uma alternativa à aplicação dos anticorpos de mamíferos no diagnóstico é o uso da imunoglobulina Y (IgY), encontrada no soro e gema dos ovos de aves e répteis. Essas proteínas têm varias vantagens quando comparadas com IgG: alta resposta contra antígenos de mamíferos, redução da cor de fundo em ensaios imunoenzimáticos e de serem obtidas por um método não-invasivo (coleta da gema dos ovos). O objetivo deste trabalho foi a obtenção de anticorpos IgY anti-HAV produzidos em galinhas imunizadas contra o vírus da Hepatite A (HAV) e o desenvolvimento de um ensaio imunoenzimático para detecção de anti-HAV total utilizando IgY anti-HAV como imunoglobulinas de captura e conjugado. Cinco grupos de galinhas foram imunizadas com diferentes inóculos contendo: vacina com e sem o adjuvante CpG-ODN, HAV com adjuvante incompleto de Freund (IFA) com e sem o adjuvante CpG-ODN e um grupo controle com IFA. Os ovos foram coletados e a gema foi purificada pela precipitação com polietileno glicol. A solução purificada contendo IgY anti-HAV foi avaliada para determinação da concentração da IgY anti-HAV por espectrofotometria e sua especificidade e título foram determinados à partir de um teste imunoenzimático. Os anticorpos foram conjugados com a peroxidase e foi estabelecida a diluição ideal para os anticorpos de captura e conjugado. Para avaliar o ensaio imunoenzimático “in-house” com IgY anti-HAV, foi avaliado um painel composto de 100 amostras positivas e 100 amostras negativas para anti- HAV-total. A presença da IgY anti-HAV nas gemas dos ovos foi confirmada por SDS-PAGE e Western Blotting, e após a purificação, a média da concentração de proteínas nas gemas dos ovos foi de 8,7406 mg /mL. O grupo imunizado com HAV, IFA e CPG-ODN apresentou os maiores títulos de anticorpo. O ensaio “in-house” apresentou sensibilidade de 84%, especificidade de 79% e eficiência de 81,5%. Os métodos utilizados para a produção de IgY anti-HAV e sua conjugação com peroxidase foram eficientes e o ensaio imunoenzimático “in-house” IgY anti-HAV demonstrou uma boa sensibilidade e especificidade. A produção de anti-HAV IgY apresenta vantagens quando comparado com obtenção da IgG anti-HAV. O teste imunoenzimático “in house” com IgY anti- HAV pode ser uma alternativa a utilização da IgG nos ensaios imunoenzimáticos. / Hepatitis A is an endemic disease in Brazil and Latin America. Prevalence of this infection is related to the low degree of hygiene and sanitation. In developing countries, inadequate sanitation results in larger transmission of the disease mostly in children and young people. Nowadays, due to better sanitation conditions, the epidemiological profile of disease is changing to older ages resulting in the occurrence of outbreaks. Diagnostic kits for detection of total anti-HAV generally use mammals immunoglobulin G (IgG) in the convalescent period of disease for production of capture and conjugated antibodies. One alternative to the application of mammals antibodies in the diagnosis is the use of immunoglobulin Y (IgY), encountered in birds and reptiles. These proteins have several advantages when compared to IgG: high response against mammals antigens, reduction of the background in imunoenzymatic assays and it is obtained by a non-invasive method (harvest of the egg yolks). The objective of this work was the acquisition of anti-HAV IgY antibodies produced in immunized chickens against Hepatitis A virus and the development of an immunoenzymatic assay for total anti-HAV detection using IgY anti-HAV as capture and conjugated immunoglobulins. Five groups of chickens were immunized with different inocula containing: vaccine with and without CpG-ODN adjuvant, HAV with incomplete Freund adjuvant (IFA) with and without CpG-ODN and one control group with IFA. The eggs were harvested and the yolk was purified by precipitation with polyethylene glycol. The purified solution containing anti-HAV IgY was evaluated by espectrofotometry and their specificity and title were determined by an immunoenzymatic assay. These antibodies were conjugated with peroxidase and was estabilized the ideal dilution for capture and conjugated antibodies. For evaluation of the immunoenzymatic “in-house” assay with IgY anti-HAV, a panel composed of 100 positive samples and 100 negative samples for total anti-HAV was assessed. The presence of IgY anti-HAV in egg yolks was established by SDS-PAGE and Western Blotting, and after the purification, the average of the proteins concentrations in the egg yolks was of 8,7406 mg/mL. The group immunized with HAV, IFA and CpG-ODN demonstrate the higher titer of antibodies. The “in-house” assay showed sensibility of 84%, specificity of 79% and efficiency of 81,5%. The methods used for anti-HAV IgY production and conjugation with peroxidase were efficient and the “in-house” immunoenzymatic assay IgY anti-HAV demonstrated a good sensitivity and specificity. The production of IgY anti-HAV showed advantages when compared to the acquisition of IgG anti-HAV. The immunoenzymatic “in-house” assay IgY anti- HAV can be an alternative to the utilization of IgG in immunoenzymatic assays.

