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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement méthodologique pour l’étude de la diversité des micro-organismes sulfato-réducteurs et leur rôle dans la méthylation du mercure / Methodological development to study sulfate-reducing bacteria diversity and their implication in mercury methylation

Colin, Yannick 19 December 2012 (has links)
Les Bactéries sulfato-réductrices (BSR) représentent un groupe fonctionnel majeur dans les habitats aquatiques en intervenant dans les processus de minéralisation de la matière organique. En plus de leur implication dans le cycle du carbone et du soufre, les BSR sont considérées comme les principaux producteurs de méthylmercure en milieu côtier, un composé neurotoxique extrêmement bioaccumulable dans les réseaux trophiques. Dans ce contexte, la diversité des BSR dans les sédiments et le panache de l'estuaire de l’Adour (France) a été évaluée par une approche polyphasique incluant le clonage des gènes dsrAB et une méthode de culture haut-débit en microplaques 384 puits. Ces deux techniques ont fourni des données très complémentaires et donc, une meilleure représentation de la diversité sulfato-réductrice réellement présente dans l’estuaire. La réduction des volumes de culture à raison de 100 µL a permis d’améliorer significativement l’efficacité d’isolement des BSR. Près de 200 souches ont été isolées et identifiées à partir des sédiments et du panache de l’estuaire, et plusieurs d'entre elles ont constitué de nouveaux taxons cultivés. En parallèle, un biosenseur luminescent sensible spécifiquement au méthylmercure a été appliqué pour l’étude de la méthylation du mercure par les BSR. Cet outil simple et rapide constitue une bonne alternative aux méthodes de détection chimique traditionnellement utilisées pour évaluer les potentiels de méthylation du mercure des micro-organismes. L’analyse de la production de méthylmercure chez 21 BSR affiliées à la famille des Desulfobulbaceae a permis d’identifier des souches méthylantes, dont certaines ont été identifiées comme abondantes dans les sédiments de l’estuaire. À long terme, l’utilisation du biosenseur pour l’analyse des capacités de méthylation du mercure chez les BSR ou d’autres groupes fonctionnels permettra de mieux connaître la distribution phylogénétique des micro-organismes méthylants et d'appréhender le déterminisme génétique de ces transformations. / Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria (SRB) represent a significant part of the standing microbial communities living in coastal sediments. This functional group is involved in the decomposition and the mineralization of organic matter as well as in the sulfur cycle. In addition, production of methylmercury was shown to be mainly driven by SRB in aquatic ecosystems. Environmental methylation of inorganic mercury constitutes a human health issue due to its neurotoxic effect and its biomagnification in aquatic food webs. In this context, sulfate-reducing diversity was evaluated in anoxic sediments, as well as in the water plume of the Adour estuary. SRB were characterized through a polyphasic approach including dsrAB genes analysis and high throughput isolations in 384-well microplates. As a result, the microplate approach contributed to assess a significant part of the sulfate-reducing community and provided complementary results to the molecular approach. High-throughput SRB isolation permitted a rapid access to numerous but also original strains and around 200 SRB were isolated and identified from the estuarine sediments and the estuarine plume. Beside, the mercury methylation potentials of 21 sulfate reducing strains were determined using a bacterial sensor. All strains were related to the Desulfobulbaceae family and the capacity to produce methylmercury varied a lot. This work permit to identify some methylating strains identified as abundant in the Adour estuarine sediments. On the long view, the use of the biosensor to assess the mercury methylation potential will offer a better knowledge on the distribution of methylating bacteria among the SRB and other functional groups and could help to identify the molecular determinism beside these transformations.

Optimizacija formulacije medijuma za proizvodnju antibiotika ciljanog delovanja primenom prirodnog izolata Streptomyces hygroscopicus / Optimization of media formulation for the production of antibiotics with target activity using the natural isolate Streptomyces hygroscopicus

