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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pedagogický přístup k dítěti s ADHD - reflexe vlastní zkušenosti / Pedagogical approach to ADHD children - reflection of personal experience

DAŇKOVÁ, Martina January 2018 (has links)
In this Master Thesis, I inquire into pedagogical approach towards a child with ADHD syndrome. I focus on one specific child that I previously worked with. I consider this personal experience as valuable and uncommon. That is reason I would like to express the gravity of pedagogical approach towards an ADHD child. The research problem originates from my own practice and a direct confrontation with the child. In the theoretical part, I deal with the problematics of ADHD syndrome. I focus on the causes of development and effects of the syndrome on the life of the child. I also focus on establishing a diagnosis of ADHD, and on its treatment. I dedicate one chapter on rearing and methods of rearing according to Zdenek Matejcka, a child psychologist. I describe inclusive education in relation to ADHD pupils, based on the current state of Czech school system. The practical part is dedicated to the research of my work. I specify my research design and method. I apply methods of observation, interviews, and describe their results. Moreover, I deal with the results of interviews with pedagogical assistants and with pedagogues that worked or still work with the ADHD pupil. Results of the observations and other methods of data collection that I name in the methodology part form a basis of the research problem of this work.

Avaliação da influência de complicações perinatais na etiologia do transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade com predomínio de desatenção

Souza, Carla Ruffoni Ketzer de January 2008 (has links)
Introdução O transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH) afeta entre 3 e 10% das crianças em idade escolar, ocasionando prejuízos no funcionamento individual, acadêmico e social na infância e adolescência. Apesar disso, sua etiologia ainda não é totalmente conhecida. A alta herdabilidade do TDAH leva a crer que fatores genéticos exerçam papel fundamental na predisposição para o transtorno. Entretanto, a ocorrência da patologia vai depender ainda da interação de genes com fatores de risco ambientais. Restam muitas questões a serem esclarecidas, uma delas é se há relação entre os fatores de risco ambientais e a expressão fenotípica, resultando nos diferentes subtipos do TDAH. Objetivo O objetivo do presente estudo é investigar a associação entre complicações perinatais (complicações ocorridas nos períodos pré, peri e pós-natal imediato - CPPs) e TDAH do subtipo desatento (TDAH-D). Método Participaram desse estudo, crianças e adolescentes entre 6 e 17 anos, provenientes de doze escolas estaduais e de um ambulatório especializado em TDAH de Porto Alegre. Após a realização de extensa avaliação diagnóstica, foram incluídas 124 crianças e adolescentes com o diagnóstico de TDAH-D e 124 controles sem o transtorno, pareados por idade e sexo. Informações sobre complicações ocorridas durante os períodos pré, peri e pós-natal imediato, assim como sobre potencias confundidores, foram coletadas diretamente com as mães biológicas dos sujeitos. Resultados A análise de regressão logística condicional mostrou que, para as crianças e adolescentes cujas mães apresentaram maior número de complicações perinatais, o risco de TDAH-D foi significativamente mais elevado (p = 0.005; OR= 1.25; IC95%: 1.1 – 1.5). Conclusões Em um estudo de caso-controle, foi possível expandir para o TDAH predominantemente desatento os achados prévios que sugeriam a associação entre fatores perinatais e TDAH sem um subtipo específico. / Introduction Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects between 3% and 10% of school aged children, leading to impaired individual, academic and social functioning in childhood and adolescence. Despite of that, the etiology of ADHD remains unclear. The high heritability points to a large genetic contribution to the etiology of ADHD. However, the development of the disorder will also depend of an interaction between genetic and environmental risk factors. Many questions remain to be answered, such as the association between the ADHD phenotypic heterogeneity and the environmental risk factors, leading to different subtypes of the disorder. Objective The objective of the present study is to investigate the association between pre-, peri-, and early postnatal complications (PDPC) and ADHD predominantly inattentive type (ADHD-I). Method: Children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years old from 12 public schools, and from an ADHD outpatient program both in Porto Alegre were assessed. After an extensive diagnostic evaluation, 124 ADHD-I cases and 124 non-ADHD controls, matched by sex and age, were included in the study. Informations about prenatal, delivery and early postnatal complications, as well as potential confounders were obtained by direct interview with biological mothers. Results: Conditional logistic regression analysis showed that children and adolescents whose mothers presented more PDPC had a significant higher risk for ADHD-I (p = 0.005; OR= 1.25; CI95%: 1.1 – 1.5). Conclusions: In a case-control study, we expanded to ADHD-I previous findings suggesting the association between perinatal factors and broadly defined ADHD.

