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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Financing Method and Abnormal Returns in Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions

Thomas, Patrick 01 January 2019 (has links)
This study analyzes the impact of merger and acquisition financing method on buyer cumulative abnormal returns. The model builds on findings in previous literature by including deal structure variables, company variables, industry variables, time variables, and post-acquisition announcement return data from 2000 to 2018. The analysis does not find a statistically significant relationship between cash plus debt/stock financing and cumulative abnormal returns. However, significant coefficients for buyer and target industry suggest that deal structure varies and ultimately effects cumulative abnormal returns within specific industries. Additionally, significant results for buyer profitability and time variables provide insight on how the financial market interprets synergy realization and economic crises in relation to security valuation and the mergers and acquisitions market.

A Statistical Analysis of New Deal Economic Programs in the Forty-eight States 1933-1939

Reading, Don C. 01 May 1972 (has links)
The data base for this research was provided by a set of mimeographed reports prepared in the summer and fall of 1939 by the Office of Government Reports, Statistical Section, Washington, D.C. Originally prepared for Franklin Roosevelt's 1940 campaign, they detail each New Deal program year by year for the 1933-1939 period. The set of forty-eight reports, one for each state, also contains material on the organization of various programs and outlines work accomplishments in each state. This dissertation is intended as an analysis of New Deal loans and expenditures in each of the forty-eight states during the 1933-1939 period, and calls attention to unusual activities of programs within the several states. Each of thirty-three categories, which include all major New Deal programs plus summaries of smaller programs, is ranked by state on both an absolute and per capita basis. An analysis of the New Deal pattern of loans and expenditures for each region of the United States is also made with the use of absolute and per capita rankings. Each region is also examined for anomalies in federal expenditure and loan patterns. Each major New Deal program is reviewed as to the states and regions which received the major impact from the federal effort. This dissertation is intended as an analysis of New Deal loans and expenditures in each of the forty-eight states during the 1933-1939 period, and calls attention to unusual activities of programs within the several states. Each of thirty-three categories, which include all major New Deal programs plus summaries of smaller programs, is ranked by state on both an absolute and per capita basis. An analysis of the New Deal pattern of loans and expenditures for each region of the United States is also made with the use of absolute and per capita rankings. Each region is also examined for anomalies in federal expenditure and loan patterns . Each major New Deal program is reviewed as to the states and regions which received the major impact from the federal effort. In an effort to explain the vast differences in the per capita distribution of New Deal loans and expenditures among the states, multivariate analysis is used. While specific reasons may be cited for high per capita rankings for any given program in any given state, there may have been some general rationale (whether intended or unintended) behind the pattern of New Deal expenditures among states. Three hypotheses have been advanced and tested in this study. These are: (1) that the Roosevelt administration allocated per capita expenditures and loans among with reform as the prime objective; (2) that per capita expenditures and loans were allocated to achieve relief and recovery; and (3) that per capita expenditures and loans were allocated so as to upgrade the nation's resources. Reform is defined in such a way as to mean allocations aimed at improving undesirable socio-economic patterns. These undesirable conditions existed before, as well as during, the depression and are reflected in such demographic, social, and economic variables as per capita income, illiteracy, and home and farm ownership. Relief and recovery is defined as the effort which is expended to return the economy to a pre-1929 level rather than to attempt to reform existing inequities. The need for relief and recovery is measured by the percent decrease in per capita income from 1929 to 1933, rather than the absolute level of per capita income and the rate of unemployment. Two variables are selected to represent investment in the nation's resources--expenditures according to the percent of federal land ownership and expenditures based on the per capita miles of highway. The analysis suggests that New Deal federal effort was directed toward an improvement in the nation's assets, and toward relief and recovery. The analysis suggests that New Deal loans and expenditures failed to flow in proportional per capita amounts to states with the greatest need for reform.

The not-so-green Green New Deal: A Discourse Analysis for Sustainability in House Resolution 109

Gaddy, MacKenzie January 2019 (has links)
House Resolution 109 mandates the duty of the United States Federal Government to the people of the United States to create a Green New Deal to combat the triple crises that people are currently facing. In order to understand this mandate and whether or not it is calling for sustainable changes, a discourse analysis was used to examine the discourse as text, interaction and context. This study seeks to fill in a gap of missing literature about House Resolution 109 due to its recent creation. The results show that while author Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez emphasizes her beliefs of democratic socialism throughout the text as well as economic-based solution, the document lacks strong sustainability and fails to address the intricacies of sustainable development.

Mathématiques financières en marché incomplet.

