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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les collectivités territoriales et le secteur énergétique / Local authorities and the energy sector

Hersant, Emilie 30 June 2010 (has links)
Les collectivités territoriales s’affichent comme des acteurs majeurs du secteur énergétique.Cependant, leur relation est empreinte d’une certaine ambiguïté du fait du caractère éminemmentstratégique du second. S’il apparaît qu’au début du XXe siècle les collectivités territoriales assumaient,à travers la distribution d’énergie, un véritable service public local, la réalité d’un tel caractère estaujourd’hui contestable. La nationalisation de 1946 a en effet eu pour conséquence de remettreprofondément en cause l’exercice de cette compétence, lui faisant perdre son caractère effectivementlocal. Malgré la récente libéralisation du marché de l’énergie, les collectivités territoriales ne se sontpas réapproprié ce rôle. Elles semblent toutefois trouver progressivement une nouvelle légitimité dansce domaine à la faveur des préoccupations occupant des places de plus en plus importantes que sontla sécurité d’approvisionnement et la protection de l’environnement. Ce travail se propose d’étudier lesinteractions entre les collectivités territoriales et l’énergie à travers la problématique de ladécentralisation. Le secteur énergétique, aussi stratégique soit-il n’empêche pas la mise en placed’une certaine forme de décentralisation. Les collectivités territoriales ont un rôle important à y jouermême s’il ne saurait concerner ce secteur dans sa globalité. Elles sont ainsi passées de la prise encharge d’une activité industrielle et commerciale à une implication grandissante dans le domaine del’énergie à travers le prisme environnemental. / Local authorities present themselves as key players in the energy sector. However, the relationshipbetween energy and local authorities is quite ambiguous due to the eminently strategic nature ofenergy. If, at the beginning oh the XXth century, local authorities were in charge of a real local publicservice through energy supply, the reality of such a trait is today disputable. The 1946 nationalizationled to question the real local nature of energy supply. In spite of recent energy market liberalization,local authorities could not recapture their traditional function. However, they gradually seem to find anew energy legitimacy by owing to more and more important concerns : environmental protection andenergy supply safety. This study intends to analyze interactions between local authorities and energythrough a decentralization problematic. Energy sector, as strategic as it is, does not prevent fromintroducing a certain form of decentralization. Local authorities have a key role to play, even if it doesnot concern the global energy sector. Thus, from an industrial and commercial taking on, localauthorities are becoming more and more involved in energy sector through the environmental prism.

Enjeux de flexibilité liés au développement des infrastructures réseaux pour l'intégration massive des énergies renouvelables variables dans le système électrique à l’horizon 2100 / Long-term development of the grid infrastructure and flexibility options in the electric system

