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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kristallstrukturen der C2B-Domäne von Rabphilin-3A und der PP2C-ähnlichen Phosphatase tPphA von Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 / Crystal structures of the C2B domain of Rabphilin-3A and the PP2C-like phosphatase tPphA of Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1

Schlicker, Christine 05 June 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Paläoproterozoisches Krustenwachstum (2.0-1.8 Ga) am Beispiel der Västervik-Region in SE-Schweden und dem Kamanjab Inlier in NW-Namibia / Paleoproterozoic crustal growth (2.0-1.8 Ga) illustrated on basis of the Västervik-area in SE-Sweden and the Kamanjab inlier in NW-Namibia

Nolte, Nicole 18 October 2012 (has links)
Um Hinweise auf die geodynamische Entwicklung und zur Rekonstruktion der magmatischen und tektono-metamorphen Geschichte der Västervik-Region (SE-Schweden) und dem Kamanjab Inlier (NW-Namibia) zu erhalten, wurden isotopengeochemische Untersuchungen (Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, K-Ar, U-Pb) in Kombination mit Haupt- und Spurenelementanalytik sowie Untersuchungen zu den P-T-Bedingungen an metamorphen Gesteinen durchgeführt. Beide Gebiete vereint eine gemeinsame Entwicklung innerhalb des Superkontinentes Columbia. Sowohl die Västervik-Region als auch der Kamanjab Inlier sind durch ihre Lage entlang eines aktiven Kontinentalrandes geprägt. In beiden Arbeitsgebieten konnte eine mehrphasige Entwicklung erkannt werden. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass der granitoide Magmatismus entlang des südlichen Randes des Laurentia-Baltika Systems durch zwei paläoproterozoische Phasen charakterisiert ist. So konnten fünf granitoide Einheiten unterschieden werden, die in ihrer Zusammensetzung von Tonaliten bis Syenograniten variieren. Geochemische Klassifikationen haben für drei der fünf Einheiten einen „magnesian“, metaluminösen Cordillerancharakter gezeigt, der in Verbindung mit einem aktiven Kontinentalrand steht (2. Phase 1.81-1.77 Ga). Die übrigen zwei Einheiten zeigen einen Wechsel zu „ferroan“, peraluminösen Granitoiden mit einem A-Typ-Charakter, die während einer Extensionsphase gebildet wurden (1. Phase 1.87-1.84 Ga). Während die Ältere der beiden A-Typ-Gruppen mit der ersten Phase korreliert werden kann, zeigt die Jüngere Affinitäten zur sogenannten Granit-Pegmatit-Einheit. Das bestehende tektonische Modell für die Bergslagen-Region (N‘ Västervik) setzt eine Verlagerung der Subduktionszone in SW‘ Richtung voraus, die einhergeht mit einem Wechsel des geodynamischen Regimes. Die für die Västervik-Region definierten fünf granitoiden Einheiten passen gut in dieses Modell und liefern Argumente für einen neuen tektonischen Zyklus im Süden der Bergslagen-Region. Der Kamanjab Inlier zeigt eine ähnliche Entwicklung, wie sie in der Västervik-Region beobachtet werden konnte. Der granitoide Magmatismus wurde auf ein paläoproterozoisches Alter von 1.88-1.81 Ga datiert und fällt vermutlich mit einem ersten tektono-metamorphen Ereignis zusammen, in dem es unter anderem zur Ausbildung von Migmatiten kam. Die ermittelten Sm-Nd-Modellalter der Amphibolite zeigen eine systematische Zunahme von tiefen zu höheren Krustenstockwerken (Rooikop/Aandgloed[S]: TDM 2.10-1.96 Ga; Suiderkruis/Aandgloed [N]: TDM 2.40-2.12 Ga; Ehobib: TDM 2.74-2.30 Ga). Das Einsetzen der Kibarischen Orogenese bzw. des kibarischen Riftereignisses im Mesoproterozoikum (~1.6 Ga) wird als Auslöser für eine großräumige Überprägung des südlichen Randes des Kongo-Kraton gesehen. Sowohl K-Ar-Datierungen (1.3-1.4 Ga) als auch die Ergebnisse der Rb-Sr-Isotopenanalyse (~1.5 Ga) deutet auf eine solche Überprägung hin und können mit einem zweiten tektono-metamorphen Ereignis sowie dem bimodalen Magmatismus entlang des Kontinentalrandes korreliert werden. Untersuchungen der P-T-Bedingungen zeigen eine Unterteilung in eine nördliche (T=650-750 °C; P=8-11 kbar) und eine südliche (T=500-600 °C; P=5-9 kbar) Domäne. Ausgehend von zwei diskreten Metamorphoseereignissen scheinen die Geländebeobachtungen (Ausbildung der Migmatite) die Bedingungen des ersten tektono-metamorphen Ereignisses widerzuspiegeln. Wohingegen die durch Laborbefunde ermittelten, das zweite Ereignis zeigen.

