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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kundbaserad fastighetsförvaltning – Kundnöjdhetens påverkan på fastighetsförvaltning / Customer based management – Customer satisfaction´s effect on real estate management

Ronström, Tobias, Källqvist, Joakim January 2020 (has links)
Fastighetsförvaltning var tidigare ett tekniskt område där arbetet utgick från fastigheterna.Detta är något som inte det närmsta passar in på dagens fastighetsförvaltning, som utgår från flera intressenter och parametrar. Förvaltningen utgörs idag av flera tjänster som fungerar som ett helhetserbjudande för hyresgästerna. Hyresgästerna kan därför idag räknas som konsumenter till funktioner och tjänster kopplade till fastigheten. Detta har inneburit att fastighetsförvaltning i allt större utsträckning utgår ifrån kundens behov och förväntningaroch att möta dessa är en förutsättning för att lyckas. Dessa funktioner och tjänster som fastighetsbolagen erbjuder för sina hyresgäster består av aktiviteter som utförs i förhoppning om att kunna öka kundnöjdheten. Det görs genom att ett mervärde skapas då förvaltningen möter hyresgästens behov och överträffar deras förväntningar. Det råder däremot en osäkerhet vilka aktiviteter som utförs i syfte att höja kundnöjdheten, vilket denna studie syftar till att undersöka. Utifrån detta har en kvalitativ metod valts bestående av litteraturstudier och empirisk tmaterial insamlat från årsredovisningar. Resultaten visar att aktiviteter som kundservice, kundkommunikation, kundundersökningar och arbete mot att skapa engagerade medarbetare kopplas direkt till kundnöjdhet och genomförs av alla bolagen. Vidare visar resultaten att kundnöjdhetsarbetet skiljer sig något mellan bostadsbolag och kommersiella bolag, där vissa aktiviteter anses viktigare än andra. Studien bidrar genom detta till att kartlägga vilka aktiviteter som ses som kundnöjdhetsarbete av olika typer av fastighetsbolagen.Avslutningsvis så anser vi att det skulle varit intressant att vidareutveckla studien genom att kolla på ett mer varierat urval av fastighetsbolag för att hitta större skillnader i deras kundnöjdhetsarbete. / Property Management was previously a technical area where the work was based around the properties. This is something that is not very accurate for today´s property management,which consists of interests of several stakeholders. Today the management consists of several services that serve as a comprehensive offer for the tenants. The tenants can therefore be observed as consumers for functions and services linked to the property. This has led to that property management is increasingly based on the customer's needs and expectations and to fulfill those is a prerequisite for success. These services that the real estate companies offer to their tenants consist of activities that are carried out in the hope of being able to increase customer satisfaction. This is done by creating value when the management meets the tenant's needs and exceeds their expectations.On the other hand, there is an uncertainty to which activities are carried out with the aim of increasing customer satisfaction, this is therefore the aim of the study. Based on this a qualitative method has been chosen consisting of literature studies and empirical material collected from annual reports. The results show that activities such as customer service, customer communication, customer surveys and a work towards creating engaged employees are directly linked to customer satisfaction and are carried out by al lcompanies. Furthermore the results show that customer satisfaction work differs somewhat between housing companies and commercial real estate companies, where some activities are considered more important than others by the different companies. The study helps to identify which activities are seen as customer satisfaction work of different real estate companies.Finally, we believe it would have been interesting to further develop the study by looking at amore varied selection of real estate companies to find greater differences in their customer satisfaction work.

