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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skolsköterskors erfarenheter av skolsituationen för elever med Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)diagnos / The school nurses´ experiences of the school situation for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) diagnosis

Palmér, Helene, Skhirtladze Segerpalm, Linda January 2011 (has links)
Attetion Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, är den vanligaste barnpsykiatriska diagnosen.Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva hur skolsköterskan erfar skolsituationen för elevermed ADHD-diagnos. Fyra till sex procent av alla elever i skolan har denna diagnos (ADHD).Skolsköterskan har i sin dagliga kontakt med elever möjlighet att tidigt upptäcka och även tillviss del förhindra utvecklandet av komplikationer. Orsaken till ADHD består främst avgenetiska anlag men sociala faktorer finns och de påverkar hur svår utvecklingen blir.Metoden var en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats beskriven av Lundman ochHällgren Graneheim. Datainsamlingen gjordes genom intervjuer med sex skolsköterskor. Urdatamaterialet framträdde temat Att förväntas vara som andra, men inte kunna med treunderteman. Resultaten kan användas till att öka förståelsen för elever med ADHD och derasskolsituation. Förhoppningsvis kan insikten om problemets svårighetsgrad öka motivationenatt förbättra situationen i skolan för alla elever och vuxna. Det finns många saker sompåverkar situationen för elever med ADHD, med rätt resurser och förutsättningar gesmöjlighet att påverka elevens utveckling i positiv riktning. / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, is today the most common psychiatricdiagnosis among children. The purpose of this study was to describe school nurses̛experiences of the school situation of pupils with ADHD. Four to six percent of all schoolpupils have been diagnosed with this illness. Due to her daily contact with school children,the school nurse has the opportunity to assist in early detection of ADHD, and can to someextent even prevent the development of possible complications. Genetic predisposition is theprimary cause of ADHD but social factors affect the severity of its development. The methodin this study was qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach described byLundman och Hällgren Graneheim. The data collection was made through interviews with sixschool nurses. Based on the analysis, the theme; Expected to be like the others, but also notbeing able, emerged with three subthemes. The results can be used to increase theunderstanding of pupils with ADHD in their school situation. Hopefully, awareness of theproblem severity increases motivation to improve the situation in schools for all studentsand adults. There are many things that affect the situation for children with ADHD. With theright resources and conditions the opportunity to influence students' development in apositive direction occurs.

School psychologists and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder : a survey of training, knowledge, practice, and attitude

Smith, Anastasia L. January 1999 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine school psychologists' current level of knowledge about Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), their training and comfort level with that training, their roles and practices in assessing, diagnosing, and treating children and adolescents with ADHD, and their attitudes toward the disorder and those with it. An original survey (see Appendix B) developed for this purpose was distributed to 700 systematically selected members of the National Association of School Psychology (NASP) who were currently practicing in the public schools. A total of 406 usable surveys were returned for a final response rate of 58%.Overall school psychologists are confident in their abilities to deliver services (consultation, assessment, and intervention) to students with ADHD. Respondents underestimated the rate of comorbidity of ADHD with other psychiatric disorders but overestimated the percentage of students with ADHD who also have a learning disability. Respondents most often mentioned diagnosis or identification of the disorder as their goal for assessment of possible ADHD. However, in their rankings of specific goals, respondents ranked the development of appropriate interventions as more important than the diagnosis of the disorder. The most often used standardized tests for ADHD referrals are questionnaires (for parents, teachers, and students) and drawings. Most (57%) school psychologists agreed that they do not determine the diagnosis of ADHD, but rather refer to a medical doctor. A Specific Learning Disability is the most often used special education category for students with ADHD who qualify, followed somewhat closely by Other Health Impaired, then by Emotionally Handicapped. Only 14 percent of the school psychologists surveyed stated that every student with ADHD who did not qualify for special education was considered for accommodations under Section 504. More respondents (83%) agreed that teachers often press to have their problem students diagnosed with ADHD than agreed that parents often press (55%). The majority of respondents (74%) agreed that ADHD is overdiagnosed. However, there was disagreement as to whether stimulant medications were used more often than necessary to treat ADHD. Implications of these findings for school psychologists and for future research are discussed. / Department of Educational Psychology

Students diagnosed with AD/HD and their first year at university : a theory of developing empowerment

