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Framtidens cybersäkerhet : en studie om hur Natural Language Processing påverkar dagens cybersäkerhetsarbete / The Future of Cybersecurity : A Study on How Natural Language Processing Impacts Today's Cybersecurity EffortsGrönstedt Söderberg, Olle, Mattsson, Fredrik January 2024 (has links)
Sedan lanseringen av OpenAIs generativa chatbot ChatGPT i slutet av 2022 har intresset för artificiell intelligens (AI) och specifikt Natural Language Processing (NLP) ökat markant. Genom dess förmåga att tolka och generera mänskligt språk har NLP redan transformerat flertalet industrier och skapat debatter bland forskare, där somliga ser AI som en av de mest betydelsefulla innovationerna någonsin, medan andra varnar för att den hastiga teknikutvecklingen leder till nya och förändrade risker. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka cybersäkerhetsexperters syn på risker relaterade till användningen av NLP och dess inverkan på cybersäkerhetsarbete. Genom intervjuer och enkäter har studien identifierat flera risker som effektiviseras i och med användningen av NLP-baserade tjänster. Studiens enkätresultat visar vilka risker cybersäkerhetsexperter värderar högst utifrån sannolikhet och potentiella skada. Värderingarna görs med ramverket CIA i åtanke (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability), en beprövad säkerhetsmodell som används för att upprätthålla god informations- och cybersäkerhet. Studiens intervjuresultat förser studien med insikter i respondenternas bakomliggande resonemang och betonar också vikten av medvetenhet vid användningen av NLP-baserade tjänster. Sammantaget förser studien läsaren med en förståelse för de risker som är förknippade med Natural language processing och ger insikt i de faktorer som cybersäkerhetsexperter tar i beaktning när de bedömer dessa risker. De tre risker som studien identifierade som särskilt framstående var: Spear-phishing, Skadlig Kod och Data leaks.
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Etisk hackning av en smart kattlucka : Sårbarhetstestning av en smart kattlucka / Ethical hacking of a smart cat flap : Vulnerability testing of a smart cat flapKastrati, Adrian January 2024 (has links)
Många hem köper produkter som är internetuppkopplade, sakernas internet (IoT), det gäller allt från lampor till kattluckor. Detta öppnar upp för möjligheten att styra sitt hem på nya sätt men det medför nya hot mot hem och samhället. Detta är ett kritiskt problem för många företag, särskilt på IoT-marknaden där det finns incitament som driver låga kostnader och snabb marknadsintroduktion. Litteratstudien visade en brist på tydliga värderingar av investeringar och att även om produktivitet påverkas negativt och förlänger tiden från idé till marknad undviks framtida svårigheter vid lyckade cybersäkerhethetsåtgärder. Trots de betydande hoten kan många företag välja att acceptera risken för cyberattacker på grund av att kostnader vid säkerhetsbrister inte alltid hamnar hos dem.Sårbarhetstestningsmetoden PatrIoT följdes för att grundligt testa IoT-produkten Microchip Cat Flap Connect. Attacker som utfördes var bland annat ping-flooding och MiTM. Produkten visade sig vara säker och vanliga svagheter som öppna nät- verkstjänster och avsaknad av kryptering var frånvarande. Produkten visade sig vara sårbar mot överflödesattacker (DoS) i form av ping-flooding. Med det går det att säga att produkten följer ett flertal principer för utveckling mot säker IoT men servern som används för webbapplikationen bör implementera krav på att endast lita på certifikat av betrodda certifikatutfärdare. / Many households purchase internet-connected products, Internet of Things (IoT), which includes everything from lamps to cat flaps. This opens new ways and possibilities of controlling one's home, but it brings new threats to home and society. This is a critical issue for many companies, especially in the IoT market where there are incentives that drive low costs and quick time to market. The literature study showed a lack of clear valuations of investments and that even if productivity is negatively affected and the time from idea to market is extended, future difficulties are avoided with successful cyber security measures. Despite the significant threats, many companies may choose to accept the risk of cyber-attacks because the costs of security breaches do not always end up with them.The PatrIoT vulnerability testing methodology was followed to thoroughly test the IoT product Microchip Cat Flap Connect. The product proved to be secure and common weaknesses, such as open network services and lack of proper implementation of encryption, could not be identified. The product was found to be vulnerable to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks in the form of ping-flooding. With that, it can be said that the product follows several principles for development towards secure IoT, but the server used for the web application should implement requirements to only trust certificates from trusted certificate authorities.
