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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Drug loaded homogeneous electrospun PCL/gelatin hybrid nanofiber structures for anti-infective tissue regeneration membranes

Xue, J., He, M., Liu, H., Niu, Y., Crawford, A., Coates, Philip D., Chen, D., Shi, R., Zhang, L. 28 July 2014 (has links)
Yes / Infection is the major reason for guided tissue regeneration/guided bone regeneration (GTR/GBR) membrane failure in clinical application. In this work, we developed GTR/GBR membranes with localized drug delivery function to prevent infection by electrospinning of poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) and gelatin blended with metronidazole (MNA). Acetic acid (HAc) was introduced to improve the miscibility of PCL and gelatin to fabricate homogeneous hybrid nanofiber membranes. The effects of the addition of HAc and the MNA content (0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 wt.% of polymer) on the properties of the membranes were investigated. The membranes showed good mechanical properties, appropriate biodegradation rate and barrier function. The controlled and sustained release of MNA from the membranes significantly prevented the colonization of anaerobic bacteria. Cells could adhere to and proliferate on the membranes without cytotoxicity until the MNA content reached 30%. Subcutaneous implantation in rabbits for 8 months demonstrated that MNA-loaded membranes evoked a less severe inflammatory response depending on the dose of MNA than bare membranes. The biodegradation time of the membranes was appropriate for tissue regeneration. These results indicated the potential for using MNA-loaded PCL/gelatin electrospun membranes as anti-infective GTR/GBR membranes to optimize clinical application of GTR/GBR strategies.

Development of Targeted IL-27 for Therapeutic Applications

Grace E Mulia (16497087) 07 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Interleukin-27 (IL-27) is a multifunctional cytokine with the capability for immune modulation. Our interest lies in exploring the properties of IL-27, particularly as an anti inflammatory cytokine that functions as an antagonist of IL-6 signaling, as an inducer of anti-viral genes, as a promoter of tissue repair, and as a regulator of both the innate and adaptive immune responses. Collectively, these functions suggest that IL-27 could be a promising therapeutic agent for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and COVID-19, since both diseases are characterized by the dysregulation of the host’s immune response. To overcome the challenge of repeated administration due to the short half-life of cytokines, we utilized a cell-based gene therapy approach. In this approach, an IL-27-expressing plasmid was transfected into cells that serve as the gene therapy carriers. Adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (ASCs) were chosen as the gene therapy carriers to take advantage of their homing ability to injury sites and their innate immunomodulatory functions. We tested the efficacy of IL-27-expressing ASCs in reducing inflammation in the context of ARDS through lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced models both <i>in vitro</i> and <i>in vivo</i>. Our results indicated that IL-27-expressing ASCs were able to reduce proinflammatory markers, decrease cell infiltration into the lungs, promote genes and immune cells involved in tissue repair, and rebalance innate and adaptive immunity. Additionally, we also modified IL-27 through the addition of an ACE2 targeting motif at the C-terminus. We hypothesized that this targeted form of IL-27 could reduce viral entry of SARS-CoV-2 spike pseudotyped lentivirus in vitro. While our results did not show significant changes in lentiviral entry, we recognize the limitations of our model and suggest that further investigation would be necessary to fully assess the potential of IL-27 as a therapeutic for COVID-19. In conclusion, our results showed promising potential for IL-27 cell-based gene therapy as a treatment for ARDS and COVID-19.</p>

Étude de la polymérisation enzymatique de la malolactonates en présence de lipases / Study of the lipase-catalyzed polymerization of malolactonates

Casajus, Hubert 11 December 2017 (has links)
Les polyesters aliphatiques, comme le poly(acide malique) et ses dérivés, sont une famille de polymères aux propriétés de bio(comptabilité) et de bio(dégradabilité) remarquables, qui en font des candidats de choix pour l'élaboration de systèmes de vectorisation de principes actifs. Généralement, ces polymères sont synthétisés via des réactions de polymérisation utilisant des amorceurs, voir des catalyseurs, organiques, organométalliques ou métalliques. La présence de ces molécules, même à l'état de traces, peut être à l'origine d'une toxicité non souhaitée. Par conséquent, l'utilisation de biocatalyseurs, comme les lipases, se développe pour apporter une solution à cet inconvénient. Cependant, cette voie de synthèse enzymatique fait face à d'autres problèmes, tels qu'une polymérisation moins bien maîtrisée et des polymères de masses molaires faibles. Cette thèse a donc pour objectif de mettre au point une voie de polymérisation du malolactonate de benzyle utilisant la lipase de pancréas de porc (PPL) comme amorceur. Dans un premier temps, nous avons optimisé certains paramètres réactionnels permettant d'obtenir des poly(malate de benzyle) , PMLABe, de masses molaires suffisamment élevées pour que ces polymères puissent être utilisés dans la formulation de vecteurs de principes actifs, grâce à l'utilisation et l'extrapolation d'un plan d'expérience. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés à la compréhension du mécanisme réactionnel de la polymérisation enzymatique du malolactonate de benzyle, une β-lactone β-substituée. Les différentes études menées ont permis d'approfondir notre connaissance dans ce domaine. Deux mécanismes ont été proposés et des expériences sont en cours pour confirmer l'un d'entre eux. Finalement, comme l'objectif initial est de proposer une méthode de synthèse de dérivés du PMLA plus biocompatibles conduisant à des polymères sans résidus d'amorceurs chimiques toxiques, nous avons comparé les activités biologiques de nanoparticules préparées à partir de PMLABe synthétisés par voie chimique et par voie enzymatique. Pour cela, nous avons mesuré la captation de ces nanoparticules, encapsulant une sonde de fluorescence, par des cellules hépatiques HepaRG. Puis, nous avons évalué la toxicité aiguë et la toxicité chronique de ces nanoparticules vis-à-vis des cellules HepaRG. Ces études ont permis de mettre en évidence certaines propriétés des nanoparticules ayant une influence sur la survie cellulaire et le métabolisme des cellules HepaRG. De la compréhension théorique aux applications potentielles, cette thèse apporte des connaissances sur la polymérisation enzymatique des lactones substituées, un domaine peu décrit dans la littérature. / Aliphatic polyesters, like poly(malic acid)and its derivatives, are a family of polymers with outstanding properties, such as bio(degradability) and bio(compatibility). Therefore, these polyesters can be considered as excellent candidates for the design of drug carriers. These kinds of polymers are usually synthesized thanks to polymerization reactions using organic, organometallic or metallic initiators or catalysts. The presence of such molecules, even in trace amounts, can cause undesired toxicities. Therefore, the use of biocatalysts, like lipases, is attracting more and more interest and research work to circumvent this problem. However, this enzymatic polymerization method has to face to other issues, such as a lower controlled of the polymerization process and polymers with lower molar masses. Therefore, this PhD research work aimed at setting up the enzymatic polymerization of benzyl malolactonate, using porcine pancreatic lipase (PPL). Firstly, we have optimized some reactional parameters allowing to obtain poly(benzyl malate), PMLABe, with molar masses adapted to their uses for the design of drug carriers, thanks to a Design of Experiments (DoE) and its extrapolation. We were then interested by the comprehension of the enzymatic polymerization mechanism of the benzyl malolactonate. The different studies we carried out allowed us to deepen our knowledges of such enzymatic polymerization. Two non-canonical mechanisms were proposed and further experiments are in progress to confirm the one which is the more probable. Finally, because our initial goal was to propose a more biocompatible polymerization method to obtain PMLABe free of traces of chemical initiator, we compared biologic activities of different nanoparticles prepared from PMLABe synthesized using chemical or enzymatic pathway. For that, we have first measured the uptake of these nanoparticles encapsulating a fluorescent dye, by the hepatic cells HepaRG. Then, we have studied the acute and chronic toxicity of the nanoparticles on the HepaRG cells. Results of these studies have highlighted that certain properties of the nanoparticles and/or of the polymers which constituted them have an influence on the cells viability and on the cells metabolism. From the theoretical mechanism to the probable applications, this thesis brings knowledge about the enzymatic polymerization of substituted lactone, a field poorly described in the literature.

