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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parallelism and modular proof in differential dynamic logic / Parallélisme et preuve modulaire en logique dynamique différentielle

Lunel, Simon 28 January 2019 (has links)
Les systèmes cyber-physiques mélangent des comportements physiques continus, tel la vitesse d'un véhicule, et des comportement discrets, tel que le régulateur de vitesse d'un véhicule. Ils sont désormais omniprésents dans notre société. Un grand nombre de ces systèmes sont dits critiques, i.e. une mauvaise conception entraînant un comportement non prévu, un bug, peut mettre en danger des êtres humains. Il est nécessaire de développer des méthodes pour garantir le bon fonctionnement de tels systèmes. Les méthodes formelles regroupent des procédés mathématiques pour garantir qu'un système se comporte comme attendu, par exemple que le régulateur de vitesse n'autorise pas de dépasser la vitesse maximale autorisée. De récents travaux ont permis des progrès significatifs dans ce domaine, mais l'approche adoptée est encore monolithique, i.e. que le système est modélisé d'un seul tenant et est ensuite soumis à la preuve. Notre problématique est comment modéliser efficacement des systèmes cyber-physiques dont la complexité réside dans une répétition de morceaux élémentaires. Et une fois que l'on a obtenu une modélisation, comment garantir le bon fonctionnement de tels systèmes. Notre approche consiste à modéliser le système de manière compositionnelle. Plutôt que de vouloir le modéliser d'un seul tenant, il faut le faire morceaux par morceaux, appelés composants. Chaque composant correspond à un sous-système du système final qu'il est simple de modéliser. On obtient le système complet en assemblant les composants ensembles. Ainsi une usine de traitement des eaux est obtenue en assemblant différentes cuves. L'intérêt de cette méthode est qu'elle correspond à l'approche des ingénieurs dans l'industrie : considérer des éléments séparés que l'on compose ensuite. Mais cette approche seule ne résout pas le problème de la preuve de bon fonctionnement du système. Il faut aussi rendre la preuve compositionnelle. Pour cela, on associe à chaque composant des propriétés sur ses entrées et sortie, et on prouve qu'elles sont respectées. Cette preuve peut être effectué par un expert, mais aussi par un ordinateur si les composants sont de tailles raisonnables. Il faut ensuite nous assurer que lors de l'assemblage des composants, les propriétés continuent à être respectées. Ainsi, la charge de la preuve est reportée sur les composants élémentaires, l'assurance du respect des propriétés désirées est conservée lors des étapes de composition. On peut alors obtenir une preuve du bon fonctionnement de systèmes industriels avec un coût de preuve réduit. Notre contribution majeure est de proposer une telle approche compositionnelle à la fois pour modéliser des systèmes cyber-physiques, mais aussi pour prouver qu'ils respectent les propriétés voulues. Ainsi, à chaque étape de la conception, on s'assure que les propriétés sont conservées, si possible à l'aide d'un ordinateur. Le système résultant est correct par construction. De ce résultat, nous avons proposé plusieurs outils pour aider à la conception de systèmes cyber-physiques de manière modulaire. On peut raisonner sur les propriétés temporelles de tels systèmes, par exemple est-ce que le temps de réaction d'un contrôleur est suffisamment court pour garantir le bon fonctionnement. On peut aussi raisonner sur des systèmes où un mode nominal cohabite avec un mode d'urgence. / Cyber-physical systems mix continuous physical behaviors, e.g. the velocity of a vehicle, and discrete behaviors, e.g. the cruise-controller of the vehicle. They are pervasive in our society. Numerous of such systems are safety-critical, i.e. a design error which leads to an unexpected behavior can harm humans. It is mandatory to develop methods to ensure the correct functioning of such systems. Formal methods is a set of mathematical methods that are used to guarantee that a system behaves as expected, e.g. that the cruise-controller does not allow the vehicle to exceed the speed limit. Recent works have allowed significant progress in the domain of the verification of cyber-physical systems, but the approach is still monolithic. The system under consideration is modeled in one block. Our problematic is how to efficiently model cyber-physical systems where the complexity lies in a repetition of elementary blocks. And once this modeling done, how guaranteeing the correct functioning of such systems. Our approach is to model the system in a compositional manner. Rather than modeling it in one block, we model it pieces by pieces, called components. Each component correspond to a subsystem of the final system and are easier to model due to their reasonable size. We obtain the complete system by assembling the different components. A water-plant will thus be obtained by the composition of several water-tanks. The main advantage of this method is that it corresponds to the work-flow in the industry : consider each elements separately and compose them later. But this approach does not solve the problem of the proof of correct functioning of the system. We have to make the proof compositional too. To achieve it, we associate to each component properties on its inputs and outputs, then prove that they are satisfied. This step can be done by a domain expert, but also by a computer program if the component is of a reasonable size. We have then to ensure that the properties are preserved through the composition. Thus, the proof effort is reported to elementary components. It is possible to obtain a proof of the correct functioning of industrial systems with a reduced proof effort. Our main contribution is the development of such approach in Differential Dynamic Logic. We are able to modularly model cyber-physical systems, but also prove their correct functioning. Then, at each stage of the design, we can verify that the desired properties are still guaranteed. The resulting system is correct-by-construction. From this result, we have developed several tools to help for the modular reasoning on cyber-physical systems. We have proposed a methodology to reason on temporal properties, e.g. if the execution period of a controller is small enough to effectively regulate the continuous behavior. We have also showed how we can reason on functioning modes in our framework.

