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Systém HACCP pro výrobu jemného pečiva / HACCP system for the production of short pastryKOVAŘÍK, Luděk January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this work is to assess the current state of risk analysis and of the critical points system HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) in a food processing business of the PETA Bohemia limited company. On the basis of the latest findings the new optimal HACCP system, which is based on scientific data, systematically identifies specific risks and measures for their control so as to ensure food safety. A food business operator is obliged to create a critical points system by Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs, Article 5 ``Hazard analysis and critical control points``, paragraph 1: ``Food business operators shall put in place, implement and maintain a permanent procedure or procedures based on the HACCP principles.`` The introductory part contains a short literature retrieval on the development of management methods and on the control of food products by means of the HACCP system. These systems are generally considered as a useful tool for food business operators serving to control risks which can occur in food. They are science-based and systematic, they identify specific risks and measures for control in order to ensure food safety. They are a tool for risk assessment and setting up of control systems which do not depend on testing of the final product but focus mainly on prevention. All HACCP systems can be accomodated to changes such as progress in external adaptation of equipment, process of manufacturing or technological development. The practical part describes in detail the technological process of producing pastry products, especially short pastry. The production is applied into a small bakery of the PETA Bohemia limited company which was founded in Soběslav in 1991. On the base of interviews and provided background information it was possible to view the food business in a complex manner and to get an insight into the current , as well as the past situation of the company and its goals. The risk analysis of the technological process of short pastry production enabled to determine a critical control point, its attributes and values of critical limits, to define the system of managed state monitoring and to determine corrective measures. A manual of the HACCP elaborated in this manner fulfills all legislative requirements. By its implentation the Peta BOHEMIA company gains a risk management system of high quality leading in its final effect towards production of high quality healthy food. The system focused mainly on practical and expert knowledge of the staff connected with sensoric knowledge of final pastry products puts emphasis on encreasing their personal responsibility and understanding of the problem.
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Otázka nebezpečí a možnosti proměny vztahu k řeči: K Heideggerovu titulu "nebezpečí" (die Gefahr) / The Danger and the question concerning relation to speech: Turning point and Heidegger's title the Danger (die Gefahr)Jílek, Vlastimil January 2019 (has links)
The main aim of this theoretical study is to help to clarify Heidegger's conception of the Danger [Gefahr] in relation with possibilities of the Turn [Kehre] which are hidden in the Danger itself. The Danger is hidden in Enframing [Ge-stell] as the essence of technology. First of all, it is necessary to clarify the concepts of being, truth and freedom. This shows us that concealment (hiddenness) is the necessary precondition for unconcealment, i.e. truth. Heidegger in this context speaks about the paths to unconcealment. Significant way to unconcealment is the art. Heidegger in "The Origin of the Work of Art" explains the essence of art in terms of the concepts of being and truth. The art is for Heidegger the way of expressing the element of truth. Art is not merely representation of the way things are but artwork can bring the meaning of what it is to exist. That means, that Heidegger reminds us about the value of the work of art as the means to open a "clearing" [Lichtung] for the appearance of things in the world, or to disclose their meaning for human beings. Heidegger writes about the art's ability to set up an active struggle between "Earth" and "World". The World is the web of significant relations in which human being exists. The Earth means the background against which every meaningful...
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A Dualistic Potential for Danger— When Nurse and Person with Substance Use Disorder Vulnerability CollideTodt, Kendrea L. 01 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Crimes de perigo abstrato e a questão da tentativa: limites da antecipação da tutela penal / Abstract danger crime attempted: limits of anticipated criminal law intervention.Sato, Catherine Ruriko 12 November 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca estabelecer limites ao Direito Penal na questão da tentativa de crimes de perigo abstrato. Esse estudo refere-se ao complexo tema dos limites do Direito Penal e seus importantes resultados. O tema é abordado de acordo com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, incluindo um breve estudo sobre a natureza do perigo, a teoria do bem jurídico e as diversas teorias de interpretação dogmática dos crimes de perigo abstrato. Como resultado, foi detectada a necessidade de um estudo combinado da estrutura do bem jurídico e da avaliação dogmática dos crimes de perigo abstrato para se tratar do tema da legitimidade. / This dissertation intends to stabilish limits to Criminal Law in the matter of abstract crime of danger attempted. This essay refers to the complex theme of Criminal Law in Risk Societys limits and its important outcomes. The approach is based on an analysis of Criminal Law legitimacy according to the Brazilian Law, including, a brief study on the nature of danger, the legally protected interest and the several theories of abstract crime of danger dogmatic interpretations. As a result, it was detected the need for a combined study of the Rechtsgut (legally protected interest) structure and the dogmatic evaluation of abstract crime of danger to treat the legitimacy issue.