Parental guidelines regarding the emotional needs of primary school children diagnosed with ADHD

Coetzee, Jacoba Martina 30 November 2006 (has links)
The aim of this study was to create awareness of the emotional needs of children diagnosed with ADHD. In order to reach the aim of this study, an initial literature study was executed to describe ADHD and the emotional needs of children. Semi-structured interviews and two projective techniques were used to conduct the empirical study. Valuable data was also collected from the biographical questionnaires completed by the parents. Based on the data collected and analysed, findings were made which were verified by means of a second literature study. This was followed by conclusions which served as the basis for recommendations that were made in the form of guidelines to the parents, with the aim to make the parents aware of the emotional needs of their children diagnosed with ADHD. These guidelines will be made available to the parents at a seminar that will be held on acceptance of this research. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)

La labilité émotionnelle est-elle un facteur de sévérité du Trouble Déficit de l’Attention Hyperactivité ? / Is emotional lability a severity factor in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

Maire, Jenna 15 December 2016 (has links)
Le Trouble Déficit de l’Attention Hyperactivité (TDAH) est un trouble du neurodéveloppement associant des symptômes d’inattention, d’hyperactivité et/ou d’impulsivité. Fréquemment, le tableau clinique est marqué par une labilité émotionnelle pouvant se manifester sous différentes formes jusqu’à parfois s’agencer en un véritable syndrome : le Trouble Disruptif avec Dysrégulation Emotionnelle, récemment inclus dans le DSM-5. La labilité émotionnelle est-elle un symptôme du TDAH ou de troubles comorbides ? Est-elle caractéristique d’un tableau clinique du TDAH ? Ce travail de thèse propose d’étudier le profil psychopathologique associé à la labilité émotionnelle sous différentes approches, catégorielle et dimensionnelle, et à deux périodes clés du développement de l’enfant atteint de TDAH, l’âge préscolaire et l’âge scolaire. Quatre études composent ce travail de thèse : les trois premières en milieu clinique et la dernière en population générale. Les résultats ont indiqué que la labilité émotionnelle d’un point de vue dimensionnel mais également catégoriel au travers du diagnostic de Trouble Disruptif avec Dysrégulation Emotionnelle, était associée à des symptômes plus sévères et un retentissement fonctionnel plus important à l’âge préscolaire et scolaire. L’approche dimensionnelle s’est montrée plus pertinente pour identifier les enfants avec labilité émotionnelle ayant des besoins spéciaux de prises en charge au-delà de celle du TDAH. De plus, la labilité émotionnelle et l’irritabilité ont semblé être associées à des tableaux cliniques différents. Ces résultats suggèrent l’intérêt de l’évaluation de la labilité émotionnelle et des manifestations associées dans le diagnostic du TDAH chez l’enfant. Une approche clinique fine, à la fois quantitative et qualitative, semble prometteuse dans la prévention des formes prodromiques de TDAH et dans le pronostic de ce trouble afin de proposer des interventions adaptées afin d’infléchir de potentielles trajectoires développementales à risques. / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattentive, hyperactive and/or impulsive symptoms. Emotional lability is frequently associated with the disorder. It can cover several manifestations. These manifestations are sometimes that serious that there are parts of a disorder: the Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder recently added to the DSM-5. Is emotional lability a core symptom of ADHD or one of a comorbid disorder? Is it featured with different symptoms and functional impairment in children with ADHD? This PhD work tried to provide elements to respond to these questions assessing the psychopathological profile associated with emotional lability as a categorical and dimensional feature at two crucial developmental periods: the preschool and the school aged. Four studies are part of this PhD work: three in clinical population and one in general population. Results emphasized that emotional lability is associated with more severe symptoms and functional impairment in both preschool a school aged children. Results were similar when emotional lability was assessed as a dimensional feature and as a categorical feature. Nevertheless, the dimensional approach of emotional lability seemed relevant identifying children with ADHD and emotional lability that were at special need for interventions, beyond the ADHD one. Moreover, emotional lability and irritability seemed associated with different clinical outcomes. These results suggested the value of the emotional lability assessment and of its others manifestations in the ADHD diagnosis in children. A qualitative and quantitative approach seems promising in preventing prodromal ADHD and in its prognostic. This might serve targeting adapted interventions in order to inflect potential harmful developmental trajectories.