Možnosti využití polymerních donorů oxidu dusnatého pro léčbu myších experimentálních nádorů / Possible applications of polymeric nitric oxide donors in treatment of murine experimental tumors

Horková, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
Polymer-based drug delivery systems represent one of the promising strategies for successful tumor treatment. Conjugation of a low-molecular-weight drug to a syn- thetic polymer carrier enables targeted drug delivery to tumor tissue/cells and limited systemic toxicity of the drug. The conjugates show extended circulation time, and preferentially accumulate in tumor tissue due to the Enhanced Permeability and Re- tention (EPR) effect. The EPR effect depends on a structural anomaly in tumor neovasculature, and vasodilators were shown to enhance the EPR effect via an in- crease of blood supply in the tumor. Polymer drug carriers based on water-soluble N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (HPMA) benefit from variable architecture, drug loading and controlled release. HPMA-based conjugates with cancerostatics have al- ready proved high anti-tumor activity, inducing complete tumor regression followed by resistance to a second tumor challenge in experimental murine models. Three HPMA-based conjugates with organic nitrates (labeled 1, 2, and 3) were pre- pared as polymer donors of nitric oxide (NO) with the aim to intensify the EPR effect, thereby enhancing accumulation of co-administered macromolecular cancerostatics in the tumor. In this study, the conjugates were non-toxic to cancer cells and did not potentiate...