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Crimes de perigo abstrato e a questão da tentativa: limites da antecipação da tutela penal / Abstract danger crime attempted: limits of anticipated criminal law intervention.Catherine Ruriko Sato 12 November 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca estabelecer limites ao Direito Penal na questão da tentativa de crimes de perigo abstrato. Esse estudo refere-se ao complexo tema dos limites do Direito Penal e seus importantes resultados. O tema é abordado de acordo com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, incluindo um breve estudo sobre a natureza do perigo, a teoria do bem jurídico e as diversas teorias de interpretação dogmática dos crimes de perigo abstrato. Como resultado, foi detectada a necessidade de um estudo combinado da estrutura do bem jurídico e da avaliação dogmática dos crimes de perigo abstrato para se tratar do tema da legitimidade. / This dissertation intends to stabilish limits to Criminal Law in the matter of abstract crime of danger attempted. This essay refers to the complex theme of Criminal Law in Risk Societys limits and its important outcomes. The approach is based on an analysis of Criminal Law legitimacy according to the Brazilian Law, including, a brief study on the nature of danger, the legally protected interest and the several theories of abstract crime of danger dogmatic interpretations. As a result, it was detected the need for a combined study of the Rechtsgut (legally protected interest) structure and the dogmatic evaluation of abstract crime of danger to treat the legitimacy issue.
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Narrating gender and danger in selected Zimbabwe woman's writing on HIV and AIDSChitando, Anna 09 1900 (has links)
This thesis investigates how selected Zimbabwean female writers narrate HIV and AIDS. It argues that, generally, the prevailing images of women in Zimbabwean society and literature are incapacitating. Male authors have been portraying women in disempowering ways as loose, dangerous, weak and dependent on men. This unjust portrayal of women has been worsened by the prevalence of HIV and AIDS. Women have been depicted as vectors in the spread of HIV, thus perpetuating sexist ideologies. Presuming that women authors can do better in their depiction of female characters, this research investigates whether female authors differ in their representation of female characters in contexts of HIV and AIDS. The works critiqued are Virginia Phiri’s Desperate (2002), Sharai Mukonoweshuro’s Days of Silence (2000), Valerie Tagwira’s The Uncertainty of Hope (2006), Tendayi Westerhof’s Unlucky in Love (2005) and Lutanga Shaba’s Secrets of a Woman’s Soul (2006). The study further explores the extent to which Zimbabwe female authors sanction, conform, undermine, assess critically or do away with unconstructive images of women in contexts of HIV and AIDS. This study emphasized the possibility of literature to offer a platform for the liberation of women, or a counter- platform for reactionary politics. Predicated on the notion of gender and danger, the study questions whether female authors perpetuate the stereotypes of women’s roles as destructive, or whether some view ‘dangerous’ images of women in literature as liberating. Overall, this thesis argued that contrary to the postulation of female authors being similar in their understanding and depiction of the concept of gender and danger, they are not. It is at this juncture that this study breaks new ground by utilizing the concept of agency to show how different female writers interpret and narrate gender and danger in contexts of HIV and AIDS. This study applies the notion of agency as a means of evaluating the extent to which women employ nonconformist acts in order to undercut patriarchy and other oppressive socially constructed ideologies. / English Studies / (D. Litt et Phil. ( English Studies))
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Une langue en voie de disparition : le salar au sein de la turcophonie / An endangered language : Salar in the Turkic speaking worldVaillant, Adrien Alp 14 September 2017 (has links)
Le salar est un dialecte turc dont la plupart des locuteurs habitent le comté de Xunhua (35°05’’nord - 102°03’’est), dans le sud-est de la province chinoise du Qinghai, où leur présence est attestée depuis la fin du XIVe siècle. Si ces dernières années ont vu une augmentation des études sur ce parler à bien des égards atypique, il n’en reste pas moins l’un des parents pauvres de la turcologie. Réalisée précisément dans le but de contribuer à mieux le faire connaître, en s’appuyant pour ce faire à la fois sur la documentation disponible et sur des données recueillies par l’auteur dans le cadre d’un travail sur le terrain, la présente thèse en propose non seulement une description phonologique, grammaticale et lexicale, mais aussi, semble-t-il pour la première fois, une étude détaillée de son système d’écriture traditionnel, aujourd’hui moribond, qui constitue une adaptation de l’alphabet arabe. Une attention particulière a également été portée à la question de la nature des liens du salar avec les autres dialectes, actuels ou anciens, composant le domaine turc (en