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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'assistance maritime au Maroc

Khakhay, Khalid 24 January 2011 (has links)
Le commerce international est assuré, dans sa majeure partie, par voie maritime. Les navires, unités de transport maritime, sont confrontés, en permanence, aux périls de la mer. Ce péril est un élément capital qui a permis de développer des règles spécifiques à l’assistance en droit maritime, mais également, l’instinct de solidarité que l’on retrouve dans le comportement des gens de mer. En effet, le contrat d’assistance, élaboré suite à un événement maritime par excellence, est une application de ces techniques juridiques propres au droit maritime et de cette notion large d’entraide et de secours, avec les spécificités de la mer et ses dangers, des navires et les risques qu’ils représentent et affrontent en même temps. Actuellement, le Maroc est doté d’une réglementation considérée ancienne, et même caduque, par rapport à l’évolution du commerce, en général, et du transport maritime, en particulier. Ceci dit, les opérateurs maritimes nationaux et les compagnies spécialisées dans l’assistance des navires en difficulté recourent aux contrats internationaux de type « Lloyd Open Form ». Cette pratique anormale crée des difficultés entre les parties, qui sont de même nationalité, notamment avec l’accroissement des cas d’assistance maritime sur le littoral marocain et ce, dans la gestion du contrat LOF depuis son élaboration jusqu’à l’exécution détaillée de ces termes. De ce qui précède, la mise à jour et à niveau de la législation marocaine dans le domaine maritime, à l’instar des autres pays, s’impose. Le but principal est de rendre l’arsenal juridique marocain cohérent avec les conventions internationales ratifiées par l’Etat, à l’exemple de la convention de Londres de 1989, tout en tenant compte des spécificités du pays. / International trade is performed, in its most part, by sea. Ships, carrying units, deal, permanently, with perils of the sea. This risk is a key element that helped to develop specific rules to salvage in maritime law, but also the instinct of solidarity reflected in the behaviour of seamen. Indeed, the salvage agreement, drawn up consequently and often to a maritime event, is an application of these legal techniques typical to maritime law and that large concept of mutual aid and help, with the specificities of the sea and its dangers, vessels and the risks they create and face simultaneously. Currently, Morocco has an old regulation, even obsolete, compared to the evolution of trade in general and maritime transport in particular. Thus, maritime operators and national companies specialized in salvage of vessels in distress choose international agreements such as "Lloyd Open Form". This practice creates abnormal difficulties between the parties, whom have the same nationality, especially with the increase of maritime salvage events at Moroccan coast and this, in the management of LOF, from the creation to the detailed execution of these terms. From the foregoing, the updating and upgrading of the Moroccan legislation in the maritime domain, like other countries, is needed. The main challenge is to make the Moroccan legal system consistent with international conventions ratified by the state, like the London Convention of 1989, taking also into account the specificities of the country.

Sociologie d’une construction préventive du rapport des services de protection de l’enfance aux familles étrangères dans le département de l’Hérault : approche socioéducative de la notion de risque de danger dans un contexte sécuritaire / Sociology of a preventive construction of the relationship of child protection services towards foreign families with the Herault department

Clariana, Lionel 10 April 2015 (has links)
Au cours des années 2000, alors que le référentiel sécuritaire se globalise, et contrairement à la dynamique préventive instaurée depuis deux décennies de décentralisation, le législateur dote progressivement la protection de l'enfance d'outils administratifs coercitifs qui la resitue dans le traitement de l'enfant dangereux.En même temps que l'avènement du néolibéralisme fait de l'individu en difficulté le responsable de sa condition et soumet l'attribution de l'aide à des principes méritocratiques, par la logique sécuritaire les difficultés éducatives parentales sont assimilées à de la déviance et chaque membre de la famille passe d'une position de victime à soutenir à celle de coupable à sanctionner. Aussi n'y a-t-il qu'un pas à franchir pour que l'évaluation de la problématique se transforme en contrôle et le suivi en correction des comportements.A partir du durcissement des politiques migratoires et dans un contexte exacerbé de racialisation et d'ethnicisation de la question sociale, les familles étrangères qui évoluent plus particulièrement en ZUS doivent soumettre leurs comportements à des normes dominantes et des systèmes de valeurs idéologisés. Plus qu'un autre, le parent étranger, régulier ou non régulier, doit produire les conditions de la sécurité éducative de son enfant dans un contexte d'insécurité sociale et administrative structurellement organisé. Et plus que pour un autre, le professionnel de la protection de l'enfance doit penser son action en fonction des contingences statutaires de chaque membre de la famille et veiller à ce que la mesure de soutien ne devienne pas un stigmate qui se rajoute à la couleur de la peau, à l'origine ou encore à la zone d'habitation dans un contexte institutionnel et politique sous tension. / Over the years 2000, whilst the security-based referential is going through globalisation, and unlike the preventive dynamics in place for the past decades of decentralization, the legislator gradually provides childhood protection services with coercive administrative tools which restores it back to dealing with dangerous children.Whilst the outbreak of neoliberalism positions problem-stricken individuals as responsible for their condition and submits support attribution to meritocratic principles, parental educational difficulties are assimilated to deviance through a security-driven logic, and each family member goes from the status of a victim who needs support to a status of guilty individual who needs sanctioning. This therefore implies that there is only one step to take for the problematic to become a controlling measure and for the follow-up to become corrective measure of behaviours.In view of the tightening of migrating politics and in this context of exacerbating racialisation and ethnicisation of the social issue, foreign families who evolve in ZUS (« Sensitive Urban Zones ») have to submit their behaviors to dominating norms and to ideologized value systems. To a greater extent than anyone else, foreign parents, whether they are in a regular or irregular situation, must provide the conditions of an educational security for their child within a structurally organised context of social and administrative unsecurity. And to a greater extent than for anyone else, the professional in charge of childhood protection must think his action according to the statutory contingencies of each family member and see to the fact that the support measure doesn't become a stigmatism which comes on top of skin colour, origins or even living in an area within an institutional and political context which is under pressure.