??tude de micelles de copolym??res ?? blocs r??pondants ?? deux stimuli

Xuan, Juan January 2014 (has links)
R??sum?? : Les copolym??res ?? blocs sensibles aux stimuli (SR-BCPs) et leurs assemblages, tels que les micelles, les v??sicules et les hydrogels, peuvent subir des changements physiques ou chimiques en r??ponse ?? l'??volution des conditions environnementales. Pour un excellent SR-BCP, habituellement, de l??g??res modifications de l'environnement sont suffisantes pour induire des modifications relativement drastiques dans la conformation, la structure ou les propri??t??s du polym??re. Ces polym??res sont aussi appel??s polym??res stimuli-r??actifs ou polym??res intelligents et ils ont un grand potentiel d'application dans de nombreux domaines. Au cours des deux derni??res d??cennies, un int??r??t de recherche et d??veloppement particulier a ??t?? port?? sur l'exploitation des SR-BCPs pour utilisation comme syst??mes de relargage de m??dicaments. Dans de nombreux cas, les changements induits par des stimuli dans la structure ou la morphologie des assemblages de BCPs peuvent entra??ner la lib??ration de l'esp??ce encapsul??e, parfois d'une mani??re contr??lable spatialement et temporellement par le choix d'un stimulus appropri?? et en ajustant les param??tres de la m??thode de stimulation utilis??e. De fa??on g??n??rale, le fait d???avoir un certain type de groupements r??actifs ?? un stimulus donn?? dans la structure permet aux SR-BCPs de reconna??tre et r??agir ?? ce stimulus. Malgr?? les ??normes progr??s r??alis??s sur les SR-BCPs, un certain nombre de questions fondamentales restent ?? r??soudre afin de leur permettre de se trouver dans des applications pratiques. Pour y arriver, la cl?? ou le d??fi r??side dans l???am??lioration du niveau et de la complexit?? de contr??le sur les SR-BCPs ainsi que la sensibilit?? avec laquelle ces polym??res r??agissent ?? des stimuli. G??n??ralement, il est souhaitable d'obtenir une r??action rapide sous l'action d'une stimulation mod??r??e. A cette fin, il est n??cessaire d???effectuer des recherches fondamentales sur la conception rationnelle de nouveaux SR-BCPs ainsi que sur le d??veloppement de m??thodes de stimulation qui peuvent amplifier l'effet d'un stimulus. Les travaux de recherche pr??sent??s dans cette th??se s'inscrivent dans ce domaine de recherche. Plus sp??cifiquement, nous avons ??tudi?? des micelles de BCPs qui r??pondent ?? deux types de stimuli. D'une part, nous avons ??tudi?? un m??canisme d'amplification bas?? sur l???effet des ultrasons combin?? ?? la thermosensibilit?? de BCPs. D'autre part, nous avons d??velopp?? une nouvelle conception de BCPs qui permet aux micelles d?????tre d??truites soit de mani??re photochimique, soit par des r??actions d'oxydo-r??duction, tout en ayant le nombre minimum des groupes stimuli-r??actifs dans la structure du polym??re. Notre recherche a g??n??r?? de nouvelles connaissances dans ce domaine et sugg??re de nouveaux moyens sur la fa??on dont les questions de sensibilit?? et de contr??le complexe des micelles SR-BCPs peuvent ??tre abord??es, contribuant ainsi ?? l'avancement des connaissances fondamentales. Le c??ur de cette th??se est compos?? de trois publications r??sultant des projets r??alis??s. Dans le premier projet, afin de coupler la sensibilit?? aux ultrasons et la thermosensibilit??, nous avons men?? une ??tude ayant pour but de trouver des structures possibles de polym??res qui sont susceptibles d'??tre affect??es par les ultrasons. Nous avons effectu?? une ??tude comparative sur la destruction des micelles form??es par divers BCPs et la lib??ration concomitante d'un colorant hydrophobe encapsul?? (rouge du Nil) par les ultrasons focalis??s de haute intensit?? (HIFU). Nous avons constat?? que toutes les micelles form??es par les quatre copolym??res diblocs synth??tis??s, ??tant constitu??s d'un m??me bloc du polyoxyde d'??thyl??ne (PEO) hydrophile et d???un bloc de polym??thacrylate hydrophobe diff??rent, peuvent ??tre perturb??es par les ultrasons. Toutefois, l'ampleur de la perturbation et la lib??ration du colorant encapsul?? dans la micelle est influenc??e par la structure chimique du block hydrophobe. En particulier, les micelles du PEO-b-PIBMA (poly(1-isobutoxym??thacrylate d'??thyle)) et du PEO-b-PTHPMA (poly(m??thacrylate de 2-t??trahydropyrannyle)), qui poss??dent une unit?? ac??tal labile dans le groupe lat??ral, subissent des perturbations plus importantes en raison, probablement, d???une r??action d???hydrolyse de l???ester induite par les ultrasons, donnant lieu ?? une lib??ration plus rapide du colorant. En revanche, les micelles du PEO-b-PMMA (poly(m??thacrylate de m??thyle)), dont le bloc polym??thacrylate est plus stable, sont plus r??sistantes aux ultrasons et pr??sentent une cin??tique de lib??ration du colorant plus lente que les autres micelles. De plus, l???analyse des spectres infrarouges des solutions micellaires, enregistr??s avant et apr??s l???exposition aux ultrasons, sugg??re une r??action d???hydrolyses pour le PEO-b-PIBMA et le PEO-b-PTHPMA, mais montre l'absence d???une quelconque r??action chimique pour le PEO-b-PMMA. L'effet de la structure de copolym??re ?? blocs sur la r??activit?? des micelles ?? l'irradiation HIFU ?? hautes fr??quences permet de mieux comprendre comment des micelles de BCPs sensibles aux ultrasons peuvent ??tre con??ues. Sur la base du premier projet, dans le deuxi??me projet, nous avons d??montr?? une nouvelle approche pouvant amplifier l'effet de HIFU sur la destruction des micelles de BCPs en solution aqueuse. L???id??e est d???introduire une petite quantit?? des unit??s comonom??res sensibles aux ultrasons dans le bloc thermosensible et initialement hydrophobe. On peut alors former une micelle dont le noyau est compos?? du polym??re sensible aux ultrasons. Si la r??action induite par les ultrasons sur le noyau permet d???augmenter la temp??rature de solution critique inf??rieure (LCST) du polym??re thermosensible au-dessus de la temp??rature de la solution micellaire, la micelle doit ??tre dissolue car tout le BCP est devenu soluble dans l???eau. Pour tester la validit?? de ce nouveau m??canisme, nous avons synth??tis?? et ??tudi?? un copolym??re dibloc de PEO-b-P(MEO[indice inf??rieur 2]MA-co-THPMA) (MEO[indice inf??rieur 2]MA repr??sente 2-(2-m??thoxy??thoxy) m??thacrylate d'??thyle), dans lequel le bloc thermosensible P(MEO[indice inf??rieur 2]MA-co-THPMA) est hydrophobe ?? T>LCST. Le THPMA a ??t?? choisi en raison de sa plus grande r??activit?? vis-??-vis des faisceaux HIFU que les autres monom??res ??tudi??s dans le premier projet. Les r??sultats montrent que les HIFU peuvent effectivement augmenter la LCST du bloc P(MEO[indice inf??rieur 2]MA-co-THPMA) et, par cons??quent, induire la dissociation des micelles ?? une temp??rature constante de la solution. Une analyse spectrale en RMN [indice sup??rieur 13]C a fourni des preuves montrant que l'hydrolyse des groupes THPMA se produit sous l???irradiation HIFU et que la destruction des micelles provient d'une augmentation de la LCST en raison de la conversion des motifs hydrophobes THPMA en motifs acides m??thacryliques (MAA) hydrophiles. Cette m??thode de modifier la LCST par une irradiation des ultrasons est g??n??rale et peut ??tre appliqu??e aux autres groupements sensibles aux ultrasons dans la conception de ce type de SR-BCPs. Cette ??tude a ainsi d??montr?? un nouveau m??canisme d'amplification et de contr??le des micelles de BCPs via la modification induite par les ultrasons de la temp??rature de transition de phase (LCST) du bloc constituant le noyau micellaire. Le troisi??me projet pr??sent?? dans cette th??se portait sur une conception rationnelle de BCPs ayant un but pr??cis: permettre aux micelles d?????tre perturb??es par deux types de stimuli en utilisant le nombre minimal des unit??s sensibles ?? des stimuli dans la structure de BCPs. Pour ce faire, nous avons con??u et synth??tis?? un nouveau copolym??re tribloc amphiphile de type ABC, soit le poly(oxyde d'??thyl??ne) - disulfure ??? polystyrene - o-nitrobenzyle - poly(2-(dim??thylamino) ??thylm??thacrylate) (PEO-S-S-PS-ONB-PDMAEMA). Il dispose d'une liaison disulfure redox-clivable entre les blocs PEO et PS ainsi que d'un groupe o-nitrobenzyle (ONB) photoclivable ?? la jonction des blocs PS et PDMAEMA. Nous avons montr?? que ce mod??le est une strat??gie utile pour permettre aux micelles de BCPs de r??pondre soit ?? un agent r??ducteur comme le dithiothr??itol (DTT) dans une solution, soit ?? l'exposition ?? la lumi??re UV, tout en ayant le nombre minimum des groups stimuli-r??actifs dans la structure du copolym??re (deux unit??s par cha??ne). Nos investigations ont r??v??l?? que les micelles de ce copolym??re tribloc peuvent ??tre perturb??es de diff??rentes fa??ons. Lorsqu'un seul stimulus est appliqu??, l'enl??vement d'un type des cha??nes de polym??re hydrophile ?? partir de la couronne de micelles, soit le PEO par clivage par oxydo-r??duction ou le PDMAEMA par photoclivage, entra??ne un effet limit?? de d??stabilisation sur la dispersion des micelles. L'agglom??ration de quelques micelles appara??t mais la dispersion reste essentiellement stable. En revanche, en cas d'utilisation combin??e des deux stimuli qui clivent ?? la fois le PEO et le PDMAEMA, une agr??gation importante du polym??re se produit ?? la suite de l'??limination de l'amphiphilicit?? du polym??re. // Abstract : Stimuli-responsive block copolymers (SR-BCPs) and their assemblies, such as micelles, vesicles and hydrogels, can undergo physical or chemical changes in response to changing environmental conditions. For an excellent SR-BCP, usually, slight changes in the environment are sufficient to induce relatively drastic changes in either the conformation or structure or properties of the polymer. Stimuli-reactive polymers are often referred to as smart polymers and they have great application potential in many fields. Over the past two decades, particular research and development interest has been focused on exploiting SR-BCP assemblies as drug delivery systems (DDSs). In many cases, stimuli-induced changes in the structure or morphology of BCP assemblies (drug carriers) can result in the release of loaded species, sometimes in a spatially and temporally controllable manner by choosing an appropriate stimulus and adjusting the parameters of the used stimulating method. Generally speaking, by having a certain type of stimuli-reactive moieties in the structure, SR-BCP assemblies have an ability to recognize a specific stimulus and react to its presence accordingly. Despite the tremendous progress achieved on SR-BCPs, a number of fundamental issues remain to be addressed in order to enable real-life applications of these smart polymers. Of them, an increasing level and complexity of control on SR-BCPs as well as the sensitivity with which these polymers react to stimuli are key and challenging. It is highly desirable to obtain a fast reaction under the action of a modest stimulation. To this end, fundamental research is necessary on rational and creative BCP structural design as well as on development of stimulation methods that can amplify the effect of a stimulus. The research work presented in this thesis falls into this important topic. More specifically, we studied BCP micelles that are responsive to two types of stimuli. On the one hand, we investigated an amplification mechanism based on coupling the ultrasound reactivity with the thermosensitivity of BCPs. On the other hand, we developed a BCP structural design that allows micelles to be disrupted by either light or redox agents while having the minimum number of stimuli-reactive moieties in the polymer structure. Our research provided new insights into and suggested new means on how the issues of sensitivity and complex control of SR-BCP micelles can be tackled, thus contributing to the advancement of fundamental knowledge. The core of this thesis is comprised of three publications resulting from the projects realized in our research work. In order to couple the ultrasound sensitivity and thermosensitivity, in the first project, we carried out studies to find possible polymer structures that are susceptible to be affected by ultrasound. We conducted a comparative study on the disruption of the micelles formed by various BCPs and the concomitant release of an encapsulated hydrophobic dye (Nile Red) by high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). It was found that all micelles formed by the four synthesized diblock copolymers, being composed of a hydrophilic poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) block and a different polymethacrylate hydrophobic block, could be disrupted by ultrasound. However, the extent of the micellar disruption and dye release was found to be influenced by the chemical structure of the micelle-core-forming hydrophobic polymethacrylate. In particular, micelles of PEO-b-PIBMA (poly(1-(isobutoxy)ethyl methacrylate)) and PEO-b-PTHPMA (poly(2-tetrahydropyranyl methacrylate)), whose hydrophobic blocks have a labile acetal unit in the side group and are more likely to undergo ester hydrolysis, could be disrupted more severely by ultrasound, giving rise to a faster release of Nile Red. By contrast, micelles of PEO-b-PMMA (poly(methyl methacrylate)), whose polymethacrylate block is more stable, appear to be more resistant to ultrasound irradiation and exhibit a slower rate of dye release than other BCPs. Moreover, infrared spectra recorded with micelles before and after ultrasound irradiation of the aqueous solution of the micelles give evidence for the occurrence of chemical reactions, most likely hydrolysis, for PEO-b-PIBMA and PEO-b-PTHPMA, but absence of chemical reactions for PEO-b-PMMA. The effect of BCP chemical structure on the reaction of micelles to high-frequency HIFU irradiation shows the perspective of designing and developing ultrasound-sensitive BCP micelles for ultrasound-based delivery applications. On the basis of the first project, in the second project, we demonstrated a new approach that could amplify the effect of HIFU on the disassembly of BCP micelles in aqueous solution. By introducing a small amount of ultrasound-labile comonomer units into the micelle core-forming thermosensitive polymer, the ultrasound-induced reaction of the comonomer could increase the lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of the thermosensitive polymer due to a polarity change, which renders the BCP soluble in water without changing the solution temperature and, consequently, results in disassembly of BCP micelles. To prove the validity of this new mechanism, we synthesized and investigated a diblock copolymer of PEO-b-P(MEO[subscript 2]MA-co-THPMA) (MEO[subscript 2]MA stands for 2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethyl methacrylate). In the thermosensitive random copolymer block P(MEO[subscript 2]MA-co-THPMA), which is hydrophobic at T>LCST, THPMA was chosen due to its greater reactivity under HIFU than other monomer structures investigated in the first project. We found that HIFU could indeed increase the LCST of the P(MEO[subscript 2]MA-co-THPMA) block and, as a result, dissociate the BCP micelles at a constant temperature. A [superscript 13]C NMR spectral analysis provided critical evidence that hydrolysis of the THPMA groups occurs under HIFU irradiation and the micellar disassembly originates from an increase in the LCST due to the ultrasound-induced conversion of hydrophobic comonomer units of THPMA onto hydrophilic methacrylic acid (MAA). This ultrasound-changeable-LCST approach is general and can be applied by exploring other ultrasound-labile moieties in the BCP design. By transducing an ultrasound-induced effect into a changing thermosensitivity of the micelle core-forming block, this study demonstrated a new amplification and control mechanism for SR-BCP micelles. The third project presented in this thesis dealt with a rational BCP design that had a specific purpose: allowing BCP micelles to be disrupted by two types of stimuli while using the minimum number of stimuli-reactive moieties in the BCP structure. The unveiling of such BCP structures provides insight into how to make BCP micelles sensitive to stimuli. To do this, we designed and synthesized a new amphiphilic ABC-type triblock copolymer, namely, poly(ethylene oxide)-disulfide-polystyrene- o-nitrobenzyl-poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethylmethacrylate) (PEO-S-S-PS-ONB-PDMAEMA), which features a redox-cleavable disulfide linkage between the PEO and PS blocks as well as a photocleavable ONB group as the junction of the PS and PDMAEMA blocks. We demonstrated that this design is a useful strategy to allow BCP micelles to respond to both a reducing agent like dithiothreitol (DTT) in solution and exposure to UV light while having the minimum number of stimuli-reactive moieties in the block copolymer structure (two units per chain). Our investigations found that the micelles of this triblock copolymer could be disrupted in different ways. When only one stimulus is applied, the removal of one type of hydrophilic polymer chains from the micelle corona, either PEO by redox-cleavage or PDMAEMA by photocleavage, results in a limited destabilization effect on the dispersion of the micelles. The agglomeration between a few micelles appears but the dispersion remains essentially stable. By contrast, under combined use of the two stimuli that cleaves both PEO and PDMAEMA, severe polymer aggregation occurs as a result of elimination of the polymer amphiphilicity. Moreover, by loading the hydrophobic Nile Red in the micelles, the fluorescence quenching of the dye by aqueous medium under the different uses of the two stimuli appears to correlate with the different extents of the micellar disruption. // ?????? : ??????????????????????????????SR-BCPs???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????SR-BCP???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????-??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????SR-BCP?????????????????????????????????DDSs???????????????????????????????????????BCP?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????-????????????????????????SR-BCP??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 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Therapeutic Applications of Biodegradable Chitosan Based Polyelectrolyte Nanocapsules