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Cybersäkerhet inom små och medelstora organisationer : Med anpassning till EU:s NIS-Direktiv / Cybersecurity in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises : Adapting to the EU's NIS-DirectiveAbas, Hassan, Almén, Jonathan January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur små och medelstora företag i Sverige implementerar EU:s NIS-direktiv genom sina cybersäkerhetsstrategier och -policyer. Syftet är att identifiera de huvudsakliga utmaningarna och framgångsfaktorerna i denna process. Genom intervjuer med ledande personer inom dessa företag framkommer det att ledningens fulla engagemang är avgörande för att integrera NIS-direktivens krav i den dagliga verksamheten. Studien identifierar tvångsmässig och mimetisk isomorfism som viktiga faktorer för anpassning, där företagen påverkas både av regulatoriska krav och av att efterlikna framgångsrika strategier från andra företag. Resultaten visar att proaktiv riskhantering, inklusive regelbundna utbildningar och användning av standarder som ISO 27001 och NIST, stärker företagens motståndskraft mot cyberhot. Användning av externa konsulter är en effektiv strategi, trots de höga kostnaderna. Studien betonar behovet av skräddarsydda cybersäkerhetsstrategier som tar hänsyn till varje företags unika förutsättningar och behov / This study investigates how small and medium-sized enterprises in Sweden implement the EU's NIS Directive through their cybersecurity strategies and policies. The aim is to identify the main challenges and success factors in this process. Interviews with key individuals within these companies reveal that strong leadership engagement is crucial for integrating the NIS Directive requirements into daily operations. The study identifies coercive and mimetic isomorphism as significant factors for adaptation, where companies are influenced both by regulatory demands and by mimicking successful strategies from other firms. The findings show that proactive risk management, including regular training and the use of standards such as ISO 27001 and NIST, enhances companies' resilience against cyber threats. The use of external consultants is an effective strategy, despite the high costs. The study emphasizes the need for tailored cybersecurity strategies that consider each company's unique conditions and needs.
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Cybersecurity awareness among Swedish young adults in usage of public Wi-Fi networksAl Shakosh, Suhel January 2024 (has links)
The widespread availability of public Wi-Fi has significantly impacted how young adults in Sweden access the Internet for various purposes, including social interactions, academic activities, and entertainment. However, this convenience comes with substantial cybersecurity risks. This study aims to explore and understand the awareness level among young adults regarding cybersecurity threats when utilizing public Wi-Fi and to delve into the measures and strategies employed by young adults to safeguard themselves from these identified threats. The root problem addressed in this study is the potential gap in cybersecurity awareness and protective behaviors among young adults who frequently use public Wi-Fi. Understanding this gap is crucial for developing effective educational initiatives and security practices that can mitigate the risks involved. To investigate this issue, a qualitative research method was employed, involving semi-structured interviews with ten participants, balanced in gender. The interviews aimed to gather in-depth insights into the participants' motivations for using public Wi-Fi, their awareness of cybersecurity risks, and the measures they take to protect themselves. Utilizing semi-structured interviews with ten participants, the study reveals a diverse range of awareness and behaviors. While some participants demonstrate a strong understanding of cyber threats and employ proactive measures such as using VPNs and antivirus software, others show only a cursory awareness and engage in risky behaviors due to a lack of knowledge or disregard for potential threats. This variation highlights a disparity in how young adults approach cybersecurity when using public Wi-Fi. The study underscores a need for targeted educational initiatives to enhance protective practices among this demographic, which could inform future cybersecurity policies and educational programs. By focusing on increasing cybersecurity awareness and promoting better security habits, the risks associated with public Wi-Fi usage can be better managed, thereby helping to protect the digital lives of young individuals in Sweden.