Processamento de informação em neurônios motores de um centro gerador de padrões / Information processing in motor neurons of a central pattern generator

Ludmila Brochini Rodrigues 20 September 2011 (has links)
A atividade de neurônios em rajadas de disparo (bursts) é onipresente em sistemas nervosos. No entanto, o papel funcional dos bursts na codificação de informação ainda não é completamente compreendido. A dinâmica de burst tem sido intensivamente estudada em centros geradores de padrões (CPGs) que são exemplos clássicos de sistema nervoso autônomo em que a atividade em bursts está diretamente associada ao controle motor. Estudos recentes investigaram pequenas perturbações na dinâmica aparentemente periódica de neurônios com atividade em burst (bursters): padrões sutis nos tempos de disparo (spikes) dentro de um mesmo burst. Padrões de spikes intraburst (PSIBs) são tradicionalmente negligenciados por falta de relação com a função motora do CPG, no entanto, esses estudos mostraram que PSIBs são específicos para cada tipo de célula do CPG estomatogástrico de crustáceos e além disso, são capazes de refletir mudanças na conectividade da rede, indicando um possível papel na codificação de informação. Nesse trabalho, abordamos esse assunto investigando como um neurônio motor com atividade em bursts expressa informação a respeito de outros neurônios da rede através dos PSIBs. Realizamos experimentos registrando a atividade de neurônios pilóricos do gânglio estomatogástrico tanto na rede intacta como em uma rede híbrida na qual um neurônio pilórico interage em tempo real com um neurônio modelo através de uma sinapse artificial. Para inferir a sensibilidade dos PSIBs pós sinápticos aos pré-sinápticos desenvolvemos uma ferramenta de análise baseada em Teoria da Informação para encontrar padrões de máxima informação (ou seja, encontrar o bin que produz PSIBs de máxima entropia) e calcular informação mútua média entre eles (IMM) ao longo do burst de cada neurônio. Esta ferramenta também é potencialmente útil à análise de outros tipos de processos puntuais por fornecer um método de revelar informação oculta em padrões de eventos. Encontramos que um único neurônio motor é capaz de expressar no início de seu burst informação contida nos PSIBs do início do burst anterior do neurônio pré-sináptico. Esse fenômeno é observado em diferentes espécimes e espécies, o que sugere um mecanismo geral de codificação de informação. Além disso, esse efeito foi reproduzido em experimentos com uma rede híbrida, onde os estímulos pré-sinápticos são totalmente controlados, livre de qualquer influência de outros elementos no circuito. Esses resultados sugerem que a microestrutura dos padrões de disparo pré-sinápticos são codificadas se dá através de uma única sinapse, de maneira não linear e não homogênea nos PSIBs pós sinápticos. Dessa forma, neurônios motores são capazes de usar escalas de tempo diferentes para expressar dois tipos de informação: o ritmo de burst (associado à taxa de disparo) carrega informação sobre a contratação motora, enquanto que em uma escala de tempo muito menor, os PSIBs (associados à codificação temporal) expressam informação sobre o comportamento de outros neurônios do CPG. Além disso, encontramos que a informação dos PSIBs de um neurônio pilórico é codificada na estrutura temporal de disparo das unidades ativas registradas em um nervo do sistema estomatogástrico que projeta em áreas sensoriais do cérebro do animal. Assim, o mecanismo de codificação descrito pode ser parte de uma via de transmissão de informação previamente desconhecida, sugerindo que a codificação de informação através dos PSIBs poderia ser aproveitada para a regulação dos padrões de disparo em circuitos remotos pelo sistema nervoso central. / Burst firing is ubiquitous in nervous systems. However, the functional role of burst firing in information coding is mostly unknown. Bursting dynamics have been intensively studied in Central Pattern Generators (CPGs), classical examples of autonomous nervous circuits in which the most conspicuous bursting activity is clearly associated to motor function. Recent studies have investigated small perturbations embedded in the otherwise seemingly periodic bursting: the subtle intra-burst spike timing patterns (IBSPs), traditionally neglected for their lack of relation to the CPG motor function. Moreover, IBSPs were found to be cell-type specific and able to reflect changes in CPG connectivity, indicating a potential role in information coding. Here we addressed this matter by investigating how a bursting motor neuron expresses information about other neurons in the network. We performed experiments on the crustacean stomatogastric pyloric CPG, both in control conditions and when interacting in real-time with computer model neurons. The sensitivity of post- to pre-synaptic IBSPs was inferred by computing their average mutual information along each neuron burst. We found that a single motor neuron is able to express, at the beginning of its burst, information about the IBSPs of the beginning of the pre synaptic neuron\'s burst. This phenomenon is observed in different specimens and species, sugesting a genera information coding mechanism. Moreover, this effect was reproduced in a hybrid circuit, in which the presynaptic stimuli are completely controled by the experimenter free of any influence of other elements in the circuit. These results suggest that the presynaptic spiking microstructure are non-linearly and in homogeneously encoded through a single synapse in the post synaptic IBSPs. This way, motor neurons are able to use different time scales to express two types of information simultaneously: muscle contraction (related to bursting rate), and the behavior of other CPG neurons (in a much smaller timescale by using IBSPs as information carriers). Therefore, the coding mechanism described takes part in a previously unsuspected information pathway, providing evidence of the general physiological role of information coding through IBSPs in the regulation of neuronal _ring patterns in remote circuits by the central nervous system.

