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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A maravilhosa fábrica de virtudes: o decoro na arquitetura religiosa de Vila Rica, Minas Gerais (1711-1822) / The wonderfull fabric of virtue: the decorum in religious architecture of Vila Rica, Minas Gerais (1711-1822)

Bastos, Rodrigo Almeida 05 March 2009 (has links)
A tese é destinada a demonstrar que o decoro foi um preceito fundamental para a fábrica da arquitetura religiosa em Vila Rica, atual cidade de Ouro Preto, entre 1711 e 1822. É resultado de uma pesquisa mais abrangente, dedicada a compreender a fábrica artística na capitania de Minas Gerais a partir das doutrinas e preceitos exatamente contemporâneos à sua construção. Em detrimento, portanto, de categorias anacrônicas pós-iluministas e românticas, como evolução, progresso, originalidade etc., pretende-se reconstituir a história desses conjuntos arquitetônicos ao mesmo tempo em que se procura investigar e reconstituir também historicamente os preceitos do seu presente, como o decoro, a decência, a comodidade, a perfeição, a maravilha, a elegância, a discrição, o engenho, a agudeza, a sutileza, o asseio, a formosura etc. O exame das obras, das fontes documentais primárias e também dos tratados artísticos e teológicos vigentes no período evidencia uma aplicação habitual e generalizada desses preceitos, que importa muito compreender historicamente. À luz do decoro, essa reconstituição tem se mostrado extremamente profícua. Concernente a um regime mimético que caracterizava não apenas as artes ainda hoje reconhecidas pelo termo, mas todo o aparato teatral das práticas de representação correspondentes à razão de estado católica e à sociedade de corte, o decoro ocupava um papel central naquele tempo; em especial na invenção, disposição e ornamentação da arquitetura religiosa, onde se investiam os maiores esforços e cabedais. Representação permanente das virtudes cristãs, personagens e eventos das Sagradas Escrituras e do dogma católico, a fábrica da arquitetura era destinada não apenas a encenar decorosamente as matérias da fé, como também a conduzir virtuosamente o fiel na sua própria edificação cristã rumo à salvação. Foram analisados os seguintes templos: a Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora do Pilar e as Capelas das Ordens Terceiras de Nossa Senhora do Carmo e São Francisco de Assis. / This thesis aims to demonstrate that decorum was a fundamental precept to the religious architecture fabric in Vila Rica, a town currently named Ouro Preto. It is the result of broader research based on precepts which are contemporary with the architectural complex studied. Instead of using anachronic post-enlightenment or post-romantic categories, such as evolution, progress, originality etc., we intend to reconstruct the history of these architectural complexes and at the same time investigate and reconstruct historically precepts of the time, such as decorum, decency, perfection, wonder, elegance, discretion, skill, wit, ingeniousness, subtlety, beauty etc. The examination of the architectural works and primary sources, as well as artistic and theological treaties in force at the time have shown a frequent and widespread employment of these precepts, which must be understood historically. In the light of decorum, such reconstruction has proved to be extremely fruitful. Decorum concerns not only a rhetorical-mimetic regime which characterizes what is currently referred to as art, but also the entire theatrical apparatus of representation practices which correspond to court society and to the Catholic raison dÉtat. At that historical period it had a central role in the invention, disposition and ornamentation of religious architecture and the greatest efforts and fortunes, both private and official. The fabric of architecture, which consisted of permanent representation of Christian virtues, characters and events of the Holly Bible and Catholic dogma, was meant to decorously portray matters of faith, as well as to guide the believer virtuously in his own path of Christian edification towards salvation. The following churches were studied: Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora do Pilar and Capelas das Ordens Terceiras do Monte do Carmo and São Francisco de Assis.

