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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Democracy To Come in Derridean Philosophy: Between Sovereignty and Unconditionality” / La democracia por venir en la filosofía derrideana: entre la soberanía y la incondicionalidad

Balcarce, Gabriela 09 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
This  article  aims  to  perform  a  reading  of  the  Derridean notion of democracy to come”. Taking this notion as a starting point, the author makes a deep reading of the problems of democracy with regard to its foundation and concept. Our hypothesis is that democracy to come” allows Derrida to put democracy -as a resistance to any totalizing closure in the name of the common and the same- into an abyss. At the same time, we’ll interpret this notion considering its links with sovereignty and unconditionality, understanding the latter as an infinite openness to otherness. / El presente artículo intenta realizar una lectura de la noción derrideana de democracia por venir”. A partir de esta noción el autor realiza una profunda lectura de la problemática de la democracia, tanto en lo que concierne a su fundamentación como a su concepto. Nuestra hipótesis es que la democracia por venir” permite a Derrida poner en un abismo a la democracia como resistencia a toda clausura totalizante en nombre de lo común y de lo igual. A la vez, nos interesará pensar  esta  noción  en  su  vinculación  con  la  soberanía  y  la  incondicionalidad, entendida esta última como apertura infinita a la alteridad.Palabras clave:

De la politique à la morale : entre les cultures : lire Politiques de l’amitié de Jacques Derrida / From politics to ethics : between cultures : read Politics of friendship of Jacques Derrida

Cui, Huan 19 January 2013 (has links)
Suivant la tendance de la coopération internationale, la recherche comparative entre les cultures devient de plus en plus importante. Dans la mesure où la sinologie et la culture de l’Occident se croisent sur certains points de vue notamment autour de la philosophie politique de Derrida fondée sur la recherche du terme d’amitié. Face à la violence politique au nom de la justice, de la démocratie ou des droit de l’homme, Derrida énonce que c’est la politique actuelle est dominée par la maladie auto-immunitaire, par laquelle la démocratie s’enferme à l’intérieur du territoire de l’Etat, dans la mesure où l’authenticité de la démocratie, à savoir la démocratie universelle n’est pas encore présente. Considérant que les réformes dans le cadre de la politique n’aident pas à résoudre l’auto-immunité, Derrida pense qu’il nous faut retourner à l’idéologie en repensant le terme d’amitié en tant que racine des relations humaines en société, dans le but d’accéder à l’idée de l’hospitalité inconditionnelle et par conséquent à la démocratie universelle. C’est aussi pourquoi Derrida commence sa recherche de la philosophie politique à partir du terme d’amitié. En ce sens, Derrida traite de l’amitié canonique dans l’histoire occidentale, à savoir l’amitié antique, l’amitié chrétienne et l’amitié rationaliste, en aboutissant à la conclusion que l’amitié canonique de l’Occident favorise le même en supprimant la différence, dans la mesure où la consanguinité, la frontière jouent un rôle fondamental tout au long de l’histoire occidentale, ce qui détermine la démocratie conditionnelle fondée sur la souveraineté de l’Etat-nation. Cette manière de partir de l’amitié existe également dans le Confucianisme en tant qu’essentiel de la culture sinologique traditionnelle. Car l’image de frère, à savoir la consanguinité persiste tout au long de l’histoire sinologique en tant qu’axe, dans la mesure où les structures du clan et de la famille monopolisent la politique féodale de la Chine. Ce qui nous permet de constater la similarité plutôt que la divergence entre les cultures. De plus, face à l’amitié fondée sur la consanguinité et la frontière, Derrida propose une nouvelle sorte d’amitié qui offre l’hospitalité inconditionnelle dans le but de supprimer l’auto-immunité politique en aboutissant à « la démocratie à venir », bien que son infini absolu provoque un écart entre l’idéologie et la pratique. Nous constatons en effet l’amour universel de Mo Tzu dans la culture sinologique traditionnelle correspondant à l’amitié de Derrida qui se détache de la consanguinité, par laquelle, la société « Da-Tong » qui implique la démocratie universelle se présente toujours comme la société idéale dans l’histoire de la Chine. Cela risque de provoquer aussi un écart entre l’idéologie et la politique pratique, dans la mesure où les deux cultures se croisent plutôt qu’elles ne divergent. Cette étude vise, par la mise en regard entre les cultures, à clarifier la transition de la politique à la morale, dans le but de traiter de « la démocratie à venir » et la société « Da-Tong » avec une attitude objective face à la critique de l’Utopie. Au cours de cette étude nous constaterons que la conversation entre les cultures devient de plus en plus importante sous le cosmopolitisme universel. / Following the trend of international cooperation, comparative research across cultures becomes increasingly important. Consequently Sinology and Western culture could intersect at certain points of view, particularly around Derrida’s political philosophy research based on the term friendship. Faced with political violence in the name of justice, democracy or human rights, Derrida states that the current policy is dominated by the disease of “autoimmunity”, by which democracy is locked to the within the territory of the State. So the universal democracy as the authenticity of democracy is not yet present. Considering that the reforms in the policy framework does not help to solve the “autoimmunity”, Derrida believes that we should return to the ideology by reflecting the term friendship as the root of human relations in society, in order to access the idea of the unconditional hospitality and therefore the universal democracy. This is why Derrida begins his research of political philosophy from the term friendship. In this sense, Derrida discusses the canonical friendship, namely the ancient friendship, Christian friendship and rationale friendship, in the western history, in concluding that the canonical friendship of the Western history favors the sameness by eliminating the difference, as far as the consanguinity, the frontier play a foundational rule throughout the Western history, which determines the conditional democracy based on the sovereignty of the nation-state. This way of beginning from the friendship exists also in Confucianism which acts as the essential of sinology, because of the image of brother, in other words the consanguinity persists throughout the sinological history as an axis, and in terms of structures of clan and family which monopolize the feudal politics of China. This allows us to note the similarities rather than the differences between the two cultures. In addition, face to the friendship based on consanguinity and the frontier, Derrida proposes a new way of friendship which contains the unconditional hospitality, in order to suppress the disease of autoimmunity, then lead to "democracy to come", even if it might causes a gap between ideology and political practice. Indeed, the “universal love” exists also in sinological history, for example in the theory of Mo Tzu. By which the society "Da-Tong" implying a universal democracy is always presented as the ideal society in the history of China. This may also make a gap between ideology and practical politics regarding the two cultures intersect instead of diverging. Face to the critiques concerning Utopia of "democracy to come" and the society "Da-Tong", this study aims at the confrontation between cultures, the transition between politics and ethics, in order to deal with these concepts with an objective attitude. In this process of comparative research we find that the conversation between cultures becomes increasingly important in universal cosmopolitanism.


