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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indigo children: gestalt therapeutic guidelines for parents and caretakers; A Christian Perspective.

Grobler, Hermanus Bosman 30 June 2003 (has links)
The motivation for this study was to challenge the Indigo Child phenomenon and to view it from a Christian perspective. Throughout the study the focus was on the researcher's opinion of Christianity, supported by other authors and the Bible. The assumption of the study was that Indigo Children were ordinary children whose behaviour was formed and reinforced by societal and parental influences and guidance. The purpose of the study was to set up guidelines for parents and caretakers in order to facilitate and recommend strategic action regarding the management of these children. Guidelines were set up by using a combination of Gestalt philosophy, a Christian perspective and existing guidelines for so-called Indigo Children. For the purpose of this study Thomas's developmental research and utilization model was applied to the intervention research approach. Semi-structured interviews were used in order to gain information regarding parental styles. The information gained was combined with information found in literature in order to set up guidelines for parents. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)

Lien bidirectionnel entre des caractéristiques personnelles des parents et leurs pratiques parentales dans un contexte d’intervention

Simard, Myriam 04 1900 (has links)
Les parents d’enfants aux prises avec un trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDA/H) sont à risque de dépression. Ces parents rapportent aussi des relations familiales plus problématiques, des expériences plus stressantes, un sentiment d’auto-efficacité plus faible à l’égard de leur rôle parental et des pratiques parentales plus coercitives ou inadéquates en comparaison aux parents d’enfants sans ce diagnostic. Plusieurs recherches ont relevé que les parents d’enfants ayant un TDA/H qui ont participé à un programme d’entraînement aux habiletés parentales (PEHP) rapportent une amélioration générale des difficultés énumérées précédemment. Le changement d’attitude et de pratiques parentales est souvent relié à une diminution des symptômes du TDA/H chez les enfants. L’intervention peut donc contribuer à améliorer la condition du parent et par le fait même celle de son enfant. Toutefois, le TDA/H est un trouble chronique qui peut affecter certaines caractéristiques personnelles du parent pouvant interférer avec la capacité de ce dernier à bénéficier d’une intervention. Peu d’études s’attardent aux caractéristiques du parent pouvant affecter l’efficacité de l’intervention. Le but de la présente étude est d’étudier le lien bidirectionnel entre certaines caractéristiques personnelles (dépression, stress, sentiment d’auto-efficacité) et les pratiques parentales dans un contexte d’intervention qui s’adresse aux parents d’enfants ayant un TDA/H. Les résultats démontrent que le sentiment d’auto-efficacité initial du parent est prédicteur d’une discipline inconstante, et ce, indépendamment de la condition expérimentale. De plus, les pratiques positives initiales sont prédicteurs d’un sentiment d’auto-efficacité élevé au post-test et ce, indépendamment de la condition expérimentale. / When compared to parents of non-diagnosed children, parents of children with ADHD face a higher risk of experiencing parenting stress, depression, and family functioning problems. They also report lower levels of parental self-efficacy, and use more coercive or inadequate parental practices. Some evidence suggests that parental abilities training programs can help offset some of the risks associated with raising a child with ADHD. Changes in attitudes and parental practices are also associated with reductions in child ADHD symptoms. Parent training interventions therefore represent promising strategies for improving both parent and child outcomes. Nevertheless, the personal characteristics of parents can intervene with their ability to benefit from parental training. Few studies have examined how parental characteristics can influence program efficacy. The objective of the present study is to examine the bidirectional link between parental characteristics (depression, stress, self-efficacy) and parental practices within the context of a parent training program. Baseline parent self-efficacy predicted use of inconsistent discipline regardless of whether parents had followed the training program. Furthermore, baseline positive parental practices predicted parent self-efficacy, regardless of experimental condition.