De l’engagement au désengagement corporel : une approche sociologique plurielle des dynamiques, ruptures et permanences identitaires face à l’acceptation du danger dans les sports de nature / From engagement to corporal disengagement. : a sociological and plural approach of dynamics, ruptures and permanencies of identity against the acceptance of danger in outdoor sports

Routier, Guillaume 19 September 2011 (has links)
Défier ou jouer avec la gravité, explorer les profondeurs et mettre sa résistance ou plus simplement son corps à l’épreuve, se mesurer aux éléments naturels en fréquentant des milieux a priori hostiles : autant de formes d’exposition sportive au danger qui fascinent et intriguent à la fois. Ce travail est une exploration des processus d’engagement et de désengagement corporel, envisagés sous leurs aspects épistémiques et empiriques. Deux grandes questions jalonnent ainsi cette analyse : 1) comment concevoir l’engagement corporel, à travers le dialogue et la complémentarité entre schèmes d'intelligibilité ; 2) plus concrètement, comment devient-on pratiquant de telles activités, et pourquoi, un jour, décide-t-on de « raccrocher » ?L’analyse d’une trentaine de récits de sportifs engagés dans des activités de nature « à risque » met en lumière les dynamiques des processus d’engagement, de maintien et de désengagement. Ainsi, si s’engager est rarement le fruit du hasard, il n’est pas davantage celui d’une pure réflexivité. Parfois, l’engagement naît d’expériences et de rencontres imprévisibles. Ce travail conforte par ailleurs les résultats de nombreuses études consacrées aux motivations de ces pratiquants : recherche de sensations, d’autonomie, de performance, émulation subculturelle, etc. Elle s’en distingue cependant en montrant comment ces motifs d’engagement, loin de s’opposer, s’articulent et se complètent de manière systématique. Enfin, après avoir souligné la place cruciale, aux yeux des interviewés, de l’autonomie et de la responsabilité, érigées au rang de véritable éthique, nous montrons à quel point se désengager est chose difficile. Raccrocher tient d’un processus vécu différemment selon qu’il a ou non été préparé.Comprendre l'engagement corporel requiert finalement un élargissement du regard au corps, à la culture, au risque et à la sécurité, à l’autonomie, et plus largement à la responsabilité. L’engagement corporel constitue ainsi un support en parfaite adéquation avec son époque : il mêle, combine et parfois oppose des dynamiques identitaires portées par des dispositions, la réflexivité et les affects. / Defy or play with gravity, exploring the depths and bring their stamina or just their body, compete with the natural elements by frequenting, a priori, hostile environments: as many forms of sport exposure to danger that intrigue and fascinate at a time. This work is an exploration of the process of corporal engagement and disengagement, considered in their epistemic and empirical aspects. Two main questions mark this analysis: 1) how to conceive the corporal engagement in its complexity, through dialogue and complementary patterns of intelligibility; 2) more specifically, how do they become engaged in such activities, and why, suddenly, they decide to “hang up”?The analysis of thirty stories of sportsmen engaged in "at-risk" nature activities highlights the dynamic process of engagement, retention and disengagement. Thus, if commitment is rarely the result of chance, it is more than a mere reflexivity. Sometimes the commitment is born from experiences and unpredictable encounters. This work also confirms the results of many motivations studies of practitioners: search of sensation, autonomy, performance, subcultural emulation, etc. However, it differs from showing how these patterns of engagement, far from opposing, they are articulated and completed in a systematic way. Finally, after stressing the crucial role, in the eyes of the respondents, of the autonomy and the responsibility set up as true ethics, we show how difficult is to disengage. To hang up is a process experienced differently depending on whether the sportsman was prepared or not.To understand physical engagement requires a final enlargement as regards body, culture, risk and security, autonomy, and from a broader perspective, responsibility. Therefore, the body engagement constitutes a support in perfect harmony with its time: it mixes, combines, and sometimes objects the dynamics of identity induced by capacities, reflexivity and emotions