CyberSens: uma plataforma para redes de sensores em sistemas ciber-físicos. / CyberSens: a platform for sensor networks in cyber-physical system.

Jorge Rodolfo Beingolea Garay 11 October 2012 (has links)
O recente surgimento de um novo conceito que propõe a integração do mundo físico com sistemas computacionais leva as redes de sensores a serem unicamente parte de um processo colaborativo para fins de integração, com um objetivo maior do que só observar o ambiente. Este novo conceito é conhecido como Sistema Ciber-Físico (tradução do inglês Cyber Physical System - CPS), e consiste numa rede de elementos que atuam entre o meio físico e as aplicações computacionais (Sensoriamento - Atuação - Controle - Aplicação), concluindo num sistema de gestão capaz de agrupar diversas aplicações com capacidade de funcionamento autônomo, assim como distribuído. Entretanto, para que esta tecnologia se torne viável para os diversos contextos do mundo físico, é necessário considerar as limitações dos elementos computacionais que a integram e, para o caso, essas limitações passam a ser maiores quando se trata de uma rede de sensores. Este trabalho de tese tem foco na camada de sensoriamento, discute inicialmente alguns dos pressupostos supracitados e define algumas características e requisitos dos CPS necessárias para a padronização de alguns processos. Propõe também o desenvolvimento de uma Plataforma para redes de sensores em Sistemas Ciber-Físicos, um middleware, capaz de se adaptar às limitações e necessidades, que serão apresentadas posteriormente numa aplicação exemplo. Como primeiro ponto: i) O trabalho apresenta as necessidades para estes tipos de sistemas e aborda definições relevantes; ii) Discute-se a definição em camadas do middleware CiberSens iii) Aplicação da proposta numa aplicação-exemplo. Do primeiro ponto: Os CPS constituem uma pesquisa relativamente nova, como resultado, muitos aspectos precisam ser definidos com o intuito de facilitar o entendimento da arquitetura e implementçã. Do segundo ponto: Os dispositivos transdutores representam um papel de relevante importância nas diversas aplicações, na área de automação residencial e nas aplicações biomédicas, esta última com exponencial crescimento de aplicações que procuram melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Nesse contexto, se faz necessário um minucioso estudo dos conceitos e características que dever~ao ser consideradas no desenho em camadas da plataforma de gerenciamento para redes de sensores em CPS. No desenho a flexibilidade do sistema dever´a estar sujeita ao fácil domínio e controle por parte de usuário final, que será o verdadeiro responsável pelo funcionamento do Sistema Ciber-Físico e da aplicação em curso. Do terceiro ponto: Com o intuito de eliminar possíveis erros e identificar limitações no uso do sistema por parte dos atores do sistema (usuário e administrador), além de demonstrar a viabilidade da proposta, é levado o modelamento e definição de conceitos para sua aplicação num caso real. Nesta etapa é realizada simultaneamente a implementação de um módulo integrador encarregado da captura e abstração de protocolos na camada de comunicação e conexão com o módulo de armazenamento, e a camada de serviços. Uma avaliação é necessária não só para validar a técnica e o modelo utilizado na implementação da arquitetura do CiberSens e sim também para determinar a confiabilidade da comunicação e eficácia ante um evento critico, a validação acontece através da formalização de processos de controle, sensoriamento e atuação com a ferramenta SysML. / Recently, the emergence of a new concept that proposes the integration of the physical world with computing systems, is taking sensor networks to be only part of a collaborative process with a larger goal than just observing the environment. This new paradigm is known as Cyber-Physical Systems, and consists of a network of elements that act between the physical environment and computational applications (Sensing - Actuation - Control - Application), ending in a management system able to group several applications with standalone and distributed operation capabilities. However, to this technology become viable for the diverse contexts of the physical world, it is necessary to consider the limitations of computational elements that compose it, and in this case, these limitations increase when it comes to sensor networks. This thesis focuses on the sensing layer, discusses some of the assumptions aforementioned and defines some characteristics and requirements of the CPS necessary to standardize some processes. It also proposes the development of a platform for sensor networks on Cyber-Physical Systems, a service-oriented middleware capable of adapting the limitations and needs presented later in a use case. As first item: i) The document presents the requirements for these types of systems and approaches relevant definitions. Secondly: ii) It is discussed the layered definition of the CiberSens service-oriented middleware. And third: iii) It is presented the proposal implementation in application-example. From the first item: The CPS are a relatively new field of research, as a result, many aspects need to be defined in order to simplify the understanding of the architecture and implementation. From the second item: The transducer devices have a relevant role on diverse applications used on the fields of home automation and in biomedical applications, the latter with an exponential growth of applications that try to improve the quality of life of patients. In this context, it is necessary a detailed study of the concepts and characteristics that should be considered during the layered design of the management platform for sensor networks in CPS. In the design, the system flexibility should be subject to an easy control and domain by the end user, who will be responsible for the actual functioning of the Cyber-Physical System and the ongoing application. From the third item: In order to eliminate possible errors, identify limitations in the system use by the system actors (user and administrator), and demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal, the modeling and concepts definition are applied in a real case. On this step is performed simultaneously an efficiency evaluation of the protocols capture and abstraction methods in the communication layer, the storage modulus, and the services layer. The evaluation is needed not only to validate the technique and the model used in the CiberSens architecture implementation, but also to determine the reliability the of communication and the effectiveness facing a critical event, validation occurs through the control process formalization, sensing and actuation, with SysML tool.