Žák s SPU na 1. stupni ZŠ / Pupil with disorder of learning in primary school

Šustrová, Eliška January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with specific learning disabilities on the first level of primary education. The theoretical part is devoted to the definition of the basic concepts, to the etiology of the occurrence of specific learning disabilities and to the classification of their manifestation. It draws up the possibilities of the diagnostics and of the follow-up re-education. It describes the possibilities of educating students with disabilities at basic schools or individually. The practical part of this thesis focuses on exploring the issue of specific learning disabilities on the first level of primary education, namely, in the third and fourth grade. Three case reports whose results most visibly pointed to a problem are also present here.

Perfil neuropsicológico e psiquiátrico de adolescentes submetidos a maus tratos / Neuropsychological and psychiatric profile of adolescents exposed to maltreatment

Oliveira, Paula Approbato de 24 May 2013 (has links)
Introdução: Os maus tratos na infância e adolescência são considerados um problema de saúde pública devido a alta prevalência no Brasil e no mundo. A exposição a maus tratos está associada a alterações no desenvolvimento cognitivo, porém, há uma escassez de estudos brasileiros que investiguem o tema. Objetivos: Comparar o funcionamento neuropsicológico de adolescentes com e sem histórico de maus tratos, bem como estudar as relações entre essas vivências, desempenho neuropsicológico e sintomas psiquiátricos relacionados a impulsividade, oposição, hiperatividade e desatenção. Método: Cento e oito adolescentes foram selecionados em dois programas de atendimento a população em situação de vulnerabilidade e/ou risco social de São Paulo (SP). De acordo com a pontuação do Questionário de Traumas na Infância (QUESI), foram classificados em três grupos: GMT1 (grupo de maus tratos leves, n=35), GMT2 (grupo de maus tratos moderado a grave, n=19) e GC (grupo de comparação, n=54). Os adolescentes passaram por avaliação neuropsicológica com o foco na investigação de funções relacionadas a percepção visual e spam atencional (primeira unidade funcional), processamento e armazenamento de informações (segunda unidade funcional) e funcionamento executivo (terceira unidade funcional). Foram utilizadas escalas para avaliação psiquiátrica (K-SADS-PL) e investigação de sintomas de impulsividade, hiperatividade, desatenção e oposição (BIS-1, SNAP-IV). Os resultados obtidos nos grupos foram comparados com o controle estatístico de variáveis sociais (dificuldades socioeconômicas, escolaridade e abrigamento) e clínicas (transtornos psiquiátricos internalizantes e externalizantes, uso de medicação psiquiátrica e quociente intelectual estimado- QI). Por fim, foram feitas associações entre exposição a maus tratos, funcionamento neuropsicológico e sintomas psiquiátricos. Resultados: Os GMTs (grupos de maus tratos) apresentaram pior funcionamento intelectual em relação ao GC, sendo que o pior desempenho foi encontrado no GMT2 (p< 0,001). Medidas menores de QI estiveram associadas a prejuízo nas três unidades funcionais (p<= 0,049) e a mais sintomas de hiperatividade e desatenção (p <= 0,008). Foi encontrado pior desempenho dos GMTs nos testes para avaliação de segunda unidade funcional (p<= 0,001), porém, não foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos na primeira e terceira unidades. Apesar disso, os testes de correlação indicaram que o aumento das pontuações no QUESI estava associado à piora do desempenho em todas as unidades funcionais (p<= 0,046). Os GMTs apresentaram maior impulsividade e oposição (p<= 0,008) e, quanto maior a pontuação no QUESI, maior a presença de sintomas de impulsividade, oposição, sintomas isolados de desatenção e sintomas mistos de desatenção e hiperatividade (p<= 0,006). Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos corroboram a associação entre exposição a maus tratos e dificuldades cognitivas e psiquiátricas. Os dados obtidos poderão contribuir para o planejamento de políticas públicas voltadas tanto à prevenção quanto para o tratamento de patologias associadas ao desenvolvimento neurobiológico alterado de crianças e adolescentes que crescem em condições adversas. / Introduction: Maltreatment experiences in childhood and adolescence are considered a public health problem due to high prevalence in Brazil and worldwide. The exposure to maltreatment is associated with changes in cognitive development; however, there is a shortage of Brazilian research that investigates this topic. Objectives: Comparison of neuropsychological functioning of adolescents with and without maltreatment history, as well as the research of relationships between these experiences, neuropsychological performance, and psychiatric symptoms relating to impulsivity, opposition, hyperactivity, and inattention. Methods: One hundred and eight adolescents were selected from two assistance programs for people in vulnerability and social risk situation in the city of Sao Paulo (SP). According to the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), three groups were classified: GMT1 Group (Mild Maltreatment, n = 35), GMT2 (group of moderate to severe maltreatment, n = 19) and GC (comparison group, n = 54). The adolescents underwent neuropsychological evaluation with a focus on the investigation of functions related to visual perception and attention spam (first functional unit), processing and retention of information (second functional unit) and executive functioning (third functional unit). Scales were used for psychiatric assessment (K-SADS-PL) and investigation of impulsivity, hyperactivity, inattention, and opposition symptoms (SNAP-IV, BIS-11). Results obtained in these groups were compared with statistical control of social variables (socioeconomic, school level, and shelter), and clinical variables (internalizing and externalizing psychiatric disorders, use of psychiatric medication, and estimated intellectual quotient - IQ). Lastly, associations between exposure to maltreatment, neuropsychological functioning and psychiatric symptoms were made. Results: The GMT (maltreatment groups) had a worse intellectual functioning compared to GC, while the worst performance was found in GMT2 (p < 0.001). Lower IQ measures were associated to impairment on the three functional units (p<= 0.049) and to more symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity (p <= 0.008). Worse performance on tests for evaluation of the second functional unit (p<= 0.001) was found for GMT, but no differences were found between the groups on the first and third units. Nevertheless, the correlation tests indicated that the increase in CTQ scores was associated to worse performance in all of the functional units (p<= 0,046). The GMT presented higher impulsivity and opposition (p<= 0,008) and the higher the CTQ score the more symptoms of impulsivity, opposition, isolated symptoms of inattention, and mixed symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity (p<= 0,006). Conclusion: The results confirm the negative association between exposure to maltreatment and psychiatric and cognitive difficulties. The data obtained will contribute to the planning of public policies for both prevention and treatment of diseases associated to altered neurobiological development of children and adolescents who grow up in adverse conditions.

