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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza diskurzu vybraných českých food blogů / Discourse Analysis of Selected Czech Food Blogs

Blahnová, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the characteristics of the discourse of selected Czech food blogs. On the one hand the food blogs, which are considered here as part of the media content, have common features with other culinary discourses, on the other hand they have their specifics, which are given mainly by their multimodal nature. The theoretical part therefore introduces the culinary discourse, as well as the phenomenon of blogging, which was made possible with the advent of the Internet and web services. The thesis then presents a brief food blogs history and previous foreign research, that dealt with the characteristics of the food blogs language. Qualitative analysis of discourse, which was used for the food blogs analysis in the research part of the thesis, focuses on common language and formal features of food blogs, discourses of individual authors and the most common topics that food blogs contain. The research material was selected based on the results of the last year of the Food blog roku competition. These are contributions from three popular Czech food blogs, which were published on blogs in the first half of 2019. These contributions were subjected to an in-depth analysis, the results of which are subsequently presented in the thesis.

Unsavory Sights: Cannibalism in Greek Art

Fowler, Michael Anthony 19 October 2019 (has links)
Scenes involving the breaking or outright inversion of culinary and (com)mensal norms are frequent in Greek art of the Archaic and Classical periods. The most discussed group of such images involves the uncivilized act of binge drinking unmixed wine and, as a result, losing control of one’s mind and body. Far less studied from an iconographic perspective are scenes of cannibalism, the most extreme and unsettling of all Greek culinary taboos. This paper seeks to define the iconography and meaning of cannibalism in Greek art through an exploration of the individual and shared compositional features of anthropophagic scenes and their visual relationship to normative images of meat consumption. Analytical attention will also be given to the objects on which these scenes appear and the relationship between the scenes and any other decorative content. Of particular interest is the way in which the iconography reflects cannibalism’s association with other serious normative violations, for example, infanticide (e.g., Prokne slaying her son Itys) and inhospitality (e.g., the Egyptian pharaoh Bousiris attempting to sacrifice his guest-friend Herakles). [The manuscript is currently being developed into an article to be submitted for publication consideration, probably in winter 2021.]

Eating German, the American way: German and American cooking traditions, potato salad, and the culinary assimilation of German immigrants, 1820-1920.

Wooley, Scott 12 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
“Eating German, the American Way” explores how and why the mayonnaise-based potato salad came to be a staple of American culinary tradition. It examines how native-born Americans and German immigrants in the nineteenth century identified themselves based on their culinary traditions and what they ate and how the interactions between, and accessibility of, those traditions created a new identity based on the sharing of recipes as the two groups mingled and assimilated to each other. It uses food as a way to understand the processes of assimilation by defining the distinctions between the two groups based on their separate repertoire of recipes, looking at the obstacles to the adoption of ingredients or techniques, and engaging with the primary sites of contact that facilitated the mixing of the cuisines to create a shared culinary identity. Cookbooks are used to establish the boundaries which defined German and American cuisine and introduce the first obstacle to be overcome, the language barrier. Magazines removed the language barrier and created the opportunity for more direct interaction between readers from both traditions, but also introduced another obstacle in the perceptions and preconceptions each group had regarding the other. Changes in the understanding of diet and nutrition in the closing decades of the century introduced another obstacle as attempts to standardize and control what Americans ate limited or excluded the contributions of immigrant groups and the language of control and standardizations reinforced preconceptions and the effects of “othering.” Restaurants and ethnic groceries functioned as the sites of direct contact, exposing native-born Americans to the food offerings of German immigrants, and providing direct access to both complete dishes and the ingredients needed to recreate them at home. As native-born Americans and German immigrants interacted and overcame these obstacles, they shared the recipes that defined them and created a new definition of what it meant to eat American food and a new identity as American eaters.