Veličković Tatjana 01 March 2019 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify;">Jedno od najvećih dostignuća u dvadesetom veku je bio pronalazak antibiotika i njihova primena u humanoj medicini. Međutim, vremenom se pokazalo da su izazivači bolesti mikroorganizmi koji &ldquo;uče&rdquo; i imaju sposobnost da se &ldquo;menjaju&rdquo;, &scaron;to neminovno dovodi do pojave antibiotske rezistencije, a čemu ide u prilog &scaron;iroko rasprostranjena upotreba antibiotika u lečenju pacijenata i primena humanih antimikrobnih lekova u veterini i fitofarmaciji. Razvoj novih i unapređenje postojećih farmaceutika zahteva ogromna ulaganja koja se mogu ali i ne moraju vratiti godinama. Prvi korak u razvoju novog farmaceutika je identifikacija ciljanog antibiotskog delovanja metabolita izabranog proizvodnog mikroorganizma, nakon čega sledi optimizacija uslova biosinteze u smislu sastava medijuma za proizvodnju.<br />Osnovni cilj ove doktorske disertacije je optimizacija formulacije medijuma za kultivaciju prirodnog izolata Streptomyces hygroscopicus u pogledu izvora makronutrijenata i njihovih količina, kako bi se metabolička aktivnost primenjenog proizvodnog mikroorganizma, u definisanim proizvodnim uslovima, usmerila ka sintezi antibiotika sa ciljanim delovanjem.<br />Optimizacijom formulacije medijuma za kultivaciju prirodnog izolata <em>Streptomyces hygroscopicus</em>, u primenjenim eksperimentalnim uslovima, odabrani su najpogodniji izvori makronutrijenata i definisane su njihove optimalne koncentracije za proizvodnju antibiotika sa ciljanim delovanjem. Utvrđeno je da je biosinteza baktericida efikasnih protiv <em>B. cereus</em> ATCC 10876, <em>S. aureus</em> ATCC 11632 i P. <em>aeruginosa</em> ATCC 27853 najizraženija u medijumu sa fruktozom, sojinim bra&scaron;nom i fosfatnim solima, dok je za dobijanje fungicida koji deluju na <em>C. albicans</em> ATCC 10231 i <em>A. niger</em> ATCC 16404 najadekvatnije primeniti medijum sa glukozom kao izvorom ugljenika i već pomenutim izvorima azota i fosfora pri čemu je odnos navedenih sastojaka medijuma specifičan za svaki test mikroorganizam. Sa tehnolo&scaron;kog aspekta, rezultati ovih istraživanja predstavljaju pouzdan izvor informacija za unapređenje proizvodnih karakteristika primenjenog biokatalizatora, izbor tehnike kultivacije, definisanje toka i optimizaciju postupka proizvodnje baktericida i fungicida sa krajnjim ciljem uvećanja razmera posmatranog bioprocesa.</p> / <p>One of the greatest achievements in the twentieth century was the invention of antibiotics and their application in human medicine. However, over time, it has been proven that disease susceptors are &quot;learning&quot; microorganisms and have the ability to &quot;change&quot;, which inevitably leads to the emergence of antibiotic resistance, which is in favor of widespread use of antibiotics in the treatment of patients and the application of human antibiotics in veterinary medicine and phytopharmacy. The development of new and the advancement of existing pharmaceuticals requires huge investments that may or may not be back for years. The first step in the development of a new pharmaceutical is the identification of the target antibiotic activity of the metabolite of the selected production microorganism, followed by the optimization of the conditions of biosynthesis in terms of composition of the production medium.<br />The main goal of this PhD thesis is the optimization of the formulation of the medium for the cultivation of the natural isolate Streptomyces hygroscopicus in terms of the source of macronutrients and their amounts, in order to direct the metabolic activity of the applied production microorganism, in the defined production conditions, towards the synthesis of antibiotics with targeted action. By optimizing the formulation of the medium for the culture of the natural isolate Streptomyces hygroscopicus, in the applied experimental conditions, the most suitable sources of macronutrients were selected and their optimal concentrations for the production of antibiotics with targeted action were defined. The biosynthesis of bactericides was found to be effective against B. cereus ATCC 10876, S. aureus ATCC 11632 and P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853 most pronounced in the medium with fructose, soy flour and phosphate salts, while for the production of fungicides acting on C. albicans ATCC 10231 and A. niger ATCC 16404 most appropriately apply a glucose medium as carbon source and already mentioned sources of nitrogen and phosphorus wherein the ratio of said ingredients to the medium is specific to each test microorganism. From a technological point of view, the results of these studies represent a reliable source of information for improving the production characteristics of the applied biocatalyst, a selection of cultivation techniques, defining the flow and optimizing the production of bactericides and fungicides with the ultimate goal of increasing the size of the observed bioprocess.</p>

Substratos à base de casca de arroz para o cultivo de flores de corte em sistema de canais com recirculação da solução nutritiva / Rice husk substrates for the cut flowers cultivation in growing troughs system with nutrient solution recirculation