Do processo de cassação de mandato parlamentar por quebra de decoro / The legislative process of expulsion by disorderly behavior

Soares, Alessandro de Oliveira 26 March 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objeto de estudo o instituto da cassação de mandato por quebra de decoro, conforme previsto no art. 55, II, da Constituição da República de 1988, que determina que perca o mandato o deputado ou senador cujo procedimento for declarado incompatível com o decoro parlamentar. Trata-se de um estudo no qual analisamos diversos aspectos jurídicos relevantes do instituto, entre esses podemos destacar a definição mínima do que podemos entender por comportamento ofensivo ao decoro parlamentar, a natureza jurídica dos processos de cassação, os limites do exercício dessa competência pelas Casas do Congresso Nacional, as regras específicas previstas nos regimentos internos, bem como os limites do controle exercido pelo Poder Judiciário. Muitas das análises elaboradas são polêmicas e de difícil solução e envolvem temas candentes, não só do ponto de vista jurídico, mas também político, já que a cassação de mandato por quebra de decoro diz respeito a uma forma de perda antecipada do mandato representativo, implicando num fenômeno que resvala em todo o sistema democrático. / This dissertation is a study about the expel proceding a parliament member in case of offense to decorum according to art. 55 II of Republic Constitution of 1988, which states that lose the mandate the deputy or the senator who proceed in disorderly behavior with parliamentary decorum. We analyze various legal issues relevant to the institute, among these we can highlight the minimal definition of what we can call as an incompatible behavior with parliamentary decorum, the juridical nature of the legislative process of expulsion, limits for that jurisdiction by the Congress, the special rules of the Congress internal regulations and the limits of control exercised by the Judiciary. Many elaborated analysis are controversial and difficult to solve, involving political and legal questions, since the expel by an incompatible behavior with parliamentary decorum is a way to lose beforehand the representative mandate, implying a phenomenon that echoes in all the democratic system.

Netspeak som retoriskt verktyg : Skapar elementen inom netspeak mer påträngande problem än vad de löser?

Ronan, Sean January 2013 (has links)
With inspiration from Bitzers situational analysis a phenomenografic method has been used, influenced by Brown & Levinsons´s theory of politeness, to find perceptions concerning constraints (in Bitzer´s sense in his model of the rhetorical situation) in Internet-based communication. Based on three qualitative interviews, this essay has found that the perceptions are closely linked to views of what constitutes formal and informal contexts, varying due to the gender or age of the informant. Netspeak is not considered appropriate, with some exceptions, in any formal situation. However, the perceptions regarding decorum in informal situations differ in nature, based mainly on what kinds of associations and connotations are produced by elements found in netspeak. Since perceptions regarding informal situations vary, there is a large risk of misunderstanding, which this essay aims to survey.

A maravilhosa fábrica de virtudes: o decoro na arquitetura religiosa de Vila Rica, Minas Gerais (1711-1822) / The wonderfull fabric of virtue: the decorum in religious architecture of Vila Rica, Minas Gerais (1711-1822)

Rodrigo Almeida Bastos 05 March 2009 (has links)
A tese é destinada a demonstrar que o decoro foi um preceito fundamental para a fábrica da arquitetura religiosa em Vila Rica, atual cidade de Ouro Preto, entre 1711 e 1822. É resultado de uma pesquisa mais abrangente, dedicada a compreender a fábrica artística na capitania de Minas Gerais a partir das doutrinas e preceitos exatamente contemporâneos à sua construção. Em detrimento, portanto, de categorias anacrônicas pós-iluministas e românticas, como evolução, progresso, originalidade etc., pretende-se reconstituir a história desses conjuntos arquitetônicos ao mesmo tempo em que se procura investigar e reconstituir também historicamente os preceitos do seu presente, como o decoro, a decência, a comodidade, a perfeição, a maravilha, a elegância, a discrição, o engenho, a agudeza, a sutileza, o asseio, a formosura etc. O exame das obras, das fontes documentais primárias e também dos tratados artísticos e teológicos vigentes no período evidencia uma aplicação habitual e generalizada desses preceitos, que importa muito compreender historicamente. À luz do decoro, essa reconstituição tem se mostrado extremamente profícua. Concernente a um regime mimético que caracterizava não apenas as artes ainda hoje reconhecidas pelo termo, mas todo o aparato teatral das práticas de representação correspondentes à razão de estado católica e à sociedade de corte, o decoro ocupava um papel central naquele tempo; em especial na invenção, disposição e ornamentação da arquitetura religiosa, onde se investiam os maiores esforços e cabedais. Representação permanente das virtudes cristãs, personagens e eventos das Sagradas Escrituras e do dogma católico, a fábrica da arquitetura era destinada não apenas a encenar decorosamente as matérias da fé, como também a conduzir virtuosamente o fiel na sua própria edificação cristã rumo à salvação. Foram analisados os seguintes templos: a Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora do Pilar e as Capelas das Ordens Terceiras de Nossa Senhora do Carmo e São Francisco de Assis. / This thesis aims to demonstrate that decorum was a fundamental precept to the religious architecture fabric in Vila Rica, a town currently named Ouro Preto. It is the result of broader research based on precepts which are contemporary with the architectural complex studied. Instead of using anachronic post-enlightenment or post-romantic categories, such as evolution, progress, originality etc., we intend to reconstruct the history of these architectural complexes and at the same time investigate and reconstruct historically precepts of the time, such as decorum, decency, perfection, wonder, elegance, discretion, skill, wit, ingeniousness, subtlety, beauty etc. The examination of the architectural works and primary sources, as well as artistic and theological treaties in force at the time have shown a frequent and widespread employment of these precepts, which must be understood historically. In the light of decorum, such reconstruction has proved to be extremely fruitful. Decorum concerns not only a rhetorical-mimetic regime which characterizes what is currently referred to as art, but also the entire theatrical apparatus of representation practices which correspond to court society and to the Catholic raison dÉtat. At that historical period it had a central role in the invention, disposition and ornamentation of religious architecture and the greatest efforts and fortunes, both private and official. The fabric of architecture, which consisted of permanent representation of Christian virtues, characters and events of the Holly Bible and Catholic dogma, was meant to decorously portray matters of faith, as well as to guide the believer virtuously in his own path of Christian edification towards salvation. The following churches were studied: Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora do Pilar and Capelas das Ordens Terceiras do Monte do Carmo and São Francisco de Assis.