Fault propagation analysis of large-scale, networked embedded systems

Pattnaik, Aliva 16 November 2011 (has links)
In safety-critical, networked embedded systems, it is important that the way in which a fault(s) in one component of the system can propagate throughout the system to other components is analyzed correctly. Many real-world systems, such as modern aircrafts and automobiles, use large-scale networked embedded systems with complex behavior. In this work, we have developed techniques and a software tool, FauPA, that uses those techniques to automate fault-propagation analysis of large-scale, networked embedded systems such as those used in modern aircraft. This work makes three main contributions. 1. Fault propagation analyses. We developed algorithms for two types of analyses: forward analysis and backward analysis. For backward analysis, we developed two techniques: a naive algorithm and an algorithm that uses Datalog. 2. A system description language. We developed a language that we call Communication System Markup Language (CSML) based on XML. A system can be specified concisely and at a high-level in CSML. 3. A GUI-based display of the system and analysis results. We developed a GUI to visualize the system that is specified in CSML. The GUI also lets the user visualize the results of fault-propagation analyses.

Human-informed robotic percussion renderings: acquisition, analysis, and rendering of percussion performances using stochastic models and robotics

Van Rooyen, Robert Martinez 19 December 2018 (has links)
A percussion performance by a skilled musician will often extend beyond a written score in terms of expressiveness. This assertion is clearly evident when comparing a human performance with one that has been rendered by some form of automaton that expressly follows a transcription. Although music notation enforces a significant set of constraints, it is the responsibility of the performer to interpret the piece and “bring it to life” in the context of the composition, style, and perhaps with a historical perspective. In this sense, the sheet music serves as a general guideline upon which to build a credible performance that can carry with it a myriad of subtle nuances. Variations in such attributes as timing, dynamics, and timbre all contribute to the quality of the performance that will make it unique within a population of musicians. The ultimate goal of this research is to gain a greater understanding of these subtle nuances, while simultaneously developing a set of stochastic motion models that can similarly approximate minute variations in multiple dimensions on a purpose-built robot. Live or recorded motion data, and algorithmic models will drive an articulated robust multi-axis mechatronic system that can render a unique and audibly pleasing performance that is comparable to its human counterpart using the same percussion instruments. By utilizing a non-invasive and flexible design, the robot can use any type of drum along with different types of striking implements to achieve an acoustic richness that would be hard if not impossible to capture by sampling or sound synthesis. The flow of this thesis will follow the course of this research by introducing high-level topics and providing an overview of related work. Next, a systematic method for gesture acquisition of a set of well-defined percussion scores will be introduced, followed by an analysis that will be used to derive a set of requirements for motion control and its associated electromechanical subsystems. A detailed multidiscipline engineering effort will be described that culminates in a robotic platform design within which the stochastic motion models can be utilized. An analysis will be performed to evaluate the characteristics of the robotic renderings when compared to human reference performances. Finally, this thesis will conclude by highlighting a set of contributions as well as topics that can be pursued in the future to advance percussion robotics. / Graduate / 2019-12-10