Allard, Stéphane 29 November 2018 (has links)
L'intégration massive des énergies renouvelables variables (EnRV) provoque d'importants changements dans le système électrique. Auparavant développé de manière vertical et centralisé, le système était robuste et fiable. Cependant, la production des EnRV est intermittente et peu prévisible. Ainsi, le système doit être plus flexible grâce à de nouvelles options telles que la maîtrise de la demande, le stockage ou l'effacement de la production EnRV. Cependant, le potentiel des EnRV est réparti inégalement en Europe et avec d'importants taux de pénétration d'EnRV, les échanges d'électricité entre les régions vont augmenter provoquant des congestions dans le réseau. Ainsi, les options de flexibilité ne pourront peut-être pas réduire ces congestions. Pour analyser ces effets, le travail mené dans cette thèse utilise le modèle de prospective long terme POLES (Prospective Outlook on Long-term Energy Systems) couplé avec le nouveau module du secteur électrique EUTGRID (EUropean – Transmission Grid Investment and Dispatch). Ce module inclut une représentation détaillée du réseau de transport européen d'électricité avec un calcul des flux plus réaliste. De plus, les renforcements sont déterminés suivant les coûts de congestion de chaque ligne. Ce nouveau couplage permet d'avoir une évolution dynamique du réseau de transport. Le rôle du réseau de transport est ensuite analysé et comparé avec les autres options de flexibilité. Les investissements dans le réseau augmentent ainsi fortement avec d'importants taux de pénétration des EnRV alors que les options de flexibilité ne peuvent pas intégralement remplacer le réseau. Finalement, un travail exploratoire est mené avec l'introduction de réseaux de distribution génériques (urbain, semi-urbain and rural) dans EUTGRID. Les résultats montrent que les renforcements sont légèrement décalés avec une augmentation de l'utilisation des technologies de back-up (i.e. centrales à gaz) ce qui augmente les émissions totales. / The power system is facing a major shift with the large-scale development of variable renewable energy sources (VRES). This vertical and centralized architecture helped the system to be robust and reliable. However, VRES production is intermittent and less predictable. As a result, the system needs to add more flexibility with new options such as Demand Side Management, storage technologies and VREs curtailment. But renewable energies potentials are unevenly distributed in Europe and, with high shares of VREs, power flows exchanges will increase between specific regions. As a result, the existing transmission grid would face congestions and these flexibility options might not be sufficient to alleviate these bottlenecks. To analyse these impacts, the work carried in this thesis uses the long-term energy model POLES (Prospective Outlook on Long-term Energy Systems) coupled with the new European power sector module EUTGRID (EUropean – Transmission Grid Investment and Dispatch). It includes a detailed transmission grid and more realistic power flows with a DC-OPF. A grid investment mechanism is also incorporated to determine the grid investments based on nodal prices. This new coupling permits to get a dynamic evolution of the transmission grid. The role of the transmission grid is being assessed and compared with other flexibility options. The grid investments increase largely with important development of VRES while other flexibility options cannot completely replace them. Finally, an exploratory work is being carried with the introduction of generic distribution grids (urban, semi-urban and urban) in EUTGRID. The results show that the reinforcements are slightly delayed with a greater use of back-up technologies which increases the total emissions.


[pt] A indústria de Petróleo enfrenta uma nova realidade com foco na integração de pessoas, processos e tecnologias, que possibilita a tomada de decisão de forma mais rápida e consequente otimização da operação, emergindo assim o conceito de Operações Integradas. Neste âmbito, as principais empresas mundiais desta indústria possuem programas dedicados à integração operacional da sua cadeia. Os primeiros ambientes criados eram simplesmente derivados do conceito de salas de controle operacional, onde a equipe podia monitorar a operação e realizar comunicação com o pessoal localizado remotamente. Atualmente, as empresas reconhecem que, além do valor agregado dos ambientes de colaboração integrados, a integração operacional exige cuidado, avaliação, design e planejamento da implementação, para garantir que esses ambientes se tornem uma plataforma para melhorar a comunicação, subsidiar as melhores decisões, permitir alta qualidade das análises e efetivamente usar um pool de recursos especialistas para suportar diversas operações simultaneamente. Com base neste contexto, o objetivo desta dissertação é apresentar um modelo de gestão para implantação de um centro de provimento logístico offshore integrado. O modelo foi proposto com base em uma pesquisa-ação realizada em uma unidade de um importante player da indústria de petróleo. O trabalho ressalta os principais motivadores, abordagens, vantagens e desvantagens, indicadores de desempenho que podem ser constituídos, riscos e demais fatores críticos na adoção do modelo de gestão de um centro de provimento logístico offshore integrado. O modelo foi elaborado de forma a ser uma abordagem de gestão eficiente para a mitigação das principais causas de variação nos processos logístico da empresa analisada. A adoção de um modelo como o proposto representa uma ruptura em detrimento às práticas de gestão atuais na maioria das empresas, e, portanto, abordagens não convencionais de gestão de riscos e gestão da mudança são salientadas na dissertação. Por fim, questões inerentes ao delineamento do modelo conceitual para um modelo que se aproxime da realidade para a implantação são abordadas e analisadas. / [en] The oil industry has been facing a new reality and its focus lies in people s integration, processes and technologies which enable decisions to be taken in a faster way, which optimizes the operation and originates, therefore, the Integrated Operation concept. Taking this scenario into account, the main worldwide companies related to this industry are ready to offer programs which are dedicated to the operational integration of this chain. The first environments stemmed from the concept of the operational control rooms, where the team could monitor the operation and perform communication remotely. Nowadays, companies recognize that, besides the integrated value of the integrated collaboration environments, the operation integration demands care, evaluation, design and implementation planning in order to guarantee that such environments can become a platform which will improve communication, subsidize the best decisions, allow high quality in the analysis and use a pool of expert resources in an efficient manner in order to support several operations simultaneously. Based on this context, the aim of this work is to present a management model for the implementation of a center to provide integrated offshore logistics. The model was proposed based on an action research carried out in an important player unit of the oil industry. The work highlights the main motivations, approaches, advantages and disadvantages, performance indicators which may be constituted, risks as well as other critical factors in the adoption of a management model for the implementation of a center to provide integrated offshore logistics. The model was created with the aim of becoming an efficient management approach for the mitigation of the main variation causes in the logistic processes taking the company analyzed as a reference. The adoption of a model as the one proposed represents a rupture as opposed to the current management practices in most companies, and, therefore, non-conventional approaches in the management of risks and changes are highlighted in this work. Finally, issues inherent to the formulation of the conceptual model for a model which is close to the reality for the implementation are discussed an analyzed.