Do processo de cassação de mandato parlamentar por quebra de decoro / The legislative process of expulsion by disorderly behavior

Alessandro de Oliveira Soares 26 March 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objeto de estudo o instituto da cassação de mandato por quebra de decoro, conforme previsto no art. 55, II, da Constituição da República de 1988, que determina que perca o mandato o deputado ou senador cujo procedimento for declarado incompatível com o decoro parlamentar. Trata-se de um estudo no qual analisamos diversos aspectos jurídicos relevantes do instituto, entre esses podemos destacar a definição mínima do que podemos entender por comportamento ofensivo ao decoro parlamentar, a natureza jurídica dos processos de cassação, os limites do exercício dessa competência pelas Casas do Congresso Nacional, as regras específicas previstas nos regimentos internos, bem como os limites do controle exercido pelo Poder Judiciário. Muitas das análises elaboradas são polêmicas e de difícil solução e envolvem temas candentes, não só do ponto de vista jurídico, mas também político, já que a cassação de mandato por quebra de decoro diz respeito a uma forma de perda antecipada do mandato representativo, implicando num fenômeno que resvala em todo o sistema democrático. / This dissertation is a study about the expel proceding a parliament member in case of offense to decorum according to art. 55 II of Republic Constitution of 1988, which states that lose the mandate the deputy or the senator who proceed in disorderly behavior with parliamentary decorum. We analyze various legal issues relevant to the institute, among these we can highlight the minimal definition of what we can call as an incompatible behavior with parliamentary decorum, the juridical nature of the legislative process of expulsion, limits for that jurisdiction by the Congress, the special rules of the Congress internal regulations and the limits of control exercised by the Judiciary. Many elaborated analysis are controversial and difficult to solve, involving political and legal questions, since the expel by an incompatible behavior with parliamentary decorum is a way to lose beforehand the representative mandate, implying a phenomenon that echoes in all the democratic system.

Decoro musical e esquemas galantes: um estudo de caso das seções de canto solo das Missas de Requiem de José Maurício Nunes Garcia e Marcos Portugal / -