Höhn, Daniela 20 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Gabriela Lopes (gmachadolopesufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-07-05T14:18:10Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação Daniela versão final corrigida.pdf: 2062827 bytes, checksum: eba55722673c478fcbfe4ea404a69852 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-07-11T21:06:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação Daniela versão final corrigida.pdf: 2062827 bytes, checksum: eba55722673c478fcbfe4ea404a69852 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-11T21:06:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação Daniela versão final corrigida.pdf: 2062827 bytes, checksum: eba55722673c478fcbfe4ea404a69852 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-20 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / As flores de corte, de maneira geral, são bastante suscetíveis às variações ambientais, sobretudo deficiência hídrica, temperaturas extremas, problemas do meio de cultivo, que podem resultar no desenvolvimento deficiente da produção final. O cultivo de flores de corte em substrato disposto em canais, com recirculação da solução nutritiva drenada, pode ser uma alternativa para a obtenção de elevado rendimento produtivo de hastes florais de qualidade, além de promover a otimização de recursos, materiais e uso racional da água. Neste sentido, torna-se interessante o estudo do efeito de substratos à base de casca de arroz, material abundante no sul do Brasil, sobre o crescimento, a qualidade e as respostas produtivas das plantas de gipsofila (Gypsophila paniculata) e lisiantos (Eustoma grandiflorum). Paralelamente, é importante a utilização de adequado manejo fitotécnico para que as plantas respondam positivamente ao sistema proposto. Desta forma, dois experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação na Universidade Federal de Pelotas, no município de Capão do Leão – RS no ano de 2015/2016. O experimento 1 teve como objetivo avaliar diferentes substratos à base de casca de arroz [casca de arroz carbonizada (CAC) e casca de arroz in natura (CAIN), empregadas isoladamente, e as misturas de CAC + substrato comercial orgânico S10 (Beifort ) (15%) e CAIN + S10 (15%)] e a época de poda (precoce e tardia) para a produção de gipsofila. Avaliaram-se o crescimento, a produção, a qualidade, a soma térmica, o consumo hídrico e a fenologia da cultura. Os resultados obtidos no experimento 1 indicaram que, para todas as variáveis analisadas, não houve interação significativa entre substrato e época de poda. Pode-se indicar os substratos de CAC 100% ou a mistura CAIN + S10 (15%) para o cultivo de gipsofila em canais. O substrato CAIN 100% resultou em menor crescimento da parte aérea, menor produção e inferior qualidade das hastes. Os substratos não afetaram a partição de massa seca entre flores e órgãos vegetativos e o equilíbrio entre o crescimento da parte aérea e das raízes. A poda tardia antecipou o ciclo da cultura, aumentou o crescimento das hastes e a produtividade de gipsofila, melhorando a qualidade. O período de maior soma térmica acumulada (STa) para a poda precoce é na fase fenológica de elongação e iniciação floral (III) e para a tardia na fase vegetativa (I). O maior consumo de água pelas plantas ocorreu na fase III, tanto para o acumulado, quanto para o consumo diário. O consumo médio total acumulado durante o ciclo foi de 7,05 litros planta-1 e o consumo médio diário foi de 0,309 litros planta dia-1 . Os substratos CAC+S10 e CAIN+S10 foram superiores na eficiência no uso da água (EUA) para a produção de massa fresca (MF) em relação aos materiais puros, e não afetaram a produção de massa seca (MS). Foi verificado que as plantas de gipsofila produziram em média 9,36 g de MS para cada litro de água consumido. No segundo experimento, o objetivo foi avaliar o crescimento e a qualidade das plantas de lisiantos, também, em diferentes substratos à base de casca de arroz [casca de arroz carbonizada (CAC); casca de arroz in natura (CAIN); CAC (70%) + substrato comercial orgânico S10 (Beifort ) (30%) e CAIN (70%) + S10 (Beifort ) (30%)]. Os substratos CAIN + S10 e CAC podem ser utilizados para a produção de lisiantos para flor de corte em sistema de cultivo em canais com recirculação da solução nutritiva, uma vez que ambos proporcionaram hastes com elevado padrão de qualidade, com destaque para o primeiro, que promoveu um maior crescimento das plantas. O uso de CAIN como material isolado para substrato prejudicou o crescimento das plantas e impediu o florescimento, modificando as relações de partição de massa seca entre os órgãos das plantas. Os resultados são decorrentes da melhor qualidade das características físicas e químicas do substrato CAIN+S10, em virtude da presença do composto orgânico, que aumentou a capacidade de retenção de água, e da alta porosidade da CAIN. Assim, constata-se que a gipsofila e o lisiantos adaptaram-se de forma adequada ao sistema de cultivo em canais preenchidos com substratos à base de casca de arroz, com recirculação do lixiviado. / Cut flowers, in general, are very susceptible to environmental variations, especially water stress, excessive temperatures, composition of the culture medium, among others, resulting in the deficient and discrepant development of the final production. The cultivation of cut flowers in growing troughs filled with substrates and the recirculation of the nutrient solution can be an alternative to obtain high flower stems productive yield and quality, besides the optimization of resources and rational use of water. In this sense, to study the effect of substrates based on rice husk, a high availability material in southern Brazil, on the gypsophila (Gypsophila paniculata) and lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) plant growth, quality and yield is necessary. In parallel, it's important to use phytotechnical management careful so that plants respond adequately to the proposed system. Thus, two experiments were conducted in a greenhouse at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), Capão do Leão city - RS, between 2015/2016. The experiment 1 had the objective of evaluating different substrates based on carbonized rice husk (CAC) and raw rice husk (CAIN), used in isolation, and the mixtures of CAC + commercial organic substrate S10 (Beifort®) (15%), CAIN + S10 (15%) and the pinch season (early and late) for the gipsofila production. Growth, production, quality, water consumption and crop phenology were evaluated. The results obtained in experiment 1 indicated that, for all variables analyzed, there was no significant interaction between substrate and pinch season. The substrates of 100% CAC or the CAIN + S10 mixture (15%) may be indicated for Gypsophila cultivation in troughs. The 100% CAIN substrate predisposed to lower shoot growth, lower shoot production and lower quality. However, the substrates did not affect the dry matter partitioning between flowers and vegetative organs and the balance between shoot and root growth. Late pinch anticipated the crop cycle, increased gypsophila growth and productivity, benefiting the quality of the stems in length. The greatest thermal sum (TSa) period for early pinch was in the flower elongation and initiation phenological phase (III) and for late pinch in vegetative phase (I). The highest water consumption by plants occurred in phase III, both for accumulated and daily consumption. The total average consumption accumulated during the cycle was 7.05 liters plant-1 and the daily average consumption was 0.309 liters plant-1. In relation to the water use efficiency (WUE) for the production of fresh mass (FM) of stems, the substrates CAC + S10 and CAIN + S10 were superior than pure materials, but did not differ from each other. Regarding the WUE for the dry mass (DM) production of stems and the total of the plants there was no effect of the substrates. Thus, it was verified that the gypsophila plant produced on average 9.36g of DM for each 1 liter of water consumed. In the second experiment, the objective was to evaluate the growth and quality of Lisianthus plants, also, on different substrates based on rice husk (CAC); rice husk in natura(CAIN); CAC (70%) + organic commercial substrate S10 (Beifort®) (30%) and CAIN (70%) + S10 (Beifort®) (30%). The use of CAIN as an isolated substrate material impaired plant growth and prevented flowering by modifying the DM partitioning relationships among plant organs. The CAIN + S10 and CAC substrates can be used for the cut flower lisianthus production in a troughs system, with nutrient solution recirculation, since both provided stems with a high quality standard, especially the first one, which promoted greater plant growth. The results are due to the improvement of the physical and chemical qualities of the CAIN + S10 substrate. The organic compound increased the water retention capacity and CAIN ensured a high porosity to the mixture throughout the crop. Thus, it was verified that gypsophila and lisianthus were adequately adapted to the growing troughs system in with substrates based on rice husk, with leach recirculation.