Thomas, Midhun Ben January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The past few years have witnessed significant work being directed towards drug delivery systems with layer-by layer (LbL) technique prominently featured as one of the most sought after approach. However, majority of the studies were focused on the fabrication of microcapsules which produced numerous drawbacks resulting in reduced applicability. This has spurred research into nanocapsules which has proved to overcome most of the drawbacks that plagued microcapsules by being able to evade the reticulo-endothelial system, exhibit enhanced permeability and retention in tumours etc. The capsules fabricated by the LbL technique requires a suitable combination of cationic and anionic polyelectrolytes which ensures that it is able to effectively protect the cargo it encapsulates as well as enhance its bio-applications. With numerous advantages such as biocompatibility and biodegradability to name a few, chitosan has proved to be an ideal cationic polyelectrolyte. Thus, this thesis focuses on the various therapeutic applications of LbL fabricated chitosan based nanocapsules. The first work focuses on the targeted delivery of the somatostatin analogue, Octreotide conjugated nanocapsules to over expressed somatostatin receptors. These LbL fabricated nanocapsules composed of chitosan and dextran sulfate (CD) encapsulate the anti cancer drug, doxorubicin and are found to attain site specificity as well as enhanced anti-proliferative activity. The results indicated that the nanocapsules were biocompatible and when conjugated with octreotide was found to have an enhanced internalization into SSTR expressing cells, thereby making it a viable strategy for the treatment of tumors that has an over expression of somatostatin receptors such as pancreatic carcinoma, breast carcinoma etc. The objective of the second work was to develop an efficient drug delivery system such as CD nanocapsules for encapsulation of Ciprofloxacin in order to combat infection by Salmonella, an intracellular and intra-phagosomal pathogen. In vitro and in vivo experiments showed that this delivery system can be used effectively to clear Salmonella infection. The increased retention of ciprofloxacin in tissues delivered by CD nanocapsules as compared to the conventional delivery proved that the same therapeutic effect was obtained with reduced dosage and frequency of Ciprofloxacin administration. The third work deals with the probiotic, Saccharomyces boulardii which is found to be effective against several gastrointestinal diseases but had limited clinical application due to its sensitivity to acidic environment. However, encapsulation of S. boulardii with chitosan and dextran sulfate ensured enhanced viability and selective permeability on exposure to acidic and alkaline conditions experienced during gastro intestinal transit. The final work involves the fabrication of novel pH responsive nanocapsules composed of chitosan-heparin which facilitate the intracellular delivery of a model anti-cancer drug, doxorubicin.