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Evaluation of Explainable AI Techniques for Interpreting Machine Learning ModelsMuhammad, Al Jaber Al Shwali January 2024 (has links)
Denna undersökning utvärderar tillvägagångssätt inom "Explainable Artificial Intelligence" (XAI), särskilt "Local Interpretable Model Agnostic Explanations" (LIME) och 'Shapley Additive Explanations' (SHAP), genom att implementera dem i maskininlärningsmodeller som används inom cybersäkerhetens brandväggssystem. Prioriteten är att förbättra förståelsen av flervals klassificerings uppgift inom brandvägg hantering. I takt med att dagens AI-system utvecklas, sprids och tar en större roll i kritiska beslutsprocesser, blir transparens och förståelighet alltmer avgörande. Denna studie demonstrerar genom detaljerad analys och metodisk experimentell utvärdering hur SHAP och LIME belyser effekten av olika egenskaper på modellens prognoser, vilket i sin tur ökar tilliten till beslut som drivs av AI. Resultaten visar, hur funktioner såsom "Elapsed Time (sec)”, ”Network Address Translation” (NAT) källa och "Destination ports" ansenlig påverkar modellens resultat, vilket demonstreras genom analys av SHAP-värden. Dessutom erbjuder LIME detaljerade insikter i den lokala beslutsprocessen, vilket förbättrar vår förståelse av modellens beteende på individuell nivå. Studiet betonar betydelsen av XAI för att minska klyftan mellan AI operativa mekanismer och användarens förståelse, vilket är avgörande för felsökning samt för att säkerställa rättvisa, ansvar och etisk integritet i AI-implementeringar. Detta gör studiens implikationer betydande, då den ger en grund för framtida forskning om transparens i AI-system inom olika sektorer. / This study evaluates the explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) methods, specifically Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME) and Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP), by applying them to machine learning models used in cybersecurity firewall systems and focusing on multi-class classification tasks within firewall management to improve their interpretability. As today's AI systems become more advanced, widespread, and involved in critical decision-making, transparency and interpretability have become essential. Through accurate analysis and systematic experimental evaluation, this study illustrates how SHAP and LIME clarify the impact of various features on model predictions, thereby leading to trust in AI-driven decisions. The results indicate that features such as Elapsed Time (sec), Network Address Translation (NAT) source, and Destination ports markedly affect model outcomes, as demonstrated by SHAP value analysis. Additionally, LIME offers detailed insights into the local decision making process, enhancing our understanding of model behavior at the individual level. The research underlines the importance of XAI in reducing the gap between AI operational mechanisms and user understanding, which is critical for debugging, and ensuring fairness, responsibility, and ethical integrity in AI implementations. This makes the implications of this study substantial, providing a basis for future research into the transparency of AI systems across different sectors.
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Securing futures by bridging the gap in online safety education for youthIradat, Sonia January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the integration of cybersecurity education in Swedish middle schools, highlighting the need to enhance current educational frameworks to address the increasing cybersecurity threats faced by young students. Employing qualitative methods, interviews were conducted with school principals, assistant principals, and IT teachers across Sweden to gather insights into the challenges of embedding effective cybersecurity practices in school curricula. The findings reveal substantial gaps in the consistency and depth of cybersecurity education, with significant discrepancies in curricular content and teacher training across schools. While some educational institutions have initiated steps toward incorporating cybersecurity topics, there remains a lack of a standardized curriculum that can be uniformly implemented across all schools. The study underscores the urgent need for comprehensive guidelines and resources to support schools in delivering effective cybersecurity education. It suggests that future efforts should focus on developing standardized curricula, enhancing teacher training, and fostering broader stakeholder engagement to ensure that students are equipped with necessary digital safety skills.This research contributes valuable perspectives to the ongoing discourse on digital literacy and cybersecurity, proposing strategic directions for policy and educational development to safeguard future digital citizens.
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Guardians of the Grid: Enhancing Cybersecurity of Blockchain-Based Renewable Energy MarketplaceJAYARAM, GILY January 2024 (has links)
Blockchain technology emerged as a potent tool for revolutionizing energy systems, offering secure transactions and efficient resource management. Blockchain offers transparency by enabling decentralized transactions. Despite adopting blockchainbased solutions, some cybersecurity issues persist in Decentralized Renewable Energy Marketplaces (DREMs). Specifically, data privacy, security, and verifiability remain a concern for prosumers and grid operators. To address such issues, several blockchainbased solutions utilize technologies such as Self-Sovereign Identities (SSIs), Digital Machine Identities (DMIs), and Zero-knowledge Proofs (ZKPs). In this work, we first review the literature to gain insight into cybersecurity issues within DREMs addressed using blockchain technology. Based on our review, we conceptualize a framework that leverages SSIs, DMIs, and ZKPs to address these issues. This work-in-progress shows the potential of these technologies to enhance security, privacy, and trust in decentralized energy transactions, paving the way for more resilient and efficient energy systems.