Une nouvelle stratégie d’immunothérapie : cibler directement des immunostimulants à la surface des cellules tumorales par ligation bio-orthogonale / A new strategy in cancer immunotherapy through specific targeting of immunostimulants to the tumor cell surface using bio-orthogonal chemistry

Mongis, Aline 03 February 2017 (has links)
L’immunothérapie anti-cancéreuse vise à éliminer les cellules tumorales en stimulant les propres cellules du système immunitaire du patient. Dans ce projet, nous avons développé une nouvelle stratégie d’immunothérapie visant à cibler directement des immunostimulants a la surface des cellules tumorales par ligation bio-orthogonale. Nous utilisons, pour marquer spécifiquement les cellules tumorales, leur métabolisme particulier et très actif qui permet d’intégrer à leur surface, dans leurs glycanes, des azido sucres capables de se lier en grand nombre avec divers immunostimulants portant des groupements réactifs adéquats (= glyco-ingénierie métabolique). Pour la ligation aux glycanes, nous employons la chimie bio-orthogonale qui est basée sur l’utilisation de 2 groupements mutuellement réactifs, tous 2 absents des milieux biologiques et qui peuvent se coupler rapidement très sélectivement et donc pratiquement sans réactions secondaires dans des conditions douces compatibles avec une application in vivo. Notre choix d’immunostimulants s’est porte sur les oligonucléotides de type CpG (puissants immunostimulants) et sur les β-glucanes qui, en combinaison avec des anticorps thérapeutiques, stimulent la phagocytose et n’entrainent pas une secretion importante de cytokines. Ainsi, après avoir determiné les meilleures conditions d’incorporation des azido sucres et mis au point le couplage des immunostimulants à différents groupements bioorthogonaux, nous sommes parvenus à montrer in vitro la fixation des immunostimulants à la surface de différentes lignées tumorales. Des tests immunologiques in vitro et une étude in vivo ont ensuite permis de valider l’effet des immunostimulants fixés à la surface des cellules tumorales. Nous avons ainsi observe sur une série de souris, un ralentissement de développement tumoral en présence d’un puissant immunostimulant fixé sur les cellules tumorales. / Cancer immunotherapy uses the patient's own immune system to fight cancer. In this research project, we propose a new strategy for immunotherapy: binding immunostimulants in situ to the tumor cell surface using bio-orthogonal chemistry. For that purpose we use the particular and active metabolism of tumor cells to introduce by metabolic glycoengineering into their cell surface glycans, azido sugars capable of binding many different immunostimulants carrying adequate reactive groups. The biorthogonal chemistry allowing this specific ligation is based on the use of two mutually reactive groups both naturally absent from biological systems and which can be coupled selectively and very quickly in conditions totally compatible with living organisms. Our choice of immunostimulants consists, on one hand, of CpG oligonucleotides (powerful general immunostimulants) and on the other hand of β-glucans (phagocytosis stimulants used in combination with therapeutic antibodies without causing strong cytokine secretion). We determined the best conditions for the introduction of azido sugars into cell glycans of different tumor models and tried different biorthogonal groups and reaction conditions to obtain the best immunostimulant coupling to the surface of various tumor cell lines. Then, we performed in vitro immunological tests and in vivo studies in mice in order to validate the effect of the association between immunostimulants and tumor cells on the immune response against tumors. Thereby, we observed on a group of mice, reduced tumor growth when the strong immunostimulant CpG was fixed onto tumor cell surface.

Identification de cibles et régulateurs de la méthylation de l'ADN chez la souris / Identification of targets and regulators of DNA methylation in mice

Auclair, Ghislain 22 October 2015 (has links)
La méthylation de l’ADN est une modification épigénétique qui prend place durant le développement embryonnaire sur le génome des Mammifères. Durant ma thèse, j’ai déterminé les cinétiques de mise en place de la méthylation de l’ADN sur le génome murin au cours de l’embryogénèse précoce. J’ai identifié les rôles spécifiques et redondants des ADN méthyltransférases DNMT3a et DNMT3b dans ce processus. J’ai également étudié le rôle de deux facteurs dans la mise en place de la méthylation de l’ADN dans l’embryon. Premièrement, j’ai déterminé que l’enzyme G9a joue un rôle essentiel pour la répression et le recrutement de la méthylation de l’ADN à des sites spécifiques du génome, incluant en particulier des promoteurs à ilots CpG de gènes méiotiques. Deuxièmement, l’étude du facteur E2F6 m’a permis de montrer que cette protéine est elle aussi impliquée dans le recrutement de la méthylation de l’ADN, et ce à des promoteurs de gènes méiotiques distincts de ceux régulés par G9a. / DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification which is established during embryonic development on the mammalian genome. In my thesis, I determined the kinetics of DNA methylation acquisition on the mouse genome during early embryogenesis, and determined the specific and redundant roles of the DNA methyltransferases DNMT3a and DNMT3b in this process. I also studied the roles of two factors involved in setting up DNA methylation in embryos. First, I determined that the G9a enzyme plays an essential role for the in vivo repression and DNA methylation of specific genomic sites, including in particular the CpG island promoters of germline genes. Second, the study of the E2F6 factor allowed me to show that this protein is also involved in recruiting DNA methylation at a set of germline gene promoters than are distinct from those regulated by G9a.

