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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Da quebra das paredes à construção de uma nova escola / From the walls braking to the construction of a new school.

Simone de Castro Paier 28 July 2009 (has links)
Nossa escola atual, apesar da crise que tem vivido nas últimas décadas, permanece com sua estrutura idêntica há mais de cem anos, ignorando as transforações da sociedade e dos objetivos a que se propõe. Esse modelo tradicional de escola, classifica os alunos perante um modelo de aluno médio e exclui aqueles que não se ajustam a tal modelo. As relações estão baseadas no autoritarismo e o conhecimento é encarado como verdade absoluta. Uma escola voltada para a sociedade atual, baseada em princípios democráticos, precisa rever seus objetivos e adequar sua estrutura e organização para alcançá-los. Assim, o presente trabalho analisa a experiência de uma escola municipal de São Paulo, que rompeu com a estrutura convencional de salas de aulas e criou salões de pesquisas onde alunos de idades diferentes e vários professores convivem cotidianamente descobrindo normas formas de lidar com as informações, de se relacionar, de tomar decisões e assumir responsabilidades coletivas, visando a formação de sujeitos com plena autonomia. A pesquisa revelou as especificidades dessa escola, o que torna seu percurso único e o Projeto Limongi Alves impossível de ser reproduzido por outras unidades escolares. Para esse Projeto a criação dos espaços coletivos foi fundamental, pois permite a todos que aprendam a conviver democraticamente e aos professores exercerem uma docência solidária que é uma possibilidade de formação baseada na ação-reflexão-ação. Contudo, a grande contribuição de tal experiência é demonstrar a possibilidade de se fazer uma escola diferente daquela que conhecemos e que realmente atenda a todas as crianças e adolescentes em suas singularidades. Através das soluções encontradas pelo Projeto Limongi Alves para atingir seus objetivos, fica exposta a falta de condições a que o poder público condena suas escolas. O presente trabalho procura identificar as ações imprescindíveis que uma política pública comprometida com a qualidade da educação deveria assumir. / Our present school, despite of the crisis experienced in the last decades, remains with the same one hundred years structure, ignoring the society changes and it\'s purposes. The traditional school model classifies the students by a standard student, excluding those who doesn\'t adjust to that model. The interpersonal relationships are based on authoritarianism and the knowledge is seen as absolute truth. A school directed to our present society, based on democratic principles, have to review it\'s goals, and change it\'s structure and organization to reach them. The present work analyses one São Paulo\'s public school experience, which broken the conventional classroom structure, and created big research rooms, where different ages students and several teachers have a daily interaction, discovering new forms to deal with informations, relationships, to take decisions and assume collective responsibilities, aiming the raise of plenty autonomous persons. The research showed this school idiosyncrasies what makes it\'s path unique, and the \"Limongi Alves Project\" impossible to be reproduced by other schools. For this Project the collective spaces creation was essential, because allows to everybody to learn the democratic interaction, and for teachers practice the solidary teaching, whick is a possibility to reach a professional knowledge based on actionthinking- action.Despite of this, the great contribution of that experience is demonstrate the possibility to make a school different than the others, and that really attend all children and adolescents in their specific needs. Through the solutions found by Limongi Alves Project to achieve it\'s goals, it\'s exposed the government poor conditions offered to schools. The present work identifies the needed actions that a education public policy commited with quality should assume.

