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論森林法之刑事制裁江振源 Unknown Date (has links)
森林法有關的刑罰規定,自七十年前大陸時期就已經存在,這段期間雖然有作多次修改,但重點僅止於「加重其刑」一途,並無考量到刑法核心議題 ─ 法益;對於森林法的學術研究或實務運作,亦未注意到此一問題,多年來習於將森林法各罪的法益定位成「個人法益」概念,衍生出許多錯誤論和競合論的問題有待釐清。如此不僅增加了解釋適用法律的困難,更因為囿限在個人法益的觀點上,忽略了保育森林的公益機能,也低估了森林資源的重要性和影響力。
結論上,建議透過「環境法益」將森林法各罪的構成要件重新描述,捨棄現行法運用管領力的不當概念,改正為僅針對「重大危害森林」之情形方以刑罰對付,至於其他違反林業行政的不法行為,則統歸行政制裁的範疇,並針對不法內涵的程度,設計出不同層次的法律效果。另外,涉及「保育森林」的附屬刑法眾多,現行法規範的重疊性甚高,並不妥適,立法上應對此等規範通盤檢討,可以「保留其一、刪除其他」,或是針對不同程度的法益侵害情形,將各種附屬刑法以「法條競合的補充關係」重新設計。 / 【Summary】
The criminal sanction in the Forest Law has existed for seventy years. Although it has been revised several times, the criminal concept only discussed on the increase of the penalty, nothing on the core -- legal interests. Even the academic study or the practice in fact did not reach the key point. People have been
used to position the legal interests as individual for many years. That led to numerous thorny problems of "Irrtum" and "Konkurrenzlehre". It not only made explanation more difficult, but also mires it into a blind point. That is, if we limit the criminal sanction to the concept of individual interests, and distinguish regulatory offenses and criminal sanction from disposition right, it will verge the public welfare of environmental protection to the margin, also lower the importance of forest management.
By studying the legislative process through different periods
of time, the environmental legal interest is affirmed to be the core of the thesis. Thus one urges that through the clarification of legal interests where major & subsidiary laws can be clearly defined, "Konkurrenzlehre" problem will be managed precisely,
Conclusively, the environmental legal interests should be the elements of crime in the Forest Law. Also, we should abandon the concept of disposition right in the current law, and simplify the elements. We could only inflict criminal punishment on those who pillage the resources, pollute or damage the environment, or other behaviors that causes ecocatastrophe. As for the other illegal behaviors against forest administration, those should be regulated by regulatory offenses. Besides, there are lots of subsidiary criminal law in connection with forest protection. Clauses disperse on different laws overlap each other. It should be redesigned on the basis of "Normatives Einschluβoder Stufenverhaltnis".
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Turto konfiskavimas kaip baudžiamojo poveikio priemonė: paskirtis ir skyrimo ypatumai baudžiamosios teisės teorijoje ir teismų praktikoje / Confiscation of property as a criminal sanction: purpose and features of the appointment in the theory of criminal law and practice of the courtsAndriukaitis, Artūras 24 January 2012 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojamas turto konfiskavimas, kaip viena iš baudžiamojo poveikio priemonių. Darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti turto konfiskavimo paskirtį. Pirmiausia, remiantis dokumentų analizės metodu, buvo nagrinėjami tarptautiniai teisės aktai, kuriuose, kaip viena iš baudžiamosios teisės prievartos priemonių yra nustatytas turto konfiskavimas. Tai leido suprasti, kad konfiskavimo paskirtis yra susijusi su siekiamu tikslu, jog asmuo negalėtų pasipelnyti iš nusikalstamos veikos padarymo. Lietuvos baudžiamojoje teisėje įtvirtinta turto konfiskavimo paskirtis geriausiai suvokiama nagrinėjant šios baudžiamosios poveikio priemonės taikymo ypatumus. Reikia pabrėžti, kad turto konfiskavimo samprata Lietuvoje kito iš esmės: nuo tarybinės turto konfiskavimo, kaip papildomos bausmės iki šiuo metu galiojančios baudžiamojo poveikio priemonės sampratos. Remiantis analizės metodu, darbe buvo tiriama baudžiamajame įstatyme įtvirtinto konfiskuotino turto samprata. Išnagrinėjus susiformavusią teismų praktiką, taikant turto konfiskavimą, galima teigti, jog didžiausių problemų kyla taikant turto konfiskavimą iš trečiųjų asmenų. Galiausiai, darbas užbaigiamas išplėstinio turto konfiskavimo, kaip naujos baudžiamojo poveikio priemonės teorine analize. Remiantis lyginamuoju metodu buvo nagrinėtos Vakarų Europos valstybės taikomos išplėstinės konfiskacijos sąlygos. Nors užsienio valstybės ir vengia taikyti išplėstinį turto konfiskavimą tretiesiems asmenims, tačiau Lietuvoje ši sritis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The author of this scientific work analyzed the confiscation of property, as one of the criminal sanctions. The aim - to find out the confiscation