Interactions et propriétés physico-chimiques de surfaces modèles de biomatériaux

Giraud, Lucie 12 1900 (has links)
La surface d’un implant ou d’un système à libération contrôlée de médicament est la première zone en contact avec les systèmes physiologiques. Les propriétés de surface vont alors définir le devenir à court et long termes de ces biomatériaux dans l’organisme. Pour améliorer la biointégration mais aussi l’efficacité des matériaux en contact avec les fluides et tissus biologiques, un fin contrôle des phénomènes se produisant à l’interface biologique est nécessaire. Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’étude de trois types de surfaces pouvant modéliser celles de biomatériaux couramment employés. Dans un premier temps, la stabilité hydrolytique de surface amino-fonctionnalisée a été investiguée. L’amino-fonctionnalisation de surface via l’emploi de monocouche auto-assemblée rencontre un intérêt certain pour l’ancrage de diverses molécules, macromolécules, systèmes colloïdaux et cellules. Cependant, le manque de stabilité en milieu aqueux limite grandement leurs perspectives d’utilisation pour la fonctionnalisation de surface de biomatériaux. Dans ce manuscrit, une monocouche amino-fonctionnalisée à base d’aminoalkylsilane a été greffée sur des substrats de silicate (silice et mica). L’extrême stabilité hydrolytique rapportée pour cette monocouche permet une immersion prolongée en milieu aqueux et sur une large gamme de pH. Les paramètres ayant été identifiés comme impactant cette stabilité sont l’organisation de la monocouche, la densité de greffage et la longueur de la chaîne carbonée de l’aminoalkylsilane. Dans un second temps, les propriétés lubrifiantes en milieu aqueux de surfaces structurées sont rapportées. Le besoin en surface autolubrifiante couvre une large variété de biomatériaux tels que les substituts cartilagineux, les dispositifs oculaires ou bien les cathéters. Des structures dômes ont été produites sur des surfaces via l’immobilisation de particules. Des particules polymériques à base de polyélectrolytes sensibles aux variations de pH ont permis l’obtention de structures molles et déformables alors que l’immobilisation de particules de silice a permis la formation de structures dures. Deux mécanismes majeurs contrôlant les propriétés de frottement ont été mis en évidence. Les surfaces structurées à partir de polyélectrolytes présentent des propriétés de frottement directement corrélées au gonflement et donc à la teneur en eau de ces structures. Ce ii gonflement peut être contrôlé par le pH du milieu aqueux. Plus les structures sont gonflées, plus le coefficient de frottement est faible. En revanche, avec des structures dures obtenues par l’immobilisation de particules de silice, le roulement de ces particules permet d’obtenir sous certaines conditions des coefficients de frottement extrêmement faibles. Dans ce cas, la nature du lien entre la particule et le substrat importe peu et un dégreffage systématique de certaines particules est observé pour permettre le mouvement des surfaces tout en limitant les forces de frottement. Dans un troisième temps, la complexation de simples brins de siARN via différentes natures d’interactions a été étudiée à l’aide de surfaces modèles de chimie variable. Cette étude a permis de démontrer la possibilité d'adsorber des simples brins de siARN via des interactions non-électrostatiques sur des surfaces planes. Des interactions hydrophobes et les liaisons hydrogène ont par la suite pu être employées pour complexer cet acide nucléique avec des formulations micellaires et liposomales non-cationiques. Cette étude permet d'envisager la conception de nanovecteurs non-cationiques et donc moins toxiques pour la délivrance de simples brins de siARN. Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit contribuent à l’élargissement des connaissances en matière de propriétés physico-chimiques de surface aux interfaces biologiques. / The surface of an implant or a drug delivery system is the first area of contact with biological environment. The surface properties of these biomaterials will define the short and long term behavior in the organism. To improve biointegration and efficiency, a fine control of the biological interface is required. This thesis investigates three different kind of surfaces modelling commonly used biomaterials. First, the hydrolytic stability of amino-functionalized surfaces was investigated. The amino-functionalization using self-assembled monolayers is required for the anchorage of molecules, macromolecules, colloidal systems and cells onto biomaterials. However, the lack of stability in aqueous media limits their use. In this manuscript, an amino-functionalized self-assembled monolayer made of aminoalkylsilane was grafted onto silicate substrates (silica and mica). The extreme robustness that we reported for this monolayer allows immersion into aqueous media for a wide range of pH and over long periods of time. The most important parameters that were identified that significantly impact the hydrolytic stability are the order of the monolayers, the grafting density and the length of the alkyl chain of the aminoalkylsilane. Second, the lubricant properties in aqueous media of structured surfaces are reported. The need in self-lubricant surfaces is required in a wide variety of biomaterials such as the cartilage substitute, ocular medical device or catheters. Domed structures were produced on surfaces through immobilization of particles. Polymeric nanoparticles composed of pH-sensitive polyelectrolytes were used to prepared soft and deformable structures while the immobilization of silica particles allows hard structures to be created. Two main mechanisms controlling friction properties were identified. Friction properties of structured surfaces made of polyelectrolytes were controlled by the swelling and the water content of the particles. This swelling can be tuned by changing the pH of the aqueous media. An increase in particle swelling leads to a decrease in the friction coefficient. However, with the hard structures, the rolling of the particles in some cases can also lead to extremely low friction coefficient. In that case, the nature of the attachment of iv the particle to the surface does not matter and systematic degrafting of some particles was observed which allows surfaces to slide with small friction forces. Third, the complexation of a single-stranded siRNA through different interactions was investigated with model surfaces of various chemistry. The results show that ss-siRNA can adsorb onto hydrophilic (positively and negatively charged) as well as on hydrophobic substrates suggesting that the complexation can occur through hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonding in addition to electrostatic interactions. This study suggests that non-electrostatic interactions could be exploited to complement electrostatic interactions in the design of less toxic nanocarriers and that non-cationics nanovectors can be employed as a potential single-stranded siRNA delivery systems. The results presented in this thesis contribute to increase the knowledge in the field of physico-chemistry surface properties of biological interfaces.