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AI som ett forensiskt verktyg : En undersökning av GPT:s potential för att upptäcka makro malwareMourad, Ahmed, Tulehag, Joel January 2024 (has links)
I en tid där teknologin tagit en enorm framfart och integrerats djupt i både privatlivetoch arbetslivet, har levnadssättet underlättats avsevärt. Dessa förbättringar haremellertid inte genomförts felfritt, och lett till de tusentals säkerhetsbrister som kanäventyra funktionsdugligheten av digitala enheter. Bristerna har sedan exploaterats avaktörer i syfte att uppnå social eller ekonomisk vinning. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka malwares storskaliga utveckling och vilkadrivkrafter som ligger bakom denna. Vidare utforskas förebyggande metoder motskadlig kod samt möjligheten att tillämpa artificiell intelligens som ett verktyg i dessasammanhang. Studien tillämpar en blandad metodansats genom en systematisklitteratursökning i kombination med ett kvantitativt experiment för att adresserabristerna i problemområdet. Resultatet tyder på att malwareutvecklingen och drivkrafterna varierar mellan olikaaktörer. Det förekommer attacker mot stater med politiska mål för att påverka samhälletnegativt, medan majoriteten av cyberangripare drivs av kapitalet och informationen somfinns att införskaffa och sälja på den svarta marknaden. För att effektivt motverkapotentiella attacker framhävs vikten av att ständigt hålla systemet och applikationernapå enheten uppdaterade. Det konstateras även att artificiell intelligens kan identifieraoch analysera den skadliga koden vilket påvisar dess kapacitet att fungera som enkomponent i antivirusprogram. / In an era where technology has made enormous progress and has become deeplyintegrated into private and professional lives, lifestyles have been considerablyfacilitated. However, these improvements have yet to be implemented flawlessly,leading to thousands of security vulnerabilities that can compromise digital devices.Actors have exploited these vulnerabilities to achieve social or economic gains. This thesis aims to explore the large-scale development of malware and the drivingforces behind it. Furthermore, it investigates preventive methods against malicioussoftware and the possibility of applying artificial intelligence as a tool in these contexts.The study applies a mixed method approach through a systematic literature searchcombined with a quantitative experiment to address the deficiencies in the problem area. The results indicate that the development of malware and driving forces vary amongdifferent actors. There are attacks against states and political targets to negativelyimpact society, while the majority of cyber attackers are driven by the capital andinformation that can be acquired and sold on the black market. To effectively counterpotential attacks, the importance of continuously keeping the system and applicationson the device updated is highlighted. It is also noted that artificial intelligence canidentify and analyze malicious code, demonstrating its capacity to function as acomponent in antivirus programs.
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Investigating Security Measures in Common Data Environments: Insights from AEC Industry Case StudiesAbegaz, Kaleab January 2024 (has links)
Data exchange is a vital aspect of the construction industry, which means there is need for a consistent platform to manage documents that can be relied on. An important digital information management system in the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sector is Building Information Modeling (BIM). However, problems exist regarding secure and compatible systems for data sharing. The study explores why adaptable and tailored security measures are needed to suit project specifications. Through this examination of centralized versus decentralized Common Data Environments (CDEs), it emerges that open BIM systems are impractical when compared to closed ones. The findings highlight the crucial role that standardization and customization play towards efficient, safe and flexible BIM implementations. It also recommends further research for future studies as well as emphasizes transparency in implementing CDE-based security protocols.
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Toward a Decision Support System for Measuring and Managing Cybersecurity Risk in Supply ChainsBaker, Wade Henderson 03 April 2017 (has links)
Much of the confusion about the effectiveness of information security programs concerns not only how to measure, but also what to measure — an issue of equivocality. Thus, to lower uncertainty for improved decision-making, it is first essential to reduce equivocality by defining, expanding, and clarifying risk factors so that metrics, the "necessary measures," can be unambiguously applied. We formulate a system that (1) allows threats to be accurately measured and tracked, (2) enables the impacts and costs of successful threats to be determined, and (3) aids in evaluating the effectiveness and return on investment of countermeasures. We then examine the quality of controls implemented to mitigate cyber risk and study how effectively they reduce the likelihood of security incidents. Improved control quality was shown to reduce the likelihood of security incidents, yet the results indicate that investing in maximum quality is not necessarily the most efficient use of resources. The next manuscript expands the discussion of cyber risk management beyond single organizations by surveying perceptions and experiences of risk factors related to 3rd parties. To validate and these findings, we undertake in an in-depth investigation of nearly 1000 real-world data breaches occurring over a ten-year period. It provides a robust data model and rich database required by a decision support system for cyber risk in the extended enterprise. To our knowledge, it is the most comprehensive field study ever conducted on the subject. Finally, we incorporate these insights, data, and factors into a simulation model that enables us study the transfer of cyber risk across different supply chain configurations and draw important managerial implications. / Ph. D. / This dissertation comprises several manuscripts exploring various topics under the overall theme of cybersecurity risk in supply chains. The first topic presents the difficulties involved in measuring risk in the cybersecurity domain and discusses how this hinders firms in making justified decisions and taking appropriate actions to manage risk. We then examine the quality of controls implemented to mitigate cyber risk and study how effectively they reduce the likelihood of security incidents. Next, we survey firms to explore perspectives and experiences related to security incidents involving their supply chain partners. To validate these perspectives, we then analyze data collected from over 900 forensic investigations of real-world breaches. This provides excellent visibility into how 3rd parties cause and contribute to incidents in supply chains and key risk factors. Finally, we incorporate these insights, data, and factors into a simulation model that enables us study the transfer of cyber risk across different supply chain configurations and draw important managerial implications.
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