Stanovování metylací v promotorových oblastech genů řídících metabolismus 5 - fluorouracilu. / Determination of methylation in the promotor regions of genes, that control metabolism of 5-FU

Bendová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
Several malignant diseases, such as colorectal, pancreatic, breast or ovarial cancers, are primarily treated with cytostatics 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). 5-FU undergoes biotransformation in human body and arising metabolites induce the damage and subsequent apoptosis in the target cells. The main aim of this diploma Thesis was the determination of methylation in promoter regions of 14 candidate genes participating on 5-FU biotransformation: TK1, PPAT, RRM1, RRM2, UCK2, UCK1, UMPS, TYMP, UPP1, UPP 2 SLC29A1, UPB1, DPYS and DPYD. We hypothesize that the methylation in promoter regions regulates mRNA transcription of the above candidate genes. We have conducted appropriate analyses in 128 colorectal cancer patients, for whom both tumor and nonmalignant adjacent tissues were available. Sample processing and analysis involved DNA isolation, bisulfite conversion of unmethylated cytosines to corresponding uracils, methylation-specific analysis of melting curves with high resolution for theproper methylation analysis and gel electrophoresis to separate PCR products. For the majority of the studied genes (TK1, PPAT, RRM1, RRM2, UCK2, UCK1, UMPS, TYMP, UPP1, SLC29A1 and DPYD) we did not detect any aberrant methylation in promoter regions. In genes DPYS, UPB1 and UPP2 we recorded various degree of promoter...

Arranjos supramoleculares de oligodeoxinucleotídeos e fragmentos de bicamada catiônica: preparação, caracterização e atividade imunoadjuvante / Supramolecular assemblies of oligodeoxynucleotides and cationic bilayer fragments: preparation, characterization and immunoadjuvant activity