particulier ceux du groupe oghouz, auquel il apparaît possible que cette variété appartienne), notamment à travers la comparaison avec le turc de Turquie que permet la traduction dans ce dernier dialecte des exemples illustrant les points de grammaire abordés. Considéré comme une langue en danger par l’UNESCO, qui le classe dans la catégorie « vulnérable », le salar traverse une période critique, et les problèmes que soulèvent son statut en Chine, la place qu’il occupe dans la société où il est pratiqué, et les représentations dont il fait l’objet n’ont pas non plus été négligés dans ce travail, dont une partie a été consacrée à la mise en évidence d’un début de situation diglossique dans le cadre de laquelle parmi les réponses que tentent d’apporter certains Salars à la question de l’avenir de leur idiome figure un projet de revitalisation linguistique particulier. / Salar is a Turkish dialect most speakers of which live in the county of Xunhua (35°05 north, 102°03 east) in the south-eastern part of the Chinese province of Qinghai where they have been present since the end of the fourteenth century. In spite of the fact that there has been lately an increase in the studies concerning this language, it is still a poor relative of turkology. Carried out with the aim of making it better known, with the support of the available documentation and data collected by the author in his investigation in the field, this thesis offers not only a phonological, grammatical and lexical description of Salar, but also, to the best of the author’s knowledge, for the first time, a detailed study of its nearly extinct traditional writing system that constitutes an adaptation of the Arabic alphabet. We have been particularly careful to take into account the links uniting Salar with other dialects, present and ancient, which form the Turkish domain (particularly with the Oghuz group to which this variety seems to belong) notably through the comparison with Turkey Turkish, based on the translations into the latter of the grammatical items dealt with. Classified as an endangered language by UNESCO, Salar is going through a critical period. The problems raised by its status in China, the position it occupies in the society where it is spoken and the representations to which it is subjected, have also been addressed in this work. A section has been devoted to the identification of a diglossic language situation in the context of which, among the concerns raised by some Salars about the future of their language, lies a project aiming at its revitalisation.
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Le rôle de l'information visuelle dans la catégorisation émotionnelle au sein de deux psychopathologies / no title availableDevaux, Damien 09 December 2013 (has links)
Un contenu visuel flou peut-il être efficace pour traiter de l’information émotionnelle ? Récemment, les travaux psychologiques en traitement émotionnel de l’information visuelle font état d’un lien particulier avec l’information de basses fréquences spatiales (BFS), grossière et floue mais rapide, qui permettrait la transmission très rapide de signaux au système émotionnel par rapport à une information de hautes fréquences spatiales (HFS) plus complexe et détaillée. En outre, l’information BFS serait primordiale dans la détection d’un danger potentiel de l’environnement et par conséquent envers des émotions à valence négative. Ces deux types d’informations visuelles emprunteraient des voies neuronales différentes conduisant à une segmentation de cette information visuelle dans le cerveau. Au niveau psychopathologique, des troubles neurologiques comme la maladie de Gilles de la Tourette ou encore la dépression majeure résistante sont connues pour entraîner un déficit des interactions sociales pour lesquelles les traitements émotionnels sont indispensables. Les dysfonctionnements neurologiques et psychobiologiques accompagnant ces troubles impliquent des structures spécifiques et localisées en périphéries ou enfouies dans le cerveau liées à la dichotomie fonctionnelle de l’information visuelle. Un des moyens simples pour appréhender ces traitements est la catégorisation des visages émotionnels. Cette recherche a examiné au niveau théorique et appliqué dans quelle mesure l’information visuelle autrement appelée la résolution en fréquences spatiales (FS) jouerait un rôle dans la catégorisation des expressions faciales émotionnelles (EFEs). Ainsi tant au niveau de la détection visuelle de danger qu’au niveau de l’identification des EFEs dans la maladie Gilles de la Tourette et dans la dépression majeure résistante, nous avons étudié les réponses comportementales dans les premières étapes de décryptage de l’information visuelle convoyant des indices émotionnels. Une comparaison avec une population contrôle a permis de cerner plus précisément les effets d’un filtrage en FS dans les processus de catégorisation avec la prédiction d’un bénéfice à traiter des contenus flous (BFS) par rapport à des contenus détaillés (HFS) pour des EFEs problématiques à classer en fonction de la pathologie. Nos résultats ont suggéré une meilleure identification de certaines EFEs filtrées en BFS par rapport à celles filtrées en HFS ou résolues. Nos données empiriques ont