Att bo på äldreboende : En systematisk litteraturstudie om äldres upplevelser

Johansson, Lisa, Axelsson, Monika January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Omvårdnaden som ges på äldreboende bör präglas av respekt, värdighet och ett samarbete med den äldre. Utifrån den äldres behov kan sjuksköterskan samt omvårdnadspersonalen uppfylla den äldres önskemål. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva äldres upplevelser av den dagliga tillvaron på äldreboende. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie grundad på 10 vetenskapliga kvalitativa artiklar. Resultat: Äldre upplevde att vikten av gemenskap med andra och möjligheten till aktivitet hade betydelse för upplevelser av meningsfullhet. Äldre upplevde att omgivningen hade betydelse för hur de äldre upplevde sig uppmärksammade och kände trygghet samt igenkännande i den dagliga tillvaron. Äldre beskrev att livet på äldreboendet, antingen var deras största önskan eller största förlust. Äldre upplevde att en nedsatt kroppslig funktion kunde resultera i en önskan att bevara självständigheten samt att leva med dödens närvaro. Slutsats: Upplevelser av den dagliga tillvaron på äldreboende är individuella, upplevelserna har samtidigt flertal gemensamma faktorer. Kunskap om hur äldre upplever den dagliga tillvaron på äldreboende, kan bidra till att sjuksköterskor får en ökad förståelse över hur omvårdnad kan bidra till en meningsfull tillvaro. / Background: The care given to elderly residents should be characterized by respect, dignity and in collaboration with the elderly. Based on the needs of elderly, the nurse and nursing staff can meet the wishes of the elderly. Aim: The aim is to describe elderlies experiences of the daily life in nursing homes. Method: A systematic literature study based on 10 qualitative scientific articles. Result: The fellowship with others and the opportunities for activity was important for experiences of meaningfulness. The surroundings was important for how the elderly experienced attention, felt secure and acquaintance. Elderly described that life in the nursing home was either their greatest desire or greatest lost. Elderly experienced that a impaired bodily function could result in a desire to preserve independence and to live with the presence of death. Conclusion: Experiences of the daily life in nursing homes is individual, still the experiences have several common factors. Knowledge of how elderly experience the daily living in nursing homes, can help nurses gain an increased understanding of how the care can contribute to a meaningful existence.

Mitt spruckna hjärta : En litteraturbaserad studie av individers upplevelser av det dagliga livet efter en hjärtinfarkt / My fractured heart : A literature based study of individuals experiences of the daily life after a myocardial infarction

Blomén, Alice, Gustafsson, Linnéa January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hjärtinfarkt drabbar människor över hela världen och kan leda till döden. Efter hjärtinfarkten påbörjar individerna sin återhämtningsperiod. Då ska individerna påbörja sina livsstilsförändringar samtidigt som de måste hantera den krissituation de plötsligt hamnat i. Syfte: Att beskriva individers upplevelser av det dagliga livet efter en hjärtinfarkt. Metod: En litteraturbaserad studie med tolv kvalitativa artiklar. Resultat: Individernas vardag förändrades drastiskt efter hjärtinfarkten och alla hinder var inte lika lätta att överkomma. Ur analysen framträdde tre teman; Ny verklighet att förhålla sig till, En andra chans samt Hjälp till återhämtning, med åtta underteman. Slutsats: Hjärtinfarkt är en sjukdom som drabbar hela individen. Individerna behöver arbeta med både fysiska och psykiska aspekter av sitt välmående under återhämtningsperioden. Sjuksköterskan är ett stöd under sjukhustiden som hjälper patienten att återgå till hemmet och sitt vardagliga liv. Dock måste sjukvården ta sitt ansvar på större allvar när det kommer till informationsbehovet hos de individer som drabbats av hjärtinfarkt. / Background: Myocardial infarction affects people all over the world and can result in death. After the myocardial infarction the individuals initiate their recovery. The individuals have to cope with lifestyle changes and at the same time dealing with the crisis that they are in. Aim: To describe individual's experiences of the daily life after a myocardial infarction. Method: A literature based study including twelve qualitative articles. Results: The individuals daily life drasticly changed after the myocardial infarction and all obstacles were not as easy to overcome.Three themes emerged from the analysis; New reality to relate to, A second chance and Help to rocery, with eight subthemes. Conclusion: Myocardial infarction is a disease that affects the whole individual. The individuals need to work with physical as well as psychic aspects of their well-being during the recovery. The nurse is a support during the hospital stay that helps the patient return to the home and their daily life. However the health care needs to take responsibility for the need of information that the individuals require more seriously.