Mítia Ganade D\'Acol 06 November 2015 (has links)
Existe na musicologia luso-brasileira uma tese de que a música litúrgica composta para celebrações religiosas nas igrejas brasileiras e portuguesas apresenta uma grande interpenetração dos estilos teatral e eclesiástico. Tal fato é interpretado não só como uma necessidade de exibição simbólica do poder monárquico, mas também como um atraso musical por parte dos compositores luso-brasileiros, por não serem mais decorosos na escrita da música sacra. Desta forma, a questão do decoro vem sido revisitada por pesquisas recentes, que já enxergam não uma falta de decoro musical no ambiente litúrgico luso-brasileiro, mas sim uma interpretação errônea do contexto cultural na qual esta música está inserida. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é o de discutir o decoro musical lusófono a partir do estudo da tratadística setecentista dedicada à averiguação do três estilos musicais (teatral, de câmara e eclesiástico), e de um estudo de caso das partes de solo das missas de Requiem de José Maurício Nunes Garcia e Marcos Portugal. Neste estudo, utilizaremos a teoria dos esquemas musicais como forma de averiguação do discurso musical, da capacidade comunicacional dos compositores e, consequentemente, seu decoro. / It exists in Luso-Brazilian musicology a thesis that the liturgical music composed for religious celebrations in Brazilian and Portuguese churches presents a great interpenetration of theatrical and ecclesiastical styles. This fact is interpreted not only as a need for symbolic display of monarchical power, but also as a \"musical backwardness\" of the Luso-Brazilian composers, for not being more decorous in writing sacred music. Thus, the question of decorum has been revisited by recent research, which denies the existence of a \"lack\" of musical decorum in the Luso-Brazilian liturgical settings, and sees the problem as a misinterpretation of the cultural context in which this music is inserted. The aim of this study is to discuss the Lusophone musical decorum from the study of eighteenth-century treatises dedicated to the investigation of the three musical styles (theater, chamber and church), and a case study of the solo parts in the Requiem Masses of José Maurício Nunes Garcia and Marcos Portugal. In this study, we use the theory of musical schema as a way of investigating the musical discourse, the communicative capacity of composers and consequently their decorum.

Decoro musical e esquemas galantes: um estudo de caso das seções de canto solo das Missas de Requiem de José Maurício Nunes Garcia e Marcos Portugal / -

D\'Acol, Mítia Ganade 06 November 2015 (has links)
Existe na musicologia luso-brasileira uma tese de que a música litúrgica composta para celebrações religiosas nas igrejas brasileiras e portuguesas apresenta uma grande interpenetração dos estilos teatral e eclesiástico. Tal fato é interpretado não só como uma necessidade de exibição simbólica do poder monárquico, mas também como um atraso musical por parte dos compositores luso-brasileiros, por não serem mais decorosos na escrita da música sacra. Desta forma, a questão do decoro vem sido revisitada por pesquisas recentes, que já enxergam não uma falta de decoro musical no ambiente litúrgico luso-brasileiro, mas sim uma interpretação errônea do contexto cultural na qual esta música está inserida. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é o de discutir o decoro musical lusófono a partir do estudo da tratadística setecentista dedicada à averiguação do três estilos musicais (teatral, de câmara e eclesiástico), e de um estudo de caso das partes de solo das missas de Requiem de José Maurício Nunes Garcia e Marcos Portugal. Neste estudo, utilizaremos a teoria dos esquemas musicais como forma de averiguação do discurso musical, da capacidade comunicacional dos compositores e, consequentemente, seu decoro. / It exists in Luso-Brazilian musicology a thesis that the liturgical music composed for religious celebrations in Brazilian and Portuguese churches presents a great interpenetration of theatrical and ecclesiastical styles. This fact is interpreted not only as a need for symbolic display of monarchical power, but also as a \"musical backwardness\" of the Luso-Brazilian composers, for not being more decorous in writing sacred music. Thus, the question of decorum has been revisited by recent research, which denies the existence of a \"lack\" of musical decorum in the Luso-Brazilian liturgical settings, and sees the problem as a misinterpretation of the cultural context in which this music is inserted. The aim of this study is to discuss the Lusophone musical decorum from the study of eighteenth-century treatises dedicated to the investigation of the three musical styles (theater, chamber and church), and a case study of the solo parts in the Requiem Masses of José Maurício Nunes Garcia and Marcos Portugal. In this study, we use the theory of musical schema as a way of investigating the musical discourse, the communicative capacity of composers and consequently their decorum.

La règle et l'écart. Paradoxe et évolution de la vraisemblance dans les discours sur la peinture (théorie de l'art et critique d'art) aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles / Rule and exception. Paradox and evolution of verisimilitude in discourses upon painting (art theory and criticism) in 17th-18th centuries France.