Teisė savęs nekaltinti ir jos įgyvendinimo ypatumai baudžiamojoje byloje / The right of non-self-incrimination and its implementation peculiarities in a criminal case

Osteris, Agnes 05 February 2013 (has links)
Teisė nekaltinti savęs, apimanti draudimą versti duoti parodymus prieš save, savo šeimos narius ar artimus giminaičius - tai kiekvieno asmens konstitucinė garantija, užtikrinanti žmogaus ir valstybės santykių suderinamumą šiandieninėje konstitucinėje visuomenėje sprendžiant teisingumo klausimus. Asmuo turi teisę apginti save ir savo artimuosius nuo bet kokio pobūdžio ar sunkumo kaltinimo. Nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare principas kildinamas iš žmogaus orumo principo ir teisės į laisvą asmens vystymąsi, todėl šis principas turi būti aiškinamas neatsiejamai nuo kitų konstitucinių principų ar nuostatų, susijusių su teisingumo, draudimo piktnaudžiauti valdžia samprata, nukentėjusiųjų nuo nusikalstamų veikų bei kitų proceso subjektų interesų apsauga. Magistro baigiamajame darbe pateikiama teisės nekaltinti savęs analizė kitų konstitucinių principų kontekste. Skirtingose šalyse draudimo versti duoti parodymus prieš save principo, taikomo siekiant apsaugoti įtariamųjų ir liudytojų procesinius interesus, veikimo mechanizmas nėra vienodas. Priklausomai nuo baudžiamųjų procesinių santykių konstrukcijos bei nuo šiuose santykiuose vyraujančio teisinio reguliavimo metodo ir teisinio proceso principų, šios garantijos pobūdis ir apimtis skirtingose baudžiamojo proceso teisės doktrinose vertinami nevienodai. Tačiau, tiek bendrosios, tiek kontinentinės teisės sistemose draudimas versti duoti parodymus prieš save ar savo artimą vertinamas kaip valstybės nustatytas imunitetas, apsaugantis nuo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The right of non-self-incrimination, that includes prohibition to compel to give evidence against oneself, family members or close relatives - is every person's constitutional guarantee to ensure human and public relations compatibility in today's constitutional society, dealing with justice issues. A person has the right to defend himself and his relatives from any type or severity of accusation. Nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare principle derived from the principle of human dignity and the right to the free development of the individual. Bearing this in mind, this principle must be interpreted through other constitutional principles or provisions relating justice, concept of prohibition of power abuse, interests protection of victims and other entities of process. Master's thesis provides the analysis of the right of non-self-incrimination in the context of other constitutional principles. In different countries the mechanism of functioning of the principle of the prohibition to compel to give evidence against oneself, applicable in order to protect suspects and witnesses interests in proceedings, is not the same. Depending on the criminal procedural relations structures and prevailing legal regulation method in these relations, the legal process principles, the nature and scope of this guarantee is treated differently in various criminal law doctrines. However, in both common and civil law systems the prohibition to compel to give evidence against oneself and family members... [to full text]