Stadens puls : En tidsgeografisk studie av hushåll och vardagsliv i Stockholm, 1760-1830 / City beat : A time-geographic study of households and daily life in Stockholm, 1760-1830

Hayen, Mats January 2007 (has links)
<p>This study addresses the question of change in household structure and the reproduction of “life from day to day”. It is based on structuration theory, time-geography and Allan Pred’s theory of place as historically contingent process. Large households are viewed as tokens of the early modern era, and the appearance of small households can therefore be seen as signs of modernisation. But the decline in size of the average household was not dramatic, it went from 3.53 people per household in 1760 to 3.31 people in 1830. By the composition of different occupational groups in the city in 1760 and 1830, it is evident that the decline of the textile industry, the low activity in the building trades and the decrease of residential sailors – and the subsequent rise of petty trade and traditional handicrafts – gave a strong influx of traditional elements to the evolution of the household. In contrast to this there were a number of “new” or more modern elements that can be seen as precursors to the structure of daily life in the modern era. One of these was a rising number of households which were small and headed by people who earlier in history would have been household members – and not heads of households. The structure of daily life and its reproduction from day-to-day is also analysed in the study. This pattern was both affected by certain changes in the overall household structure, and by two phenomena that directly had an impact on the recreation of life from day to day. The first of these was the “food money”, a substitution of money for the right to food in the employers house, and the second was a move from the right to lodgings in the employers’ home to the need of living quarters elsewhere. Both of these phenomena acted on the “structure of daily life”, and helped to alter the focus of daily life, that is to turn it away from the productive households and put more attention on the streets and on the households that only served as reproductive units.</p>

Utmattat trött : Upplevelsen av multipel skleros-relaterad fatigue och dess påverkan på dagligt liv / Exhaustedly tired : The experience of multiple sclerosis-related fatigue and its impact on daily life

Ekmekci, Mehtap, Franck, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Fatigue är ett vanligt förekommande symtom vid multipel skleros (MS). Denna ihållande och svåra trötthet beskrivs ofta som det svåraste MS-relaterade symtomet att hantera. Symtomet har en negativ påverkan på individens funktionella status samt på livskvaliteten. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa upplevelserna av MS-relaterad fatigue samt hur symtomet påverkar det dagliga livet. Som metod användes en systematisk genomgång av tidigare forskning med en induktiv ansats. Forskning visar att fatigue upplevs som en oavbruten förlamande effekt som uppfattas skilja sig mycket från tidigare upplevd trötthet. Fatigue påverkar hela kroppen och leder till att kroppen blir svårare att styra och hantera. Den begränsade förmågan att utföra önskade aktiviteter påverkar individernas liv negativt. Individer med MS blir tvungna att reglera och planera sitt dagliga liv för att undvika och minska graden av fatigue. En bibehållen självkänsla samt en positiv attityd och en acceptans för sjukdomen och symtomet upplevs minska graden av fatigue. Kommande forskning bör fokusera på individanpassade metoder eller strategier som upplevs minska graden av fatigue.</p>

Multipel Skleros : Mitt hinder i vardagen / Multiple Sclerosis : My obsracles in daily life

Hallsenius, Lina, Sjöberg, Malin January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Bakgrund: </strong>Multiple skleros är en neurologisk sjukdom i det centrala nervsystemet vilket beror på en kronisk inflammation. Insjuknandet sker i åldern 20-40 år. <strong>Syfte:</strong> Syftet var att beskriva hur det dagliga livet påverkades för personer med Multiple skleros. <strong>Metod: </strong>En systematisk litteraturstudie har utförts och analyserats med ett induktivt förhållningssätt. Sökningar gjordes i databaser vilket resulterade i 20 artiklar. <strong>Resultat: </strong>MS-drabbade upplevde att vardagen påverkades och arbete, relationer samt fritidsaktiviteter blev lidande. En känslomässig följd av MS var oro och rädsla, att inte veta när nästa förlust skulle drabba dem. <strong>Diskussion: </strong>Ofrivillig<strong> </strong>social isolering ledde till ett stort lidande hos den MS-drabbade, att dessutom förlora fysiska egenskaper bidrog i sin tur till ett annat lidande. MS begränsningarna skapade en sänkt självständighet, som sjuksköterska är det viktigt att vara medveten om svårigheten att ersätta den MS-drabbades förlorade färdigheter. <strong>Slutsats:</strong> Som blivande sjuksköterskor är det relevant att vara medveten om att sjukdomen påverkar hela den MS-drabbades livssituation. För att ge optimal omvårdnad bör sjuksköterskan utgå från den MS-drabbades individuella behov. Trots att den MS-drabbade möter motgångar, har de flesta en otrolig kraft för att kämpa vidare</p> / <p><strong>Background:</strong> Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease of the central nervous system due to a chronic inflammatory. Onset occurs between the ages of 20-40 years. <strong>Aim:</strong> The objective was to describe how the daily lives of people were affected by Multiple Sclerosis <strong>Method:</strong> A systematic literature study has been conducted were articles analyzed with an inductive approach. Search was made in databases, which resulted in 20 articles. <strong>Results:</strong> MS-affected felt that affected everyday life and work, relationships and leisure activities began to suffer. An emotional consequence of MS was anxiety and fear of not knowing when the next loss affected them. <strong>Discussion: </strong>Involuntary social isolation contributed to a great suffering for the MS-affected and on top of that loose physicals skills also contributed another suffering. MS limits created a reduced independence, it is important to be aware of the difficulty to replace the lost skills of the MS-affected. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> As a future nurse, it is relevant to be aware that the disease affects the whole of the MS-affected life situation. To provide optimal care nurse should be deleted from the MS-affected individual needs. Although the MS-stricken face adversity, most have shown incredible strength to fight on.</p>