Person-environment fit: work-related attitudes and behavioral outcomes in continuing care retirement communities

Yen, Wen-Shen January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Hospitality Management & Dietetics / Chihyung Ok / Academics and practitioners alike have studied the concept of person-environment fit (P-E fit) during the last two decades. How well a person fits the work environment may be an effective indicator of attitudes and behaviors in organizations. P-E fit is not completely conceptualized, so existing studies of fit theory have focused only on particular dimensions of fit leading to contradictory results. Therefore, Study 1, using multi-dimensional environment fit, tested relationships among the environment fits, work related attitudes, and outcomes at the individual, group, and organization levels. In addition, Study 2 examined the effect of relationship qualities between hierarchical levels (supervisor-subordinate) and multi-dimensional fit on employee turnover intention. To empirically test the proposed relationships, 288 foodservice employees at continuing care retirement communities (22 facilities) statewide submitted questionnaires. Of these, 261 and 254 were usable in study 1 and study 2, respectively, for further data analysis. The results of structural equation modeling (Study 1) suggested that employee need-supply fit, demand-ability fit, person-group fit, and person-organization fit were positively related to employee need satisfaction. Further, need satisfaction was positively related to outcome variables like work engagement, interpersonal citizenship behavior, and organizational commitment. Results of hierarchical multiple regressions (for Study 2) showed that employee need-supply fit perception related negatively to turnover intention. The study also found that the leader-member exchange relationship moderated the need-supply fit and turnover intention. Thus, a close exchange relationship between leaders and subordinates could keep subordinates from leaving because of a need-supply misfit. Further discussion and managerial implications of the findings along with directions for future studies are provided.

顧客滿意導向之企業營運流程改善程序 / Customer Satisfaction-Oriented Improvement Approaches for Business Process

陳紹元, Chen, Jason Unknown Date (has links)
本研究認為創造顧客價值為企業之主要競爭來源,故以顧客為核心,結合顧客資源生命週期模式、價值說及企業流程改造觀點,提出顧客滿意導向之企業營運流程改善程序。同時,本研究認為:策略層次的顧客價值考慮因素與營運層次的決策因素及企業流程三個策略元素間,有著正向補強及反向削弱等不同的影響關係,故進一步藉著替代、抑制、補強、衝突、互斥及同向等六種基本結構及互補、互抑制、單方抑制等三種組合結構的搭配,探討策略要點與營運要點間的協同一致性,以追求企業營運的整體性績效。 本研究藉著建立顧客價值考慮因素、決策因素及企業流程間正向補強及反向削弱舟影響關係,整合企業策略層次及營運層次,進一步發展顧客滿意導向之企營運流程改善步驟,探討企業流程在傳輸及處理實體及資訊兩種物件下的五種流程負面效度:中判度、協調度、負荷度、重覆度及遲滯度。師納出流程改善主要在降低流程的總體負面效度,並據以發展流程改善的14項操作性原則及各項原則的適用歹機。 本研究與一般流程改善方法之主要不同處,便在分解企業內部流程的同時,也分解顧客資源流程,並辨識出兩者的接觸點,再鎖定顧客認知的關鍵路徑(Critical Path),作為各項流程改善原則及評估的標的。

顧客導向之企業流程再造 -以桃園國際機場客運服務為例 / Customer-Oriented Business Process Reengineering: A Case Study of Bus Service in Taoyuan International Airport