purposes. First, based on analysis of documents method, were examined international law, which, as one of the criminal law enforcement measures are set out in the confiscation of property. This implied that the purpose of confiscation is associated with the intended purpose, that person can not get profit from the offense. In Lithuania criminal law confiscation purpose is best understood in the context of appling this criminal sanction. It should be noted that the confiscation conception of Lithuania was changed, from the Soviet confiscation as an additional punishment to the current concept of criminal sanctions. Based on the analysis method was studied the asset which can be confiscated. The biggest problem is the confiscation of property from third parties in Lithuania. Finally, the work is completed considering extended confiscation as new criminal sanction. Using the comparative method was examined confiscation conditions of some Western European countries. In conclusion it can be said that Western countries, opposite as in Lithuania, are avoiding to use extended confiscation for the third parties. A review of the European Court of Human Rights to conclude that in Lithuania, the confiscation of assets, and expanded the conditions for confiscation of assets from third parties, does not fully comply with the practice of European... [to full text]
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Direito econômico sancionador: coordenação das esferas administrativa e penal em matéria de abuso de poder econômico / Economic santioning law: coordination between administrative and criminal law in economic power abuseConway, Carol Elizabeth 11 June 2014 (has links)
A Constituição de 1988, seguindo a moderna tendência de delegação à administração de funções que vão além do exercício de poder de polícia e de atividades econômicas pela via direta, traçou como objetivo da máquina pública a efetiva contribuição para o alcance de um modelo que equilibre, de um lado, as liberdades sociais, com amplo desenvolvimento e dignidade humana, e, de outro, o exercício da liberdade de iniciativa empresarial, fruto do modelo capitalista em vigor. Sob a ótica infraconstitucional, para alcançar tais objetivos, faz-se necessário repensar o papel do Direito, de modo que se busquem métodos que permitam a difícil, porém não impossível tarefa de equilibrar tais interesses. O Direito Econômico é a resposta para a concretização dessa tarefa, graças à sua vocação metodológica de integração dos ramos tradicionais do pensamento jurídico, aproximando teoria e prática. Partindo do tema da sanção ao abuso de poder econômico, este trabalho versa sobre a necessidade de uma melhor coordenação entre os direitos administrativo e penal, ambos legitimados a punir agentes que se exacerbem no exercício da liberdade de iniciativa, para que melhor se possa acomodar o arranjo institucional necessário aos objetivos traçados. Serão analisados, neste estudo, aspectos teóricos e legais das duas matérias, de modo que se identifiquem os temas e a s sanções que, embora independentes, devem ser coordenados tanto sob a ótica dos incentivos à cooperação dos agentes com as autoridades quanto sob a ótica de um direito único e de sanções eficazes. Analisar-se-ão, também, os modelos adotados em diversos países para tratar do tema e, ao final do trabalho, serão propostas melhorias legislativas e principiologia doutrinária para o nosso ordenamento. Com a criação de diversos órgãos administrativos judicantes, que, sem pretender substituir o Judiciário, procuram contribuir com o mencionado equilíbrio constitucional, tal como é o Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade), ganha ainda mais relevo o já consagrado princípio da subsidiariedade penal, bem como a necessidade de efetiva garantia das garantias principiológicas de contraditório e da ampla defesa no campo da administração e do processo administrativo. A fortificação das estruturas processuais e procedimentais de coordenação das sanções administrativa e penal favorece não apenas o indivíduo, mas principalmente a coletividade, mediante a incorporação de um sistema mais ágil e especializado e principalmente dos incentivos para a prevenção de infrações, que decorre da certeza de aplicação da sanção em caso de abuso de poder econômico. / The Brazilian Constitution, following the modern trend to empower the public administration to develop tasks that goes beyond the classic policy powers and direct services, fixed as a