Rodina a dítě se syndromem hyperaktivity s poruchou pozornosti / The Family and Child with the syndrome of hyperactivity with attention deficit disorder

KOKEŠOVÁ, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation named Family and child with hyperactivity syndrome and attention deficit (hereinafter child with ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders) is concerning with problems of families which are bringing up, caring and a looking after a child with ADHD. The aim of the dissertation is mapping of life of a family with child suffering from ADHD. Furthermore to describe how such a family perceives behavior of other people from the surrounding towards such a family. Also how a child with ADHD syndrome intervene in a life of its siblings and social functioning of its own family. Within the dissertation there is determined one important question "What is like a life of a family with a child suffering from ADHD syndrome". Theoretical part of the dissertation describes ADHD syndrome. How is it possible to influence ADHD and what are latest medical treatments of children and adults. Within the theoretical part attention is also given to the educational possibilities for children with ADHD, family relationships and potentially socially dangerous effects of children and adults influenced by ADHD syndrome. For the empiric part of the dissertation was chosen method of qualitative research via technique of semi-structured interview containing 26 questions led with 7 mothers of children suffering from ADHD syndrome. Questions are directed at social functioning of each family and their family life. The findings are showing that family life where there is a child with ADHD is directly and strongly influenced. Children with ADHD syndrome need more care than other children in the family and this causes unease and uneven relations between siblings. Children with syndrome do not achieve results matching their intelligence, they lag behind their potential. It was proved that older children show socially dangerous effects such as tobacco or drug addiction. Also the whole family is often seen in by the public in a negative light. This dissertation can be beneficial to parents of children with ADHD syndrome who can compare their feelings with feelings and experience of other parents who have a child affected with such disorder.

Avaliação da influência de complicações perinatais na etiologia do transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade com predomínio de desatenção