Kognitive Kontrolle bei Aufmerksamkeits Defizit / Hyperaktivitäts Störung / Cognitive Control in Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder

Albrecht, Björn 23 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Élaboration et validation empirique d'un modèle de consultation individuelle auprès des enseignants afin de favoriser l'inclusion scolaire des enfants ayant un TDAH

Nadeau, Marie-France 10 1900 (has links)
Les interventions proactives ou comportementales en classe sont reconnues empiriquement pour leur efficacité à améliorer le comportement ou le rendement scolaire des enfants ayant un TDAH (DuPaul & Eckert, 1997; Hoza, Kaiser, & Hurt, 2008; Pelham & Fabiano, 2008; Zentall, 2005). Or, l’écart entre les interventions probantes et celles retrouvées dans le milieu général de l’éducation souligne l’importance de répliquer les résultats d’études obtenus dans un environnement contrôlé dans un format de livraison réaliste. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’élaborer et d’évaluer un programme de consultation individuelle (PCI) fondé sur une démarche de résolution de problème et d’évaluation fonctionnelle, pour soutenir les enseignants du primaire dans la planification et la mise en œuvre cohérente des interventions privilégiées pour aider les enfants ayant un TDAH. D’abord, une recension des principales modalités d’intervention auprès des enfants ayant un TDAH est effectuée afin d’identifier les interventions à inclure lors du développement du programme. Par la suite, des solutions favorisant le transfert des interventions probantes à la classe ordinaire sont détaillées par la proposition du PCI ayant lieu entre un intervenant psychosocial et l’enseignant. Enfin, l’évaluation du PCI auprès de trente-sept paires enfant-enseignant est présentée. Tous les enfants ont un diagnostic de TDAH et prennent une médication (M). Les parents de certains enfants ont participé à un programme d’entraînement aux habiletés parentales (PEHP). L’échantillon final est: M (n = 4), M et PEHP (n = 11), M et PCI (n = 11), M, PEHP et PCI (n = 11). Les résultats confirment l’efficacité du PCI au-delà de M et M + PEHP pour éviter une aggravation des comportements inappropriés et améliorer le rendement scolaire des enfants ayant un TDAH. Par ailleurs, une augmentation de l’utilisation des stratégies efficaces par l’enseignant est observable lorsqu’il a à la fois participé au PCI et reçu une formation continue sur le TDAH en cours d’emploi. Les implications cliniques de l’intervention pour l’enfant ayant un TDAH et son enseignant de classe ordinaire sont discutées. / Classroom management interventions, such as behavior and academic strategies, are well-established interventions for improving social behavior and academic skills of children with ADHD (DuPaul & Eckert, 1997; Hoza, Kaiser, & Hurt, 2008; Pelham & Fabiano, 2008; Zentall, 2005). However, bridging the gap between research and practice raises the question of the practicality of interventions. Therefore, results from controlled studies need to be replicated in regular classrooms with a format that takes into account the practicality of the intervention. The aim of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of a consultation-based program for teachers (CPT), using a problem-solving approach and a functional assessment to support elementary school teachers in the knowledge of the principles, design and implementation of classroom management evidence-based practices for children with ADHD. First, a review of the literature identifying the main interventions for ADHD children is presented. Then, the consultation-based program for regular class teachers involving solutions in the implementation of these evidence-based strategies in the classroom is detailed. Finally, the evaluation of the CPT implemented with thirty-seven child-teacher pairs is presented. All children were diagnosed as ADHD and received a stimulant medication treatment (M). The parents of some of these