goal to be implemented by them the achievement of a environment that combines, in one side, the social freedom, with special attention to the development of the human dignity and the overall development of the country, and, in the other side, the freedom of corporate initiative, as a premise of the capitalism. Under a infracontitucional point of view, to reach these goals is necessary to think about the role of the law itself, to search for methods that can give a solution to the hard- but not impossible- task of equalize the two sides mentioned above. The Economic Law is the answer to the achievement of the goal, thanks to its methodological vocation to integrate the traditional law topics, approximating legal theory and the human and markets behavior. Starting from the study of the sanction, this work talks about the need of a better coordination between administrative and criminal law, both legitimate under Brazilian law to punish those who violate the competition and freedom of initiative, which is necessary to achieve the new constitutional goals. Along the work it will be analyzed theoretical and legal aspects of administrative and criminal law to identify the aspects that needs a better coordination in terms of authority cooperation incentives and effectiveness, although the authorities remains independent to enforce the law. It will be also analyzed the overseas legislation and way of coordination between administrative and criminal authorities, and in the end of the work there will be some suggestions of law modifications and a doctrinaire principle. Considering the creation of several agencies that develop jurisdictional functions to contribute to the balance of constitutional goals mentioned above without the intention to substitute courts just as Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica- CADE- the Brazilian competition authority- there is even more relevant to apply the principle of criminal law subsidiary and the due process of law in the field of administrative law and its procedural. The fortification of the process structure favors not only the individual but also the society as a whole, as its output is a better system to prevent and punish misconducts that derives of the certainty of punishment in cases of economic power abuse.
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Le rôle du droit pénal dans la politique criminelle de lutte contre les discriminations / The role of criminal law in policies against discriminationMourey, Laura 18 December 2012 (has links)
La norme pénale n’est plus l’unique règle de droit sanctionnant les discriminations, elle ne constitue qu’une disposition parmi toutes celles composant la politique criminelle de lutte contre les discriminations. Son incapacité à offrir une réponse suffisante a justifié cette évolution. Pourtant, il convient de démontrer que la norme pénale occupe encore une réelle fonction au sein de cette politique criminelle. En rattachant la discrimination au respect de la dignité humaine, la norme pénale a élaboré un concept éthique de non-discrimination. Le traitement des discriminations n’en reste pas moins éclectique. La multiplicité des mesures adoptées n’a pas permis de faire face à toutes les carences existantes. Le système actuel reste perfectible, sa complexité ne permet pas une définition suffisante des rôles de chaque voie de traitement ou de chaque acteur. La subsistance d’atteintes graves, qui ne sauraient se passer d’une sanction pénale, induit l’idée qu’un nouvel équilibre doit être instauré. / Today, the penal norm is anymore the traditional sanction against discrimination policy. Its ineptitude to offer an adequate answer has justified this situation; it still has a real function within this policy. The first function of the penal norm is to promote the core values of a society.Discrimination is usually assimilated with breach of equality. In criminal law, discrimination is linked with a rupture of human dignity, but as we know the penal norm is not fully applied.The treatment of discrimination is nowadays numerous (prevention program, criminal sanction, regulation policy) but on the other hand theses measures are not able to deal with criminal deficiencies. The system, today, can be improved, as it is so hard to define a role to each other or alternative processing option. Anyway, it is obvious saying that, in some cases, other sanctions than criminal are necessarily insufficient. The criminal policy has to ensure the balance.