Analyse et algorithmes de résolution de systèmes ATO (Assemble-To-Order) : Applications aux systèmes du type W / Analysis and Computational Algorithms for Assemble-To-Order systems : Application to W-configuration systems

Fang, Jianxin 02 October 2017 (has links)
Nous analysons un type W de système de l’Assemble-à-commande avec des délais de livraison aléatoires, l'arrivée aléatoire de la demande et des ventes perdues, en temps continu. Nous formulons le problème en tant que processus de décision Markov à l'horizon infini. Nous nous éloignons de l'approche standard en caractérisant une région de l'espace d'état où toutes les propriétés de la fonction de coût tiennent. Nous caractérisons la politique optimale dans cette région. En particulier, nous montrons que, dans l'intérieur de la région récurrente, les composants sont toujours produits. Nous caractérisons également la politique d'allocation de composants optimale qui spécifie si une demande de produit arrivant devrait être remplie. Notre analyse révèle que la politique d'allocation optimale est contre-intuitive. Par exemple, même lorsqu'un produit domine l'autre, en termes de coût/taux de vente perdue, sa demande peut ne pas avoir une priorité absolue par rapport à la demande de l'autre produit. Une telle caractéristique n'a pas été observée dans de nombreux paramètres intégrés de production/inventaire où l'allocation d'inventaire suit une priorité fixe pour satisfaire les exigences. Nous montrons également que la structure de la politique optimale reste la même pour les systèmes à production par lots, les temps de production répartis par Erlang et la demande de produits non unitaire. Enfin, nous proposons des heuristiques efficaces qui peuvent être utilisées comme substitut à la politique optimale ou peuvent être utilisées comme une politique de départ pour les algorithmes communs utilisés pour obtenir une politique optimale dans le but de réduire leur temps de calcul. / We analyze a W-configuration assemble-to-order system with random lead times, random arrival of demand, and lost sales, in continuous time. We formulate the problem as an infinite-horizon Markov decision process. We deviate from the standard approach by first characterizing a region (the recurrent region) of the state space where all properties of the cost function hold. We then characterize the optimal policy within this region. In particular, we show that within the interior of the recurrent region components are always produced. We also characterize the optimal component allocation policy which specifies whether an arriving product demand should be fulfilled. Our analysis reveals that the optimal allocation policy is counter-intuitive. For instance, even when one product dominates the other, in terms of lost sale cost and lost sale cost rate (i.e., demand rate times the lost sale cost), its demand may not have absolute priority over the other product’s demand. Such a feature has not been observed in many integrated production/inventory settings where inventory allocation follows a fixed priority in satisfying demands. We also show that the structure of the optimal policy remains the same for systems with batch production, Erlang distributed production times, and non-unitary product demand. Finally, we propose efficient heuristics that can be either used as a substitute for the optimal policy or can be used as a starting policy for the common algorithms that are used to obtain the optimal policy in an effort to reduce their computational time