Occupational performance in individuals with severe mental disorders : Assessment and family burden

Ivarsson, Ann-Britt January 2002 (has links)
<p>The overall aim of the present thesis was three-fold. The overall aim of the present thesis was three-fold. The first was to study occupational performance in individuals with severe mental disorders and their experiences of occupational therapy, the second to study experienced burden of family caregivers and the third to test the validity and the homogeneity of assessment tools in this area. The samples consisted of individuals with severe mental disorders participating in organised occupations (n= 112), occupational therapy records (n=64), occupational therapists working in mental health care (n=7) and family caregivers of individuals with severe mental disorders (n=256). Data were collected by questionnaires, structured and narrative interviews, observations and occupational therapy records. Individuals with severe mental disorders reported problems related to leisure and work activities and the occupational therapists recorded problems concerning how to organise and structure occupational performance. Individuals functioning on a high cognitive level experienced problems related to work and productive activities. Participation in occupational therapy strengthened their confidence in their own ability. The "Experience of Occupational Performance Questionnaire" (EOPQ) was developed from data on the experiences of women participating in occupational therapy. A principal component analysis gave seven factors with acceptable homogeneity. There is a need for assessment tools to evaluate occupational therapy. The EOPQ represents an attempt to fulfil this need. Family caregivers experienced limitations of daily activities as a burden. The ability to perform daily activities was studied from three perspectives, the individuals’, the occupational therapists’, and the experienced burden of the family caregivers. These perspectives are complementary and thus necessary for planning and implementation of individually adapted occupational therapy as well as for the evaluation of outcomes.</p>

Occupational performance in individuals with severe mental disorders : Assessment and family burden

Ivarsson, Ann-Britt January 2002 (has links)
The overall aim of the present thesis was three-fold. The overall aim of the present thesis was three-fold. The first was to study occupational performance in individuals with severe mental disorders and their experiences of occupational therapy, the second to study experienced burden of family caregivers and the third to test the validity and the homogeneity of assessment tools in this area. The samples consisted of individuals with severe mental disorders participating in organised occupations (n= 112), occupational therapy records (n=64), occupational therapists working in mental health care (n=7) and family caregivers of individuals with severe mental disorders (n=256). Data were collected by questionnaires, structured and narrative interviews, observations and occupational therapy records. Individuals with severe mental disorders reported problems related to leisure and work activities and the occupational therapists recorded problems concerning how to organise and structure occupational performance. Individuals functioning on a high cognitive level experienced problems related to work and productive activities. Participation in occupational therapy strengthened their confidence in their own ability. The "Experience of Occupational Performance Questionnaire" (EOPQ) was developed from data on the experiences of women participating in occupational therapy. A principal component analysis gave seven factors with acceptable homogeneity. There is a need for assessment tools to evaluate occupational therapy. The EOPQ represents an attempt to fulfil this need. Family caregivers experienced limitations of daily activities as a burden. The ability to perform daily activities was studied from three perspectives, the individuals’, the occupational therapists’, and the experienced burden of the family caregivers. These perspectives are complementary and thus necessary for planning and implementation of individually adapted occupational therapy as well as for the evaluation of outcomes.