Sistemas de condução de mini melancia cultivada em ambiente protegido / Mini watermelon cultivation systems in greenhouse

Rafael Campagnol 01 September 2009 (has links)
Dois experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do espaçamento entre plantas, do sistema de condução e da altura de poda de mini melancia conduzidas na vertical. O híbrido utilizado foi o Smile. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. O primeiro experimento foi conduzido no período de 12 de agosto a 25 de novembro de 2008, cujos tratamentos foram três alturas de poda da haste principal (1,7; 2,2 e 2,7 m) e dois espaçamentos entre plantas (30 e 45 cm). O segundo experimento foi conduzido no período de 20 de outubro de 2008 a 16 de janeiro de 2009 e os tratamentos foram compostos por três sistemas de condução (S1 = uma haste e um fruto por planta conduzido na haste principal; S2 = uma haste e um fruto por planta conduzido na haste secundária e S3 = duas hastes e um fruto por planta conduzido na haste principal) e dois espaçamentos entre plantas (30 e 60 cm). No primeiro experimento o índice de área foliar, o teor de sólidos solúveis (SS), de ácido ascórbico, a acidez titulável (AT) e a produtividade comercial foram maiores no espaçamento de 30 cm entre plantas. A produtividade total sofreu influência tanto da altura de poda como do espaçamento entre plantas, cujo maior valor foi obtido pela combinação da altura de poda de 2,7m e espaçamento de 30 cm. Por outro lado, foi na altura de poda de 2,2 m e espaçamento de 45 cm que ocorreu o maior valor para a relação SS/AT. A altura de poda de 1,7 m proporcionou maior porcentagem de frutos colhidos na última colheita. No segundo experimento, o sistema de condução S2 no espaçamento de 30 cm entre plantas proporcionou maior índice de área foliar e firmeza da polpa. A produtividade total foi maior no sistema de condução S3 em relação somente ao sistema de condução S1. Os sistemas de condução S1 e S3 promoveram maior porcentagem de frutos colhidos na primeira colheita, enquanto que no sistema S2 a maior parte dos frutos foi colhida na última colheita. Dessa forma, levando-se em consideração as características avaliadas, de modo geral, no primeiro experimento, a melhor opção para o produtor é a realização da poda da haste principal a 2,2 m de altura e espaçamento de 30 cm entre plantas. No segundo experimento, a condução com duas hastes e um fruto (S3) com espaçamento de 30 cm entre plantas, além de constituir um sistema de condução simples, proporciona elevada produtividade e qualidade dos frutos. / Two experiments were conducted in greenhouse in order to evaluate the influence of plants spacing, the training systems and the height of pruning of main stem of mini watermelon through vertical conduction. The hybrid used was \'Smile\'. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications. The first experiment was carried out from August 12 to November 25, 2008. The treatments were three heights of pruning of main stem (1.7, 2.2 and 2.7 m) and two plants spacing (30 and 45 cm). The second experiment was carried out from October 20, 2008 to January 16, 2009 and the treatments consist of three training systems (S1 = one stem and one fruit per plant fixed in the main stem, S2 = one stem and one fruit plant fixed in the lateral branch and S3 = two stems and one fruit per plant fixed in the main stem) and two plants spacing (30 and 60 cm). In the first experiment the leaf area index, the content of soluble solids content (SS), ascorbic acid, acidity titratable (AT) and marketable yield were higher in 30 cm plants spacing. The total yield was influenced both the height of pruning and the plants spacing, whose greatest value was obtained by the combination of height of pruning of 2.7 m and spacing of 30 cm. However, the highest value for the ratio SS/AT was observed in the pruning of 2.2 m, and spacing of 45 cm. The height of pruning of 1.7 m provided the greatest percentage of fruit harvested in the last harvest. In the second experiment, the training system S2 with spacing of 30 cm between plants provided higher leaf area index and firmness of flesh. The total yield was higher in the training system S3 only than the training system S1. The training systems S1 and S3 promoted higher percentage of fruit harvested in the first harvest, while the system S2 the majority of fruits were harvested at last. Thus, taking into account the characteristics evaluated, in general, in the first experiment, the better option for the producer is the performance of pruning to 2.2 m in height and 30 cm plants spacing. In the second experiment, the conduction with two stems and one fruit (S3) with spacing of 30 cm between plants, and as a simple training system, provide high productivity and quality of fruit.

Atributos de um neossolo quartzarênico da Pré-Amazônia sob agroecossistemas de produção familiar / Attributes of an entisol quartzipsamment on pre-Amazon region under family production agroecosystems