Le point de vue des parents sur la collaboration parents-intervenants dans le contexte de l'action éducative en milieu ouvert auprès des enfants en danger au Sénégal

Ball, Alhassane January 2013 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente une recherche qualitative de type exploratoire portant sur la collaboration parents-intervenants dans le contexte de l’action éducative en milieu ouvert (AEMO) auprès des enfants en danger au Sénégal. Le but de la recherche est d’identifier et de promouvoir un ensemble de conditions ou de pratiques favorables à une approche de collaboration avec les parents sénégalais. Les objectifs spécifiques poursuivis sont d'abord de décrire du point de vue des parents, l’expérience de collaboration vécue avec les intervenants dans un contexte d'AEMO. Ensuite il s’agit d'identifier non seulement les pratiques des intervenants qui nuisent ou qui favorisent la collaboration mais aussi les actions des parents qui lui nuisent ou favorisent. Enfin, il est question d'une part, d'identifier les conditions externes (obstacles et facteurs favorables) qui influencent cette collaboration et d’autre part, d'élaborer des recommandations pertinentes pour favoriser l’intervention axée sur la collaboration des parents dans le contexte de l’AEMO au Sénégal. L’étude a été effectuée au Sénégal auprès de dix parents participants. Les données ont été recueillies à partir d'entrevues individuelles semi dirigées. L'instrument de collecte des données est un guide d'entrevue. L’analyse de contenu thématique des données recueillies a permis de mettre en exergue, des pratiques des intervenants et des actions des parents qui favorisent ou qui nuisent à la collaboration reliées tantôt à des dimensions d’ordre relationnel, tantôt à des dimensions en lien avec le processus d'intervention. Elle a en outre révélé des facteurs externes qui favorisent et d'autres qui font obstacle à cette collaboration. Les résultats de la recherche confirment beaucoup d'écrits occidentaux portant sur la collaboration parents-intervenants. Ils ont aussi permis de rencontrer les objectifs fixés au départ à savoir de comprendre du point de vue des parents sénégalais dont les enfants sont en danger, comment se vit la relation de collaboration parents-intervenants.

Évaluation de l'efficacité de la pasteurisation à la vapeur pour le contrôle de la contamination microbiologique des carcasses bovines

Corantin, Harold January 2003 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Wildfire danger in the USA : an analysis of the National Fire Danger Rating System

Walding, Nicholas January 2018 (has links)
The United States of America (US) has a long-standing history of fire management through the United States Forest Service. Despite this history of fire management, the US faces significant increases in fire potential across the 21st Century owing to future climate change and due to a legacy of past fuel management policies. Since the 1970s the US Forest Service (USFS) has operated a fire danger rating system, known as the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS), which has aimed to portray, anticipate, and mitigate wildfires across the country. Fire danger ratings essentially aim to describe how dangerous a fire would be if it were to ignite and are used to inform not only the general public about wildfire risk but are also used by forest and fire managers to determine their actions in regards to fire suppression. The US Forest Service’s NFDRS currently produces 1-day forecasts of fire danger through the Wildland Fire Assessment System, and other state-focused outlets. The system quantifies common aspects of fire behaviour over wide spatial extents through a number of fire danger indices. These indices represent aspects of fire danger in terms of the likelihood of ignitions, rate of spread, potential heat release, and difficulty of control. Despite the NFDRS’s long-standing utility across the US, relatively few studies have sought to relate fire danger observations and forecasts to records of wildfire activity across its operational spatial extent. The majority of assessments of the NFDRS have been conducted at either single sites or on small spatial scales, despite it being a nation-wide system. This thesis analyses the NFDRS in respect to the occurrence of wildland fires and the final fire sizes they attain over an eight year period (2006-2013) through a number of analyses that; (i) examine the system’s ability to portray wildfire activity across the conterminous US; (ii) assess the NFDRS 1-day forecast’s accuracy; (iii) explore the impact of forecasting inaccuracy on wildfire activity across the conterminous US; and (iv) ascertain what outputs from the NFDRS relate most strongly to the formation of large wildfires. Firstly, this thesis shows that different regions of the US display different levels of correspondence between each observed fire danger indices and recorded fire activity. Areas in the Southern and Eastern Geographic Area Coordination Centers (GACCs) exhibit weaker correlations than those in the Northwest, Northern Rockies, Great Basin and Northern California GACCs. Peaks in fire occurrence are shown to occur at mid–low values of fire danger whereas final fire sizes increase monotonically with each fire danger index. Secondly, it is shown that the 1-day NFDRS forecasts have a strong correspondence with observed fire danger indices across the USA in the majority of locations. However, it is clear that there are multiple instances when these 1-day forecasts either over- or under-predict fire danger conditions, where there is systematic over-prediction of low-end fire danger values and under-prediction of high-end fire danger values. These predictive errors likely stem from errors in forecasted fire weather conditions, the subsequent derived fuel state and the reporting time of daily observations. Thirdly, when the inaccuracy of these forecasts was assessed spatially and temporally, the regions with the highest percentage of inaccurate forecasts were found to be in the Northern Rockies and Great Basin Geographic Area Coordination Centers (GACCs). Over-prediction was found to mainly occur between February and May, whilst peaks in the under-prediction of fire danger were found to be in spring and late summer. Finally, large wildfires appear to occur when fire danger indices are highly variable throughout the lifetime of a fire. As such this highlights the importance of considering daily variations in specific fire danger indices and that current understanding of variable fire danger conditions does not allow for the near-term prediction of large wildfire potential.