蔡佩欣 Unknown Date (has links)
企業流程再造自1990年代被提出,由於國際貿易頻繁,加劇全球廠商競爭壓力,遂開始提出企業必須進行根本性重新思考其工作設計,以達到顯著性的營運改善,譬如成本、速度、品質…等,進而提供客戶更佳的產品服務,且隨著電腦設備、機械等資訊科技快速發展,其中又以製造產業最先開始熱切關注,如何將資訊科技導入其日常生產營運流程,以降低其生產與管理成本。 然而,隨著時代發展,現在服務產業已成為台灣的第三大產業,且由於製造廠商面對諸多同業低成本競爭壓力下,遂紛紛開始推行製造業服務化,開始強調其價值是自於優質且可靠的服務,可見製造產業與服務產業間的邊界已越來越模糊,以及服務產業對於未來之重要。 且拜賜現代科技發展,諸多服務廠商為了滿足顧客更多的需求和期望,開始嘗試透過新科技導入,改善舊有服務模式,以優化或重新建構服務流程,進而提供顧客更佳之服務,不過服務業的關鍵仍是顧客,由於顧客同時參與服務生產過程中,故必須將顧客的聲音同時納入改造規劃之中,並非以廠商利益作為前提,而是以顧客觀點為核心思考,才可設計出兼顧顧客與企業需求之新服務流程,故本研究目的欲探討服務系統運用顧客觀點規劃與發展新服務流程之重要性。 對此,本研究採用個案研究法,首先透過文獻探討整理出研究的分析步驟,再配合桃園國際機場的客運服務作為研究個案,以進行調查。其中分析將經歷六大步驟「準備動員與辨識願景」、「診斷現行流程與資源」、「定義與辨識關鍵流程」、「重新規劃設計新服務藍圖」、「執行辦法建議」和「擬定監督與衡量指標」,並運用服務藍圖工具劃分出顧客各階段行動,以顧客行動變化來劃分服務流程,以及運用顧客評估客運服務六大指標於其中,以將顧客導向精神落實。 本研究發現,於「準備動員與辨識願景」階段,有別於過往大多仰賴企業內部高層意識到改革之需要,在服務系統中,亦可透過洽詢顧客得到想法回饋,作為改革之契機;此外,在「診斷現行流程與資源」時,透過服務藍圖劃分旅客動作流程,並藉由旅客評估客運服務之六大因素—舒適度、便利性、安全性、資訊可及性、服務反應性與人員服務,融合檢驗各環節之失誤點,可充分將顧客觀點納入企業流程改造中,而本個案中,又以「資訊可及性」和「服務反應性」表現最不佳,進而找出本個案之關鍵流程,並做為後續規劃流程改造和擬定控制指標之主體。 並透過實際案例探討,了解到服務系統在推行企業流程再造時,顧客想法可劃分為六大指標納入其中考量,並使用服務藍圖工具以顧客觀點來劃分內部流程,其結果不但擴充了“企業流程再造”的理論探討,同時也能夠提供給未來相關領域的研究者和其他相關企業發展作為參考。 / The concept of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) has been expanded since the 1990s when the globalization boosted the competition in various industries. Therefore, companies were longed to fundamentally rethink how they do their work in order to significantly improve production speed, service quality or operational costs. Especially, with the development of Information Technology, the manufacturing industry adapts new technology in daily operation to save the production and management cost. As the progress of time, the service industry plays a critical role to Taiwan’s economy. This in turn drives the manufacturing industry to servitize with the low-cost pressure. A growing number of manufacturing companies now emphasize their value not only production but also good and reliable service. The boundary between manufacturing industries and service industry is getting more and more unclear. With the development of technology, service companies try to implement new technology to improve service process and satisfy customer needs. Since service tends to have customers’ involvement in the delivering process, customer orientation plays a more important role in service firms. This study thus argues that customers’ thoughts should be included in the BPR process to redesign a process that meets customers and companies’ needs. This study utilizes the case study methodology, with in-depth interviews of bus service providers in Taoyuan International Airport. In this research, the BPR analysis steps are divided into 6 steps, which are identifying the vision and compose BPR team, diagnosing process and resources, defining and identifying the key process, re-designing new service blueprint, and designing control index system. This paper also utilizes the service blueprint as a tool to display the process functions above and below the line of visibility to the customer. The research results indicate that service system could utilize customer feedbacks to identify specific problems instead of only from the top-management team awareness in the first step to identify the vision and build the BPR team. Furthermore, in the next step to diagnose process and resources, it can be analyzed by the six indices concerned by customers to check fail points. These indices are comfort, convenience, safety, information accessibility, service reaction and service personals. In the Taoyuan International Airport case, “information accessibility” and “service reaction” were the worst among those that are defined and identified as key process and set as control index. This research reveals the importance of customers’ role in the BPR process. It also illustrates how to use service blueprint as a tool to divide operational process from customer’s perspective. The result not only contributes to the academic research of BPR but also provides valuable insight for service industry with further expansion on BPR.