Freitas, Idelfonso Colares de 10 June 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2014-10-14T14:46:29Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Idelfonso Colares de Freitas - Agronomia.pdf: 1658368 bytes, checksum: 281951adbbc39fb163075382c1dc3798 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2014-10-17T21:40:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Idelfonso Colares de Freitas - Agronomia.pdf: 1658368 bytes, checksum: 281951adbbc39fb163075382c1dc3798 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-17T21:40:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Idelfonso Colares de Freitas - Agronomia.pdf: 1658368 bytes, checksum: 281951adbbc39fb163075382c1dc3798 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-10 / Based on the premise that the replacement of native forests by agroecosystems impacts the soil, were studied different forms of soil use compared to a fragment preserved forest. The study was conducted in an Entisol Quartzipsammentunder the family agriculture use for 22 years, managed under: SAF – Agroforestry system, PA - Pasture, RT - Slash and burn field and MA - Preserved forest. The management impacts on the soil were estimated by the changes in the accumulation and quality of the soil mulch and by the changes on the physical and chemical indicators of soil. The collect of soil mulch, the soil resistance to penetration, until 40 cm depth, and the collect of deformed and undeformed soil samples, for of physical and chemical analyzes, collected in seven repetitions for each system, layers 0-5, 5-10, 10-20 and 20-40 cm depths for two consecutive years and in two sampling periods (July 2010/2011 and January 2011/2012). The variables analyzed were: accumulation of soil mulch and its nutrient content, carbon stock on soil mulch and the soil, plant residue quality index, soil organic matter, soil acidity, exchangeable bases, cation exchange capacity, bases and aluminum saturation, strength penetration, bulk density, porosity and soil aggregation. The results showed that soil use with agroforestry system, even after 22 years of use, little differentiates itself from the preserved area. The conversion of forest in agroecosystems enhances the soil chemical properties and significantly reduces the stocked carbon in the soil mulch compartment, as noted in the “slash and burn” field. The soil use with pasture for successive years increases bulk density, strength penetration, microporosity and reduces soil macroporosity. In this study, clear distinctions between the forms of use and soil management were observed in stocks of litter on the soil surface and strength penetration. / Partindo da premissa que a substituição das florestas nativas por agroecossistemas impacta os solos, foram estudadas diferentes formas de uso do solo em comparação a um fragmento de floresta preservada. O estudo foi realizado em um Neossolo Quartzarênico sob uso da agricultura familiar por 22 anos, manejado sob: SAF – Sistema agroflorestal, PA – Pasto, RT – Roça de toco e MA – Mata preservada. Os impactos do manejo sobre o solo foram estimados por meio das mudanças ocorridas no acúmulo e qualidade da serrapilheira, indicadores físicos e químicos do solo. Coletas de serrapilheira, penetrometrias até 40 cm e amostras deformadas e indeformadas de solo, para fins de análises físicas e químicas, foram feitas em sete repetições por sistema de uso, nas camadas 0-5, 5-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm, por dois anos consecutivos e em dois períodos de amostragem (Julho 2010/2011 e Janeiro 2011/2012). As variáveis analisadas foram: acúmulo de serrapilheira, teores de nutrientes na serrapilheira, estoque de carbono nos compartimentos serrapilheira e solo, índice de qualidade de resíduo vegetal, matéria orgânica do solo, acidez do solo, bases trocáveis, capacidade de troca de cátions, saturação por bases e alumínio, resistência do solo à penetração, densidade do solo, porosidade e agregação do solo. Os resultados apontaram que o uso do solo com sistema agroflorestal, mesmo após 22 anos de uso, pouco se diferencia da área preservada. A conversão da floresta em agroecossistemas potencializa os atributos químicos do solo e reduz, sensivelmente, o carbono estocado no compartimento serrapilheira, conforme observado na Roça de toco. O uso do solo com Pasto, por sucessivos anos, incrementa a densidade do solo, resistência à penetração do solo, microporosidade e reduz a macroporosidade do solo. Neste estudo, clara distinção entre as formas de uso e manejo do solo foram observadas nos estoques de serrapilheira sobre a superfície do solo e resistência à penetração.

Quantifica??o da fixa??o biol?gica de nitrog?nio associada ? cultura da cana-de-a??car (saccharum officinarum L.) / Quantification of biological nitrogen fixation associated with sugarcane (saccharum officinarum L.)