Toner, Michele Eva January 2009 (has links)
The past decade has witnessed students with disabilities attending university in everincreasing numbers. In particular, many countries, including Australia, now report that students with so-called 'invisible disabilities' comprise the vast majority of those seeking support from Student Disability Services at university. Despite this increase, relatively few researchers have investigated the processes involved in the university education of students with disabilities, particularly during their crucial first year, when the highest rate of student attrition occurs across the board. The substantial body of research which has investigated the 'first year experience' for university students in Australia and the United States of America has ignored the issues unique to students with disabilities during this critical period. At the same time, some researchers, predominantly in the United States of America and the United Kingdom, have studied the tertiary education of students with disabilities. However, the subject has received less attention in Australia. Also, certain categories of university students with disabilities have been overlooked. In particular, university students diagnosed with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) appear to be one of the groups that have attracted little attention worldwide, despite the vast body of research that exists on children and, increasingly, on adults with the diagnosis. These students constituted the focus of the study reported in this thesis. The aim of this study was to develop substantive theory about how university students who are diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) deal with their first year. The study is conceptualised within the social theory of symbolic interactionism. A central research question and a series of related guiding questions were used as the starting point for data collection. Data collection was conducted largely through in-depth, individual, face-to-face semistructured interviews, and participant observation consistent with the interpretivist qualitative research tradition. In addition, informal interviews, telephone interviews and documents provided supplementary data for the study. Data analysis, which occurred concurrently with data collection, employed the open coding method consistent with the grounded theory model and the development and testing of propositions. The central proposition of the substantive theory generated from this study is that students diagnosed with AD/HD experience a sense of developing empowerment as they progress through three stages in their first year at university. The first stage in the theory of developing empowerment is entitled the development of empowerment through realising a dream. The second stage is entitled the development of empowerment through becoming proactive. The final stage is entitled the development of empowerment through the feeling of belonging. The theory of developing empowerment provides a new perspective on how university students with a diagnosis of AD/HD deal with their first year of study. A number of implications for further theory development, policy and practice are drawn from it. There are also several recommendations for further research.

Sensory integration strategies for the child with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Raath, Jana 30 November 2007 (has links)
In this qualitative research study the focus is on the use of sensory integration strategies with children who have Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Three respondents specialising in sensory integration in the Durbanville area were involved. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with each of the respondents in order to gain knowledge on the use of sensory integration strategies with children who have Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder by a professional other than an occupational therapist. After permission had been obtained, the interviews were captured on video tape and transcribed for use in the empirical study. Seven themes were identified from the interviews and a literature control was done with each of the themes. The researcher did not attempt to generalise the results of the research, but tried to reflect on the information that the respondents provided. The researcher summarised the findings of the empirical study and made recommendations. / Social Work / M. Diac (Play Therapy)

Kognitiewe beheerterapie in groepsverband met leerders met ATHV / Cognitive control therapy in a group situation with learners with ADHD

Van Schalkwyk, Maria Magdalena 30 September 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this study quantitative research is employed to determine if cognitive control therapy can successfully be utilized in a group situation to alleviate cognitive deficiency in learners with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Learners with ADHD often do not gain from traditional play- and psychotherapy due to the fact that they do not possess the required cognitive structure necessary to support successful learning. Many of these learners do not receive sufficient assistance and support due to a shortage of government supported educational psychological aid. An empirical investigation of limited scope was performed to establish whether cognitive deficiencies can be alleviated by means of applying cognitive control therapy in a group situation. A one-group pretest-posttest design was utilized where the same group of subjects was studies before and after the experimental treatment. The results indicate that the cognitive control therapy program resulted in a considerable change. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Problematika motivace u dětí s ADHD. / Problems of motivation in children with ADHD

KŘENKOVÁ, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
This graduation thesis deals with problems of motivation in children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). The theoretical part contains the definition of ADHD, definition, typical symptoms, factors contributing to the emergence of sowing disorder (malfunction) and problems of children with ADHD. The next section describes the motivation, resources and ways to motivate students. The practical part is devoted to research, the technique used was a questionnaire and interview. The research group consisted twenty-five ADHD children from the second degree of primary schools. The research question was set up: Do motivation in children with ADHD from children without the disorder differ any way? The aim was to determine the level of motivation of students with ADHD on school work. This mentioned graduation work will be used to familiarize the public with ADHD problems, this work could serve as an outline of the targeted educational development of motivation of students with ADHD.