Förbrukningsflexibilitetens potential och påverkan på kraftsystemet : Med fokus på automatisk frekvensreglering genom styrning av kylskåp / The potential of demand response and its impact on the power system : With focus on fridges as automatic frequency control reserves

Ly, Sandra, Thell, Linda January 2015 (has links)
Increased use of variable energy and integration of electricity markets in the European Union have led to new challenges when balancing supply and demand in the grid. Load management is a possible way to manage these challenges by adjusting electricity consumption in order to balance the power system. Household appliances can be used for this purpose, for example by providing automatic frequency control. The aim of this master thesis is to investigate the potential of load management from private households and to examine how the power system is affected by a more flexible electricity consumption. The thesis focuses on fridges as automatic frequency control reserves and the ability of fridges to balance the power system. Attributes such as capacity, activation time, persistence and the effect of load reconnection has been modelled in Simulink, Matlab. Complementary interviews with actors from the electricity industry have been done to summarize their insights on demand response. The results indicate that fridges can be used as a part of the automatic frequency controlled reserve FCR-N, based on assumptions made in this study. However, current requirements imposed on balancing resources are not fully met by the fridges. In order for household appliances to provide the needed flexibility, some requirements might need to be rephrased. The results also show that the capacity for providing balancing services differs for positive and negative imbalances, as consumption can be reduced with 30 MW and increased with 66 MW. When controlling the fridges by moving the reference temperature, there is a risk that the appliances will synchronize with each other, i.e. reconnect or disconnect at the same time, resulting in frequency oscillations. It is therefore important that load management is designed to avoid this kind of behavior.

Förbrukningsflexibilitetens potential och påverkan på kraftsystemet : Med fokus på automatisk frekvensreglering genom styrning av kylskåp / The potential of demand response and its impact on the power system, with focus on fridges as automatic frequency control reserves

Ly, Sandra, Thell, Linda January 2015 (has links)
Increased use of variable energy and integration of electricity markets in the European Union have led to new challenges when balancing supply and demand in the grid. Load management is a possible way to manage these challenges by adjusting electricity consumption in order to balance the power system. Household appliances can be used for this purpose, for example by providing automatic frequency control. The aim of this master thesis is to investigate the potential of load management from private households and to examine how the power system is affected by a more flexible electricity consumption. The thesis focuses on fridges as automatic frequency control reserves and the ability of fridges to balance the power system. Attributes such as capacity, activation time, persistence and the effect of load reconnection has been modelled in Simulink, Matlab. Complementary interviews with actors from the electricity industry have been done to summarize their insights on demand response. The results indicate that fridges can be used as a part of the automatic frequency controlled reserve FCR-N, based on assumptions made in this study. However, current requirements imposed on balancing resources are not fully met by the fridges. In order for household appliances to provide the needed flexibility, some requirements might need to be rephrased. The results also show that the capacity for providing balancing services differs for positive and negative imbalances, as consumption can be reduced with 30 MW and increased with 66 MW. When controlling the fridges by moving the reference temperature, there is a risk that the appliances will synchronize with each other, i.e. reconnect or disconnect at the same time, resulting in frequency oscillations. It is therefore important that load management is designed to avoid this kind of behavior.