Julio Henrique Kravcuks Rozenfeld 11 April 2011 (has links)
A interação entre fragmentos de bicamada (BF) de brometo de dioctadecildimetilamônio (DODAB) e um mononucleotídeo-modelo (deoxiadenosina monofosfato, dAMP) ou um oligodeoxinucleotídeo-modelo (5\'- AAAAAAAAAA-3\', poli(dA)) ou um oligodeoxinucleotídeo terapêutico (5\'- TTGACGTTCG -3\', CpG) foi investigada por turbidimetria, espalhamento de luz dinâmico, espectroscopia de dicroísmo circular e de fluorescência e calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC). Respostas imunológicas foram caracterizadas com ensaio de hipersensibilidade tardia por inchamento de coxim patelar de camundongo, dosagem de anticorpos IgG1 e IgG2a e de citocinas secretadas por células de linfonodo em cultura. Poli(dA), em contraste com dAMP, induziu fusão máxima de DODAB BF a partir da neutralização de cargas, quando houve obtenção de um tamanho máximo e um potencial-zeta igual a zero para os arranjos. Para [poli(dA)] maiores do que aquela correspondente à neutralização de cargas, houve recuperação da estabilidade coloidal com reversão do potencial-zeta e com obtenção de tamanhos que foram aproximadamente o dobro daqueles determinados inicialmente para DODAB BF. A proporção molar de neutralização poli(dA): DODAB foi 1:10 para DODAB BF e 1:20 para vesículas grandes (LV) de DODAB, de acordo com as estruturas de bicamada aberta e fechada dessas duas dispersões de bicamada de DODAB. A fusão de DODAB BF induzida por poli(dA) foi extensiva aumentando o grau de empacotamento das bicamadas formadas conforme inferido a partir dos termogramas de DSC. Em condições de equivalencia de cargas, nucleotídeo não causou fusão de DODAB BF, mostrando a importância do caráter de polieletrólito do poli(dA) para induzir fusão. O sal divalente Na2HPO4 causou fusão e aumentou o empacotamento da bicamada graças à blindagem eficiente de cargas. Reestabilização coloidal como aquela induzida por poli(dA) não ocorreu em presença de Na2HPO4, NaCl ou nucleotídeo. Para complexos DODAB BF/CpG em presença de ovalbumina (OVA) como antígenomodelo, a neutralização de cargas de DODAB BF/OVA por CpG reduziu a estabilidade coloidal, enquanto que supercompensação de cargas levou à reestabilização por repulsão eletrostática, como observado para a interação DODAB BF/poli(dA). Diferenças no tamanho e nas proporções de neutralização por CpG indicaram que os fragmentos são capazes de carregar mais moléculas de OVA do que de BSA. Na região de supercompensação de cargas com potenciais-zeta negativos, arranjos Al(OH)3/ OVA/ CpG são coloidalmente bem mais instáveis que DODAB BF/ OVA ou DODAB BF / OVA/ CpG. O complexo negativamente carregado DODAB (0,1 mM) / OVA (0,1mg/mL)/ CpG (0,020 mM) potencializou a resposta Th1 obtida com DODAB (0,1 mM)/ OVA (0,1 mg/mL). Houve um aumento de 25 % no inchamento do coxim patelar, de 36 % na produção de IFN-γ, de 60 % de IL-12 e produção sustentada de IgG2a ao longo de 35 dias pós-imunização, todos indícios fortes de potencialização da resposta Th1 por CpG. Arranjos