Quality Data Management in the Next Industrial Revolution : A Study of Prerequisites for Industry 4.0 at GKN Aerospace Sweden

Erkki, Robert, Johnsson, Philip January 2018 (has links)
The so-called Industry 4.0 is by its agitators commonly denoted as the fourth industrial revolution and promises to turn the manufacturing sector on its head. However, everything that glimmers is not gold and in the backwash of hefty consultant fees questions arises: What are the drivers behind Industry 4.0? Which barriers exists? How does one prepare its manufacturing procedures in anticipation of the (if ever) coming era? What is the internet of things and what file sizes’ is characterised as big data? To answer these questions, this thesis aims to resolve the ambiguity surrounding the definitions of Industry 4.0, as well as clarify the fuzziness of a data-driven manufacturing approach. Ergo, the comprehensive usage of data, including collection and storage, quality control, and analysis. In order to do so, this thesis was carried out as a case study at GKN Aerospace Sweden (GAS). Through interviews and observations, as well as a literature review of the subject, the thesis examined different process’ data-driven needs from a quality management perspective. The findings of this thesis show that the collection of quality data at GAS is mainly concerned with explicitly stated customer requirements. As such, the data available for the examined processes is proven inadequate for multivariate analytics. The transition towards a data-driven state of manufacturing involves a five-stage process wherein data collection through sensors is seen as a key enabler for multivariate analytics and a deepened process knowledge. Together, these efforts form the prerequisites for Industry 4.0. In order to effectively start transition towards Industry 4.0, near-time recommendations for GAS includes: capture all data, with emphasize on process data; improve the accessibility of data; and ultimately taking advantage of advanced analytics. Collectively, these undertakings pave the way for the actual improvements of Industry 4.0, such as digital twins, machine cognition, and process self-optimization. Finally, due to the delimitations of the case study, the findings are but generalized for companies with similar characteristics, i.e. complex processes with low volumes.

Analyse de stabilité, ordonnancement, et synthèse des systèmes cyber-physiques / stability verification, scheduling, and synthesis of cyber-physical systems