Mammor med Adhd : Upplevelser av föräldragrupp på barnhälsovårdscentral samt av en anpassad självhjälpsgrupp / Mothers with Adhd : Experiences of a parent group at the swedish child healthcare center and of a tailored self-help group

Högberg, Malin, Silvo, Theodora January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka upplevelser av gruppbaserat föräldrastöd hos mammor med Adhd som deltagit i en universell föräldragrupp på barnhälsovårdscentral (BVC) samt i en anpassad självhjälpsgrupp (Mammagruppen). Mammagruppen bestod av fem mammor med diagnosen Adhd, en hade även Asperger syndrom. Med ett bortfall deltog fyra av dem i studien. Tre av informanterna deltog även i föräldragrupp på BVC. Deras barn var 0-2 år gamla utan uttalade problem. Datainsamling skedde genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och en induktiv tematisk analys resulterade i två huvudteman; Samhörighet och Stöd. Resultatet visar att informanternas upplevelser av Mammagruppen blev övervägande positiva och upplevelser av föräldragruppen på BVC blev övervägande negativa. Några grundläggande faktorer som bidrog till detta var huruvida de har upplevt samhörighet i grupperna samt om de har fått utrymme till att samtala om sina egna behov och känslor. Detta bidrar med unik kunskap och belyser det upplevda behovet av ett anpassat stöd. Det behövs vidare forskning innan vi kan säga att det finns skillnader. / The aim of this qualitative study was to examine experiences of group based parental support among mothers with Adhd - who had participated in an universal parent group at the swedish child healthcare centre (CHC), and in a tailored selfhelpgroup (the Momgroup). The participants in the Momgroup was five mothers with Adhd, one also had Asperger syndrome. With a loss of one, four of them participated in this study. Three of the informants had also participated, in a parent group at CHC. Their children were 0-2 years old, without any explicit problems. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and an inductive thematic analysis resulted in two main themes: Togetherness and Support. The result shows that the informants’ experiences of the Momgroup were mainly positive and the experiences of the parent goup at CHC were mainly negative. A few basic factors that contributed to this, were whether they have experienced togetherness in the groups, and if they were given the opportunity to talk about their own needs and feelings. This contributes with unique knowledge and illustrates the perceived need for tailored support. Further research is needed before we can say that there are any differences.

Upplevelser av att leva med ADHD : Att vara cirkeln i en fyrkantig värld / Experiences of living with an ADHD diagnosis

König, Kristina, Jönsson, Linnea January 2017 (has links)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) är den mest förekommande beteendestörningen hos barn. Forskning visar att minst 5% av barn och ungdomar är drabbade världen över, men det finns troligtvis ett stort mörkertal hos såväl vuxna som barn. ADHD har blivit ifrågasatt för sin autenticitet och har varit föremål för diskussion de senaste årtiondena. De drabbade möts ofta av förutfattade meningar vilket skapar stigmatisering. Denna litteraturstudies syfte var att belysa individers egna upplevelser av att leva med ADHD. Resultatet visade att individer upplevde ett utanförskap i samhället oavsett ålder, genus och ursprung. Upplevelserna behandlade känslor av att vara i otakt med sin omgivning, att inte passa in i samhällets normer samt att bli stämplad som stökig och lat. Även upplevelser av att vara speciell med unika gåvor framkom i resultatet. Slutsatsen är att individer med ADHD lever i en verklighet med en alldeles särskild livsvärld. Att vilja förstå och kunna sätta sig in i denna livsvärld är av betydelse för alla i den drabbades närhet. Då vården i framtiden kommer att möta fler patienter med ADHD behövs mer kunskap inom området för att kunna främja hälsa hos dessa individer. / Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common behavioral disorder among children. Research has proved that at least 5% of children and adolescents are affected in a worldwide perspective. A large number of people are probably unrecorded with the diagnosis. The authenticity of ADHD as a real diagnosis has been questioned during the last decades, and ADHD and its symptoms is still a matter for discussions. People living with ADHD are facing preconceptions which can cause stigmatization. The purpose of this literature study was to illustrate lived experiences of ADHD. The result of the study showed feelings of alienation in the community regardless of age, gender and origin. Their experiences were about feelings of being out of time with their surroundings, to not fit in the norms of society as well as being labelled as disorderly and lazy. Despite this, feelings of being special and gifted were also reported. The conclusion is that people living with ADHD holds a unique lifeworld, which is important to understand. The future holds a surge in demand for caring of patients with ADHD. To support health and wellbeing this require more knowledge within the area of behavioral impairments.