SÉRGIO PEREIRA ANDRADE 19 December 2017 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese discute relações ético-políticas entre o pensar a dança e o pensar a filosofia a partir da desconstrução de Jacques Derrida. Toma como premissa que a dança performa um modo de pensamento desafiador para a herança arquipedagógico-filosófica que encerra a filosofia na tarefa restrita ao cálculo apreensível e antecipatório mano-visual. Em sua aproximação, o que entendemos como pensamento da dança faz tremer essa perspectiva, o que não significa dizer que a dança e seus artistas tenham meios para questionar a filosofia, mas que são portadores de um pensar que não se encerra no campo da produção conceitual filosófica. Assim, com a aproximação entre dança e filosofia, pretende-se explorar algumas possibilidades que se abrem, em tal encontro, para a experiência de um pensamento transdisciplinar e não conceitual. O argumento é desenvolvido a partir de três importantes noções pensadas pelo filósofo franco-argelino: evento por vir, democracia por vir e razão por vir — que são suplementares à tarefa de abertura radical do sim, sim ao pensar. Outras temáticas derridianas correlacionadas à discussão que aqui se propõe são abordadas, como: o direito à filosofia, a questão da ipseidade, a espectralidade, o mal de arquivo, o fato econômico circular e narrativo e o pensar em não ver. Apesar de se concentrar majoritariamente em questões lançadas por Derrida, esta tese evoca um tom multiautoral, combinando outras assinaturas de filosofia, teorias da dança e estudos da performance (bem como obras de dança e artes da performance). / [en] The dissertation discusses ethical and political relations between thinking dance and thinking philosophy with Jacques Derrida s deconstruction. Its premise is that dance performs a way of thinking that challenges the arch-pedagogyphilosophical heritage that closes philosophy at the restricted task of hand-visual calculation. In its approach, what we understand as dance s thought shakes this perspective, which doesn t means that the dance and its artists have the means to question the philosophy, but who are carriers of a thinking that does not end in the field of philosophical conceptual production. Thus with the approach between dance and philosophy, we intend to explore some possibilities that open for the experience of a cross-disciplinary thinking and not conceptual. The argument is developed from three important notions designed by the French-Algerian philosopher: event to come, democracy to come and reason to come - that works together in the radical opening task of yes, yes to the thinking. Other Derridean themes are dialogued as: right to philosophy, ipseity, spectrality, archive fever, narrative and circular economic factor and blind thinking. Although the dissertation is focused mainly on Derrida s proposals its text evokes a multiauthorial tone, combining other signatures of Philosophy, Theories of Dance and Performance Studies, as well as works of dance and performance.

Process and Meaning : A Coverian Analysis of Animal Defenders International v. UK and the Procedural Turn of the ECtHR

Skagerlid, Arvid January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis, the legal theory of Robert Cover is employed to analyse the procedural turn of the ECtHR. The text studies how Animal Defenders International v. the United Kingdom (ADI) and subsequent case law relate to the margin of appreciation doctrine and how this can be understood from a Coverian point of view. The margin of appreciation is thus seen as a product of an interplay between paideic and imperial forces where the imperial, or world-maintaining, influences on the doctrine are the strongest. ADI and later cases are read as further accentuating the focus on the nomos of the state relative to competing nomoi already at work in the case law of the procedural turn. The thesis is closed with an amalgamation of Cover’s ideas with the democratic theory of Jacques Derrida which results in a discussion on what a Coverian re-evaluation of the approach outlined in ADI could look like.

Sufism And Transcendentalism: A Poststructuralist Dialogue

Shayegh, Elham 19 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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