negativamente carregados de oligonucleotídeos em fragmentos de bicamada de DODAB possuem excelente potencial para terapias baseadas em oligonucleotídeos e para produção de vacinas para diferentes antígenos de interesse. / The interaction between bilayer fragments (BF) of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) and a model nucleotide (deoxyadenosine monophosphate, dAMP) or a model oligodeoxynucleotide (5\'- AAAAAAAAAA-3\', poly(dA)) or a therapeutic oligodeoxynucleotide (5\'- TTGACGTTCG -3\', CpG) was investigated by means of turbidimetry, dynamic light scattering, circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopies and differential scanning calorimetry. Immune responses were characterized using footpad swelling delayed type hipersensitivity assay and antibody and cytokine measurements. In contrast to dAMP, poly(dA) induced maximal DODAB BF fusion from charge neutralization, where assemblies presented maximal size and zero zeta-potential. Above charge neutralization colloid stability was recovered with negative zeta-potentials and sizes that were about the double of those initially determined for DODAB BF. The poly(dA):DODAB molar ratio for neutralization was 1:10 for DODAB BF and 1:20 for DODAB LV, in agreement with the open and closed bilayer structures of these two DODAB bilayer dispersions. The poly(dA)-induced DODAB BF fusion was extensive and increased the packing of the formed bilayers, as inferred from DSC thermograms. In conditions of charge equivalence, nucleotide did not cause DODAB BF fusion, highlighting the importance of poly(dA)\'s polyelectrolyte character to induce fusion. Divalent Na2HPO4 salt caused fusion and increased bilayer packing due to efficient BF charge shielding. Colloid restabilization as induced by poly(dA) was not observed in presence of Na2HPO4, NaCl and nucleotide. For DODAB BF/CpG complexes in presence of the ovalbumin (OVA) model antigen, the charge neutralization of DODAB BF/OVA by CpG reduced colloid stability, while charge overcompensation led to restabilization due to electrostatic repulsion, as observed for DODAB BF/poly(dA) interaction. Differences in size and neutralization proportions by CpG indicate that BF are able to load more OVA than BSA molecules. In the charge overcompensation region with negative zeta-potentials, Al(OH)3/OVA/CpG assemblies are colloidally less stable than DODAB BF/OVA or DODAB BF/OVA/CpG. The negatively charged DODAB (0.1mM)/OVA (0.1mg/ml)/CpG (0.020mM) assembly enhanced the Th1 response obtained with DODAB (0.1mM)/OVA (0.1mg/ml). There was a 25% increase in footpad sweeling, a 36% and 60% increase in the production of IFN-γ and IL-12 and sustained IgG2a production for the 35-day period after immunization, all indicative of strong Th1 response enhancement by CpG. Negatively charged assemblies of oligonucleotides in DODAB bilayer fragments have excellent potential in oligonucleotidebased therapies and in vaccine production for different antigens of interest.

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