children had previously participated in a parent-training program (PTP). The final group composition is: M (n = 4); M + PTP (n = 11), M + CPT (n = 11), M + PTP + CPT (n = 11). Findings confirm the effectiveness of the CPT above and beyond M, and M + PTP to prevent the intensification of inappropriate behaviors and to improve academic performance of ADHD children. Results also indicate that teachers who participated in the CPT and had previous continuing education on ADHD showed a significant improvement of their classroom management strategies. Overall findings offer valuable information for discussing clinical implications for the psychosocial treatment of ADHD children.

Lien bidirectionnel entre des caractéristiques personnelles des parents et leurs pratiques parentales dans un contexte d’intervention

Simard, Myriam 04 1900 (has links)
Les parents d’enfants aux prises avec un trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDA/H) sont à risque de dépression. Ces parents rapportent aussi des relations familiales plus problématiques, des expériences plus stressantes, un sentiment d’auto-efficacité plus faible à l’égard de leur rôle parental et des pratiques parentales plus coercitives ou inadéquates en comparaison aux parents d’enfants sans ce diagnostic. Plusieurs recherches ont relevé que les parents d’enfants ayant un TDA/H qui ont participé à un programme d’entraînement aux habiletés parentales (PEHP) rapportent une amélioration générale des difficultés énumérées précédemment. Le changement d’attitude et de pratiques parentales est souvent relié à une diminution des symptômes du TDA/H chez les enfants. L’intervention peut donc contribuer à améliorer la condition du parent et par le fait même celle de son enfant. Toutefois, le TDA/H est un trouble chronique qui peut affecter certaines caractéristiques personnelles du parent pouvant interférer avec la capacité de ce dernier à bénéficier d’une intervention. Peu d’études s’attardent aux caractéristiques du parent pouvant affecter l’efficacité de l’intervention. Le but de la présente étude est d’étudier le lien bidirectionnel entre certaines caractéristiques personnelles (dépression, stress, sentiment d’auto-efficacité) et les pratiques parentales dans un contexte d’intervention qui s’adresse aux parents d’enfants ayant un TDA/H. Les résultats démontrent que le sentiment d’auto-efficacité initial du parent est prédicteur d’une discipline inconstante, et ce, indépendamment de la condition expérimentale. De plus, les pratiques positives initiales sont prédicteurs d’un sentiment d’auto-efficacité élevé au post-test et ce, indépendamment de la condition expérimentale. / When compared to parents of non-diagnosed children, parents of children with ADHD face a higher risk of experiencing parenting stress, depression, and family functioning problems. They also report lower levels of parental self-efficacy, and use more coercive or inadequate parental practices. Some evidence suggests that parental abilities training programs can help offset some of the risks associated with raising a child with ADHD. Changes in attitudes and parental practices are also associated with reductions in child ADHD symptoms. Parent training interventions therefore represent promising strategies for improving both parent and child outcomes. Nevertheless, the personal characteristics of parents can intervene with their ability to benefit from parental training. Few studies have examined how parental characteristics can influence program efficacy. The objective of the present study is to examine the bidirectional link between parental characteristics (depression, stress, self-efficacy) and parental practices within the context of a parent training program. Baseline parent self-efficacy predicted use of inconsistent discipline regardless of whether parents had followed the training program. Furthermore, baseline positive parental practices predicted parent self-efficacy, regardless of experimental condition.