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Direito econômico sancionador: coordenação das esferas administrativa e penal em matéria de abuso de poder econômico / Economic santioning law: coordination between administrative and criminal law in economic power abuseCarol Elizabeth Conway 11 June 2014 (has links)
A Constituição de 1988, seguindo a moderna tendência de delegação à administração de funções que vão além do exercício de poder de polícia e de atividades econômicas pela via direta, traçou como objetivo da máquina pública a efetiva contribuição para o alcance de um modelo que equilibre, de um lado, as liberdades sociais, com amplo desenvolvimento e dignidade humana, e, de outro, o exercício da liberdade de iniciativa empresarial, fruto do modelo capitalista em vigor. Sob a ótica infraconstitucional, para alcançar tais objetivos, faz-se necessário repensar o papel do Direito, de modo que se busquem métodos que permitam a difícil, porém não impossível tarefa de equilibrar tais interesses. O Direito Econômico é a resposta para a concretização dessa tarefa, graças à sua vocação metodológica de integração dos ramos tradicionais do pensamento jurídico, aproximando teoria e prática. Partindo do tema da sanção ao abuso de poder econômico, este trabalho versa sobre a necessidade de uma melhor coordenação entre os direitos administrativo e penal, ambos legitimados a punir agentes que se exacerbem no exercício da liberdade de iniciativa, para que melhor se possa acomodar o arranjo institucional necessário aos objetivos traçados. Serão analisados, neste estudo, aspectos teóricos e legais das duas matérias, de modo que se identifiquem os temas e a s sanções que, embora independentes, devem ser coordenados tanto sob a ótica dos incentivos à cooperação dos agentes com as autoridades quanto sob a ótica de um direito único e de sanções eficazes. Analisar-se-ão, também, os modelos adotados em diversos países para tratar do tema e, ao final do trabalho, serão propostas melhorias legislativas e principiologia doutrinária para o nosso ordenamento. Com a criação de diversos órgãos administrativos judicantes, que, sem pretender substituir o Judiciário, procuram contribuir com o mencionado equilíbrio constitucional, tal como é o Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade), ganha ainda mais relevo o já consagrado princípio da subsidiariedade penal, bem como a necessidade de efetiva garantia das garantias principiológicas de contraditório e da ampla defesa no campo da administração e do processo administrativo. A fortificação das estruturas processuais e procedimentais de coordenação das sanções administrativa e penal favorece não apenas o indivíduo, mas principalmente a coletividade, mediante a incorporação de um sistema mais ágil e especializado e principalmente dos incentivos para a prevenção de infrações, que decorre da certeza de aplicação da sanção em caso de abuso de poder econômico. / The Brazilian Constitution, following the modern trend to empower the public administration to develop tasks that goes beyond the classic policy powers and direct services, fixed as a goal to be implemented by them the achievement of a environment that combines, in one side, the social freedom, with special attention to the development of the human dignity and the overall development of the country, and, in the other side, the freedom of corporate initiative, as a premise of the capitalism. Under a infracontitucional point of view, to reach these goals is necessary to think about the role of the law itself, to search for methods that can give a solution to the hard- but not impossible- task of equalize the two sides mentioned above. The Economic Law is the answer to the achievement of the goal, thanks to its methodological vocation to integrate the traditional law topics, approximating legal theory and the human and markets behavior. Starting from the study of the sanction, this work talks about the need of a better coordination between administrative and criminal law, both legitimate under Brazilian law to punish those who violate the competition and freedom of initiative, which is necessary to achieve the new constitutional goals. Along the work it will be analyzed theoretical and legal aspects of administrative and criminal law to identify the aspects that needs a better coordination in terms of authority cooperation incentives and effectiveness, although the authorities remains independent to enforce the law. It will be also analyzed the overseas legislation and way of coordination between administrative and criminal authorities, and in the end of the work there will be some suggestions of law modifications and a doctrinaire principle. Considering the creation of several agencies that develop jurisdictional functions to contribute to the balance of constitutional goals mentioned above without the intention to substitute courts just as Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica- CADE- the Brazilian competition authority- there is even more relevant to apply the principle of criminal law subsidiary and the due process of law in the field of administrative law and its procedural. The fortification of the process structure favors not only the individual but also the society as a whole, as its output is a better system to prevent and punish misconducts that derives of the certainty of punishment in cases of economic power abuse.