Kundorientering : Ledarens roll och provisionens inverkan

Flat, Emelie, Nisan, Pascal January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att studera hur ledare jobbar för att åstadkomma ett kundorienterat klimat på en arbetsplats med ett provisionsbaserat lönesystem. Metod: En kvalitativ metod har använts i den här studien. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer gav oss det empiriska underlaget som analyserades med hjälp av den systematiska, strukturerade och abduktiva metoden Well-grounded theory. Resultatet presenteras i empirin med hjälp av mönster som upptäckts. Resultat & slutsats: Vi har överlag kommit fram till att praktiken i stora drag stämmer överens med teorin. De intervjuade ledarna har en överensstämmande uppfattning om kundorienteringens innebörd, men har vissa skiljaktigheter i bland annat deras syn på provisionens inverkan. Ledarens roll ansågs även i praktiken vara avgörande för att de anställda ska vara kundorienterade. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Studien har utförts med inriktning på enbart fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Vi skulle gärna se en fortsatt forskning kring provisionens inverkan på kundorienteringen i branscher med förhållandevis mindre försäljningar, för att se om det skiljer sig åt. Vidare skulle en studie som liknar vår kunna göras på de anställda för att se om uppfattningen mellan ledare och anställd är annorlunda. Det vore också intressant att få in kundernas uppfattning och undersöka om den överensstämmer med ledarnas och de anställdas uppfattning. / Aim: The aim of this study is to study how leaders are working to achieve a customer-oriented climate in a workplace with a commission -based salary system. Method: A qualitative approach was used in this study. Semi - structured interviews gave us the empirical data that were analyzed using the systematic, structured and abductive method Well- grounded theory. The results are presented in the empirical data using patterns that were located. Result & Conclusions: We have generally concluded that the practice is closely matching what prevails in the theory. The interviewed managers and scientists have a consistent view of customer orientation significance but have some differences as well, in particular their views on the impact of commission. The role of the leadership was also considered essential for employees to be customer-oriented. Suggestions for future research: The study was conducted focusing only on the real estate business. We would like to see further research on the commission impact on customer orientation in industries with relatively minor sales, to see if it differs. Moreover, a study similar to ours could be made on the employees to see if the perception between managers and employees is different. It would also be interesting to add the customers’ opinions and compare these with the managers and the employees’ opinions.

Referenční katalog produktů a služeb veřejné správy / Referential catalogue of public administration services

Mišurec, David January 2008 (has links)
Aim of this diploma thesis is to develop a referential catalogue of public administration services, which should provide its users with summary of services provided by public administration. Theoretical part of thesis at first defines notions and presents problems connected with providing public administration services in context of development in period after Velvet revolution in Czech Republic. After that, work follows with global situation in European Union and concentrates on one country (Austria) and its services. During design of the catalogue was used actual knowledge and research about service providing, which reflects customer oriented approach and access through single point of contact. The necessity of splitting the whole process of service providing into two parts, service access and service execution part, is emphasized. Within design of catalogue are presented two main models -- domain model describing the structure of catalogue itself and service model, describing services. Based on analysis of possible uses and its integration potential with existing systems are defined its main benefits and is devised integrating principles designed in catalogue into "Portal veřejné správy".

Skapandet av kundrelationer genom digitaliseringen : Med inriktning på redovisnings- och revisionsbranschen / Creating customer relationships through digitalization : With focus on the accounting- and auditing industry