Kvinnors erfarenheter av att leva med ADHD : En litteraturstudie / Women´s experiences of living with ADHD : a literature review

Nordström, Kristin, Hassel, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: ADHD har tidigare varit sedd som en barndomsdiagnos som avtar med stigande ålder. Forskning visar dock att symtomen kvarstår för många även som vuxna men att symtombilden kan förändras. Flickor och kvinnor är idag underrepresenterade avseende diagnostisering av ADHD vilket kan innebära ett stort lidande och en oförståelse för sig själv och omgivningen. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva kvinnors erfarenheter av att leva med ADHD. Metod: En litteraturstudie användes som metod. Systematiska sökningar gjordes i databaserna CINAHL, PsycInfo och Academic Search Premier där 9 artiklar med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats valdes ut. Ytterliga 2 artiklar valdes ut utifrån en osystematisk sökning. Dessa analyserades utifrån en trestegsmodell. Resultat: Under analysen framkom två huvudsakliga teman, ”bilden av mig själv” och ”påverkan på det dagliga livet”. De underteman som kopplades till dessa var ”Att känna sig annorlunda”, ”Förståelse och självacceptans”, ”Utmaningar i att hantera omgivningens krav” samt ”Påverkan på relationer”. Konklusion: Denna studie visar att det finns könsskillnader i hur ADHD kan ta sig uttryck. Många kvinnor med ADHD har känt sig annorlunda och upplevt ett stort utanförskap genom livet. Resultaten i denna studie kan vara användbara för de verksamheter som möter flickor och kvinnor i behov av stöd. Att medvetandegöra hur symtomen kan skilja sig åt gör att fler flickor kan få rätt stödinsatser tidigare i livet. / Background: ADHD has previously been seen as a childhood diagnosis that decreases with increasing age. However, research shows that for many the symptoms remain even as adults, but that the symptom features can change. Girls and women today are underrepresented in the diagnosis of ADHD, which can mean great suffering and a misunderstanding of themselves and the environment. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe women's experiences of living with ADHD. Method: A literature study was used as a method. Systematic searches were performed in the databases CINAHL, PsycInfo and Academic Search Premier, where 9 articles with both quantitative and qualitative approach were selected. Another 2 articles were selected based on an unsystematic search. These were analyzed based on a three-step model. Results: During the analysis, two main themes emerged, "the image of myself" and "impact on daily life". The sub-themes linked to these were "Feeling different", "Understanding and self-acceptance", "Challenges in dealing with the demands of the environment" and "Impact on relationships". Conclusion: This study shows that there are gender differences in how ADHD can manifest itself. These results can be useful for those functions that meet girls and women in need of support. Raising awareness of how the symptoms can differ means that more girls can receive the right support measures earlier in life.

Upplevelser från vuxna personer med ADHD inom aktiviteterna arbete och utbildning. : -En scoping review. / Experiences from adults with ADHD in the activities work and education. : - A scoping review.

Artursson, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symtom kan kvarstå genom hela livet och har en påverkan på hälsa, arbetsmöjlighet, utbildning och ekonomiska hälsa. Vuxnas upplevelser med ADHD är en kunskapslucka och studier presenteras ofta utan personens egna berättelser av sin upplevelse. Syfte: Syftet var att kartlägga relevant litteratur som beskriver upplevelser i produktiva aktiviteter hos vuxna personer med ADHD. Metod: En scoping review användes för att söka i databaser efter studier innehållande kvalitativa metoder. Resultaten från 10 artiklar beskrevs med riktad innehållsanalys ur arbetsterapeutiska teorin Model of Human occupations (MoHo) centrala begrepp. Resultat: MoHo var användbart till att beskriva upplevelser inom arbete och utbildning. Personerna med ADHD beskrev hur aktiviteter inom arbete och utbildning påverkades genom viljekraft ur vanor och rutiner samt hur miljön påverkades av personens viljekraft och självupplevda utförandekapacitet. Slutsats: Om intresse för en uppgift fanns eller glädje att utförandet av aktiviteten, så underlättade det möjligheten att vara produktiv. Social miljö har en stor påverkan på hur personer med ADHD uppfattar sig själva och hur uppgifter och aktiviteter blir gjorda inom arbete och utbildning. Strategier kunde förbättra utförande men även vara krävande och skapa utanförskapskänsla för personen. / Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms can persist throughout life and have an impact on health, job opportunities, education, and financial health. Adults’ experiences with ADHD are a knowledge gap and studies are often presented without a person’s story of experience. Aim: The aim was to map relevant literature that describes experiences in productive activities in adults with ADHD. Method: A scoping review was used, and search was done in four research databases. Results from ten articles were described with a directed content analysis, and Model of Human occupation (MoHo) theory. Results: The adults with ADHD described how activities in work and education were affected by volition from habits and routines, how the environment has an impact on the person’s volition and performance capacity. Conclusion: If there was interest in a task or that joy comes from performing the activity, then it facilitates the opportunity to be productive for that person. The social environment has an impact on how people with ADHD perceive themselves and how tasks and activities are done. Strategies could improve execution but also be demanding and create a sense of exclusion for the person.

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