Lima, Eduardo 14 April 1988 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2017-05-12T11:41:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 1988 - Eduardo Lima.PDF: 3150825 bytes, checksum: ddbd74e342854046edd6ca9d5d6b4876 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T11:41:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1988 - Eduardo Lima.PDF: 3150825 bytes, checksum: ddbd74e342854046edd6ca9d5d6b4876 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1988-04-14 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / A nitrogen balance study was carried out in four commercial cultivars of sugarcane grown in pots containing 64 kg of soil, with the objective of quantifying possible contributions of the biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) to the plants. Vinasse was added in half the vessels and all treatments were repeated 10 times. The pots were kept in the field and fertilized with the equivalent of 80 kg of N / ha with 15N labeled urea fertilizer. After 12 months of growth the plants accumulated between 10 and 24% of the total N of the soil + Fertilizer added. In the next nine months of growth, without any further addition of nitrogen fertilizer, the plants accumulated the equivalent of 8.5 to 19% of the original soil N + fertilizer. The cultivar CB 47-89 accumulated significantly more N than the other cultivars. This difference was greater in the absence of vinasse, and in this treatment the 15 N enrichment in the CB 47-89 cultivar was half that of the other cultivars, suggesting that there was a contribution of unlabelled N of the air to this cultivar via FBN . After 21 months of cultivation the N content of soil and roots was determined in 5 replicates. These analyzes revealed that planted pots lost between 7.5 and 12.5 g of soil N + fertilizer, but all accumulated more than this in plant tissues. In the case of cultivar CB 47-89, in the absence of vinasse, the plants removed approximately 10 g of N from the soil and fertilizer but accumulated about 35 g of N. In a second experiment, sugarcane cultivars were planted in pots containing 100 kg of soil, using two sources of 15N - labeled organic matter and gypsum pellets - with the objective of quantifying the contribution of the biological fixation of Nitrogen at different stages of the culture, using the 15n isotopic dilution technique. Harvests were carried out at 4.8.12 and 16 months of plant growth. There was not a good development of the plants that was attributed to the problem of aeration of the soil due to strong capacity, and there were no significant differences in the enrichment of 15N of the cultivars, suggesting that FBN contribution of the same magnitude occurred. Organic matter proved to be a better supplier of 15N for the soil solution, as it allowed a more constant N-labeling of soil for long-term experiments than did gypsum pellets. These data constitute the first direct evidence of very significant contributions of FBN associated to a sugarcane cultivar. / Um estudo com balan?o de nitrog?nio foi realizado em quatro cultivares comerciais de cana-de-a??car crescidos em vasos contendo 64 Kg de solo, com o objetivo de quantificar poss?veis contribui??es da fixa??o biol?gica de nitrog?nio (FBN) para as plantas. Vinha?a foi adicionada na metade dos vasos e todos os tratamentos foram repetidos 10 vezes. Os vasos foram mantidos no campo e adubados com o equivalente a 80 Kg de N/ha com fertilizante ur?ia marcada 15N. Ap?s 12 meses de crescimento as plantas acumularam entre 10 e 24 % do N total do solo + Fertilizante adicionado . Nos nove meses de crescimento seguintes, sem qualquer nova adi??o de fertilizante nitrogenado, as plantas acumularam o equivalente a 8,5 at? 19% do N original do solo + fertilizante. O cultivar CB 47-89 acumulou significativamente mais N do que os demais cultivares. Esta diferen?a foi maior na aus?ncia de vinha?a e, neste tratamento, o enriquecimento de 15 N no cultivar CB 47-89 foi a metade do que o dos outros cultivares, sugerindo que houve uma contribui??o de N n?o marcado do ar para este cultivar via FBN. Decorridos 21 meses de cultivo o conte?do de N do solo e das ra?zes foi determinado em 5 repeti??es. Estas an?lises revelaram que os vasos plantados perderam entre 7,5 e 12,5 g de N do solo +fertilizante, mas todos acumularam mais do que isto nos tecidos das plantas. No caso do cultivar CB 47 - 89, na aus?ncia de vinha?a, as planta removeram aproximante 10 g de N do solo e do fertilizante mas acumularam cerca de 35 g de N. Em um segundo experimento, cultivares de cana-de-a??car foram plantados em vasos contendo 100 Kg de solo, utilizando-se duas fontes fornecedoras de 15N - mat?ria org?nica marcada e peletes de gesso - com o objetivo de quantificar a contribui??o da fixa??o biol?gica de nitrog?nio em diferentes fases da cultura, atrav?s da t?cnica da dilui??o isot?pica de 15n. Foram realizadas colheitas aos 4.8,12 e 16 meses de crescimento das plantas. N?o houve um bom desenvolvimento das plantas que foi atribuido ao problema de aera??o do solo em fun??o de forte capacita??o, n?o ocorrendo diferen?as significativas no enriquecimento de 15N dos cultivares, sugerindo ter ocorrido contribui??o da FBN de mesma magnitude. A mat?ria org?nica mostrou-se um melhor fornecedor de 15N para a solu??o do solo, pois permitiu uma marca??o do N do solo mais constante para experimentos de longa dura??o do que os peletes de gesso. Estes dados constituem a primeira evid?ncia direta de contribui??es muito significativas da FBN associada a um cultivar de cana-de-a??car.

Germinação, desenvolvimento inicial e concentração de pigmentos em mudas de physalis (Physalis spp.) produzidas em diferentes ambientes / Germination, development initial and concentration of pigments in seedlings of cape gooseberry (Physalis spp.) produced in different environments

Mezzalira, Éder Júnior 26 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:36:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_Eder_Junior_Mezzalira.pdf: 952924 bytes, checksum: 2099d1de32bf14a58a2d5de9c422d683 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The use of different environments can be a limiting factor for the development of seedlings of species of Cape gooseberry. Given the above, the objective of the present study to evaluate the initial development of species of physalis, subjected to different environments. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in 3 x 3 factorial schemes, containing four repetitions. The experiment conducted in the period from February to May 2012 in Horticultural and Biological Control Station "Professor Mário César Lopes", belonging to Unioeste, Campus, in Marechal Cândido Rondon-PR. Treatments were composed of three species of Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana, p. angulata and p. pubescens) x three environments (greenhouse/EST-colorless plastic coated 150 microns; sombrite/SBT-75% of the light permeability and full sun/PLS-local fully open), being monitored the emergency speed index of seedlings in 30 days. To 76 days after sowing evaluated the leaf area, dry weight of leaves, stems, and roots and counting the number of leaves, plant height and stem diameter. For the determination of biochemical levels of chlorophyll a and b, anthocyanin, carotenoids polifenoloxidase, peroxidase and proteins. Collected into plant tissue of leaves, before sunrise, between the 05:00 and 6:30 hs, having been put up in aluminum foil, properly identified the treatments, which is stored in the container with ice and then frozen. The environment sombrite provides highest rate for the species of Physalis angulata, p. peruviana and p. pubescens. The environments and sombrite were very similar in initial development to Physalis angulata, p. peruviana and p. pubescens and may be used for the production of seedlings of these species. The Physalis peruviana has the largest average levels of all photosynthetic pigments, compared to p. angulata. The Physalis peruviana has been greater than p. pubescens, in relation to carotenoids. The average levels of total protein of p. angulata overcame the other species. In General, species of physalis plants kept in the EST and SBT, outweigh the environment PLS / A utilização de diferentes ambientes pode ser um fator limitante para o desenvolvimento de mudas de espécies de physalis. Diante do exposto, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar desenvolvimento inicial de espécies de physalis, submetidas a diferentes ambientes. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 3 x 3, contendo quatro repetições. Conduziu-se o experimento no período de fevereiro a maio de 2012, na Estação de Horticultura e Controle Biológico Professor Mário César Lopes , pertencente à Unioeste, Campus Marechal Cândido Rondon, PR. Os tratamentos foram compostos de três espécies de physalis (Physalis peruviana, P. angulata e P. pubescens) x três ambientes (estufa/EST - com cobertura plástica incolor de 150 micras; sombrite/SBT - 75% de permeabilidade à luz e pleno sol/PLS - local totalmente aberto), sendo monitorado o índice de velocidade de emergência das plântulas nos 30 dias iniciais. Aos 76 dias após a semeadura avaliaram-se a área foliar, matéria seca das folhas, caules, raízes e a contagem do número de folhas, altura de planta e diâmetro do caule. Para a determinação dos teores bioquímicos de clorofila a e b, antocianina, carotenóides, polifenoloxidase, peroxidase e proteínas. Coletou-se parte de tecido vegetal das folhas, antes do nascer do sol, entre as 5:00 e 6:30 hs da manhã, tendo sido acondicionado em papel alumínio, devidamente identificado os tratamentos, armazenado em recipiente com gelo e, em seguida congelado. O ambiente sombrite propicia maior taxa de emergência para as espécies de Physalis angulata, P. peruviana e P. pubescens. Os ambientes, estufa e sombrite foram muito similares no desenvolvimento inicial para Physalis angulata, P. peruviana e P. pubescens podendo ser utilizados na produção de mudas destas espécies. A Physalis peruviana apresentou maiores níveis médios de todos os pigmentos fotossintetizantes, comparados a P. angulata. A Physalis peruviana foi superior a P. pubescens, em relação aos carotenóides. Os níveis médios de proteína total de P. angulata superou as demais espécies. De modo geral, as mudas espécies de physalis mantidas no ambiente EST e SBT, superam o ambiente PLS