Souza, Carla Ruffoni Ketzer de January 2008 (has links)
Introdução O transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH) afeta entre 3 e 10% das crianças em idade escolar, ocasionando prejuízos no funcionamento individual, acadêmico e social na infância e adolescência. Apesar disso, sua etiologia ainda não é totalmente conhecida. A alta herdabilidade do TDAH leva a crer que fatores genéticos exerçam papel fundamental na predisposição para o transtorno. Entretanto, a ocorrência da patologia vai depender ainda da interação de genes com fatores de risco ambientais. Restam muitas questões a serem esclarecidas, uma delas é se há relação entre os fatores de risco ambientais e a expressão fenotípica, resultando nos diferentes subtipos do TDAH. Objetivo O objetivo do presente estudo é investigar a associação entre complicações perinatais (complicações ocorridas nos períodos pré, peri e pós-natal imediato - CPPs) e TDAH do subtipo desatento (TDAH-D). Método Participaram desse estudo, crianças e adolescentes entre 6 e 17 anos, provenientes de doze escolas estaduais e de um ambulatório especializado em TDAH de Porto Alegre. Após a realização de extensa avaliação diagnóstica, foram incluídas 124 crianças e adolescentes com o diagnóstico de TDAH-D e 124 controles sem o transtorno, pareados por idade e sexo. Informações sobre complicações ocorridas durante os períodos pré, peri e pós-natal imediato, assim como sobre potencias confundidores, foram coletadas diretamente com as mães biológicas dos sujeitos. Resultados A análise de regressão logística condicional mostrou que, para as crianças e adolescentes cujas mães apresentaram maior número de complicações perinatais, o risco de TDAH-D foi significativamente mais elevado (p = 0.005; OR= 1.25; IC95%: 1.1 – 1.5). Conclusões Em um estudo de caso-controle, foi possível expandir para o TDAH predominantemente desatento os achados prévios que sugeriam a associação entre fatores perinatais e TDAH sem um subtipo específico. / Introduction Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects between 3% and 10% of school aged children, leading to impaired individual, academic and social functioning in childhood and adolescence. Despite of that, the etiology of ADHD remains unclear. The high heritability points to a large genetic contribution to the etiology of ADHD. However, the development of the disorder will also depend of an interaction between genetic and environmental risk factors. Many questions remain to be answered, such as the association between the ADHD phenotypic heterogeneity and the environmental risk factors, leading to different subtypes of the disorder. Objective The objective of the present study is to investigate the association between pre-, peri-, and early postnatal complications (PDPC) and ADHD predominantly inattentive type (ADHD-I). Method: Children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years old from 12 public schools, and from an ADHD outpatient program both in Porto Alegre were assessed. After an extensive diagnostic evaluation, 124 ADHD-I cases and 124 non-ADHD controls, matched by sex and age, were included in the study. Informations about prenatal, delivery and early postnatal complications, as well as potential confounders were obtained by direct interview with biological mothers. Results: Conditional logistic regression analysis showed that children and adolescents whose mothers presented more PDPC had a significant higher risk for ADHD-I (p = 0.005; OR= 1.25; CI95%: 1.1 – 1.5). Conclusions: In a case-control study, we expanded to ADHD-I previous findings suggesting the association between perinatal factors and broadly defined ADHD.

Sinais sugestivos de transtorno déficit de atenção e hiperatividade de crianças com histórico de nascimento prematuro extremo e baixo peso

Pretti, Liziane Cristina 20 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:46:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6354.pdf: 1294561 bytes, checksum: 3be7fe07f80854809bf2a4239bbf19d9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-20 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Children born premature and extreme birth weight are more likely to have cognitive, neuropathological and behavioral changes such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Early identification of ADHD is important because it is known that the effects caused by this disorder in school and personal lives may pass into adulthood, and the social and educational impact can cause those students requiring specialized educational assistance. In this sense, the present study aimed at identifying early signs suggestive of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children at 3 years of age with a history of extreme preterm birth and low birth weight. The sample comprised 29 children with a history of extreme prematurity and low birth weight with 3 years old now, enrolled in municipal schools. Participants were first characterized with the CCEB (Economic Classification Criterion Brazil) to homogenize the sample. After, were evaluated with the SDQ questionnaire version Pa 3/4 years (for the parents) and version Pr 3/4 years (for teachers). We also used the Denver II screening test in order to evaluate the overall development of these children and relate to behavioral findings. From the statistical correlation - Pearson Correlation - the data we found that there was a significant correlation between the variables IG with hyperactivity subscale, indicated by SDQ Pa (R= -,465*), correlation between IG and birth weight with the hyperactivity subscale, indicated by SDQ Pr ( R= -,528**; R= -,429*, respectivamente). All these correlations were significantly negative which confirms findings in the literature, that is, the lower gestational age and birth weight, the greater are the chances of having behavioral problems suggestive of ADHD. It was also verified that parents and teachers rated similarly children's development. It is concluded that children with a history of preterm birth and low birth weight have signs suggestive of ADHD at 3 years of age, and that the performance of screening for early detection of these signals facilitates therapeutic intervention and can thereby reduce the performance impact academic school with a history of extreme preterm birth and low birth weight. / Crianças nascidas prematuras extremas e com baixo peso, igual ou inferior a 2500g, estão mais propensas a apresentarem alterações cognitivas e neuropatológicas, bem como alterações comportamentais, tais como o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH). A identificação precoce do TDAH é importante, pois sabe-se que as repercussões causadas por este transtorno na vida escolar e pessoal podem repercutir até a vida adulta, e o impacto social e educacional pode fazer com que esses alunos necessitem de assistência educacional especializada. Neste sentido, o presente estudo teve por objetivo geral identificar sinais precoces sugestivos do Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH), em crianças aos 3 anos de idade com histórico de nascimento prematuro extremo e baixo peso ao nascer. A amostra foi composta por 29 crianças com histórico de prematuridade extrema e baixo peso ao nascer com 3 anos de idade atual, matriculadas na rede municipal de ensino. Os participantes foram caracterizados primeiramente com o CCEB (Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil), a fim de homogeneizar a amostra. Após foram avaliado com o questionário SDQ versão Pa3/4anos (destinado a pais) e versão Pr3/4 anos (destinado a professores). Foi utilizado também, o teste de triagem Denver II, no intuito de avaliar o desenvolvimento global destas crianças e relacionar com os achados comportamentais. A partir da análise estatística correlacional Correlação de Pearson - dos dados foi possível verificar que houve uma correlação significativa entre as variáveis IG com a subescala hiperatividade, indicados pelo SDQ Pa (R= -,465*), correlação entre IG e peso ao nascer com a subescala hiperatividade, indicados pelo SDQ Pr ( R= -,528**; R= - ,429*, respectivamente). Todas essas correlações se apresentaram significativamente negativa o que corrobora com os achados da literatura, isto é, quanto menor a IG e peso ao nascer, maiores são as chances de apresentarem problemas comportamentais sugestivos de TDAH. Foi possível verificar também, que pais e professores avaliaram de forma semelhante o desenvolvimento das crianças. Conclui-se assim, que crianças com histórico de nascimento prematuro e baixo peso apresentam sinais sugestivos de TDAH aos 3 anos de idade, e que a realização de triagem para detectar precocemente estes sinais facilita a intervenção terapêutica e pode com isso reduzir o impacto no desempenho acadêmico de escolares com histórico de nascimento prematuro extremo e baixo peso.