Larsson, Elin, Arlestrand, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
Kunder har historiskt kunnat besöka företag för att interagera och tillämpa tjänster. Idag sker en stor del av den kontakten digitalt vilket skapar nya möjligheter och begränsningar för företagen vid skapandet av kundrelationer (FAR 2016). Studien har undersökt hur företagens arbete med kundrelationer påverkats av digitaliseringen och automatiseringen av arbetsprocesser, där fokus riktas till om kundrelationer byggs på ett annorlunda sätt idag mot vad som tidigare varit möjligt. Teorin som finns inom kundrelationer kommer från en tid då samhället och digitala verktyg såg annorlunda ut. Det blir därför intressant att i denna studie undersöka hur kundrelationer byggs idag, finns det fortfarande ett samband mellan teori och arbetssättet eller har sättet att arbeta med kundrelationer utvecklats och förändrats? För att undersöka forskningssyftet har studien inriktat sig mot redovisnings- och revisionsbranschen, där en kvalitativ undersökning genomförts.  Datainsamlingen består av nio intervjuer från respondenter verkande inom ovannämnda bransch.   Resultatet visar att arbetet med kundrelationer, trots ökade möjligheter till interaktion, sker på liknande sätt idag som innan digitaliseringens utveckling. Fysisk kontakt är fortfarande viktigt för skapandet av kundrelationer och har visat sig vara en konkurrensfördel för redovisnings- och revisionsbolagen. Resultatet visar också att den fysiska kontakten är viktig för att lära känna och samla information om kunden och förstå dennes behov för att i sin tur kunna anpassa sina tjänster. Digitalisering har dock bidragit genom att frigöra tid för att kunna effektivisera arbetet med kunderna, bibehålla en kontinuerlig kontakt, erbjuda avancerade analyser och kundanpassade tjänster. / Customers have historically been able to visit companies to interact and apply services. Today, a large part of this contact takes place digitally, which creates new opportunities and constraints for the companies in the creation of customer relationships (FAR 2016). This study investigates how digitalization and automatization of work processes affect companies' work with customer relationships. The focus is on whether customer relationships are built differently today compared to what was previously possible. Theories on customer relationship comes from a time when society and digital tools looked different. Therefore, in this study, it will be interesting to investigate how customer relationships are built today. Is there still a connection between theory and working method, or has the way of working with customer relationships been developed and changed? To investigate the purpose of the research, this study focused on the accounting and auditing industry, where a qualitative study was conducted. The data collection consists of nine interviews from respondents active in the above-mentioned industry. The result showed that the work with customer relationships, despite increased opportunities for interaction, is conducted similarly today as before the development of digitalization. Physical contact is still important for the creation of customer relationships and has proven to be a competitive advantage for the accounting and auditing companies. The result also showed that physical contact is important for getting to know and gathering information about the customer and understanding their need to be able to adapt their services. However, digitalization has contributed by creating more time to make the work with customers more effective, maintain continuous contact, offer advanced analysis and customized services.

How to capture hidden customer needs in an industrial product development company : A case study at Xylem / Identifiering av outtalade kundbehov i industriella produktutvecklingsföretag : En fallstudie på Xylem