The association between childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder medication use and symptoms of mental health problems in adolescence : A 15-year longitudinal population-based study

Sabirova, Alina 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Indigo children: gestalt therapeutic guidelines for parents and caretakers; A Christian Perspective.

Grobler, Hermanus Bosman 30 June 2003 (has links)
The motivation for this study was to challenge the Indigo Child phenomenon and to view it from a Christian perspective. Throughout the study the focus was on the researcher's opinion of Christianity, supported by other authors and the Bible. The assumption of the study was that Indigo Children were ordinary children whose behaviour was formed and reinforced by societal and parental influences and guidance. The purpose of the study was to set up guidelines for parents and caretakers in order to facilitate and recommend strategic action regarding the management of these children. Guidelines were set up by using a combination of Gestalt philosophy, a Christian perspective and existing guidelines for so-called Indigo Children. For the purpose of this study Thomas's developmental research and utilization model was applied to the intervention research approach. Semi-structured interviews were used in order to gain information regarding parental styles. The information gained was combined with information found in literature in order to set up guidelines for parents. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)

Perfil neuropsicológico e psiquiátrico de adolescentes submetidos a maus tratos / Neuropsychological and psychiatric profile of adolescents exposed to maltreatment

Paula Approbato de Oliveira 24 May 2013 (has links)
Introdução: Os maus tratos na infância e adolescência são considerados um problema de saúde pública devido a alta prevalência no Brasil e no mundo. A exposição a maus tratos está associada a alterações no desenvolvimento cognitivo, porém, há uma escassez de estudos brasileiros que investiguem o tema. Objetivos: Comparar o funcionamento neuropsicológico de adolescentes com e sem histórico de maus tratos, bem como estudar as relações entre essas vivências, desempenho neuropsicológico e sintomas psiquiátricos relacionados a impulsividade, oposição, hiperatividade e desatenção. Método: Cento e oito adolescentes foram selecionados em dois programas de atendimento a população em situação de vulnerabilidade e/ou risco social de São Paulo (SP). De acordo com a pontuação do Questionário de Traumas na Infância (QUESI), foram classificados em três grupos: GMT1 (grupo de maus tratos leves, n=35), GMT2 (grupo de maus tratos moderado a grave, n=19) e GC (grupo de comparação, n=54). Os adolescentes passaram por avaliação neuropsicológica com o foco na investigação de funções relacionadas a percepção visual e spam atencional (primeira unidade funcional), processamento e armazenamento de informações (segunda unidade funcional) e funcionamento executivo (terceira unidade funcional). Foram utilizadas escalas para avaliação psiquiátrica (K-SADS-PL) e investigação de sintomas de impulsividade, hiperatividade, desatenção e oposição (BIS-1, SNAP-IV). Os resultados obtidos nos grupos foram comparados com o controle estatístico de variáveis sociais (dificuldades socioeconômicas, escolaridade e abrigamento) e clínicas (transtornos psiquiátricos internalizantes e externalizantes, uso de medicação psiquiátrica e quociente intelectual estimado- QI). Por fim, foram feitas associações entre exposição a maus tratos, funcionamento neuropsicológico e sintomas psiquiátricos. Resultados: Os GMTs (grupos de maus tratos) apresentaram pior funcionamento intelectual em relação ao GC, sendo que o pior desempenho foi encontrado no GMT2 (p< 0,001). Medidas menores de QI estiveram associadas a prejuízo nas três unidades funcionais (p<= 0,049) e a mais sintomas de hiperatividade e desatenção (p <= 0,008). Foi encontrado pior desempenho dos GMTs nos testes para avaliação de segunda unidade funcional (p<= 0,001), porém, não foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos na primeira e terceira unidades. Apesar disso, os testes de correlação indicaram que o aumento das pontuações no QUESI estava associado à piora do desempenho em todas as unidades funcionais (p<= 0,046). Os GMTs apresentaram maior impulsividade e oposição (p<= 0,008) e, quanto maior a pontuação no QUESI, maior a presença de sintomas de impulsividade, oposição, sintomas isolados de desatenção e sintomas mistos de desatenção e hiperatividade (p<= 0,006). Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos corroboram a associação entre exposição a maus tratos e dificuldades cognitivas e psiquiátricas. Os dados obtidos poderão contribuir para o planejamento de políticas públicas voltadas tanto à prevenção quanto para o tratamento de patologias associadas ao desenvolvimento neurobiológico alterado de crianças e adolescentes que crescem em condições adversas. / Introduction: Maltreatment experiences in childhood and adolescence are considered a public health problem due to high prevalence in Brazil and worldwide. The exposure to maltreatment is associated with changes in cognitive development; however, there is a shortage of Brazilian research that investigates this topic. Objectives: Comparison of neuropsychological functioning of adolescents with and without maltreatment history, as well as the research of relationships between these experiences, neuropsychological performance, and psychiatric symptoms relating to impulsivity, opposition, hyperactivity, and inattention. Methods: One hundred and eight adolescents were selected from two assistance programs for people in vulnerability and social risk situation in the city of Sao Paulo (SP). According to the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), three groups were classified: GMT1 Group (Mild Maltreatment, n = 35), GMT2 (group of moderate to severe maltreatment, n = 19) and GC (comparison group, n = 54). The adolescents underwent neuropsychological evaluation with a focus on the investigation of functions related to visual perception and attention spam (first functional unit), processing and retention of information (second functional unit) and executive functioning (third functional unit). Scales were used for psychiatric assessment (K-SADS-PL) and investigation of impulsivity, hyperactivity, inattention, and opposition symptoms (SNAP-IV, BIS-11). Results obtained in these groups were compared with statistical control of social variables (socioeconomic, school level, and shelter), and clinical variables (internalizing and externalizing psychiatric disorders, use of psychiatric medication, and estimated intellectual quotient - IQ). Lastly, associations between exposure to maltreatment, neuropsychological functioning and psychiatric symptoms were made. Results: The GMT (maltreatment groups) had a worse intellectual functioning compared to GC, while the worst performance was found in GMT2 (p < 0.001). Lower IQ measures were associated to impairment on the three functional units (p<= 0.049) and to more symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity (p <= 0.008). Worse performance on tests for evaluation of the second functional unit (p<= 0.001) was found for GMT, but no differences were found between the groups on the first and third units. Nevertheless, the correlation tests indicated that the increase in CTQ scores was associated to worse performance in all of the functional units (p<= 0,046). The GMT presented higher impulsivity and opposition (p<= 0,008) and the higher the CTQ score the more symptoms of impulsivity, opposition, isolated symptoms of inattention, and mixed symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity (p<= 0,006). Conclusion: The results confirm the negative association between exposure to maltreatment and psychiatric and cognitive difficulties. The data obtained will contribute to the planning of public policies for both prevention and treatment of diseases associated to altered neurobiological development of children and adolescents who grow up in adverse conditions.

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