The Development and Pilot of a Culinary Intervention Designed Using the Social Cognitive Theory to Teach Nutrition to Adolescent Girls

Chessen, Julie Anne 01 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In the past 20 years, the way in which food is prepared has rapidly changed. Convenience has become a way of life and Americans have replaced meals made from scratch with meals that are quick and easy. During that time, body mass index has risen steadily. The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children has become common in the American population. “Pink Chefs,” a six-week culinary intervention for middle school girls 12 to 14-years-old, was developed and piloted to combat childhood obesity by teaching nutrition through basic cooking skills. The social cognitive theory was used as the theoretical framework. The goals of this program were to increase the subjects’ self-efficacy for cooking; to build knowledge for healthful dietary practices; and to provide a fun and safe environment conducive for interactive learning. This culinary enrichment program was piloted in reduced-income communities in south San Luis Obispo County, California, with 22 self-selected participants. Surveys were used to measure self-efficacy, knowledge, barriers and diet pre- versus post-intervention. Post-intervention measures demonstrated a significant (p = 0.005) intervention effect on self- efficacy for cooking. No significant increases were observed for knowledge, barriers and diet. This research, like that of Larson et al. (2006), illustrated that honing both skills and knowledge learned in a practical setting is one of the first steps for increasing self-efficacy for dietary improvements.

Nätverksbaserade konkurrensfördelar & Geografiska aspekter : En studie om restaurang- och lantbruksverksamhet på sydsvenska landsbygden / Network-based competitive advantages and Geographic aspects : A study on restaurant and agricultural operations in the rural area of southern Sweden

Ackelid Leander, Hanna, Garp, Herman January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Slow Food for thought: food as cultural heritage expressed in the Slow Food movement’s external communication

Nässén, Sara January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates the Slow Food movement which started in Italy in the late80’s and today is an internationally spread organization with around 100 000 participants in 160 countries. The core aim within the Slow Food movement is combining everyone’s “right to pleasure” with social responsibility, summed up in their motto: “Good, Clean and Fair”. The movement is interesting from a global development perspective, since it looks at food in relation to the cultural, physical, social, environmental and political aspects of our lives, and relates to sustainability in a wide sense. In 2003, UNESCO started acknowledging so called ”Intangible cultural heritage” as a part of the common heritage of humanity, and a few years later some culinary traditions were inserted to the list. Departing from a social constructivist approach in how knowledge is constructed, combined with Pieterse’s ideas of the relation between culture and power, the key research question for the thesis is: How is the concept of Food as cultural heritage being expressed within the external communication channels of the Slow Food movement? Followed by the sub-question: How do these expressions relate to power dynamicsand to socially constructed assumptions of reality? Through a semiotic analysis, visual and textual material from Slow Food’s official websites have been analysed, using the UNESCO definition of Intangible cultural heritage as an analytical tool. The findings are that many fundamental ideas within the UNESCO definition are expressed in Slow Food’s external communication, but at the same time, that some aspects could be more highlighted in order to put a higher emphasis on the producer and the community. It is evident that Slow Food need to continuously address the critique directed towards them regarding issues of privilege and elitism, and keep a self-reflexive approach in their communication work.


Utsav Dev Manandhar (18424779) 23 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Over the past few decades, Nepal, and especially its capital, has experienced rapid social, economic, and political transformations, which have had a severe toll on the valley’s indigenous cultural heritage, resulting in its worsening state and loss of heritage values (Maharjan, 2012). The problem addressed in this study is the loss of indigenous culinary recipes and limited preservation and awareness of culinary heritage in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Games today play an important role in disseminating cultures around the world, and they are considered to be one of the most effective tools for passing on intangible cultural heritage (Cui et al., 2021). The project hence aims to address the problem by measuring the effectiveness of gamified Augmented Reality applications in preserving and disseminating knowledge of the indigenous culinary heritage of Kathmandu Valley.</p><p dir="ltr">The research methodology consisted of two key phases: The initial phase of the study involved interviews with experts actively involved in preserving the cultural and culinary heritage of the Kathmandu Valley. The valuable insights and recommendations provided by these experts served as the basis for building an AR game that effectively highlights the dishes and culinary traditions of the Newa civilization. The second phase involved a sample size of around 30 participants consisting of students from Purdue University. The prototype of the AR game was given to participants for testing, after which they were invited to complete a user evaluation questionnaire. The results of the post-test questionnaire showed that the AR application was an effective means of interacting with Newa culinary traditions, and had good potential to contribute to the cultural preservation and dissemination of the culinary heritage of Kathmandu Valley.</p>

Кулинарска терминологија у француској,италијанској и српској фразеологији / Kulinarska terminologija u francuskoj,italijanskoj i srpskoj frazeologiji / Culinary terminology in French, Italian andSerbian phraseology