Carassus, Laurence 13 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Mes travaux traitent essentiellement des marchés financiers incomplets. J'ai choisi de les regrouper en trois parties. La première traite de la caractérisation de l'hypothèse d'absence d'opportunité d'arbitrage et de ses implications en termes d'évaluation. La seconde explore deux pistes possibles pour l'évaluation et la couverture d'actifs dérivés en marché incomplet : la sur-réplication et l'exploitation de la condition de No Good Deal. Enfin, le dernière partie s'intéresse aux comportements limites ainsi qu'à la stabilité des choix optimaux des agents par rapport à des perturbations de leur évaluation du risque. Dans ce contexte, nous nous intéressons aussi à d'autres règles d'évaluation : les prix d'utilités.

Rabatt- och upplevelsesajters civilrättsliga ansvar vid konsumentköp : särskilt om rabattsajten Groupon / The civil liability of deal-of-the-day and event websites for consumer purchases : a study of the deal-of-the-day website Groupon

Johansson, Fredrik, Ernebratt, Niclas January 2013 (has links)
En ny trend inom internethandeln är företeelsen av så kallade rabatt- och upplevelsesajter. På den svenska marknaden är Groupon marknadsledande rabattsajt samtidigt som LiveIt anses störst inom upplevelseförmedling. Affärskonceptet – att marknadsföra priserbjudanden eller upplevelser och sedan hänvisa konsumenter vidare till leverantörer – har tagits efter av en rad aktörer och den nya trenden får antas fortsätta en tid framöver. Det faktum att den aktuella typen av förmedling är relativt ny har lett till en osäkerhet kring vilket ansvar rabatt- och upplevelseföretagen har gentemot konsumenter. Inte sällan använder de sig av varierande affärsupplägg vilket bidragit till ytterligare oklarhet. Det saknas direkt tillämplig tvingande lagstiftning och företagen begränsar ofta, genom mer eller mindre långtgående friskrivningar, sitt civilrättsliga ansvar. Syftet med förevarande uppsats är att undersöka vilket civilrättsligt ansvar som företagen har gentemot konsumenter vid dröjsmål och fel i vara och tjänst. I uppsatsen, som inledningsvis diskuterar innebörden av termerna kollektiv shopping och gruppköp, redogörs för de tre affärsmodeller som det marknadsledande rabattföretaget Groupon använder sig av. Dessa affärsmodeller ligger sedan till grund för de diskussioner som förs i arbetets analysdel. Rabattföretagens ansvar visar sig vara beroende av vilken affärsmodell som tillämpats vid försäljningen. Företagen kan dels betraktas som återförsäljare alternativt kommissionärer vilket leder till ett fullständigt civilrättsligt ansvar, dels som handelsagenter med underliggande fullmakt vars enda ansvar är att ta emot och vidareförmedla reklamationer, dels som en oreglerad typ av mellanman som enligt dagens gällande rätt enbart ansvarar för lämnad information gällande de vouchrar som företagen säljer. Detta sistnämnda ansvar är visserligen dispositivt men förefaller utgöra en allmän rättsgrundsats varför det ligger nära till hands att betrakta friskrivningar från lämnad information som oskäliga. Ett tänkbart sätt att stärka konsumentskyddet inom det aktuella problemområdet är att utvidga den så kallade förmedlingsregeln i konsumentköplagens inledande paragraf samt att eventuellt införa en liknande regel även i konsumenttjänstlagen. / A new trend within e-commerce is the phenomenon of deal-of-the-day and event websites. The market leaders in Sweden are Groupon (deal-of-the-day) and LiveIt (event). Their business concept is to promote price offers or events, and then refer consumers to merchants. This concept has been copied by a number of other e-commerce providers and this trend is likely to continue. The fact that this kind of mediation is relatively new has led to an uncertainty as to what responsibility these companies have in relation to the consumers. Furthermore, the companies use a variety of business models which increases the uncertainty even more. There are no directly applicable mandatory provisions, and the companies often reduce their liability by using more or less extensive disclaimers. This essay aims to investigate which civil liability the companies have in relation to the consumers in post-purchase situations (relating to delays and lack of conformity). In this essay, which initially relates to the meaning of the terms ‘collective shopping’ and ‘group buying’, the three business models that Groupon utilize will be explained. These business models form the basis of the following analysis. The liability of the companies is proven to be dependent on which kind of business model that the purchase was conducted according to. The companies can be considered as retailers or commission agents who both have full liability, or they can be considered as commercial agents with a proxy whose liability is limited to receive and mediate complaints, or they can be considered as some kind of unregulated middleman which, according to existing law, only has a responsibility for information given in the marketing of the sold vouchers. The liability of this unregulated middleman is indeed optional, but still considered a general legal principle. A disclaimer from that liability could be considered unfair. One possible way to enhance consumer protection within this area is to expand the mediation rule in the first section of the Consumer Sales Act. An additional possibility is to introduce a similar rule in the Consumer Services Act.