Al Khatib, Mohammad 29 September 2017 (has links)
Il s'agit d'une étude menée sur les systèmes cyber-physiques sur trois aspects principaux: la vérification de la stabilité, l'ordonnancement et la synthèse des paramètres. Les systèmes de contrôle embarqués (ECS) agissant dans le cadre de contrats temporels sont la classe considérée de systèmes cyber-physiques dans la thèse. ECS fait référence à des intégrations d'un dispositif informatique avec le système physique. En ce qui concerne les contrats temporels, ils sont des contraintes de temps sur les instants où se produisent certains événements tels que l'échantillonnage, l'actionnement et le calcul. Ces contrats sont utilisés pour modéliser les problèmes qui se posent dans les systèmes de contrôle modernes: incertitudes sur les retards d'actionnement, les périodes d'échantillonnage incertaines et l'interaction de plusieurs systèmes physiques avec des ressources informatiques partagées (CPUs). Maintenant, compte tenu d'un ECS et d'un contrat temporel, nous reformulons le système de manière impulsionnelle et vérifions la stabilité du système, sous toutes les incertitudes bornées et données par le contrat, en utilisant des techniques d'approximation convexe et de nouveaux résultats généralisés pour le problème sur une classe de systèmes modélisés dans le cadre des inclusions différentielles. Deuxièmement, compte tenu d'un ensemble de contrôleurs implémentés sur une plate-forme de calcul commune (CPUs), dont chacun est soumis à un contrat de synchronisation, et à son meilleur et son plus mauvais cas d'exécution dans chaque CPU, nous synthétisons une politique d’ordonnancement dynamique qui garantit que chaque contrat temporel est satisfait et que chacun des CPU partagés est attribué à au plus un contrôleur à tout moment. L'approche est basée sur une reformulation qui nous permet d'écrire le problème d’ordonnancement comme un jeu temporelle avec spécification de sureté. Ensuite, en utilisant l'outil UPPAAL-TIGA, une solution au jeu fournit une politique d’ordonnancement appropriée. En outre, nous fournissons une nouvelle condition nécessaire et suffisante pour l’ordonnancement des tâches de contrôle en fonction d’un jeu temporisé simplifiés. Enfin, nous résolvons un problème de synthèse de paramètres qui consiste à synthétiser une sous-approximation de l'ensemble des contrats de synchronisation qui garantissent en même temps l’ordonnancement et la stabilité des contrôleurs intégrés. La synthèse est basée sur un nouveau paramétrage du contrat temporel pour les rendre monotones, puis sur un échantillonnage à plusieurs reprises de l'espace des paramètres jusqu'à atteindre une précision d'approximation prédéfinie. / This is a study conducted on cyber-physical systems on three main aspects: stability verification, scheduling, and parameter synthesis. Embedded control systems (ECS) acting under timing contracts are the considered class of cyber-physical systems in the thesis. ECS refers to integrations of a computing device with the physical system. As for timing contracts they are time constraints on the instants where some events happen such as sampling, actuation, and computation. These contracts are used to model issues that arise in modern embedded control systems: uncertain sampling to actuation delays, uncertain sampling periods, and interaction of several physical systems with shared computational resources (CPUs). Now given an ECS and a timing contract we reformulate the system into an impulsive one and verifies stability of the system, under all possible bounded uncertainties given by the contract, using safe convex approximation techniques and new generalized results for the problem on a class of systems modeled in the framework of difference inclusions. Second given a set of controllers implemented on a common computational platform (CPUs), each of which is subject to a timing contract, and best and worst case execution times on each CPU, we synthesize a dynamic scheduling policy, which guarantees that each timing contract is satisfied and that each of the shared CPUs are allocated to at most one embedded controller at any time. The approach is based on a timed game formulation that allows us to write the scheduling problem as a timed safety game. Then using the tool UPPAAL-TIGA, a solution to the safety game provides a suitable scheduling policy. In addition, we provide a novel necessary and sufficient condition for schedulability of the control tasks based on a simplified timed game automaton. Last, we solve a parameter synthesis problem which consists of synthesizing an under-approximation of the set of timing contracts that guarantee at the same time the schedulability and stability of the embedded controllers. The synthesis is based on a re-parameterization of the timing contract to make them monotonic, and then on a repeatedly sampling of the parameter space until reaching a predefined precision of approximation.

Granskning av en Internet of Things-implementering mot industri 4.0 : Från konsultbyråns, beställarens och användarens perspektiv

Frössling, Jacob, Eiman, Tobias January 2018 (has links)
The first industrial revolution moved from farming to factory through the development ofthe steam engine. The Second arose through the innovation of electricity and the thirdindustrial revolution moved from analogue technology to digital technology. The latestindustry trend is called industry 4.0, whose vision is to create automated factories. Industry4.0 refers to create smart factories, where physical objects may communicate with eachother to solve different kind of problems. This new technology entails different changes forcompanies, there among other things; the role of human beings will be affected in one oranother way.This thesis has examined an industrial company, which strives to develop their businesstowards industry 4.0. The purpose of the study was to review an ongoing implementationof IoT, focusing on understanding different actors' perspectives on the emerging technology.On this basis several of possibilities and difficulties were identified, which companies needto consider in the future when developing towards industry 4.0.The result of the study describes the difference between different actors' perspectives, whichin the future will have to be discussed in order to find a balance in the IoT-environment. Byexamining an ongoing implementation of IoT, a checklist consisting of key componentswere identified. This checklist may be useful for companies with / Den första industriella revolutionen uppkom vid ångmaskinens framgång, den andra genomelektricitet och den tredje utvecklades med hjälp av IT. Den senaste trenden inom industrinkallas Industri 4.0, vars vision syftar till att skapa automatiserade fabriker. Den nya teknikenkommer inte att utvecklas över en natt och det finns ett flertal faktorer vilka behöverundersökas för att lyckas ta stegen mot visionen. Industri 4.0 medför olika förändringar förföretagen där bland annat människans roll inom verksamheten kommer att påverkas.Studien har genomförts mot ett medelstort industriföretag, vilket strävar efter att utvecklasin verksamhet mot industri 4.0. Författarna har tidigare samarbetat med industriföretagetoch konsultbyrån. Tillsammans utvecklar de en plattform mot Internet of Things (IoT) föratt ta första steget mot en uppkopplad verksamhet. Syftet med studien var att granska enpågående implementering av IoT med fokus på att förstå olika aktörers perspektiv på denframväxande tekniken. Med den utgångspunkten identifierades olika möjligheter ochproblem företagen kommer att behöva ta hänsyn till.Studiens resultat belyser skillnaden mellan olika aktörers perspektiv vilket i framtidenkommer att behöva diskuteras för att hitta en balans. Eftersom studien granskade enpågående implementering identifierades dessutom ett arbetssätt bestående av viktigakomponenter för företag med visionen att börja utveckla sin verksamhet mot industri 4.0visionen.