Marčeta Jovana 16 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Предмет нашег истраживања су француски,<br />италијански и српски фраземи који садрже<br />кулинарску терминологију (лексеме које<br />означавају различите намирнице (нпр.<br />јабука, јаје), поједине врсте једноставнијих<br />јела (нпр. кајгана, каша), месне прерађевине<br />(нпр. кобасица, салама) итд.). Циљ<br />истраживања је да компаративно-<br />контрастивном анализом установимо<br />лексичка и семантичка (не)подударања<br />одабраних фразема француског,<br />италијанског и српског језика. Поред тога,<br />циљ је да фраземе тематски групишемо<br />према концептима које изражавају и да<br />утврдимо на који начин је кулинарска<br />терминологија учествовала у изградњи<br />фразеолошког значења.<br />Први део рада представља теоријски оквир<br />истраживања, док други део рада садржи<br />анализу корпуса и обухвата две целине &ndash;<br />анализу мотивације фразема и концептуалну<br />анализу фразема. У делу рада у којем<br />анализирамо мотивацију фразема грађу ћемо<br />разврстати по компонентама које су носиоци<br />значења, док ћемо у оквиру концептуалне<br />анализе фраземе тематски груписати и<br />придружити им одговарајуће дескрипторе<br />који их прецизније описују и представљају<br />односе сличности међу њима.</p> / <p>Predmet našeg istraživanja su francuski,<br />italijanski i srpski frazemi koji sadrže<br />kulinarsku terminologiju (lekseme koje<br />označavaju različite namirnice (npr.<br />jabuka, jaje), pojedine vrste jednostavnijih<br />jela (npr. kajgana, kaša), mesne prerađevine<br />(npr. kobasica, salama) itd.). Cilj<br />istraživanja je da komparativno-<br />kontrastivnom analizom ustanovimo<br />leksička i semantička (ne)podudaranja<br />odabranih frazema francuskog,<br />italijanskog i srpskog jezika. Pored toga,<br />cilj je da frazeme tematski grupišemo<br />prema konceptima koje izražavaju i da<br />utvrdimo na koji način je kulinarska<br />terminologija učestvovala u izgradnji<br />frazeološkog značenja.<br />Prvi deo rada predstavlja teorijski okvir<br />istraživanja, dok drugi deo rada sadrži<br />analizu korpusa i obuhvata dve celine &ndash;<br />analizu motivacije frazema i konceptualnu<br />analizu frazema. U delu rada u kojem<br />analiziramo motivaciju frazema građu ćemo<br />razvrstati po komponentama koje su nosioci<br />značenja, dok ćemo u okviru konceptualne<br />analize frazeme tematski grupisati i<br />pridružiti im odgovarajuće deskriptore<br />koji ih preciznije opisuju i predstavljaju<br />odnose sličnosti među njima.</p> / <p>The subject of this research are French, Italian<br />and Serbian idioms comprising the culinary<br />terminology (lexemes that denote groceries (e.g.<br />apple, egg), certain types of simple meals (e.g.<br />omelette, porridge), meat products (e.g.<br />sausage, salami), etc.). The aim of this study is<br />to determine the lexical and semantic<br />similarities and differences of the chosen idioms<br />by using comparative-contrastive analysis.<br />Furthermore, our objective is to classify the<br />idioms into groups based on the concepts which<br />they express and to determine the way in which<br />the culinary terminology motivates the<br />phraseological meaning.<br />The first part of this work presents the<br />theoretical frame of the research, while the<br />second part contains the analysis of the corpus<br />and consists of two parts &ndash; analysis of the<br />motivation of the idioms and conceptual<br />analysis of the idioms. In the part where we<br />analyse the motivation of the idioms, the corpus<br />is classified according to components which are<br />the carriers of meaning, while in the conceptual<br />analysis we will classify the idioms into<br />thematic groups and we will associate the<br />idioms with appropriate descriptors which<br />describe them more precisely and represent the<br />relations of similarity between them.</p>

Cuisines et céramiques de cuisine dans le monde grec colonial aux époques archaïque et classique (début VIIe-fin IVe s. av. J.C.) : approche archéologique des pratiques culinaires à Marseille, Mégara Hyblaea et Apollonia du Pont / Kitchens and kitchen ceramics in the colonial Greek world to the Archaic and Classical periods (early 7th - late 4th century BC.)