Burette, Stéphanie 19 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse propose l’examen des textes de théorie de l’art et de critique d’art portant sur la peinture en France, aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècle, suivant l’angle de la vraisemblance. De nombreuses réflexions sur la légitimité de la critique de ceux qui ne pratiquent pas la peinture ont précédé la naissance de la critique d’art, et la question fait toujours débat au XVIIIe siècle. Or, la notion de vraisemblance, présente dans le discours des théoriciens (peintres ou non) du point de vue de la réalisation des œuvres, manifeste la prise en compte d’un regard porté sur le tableau, c’est-à-dire du point de vue de la réception : est-ce que l’ « on » peut croire à ce que le tableau représente ? Ce que nous souhaitons montrer est le rôle crucial que joue la vraisemblance dans la légitimation de la critique d’art. Si un spectateur, qui n’est pas peintre, n’est pas à même de juger la qualité du dessin ou du coloris dans une œuvre, il est en droit de dire si ce que le tableau lui présente est vraisemblable ou non.Notre étude cherche à comparer les différentes acceptions que le terme de vraisemblance prend sous la plume des théoriciens et des critiques, afin d’une part de mettre en évidence que cette notion est considérée des deux côtés comme une règle en peinture, et de préciser son évolution dans les discours au XVIIIe s. / This thesis offers to examine theory of art and art criticism texts about painting in 17th and 18th c. France, via the angle of verisimilitude. Numerous thoughts upon the legitimacy of the criticism of those who do not practice painting have preceded the birth of art criticism, and the debate is still going on during the 18th c. However, the notion of verisimilitude, present in art theory discourses (by painters or not) about the creation of an art piece, manifests that the perception of the painting by someone looking at it is taken into account, this time from the point of view of reception: can “one” believe what the painting shows? We aim at proving the crucial role of verisimilitude in giving art critic legitimacy. If a spectator – who is not a painter – has no legitimacy to judge the quality of drawing or colour in an art piece, he can say whether the painting is credible or not.We compare and study the several acceptations of verisimilitude in theorists and critics’ writings in order to highlight that the notion is considered as a rule of painting on both sides, and analyse its evolution in 18th c. discourses.

Figures of Virtue: Margaret Fell and Aemilia Lanyer's Use of Decorum as Ethical Good Judgment in the Construction of Female Discursive Authority

Osmani, Kirsten Marie 13 December 2021 (has links)
Understanding how the Renaissance rhetorical curriculum taught style as behavior makes it possible to unite the study of women writers' identities with formal criticism. Nancy L. Christiansen shows that early modern humanists built on the Isocratean tradition of teaching rhetoric as an ethical practice because they adopted and developed lists of rhetorical figures so extensive as to encompass all human discourse, thought, and behavior. For them, knowing, selecting, and applying these various forms was the ethical practice of good judgment, also called decorum. This type of decorum plays an important role in the rhetorical function of two key texts by early modern women. Margaret Fell and Aemilia Lanyer each use a humanist notion of decorum as the virtue of good judgment to formulate their intellectual and moral authority and to argue that women can exercise the same.

Crisis, Shell-Shock, and the Temporality of Trauma: Cultural Memory and the Great War Combatant Experience in Owen, Graves, and Barker

Kelly, Dylan 01 May 2014 (has links)
The year 2014 will mark the centennial of the outbreak of World War I in August 1914. This historic anniversary will likely provoke several discussions from all fields in the humanities concerning the Great War's significance on contemporary culture through history, visual art, and in the case of this essay: literature. In light of this event, any serious discussion among scholars should undeniably begin with how the war continues to be represented today through a thorough, contemporary analysis of its many key literary texts. This essay will examine, in this regard, how past and contemporary discourses in literary theory-primarily concerned with how an individual combatant subject attempts to construct and understand their own traumatic experiences through poetic and literary discourse-can continue to incite discussion on why literature of the Great War and its influential role in defining how it has come to be understood in our cultural memory remains relevant even today. Under the guiding influence of Paul Fussell's classic The Great War and Modern Memory, I will discuss how three important works-a poetry collection, a memoir, and a modern work of historical fiction-all contribute to how the war has become represented as a tragic rupture in history that reversed the idea of human progress and left an entire generation disillusioned in its aftermath, regardless of the historical veracity of this legacy. The texts I will be examining include: select poems of Wilfred Owen, Goodbye to All That by Robert Graves, and Regeneration by Pat Barker. In addition to this, I will conclude with an analysis of how a contemporary reading of these texts can contribute to a larger discussion of the crisis of historicity in our current post-modern cultural landscape.

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