BERNARDO CARVALHO DE MELLO 17 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] O princípio nemo tenetur se detegere, em seu duplo aspecto vedação à autoincriminação e direito ao silêncio, é uma conquista civilizatória das sociedades democráticas. A importância do princípio, muitas vezes não explicitada nas discussões sobre a constitucionalidade dos institutos e leis, é de tamanha monta que, conjuntamente com o princípio da presunção de inocência, forma a base axiológica de todo o sistema processual penal democrático. Contudo, o poder Estatal, diante do apelo popular e em resposta aos altos índices de criminalidade e episódios notórios de corrupção no Brasil tem, nos últimos tempos, a partir de uma continuidade cronológica de legislações, relativizado ou erodido os sustentáculos do princípio nemo tenetur se detegere. Tal postura Estatal consubstancia o que na criminologia se denomina de direito penal do inimigo, que servirá de substrato teórico para explicar o porquê do fenômeno de hipercriminalização e recrudescimento Estatal. A pesquisa visa, portanto, reafirmar o valor do nemo tenetur se detegere, acentuando os casos em que está a sofrer ataques e oferecer, a partir de pesquisa doutrinária e da análise jurisprudencial nacional e estrangeira, possíveis salvaguardas ao princípio com vistas a garantir que o processo penal brasileiro continue a respeitar os direitos individuais inerentes a uma ordem constitucional de fato e não meramente de direito. / [en] The principle nemo tenetur se detegere, in its double aspect privilege against self-incrimination and right to silence, is a civilizational conquest of democratic societies. The importance of this principle, which is often not made explicit in the discussions on the constitutionality of institutes and laws, is so significant that, together with the principle of presumption of innocence, forms the axiological basis of the entire democratic criminal procedural system. However, the State power, in the face of popular appeal and in response to high crime rates and notorious episodes of corruption in Brazil, has recently, from a chronological continuity of legislation, relativized or eroded the pillars of the nemo tenetur se detegere principle. This state posture consubstantiates what in criminology is called the criminal law of the enemy, which will serve as a theoretical substrate to explain the phenomenon of hypercriminalization and State recrudescence. The aim of the research is to reaffirm the value of the nemo tenetur, to highlight the cases in which it is under attack and to offer possible safeguards to the principle, based on jurisprudencial research and national and foreign case analysis, with a view to ensuring that the Brazilian criminal proceeding continues to respect the individual rights inherent in a constitutional order of fact and not merely law.

Organizace výuky žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami v běžné třídě základní školy / The organization of teaching pupils with special educational needs in the common class of primary school

VACKOVÁ, Dana January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of inclusive education at ordinary primary school, in the practical part with education of these pupils at a common school of rural type. The aim of the theoretical part is clarification what the inclusive education means, what conditions the pupils with special educational needs need and what support operations are suitable for smooth integration into the collective and for their development. The aim of the practical part is with the help of observation, dialogues and own experience to analyze the success of the process of the inclusive education at a small primary school of rulal type with a capacity of approximately 150 pupils, eventually to find out shortcomings and conditions which are needed to resolve and improve in such a way that the teaching at that school is successful.

Como AlguÃm se Torna o que Ã: Ecce Homo e a Auto-realizaÃÃo, Segundo Nietzsche / How one becomes what one is: Ecce Homo and self realization, according to Nietzsche

Josà Wilson Vasconcelos JÃnior 26 August 2008 (has links)
nÃo hà / Nesta dissertaÃÃo objetiva-se analisar a realizaÃÃo humana segundo a perspectiva do filÃsofo Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). Considera-se, para tanto, o processo vital circunscrito pelo subtÃtulo dado à autobiografia: âcomo alguÃm se torna o que Ãâ. Privilegiando os temas tratados em Ecce Homo, intermedeiam-se as discussÃes com o cotejamento daqueles assuntos abordados por outras obras do FilÃsofo. Tornar-se o que se à constitui nÃo apenas um cume perseguido, mas igualmente uma sobredeterminaÃÃo inapelÃvel para a filosofia de Nietzsche. Nesse caminho, ele valorizou, contra a tradiÃÃo filosÃfica e religiosa, o cultivo de si e o amor de si como propiciadores do grande e fecundo egoÃsmo. Apontou para a superaÃÃo de tudo aquilo que amesquinha e enfraquece o homem, elogiando o que fortalece e plenifica a vida compreendida por ele como vontade de poder em expansÃo. O cultivo da grande individualidade surge como contraposiÃÃo, nessa filosofia, à massificaÃÃo do homem pelas forÃas gregÃrias que arrebanham os âseres supÃrfluosâ em igrejas, povos e estados. Percorrem-se, entÃo, as ponderaÃÃes de Nietzsche sobre o que ele nomeou de âcasuÃstica do egoÃsmoâ, sua pretensa extemporaneidade, bem como se delimita aquilo designado pelo FilÃsofo como die Wohlgeratenheit, âa vida que vingouâ. SÃo trabalhadas, a seguir, as relaÃÃes dessa vida bem lograda com as teses de Nietzsche sobre a razÃo, a subjetividade, o cultivo de si mediante a disciplina do guerreiro â ele prÃprio entendia-se como um filÃsofo guerreiro. Por fim, apresenta-se sua compreensÃo acerca do que à a mÃxima auto-realizaÃÃo depois que o Ãltimo homem se configurou no niilismo caracterÃstico da contemporaneidade: a figura de Zaratustra como super-homem, mestre do eterno retorno e amante do destino.