The invasion of tomorrow : A theoretical study of the development of the risk concept

Oyarzun Norborg, Marcus January 2011 (has links)
The use of the term risk has increased during the latest decades, not least in the medias, and so has the interest for risk as a topic of research. It seems as if the nature and social perception of risk has gone through important changes during the last centuries. The purpose of this study has been to investigate how and why the risk concept has changed over time. Starting from the influential writings of Ulrich Beck and Anthony Giddens, the ambition has been make a clear and critical survey of the subject. To Beck and Giddens risk is a modern concept. While in traditional societies threats were experienced as uncontrollable divine strokes of fate, as dangers, in modernity many threats begin to be conceived as controllable, as risks. This is a development closely linked to the expansion of insurance systems (i.e. the welfare-state), which through predictions based on probability calculations and the promise of retrospective monetary compensation for damage make the future seem controllable. During this first stage of risk the "perfect control society" seems attainable. But as rational knowledge continues to expand and humans intrude further into their environment, we realize that many risks believed to originate in nature or in circumstances fixed by tradition are the result of human decisions. Moreover, the inherently changeable character of (expert) knowledge is revealed. In a world where individuals are forced to take responsibility for their decisions, risk moves into their everyday lives. The social origin and sometimes catastrophic potential and indefinable character of these so called "manufactured risks", and an experienced increased openness and complexity of the world, create problems for the individual as well as for the insurance system. In this so called "risk society", our sense of control staggers. Beck's and Giddens' accounts of this development are very similar. Yet Beck is somewhat more pessimistic about our present state of control. This is also a main criticism towards his risk society thesis. Moreover, Beck's lack of consistency and clarity and his alleged over-generalizing and insufficient empirical backing are discussed. Further research of a more empirical kind is suggested in order to test the merits of Beck's and Giddens' theories.

Emotions and cognitions of athletes competing in a high-risk sport

Durtschi, Shirley Kay, January 1998 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Utah, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 296-313).

Die gemeingefährlichen Delikte nach Reichsstrafgesetzbuch, nach den neuen Strafgesetzentwürfen, insbesondere nach Entwurf 1927 /

Hofmann, Albert. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Univerisität Tübingen.

Prožitek a vnímání rizika při skialpinismu / Experience and risk sensation in skitouring

Hlava, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Title: Experience and risk sensation in ski touring Objectives: Main goal of this thesis is the analysis of experience and risk sensation of people practicing ski touring. To discover how athletes perceive these conditions and fears during the given activity, how does it influence their behavior and what are they doing to minimize the risks. Methods: All the data presented in the empirical part of this thesis were collected through semi-structured interview and a questionnaire with closed questions. There were 44 participants in the study between the age of 20 and 51. The data obtained through an online questionnaire were evaluated using Microsoft Office Excel 2010. The outcome values were entered into a clear table and further used for a more detailed analysis. The interviews were recorded using a tape recorder. The audio recordings were transcribed into a text version. After that the document was evaluated and rephrased into a more comprehensible form and divided into categories using coding method, which helped simplify the text manipulation. Results: The results of our work show that ski touring is a very emotional activity. Ski tourists experience many emotional, aesthetic and socially cultural experiences. Furthermore, the respondents also experience the state of optimum flow, which becomes...

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