Arquitetura para descoberta de equipamentos em processos de manufatura com foco na indústria 4.0. / Architecture to discover equipment in manufacturing processes focused on industry 4.0.

Marcos André Pisching 08 December 2017 (has links)
A Indústria 4.0, ou quarta revolução industrial, é o atual cenário industrial que estabelece um novo paradigma para os sistemas de produção. A indústria 4.0 é compreendida como a implementação da fábrica inteligente que opera de forma mais autônoma e com menor intervenção humana, cujo propósito é prover serviços e produtos inteligentes que atendam às necessidades individuais dos consumidores. A Indústria 4.0 está amparada nos sistemas ciber-físicos (CPS) e na Internet das Coisas (IoT). Neste cenário máquinas e produtos se comunicam entre si visando automatizar os processos industriais por meio de informações individuais obtidas em tempo real durante os processos de manufatura. No entanto, a Indústria 4.0 e as pesquisas em torno desse assunto ainda são muito recentes e requerem mais investigações no que diz respeito às arquiteturas que suportem a sua implementação, entre elas a comunicação entre produtos e máquinas. Neste quesito, recentemente foi proposto o modelo de arquitetura de referência para a Indústria 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) com o objetivo de nortear a implementação deste tipo de sistema. Contudo, o RAMI 4.0 ainda requer esforços no campo da pesquisa sob diferentes aspectos, entre eles a integração vertical de recursos do sistema de produção. Neste sentido, este trabalho objetiva apresentar uma arquitetura para a descoberta de equipamentos para processar operações conforme as necessidades dos produtos. A arquitetura foi projetada em camadas baseadas no RAMI 4.0 para prover componentes que permitam a comunicação entre equipamentos e produtos, e um mecanismo similar ao sistema de nomes de domínios (DNS - Domain Name System) para realizar a descoberta de equipamentos para processar uma determinada operação. Nessa arquitetura as informações dos equipamentos são armazenadas em uma estrutura organizada hierarquicamente para auxiliar o serviço de descoberta, e os produtos possuem informações das operações necessárias para o processo de manufatura. Para garantir a eficácia do funcionamento dos componentes e suas interações, é necessário a verificação e validação por meio de métodos formais. Neste trabalho a verificação e validação é realizada por meio da técnica PFS (Production Flow Schema)/RdP (Rede de Petri). Por fim, a arquitetura é aplicada em um sistema de produção modular para demonstrar a sistemática de implementação e a sua efetividade. / The Industry 4.0, also known as fourth industrial revolution, is the current industrial scenario that sets a new paradigm for production systems. The Industry 4.0 can be understood as the implementation of the smart factory that operates more autonomously and with less human intervention. The purposes of it is to provide smart products and services that meet the consumer individual needs. The Industry 4.0 is supported by cyber-physical systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT). In this scenario machines and products communicate with each other to automate industrial processes through individual information that are obtained in real time during manufacturing processes. However, the researches around this issue are still very recent and require further investigations with regard of to the architectures that support its implementation, including communication between products and equipment. Taking into account this problem, a Reference Architectural Model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) was recently proposed with the purpose to guide the implementation of this system type. However, the RAMI 4.0 still requires efforts in different aspects, including the vertical integration of resources of the production systems. In this sense, this work aims to present an architecture for the discovery of equipment to process operations according to the product needs. The architecture was designed based on layers of the RAMI 4.0 to provide components that allow communication between equipment and products and a Web Service that offer a mechanism similar to the Domain Name System (DNS) to locate equipment to process a required operation. In this architecture the capable operations supported by the equipment are stored in a structure organized hierarchically to aid the discovery service, and the products have information of the operation required for the manufacturing process. In order to guarantee the effectiveness of the component functionalities and their interactions it is necessary to verify and validate them by formal methods. In this work the Production Flow Schema (PFS)/Petri Net (PN) technique is used to develop the conceptual and functional modeling of the architecture. Finally the architecture is applied in a modular production system to demonstrate its implementation systematics and its effectiveness.