Influência do espaçamento e da poda apical no tomateiro cultivado no sistema orgânico, em ambiente protegido / Influence of the plants spacing and tip pruning in the tomato environment

Davi, Juliana de Jesus Silva 30 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:37:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Juliana_de_Jesus_Silva_Davi.pdf: 2712919 bytes, checksum: 9af947f2bdd1f277be5274ffa0e2819e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of four plant spacing, associated with four systems of tip pruning, yield and quality of tomato fruit in the system of organic production in protected environment. The experiment was conducted in a protected environment, in the Sector of Organic Culture of the Experimental Station Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos dos Santos Pessoa of the Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE), in the city of Marechal Cândido Rondon-PR, in the period November of 2008 until April of 2009. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block, in project of parcels split-split plot design in the space, with four repetitions. The treatments had been constituted by the combination of four plant spacing (0,2, 0,3, 0,4 and 0,5 m), in the plot, with four tip pruning (3, 4, 5 and 6 clusters for plant), in split plot , and six clusters (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 clusters in the plant), in split-split plot. The seedlings of the hybrid of tomato Alambra were transplanted on the 26th day after the sowing (DAS). The harvest began at 64 th days after transplanting (DAT) and finished on 119 th DAT. The following parameters were evaluated: fruit mass marketable and total for plant, fruit number marketable and total for plant, fruit individual mass marketable and total, fruit yield marketable and total, longitudinal diameter of normal fruits, transversal diameter of normal fruits, percentage of abnormal fruits, soluble solid text, pH, titratable acidity, height of plants and stem diameter. The data were subjected to analysis of variance of linear models to verify the significance of the effects of plant spacing, tip pruning, cluster and their interactions. Considering the conditions where the experiment was developed it can conclude that the fruits of the first clusters of the plant have a higher mass of fruit, independent of the tip pruning and adopted spacing; the tip pruning after the third cluster reduces marketable yield of tomato fruits, the plant spacing of 0,2 and 0.3 m provide higher total yield, and the tip pruning and planting density have a variable effect on fruit quality of tomato / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal avaliar o efeito de quatro espaçamentos entre plantas, associados a quatro sistemas de poda apical, na produtividade e qualidade dos frutos de tomateiro, no sistema de produção orgânica, sob cultivo protegido. O experimento foi conduzido em ambiente protegido, no Setor de Cultivo Orgânico da Estação Experimental Prof. Dr. Antônio Carlos dos Santos Pessoa, da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, no Município de Marechal Cândido Rondon-PR, no período novembro de 2008 a abril de 2009. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos casualizados, em esquema de parcelas subsubdivididas no espaço, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pela combinação de quatro espaçamentos entre plantas (0,2, 0,3, 0,4 e 0,5 m), na parcela, com quatro podas apicais (3, 4, 5 e 6 cachos por planta), na subparcela, e seis cachos (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6 cachos na planta), na subsubparcela. As mudas da cultivar Alambra foram transplantadas aos 26 dias após a semeadura (DAS). A colheita iniciouse aos 64 dias após o transplantio (DAT) e terminou aos 119 DAT. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: massa de fruto comerciável e total por planta, número de fruto comerciável e total por planta, massa individual de fruto comerciável e total, produtividade de fruto comerciável e total, diâmetro longitudinal de frutos normais, diâmetro transversal de frutos normais, porcentagem de frutos anormais, teor de sólidos solúveis, pH, acidez titulável, altura de plantas e diâmetro de caule. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância de modelos lineares para verificação da significância dos efeitos de espaçamento entre plantas, poda apical, cacho e suas respectivas interações. Considerando as condições em que o experimento foi desenvolvido pode se concluir que os frutos dos primeiros cachos da planta apresentam maior massa de frutos, independente da poda apical e espaçamento entre plantas adotado; a poda apical após o terceiro cacho reduz a produtividade comercial de frutos de tomateiro; os espaçamentos de 0,2 e 0,3 m entre plantas proporcionam maior produtividade total, e a poda apical e a densidade de plantio possuem efeito variável sobre a qualidade dos frutos do tomateiro