Design & Fabrication of Bio-responsive Drug Carriers Based on Protamine & Chondroitin Sulphate Biopolymers

Radhakrishnan, Krishna January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The present thesis focuses on the fabrication of bio-stimuli responsive micro- and nano-carriers for drug delivery applications. In particular, the objective of this work is to investigate the possibility of using polypeptide drug protamine and glycosaminoglycan drug, chondroitin sulphate as stimuli responsive components in the design of bioresponsive carriers. These biopolymers are biocompatible, biodegradable and clinically used for various applications. Two designs that incorporate these stimuli responsive components have been studied in this thesis. The first design involves hollow micro and nanocapsules that have been fabricated by incorporating the stimuli responsive biopolymers as wall components. Upon exposure to biological triggers, these hollow capsules disintegrate releasing the encapsulated drug. The second design consists of mesoporous silica nanoparticles-biopolymer hybrids. The mesoporous silica nanoparticles act as a gated scaffold that carries the drug molecules. The mesopores of these drug loaded nanoparticles are then blocked with the bioresponsive polymers. Upon exposure to the bio-triggers which consist of enzymes over-expressed in conditions such as cancer and inflammation, these “molecular gates” disintegrate allowing the drug trapped in the mesoporous silica nanoparticles to escape into the surroundings. The thesis has been divided into five chapters: Chapter 1 is an introduction to bio-responsive drug delivery. The broad classification of stimuli used in responsive drug delivery systems are visited. A brief discussion on the various types of bio-stimuli that can be utilized in designing bio-responsive systems is also included in this chapter. Chapter 2 defines the aims and scope of the thesis which is followed by an overview of the various design parameters involved in the fabrication of systems presented in this work. The major stimuli responsive components and the architectures incorporating these elements are discussed in detail here. A literature review of the various carrier designs involved in the study is provided , with special emphasis on stimuli responsive drug delivery. Chapter 3 gives an overview of the various materials and methods involved in this work. A summary of the various characterisation techniques used in the thesis is also included along with the details of the experiments that has been carried out. Chapter 4 provides an overview of the results and discussions of the thesis. The chapter has been divided into six sections: Chapter 4.1 deals with the fabrication of a hollow microcapsule system incorporated with protamine as the stimuli responsive element for bio-responsive drug delivery. The hollow microcapsules that were fabricated by Layer by Layer assembly of protamine and heparin display pH responsive variations in permeability and disintegrate in the presence of the enzyme trypsin that degrades protamine. The biologically triggered enzyme responsive drug release from these microcapsules is also demonstrated using enzymes secreted by colorectal cancer cells. Chapter 4.2 presents nanocapsules fabricated from protamine and heparin. The pH and enzyme responsive drug release of this systems is evaluated in vitro. A wall crosslinking strategy has been tested to control the rate of drug release under physiological pH conditions in the absence of the trigger. The cellular interactions of these nanocapsules loaded with an anticancer drug, doxorubicin was studied using cancer cell lines. Bioavailability studies of doxorubicin encapsulated in these nanocapsules were performed using a BALB/c mice model. Chapter 4.3 discusses the fabrication of a hollow microcapsule system that can disintegrate in response to dual biological stimuli. These carriers have been fabricated by incorporating protamine and chondroitin sulphate as the wall components. Due to the incorporation of two separate stimuli responsive components in the walls, these capsules are expected to be sensitive to the enzymes trypsin or hyaluronidase I. Chapter 4.4 deals with the fabrication of dual enzyme responsive hollow nanocapsule which can be targeted to deliver anticancer agents specifically inside cancer cells. The enzyme responsive elements integrated in the hollow nanocapsule walls can undergo degradation in presence of either of the enzymes trypsin or hyaluronidase I leading to the release of encapsulated drug molecules. The drug release from these nanocapsules which were crosslinked and functionalised with folic acid, is evaluated under varying conditions. The cellular uptake and intracellular drug delivery by these nanocapsules were evaluated in cervical cancer cell lines. Chapter 4.5 introduces a mesoporous silica nanoparticle − protamine hybrid system. The system consists of a mesoporous silica nanoparticle support whose mesopores are capped with protamine which effectively blocks the outward diffusion of the drug molecules from the mesopores of the mesoporous silica nanoparticles. Upon exposure to the enzyme trigger, the protamine cap disintegrates opening up the molecular gates and releasing the entrapped drug molecules. The drug release from this system is evaluated in different release conditions in the presence and absence of the enzyme trigger. The ability of these particles to deliver hydrophobic anticancer drugs and induce cell death in colorectal cancer cells has also been demonstrated. Chapter 4.6 discusses the fabrication of another mesoporous silica nanoparticles based bio-responsive drug delivery system consisting of mesoporous silica and chondroitin sulphate hybrid nanoparticles. The ability of the system to modulate drug release in response to hyaluronidase I is demonstrated. By utilizing a cervical cancer cell line, we have demonstrated the cellular uptake and intracellular delivery of hydrophobic drugs encapsulated in these particles. Interestingly, the system showed ability to enhance the anticancer activity of hydrophobic drug curcumin in these cancer cells. Chapter 5 gives a summary of the general conclusions drawn from the thesis work.