Ljungberg, Henrik, Sahlin, Linnea January 2014 (has links)
When product development is becoming more and more complex, development costs rising and shorter development times are demanded, it is becoming obvious that a good customer understanding is essential. Previous research has showed that those companies that wish to develop radically new products must work actively with the identification of their customers‘ hidden needs. The goal of this master thesis project has been to determine how an industrial product development company should proceed with the investigation of hidden customer needs. The purpose of the paper has been to evaluate existing processes, frameworks, and methods and then propose an optimal solution for the case company. The methodology for this master thesis has been a case study at Xylem where interviews with employees have been conducted in parallel with an examination of existing literature within the field. Xylem is an industrial product development company that develops water pumps for many different applications. Apart from interviews a workshop and field tests have been conducted to get a better picture of the case company‘s situation and to verify the proposed methods. The result was a proposed process in five steps, well integrated in Xylem‘s existing process for business development, together with methods which, taken from literature, have been developed especially for the identification of hidden customer needs. The proposal is based on barriers and constraints found in the empirical study. Many of the barriers were also identified in literature which led to the conclusion that similar companies will face many of the same problems. The result of the field tests showed that the proposed methods were successful according to the employees conducting them. They were perceived to be a good tool for Xylem to identify their customers‘ hidden needs and increase the innovative capability, thus increasing the chance of developing successful radically new products. Keywords: hidden customer needs, customer oriented innovation, voice of the customer, radical product development / När produktutveckling blir alltmer komplex och utvecklingskostnaderna ökar samtidigt som kortare utvecklingstider efterfrågas blir det alltmer påtagligt att en god kundförståelse är extremt viktig. Tidigare forskning har visat på att företag som vill utveckla radikalt nya produkter bör arbeta aktivt med att identifiera sina kunders outtalade behov. Detta examensarbete har haft för avsikt att undersöka hur ett produktutvecklande industriföretag bör arbeta med identifieringen av outtalade kundbehov. Syftet med arbetet har varit att utvärdera befintliga processer, metoder och verktyg för att sedan föreslå en optimal lösning för fallföretaget. Metodiken för detta examensarbete har varit en fallstudie på Xylem där intervjuer av personal på fallföretaget har genomförts parallellt med att befintlig litteratur inom området har undersökts. Xylem är ett industriellt produktutvecklingsföretag som tillverkar pumpar för bl.a. vattentransport. Utöver intervjuer har en workshop samt fälttester utförts för att få en bättre bild av Xylems situation samt att testa de föreslagna metoderna. Resultatet var en föreslagen process i fem steg, väl integrerad i Xylems befintliga affärsutvecklingsprocess, med tillhörande metoder, vilka hämtade ur litteraturen har tagits fram speciellt för att identifiera outtalade kundbehov. Förslaget har baserats på barriärer och begränsningar som identifierades i den empiriska undersökningen. Många av de barriärerna identifierades också i litteraturen vilket ledde till slutsatsen att företag av den här typen står inför liknande problem. Resultatet av fälttesterna visade på att de föreslagna metoderna föll väl ut hos utövarna och uppfattades som användbara för Xylem i deras mål att bli bättre på att identifiera outtalade kundbehov och på så sätt öka deras innovativa förmåga och därmed chansen att utveckla framgångsrika radikalt nya produkter. Nyckelord: outtalade kundbehov, kundorienterad innovation, voice of the customer, radikal produktutveckling

Using business marketing strategies in higher education: a case study

Al-Malood, Fawaz 30 November 2007 (has links)
This research studies and documents the effect of applying business marketing strategies to a small vocational program at a public community college in California. The intent of applying the business marketing strategies is to promote the growth of the program in the areas of: Student Enrollment, Number of Classes Offered, and Number of Degrees and Certificates Awarded. The aim of this research is to provide evidence to support the notion that promoting a vocational program in a public academic institution, using business marketing strategies would indeed produce favorable results as is it commonly does in the case of a commercial business that markets itself. The Hospitality & Restaurant Management (HRM) program at Mt. San Antonio College was the subject of this research. As a case-study, the HRM program was studied for a period spanning six years from 2000 to 2006 using a quantitative research methodology. A comparison was conducted to analyze the performance of the HRM program in terms of student enrollment, classes offered, degrees and certificates awarded for two periods. The first period (2000 to 2003) reflects a time when the HRM program did not actively employ any marketing strategies to promote itself. The second period (2003 to 2006) covers a period when several marketing strategies were employed. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Education Management)

Using business marketing strategies in higher education: a case study

Al-Malood, Fawaz 30 November 2007 (has links)
This research studies and documents the effect of applying business marketing strategies to a small vocational program at a public community college in California. The intent of applying the business marketing strategies is to promote the growth of the program in the areas of: Student Enrollment, Number of Classes Offered, and Number of Degrees and Certificates Awarded. The aim of this research is to provide evidence to support the notion that promoting a vocational program in a public academic institution, using business marketing strategies would indeed produce favorable results as is it commonly does in the case of a commercial business that markets itself. The Hospitality & Restaurant Management (HRM) program at Mt. San Antonio College was the subject of this research. As a case-study, the HRM program was studied for a period spanning six years from 2000 to 2006 using a quantitative research methodology. A comparison was conducted to analyze the performance of the HRM program in terms of student enrollment, classes offered, degrees and certificates awarded for two periods. The first period (2000 to 2003) reflects a time when the HRM program did not actively employ any marketing strategies to promote itself. The second period (2003 to 2006) covers a period when several marketing strategies were employed. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Education Management)

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