Land Use Change : Complexities in the initial phase of a Malagasy land deal

Hermansson, Liza January 2012 (has links)
Land deals are common in resource-rich countries and have increased during the past years. Contributing factors to the augmentation of land investments in agriculture and forestry are known to be climate change, rising global food prices, rising income levels and changing diets. The international debate on the topic points at the fact that these types of investments create not only great opportunities but also risks and challenges to the host countries, which often have high poverty rates. In order for land deals to be beneficial for all involved actors there is a voiced need for information about the performances and processes of large-scale land deals already at early stages. The objective of this study is to identify and understand the complexities at household level in relation to a new land deal and to explain how these complexities might hinder positive impacts on rural development that this land deal can entail. This thesis draws on a field study of one particular new land deal, Rainbow Oil, in Madagascar where the phenomenon has become substantial during the past few years. The material has been collected through semi-structured interviews and observations as part of an ethnographic approach. Interviews have been made with the investor and authorities at multiple levels but mainly with peasants in the concerned villages. The findings of the study have been analyzed using the sustainable livelihoods framework which permits the analysis to be both holistic and people-centered. Results from the study indicate that hopes for rural development due to the land deal of Rainbow Oil are evident but that certain factors in the peasants’ access to livelihood assets seem to hinder them from engaging in the land use change. Concluding remarks from the results of the study demonstrate that the investor might not have recognized the necessary prerequisites for a successful involvement of the local populations. Deficiencies in the communication between the actors seem to have created uncertainties and skepticism that can further impede both the development of the land use change itself and in turn also the possible development of particularly the concerned villages.

Research on ¡uOne Deal a Day¡v Business Model - A Case Study of WOOT!

Su, Jo-Chiao 10 August 2011 (has links)
As a result of the prosperous growth of electronic commerce businesses and the rapid progress of the information technologies, various innovative e-commerce business models are emerging. In recent years, there is a new and very successful e-commerce business model called ¡§One Deal a Day.¡¨ It is surprising that the way how the One Deal a Day violates many principles of doing good business in the past. For this reason, the purpose of this thesis is to study why and how One Deal a Day can succeed by analyzing the empirical data collected from WOOT! which is the starter of One Deal a Day business model. Overall, the unique characteristics of One Deal a Day include single item only at any moment, 24 hours only or even shorter of selling, great discounts, funny story as marketing tactics, and full of uncertainty. Based on these characteristics and literature, we conclude the success of One Deal a Day is resulted from hedonic consumption and impulse buying behaviors. According to the analysis of empirical data, when the selling time is shorter and more uncertain, or when the price is cheaper, it will encourage more impulse buying. However, the time pressure will negatively moderate the impact of the price on impulse buying. From the aspect of consumer loyalty, we found that One Deal a Day business model is easy to build up consumer loyalty. In addition, when the selling time is shorter and more uncertain, it will attract more consumers with high loyalty, but less new consumers.

A Sutdy on the Model of Merrital Asymmetric and Inframarginal Analysis in the Chinese Society

Huang, Simon 25 June 2003 (has links)
Abstract in English Family has been the most original economic unit for over 40000 years. However, in the past 30 years family system, population structure, marriage relation, women¡¦s role have been changed. Although marriage has been an important matter since ancient years till today, there are many potential differences between now and then especially in the past 30 years. The structural changes such as external marriage affair, competition between wife and concubine under the wife-concubine system, increasing rate of divorce, and unsymmetrical relation in the essence of marriage can not be simply described or judged right or wrong. Such changes can only be described as a life style, which also is a social culture. However, the increasing impact of such changes cannot be disregarded. This study of this article is on the main axis of marriage system. The article wishes to clarify Chinese marriage system in the past and today from economic perspective and to realize that Chinese marriage system is a collusive structure that has created endless war in a family. On the other hand, this article adopts information asymmetric to interpret matchmaker system that has created many unharmonious couple in the situation that information was not so symmetrical, which explain to us the revenge behavior accounts for the end of marriage relationship. Finally, this article employs economic model in inframarginal analysis and believes there exists many internal-deal expenses in marriage. The modal was further employed to prove that efficiency of matchmaker¡¦s word is higher than free love. In the same time, this article derived that the high expense coefficient of external marriage affair explains why general people are unwilling to try and the employ law to protect. This can reduce such coefficient and remind people of remittal of adultery. Keywords: information asymmetric¡Frotten kid theory¡F adverse selection¡Finframarginal analysis¡Finternal-deal expenses

Jukin' it out contested visions of Florida in New Deal narratives /

Gorman, Juliet. January 1900 (has links)
Honors Thesis (History)--Oberlin College, 2001. / Title from home page. "May 2001." Description of resource as of: June 19, 2001. Includes bibliographical references.

New deal or "raw deal" African Americans and the pursuit of citizenship in Indianapolis during FDR's first term /

Clark, Benjamin J. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Indiana University, 2009. / Title from screen (viewed on December 1, 2009). Department of History, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Advisor(s): Robert G. Barrows, Nancy Marie Robertson, Melissa Bingmann. Includes vitae. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 95-98).

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