Laser-based technologies for targeted drug delivery and label-free diagnostics in HIV-1

Malabi, Rudzani 04 1900 (has links)
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) still causes a chronic infection that affects millions of individuals worldwide. The infection remains incurable and presents a huge challenge for treatment, as it tends to disable a patient’s immune system. Although the current HIV-1 treatment regime possesses the ability to reduce the viral load to undetectable limits, complete eradication of the virus cannot be achieved while latent HIV-1 reservoirs go unchallenged. These viral reservoirs are established early on during HIV-1 infection and are a major hurdle since they remain unaffected by antiretroviral drugs and have the ability to replenish systemic infections once treatment is interrupted. Further ailments with the highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) include issues such as the cumbersome lifelong treatment, development of drug resistant strains of HIV-1 and adverse side effects. Contrarily, early diagnosis of the HIV-1 infection and HIV-1 treatment is a major challenge in resource-limited countries. The current available diagnostic tools for HIV-1 infection have shown to be highly accurate in monitoring CD4+ T lymphocyte count and viral load measurements. However, these tests such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which are highly efficient, are usually very expensive with complex operation, time consuming, require skilled personnel and training that makes them incompatible for the application in resource-limited areas. Therefore, this raises the urgent need for developing an HIV point of care (POC) diagnostic tool that is label-free, highly specific and sensitive as well as therapeutic modalities, which can be used to address the previously mentioned challenges. Much research has been conducted to resolve these problems but to date, there has not been application of laser and/or photonics in HIV research. Therefore, in this thesis a femtosecond laser was used in HIV infected cells for targeted antiretroviral drug delivery while preserving their viability. For the first time according to our knowledge, antiretrovirals (ARVs) that target all the life stages of the HIV-1 life cycle were utilized and they proved to be significant in reducing HIV-1 infection. Furthermore, through the employment of a continuous wave laser at 640 nm, for the first time, surface plasmon resonance was conducted to facilitate label-free detection of HIV-1. Success of these laser based technologies will open doors for incorporation in POC HIV diagnostic tools for the detection and treatment monitoring of HIV in resource-limited settings. / Physics / Ph. D. (Physics)

Nanodispositivos inteligentes para liberación controlada de fotosensibilizadores en terapia fotodinámica