Problematika dětí s ADHD a SPU a její řešení formou svépomocných skupin / ADHD Children and Self-help Societies

KOŠNAROVÁ, Jana January 2008 (has links)
Hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder belong to very complicated disorders which should be considered in a global view. At present no general or miracle medicine can be used. However, specific learning disabilities and ADHD are focused on very intensively at basic schools in the Czech Republic. Children´s aggressiveness, hyperactivity and difficulties in raising are discussed very often. No programme or method can substitute a nice family life, loving parental care and good relations in the family. However, many cases of destroying a contended family life caused by child´s disorders or disharmony are reported. Even the best family is not expected to be able to bring up a hyperactive child by itself. The dissertation is focused on children who suffer from functional disorder called ADHD syndrom. First part of the work is divided into chapters which detail ADHD terminology, its historical development, symptoms, probable causes, diagnostics and ways of dealing with it in general. Further chapters analyse specific learning disabilities which are closely related to ADHD. The goal of the work consists in emphasising importance of self-help societies and civic associations at local and national dimensions. Next part concerns with the study on current situation of the care and service provided for ADHD children and their families in the region of Česká Lípa.Children´s parents were asked to fill in the questionnaire in order to find out their opinions and needs, and if they are satisfied with services provided for their children. They were also informed about the self-help societies and civic associations and ways of establishing local ones. The work should draw attention to the disorders mentioned above and most of all emphasise the importance of civil sector which plays a significant role in dealing with these problems. The author would also like to refer to the necessity of improving lives of these childrens and their close relatives.