Utility-based approaches to understanding the effects of urban compactness on travel behavior: a case of Seoul, Korea

Gim, Tae-Hyoung 13 January 2014 (has links)
Automobile use is associated with significant problems such as air pollution and obesity. Decisions to use the automobile or its alternatives, including walk, bicycle, and public transit, are believed to be associated with urban form. However, in contrast to the hypothesis that compact urban form significantly reduces automobile travel, previous studies reported only a modest effect on travel behavior. These studies, largely built on microeconomic utility theory, are not sufficient for assessing the effect of compactness, for several reasons: (1) The studies postulate that travel invokes only disutility, but travel may also provide intrinsic utility or benefits insomuch as people travel for its own sake; (2) the studies have traditionally focused on how urban compactness reduces the distance between trip origin and destination and accordingly reduces trip time, but urban compactness also increases congestion and reduces trip speed, and thus increases trip time; and (3) the studies have mostly examined automobile commuting, but people travel for various purposes, using different travel modes, and the impact of urban compactness on the utility of non-automobile non-commuting travel has not been duly examined. On this ground, to better explain the effects that urban compactness has on travel behavior, this dissertation refines the concept of travel utility using two additions to the microeconomic utility theory: activity-based utility theory of derived travel demand and approaches to positive utility of travel. Accordingly, it designs a conceptual model that specifies travel utility as an intermediary between urban compactness and travel behavior and examines the behavior associated with and utility derived from travel mode choices for alternative purposes of travel. Twenty individual models are derived from the conceptual model and tested within the context of Seoul, Korea, using a confirmatory approach of structural equation modeling and data from geographic information systems and a structured sample survey, which is initially designed and validated by semi-structured interviews and subsequent statistical tests. By comparing the individual models, this research concludes that the urban compactness effect on travel behavior, represented by trip frequencies and supplemented by mode shares, is better explained when travel utility is considered and if travel purposes are separately examined. Major empirical findings are that urban compactness affects travel behavior mainly by increasing the benefits of travel in comparison to its modest effect on the cost reduction and people’s behavioral response to urban compactness is to shift modes of commuting travel, decrease travel for shopping, and increase travel for leisure. These purpose-specific findings have implications for transportation planners and public health planners by assisting them in linking plans and policies concerning urban compactness to travel purposes.

A proactive water supply shortage response plan focusing on the Green Industry in the Rand Water supply area

Hoy, Leslie Higham 01 1900 (has links)
Water is a symbol of life. It affects all organisms on earth and its importance is emphasised in times of drought. The human population growth places more demands on our natural resources. As pressures on the available water increases, more measures are required to utilise water sustainably. South Africa is classified as a water stressed country with less than 1700 cubic meters of water available per person per year. Rand Water supplies water to approximately 11 million people in Gauteng. During times of drought, restrictions imposed are aimed mainly at the broader Green Industry. This research investigated international strategies, existing restrictions in Gauteng, and undertook a survey within the Green Industry to determine the most appropriate response. This research proposes a new water supply shortage response plan for Rand Water in Gauteng with a total of four levels of restrictions implemented at different stages of water stress in the system. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)

Gerenciamento de demanda de água em ambientes de uso público: o caso da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande. / Management of water demand in public buildings: the case of the Universidade Federal de Campina Grande.