Claquin, Laurent 09 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail sur les céramiques de cuisine est centré sur trois sites issus de cités-mères différentes, d’un environnement géographique distinct et discontinu, et en contact avec des populations variées : Marseille, Mégara Hyblaea et Apollonia du Pont. L’objectif n’est pas d’obtenir une vision globalisante de la cuisine grecque du VIIe au IVe s. av. J.-C., qui serait réductrice, mais de réaliser une analyse comparative pour évaluer la nature des relations liant les colonies grecques entre elles, et celles-ci aux communautés avec lesquelles elles sont en contact. Il s’articule en trois parties distinctes et complémentaires. La première pose les bases en replaçant ce travail dans son contexte historiographique tout en précisant la méthodologie adoptée ; une large part est consacrée à caractériser la fonction, les usages, les procédés culinaires et la terminologie de chaque forme, en croisant les sources : texte, iconographie, coroplastie, ethnographie et archéologie. La deuxième partie développe l’analyse typo-chronologique des céramiques grecques de cuisine depuis la préparation des aliments jusqu’à leur cuisson, incluant divers dispositifs et ustensiles. Enfin, la troisième partie met en évidence, par une analyse diachronique intrinsèque, le faciès culinaire propre à chacune de ces trois colonies et son évolution au regard des phénomènes d’interactions culturelles entre les sociétés préromaines. Cette approche permet de révéler, dans un cadre culturel commun aux Grecs, une certaine discontinuité des comportements alimentaires perceptibles dans le monde grec colonial, variable selon l’échelle (locale, régionale, interrégionale) et le contexte socio-économique considérés. / This work on the kitchen ceramics is focused on three sites from different mother cities, a distinct and discontinuous geographic environment, and in contact with diverse populations: Marseille, Megara Hyblaea and Apollonia Pontica.The goal is not to get a holistic view of the Greek kitchen from the 7th to the 4th century BC., which would be reductive, but a comparative analysis to evaluate the nature of the relationship between the Greek colonies each other, and these with the communities with which they are in contact.It is divided into three distinct and complementary parts. The first lays the foundations by placing this work in its historiographical context while specifying the methodology adopted; a large part is dedicated to characterize the function, uses, culinary processes and terminology of each shape, by crossing the sources (text, iconography, coroplasty, ethnography and archaeology).The second part develops the typo-chronological analysis of the Greek kitchen ceramics from the preparation of the food to its cooking, sometimes using various devices and utensils. Finally, the third part highlights, by an intrinsic diachronic analysis, the culinary faciès for each of these three colonies and its evolution due to multiple phenomena of cultural interactions between the pre-Roman societies.This approach allows to reveal, in a common cultural framework to the Greeks, a discontinuity of the perceptible eating behaviours in the Greek colonial world, varying according to the scale (local, regional, interregional) and the socio-economic context considered.

Näringsproblematik på ett äldreboende : ur ett gastronomiskt perspektiv / Nutrition and Culinary Arts. An interdisciplinary study of nutritional intake and meal context in a senior citizens home :

Larsson, Ylva, Vestin, Marie January 2011 (has links)
När människan åldras medför det en förändrad fysiologi och metabolism vilket ökar risken att drabbas av undernäring. Mat är mer än bara näringsintag, det är även ett sätt att umgås, socialisera och njuta. Måltiderna på ett äldreboende styrs av många hygienregler, näringsrekommendationer och policydokument som bland annat berör måltidsmiljö, måltidsordning samt matens innehåll av näringsämnen och energi.  Ett syfte med studien var att identifiera och beskriva vad som gynnar och hindrar ätandet hos äldre på ett äldreboende, ett ytterligare syfte var att studera, analysera och värdera måltidssituationen utifrån ett gastronomiskt perspektiv. I denna studie har vi beräknat näringsintag med hjälp av vägd kostregistrering under fem dygn hos åtta brukare på en enhet vid ett äldreboende och jämfört näringsintaget mot Livsmedelsverkets rekommendationer. Dessutom har vi undersökt och värderat måltidssituationen utifrån deltagande observation. Resultatet visar att det är problematiskt att leva upp till många delar av rekommendationerna och policyn då både tid och kunskap hittills saknats. Dessutom är det problematiskt att tillfredställa alla brukares individuella behov och önskemål. Brukarnas näringsintag var lägre än Livsmedelsverkets rekommendationer för de flesta näringsämnena. Antalet måltider och innehållet i framförallt mellanmålen motsvarade inte heller rekommendationerna. Dessutom var nattfastan för lång för de flesta av brukarna.

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