Portrayal of African Women in Nollywood Films over a Five-Year Period: A Content Analysis of Traits Applying the Stereotype Content Model

Aromona, Olushola 01 December 2016 (has links)
Previous research shows that perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs are cultivated via media exposure. A content analysis of stereotypical traits in five Nollywood movies in a five-year span examines the prevalent portrayals of women in the Nigerian movie industry – Nollywood, and the effect of these portrayals on reinforcement of stereotypical norms and perpetuation of gender disparity. Cultivation and Objectification theories were the theoretical frameworks for this study. Findings revealed no significant change in the stereotypical portrayals of women in the past five years. From the movies analyzed, Nollywood movies appear to remain persistent in typically depicting women as unambitious domestic servants. Applying Fiske’s stereotype content model, this study found that women are typically depicted as warm and incompetent, but cold and competent when they compete for same resources as the dominant group. With such portrayals in Nollywood movies, women are further subdued and beliefs that normalize these norms are cultivated.

Exploration de la diversité chimique dans les endophytes fongiques : influence de l'addition des modificateurs épigénétiques et des co-cultures fongiques sur le métabolome de Botryosphaeria mamane / Exploration of chemical diversity in fungal endophytes : influence of adition of epigenetic modifiers and fungal co-cultivation in Botryosphaeria mamane metabolomes

Triastuti, Asih 18 October 2018 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l'étude chimique d'une souche endophyte de Botryosphaeria mamane, un micromycète relativement peu étudié, isolée des feuilles de Bixa orellana. Des travaux préliminaires portant sur le screening de 409 souches de champignons isolés à partir de plantes médicinales d'Amérique du Sud a révélé que parmi celles-ci, B. mamane E224 était l'une des souches les plus actives in vitro sur un modèle de Leishmania infantum. L'objectif de ce travail a consisté en l'induction de la production de nouveaux métabolites secondaires produits par B. mamane via l'optimisation des conditions de culture de cette souche, la mise en place de méthodes de co-cultures et l'ajout de modificateurs épigénétiques. Une analyse des métabolomes dans les différentes conditions a été réalisée à travers une approche métabolomique, utilisant un couplage UHPLC-HRMS, ainsi que grâce à différents outils statistiques. Deux grandes classes de composés ont ainsi été détectées dans les cultures axéniques de B. mamane. Premièrement, la famille des cyclopeptides, incluant les cyclodipeptides soufrés avec en particulier trois nouveaux composés, les botryosulfuranols A-C. Puis la famille des isocoumarines, avec des dérivés de la melleine (trans-4-hydroxymelleine, 4-hydroxymelleine et 5-hydroxymellein). A travers l'ajout de modificateurs épigénétiques à la culture de B. mamane, nous avons pu étudier les effets de deux inhibiteurs d'histone désacétylases (HDACis), l'acide suberoylanilidehydroxamique (SAHA) et le valproate sodique, ajoutés à deux stades différents de la culture fongique. L'ajout de HDACi dans la culture de B. mamane a entraîné des changements importants dans la production de métabolites secondaires. En effet, une induction de certains métabolites mais également une réduction et l'inactivation de la production d'autres métabolites, ont été observés, et ceci selon la nature du modificateur épigénétique ajouté. Cette étude illustre l'importance du choix des HDACis pour l'induction de la production de métabolites spécifiques. Concernant l'optimisation de la co-culture de B.[...] / This study focused on the strain of a poorly studied fungal endophyte Botryosphaeria mamane E224, isolated from Bixa orellana leaves. Our previous screening involving 409 fungal strains isolated from medicinal plants from South America revealed that among all these strains, B. mamane was shown to be the most bioactive on in vitro model against Leishmania infantum. The objectives of this work consisted in the introduction of new metabolite production by B. mamane by optimizing the fungal culture conditions, and by using co-cultivation methods and addition of epigenetic modifiers. This work was followed by an analysis of the different metabolomes via a metabolomics approach using UHPLC-HRMS and integration of informatics and statistical tools for metabolomics. Two major compound classes were detected in B. mamane. First, the cyclopeptide family including the thiodiketopiperazines (TDKPs) alkaloids with three new compounds proposed as botryosulfuranols A-C; and the isocoumarin family, with the mellein derivatives, trans-4-hydroxymellein, 4-hydroxymellein, and 5-hydroxymellein. Regarding the exploration of B. mamane metabolome cultured in the presence of epigenetic modifier, the effects of two different histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACis), suberoylanilidehydroxamic acid (SAHA) and valproate sodium added in two different stages of fungal growth, were investigated. As expected, HDACis addition in the culture of B. mamane led to significant changes in the secondary metabolite production. Addition of modifier not only induced metabolites production but also reduced and may inactivate metabolite production in fungi, depending on the nature of the epigenetic modifier added. This study illustrates the importance in the choice of HDACis to fungal culture in order to induce specific metabolite productions. In the study of B. mamane and C. albicans co-cultivation in different culture conditions, we showed the influence of the conditions (static versus agitation) on the metabolome of the fungi. However, the co-culture with yeast did not induce any modification in the fungal metabolome. The investigation of fungal interactions between B. mamane, Fusarium solani, and Colletotrichum linicola in 6-multi well plates in time-series based analysis has been carried out. [...]

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