Metodika stanovení velikosti detekovaného signálu v environmentálním SEM / Method for evaluation of signal level value in environmental SEM

Kršňák, Jiří Unknown Date (has links)
This work deals with the evaluating of the signal level value from the sample in the environmental SEM. In work there were processed the comparison of the osciloscopic method for the evaluating of the signal level value in the environmental SEM, the method for the evaluating of the signal level from the grey level of the sample images and the method for the evaluating of the signal level from the osciloscop. There are described the advantages and disadvantages of the methods and procedures for processing the methods.

Postoje mladých osob se zdravotním postižením k vysokoškolskému vzdělávání / Attitudes of young people with disabilities to academic education

Moravová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with issues of level and structure of education of contemporary Czech population with a view to the target group of disabled people. It talks about historical evolution in this field, current trends and available statistical data, which represent it. A prominent theme of the thesis is a lower number of disabled people with university education in comparison with intact population. We will have a short look at supportive measures for students with special needs at Czech universities as well. Then, a part of the thesis is a survey which examines attitudes of young disabled people towards university education. Key words education level of population of the Czech Republic, education level of disabled people, university education, support of people with special needs at universities, attitudes of young people towards university education

Evropská společnost / European Company

Šenkýřová, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
The main aim of European economic integration is to reach the common market of goods, services, persons and capital. To make this aim easier to realize in terms of free movement of capital, European Commission has created the statute of the European company (Societas Europaea, SE) as a new institute and corporate vehicle on the supranational level. The paper offers information about creation of the European company according to Comunitary and Czech national law and its corporate structure and mentions several concrete cases of company creation or transformation. The end of the study is dedicated to an analysis of the current usage of European company and advantages and disadvantages of this legal form of trading company together with a summary of current experience with the existence of European company and with the possible future of transnational companies within European Union.

Contrôles structuraux en 3 dimensions de la sédimentation turbiditique dans les chaînes plissées : exemple des Grès d’Annot (SE de la France) / 3D structural controls of turbidite sedimentation into fold and thrust belts : example of the Annot Sandstones (SE France)