été discutées dans la perspective d’une segmentation de l’information visuelle dans le cerveau sollicitant des circuits neuronaux spécifiques favorisant l’accès de l’information visuelle aux centres émotionnels. En regard des structures cérébrales impliquées et des activités neuronales connus dans les troubles étudiées, l’activité dopaminergique des neurones sollicités pourraient expliquées en partie nos données factuelles. / What can be the efficiency of coarse scales in emotional information processing? Recently, psychological findings about emotional processing of visual information reported a particular link with low spatial frequencies (LSF), coarse and blurred but rapid, which might offer a very fast signal to emotional system compared to high spatial frequencies (HSF) more intricate and detailed. Plus, LSF information might be essential in danger detection and consequently in negative emotions classification. These two types of visual information would take different neural pathways driving to visual information segmentation in the brain. In psychopathological view, neurological disorders as Tourette syndrome or treatment-resistant depression are well known to produce social interaction troubles in which emotions are obligatory. Neurological and psychobiological dysfunctions belonging to these diseases implicate specific neural structures located at peripheral or inside the brain that are bind to functional dichotomy of visual information. One of the simplest ways to examine that processing is the categorization of emotion faces. This research has investigated according to theoretical and practical aspects the extent to which visual information or spatial frequency scaling (SF) might be implicated in categorization of emotional facial expressions (EFE). Thus, both in danger detection and EFE classification, among Tourette syndrome and treatment-resistant depression, we have studied behavioural responses during the first steps of visual information interpretation providing emotional cues. A comparison with healthy control population has given more precise effects of FS filtering in categorization processing with the hypothesis of a benefice to process coarse scales (LSF) compared to detailed signals (HSF) for the identification of difficult EFE in respect with the disorder. Our results have suggested a best identification of specific EFE filtered in LFS compared to HSF or intact images called broad spatial frequencies (BSF). Our empirical findings were argued in the perspective of visual information segmentation in the brain requesting specific neuronal circuits favouring visual information access to emotional complex. Given implicated brain areas and neuronal activities regarding studied disorders, dopaminergic innervation might explain our factual data.
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Modélisation des jets diphasiques liquide vapeur et du "Rain-Out"Touil, Abdellah 21 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail vise à modéliser les jets diphasiques de gaz liquéfiés et s'intéresse en particulier à la vitesse et au diamètre des gouttes formées au voisinage de l'orifice ( diamètres de brèche compris entre quelques millimètres et quelques dizaines de centimètres ). Le modèle calcule l'évolution le long du jet de la température, de la concentration en fluide, de la taille et de la vitesse des gouttes et calcule surtout la fraction de « rain-out » (liquide qui se dépose au sol). Ce travail est une contribution au développement d'outils pour estimer des distances de sécurité dans le cadre des études de danger.<br />Une campagne expérimentale a permis de mesurer le débit du jet, le diamètre et la vitesse des gouttes qui résultent de sa fragmentation , ainsi que la fraction de « rain-out ». Fluide : eau surchauffée ; températures de réservoir : 110 à 160°C ; pressions de réservoir : 3 à 10 bar abs ; géométries de la brèche : orifices -diamètres 2 et 5 mm- et conduites -diamètre 2 mm, longueur 100 mm et diamètre 5 mm, longueur 250 mm-.<br />Les mesures nous ont permis de valider le modèle proposé pour le débit de l'écoulement dans une conduite ou un orifice, ainsi que pour le jet de brouillard. Les mesures de distribution granulométrique des gouttes nous ont permis de mettre en évidence une population de « grosses gouttelettes » (150 µm < d < 600 µm), très minoritaires en nombre, mais qui représentent plus de 80 % de la masse. Même si l'existence de ces « grosses gouttelettes » n'a jamais encore été signalée dans la littérature et si le mécanisme physique qui les génère n'est pas élucidé, elles nous paraissent nécessaires pour comprendre le caractère hétérogène du « rain-out » : l'observation montre clairement des gouttes qui tombent sous le jet de brouillard.<br />Partant d'un échantillon parmi nos mesures et celles du CCPS sur d'autres fluides (CFC-11, Cyclohexane, Méthylamine, Cl2), nous avons proposé une corrélation pour le diamètre « nécessaire » des gouttelettes (celui qui conduit le modèle à prévoir le « rain-out » correct). Notre modèle, complété par cette corrélation, permet de prévoir la fraction de « rain-out » à [-10 %, +30 %] près, soit une amélioration significative de l'état de l'art.
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