Gorbe Moya, Mónica 19 January 2025 (has links)
[ES] La terapia fotodinámica (PDT) y la terapia fototérmica (PTT) son alternativas prometedoras, poco invasivas y muy localizadas a los tratamientos tradicionales contra el cáncer. Ambas se basan en la acción de transductores de energía lumínica (fotosensibilizadores, PS o agentes fototérmicos, PTA) responsables de la transducción de la energía lumínica en mediadores químicos o energía térmica, respectivamente, y la consiguiente destrucción de los tejidos tumorales. En la PDT, la activación con luz de un PS, genera oxígeno singlete y otras especies de oxígeno reactivo (ROS) al reaccionar con el oxígeno molecular, y destruyendo los tejidos tumorales y su microvasculatura. El éxito de esta terapia se basa en la elección de un PS óptimo que absorba luz de la longitud de onda apropiada para penetrar suficientemente en los tejidos y que tenga las propiedades fotofísicas adecuadas. En este trabajo hemos sintetizado un panel de cinco PS del tipo BODIPY, tres de ellos completamente nuevos, y hemos caracterizado su estructura y actividad fotodinámica y citotóxica. En la terapia fototérmica, la irradiación de PTAs que actúan como transductores de la energía lumínica en energía térmica, provoca un aumento de temperatura localizado capaz de dañar las estructuras celulares, destruyendo el tejido tumoral y activando respuestas inmunitarias. En este trabajo utilizamos como PTAs nanopartículas de oro, que se caracterizan por sus propiedades ópticas únicas. En concreto utilizamos nanoestrellas de oro (AuNSt) cuya banda de resonancia de plasmón localizada (LSPR) se localiza en la región del infrarrojo cercano (NIR) del espectro electromagnético. La morfología y composición de las AuNSts provoca un fuerte aumento del campo electromagnético a su alrededor cuando sus electrones de conducción se excitan con luz NIR. Este efecto, además de provocar grandes aumentos de temperatura en su superficie, facilita la absorción multifotónica de ciertos compuestos orgánicos fotolábiles, lo que permite el desarrollo de nanodispositvos capaces de combinar la acción de la hipertermia localizada con la fotodisociación molecular para la liberación controlada de fármacos. En este contexto se desarrollaron cinco sistemas diferentes capaces de ejercer una acción sinérgica en sistemas celulares entre la PTT y la quimioterapia. Dos de ellos utilizan AuNSts para la activación de prodrogas de doxorrubicina (DOX) modificacadas con enlaces fotolábiles de tipo 2-nitrobencílico. El siguiente sistema utiliza AuNSts recubiertas de una capa mesoporosa de sílice (AuNSt@mSiO2), cargadas con DOX, y selladas con una puerta de parafinas termosensibles para la liberación de la DOX mediante el calor generado con la irradiación NIR. El cuarto sistema utiliza las mismas AuNSt@mSiO2 cargadas con DOX, pero selladas con un derivado voluminoso de polietilenglicol que contiene el espaciador fotolábil 2-nitrobencílico, para la liberación de la droga por la fotodisrupción molecular de este espaciador por absorción multifotónica. El último sistema utiliza nanopartículas de tipo Janus formadas por AuNSts funcionalizadas con un derivado del ácido succínico que contiene el espaciador 2-nitrobencílico y nanopartículas mesoporosas de sílice cargadas con DOX y funcionalizadas con un complejo supramolecular benzimidazol-ß-ciclodextrina sensible al pH. La fotodisrupción del enlace fotolábil, libera el mensajero químico (ácido succínico) que protonará la puerta sensible a pH, liberando la DOX. Se caracterizó la estructura, composición y actividad de todos los sistemas tanto in vitro como en sistemas celulares, obteniendo resultados sinérgicos entre la hipertermia localizada y la liberación intracelular de DOX, fotoinducida por luz NIR, en todos los sistemas desarrollados. / [CA] La teràpia fotodinámica (PDT) i la teràpia fototérmica (PTT) són alternatives prometedores, poc invasives i molt localitzades als tractaments tradicionals contra el càncer. Ambdós es basen en l'acció de transductors d'energia lumínica (fotosensibilitzadors, PS o agents fototérmicos, PTA) responsables de la transducció de l'energia lumínica en mediadors químics o energia tèrmica, respectivament, i la consegüent destrucció dels teixits tumorals. En la PDT, l'activació amb llum d'un PS, genera oxígen singlet i altres espècies reactive d'oxigen (ROS) al reaccionar amb l'oxígen molecular, i destrueixen els teixits tumorals i la seua microvasculatura. L'èxit d'esta teràpia es basa en l'elecció d'un PS òptim que absorbisca llum de la longitud d'ona apropiada per a penetrar prou en els teixits i que tinga les propietats fotofísiques adequades. En este treball hem sintetitzat un panell de cinc PSs del tipus BODIPY, tres d'ells completament nous, i hem caracteritzat la seua estructura i activitat fotodinámica i citotóxica. En la teràpia fototérmica, la irradiació de PTAs que actuen com transductors de l'energia lumínica en energia tèrmica, provoca un augment de temperatura localitzat capaç de danyar les estructures cel·lulars, destruint el teixit tumoral i activant respostes immunitàries. En este treball utilitzem com a PTAs nanopartícules d'or, que es caracteritzen per les seues propietats òptiques úniques. En concret utilitzem nanoestreles d'or (AuNSt), la banda de ressonància de plasmón localitzada (LSPR) de les quals es sitúa en la regió de l'infraroig pròxim (NIR) de l'espectre electromagnètic. La morfología i composició de les AuNSts provoca un fort augment del camp electromagnètic al seu voltant quan els seus electrons de conducció s'exciten amb llum NIR Este efecte, a més de provocar un gran augment de temperatura en la seua superfície, facilita l'absorció multifotónica de certs compostos orgànics fotolábils, la qual cosa permet el desenvolupament de nanodispositius capaços de combinar l'acció de l'hipertermia localitzada amb la fotodisociación molecular per a l'alliberament controlat de substàncies. En este context es varen desenvolupar cinc sistemes diferents capaços d'exercir una acció sinèrgica en sistemes cel·lulars entre la PTT i la quimioteràpia. Dos d'ells utilitzen AuNSts per a l'activació de prodrogues de doxorrubicina (DOX) modificades amb enllaços fotolábils de tipus 2-nitrobencílic. El següent sistema utilitza AuNSts recobertes d'una capa mesoporosa de sílice (AuNSt\@mSiO2), carregades amb DOX, i segellades amb una porta de parafina termosensible per a l'alliberament de la DOX per mitjà del calor generat amb la irradiació NIR. El quart sistema utilitza les mateixes AuNSt\@mSiO2 carregades amb DOX, però segellades amb un derivat voluminós de polietilenglicol que conté l'espaciador fotolábil 2-nitrobencílic, per a l'alliberament de la droga per la fotodisrupció molecular d'aquest espaciador per absorció multifotónica. L'últim sistema utilitza nanopartículas de tipus Janus formades per AuNSts funcionalitzades amb un derivat de l'àcid succínic que conté l'espaciador 2-nitrobencílic i nanopartícules mesoporosas de sílice carregades amb DOX i funcionaliezades amb un complex supramole-cular benzimidazol-ß-ciclodextrina sensible al pH. La fotodisrupció de l'enllaç fotolábil, allibera el missatger químic (àcid succínic) que protronarà la porta sensible a pH, alliberant la DOX. Es va caracteritzar l'estructura, composició i activitat de tots els sistemes tant in vitro com en models cel·lulars, obtenint resultats sinèrgics entre la hipertèrmia localitzada i l'alliberament intracel·lular de DOX, fotoinduït per llum NIR, en tots els sistemes desenvolupats. / [EN] Photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photothermal therapy (PTT) are promising, lowinvasive, very localized alternatives to traditional cancer treatments. Both are based on the action of light energy transducers (photosensitizers, PS or photothermal agents, PTAs) responsible for the transduction of light energy in chemical mediators o thermal energy, respectively, and the consequent destruction of tumor tissues. In PDT, light activation of a PS, generates singlet oxygen and other reactive oxygen species (ROS) by reacting with molecular oxygen, and destroying tumor tissues and their microvascu-lature. The success of this therapy is based on the choice of an optimal PS that absorbs light of the appropriate wavelength to penetrate the tissues sufficiently and that has adequate photophysical properties. In this work we have synthesized a panel of five BODIPY-type PSs, three of them completely new, and we have characterized their structure and photodynamic and cytotoxic activity. In photothermal therapy, the irradiation of PTAs which act as transducers of light energy into hermal energy, causes a localized temperature increase capable of damaging cellular structures, destroying tumor tissue and activating immune responses. In this work we use as PTAs gold nanoparticles, which are characterized by their unique optical properties. In particular, we use gold nanostars (AuNSt) whose localized surface plasmon resonance band (LSPR) is located in the near infrared (NIR) region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The morphology and composition of the AuNSts causes a strong increase in the electromagnetic field around them when their conductive electrons are excited by NIR light. This effect, besides causing large temperature increases on its surface, facilitates the multiphotonic absorption of certain photolabile organic compounds, which allows the development of nanodevices capable of combining the action of localized hyperthermia with molecular photodissociation for the controlled release of drugs. In this context, five different systems capable of carrying out a synergic action in cellular systems between PTT and chemotherapy were developed. Two of them use AuNSts for the activation of doxorubicin (DOX) prodrugs modified with photolabile linkages 2-nitrobenzyl-type. The next system uses AuNSts coated with a mesoporous layer of silica (AuNSt@mSiO2), loaded with DOX, and capped with a thermosensitive paraffin gate for the release of DOX by the heat generated by NIR irradiation. The fourth system uses the same DOX-loaded AuNSt@mSiO2, but sealed with a bulky polyethylene glycol derivative containing the photolabile 2-nitrobenzyl spacer, for drug release by the molecular photodisruption of this spacer by multiphoton absorption. The last system uses Janus-type nanoparticles formed by AuNSts functionalized with a succinic acid derivative containing the 2-nitrobenzylic spacer and mesoporous silica nanoparticles loaded with DOX and functionalized with a benzim-idazole-ß-cyclodextrin pH-sensitive supramolecular complex. The photodisruption of the photolabile bond releases the chemical messenger (succinic acid) that will protonate the pH-sensitive gate, releasing the DOX. The structure, composition and activity of all systems were characterized both in vitro and in cellular systems, obtaining syner-gistic results between localized hyperthermia and intracellular release of DOX, photoinduced by NIR light, in all developed systems. / Gorbe Moya, M. (2024). Nanodispositivos inteligentes para liberación controlada de fotosensibilizadores en terapia fotodinámica [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/214342

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