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賄賂刑事規制の綜合的比較研究 : 中国、 米国、 日本 / A comprehensive and comparative study on the criminal regulation of bribery in China, America and Japan. / ワイロ ケイジ キセイ ノ ソウゴウテキ ヒカク ケンキュウ : チュウゴク ベイコク ニホン王, 雲海, Wang, Yun-hai 13 July 1998 (has links)
博士(法学) / 乙第202号 / 6, 701p / 一橋大学
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Contribution à la réflexion sur la notion de sanction pénale dans le droit positif contemporain françaisDesfour, Mary-Hélène 20 December 2012 (has links)
La conception traditionnelle de la notion de sanction pénale est fondée sur un critère fonctionnel que l'on peut synthétiser en deux axiomes : seule la sanction pénale est punitive et toutes les sanctions pénales sont punitives. Cette conception conduit à l'assimilation de la notion de sanction pénale à celle de peine. L'hypothèse de cette réflexion est d'envisager si l'on peut se départir de cette conception en vérifiant si le critère matériel sur lequel elle repose est toujours pertinent. La première partie de la thèse tend à démontrer que le critère fonctionnel traditionnel est remis en cause dès lors que sa confrontation aux données du droit positif contemporain révèle un dualisme de conception de la fonction punitive. En effet, le droit commun interne et le droit des droits de l'homme n'admettent pas une conception unitaire de cette fonction ce qui conduira à un éclatement du jus puniendi qui rend obsolète le critère traditionnel. La seconde partie met en exergue l'admission d'un critère moderne unitaire de la notion de sanction pénale. En effet, le renouvellement du type de sanction à la marge de cette notion, allié à l'établissement d'un critère commun d'exclusion de ces sanctions de la sanction pénale, permettent d'établir que le droit positif contemporain (c'est-à-dire celui ayant pleinement assimilé le dualisme normatif qui prévaut désormais en droit pénal) admet désormais un critère moderne : la nature spécifique de l'intérêt bénéficiaire de la sanction pénale. Le renouvellement du critère permet alors in fine de poser une nouvelle définition de la sanction pénale et de proposer une justification à ses évolutions contemporaines. / The traditional conception of the notion of criminal penalty is based on a functional criterion that can be synthesized in two axioms: only the criminal penalty is punitive and all criminal penalties are punitive. This conception leads to the assimilation of the notion of criminal sanction penalty to that of punishment. The hypothesis of this analysis is to consider whether one can abandon this conception by checking whether the material criterion on which it relies is still relevant. The first part of the thesis tends to demonstrate that the traditional functional criteria is challenged when confronted with contemporary positive law data. It reveals a dualism of conception of the punitive function. Indeed, the internal common law and the law of human rights do not admit a unitary conception of this function which will lead to a split of jus puniendi which obsoletes the traditional criterion. The second part highlights the acceptance of a modern unitary criterion of the criminal penalty notion. Indeed, the renewal of the type of penalty at the edges of this concept, combined with the establishment of a common exclusion criterion of these penalties from the criminal penalty enable to establish that contemporary positive law (that is to say that having fully assimilated the normative dualism that now prevails in criminal law) now admits a modern criterion: the specific nature of the beneficial interest of the criminal penalty. The renewal of the criterion in fine therefore allows to consider a new definition of the criminal sanction and provides a justification for its contemporary developments.
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