Salles, Lise 04 June 2010 (has links)
Les Grès d’Annot préservés dans les chaînes subalpines méridionales sont des turbidites riches en sable déposées dans le basin d’avant pays alpin durant l’Eocène supérieur et l’Oligocène inférieur. La sédimentologie et la stratigraphie de ce système turbiditique ont déjà été étudiées, mais le contexte structural reste mal connu. Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude tectonique des Grès d’Annot, combinant un travail de terrain et l’utilisation d’outils de modélisation géométrique en 3D (gOcad) et cinématique (Trishear), centrés sur les sous-bassins d’Annot, du Grand Coyer et de Sanguinière. L’objectif est d’étudier l’héritage et l’évolution structural du bassin turbiditique et de le replacer dans le contexte régional du SE de la France. Les résultats indiquent que le remplissage du bassin périalpin précoce (Eocène et Oligocène) est bien plus complexe qu’une simple migration de la sédimentation (Grès d’Annot) et de la déformation vers l’avant pays. Ils révèlent des interactions entre tectonique et sédimentation à différentes échelles. A l’échelle de l’avant-pays, une coupe équilibrée illustre le contrôle primordial de la marge passive salifère préexistante sur la structure de la chaîne plissée. Le sel triasique constitue un décollement basal régional, qui de par sa faiblesse, a accommodé une déformation alpine précoce d’une large zone de l’avant-pays dès l’Éocène moyen et supérieur. Les variations de stratigraphie mécanique des séries mésozoïques sont à l’origine d’un changement de style structural : lors de la compression, plusieurs niveaux de décollement actifs se développent dans la partie orientale où les séries sont plus argileuses et plus fines. Ceci induit, en surface, une géométrie de bassin complexe avec des plis de longueurs d’ondes différentes et des migrations de charnière au cours de la sédimentation turbiditique. L’héritage structural du bassin d’avant-pays, jusqu’alors sous-estimé, est le résultat de l’ouverture de la Téthys alpine et d’une déformation précoce régionale exprimée par des plis d’axe E-W qui débute dès le Crétacé supérieur et s’accentue durant l’Éocène moyen. Des résultats préliminaires de thermochronologie (datations U-Th/He sur zircons détritiques de grès moyens à grossiers ou de granodiorites présentes dans les coulées de débris du dépocentre de Sanguinière) suggèrent une exhumation des reliefs à l’origine du matériel détritique liée à cette déformation crétacée. L’étude structurale détaillée de la série des Grès d’Annot et de son substratum dans les sous-bassins d’Annot et du Grand Coyer permet de définir en 3D les connections entre les dépocentres et de proposer une évolution structurale de ceux-ci à l’échelle du bassin. Les paléocourants montrent un parallélisme avec la direction des plis majeurs, indiquant un confinement alors que des directions divergentes à proximité des structures tectoniques plus mineures ou transverses suggèrent que ces dernières interagissent avec les écoulements. Les turbidites se déposent parallèlement dans plusieurs synclinaux alpins, actifs en alternance ou en même temps. A l’échelle des dépocentres, la modélisation géométrique 3D du dépocentre d’Annot en utilisant gOcad permet d’identifier les structures héritées et de démontrer la contemporanéité du plissement alpin et des dépôts turbiditiques. La migration de l’onlap des dépôts de grès et la variation des pendages à l’intérieur des membres turbiditiques sont associées à une migration du dépocentre. Cette géométrie est liée à une migration de la charnière synclinale qui favorise une tendance des dépôts à migrer latéralement plutôt qu’à s’empiler.D’un point de vue sédimentologique et stratigraphique, les Grès d’Annot sont connus pour être un bon analogue des réservoirs des grands fonds de type « riches en sable », situés sur les marges passives en aval de deltas. / The Annot Sandstone, exposed in the southern sub-alpine chains, consists of sand-rich turbidites deposited in the Tertiary Alpine foreland basin (Upper Eocene – Lower Oligocene Annot Sandstone basin). While the sedimentology and stratigraphy of this turbidite system have been largely described and discussed, its structural framework remains unconstrained. This thesis presents a study of the tectonics of the Annot Sandstone basin based on field surveys and 3D geometrical (gOcad) and kinematic modelling (Trishear), focusing in particular on the Annot, Grand Coyer and Sanguinière sub-basins. Objectives were to determine the structural evolution of the sub-basins, including the role of inherited features, and to use these data to better constrain the alpine tectonic history of SE France.Infill of the early alpine foreland basin is more complex than a simple foreland migration of sedimentation and deformation. Results reveal complex interactions of tectonics and sedimentation at different scales during deposition of the Annot Sandstone.•At the foreland scale, a balanced cross-section illustrates the critical control by the pre-existing salt-based passive margin architecture on the structure of the fold and thrust belt. Triassic evaporates regionally acted as a weak basal detachment, accommodating an early alpine deformation phase of the whole foreland from the Middle to Upper Eocene. Variations in mechanical stratigraphy within the Mesozoic sediments generated a change in structural style. For example, the eastern region is characterized by a thinner, shalier Mesozoic succession, leading to several active detachments during alpine compression. Multiple fold wavelengths and synsedimentary rolling hinges generated by these active detachments led to complex depocentres. The previously under-estimated structural heritage of the foreland basin derived from rifting and spreading of the Alpine Tethys and from an early regional deformation responsible for E-W trending folds, which began in the Late Cretaceous and increased during the Middle Eocene. Preliminary thermochronology results (U-Th/He datings on detrital zircons of medium to coarse sandstone blocks and granodiorite blocks from debris flows of the Sanguiniere depocentre) suggest an exhumation of source areas during this Cretaceous deformation.•A detailed study of structures within the Annot and Grand Coyer sub-basins and their Cretaceous substrate revealed connected depocentres evolving in 3D at the basin scale. Paleocurrent directions are mainly parallel to the main alpine fold axes recording structural confinement, while some diverging directions indicate flow interaction with minor or oblique tectonic features. Turbidites were deposited along the axis into several alpine synclines, which were simultaneously or successively active.•Concerning the depocentre infill, 3D geometrical modelling of the Annot depocentre (using gOcad) was used to identify inherited structures and to constrain alpine fold activity during turbidite deposition. The onlap migration and the specific stacking and dip pattern within turbidite members (laterally rather than vertically stacked deposits) record depocentre migration linked with a rolling synclinal hinge. Due to its sedimentology and its stratigraphy, the Annot Sandstone is well-known as an analogue for sand-rich reservoirs deposited at delta toes in deep-water passive margins. This study reveals that, structurally, it is also a good example of axially-sourced turbidite depocentres developed on a multi-detachement fold and thrust belt

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