SOARES, Antonio Leomar Ferreira. 27 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-09-27T15:24:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ANTONIO LEOMAR FERREIRA SOARES - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGECA 2012..pdf: 13208663 bytes, checksum: b3c6e6dddf91e5d0adb7fe7815cd422b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-27T15:24:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ANTONIO LEOMAR FERREIRA SOARES - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGECA 2012..pdf: 13208663 bytes, checksum: b3c6e6dddf91e5d0adb7fe7815cd422b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02 / A água, um bem indispensável à vida, está se tornando a cada dia mais escasso, principalmente nas regiões semiáridas, como o Nordeste brasileiro, caracterizadas por secas sucessivas. Uma forma de solução sustentável é a gestão da demanda de água (GDA) - baseada no uso eficiente, garantindo a água no futuro, a partir do uso consciente no presente. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa partiu desses conceitos para estudar o caso da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), por ser um ambiente público, grande consumidor e sujeito a grandes desperdícios de água. Na análise foram diagnosticados o local e o sistema de abastecimento interno, o comportamento e percepção dos usuários para práticas de uso eficiente da água através de entrevistas e, por fim, simulações de medidas de GDA. Constatou-se através dos dados levantados que a demanda de água da UFCG apresentou crescimento absoluto de 118% de 2004 até 2010, ocasionado seja pelo crescimento da população, da área construída, dos vazamentos do sistema de abastecimento e maus hábitos dos usuários. Em relação aos usuários percebeu-se reprovação com seus hábitos de conservação de água, pois 75% afirmaram desperdiçar muita água na utilização dos aparelhos, sendo atribuída por eles próprios (76%) nota abaixo de 6,0 para suas condutas. Esta mesma avaliação sobre os usuários repercutiu na visão dos gestores da Instituição, que ainda consideraram importante a implantação de programas de redução de água devido às suspeitas de muita perda de água por vazamentos. Com as simulações verificaram-se índices de redução de consumo de água de até 50% com a substituição das bacias sanitárias pelo sistema bi-comando (3/6 litros) e um retorno do investimento em menos de 12 meses. Quando considerada a construção de cisternas para captação da água de chuva e aproveitamento no abastecimento das bacias sanitárias, verificou-se que para edificações com 8, 6 e 4 bacias sanitárias, a capacidade ótima do reservatório é de 20 m3, 25 m3 e 40 m3, com um índice de aproveitamento do sistema em 11%, 18% e 32%, respectivamente, demonstrando serem as medidas viáveis tanto ambientalmente quanto financeiramente. / Water, which is essential for sustaining life, is increasingly scarce, especially in semiarid regions such as northeastern Brazil, characterized by successive droughts. The management of water demand (MWD) is a sustainable solution - based on efficiency, ensuring water availability in the future, through the conscious use in the present. In this context, this research was based on these concepts in order to promote a reduction in water consumption. The case of the Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG) was studied, since it is a public setting, a large consumer of water and subjected to large water losses. In the analysis, the site and the supply system of UFCG were diagnosed, as well as the behavior and perception of users related to efficient water use, through interviews, and, finally, simulations of strategies of MWD were performed. It was found that the water demand at UFCG presented an absolute growth of 118% from 2004 to 2010, which was caused by growth of population, construction area, supply system leaks and bad habits of users. Regarding users, it was perceived disapproval of their own water conservation habits. This same assessment about users is shared by the managers of the institution, who considered to implement programs of water use reduction. The simulations showed reduced rates of water consumption up to 50% with the replacement of toilets at bicommand (3/6 liters) flush and a return of investment in less than 12 months. When considering construction of cisterns to capture rainwater and use in the supply of toilets, it was found that for buildings with 8, 6 and 4 toilets, the optimum capacity of the reservoirs are 20 m\ 25 m3 and 40 m3 with a utilization rate of the system in 11%, 18% and 32%, respectively, showing that the strategies are both environmentally and fmancially viable.

Estratégias de gerenciamento da capacidade e demanda em serviços públicos: um estudo aplicado em uma rota de um sistema de travessias litorâneas