Avaliação da influência de complicações perinatais na etiologia do transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade com predomínio de desatenção

Souza, Carla Ruffoni Ketzer de January 2008 (has links)
Introdução O transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH) afeta entre 3 e 10% das crianças em idade escolar, ocasionando prejuízos no funcionamento individual, acadêmico e social na infância e adolescência. Apesar disso, sua etiologia ainda não é totalmente conhecida. A alta herdabilidade do TDAH leva a crer que fatores genéticos exerçam papel fundamental na predisposição para o transtorno. Entretanto, a ocorrência da patologia vai depender ainda da interação de genes com fatores de risco ambientais. Restam muitas questões a serem esclarecidas, uma delas é se há relação entre os fatores de risco ambientais e a expressão fenotípica, resultando nos diferentes subtipos do TDAH. Objetivo O objetivo do presente estudo é investigar a associação entre complicações perinatais (complicações ocorridas nos períodos pré, peri e pós-natal imediato - CPPs) e TDAH do subtipo desatento (TDAH-D). Método Participaram desse estudo, crianças e adolescentes entre 6 e 17 anos, provenientes de doze escolas estaduais e de um ambulatório especializado em TDAH de Porto Alegre. Após a realização de extensa avaliação diagnóstica, foram incluídas 124 crianças e adolescentes com o diagnóstico de TDAH-D e 124 controles sem o transtorno, pareados por idade e sexo. Informações sobre complicações ocorridas durante os períodos pré, peri e pós-natal imediato, assim como sobre potencias confundidores, foram coletadas diretamente com as mães biológicas dos sujeitos. Resultados A análise de regressão logística condicional mostrou que, para as crianças e adolescentes cujas mães apresentaram maior número de complicações perinatais, o risco de TDAH-D foi significativamente mais elevado (p = 0.005; OR= 1.25; IC95%: 1.1 – 1.5). Conclusões Em um estudo de caso-controle, foi possível expandir para o TDAH predominantemente desatento os achados prévios que sugeriam a associação entre fatores perinatais e TDAH sem um subtipo específico. / Introduction Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects between 3% and 10% of school aged children, leading to impaired individual, academic and social functioning in childhood and adolescence. Despite of that, the etiology of ADHD remains unclear. The high heritability points to a large genetic contribution to the etiology of ADHD. However, the development of the disorder will also depend of an interaction between genetic and environmental risk factors. Many questions remain to be answered, such as the association between the ADHD phenotypic heterogeneity and the environmental risk factors, leading to different subtypes of the disorder. Objective The objective of the present study is to investigate the association between pre-, peri-, and early postnatal complications (PDPC) and ADHD predominantly inattentive type (ADHD-I). Method: Children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years old from 12 public schools, and from an ADHD outpatient program both in Porto Alegre were assessed. After an extensive diagnostic evaluation, 124 ADHD-I cases and 124 non-ADHD controls, matched by sex and age, were included in the study. Informations about prenatal, delivery and early postnatal complications, as well as potential confounders were obtained by direct interview with biological mothers. Results: Conditional logistic regression analysis showed that children and adolescents whose mothers presented more PDPC had a significant higher risk for ADHD-I (p = 0.005; OR= 1.25; CI95%: 1.1 – 1.5). Conclusions: In a case-control study, we expanded to ADHD-I previous findings suggesting the association between perinatal factors and broadly defined ADHD.

Interferência do cloridrato de metilfenidato no desempenho de escolares com transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade / The interference of methylphenidate hydrochloride in school performance of students with attention deficit disorder/hyperactivity disorder