Stadens puls : En tidsgeografisk studie av hushåll och vardagsliv i Stockholm, 1760-1830 / City beat : A time-geographic study of households and daily life in Stockholm, 1760-1830

Hayen, Mats January 2007 (has links)
This study addresses the question of change in household structure and the reproduction of “life from day to day”. It is based on structuration theory, time-geography and Allan Pred’s theory of place as historically contingent process. Large households are viewed as tokens of the early modern era, and the appearance of small households can therefore be seen as signs of modernisation. But the decline in size of the average household was not dramatic, it went from 3.53 people per household in 1760 to 3.31 people in 1830. By the composition of different occupational groups in the city in 1760 and 1830, it is evident that the decline of the textile industry, the low activity in the building trades and the decrease of residential sailors – and the subsequent rise of petty trade and traditional handicrafts – gave a strong influx of traditional elements to the evolution of the household. In contrast to this there were a number of “new” or more modern elements that can be seen as precursors to the structure of daily life in the modern era. One of these was a rising number of households which were small and headed by people who earlier in history would have been household members – and not heads of households. The structure of daily life and its reproduction from day-to-day is also analysed in the study. This pattern was both affected by certain changes in the overall household structure, and by two phenomena that directly had an impact on the recreation of life from day to day. The first of these was the “food money”, a substitution of money for the right to food in the employers house, and the second was a move from the right to lodgings in the employers’ home to the need of living quarters elsewhere. Both of these phenomena acted on the “structure of daily life”, and helped to alter the focus of daily life, that is to turn it away from the productive households and put more attention on the streets and on the households that only served as reproductive units.

ETT SÅRAT HJÄRTA : Upplevelser av hälsa och välbefinnande i vardagen efter en hjärtinfarkt / A BROKEN HEART : Experiences of health and wellbeing in daily life after a heart attack

Birgersson, Sara, Ljunggren, Madelen January 2013 (has links)
Varje dag drabbas cirka 100 personer av hjärtinfarkt i Sverige, vilket visar att hjärtinfarkt är ett stort samhällsproblem. Det är viktigt att skapa en samlad bild av dessa patienters upplevelser av hälsa och välbefinnande i vardagen för att vårdpersonal ska kunna genomföra en god omvårdnad. Syftet med studien är därför att med hjälp av Katie Erikssons hälsokors belysa patienters upplevelser av hälsa och välbefinnande i vardagen efter en hjärtinfarkt. Metoden som har använts är en kvalitativ litteraturstudie som baserats på självbiografier. I resultatet togs sju kategorier fram som speglar patienternas upplevelser i vardagen. Kategorierna är Känsla av osäkerhet, En stressad livssituation, En livslång sjukdom, Längtan efter en normal vardagstillvaro, Behov av stöd och information, Livsstilsförändringar samt En andra chans. Varje kategori har kopplats till Katie Erikssons hälsokors för att få en bild av patienternas upplevelse av hälsa och välbefinnande. Resultatet visar att alla fyra hälsopositionerna i hälsokorset finns representerade i vardagstillvaron hos patienter som genomgått hjärtinfrakt. Upplevelsen av hälsa och välbefinnande är skiftande beroende på situation, omgivning, vårdpersonalens engagemang samt hjärtinfarktens svårighetsgrad. Resultatet visar att patienter har lättare att uppleva hälsa och välbefinnande ju längre tiden går efter insjuknandet. / Approximately 100 people suffer from heart attacks in Sweden every day, showing that myocardial infarction is a major problem in society. In implementing good health care it is important for health professionals to create an overall picture of these patients' experiences of health and wellbeing in their daily life. The purpose of this study is therefore to emphasize patients' experiences of health and wellbeing in daily life after a heart attack, with Katie Eriksson's health positions as theoretical base. A qualitative study based on seven autobiographies was conducted. Analysis of the data revealed seven major categories, showing the patients' experiences  the daily life after a heart attack: Feeling of insecurity, A stressful life situation, A lifelong disease, Striving for a normal daily life, The need for support and information, Lifestyle changes and A second chance. To get a picture of the experiences of health and wellbeing in these different situations, each category was added to Katie Eriksson's health positions. The findings show that all four health positions are represented in the daily life of patients' suffering from a heart attack. Patients are more likely to experience health and wellbeing as time passes after the heart attack.

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