Marmo, Fellipe Babbini 13 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Fellipe Babbini Marmo (fellipemarmo@hotmail.com) on 2018-07-05T19:20:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 20180705 - Operacoes-Marmo-Dissertacao_final.pdf: 4751437 bytes, checksum: aa09035b7b8668a465698d55769d6bfc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Mayara Costa de Sousa (mayara.sousa@fgv.br) on 2018-07-10T18:31:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 20180705 - Operacoes-Marmo-Dissertacao_final.pdf: 4751437 bytes, checksum: aa09035b7b8668a465698d55769d6bfc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzane Guimarães (suzane.guimaraes@fgv.br) on 2018-07-11T12:59:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 20180705 - Operacoes-Marmo-Dissertacao_final.pdf: 4751437 bytes, checksum: aa09035b7b8668a465698d55769d6bfc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-11T12:59:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 20180705 - Operacoes-Marmo-Dissertacao_final.pdf: 4751437 bytes, checksum: aa09035b7b8668a465698d55769d6bfc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-13 / O presente estudo trata o tema sobre estratégias para o gerenciamento da capacidade e demanda em serviços de transportes que possuem restrições de capacidade e limitações operacionais. Nesse sentido, apresenta e discute as diferentes práticas encontradas na literatura com a aplicação específica em um sistema aquaviário de transporte de passageiros no estado de São Paulo. Para tanto, utilizou como modelo a análise do eventual impacto da aplicação de tais práticas de gestão da capacidade e demanda nos serviços oferecidos. Atualmente, o desequilíbrio entre oferta e demanda e a falta de incentivos para a diversificação da matriz modal de transportes nos grandes centros urbanos acabam impactando diretamente na qualidade dos serviços de transportes prestados em todos os modais. O sistema aquaviário de transporte de passageiros do estado de São Paulo não destoa do cenário nacional descrito, em que a diferença entre oferta e demanda acaba por sobrecarregá-lo em rotas específicas e causa redução na qualidade do serviço prestado, dessa forma, traduzindo-se em extensas filas aos usuários. Considerando as particularidades da oferta e demanda do serviço de balsas, bem como o elevado custo fixo e a estrutura tarifária pouco flexível, surgiu o seguinte questionamento desta pesquisa: como a aplicação de estratégias específicas de gestão da capacidade e demanda pode impactar na qualidade percebida pelos usuários de uma rota do sistema de travessias litorâneas? Objetivando, então, alcançar uma resposta, este estudo intencionou compreender quais estratégias poderiam impactar na qualidade percebida pelos usuários, com enfoque no tempo de espera, de uma rota específica do sistema. Para isso, o trabalho adotou uma abordagem qualitativa, baseada na estratégia de estudo de caso aplicado, fundamentada pela análise de documentos do sistema de travessias litorâneas e análise de conteúdo das entrevistas. O resultado do estudo indicou quais estratégias podem apresentar um impacto positivo na qualidade da rota, com redução do tempo de fila, além de individuar eventuais desafios, restrições e práticas que auxiliem na futura aplicação dessas estratégias. / The present study aims to address strategies for capacity and demand management in transportation services which have restrictions and operational limitations. It presents and discusses the different practices found in literature with specific application to a passengers waterway transportation system in São Paulo State. For this, it uses as model the impact’s analysis of such practices application of capacity and demand management in the offered services. Nowadays, the unbalance between supply and demand plus lack of incentives to diversify the modal matrix of transport in large urban centers, have a direct impact on transport services quality provided in all modal. The waterway passengers transportation system of São Paulo State does not deviate from described national scenario, where the difference between supply and demand end up overloading it on specific routes, causing service’s quality reduction and translating into extensive queues to users. Considering the particularities of supply and demand of ferries’ service, as well as the high fixed cost and the inflexible tariff structure, emerged the following question of this study: how the specifics strategies application from capacity and demand management can impact the quality perceived by users of a coastal crossing system route? In order to reach an answer, this study aimed to understand which strategies could impact the quality perceived by users, focusing on waiting time, in an specific route of the system. For this, the work adopted a qualitative approach, based on the strategy of applied case study, grounded on documental analysis of the coastal crossing system and interviews content analysis. The outcome of the study indicated which strategies may have a positive impact on route quality, with a reduction in queuing time, besides identifying possible challenges, restrictions and practices that may help in future application of these strategies.

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