Bezerra, Claudia Santos Gonçalves Barreto 28 April 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2015-01-30T10:43:20Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Tese - Claudia Santos Goncalves Barreto Bezerra.pdf: 2059173 bytes, checksum: 45f41522691fac0d28d22bbc3d3ec16b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-01-30T12:49:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Tese - Claudia Santos Goncalves Barreto Bezerra.pdf: 2059173 bytes, checksum: 45f41522691fac0d28d22bbc3d3ec16b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-01-30T12:49:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Tese - Claudia Santos Goncalves Barreto Bezerra.pdf: 2059173 bytes, checksum: 45f41522691fac0d28d22bbc3d3ec16b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-28 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / The attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder provided in the International C lassification of Diseases (ICD) characterizing a continuing pattern of attention deficit and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity with more intense and higher rates than what presented by individuals at the same development level. This dissertation was organized u sing the models of scientific articles analyzing the results from school performance by students of the Colégio de Aplicação (a school maintained by a university) of the Federal University of Goiás, 7 to 14 age group with and without ADHD diagnosis. Initia lly, the prospective observational study to assess comparative effectiveness involved 355 students and investigated the results from school performance by 60 of them before and during Methylphenidate - based treatment (MPH) and psychotherapy compared with th e control group. The students had their school performance and treatment adherence monitored for the first eight months. The literature review on the theme is presented in the first article submitted to the journal “Revista Ciência & Saúde Coletiva” (Journ al of Science and Collective Health), entitled “ Methylphenidate - based treatment and school performance by students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder : integrative literature review”. The review included scientific articles published from 2006 to 2013. Six hundred and sixteen out of the 629 articles found did not meet the criteria for inclusion and 13 were part of the sample. Most of the studies emphasized that the group of children with ADHD undergoing methylphenidate - based treatment improved the ir performance compared with the group of children with ADHD with no records for the treatment and stimulant - based therapies are more beneficial in the long term. The second article, entitled “Re/Assessment on the diagnosis of attention deficit/hyperactivi ty disorder in students ” presents the results from the clinical reassessment of 29 children previously diagnosed with ADHD or suspected ADHD. The reassessment confirmed the diagnosis of 74% of the children previously diagnosed and 70% of suspected ADHD. Th e third article, entitled “The use of methylphenidate for students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and poor school performance” presents the major results of this study and proves that the use of methylphenidate - based treatment for students A DHD was associated with improved school records for basic mandatory disciplines . The medication had positive influence on school performance however even undergoing drug - based treatment the students were not able to achieve the levels of performance by stu dents without ADHD with typical school performance. / xii RESUMO O Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento previsto no Código Internacional de Doenças e caracterizado por um quadro persistente de déficit de atenção e/ou de hiperatividade/impulsividade mais acentuado e grave do que o observado em outros indivíduos com o mesmo nível de desenvolvimento. A presente tese foi construída no modelo de artigos científicos que an alisou os resultados do desempenho acadêmico de escolares do Colégio de Aplicação da Universidade Federal de Goiás, de 7 a 14 anos com e sem diagnóstico de TDA/H. O estudo de caráter prospectivo, observacional e comparativo teve a participação inicial de 3 55 estudantes e investigou os resultados de desempenho escolar de 60 deles, antes e durante o tratamento com metilfenidato (MPH) e psicoterapia em comparação com um grupo controle. Os estudantes foram acompanhados em seu desempenho escolar e em adesão supe rvisionada ao tratamento durante o período de oito meses. A revisão de literatura do tema investigado é apresentada no primeiro artigo, submetido à “Revista Ciência & Saúde Coletiva”, intitulado “Tratamento com Metilfenidato e o desempenho de escolares com Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade: revisão integrativa da literatura”. A revisão incluiu artigos científicos publicados no período 2006 a 2013. Dos 629 artigos encontrados, 616 não atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e 13 fizeram parte da am ostra. A maioria dos estudos evidenciou que o grupo de crianças com TDA/H, em tratamento com MPH, mostrou melhor desempenho escolar em relação ao grupo com TDA/H sem histórico de tratamento. E que os tratamentos com estimulantes trazem mais benefícios quan do adotados em longo prazo. O segundo artigo intitulado “Re/Avaliação diagnóstica de Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade em escolares” apresenta os resultados da reavaliação clínica de 29 crianças, anteriormente, diagnosticadas com TDA/H ou cas os suspeitos. A re/avaliação confirmou o diagnóstico de 74% das crianças portadoras de diagnóstico e 70% dos casos suspeitos. Já o terceiro artigo intitulado: “A utilização do Metilfenidato por escolares com Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade e baixo desempenho escolar” apresenta os resultados principais desse estudo e constatou que o tratamento com Metilfenidato pelos escolares com TDA/H foi associado ao aumento das médias nos resultados da avaliação escolar das disciplinas elementares. A medi cação influenciou positivamente no desempenho dos estudantes, entretanto, mesmo em tratamento medicamentoso esses estudantes não atingiram o nível de desempenho dos escolares sem TDA/H com desempenho escolar típico.

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