Sistema Inteligente Ágil de Processo Evolutivo - SIAPE: um protótipo brasileiro de sistemas EPS

Amaral, Hiram Carlos Costa 28 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Napoleana Barros Martins (napoleana_martins@hotmail.com) on 2016-08-01T15:38:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Hiram Carlos Costa Amaral.pdf: 24315368 bytes, checksum: 3708b71cd79a7cfa94b2c34c95182cc2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2016-08-24T19:39:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Hiram Carlos Costa Amaral.pdf: 24315368 bytes, checksum: 3708b71cd79a7cfa94b2c34c95182cc2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2016-08-24T19:44:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Hiram Carlos Costa Amaral.pdf: 24315368 bytes, checksum: 3708b71cd79a7cfa94b2c34c95182cc2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-24T19:44:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Hiram Carlos Costa Amaral.pdf: 24315368 bytes, checksum: 3708b71cd79a7cfa94b2c34c95182cc2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-28 / FAPEAM - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas / Manufacturing emerging paradigms have been used in an attempt to solve the problem of customization, i.e. the manufacture of products with mid and low batches and high variability. Namely Evolvable Production Systems (EPS) has been able to address the problem through the concept of mechatronics agents and a reversal of the local where intelligence (the production process) is in th the manufacturing system. However, there are still many gaps and barriers for the widespread use of EPS, namely the real prototypes that address the concepts of evolvable systems. This work presents the development of an evolvable system called Agile Intelligent System for Evolvable Process (SIAPE), which aimed adpats to demand variations and the evolution of the production system according to the changing of the product. To test the viability of SIAPE was first created a simplified automation prototype called Product UFAM which is compared with the SIAPE prototype itself among their compliance with the requirements of Industry Platform 4.0 (i4.0). / Paradigmas emergentes de fabricação têm sido usados na tentativa de solucionar o problema da customização, isto é, a manufatura de produtos em lotes baixos e com elevados níveis de variedades de produtos. Notadamente os Evolvable Production Systems (EPS) tem conseguido tratar o problema através do conceito de agentes mecatrônicos e de uma inversão do local de onde a inteligência do processo produtivo está dentro do sistema de manufatura. Entretanto, ainda há várias lacunas e barreiras ao amplo uso de EPS, dentre elas a necessidade de protótipos de sistemas que contemplem os conceitos de sistemas evolutivos. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sistema evolutivo denominado de Sistema Inteligente Ágil de Processo Evolutivo - SIAPE que visa adaptação à demanda e a evolução do sistema produtivo de acordo com a evolução do produto. Para testar a viabilidade do SIAPE foi criado primeiramente um protótipo de automação simplificado chamado de Produto UFAM que é comparado com o protótipo SIAPE propriamente dito em torno de suas aderências às exigências da Plataforma da Indústria 4.0 (i4.0).

Verteilte Mobilität - Eine spannende Herausforderung

Werner, Matthias 05 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cyber-physikalische Systeme (CPS) sind eine erweitere Sicht auf eingebettete Systeme, die die konkreten umgebenden Elemente in das Systemdesign einbeziehen. Das Design solcher Systeme erfordert neue Herangehensweisen: Während beispielsweise in "normalen" verteilten Systemen Aspekte wie "Bewegung" oder "Ort" möglichst transparent und damit für den Nutzer unsichtbar gestaltet werden, benötigen CPS-Anwendungen häufig Bewusstsein für Bewegung oder Ort, d.h., sie sind _motion aware_ oder _location aware_. Die Professur "Betriebssysteme" der TUC hat sich die Frage gestellt, wie eine generische Unterstützung für solche verteilte mobile Systeme aussehen könnte. Im Vortrag werden Probleme, Konzepte und erste Lösungsansätze für ein künftiges Betriebssystem für diese Art von Systemen vorgestellt.

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